Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Apr 1895, p. 7

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muS ils., iii of lu U~4IOi-~WISmwbfeli iRs vtaliiy S4ii s rua woniL neYer be wesk, or 'Boîte, phnples, sorofula, sait thetini, would sait r trouble yeu..MBut -r ueds cf lixiat, shut ilaaIlt'winter lpecdy veMBaiteti homes andi shopa, diefs te blod, sud thel-e Is le"s ef $ppotto sueakuness. Hoot'a, arsa- parll t&1(slthe standýird rometi>'fer tis r oufitims. t purifies, ,vltalîr«, sud mrkhbes lte bloond, everocunosthat lid eelisir, tu Ids up the nerves, anti gveisperfeeleiltb. Res4ilbl: *Our daugbter, Blanche, wbea four pears of a ge, had a humer break out oit ber banda anti face, whieh our physicien reousoed cezenia. If te el i ar rueehe ber face or handa they weuld swel up, look almst iurple, andi beadeti blister* voniti fermaandi break, Iiag Md flabag vn14 dr.vmb l eari>' wuL UniI, es.oInoff e bt lttIe banda tbe would tear patches ef -kMn frein ber face andi bauds. W. Irleti iD511>'dooo nud mauy remedies, anti et lest pve te case up as hopelees. But our danghter Cors tid letod00'. Sasaparlîa, te cure a serofulous lump near the left breat whlch etatu"d er mauch pain. and alter taking 4 bottles il disappeareti. Blanche, s be la now eleven, baiafeut séven yenr.4 ef sufer- lng, sel1 coneludeti te 'give ber luetis Sarusparilla. She took 5 bottîes, anti lier ffusLe mootb sud sot as a baby's, thie coeat of a rose petl. 11cr bauds are soit andi white, wbere tour mendia &go the>' were bIne aud reti and Calouseti nearly lige leather, I eau. net express my gratitude by peu or mentit. t seoins amniracle. andounr frientis arc sgurtîrisýd."1 MRm. A,,NA L. CLASK, 401lE. 4th St, Duluth,M3inn. Hood's Sarsaparilta 18 the OnUy Truc Blood Purifier Promlnontlylin the Public Eye To-Day vu* " là al 9" I Ped Ot~sWeeh CnryadLdee' igI wYork Casio sccea, ThePasin;Show," Fo qwhichba,.,already etitonono- FORIyscces f.ileng paymetsw laet.. t.. next "unda n lt.Tu Wîttycouruec- tion 1. eniquela.i9t. line' To begin with -and it ls as full of good tbings as an egg in of meat-the coMnany comrimes firât-nate fun-makinxg taflý.t, me-n uad woinen Who ini the main are snmfcleutly good artios tut extract the full bumorous, value from a situation witiout degener- atn luto drivel andi sillliesi. "The Passîng Show" au Its naine indicates. in a conrprehCn@ive drive at'the reignling s- stage attractions, andi ver>' happil>' in tie thing dou for almogt alwavs ilaa sbit 0f h eithlng given-and given Weil, too-and then cornes the change te burlesque. The surprise plus the ridic- ulesît> aud lucongrult>' of the sutithe- @i. draws uncontrollable laughter luevita- My>. The author has bis good-humored "mina about al the ted.. -The t'rust of Societyt." "Sowing the W~ind," "The Sc-a- ond Mm, Tanquera>-." -Shore Acres," "Forget Me Ne." Antoniy and Cîe- patra," the Gilbert andi Sullivan opera and grand opera, andi trom what bas ai- reatir been said of the w.>' these are treated, eue ma>' gel a sight idea of the qualit>' of the performance. Thpre is a jt.s , op plot lu the piece. vague anti evanéseunt ,o .0*a d and . of0D . tne conslenee to anybody>, but Ee. .~. Z'Z a the motif i. well îlellned as '*a gond thing, C - = eau aW #...M.