Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 4

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'lh.seeoleselamoesaè~aa font» 101% a ;rm buteP"Lt ; et q<oe tAk% I-*no baua" es M *a vos. la tiis -rogeol île urswtr hgEe i it s*1 ~elo.Ad Ml~'5~Sp eestlaussrllul iiO5e4m W* lt?*, X ymyosraTreect'i lb*A *Ide 11WgWlog pressure01eo , b.wMS balai AiseaUsa'Item. or0*85 Joa p*ÇWU U IOd110 iusw"15 udan 5d aM btfW» 1aPOsbIR, fami 014boUt 5t'~t hathil a bl,lte Virrsud broIe. t r etr ti* ue stoUnw- ul bnuB ecandopboods th roOt bug. "Dou't lm",.me, Troau 1 -YOÙ ar ~ r'.. - ywpa stWU lOD.ralasi. i-t"or intrequnt l is oud besutlfui. Lot une tiit "iB b- er.ttoter rs ho vweut lu, adsometblnu oet lite *M-'fflovl ate",Os' gil4 IfAt adilstertug Mronla WU bwiter we ire abus for your kindous and « Umit ofIo *an exst ... sle r Su .dslost.1501of eurtbly information bravery. Lot ne give you my l.iTrouai descend mpoeithe IVw w se lYOUug o"M w Î amie Gimi f Q OBi ujg bIt casued o in e uprogress. theY simlPlY Doutt tbrow Il front YOU, darliu<11; 4d1'l Put Sol b u l sdjoursed. I mattsred bIlle aYWsY, on e e a Y!" Standing undrte blomig iles thierP a k VjiWedge Wu. aIHait Day Mon- siderla the lutellectual PaP off&red -flbesined for a moment li~er mlintozx ire met reverently, aveu g cou ,dul>t ma ~~d~y Ibesuthe" tortunste suoklnge. ue ndeicated, swsylng zpon bis word., ber oye. rett tpo Ieir pfaou, mklg Il Mis141 Iokl afotn rou~ Tua plaire wus a very dirtyonidd softly dllted, ber borson beavlng Of3uddelti n more rational andi holy. jit Lily ie*in uffrin frm 8111quta ln the Mormon way. The fluor w»5 aseloaneti toward bhem wtb an indescribaO " youwvil stay wit h hm, dsrling, u-S *s- etpeaw* Natures own turulmhlug, paeked sliti by mummur of pleaésure sud stippei dn w th thenî' liA . K fiartey oundawoo rsu ecuntlena foot-sImules sud, when un- ber check upon bis ide wbere they f>ded "Yos, 1 can'î loueaohlm DOW. ineer u il JÉM-nuey ndewoo r0urud' .nnled viingOltn i litieamoy oer erowuà, sud hung t bore. For an lta<tauy oeeaese 10 ove"until -you came, kom te City Sundsl sveiing. puls to, turther aggravate thbe mental 10g instant ho felitlier tears running over bis bu in-h' o "wejr, andi feeble, whlch seemeti siways webblng about lte bande sud ber lips kissing thora, thon âtre bthm1%' od u MisIis Bradway and Bond are in Mrhsd ogrgtt hr.fsaraw- k es u ts lul ~Sd neetis me evon more thar->'on." S - poo bns ogrgte hoa Isarl WS k wy n rnnlolydw "T no -es, but i ahall fBot ho ft away I" and joal Ztirich at wurk tiluWOOl. t eue rodeeting tenture, t being rather tlé mist aud w»sfleat tebiaslgbt. le smlledterbber %ober oye sud kIsed Air.obertf e, obaDlOSVillO., Iowa, wide and deep upen bbe ground, a nocesmti' For a long lime he .tood sblll wbere tthe ber, sud tbey wouI lu. obvious euougb when the flonka of ehaîdren lisd leit him. for the whole mouentain seemedT hegr' ahr a tnign vsf aeGmys Labo vwster ioûy. lu the gotlernent wre.taininto e> 1 bdat lilte a solt pulse. the air aeemod ahrdoor ir~tth beerasxstaning noirlb. ol lir, avereoivd