ý is0. "P - psit alonug," te qnote frein the pIlay t- Iro W m6. seA1 ..» »lf, but even tbis i. uncalleti fer. "The- t. -dsaM lq , -. a., ai = .. xi.1Passlug Show" neets 1n0 puahing. The V " "splay is built upon the doings cf the Daw- dle Club, but oeemonut net for iliat reasen thiuk there i.nuy dawîîling lu it. Oin the coutrary. his exuberant with life andi merriment. Amonir the hest peupîle lu the enaet are: .lolin P. Hengthnw. Geo. A. Schiller, <'harles J. Ros., William Cameren. Gus l'ixley. Veruoîn.larbeaî,. Lucy' Dal>', Silvia Thorue. MNadge Les- 2ig, Seymour liens. E. S. Tarr. May' Tënî Broek. Lida Lear, Minuie Miller and L& Petite Adelatie. Te rotail the good thinga thee aund others cotribute xiere au idle task. The sci-ner>' la excellent and appropriate aud the costume. arc diversified and beautiful, thongb, of course, ofteu grotesque. AUu*Uuq.Uatbhtndool sou ý i. aiopi'pekeu us oth lta id. shet se. s b.bMffls- v r e,.Paset cui.t e rwuynou à pe C:disy &ud Plaro nE yust a KtILI1tiLFtLLECOL[Alt COMPANT. L<PamiLq.* 's lausge4 Lye made. 9 U,îlý ofr LreLtil boîng .sfane and Pa'-'et lu s,'su aitIl MaOîai& l. .h, routrut. ane ai- ,M ais 10,itoas.. Wîl ialletue bru pe ilemedl H rd t1059lu It loin. nu s Wilh,ud buIU.î. àit la 1 forast.eisa 1i wf.pip.-.. dlinIue.-L Inn Fliu, loais. Sashing hiutits, patt,.ireés.,etc. IPEIA. SLT XPG. CO. Uisu'i -4gt@.. PhD,, Psi. DI@L.ES 8>IsRur IEDI! te ..Iruve<atru n * tord.set to a"'r.m.uon .i»t.î 4 86Are«. ofLand for s i î> là l. irn etia.i . su l ii DO YOU WANT WORK '""'la l is51 ju>IY lIL7 u wil vairS tea.iuer On-. il tue ~'rud un M t ahetaili ?r olit ud tubtru,.liou. WiuuleWsSeerors, lii- lîtdrelé lbs ans reauîre ' ion.ato wuYP Q1IEMO¶NS VOEU AuE lu» Aasworoi ittaGo" u"a tm'soeuu. 10o« ea LuT sss. Wbp do people sap that Lydla E Plnkitam's Ireattacut, aupeclall>' ber Vagatable Compound, offectures Wo yondthe Ucphylcan'a abili? tact that a wo- ma bst undtio- man'sll. Wbai mas ever sot- tered a single pn lîke unte woman P Man works frein t sony oniT. Why do tens oetIhousniada ef omea write te Mir. Plakitainta Lynu. Mase., tclliag their most tsecret thougt ? Bec.îuse the>' know that thoir latters go straight te the banda of a woman, are opeucti, -cati, anti aaawered by a weman, vIte as a womnan bas matie weuia's lis a lite stud>, anti because aho saven taill thein, andi cures cases whlch te doctor caunot. Thea lady wheasaks thsi the teltowing -letter ha publisheti, givea conclaely lte uniterin expresoion of gratitude con- lainant in thousands ut other letters lu Mme. Ptnkham's possession. I For ctghl years I sufereti vltb non- rala ofthdiawomb, backache, bevers pains ail throuqh mnybotiy, anti kidi- amy trouble. Noue et the doc- tors diti me any gouti. I1 t0k tuelve bottles ot ycur Vegelable Couaponnd, sud cannet thànk pou enough fer ' the relief 1 foundt. 'Il m nov velI cureai et ail those pains. I shonld ativise evarp veman te take Lidt4 E. Pinarwa msVegatnble Compoundi vIt bias aap femala troublie. 1I aitrend whe vas ta go under an .opanatlon. I ativlset ber fitst te try the Compound. &ho dIi, anti ia now ge much bellot aud strenger sIte liasgiven up ail lhougbti ofthde operatile."-Mias. M. WU.Da, 2137 Park St., Tioga, l'a., mir OP ft» LiER CHICAGO COMMIT lb. Pi-soldent Ver>' PEl1slnir Balles Miipo.ltloe.eàthe Olver Question -le Uuquetionably ,inFusv0i' et *1Sound lons>'." Felloiving ls the text of Presideut Cleveland'» repl>' te the invitattien Of Chi- cage business pieu tu atidre4s a meeting te ie helti thére ratltyiug the Preslieut's attitude ou the mnoue>' question: Elecutîne ilaîsteu. usOKlilaigtili. tD. C.- Te Meusr. Wou. T. Bauker. 4leur g e W. telllthi John A. Roche. T. W. lirer> r>'. durtKly and Heur> . Robbilue: (ientiemeu-i aga nu rucfi..d b),the exca-edliigly Mut dn comuplmentai'"y Invitation yauu hare teittereti ms ou bebaît oft n.>'cetizen* cf Chicuago to, lio their uest at a gstherllg lu the lutereet u on nou mte>' sud whilesouae lnauctal doctrine. My sttachmeut te tIbts cause laegosen~ut aud t kuow no velilbhehosptalltY andi Ind- lieu cf the people of Chicaigo tbut my per- menailuclnation 19 @trounly lu favor of se- ceptlng vour flatteriag einvitation, but my Ju Smgnan sd ni>'estîluate ot the propertIes ef ny olniIaI place oblige nue te forego thie enjoymnent Otfusrticlpatîng lu thie Occasion yen contemplete. 1 hope, liuwever. the event N011 mark the beglnng et su earnest anti sggreaclve ef- fort todîsteenuatesneng the PeOPle sots and prudent IluanclilIdes.. Nothing nere important eau engage the isîtention cf tnlctie citizen%. because notNIlain le sevtaoi te the welfare cr env telloeuiitryuiet ant te the streugtb, prosperit>' anti ionor ou unr nation. The situationi contoutiug us ademsandes 1h5 thon who sppreclato the importante ot this subjeet, sud those wheo glst te le the i-et to e sIipending danger. i,.uld no longer remalu luti ffereîît or overeonddueul. Sound-Money Sentimnut. If the sounti-mono>' sentiment aliroadti u the landi le te sove us fremi nîshilet anti dix Raster if muet hoie rystalîzeti anti comnua andi mate Iniedilately active. It te danger- teue ni overlook the fat fltiat a large nutoi- ber ofour people, u-tb senttepportîunit>', thug tar. tu examine the iquestion lu aillits aspects, bave neverttielesa lIneen lugeulousl> pretoseti wltb spa-lous suggestions, lwiilcb lui ilimeetmf i'tiue md depreselon tSud w III- 1.g ltenena p )a= red e ecretieuce ln su>' chemewbàeIolefiloselIî>'presentêti as s reet>'for heir llîfelrtunilCendition. Wit riedeal maire thoni uuytluf ln e- lia a plein and itsmple î,reae-lilitloîî Air'te argumnent lu timerocfsoliuilniet",lInther word,, il te a tino for the Aneprlesu a- ople te resson tegetlier ait na-mber. îof a gra-ut lis. tIon. wbieh cuit promnise thois a acntinuncer of ) rtectl-' souii safet v sa. long am ItR sol',eue>'lai. nxîpect esd'hbo isi lillcd eudth1e eiuîidilaest;Of ir. ilitner tînjgues- tMonodl. Thesa- Ililugeare lil-cbaugidton thue llusluns et s delîaeed eurrena-y sud grend- les.hpe f advautugea- l hogalitidb>' n disregeri of cur irnouuial <redît mt]ideî,i- meeaistauduig aming the ntiollns et the worlid. If cuir pople e ura leilateti froin al olliere. aud 1If uetionctî of oui- eurr,-ney atîlî lis tesai dwilb,,îît nrgrd le 1er relations un itier eî,unirlew. I i lin racter woiulil lie asturî- ter cf conipuritii c i>'ttie Iiîtpurlanea'. If thie Aneulesan jucle noe o iii>' -onîenuîc-d lu the nîinlenant,- of lueur preuious lire sion tlietiîfselier ti- tilt'lut retîrc tiethie nId dayit ut tarter, andil it IbIs priinntiv'e inner acquire froîn <'sali tiier the materlalg te supplîltie weut-u of thrir existencre. Bunt If Amerîcan <'1, lllzaii,,n lIostlsfiedtiwltb thîs fi wonl.l abjte.-tly fullIn luils bghi anti noble mission. Templation ofthte Fermer, Iu this'e restons dais the tormer tg teinpt- Pd b>' thie axtiîren-,.-thut. lhongb cen cor- reynia>' bo dehagei l. eiinduunt alni un- certain. oncb a situation wIll Impreve the pcetfhI.l reductsl. us reunui lm flot l t nnst bu>'ns WeIllus Bell; thot hIle dresnsetfr lent>' are Pcladet I)b>'the (co- taeit tbid f the priee.