cr oun. ldetiin Mormoudont chil- swee, and tbe mist was but ahao b ou ~ tsgor.he d ltaidis oye. fixetiuponthe ili IkWl haveer Elobardcarlaid a bauded grntly lupoonebws joo ~ln anae u uge. dren are ubiquitoltrn; they literallyybiem. Then. witb deep 1breath, like eue whûutbi4i4,"h ima ix ue ardges nd ugges. swarm upon aud burden te OYO-sght. bas draned a delicleus eut'. ho Iurned sud saru,'ot eernl bad"I aboqutiti, sueir," b. M i eurge ThomeOn' bas 100h Their production la cardinal foature on, the rouI up the mountain patb auucb a une stcb lgo un"I Tui sur uel lS i1lg<ui euali te pat omo ystemn; bhey vote ultinatelY, of oe h a ou nijout.u at-poeablsg1 sail .Tn li fu -frm nuraes th put o--m ntivs ho a yun an joundan wih- rme =g _1 ou Iamnalmost certain. Son course, sud t10lueurs the product., tb.eout diseuse. bave been vory kind tu me, sud i saou tr el, leaders have masde womsns salvatteht Alter a Urne he emergeti front the iittm ski d sma lu rnurOu.-" à.G. liorcber bai been building a dopend in large part upon tbe number Sud stooti atone upon the mountain aide "ýo, il mnI liaI, sir," he criaid. herselY. Thi ~~mr kt4lohlou b.boue oculîe~o!bodies îshe furutaheg the spirits wtb the white des ail belowwbhlm. Thon n l ~know y'r gond, an' 1 film ye but my dar- O taIt wait 10 ýpas. through thia oxist- the silence sud sunashine a lonellnsas that ter$ bat iu don' Iis!1 abe'. lest forturnia' ono ti.ood.,sc te e ext. The imposition ia lu- waa a kind of doubt sud lesr camne over aimneadeeaiu m mm l iPyeandi Mise Minule Meyers, expressriblo. That nlgbt sitar the Prophets hum. Might titis not provesa symbol of th lapu courtfnse an re otn on len t v jÀbayvile, vaite ut . 0.comîns berever, the old ti ahol-house hadl futurel Would @ho lever rime aboy he 'olr o tofu su ' p w rnd in the b.d abut a holiday look. The sa&bâtbhou 1me- mla-tbst beavy medium ln whtch alie teu ow ha po' ul',i.n ute d ae sfth', aday. moved, the rals decked with greeuery, andi alwaysmoved! Sbould 1hoflot stand alene te mu o wsra' td o sr, ee ate or Waated-Beto)re suother six muîîthe the dîi tfleor swept aud sprinkled. Byniine atl en rnthe belgital He lurneti about ltaI oultd'era' md'or o fbers uelsou" y~ aielarowid, atreot laMPa furtaeselolock the populace wria thoroa àbard- sud reuldowurardiuto te mist. Notiting lu the eternal nemi' I but uer shbslest f1eei nna-oku rwytrt u et hel udraea 'ra'tae'reee uqeu dIKtiuourtvilage. boresud thor.a good torm sud genule face. Tel bthe bleed toit sweet Iluie bis s itnees sho nawy irbte y he et.a' lentr Mr. Nobles and i nfe, et (Big Ilollor> Thebhal ras oponed wilb prayer, one otIhe itbi stop tWààliglft; asingle low misgrvin g ov w prdndbtbVlt htdi'e <êbien bave moved i mt teir nerviSolt Laike £]ders oftering the invocation, could noyer overtake and silence bbe msuy onu pot-ondbluet!"atdotr 1 tfOSUtCnteAe.a ý b»l nigit aeothe disgusting pastime bappy curreuta tbt went siuglug lu sud eut pi ofinra hs uedub* b.dceamet a young man a kild upeti bm heurt. When ho approacheti theeboue semedt n reel sud