-f ththing@e ba se le, sel i.numiî.shI eîîlîunced, thie -ost cf the th11119:1lie muetlin>' ilIl tnetrmahuî tu-j Ilî>': finit t5liehot prh-ee vilcb -hert mne>' procîns mare unsiibmetitl ansd cii.. Ive. anti thal a-irisIf itu, es ore rosianti hapLie i- mnnces-.unly Ibo fett fer hie- ltautheuace for Ibeir rulcymelît. Il ought tnet t.,lio tiffienît te <onoînce the wmge esrner, tInt If these-,wera- laeefftà A-'ile frei tl dgenerrte eîrrrney. the>' woqQ!a reach hlmnleosettrail unafnt aso f ail, lu an unbealthy stilmulation o et u nsulîerjese rositof ail Ithe ueA of hic beuteeainîsi hc long bieglportion. s-hile lie a-lesthie umime lgne vezet wlthi vanleiblur îiloliisof hinrpauset %sgri an ansuiser et. The pages cf blu- ter>' sut experieuce are» fulltoet ile leson. Au luslilone lttelupt lex made taet<rete ia prýee against the sitrcte,, of a este ind sounai urrene> b>' the lusinîutlon. more 3r leis direatInmode. tInt the>- bloîg te ilusuetal sud htistu0sq aRge-lasSe ulare there- fore unio onet of syuîpntliy %tth the cic. mou peuple ofthie landl buit fer seiluli undt wlcked purPoses are Wllln n "teausrfire the lutereele of thoee outulda- tuieur cirele. t bellîrie- ibatcapial und %l wesltti ulireughu a-mllcatliîtu aud ther ci-ans. sixetlînes gain asu ndute advantusrr sud Itltatt Ie roueeded ibet tbe ialitutansn" ofeta suinut eurrene>' mur, lua sa-nie, Ioliiivesleal ith s gi-eteronilese Importance te lidlviaius se- a-rdlug te ibelr c-nidtionisaId -trî-uiîisiîîuees. Il le. huwecir. cuil> salffa-i-eIna- lu tagi-a. «face tIlamutterrl innbt,,isole that un>' une lu oui- lroad lansd. rieich o t tour. elIeltever nie>'bc ehe*; etîlliwbethler ti îîellig lit a ra-utr oet untiie andsol mmiiercee ci-litaa reinote <orner aitfini-ir laitiiliti. cuit Ieo resu>' honelitet I li a Sicîl(-al uli'ne. nuit alike tieneflelul t l ao utipteoaple~, oni- t u ione- ebosulal hoezexluded frocn a cluniouhaid nul- v'ernalInterentlt hbe aotofr earttr andi ve-uInofethîe <'ni-nani-y etthe couuntry. Aill i uainese. lu oînr relation ta tht,, qiteation.oie ire ait lu biislnegu. tor we AIl 1>11V and cr11. cioaie ail lisvete iado ilthlitaiienli perions. for we ail eorn tanncer stîdi ,neî,d It. t ai-n tint <Oe-obémirt- le t-ialaneîp. Ma-i-hant, anti deaIers are l In ve-n elgheiiohuil. andl rai-b bas Itn shaîpe mu mintîfia-l--. Wherever the uanis cf mnituexist. liiulp.u sud finance,.lunsma-eda-gt-i-a.are tounud.i-- lntedt u eue direction to the ewhose eSuts tue>' suppl>' ant Inluanother tathieniera-ex. teont-e hucînes, anal Onuince teaeblih ilîr> si-e trlbtitary. A fluctiuatiocun lu pii t the neiboard la knewn the @mince ils>'or hotu- In the0 remoteet hamlet. The dluî-redlt or tie- preclellen lut i Ilsclal ca-lter, ot env fuit if menter lu thse banîlofethie people lnaa sIgnal et( luimodîste laiae -aerwlire. treeklese driset tand l aui xppleilniit aboutît sweep car 'uni-a-ic> froct ItAre si-ai prt r.the- mont detruscleseof ail au- li aueir u that lte aot dîctrensusitnd ntiontal dis-i <redît wulîl ha the paaci. as tile>'rkiin it-i- leluIntbofr iesty support. uud the lstaîurei- and woniknguisnunselie 'e the nionea- li als, i-oealied for hie toîl l îrlItoand sliý-I la hicghbondl uSan lie tenders Il forlte lnoces- soi-la-stte tutap l humbnnle liera,-. ttIlg i neIl as umyii. th li lî-etfbailtle liq drawn hetwa-en tlîe forcees of a-c i-auu and thos,.-onf plier monenietalllcm. I rlil neoît-ellIb tat If ottr people are affordil-unai Itelligent oppoi-tiilty tor gober s-citîç llîought te>' ilImoelnctuecipmps tilaut, bowvaer elooka-i. inean dîttster antdicetnfi- min. ur that tht-Y wlîl conseent bl iidier- uulninliî ua cuindltion cf n garee cuiia-ii.v te a-inlligr lthe benee-piit ctrecter snd piir- pose. ut thi- gui ertilceut. Peurg vt'a-r>'tal>', GRO VER CLEVELANt). Attcepting flefeat. Doitbtless a defeateti Candidate for au office îulght ho hertefiteil hy Iearuîng the lessen ut this lncldent-bîît pto- ahI>' lie wexîîd net heeti Il. It la sald tliat Hcrr Steintlz, the vet- cran ctai-lîyianti for man>' pears rhalutîflon of the world, seclng defeat ! r 51ig es u1 - IEyes for the Blnd. A devic( v O'cli enables thebe hl t'aîl Ordlnrvprint basbeen lui hi' M. U,. Furnel, master of the1 king sclîool for the bllîxd at Dost It ig an electrictîl apparatus wli plaeed uipon the printed page.,rit tlny groups of metal polits (.o] lui; ta thé ondilnes of the lettersi words. These points thue bllnd per percelves wlth bis8 fingers, ns lie iw the embossed pages of the bookza pÈ cd for tie blnd. Thl&.devlce einl, the. electrk'al curreut. Another ont the Perklns sehool Instructors. D. Iteardon, is perfectlng an electrI ajpîratîîs whîl lie feels suirei cîlable the blind to see. It isanua ficial eye of selcnuui, glass andi canized rubber, wblcb Is ta recelve Image of tbe object and flash It ta ecnter of sîglit li the braln by me of wlre applied ta tbe aides of head.-Amerlcau Agrlculturlst. Lîsten not to n tale-bearer or i derer, for lie tells thee notblng ot good wili; but auslie dlscovereth of secrets of otbers, no lhe wUilott Ibin tutu. ÂFTZR six Tours'sufeérIng, I wu s bu Pitso's Cure.-X*ayTùTomPSOx, ÂL ve., Âllegmuy, Pa., match 1il suidbth ah It~ ~ ~~~o psantrifntoauriton that wtnen sould at th way.Ter Takn drin getaton r. ietM Favrie reempio rbchildbirh Ilsdanerste dtangter and child drepaffring. Nasyte nfodevery, thex shet..englaold eening ruin t '<Cleanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirt9s mi Honesty."P Common Sense Dic- tates the Use of SAPOLIO0ý Picked UpIlà Ch'url soid Evcryvhem. MA= onI.Y av Ripans .Tger buk DORA.-Weil, 1 caft eil pus. ars a housîSelit usco.utaî. M... .6 Id lu AÀiiew and iprecious Bottîci-Ili lias inde beau dlsceveied at the Pitîlti Place. Pet-. Floreuce, bîdden %a-y lu an antet-roini itou, of the spartaments foineri>' iccuplied îilb. b> tbe Duke of Austa. The paiutinîg ialss represtnts Palace Athuene, andl w:î-u a-- ori euteti lu 1480. t-soit eeoktng a Foreign Cilme njlîti lu seareb etf pleite or hitsneEs, àiulîdîalbe t-lut- preeetietib>' the purcliase et nattil-", greut îosInvaigoratr, Ilostattare fSttemachi tter. hir le ot lu exiatence. Marinera. mîitiere, "coîocuei-î-lul A. truvelers. tourlets, auîîail wlio tul atI iy - lsandiornsen stieak oft ilnluthe liliest t-nil rîclîl Malaria, lilllotisîtesu, cCOi18lpaticn. inilge- vili tlot.. rbeunetlagn, nervotisuem ant i kduey a tt- trouble are reinedîid b>'ILt.O LF yul- The Czar belleves luthue bîgluer cdu- the cation u of ean a odrtiIe rings Comfort sud lmprovemom ) the reopenilng ofthle Womau'a Instîtîtte o en Ods to ernal eujoyulMt' eanl Medicine at St. Petetrsburg. wlîclî wa night l ud.The tuanT1 Whof the< etoseti b>'order et the goeunmentl tan titantraeu;iy more ne nmeueyears ago. ~P~te. < rl estprot_ W. ode Revad f = ofhehn"cal baing, w«;~ lan- te value tu al:tit oft h, pi t otW al>'cler et atnredatBallnt ho cretiforlaxative pinciples embruasai h, fthc Hafl'a Catarrlt Cure. remedy, Sprup of Fig.. te F.