ijrep undey IL. Sud- sty - ,lzLJISttsblIbabeen mnking theofleor, andi ha1f the daucers rere reellug the milt seemedto 10awlifting; a cOoluuder- deuly site roae te ber tu i eghl, ber aeiliprOOUGlts ut l~ bfir 3.1. nlit OtOlSttsS.Quib0e alto! tthin WWe wlu tuadtbegun in fan st upward, sud fe recs niu emt e1eeeBu u ba ien L.wr.membera et tho Mormon Churcit, butiMo nosd usa? te besoin tu carne instinct wru prer. "Il's .11eV' sie risi, Wuiobarnleosbe dobig h w rli ere bhristians; sîncere Mormons there are heavlng lnto view. rith whte face and bl"lng eyes.. 'It' W. ers dlsoppomUd ilunet bear- lu pleuty, but nover tChristan Momons.tbe Tresu ras nul Visible. Up lu ber puor saantoPut oun wmen for sbeme's aie 1 A B sitedtuih bel tunda; bu w.belefa uf the latter aud the holly reflue- 1111e cbambev site raswalons le andti olt-< h oumanti tines lrva imploreti OeI)*on My th, br eli moY;b t eentae ofthe former enu not lie down 10- ber cheeka cartulilo, ber oye. miining. e sst .1m f utbo a vueo Ti ~ t.haveIl li Plons olber i tesae eamt. tos fn. usad before lbor 11111e mitreor; ber Iwo Uuîug -uo nistress ef apriest-to gain a Ul4.iormeun isu a t & religou; hsefnsurely heti blossoenned 1Sha pressedia ami . .wo t. purel I bavo beggst lm We 7.D. I3ter»hall bas tdded a spirtuall aws that mankinti, afier centu- on elîber aide of te raiant apparition and t10 ik me doud I il r ere tr*Sati W me Tai tbsstc aniries oi siftbng, bave founti pure golti at the honng back upon ber littoorinei" gueed etgoitth rkeabrenàfglàOO pIIeYdepaUItm o W soctsdbottant ot experleuces are luking. A abut- il eatmoment lu sheer debgl oh Tue Vaul t ofiwn.toe rlesrer e uttig beertB*t üm"ss Lma-la store ln every Mgadrepuisive saumption of worsbbp dejectien hui tfanIon tromu il; iresu beautful. kloe. ut eweyer le tl ho seul in mu. aput furward by tbe priosthooti u ail pub. lite pusheti biai t1e ott -asies ret e tillug ber beurran quivertugy, "bere tb 50c îmowýLLie occasions, ue natter how ecular sud un-fbir iroin ber temple.sud presseti ber Hia messeuger st no ,ver el d msuundclaTh $portstn f rom the clty are arriving bly. Worsbip' is vutgarised, sud lite la bauds thoraeasa ifibo were dizzy niitt bapîmtitng suad fer day. throngh every momeut U.ary every day andi ar eletjYing th@ largoly brualized. lu ail tbe bockt regluata, nos. Ber heurt trobebi s if lit would tbemed NoIinvryrS h joiginlug privbliges, Our labos aud abere te contact sud restmainiug pressure burt Oh! Ibis ras lier fie " heur oft' u Dotry esi0, Iles of Uts great weridla scsarooly etIt Iis lite!1 Obe tumuoti about sud broke itbo taerantbei ta i wgeultru. ater.go Matèreture mnttoward eue. There illaisaaa tchofsenswhach ras weli-nagh a cry ofethn'ltoeal sgontigrin A .d tb uo ites Mary Mitchein rbo lita been a' frlghtul. At the bout It la a bome-estroy- glstines. he fet! upon bier knees betore ev1 mau noyer gave us' A Ibu ingtaIbis ~d Of GraaLake uearly a jeir "lugs ystem,.& lust-engendeig, love-anuul- ber boid sud prayeo iriai lied weutd po e rae îll rrliottmnnyrh i.auate retutu luber homo at Aiuion lins, beart-polluting one, but thera lin hlm wrbâ btilakren lber seul in lte ereet truc 1 Love bas toltime Ibis, sud love late tb fheir rjgay. embuitug sud atutpoiyiug. Thora lite. 11e suai- ofe love, and oven while site prayed tic~metf(ad !" s plant Ibal fuels upward for the suashine amiles cerne anti meut upaut ber fwp nosu lke Bi-bard coulti bave kueit sud rorabjui Upt sld Godfry Who hbas be n sd strikes ils sensitive aptre s.gust tbe a bealing heurt was hoî,puess robitin ber ter. 810 esmedtai tut onetber fermer la q i be BMM Hutel, hlcago. under ide et a reakiug atone, in doublet solicitude.slfon fbrotoiuetWrduti A»7 ,uaued home ne s now back in back uPon Ilsoîf sud turne helplessly about l>oom 'bilti of tbe 1mouiains. tre ortor selft ofer wues. er o fatitrdatiot- o-f T lu the *darkuoe sud lte fit. outh ilansd dro8s sud dulluesa iof ,omehing ail foer ud sta ret l oer.fl okh- T bisaid$ac a Bacesbala.inutdt rofph al its feelings by preceplsvagery bâti always lier spiriîl i, liegespetl, -rreau l The tises fer Naple Ave arivcd aL sand exaniple, sud hecoines a home-hating, non tbey bad rollet i baik f i-r like a "Il sin't woritnttlie 10 wàrr me, fabe, g..bnd avebee se eu atd ~ltquor-loving, lutul. profane sud ignorant tolding curtaiu. andi a lîght, Ssîl-oulr a thou- she psnted. l love in greaier thranbuf Wéjkad bvebee sttis nd inphase. Oye anud about lb iorever brootis nanti limes than the sun 'hie if emoty sWu F sud love tells me Ibal eue ---alaone shasll _ #AM el futurO e eS wlsîbt aticksud iaiug sîmosphere. impure, te iidqummer srrkte oihal-s aadeti t. mine sud 1 alune shal ho hi&..Love »Wet eitreet lu Ut-tysliike. animatl.numing t i tebraiu. quickeniug 10 streams. or tbeeo)l tine lni-d rop'îînL îrom ' edvdd n i h rrie ie lpassion, thruugh mhicit their way seema te tuîlcysurze, ot star,,, hur'îe-t niceng t h , îvbu t , sudtho m"to 1pt tioreaita- f»thlug illerbenL.gorbohebinti me, threut- pretendeti revalu- MMh Il tbm changes 11UsUallY lkifig At te beurt Mommonisin ia criminel Site ruse ut> sdand eterself asbutie asm in r u lb L am eeamt ,IM it t Is arrivai. J. W. llook'i Mseoury. The Priesthoutiwhuîi ý o il power- lier mutgerwardr.îhe .,ui permit, and bn r u loe smygidethat )veIs morla et sud hiuymovos mbibt oir roouta over lmtitei.a cnsttutes Iis body, snd êeremonie.ssda o menett mn t ut berstage ite w* ,anti beautiful, sud cornes f roinlied mor101 t tla s ee adlte Mîads have are pasedib rougb andti sis baken Ibat giass;then. as trom te thuglit it iber 'Treau 1Trean!!Yeiuîv îesoa? oo awa he "-Medfrontther arr ito her ttr are irigitîful taain siu d import. The eut.- few poor trinkets woulti le a', nolhing tou , sfiosmlI 'sd te be'it flure avereti - pevoi tou hoî fam lItIltir uelylng limita ut Iis grave Tbeocracy are hrn. lad Ihein aside and elotpi herselfinHtotard lber sud saul ,lownutaiber fel and »es d wellhug on Ltabe A ve. cleaketi riti religion, aud by lis binding, a simple tireq% of!wittemul-ian adnt vet lav atlli. pesuaetîng ageucy austenauce sud power doWau. loolng lîke a gîsdessof te daim - Tuea a s village electioiu. 