~,> J. CEIMEY 8;0CO Props. Toledo, . O. sexcellence te due t lils po t he iOfdersitued, havaeno lCu n uth. torm mut acceptbe- horale lu 15 ynes tanîl a nti ilua nst te the tante, the rotrsl u 8 dal ft tîe b=Mrront anti obligation mails b>' haisicial properties x)f a jB~ Weçt ià Truax, WholcaoDuli aade. o. atîve; efsctuallirceanning Ah.op- h,'lDA WkM« inluit & M rvtn. ' gl;.saale tmug- disuelling colds, haadacites aMd à giste, Tolete. 0hio. adpraet - u*'cop IMh'm s turrh Cure lo lakeu lutsrually. aw.l an pmauulcu gcat dlrin*y 2 upe b.b£otiatn iteu trfacea I ¶Itliapvea satisfacîlon teMàU#iI i aulan Pise~¶~Pe otte. oIthiyaIlmet vîlh tho appriovalettê s prefesiïnn.becs -c ilt a on *6. It a brde teblo et acanilewlt nuya, Liver and Bowelswititati1 lit a brdertu loa w lck ecauseeniug liemsand iti lapartetîhlm a Ctto th wt a Exwckoeau4 very objectionable stubstailce, - Ut. te porane cotton absorbasu80mrach Syrup'of Flgs la for sale by i f pain more of lte tallow. gi lu n oc and S1 bottles, but itab '80 O bDkI ibmebn le utactured by tite'Califomna Wlg 5115 ' The "wby" ot Uie bat feelinîg la %,.bati pako. euly, henanoe, a pnit«I aiý puzzles yen. It la a-ns>' tu Llnaline se and beiug welH ifined=OUw 'e 18 man>' causes, ta-len the rna n le iaa di- aCcejîl an>' subMàite aoif ei, why .slu Yeu thiuk it'.s ometbing else. curh O're ln Itipians Tabules. A silîgle _______________ 11th tabule guves relief. Ask the druggiet EI e a ib ha a Sosela nuurnunr because the vibra- LO - t un- tinoua he iIr, net otherwîse observ- Nt aisé able, are collecteilu the shell anti b> and1nàIaamaU4 tuas ls oshape are brougbt ho a fociîs. Restoesrb.. lt oeuWo h of iiScult0GE1 $1000,000 Rhetima'lc Cure" = M nevertall. Guarauleetiabah ouîîelythe 1&74 u~a. 1,by tient renieajy linte ti-orld tor- ail R uitas- reby tm, juIaut idNauralgits. Write to-il> V R 1 ah- Swaîîaou Rht-uin tic Cure Ce., 1417 learb< r.î E naRY L aLreet, Chicago. IiI. utta Beecbamù's pis are for bl- iousness, sick headache, diz- ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor. pid liver, foui breath, saIlow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre- quent cause of ail of themn. One of the muet important things fi everybody te learn is ltat constipation causes more thsn halfthe sickuess in the woridesperially ef vomen; sud il eau al tic prevented. Go b T the book, frec al peur dmngi'g,or write B .F.AlleuCo.,3*65Cane' Et..Ncw York. fflI, ioand 2j4sabox. A -hs si. Murs thas »m boass. WALTER BAKER &. CO.l PURE, NMON ORADE IOCOAS AND CHOCLTES RIGHEST IWMRDS Indushia and Food EXP0SITON8 sow w G ROtEYRW«IRL Blood Diseases snch as Sarfula and Anmmié, Skixi Eraptions and Pale or SaiIow Complexionsý, are opeedily cured by ~~ ~the Creameof Oaa-liter 011 No otherrem- edy se quickly and offectively enriches nd purifies the blood and gives nouriahment ta the Whole sytem. It ia ploasant t.o take and ensy on the. utomach Thin, Emaciate Persons and &Il suffcring tram Waating Diseases are re- etored to heallh by Scott'A Emulson, Be sure yon Cet the. battie with aur ~~ trade-mark on iý. Refuse cheap substitutesi Sasdfor pamA/i oa Ssu':en ,ea FREE. oot& Bowne, N.YT. Al drugglute. 50 cent. mnd S.u F twenty years fka Um o ~the wMrd have Our I touralgia, amd dlother nannd aches1 SI 011.L Thei s ieS omonetà4inI & tOOOU bft-e>Wa *&

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