'there are tercetl bat-k titrougithlie anleries 1 Elciturd ras paci-i gtW anti Iro aong te 'The WMoly eue ticket inilte field. Ail tire te taise and lecherous hteurt. Crds t pittibtfore te Itorei, bis iti'id et-OCt. bis WO DM N RT TIN -.dd efficers ri re-electedl except E. superstition, leur. owe, sud a puer nis- lélueetks ticied with ai tiuy borne. When 11.,14,villebeiio havlîtg 10011 chlosietguidait filh lui. btese extremilies bu te she caiiet ho biVL 1 diJ51starlled, f50 1 dmperviseroe Aven tornshuip. declinued knaith. priesty body, miichin t*luUhbas muet.b ha.ladnesq ibanget iber. Wîîh a guit.rbo»rs udox-upevisr hm-thrty tiousauti members mithin lb. e'Ù- qui-k o>t-p vea" liehtr. "Treal" but E-tet-md '.igihum r- foirher tgrrs aid e-suervio l lnked citain. Tiis i. Mormouism; a mlweh it ite dh- igrrta prety igu of 1 bglavtiino ouhtter -rsy tIas bila place-lt virtuel l iaoiju addcl. A rning. lier f aelui.ti is itit bappinesa, 1.u eli nuîinm Indiaait strt diauge o o ie». Ihotisuti statua spot ikgliîstory. a thousanti and blieonly clouai a momnti iy ber side 1rlvîg anliIintili ailit breathe over il, andt iroug it Il riekia holding lier band tighlly whene it ung bu-.Inditan, who orwes m,- $1î15 for milk 1 Oui uew bell arrived Tuesd4y and ton titousanti tears. Ils istory eau nover truen thetm. ad o kiîiiaO wre tetebroken -.ljij)jlel 10 hit whilî' ho suli r te Ifleesorted Ltulthe cîturclu by a large ho toli; muc-bof lb la nt for decent ears; misit rollil Iupthte mountaits aud eîîught milk he ina- Cî hicago. His u. e.oouru ut citizen@, whicli aller a (lotiatone sitall wholly treasure il up bere anti iere oit spur anîd plut? in mgitt!i- Morris Kahn. lie k îî man nio 1 ; $Iing pull, a bard pull, anti a pull1 ail agabut the.fuiture iin His at-preserviug meltiig tuila until. furritn ilc&vi'n, ut lai il *--ai tesitbor ras placed inlathse elfry and s ileuce. !ormed ilu lfoatin,ý,isles of fieeî'e. ',ear' of agi'. He- l'il Chiuago lîat igepb et ite arroudilîzconî T he y morrw afler the haititroke dîm-. 1 amntgong lu meeting SOi-h," site mur- '-îtmmer. Nor if yoit caut lIn-I lm Iffjiel u te srrunitg outryty amitýinwhch he 'mîuulaina sluud mr."peuedont go rut me" would like if Vo>U mlii maport his when.r-- *i aùMfied of ile arrivai by bts cleutr wa.5îe dee-p as lu o seof 111A.l. lay heavily l ouia h-.-Wa.darligi' He tuslim ujlubieuîîhar *erns rtigiug oui. utirlie quielttie of uponthlb wold. Thie air seeina'I luart fel li er tremble wit tht e:rr!earurrg naine. 1ott m-ad blg wi r 4m 1111e cîly. IL 'reiglitimier 600 anti svarceey respiraauîiu'. asîrarîgo ling "lmgi ltb aa 4-uî. gu ri-Lk'iLitke' 'mong te Utahmuit uaains. Witt-iaEt-harcîl "\it a relumain! 1 he ex-Iiaîîied, mt 1.Cm o :4' s ~~~euuds. r~~~oke Truins fater sa traminag uqt andisuddenriiievuisiin. ~> i.(aî o ii llaturdmy ras quile tat evettîtuldayctown ite narnun' jarohit; te eould nul "i"."and ilier ere t-on tegrotund. I ut-o wi-,i teir ii'îrn noitit tlivrt- tot WiI l Cevelanud. Whlbe ralitîg eosabreuthite ioulyiig, doa. lite std. lle îrn. "(). 'redn! do y-ia u l- eiae 83N Woodîlîti ivinîg i lîofiandpiolis on it Lae Ave, lhie hors-e becant iehuard uof te mnt ýriiti tire danoe. nilanti "ll inigial bcetrue.aîii bail menin ake ilt-ira 'hle ia--alrlross.,"ar-' as iaîlows. was restess and ti Iltti. Trein tati tua it ntrue- He ras sururised ut tht- nnisiaal 17Blir Mre-. I;i Mas, av. tulgtiied sud t-tit away Ittiiallg bet oatree ; uiu Ldu ia; a-tird5iOt-eso ie tr speech. Love aceuni-td1 buggy over just eust of le track, tt iebc it ier-tl ie- ht-iave- oiit-ailieur front hi-r sî1ulid use o!f . tl. J2 Etgli-iti. ilemlisbiutg il 10 soue extetît. Il" Prophet t bis eoning, andtlie siiiak this wes. ý2G9, AI Bradfod, W(27 W. W.a-ditgtil si. AIdtobed iouto anuthler î'ebiele itti absaggy ht-ad illi troule. "',s.thut ils; ossible, îiruu.bit I dlo 1 Uliîulubgliii S. Pt-hua st. - - .arted for home tire hose ruîtniing o Alter an oppressive breakfaqtî Elibhard uit thiank il iii su rt tlitis.1,01 i ,u ' I Briiîr. 1.1t)a decoredtmeanud escaping. Lc- IM. otouandt tit oa li'ng sose lt-hi St-Oinsbai te iuvaîiî , tdî.lm uctyM.ruiU.siug - îsedi Ir-î.dw hti .tai-rt- 7 11, . G.1. Brai j,63ag lir.siit ,Clevelanîd waé iltl îurt. eimhcd te alope anti sat donîaimong tey srdy1wndo tet eitl-e71,GC.rpiiig13Popv t pine. The suri m,îs o bleuret ilsot above ittyond tee es, antisar a wrman of ii- :ka" C .Buth 4 .P-mart - -~..-~--triaium anti oniy fora le W yar-ds about coulti die âge knom.kig aîigrily at the iloor of a t- *ROLLINS. Dbjects bu dsineîîy seen. le ras oaser litle bose. t'resetitly a 3y-rng yrmauN77,î H. A. Davis. 2?17 E. Marketlas irealhittlere, buroer, aud ha felll o upene th ie door. ovien thte ane aito came 21, Jas. Frein-h. 702 E. 'Market st. E lir. Hamblton l8 Ouut ew Posît iaset-. tbtkiug o! i& uneameti for affaira, aud tom truck lien in tte face rîit a sbarp rot-k, î168, J. C. Hamilton, 681 Vanci- 11k. TheC.G.Edrrd houe l ha iemuat lry anti go ounmien moring c a ntisudfellei sud bout hber tiere "o te244, O. N. Henderson. 31 Tratut block. ThCa. G da os nsilagain; Iben ethIis sanani eauttulgirl Ibreaboiti. A bystauder rite riotei li n I Vacant.e.e.luhora in ist Ibolohuixu. Would site aitletd me tbey mee r ives ut une mn. It ltit(i. U. H. Holder. 3017 Blake st. Meurs. Jomes Gerreai :atd Alfred rayago onrisrd linte uist-ltast otiter ras shuekîng Il" 1332 B. T. Hornefins, 797 N Illinois. misI tlcib rastot ansd visible ouby te tae "Yeu, ilras trîgitîtul." ste sai, thickiy. 134 E. B. Hunt., 142 Spanu ave. .Wý3 Ç*pe l irCicago Monday. Sirit- a" ete rtîau endil He rom up lu- rarlng thitackoliber baud serons lber 21Ca.Hdr 8 s t W E ~~~~~~fhaod itt s boîpiesair, ',but 1 dontî21Ca.Hdr 8 s t W B.W*y, tbe Lobe Villa minis- »iterauy alter ray: 1 neyer beard-1 870 Ghs Jenings, 90 E Market et. 19, mais evers.l colin lberse Saturday. Jîî1 never wsi shewnu sbtter way." 515 J. L. Kreglo, 97 N Illinois. * >r. CO oHock *»colledte! tote 1 * "ovarilstoryou. Trean; but let l,and Ili H. J. Landers, rru 14, M9 Mass av. t- . to.~f love rill test-b yeu tae*&y!', Bis voit-e *edelo e r afitslter, who, la vOIT Ili wu as endernasa lalt. 249h J. W. Lintdsay, 140 Fletcher av. -cme," ite sal ooing up mtb aminllig 1505j . M. Metzger, 136 Hoyt ave. G WAR EN ON ROw.mming eyem. Wblb sauturmut- ot glati- WARRENTON GRtVsa ecaugtbehr te hlm anti beoid ber close 160 Frank T. Mitchell, SChas, DI.snp, of Waukega, spent fer a moment thora stong te Blum .Thoeu 219 Bell! ountain et.Li é a; t day wita ftendu bue. stops soundeiou lte mal andt tby meut 190 W. S. Mortont, Uion Stock Yards. r -- ,nktogîitau buletpuuh miit IbIt- saoa1114 Chas. M. Mutz, 376 Clibfoili ar. jpsn Moanu ipnt Sunay eveinn .'Treans faîben ma»wmiiuag round wit ileuis la waukegau.. sthI1e bouse, sud a lokolfidautoiahmenî 144 J. L. Osborne, 747 N Teni et. Thos hu movd tou te vt, &preund ever bis seller, haggat'tfaeo. Tue 144 LeOrande Fuiyne. room 3 Ohamber fituoifin£ MO*NI 'r" theti augiter sbrunk bavirkusuinstant, thon et Commerce. ~Most pular Short- nt Boy's* t this ason is the m bi nation it. eo Combinatlon w. e l onosisao.......~ ~1JIT* EXTRA.~ PAR1f a4T eA P 1~ Coul 2 Pente, 1 Copi 1 iTIcketona OSO bicycle staiiiM lish Cheviot& Suitsa............... ........ ... .... $2.0 lucludliig te wtuo,-iuttit. Xicîly ail rool Suite aI--------------------------.. S l !mîtudn< ttie w1uol,' oufli. Ittem Gratis fine rool Casaîmere at ....... ......54.»0 tuî'tuding lte wabou tlit eo liestQualbty 1010be ai attyrere ..-84.»0 Ina-tudlng lte alole oultdt. se bave them suite in Liglît Gray, I)amk Gr4y, lmght Tansm, 1)ort ans, Blues, Mixeti sud other shades. 1% te ewe have ...... )0 Boy'sButta, nithoîtîithe extra panta, at 1 .00, 1.90, :1.00 mai 2.50. 'e BaIl anti bat antd Bicycle Ticket, free with evory suit. rhe "Modol", C1otini Hong emperance Temple, -Waukegan. STALLION, IN SERVICE. Royalist, 6438, lleeoid 2:42, Best Bred Trotting Stallion in the Northwest. Siretil'by lhe gret lSwigat-30 1 » a 43 perfomerwt-ril ete)ds front 2:l17 fi) 2:301. lias 2h i imsumitg motus and as uîîsuy daumglmers. PBoyaliatl's lit-at dam,.- lia v Faiinuy, Jy lRchantls; Bell founi- er. ilat tof Rlty, 2l. 2::Reselutef 2:2;'1, Alexaîneier M:1~ itte King 1'. - 2:26; Fox S. T1. li. 2:30<; hoyalist 2:42., Sýecoît i utdailx> ySigti. rilutui e in ltre":.Io lit. Iloyalist colts are a&H - 8alae ,I>'ndaicaiat lielp being so. but Olieoml i s colts have beeu bauied for ilpeedl. ttmieh' I'asuy P., 4-yesr-<old met-ut-ml2:34, liniihieti gositisecond lait tutU ini 2:17. llmoyaulist lais16.1 bauds hig t anati 7 150Di. oucar i tîake miiit) istatke iii himseMlrig le him. Ifyoo Io fltaitgel a tmotter,. rou are s:tt-e lcar- Wi1i Make îhe Season 01 1895 at My Stables. F. J. DIETMEYER, A COXPLETE STOCK me, Drain Tile, Farm Wagons. Buggiqs9, Agricultural, Implements, Etc, We have a new Stock of the fapnous'Weber Wagonis -And the Bloomington- [arber Bros. Buggies % Oarriao Oeil end Soe Thom.-..... rW. are e upy orwants hJor sêrl IA, OYvi14 0 14 "b W E ?1110W 26-29. 604 WASHINGTON ST.. WAUKEGAN. ILL..

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