Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1895, p. 4

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gN0P0DENT. C. ÀÉDoClt, EDIWU Àr'4lD Paop MUIDAY, APRIL 26, 1895. WAUCONDA. 0.0. Frey la on thse sck list. 31hGraS Hill h as îeturned Irout ]Wldero. Mm .pottter aîîd so), of Flgîîî, are Uuta at W.. Mmrbe's. Mr. and Mis, H..llendee, of GrAY8 LJAi. viitais relatives liere. receiîtly Mr. anid Mis. Burton, Of B.I.rlàgtoî4 aiIed ot Wauoonda relatives uA .u Jack Taggart, of 1)de.rud W&uconda relattives a short Viit ast I Ils 1. T. L.addt lias been eiitertai- Ing ber motlser, Mrs. Il. Wells, the -week. J. Golding aîîd L. C. Priee are il,- voilg M. A..Andrews stock, il Ut. Huishard lias ImEURi't. Ieltue. Hubbard. of Nuiîla, bt gubbard willtmn elle buisinîess. Mr. and Mrs, J. Aytisley, lef Dia- ubo.d ake, were the glests of Mr. alid Xm HR. T. Ladd. last SattîrdaY. ljook liere' One dozeît cabillet pkotOS and a crayoti prtrait, Oilly $3, *11 May 1.tlh, tAt thle Waucoîîda Two seiîool direcetors welre eiected MM BSaturday eveîing. E. E. (jilhert vgned uad M. I.. Powers wasehloseil Sc £ail is place. Wnî. Ct'lglq wWss eted for three yeors. If you have aimtîîfrauted pictîîre, M*0 l îe time togt tframed. Tlîej -Wsucott4 photogirapmeir bas tlîirty- fv* différent mouldiligs, from vwliclî yS ga gt a firante, complete, for 1 Uc *p., Pramnes modle tu orilec. Il. B. Lee, Of Talmage, N. Y.. 1jlen troobled mith rheOuiatistn, bOught »a bq#ite o!f iamebm P's ainîBau *oM B. J. N'eaves, t@m drîggist tîere, Mad mye t did tila more gol tian oultlg ho huat avor before tsed. For *de bly P. B. Loveil. Libertyville, and O.C. Roberts, Wauco.da, druggist. Y. . 11Hal m ie drove to Clica- gl Wodnessly. Xxe. L. C. Prias and Miss Price, if "WmSU, o. mre entiers iers recemtiy. ams. Vowier, or Libartyvîlla. mas * aItor aiGisser theirat ofthte week. . N. or suîd lattie Atîdrema% on apendliàg the week Witt' relatives * eliieafular. J. H. (robktite anl .. E. Ilolcoutb 'W 1 ochaftlir, callel o11 M. A.1 Audrema Tuaaday. J. Golding sîtl L. C.Viece, uf 'Wtuomda, aie ussltiîmg E. Il tbbard ;bSon, (if Nuîida, iîîvolciîîg for M. A. &Ddrewilstock of gools mliich tlîey baava purebased. Ilavimig aold out my Ihmîines wmi1 lie glatI if Iasie winlg me 011 *oe&uccouit muid Cal and settle Ras IMM maspossible. M. A. Ab4nhlama. Thelita m uitadvertlse lits. mares. *m uBtp ta bis advertlseflhitits, pays Ibdebta' and prospéri. Remebr jb IC>PEl4DEET teaduln Ibis *GURNKE. »r. Butolart gpeît Tuesd(ay li esnaseaan st of laviUK Oie Of tbg largeat lunibaeards lu Lake Co. il la roported théâuthelimamu trait% mtai lbumday, Witt leave Chicago at 4:05 &t thite acool lectiomn bell last lIai aaday Mr. Bracluer w8s se-elecleu If you walit a Sumday paper you Imut leut'a your order ut lthe Postoffice Isy frldsy ulgit. Chu. Chas. and Miss Alile Ide ,w ma nsrd uahlie hume of Lit avoeaparentin luWaukagan hlas 1Tb@e charivari luit Flduy inigil bilMi butas short limatesmlie bride MdUmgom maie Ibeir appearauce and tMM te m Ilberally.. WARRgN. <hu lneovaitoo ilmelm 1ma eoi jM a Busan Wmho bus been ou tbjl lIi la roported botter. 000. W. achsuber went ta Chlcugl o. jDfla. mmk a&oMomday. lire. J. Duubnmbo wusack t w( »0"&. me ara gwalto report Bmn botter. )[r. Swaaon reoently movem Wilt bla fimlly osto the steel faim whlct ho purboia tant yaar. jobs Beait la maklng soe m nProve- aMMaj a <l g gsi as uew windows la bis hema, Wpaitg etz. 'wo notice our item coimussoner Juge HiII masright on dock" the o.00« day ecrplug te roula. Win. Bradwsy bas lnisbed a wali gwJJ. Y. WIlbur'miii <001 rmout, Amotug ploet w f ater at 48 feet. - - . *bmm4mmU boast$any otiel Ooumiy for loca nema> uit Wb"li Illa freai.t les Grays +.LaKe- Iii-,efleéim. Bessie L. Scyd.i.Ïocsl Editor and AMe-t Milm BeaeU oL.loyd ts autborimed W rein sent tliIrtu asic»T ut, Grays Lakteutil furlher noio.. d Isoeaa ubecrlp- iboos. lal INews IItma, or oders to4 Job Printing lftI with ber, or aI th- PoataffiCewI roe,4ive prom Pt attentioni. Seîd ypur items earlier. 1'lease.W Johni Ilî,ok visited Ilait Day Tues- day. Luaite 1311rge wan out trous the City overl uîîd,,Y. Mrs. Nobles lias Ijeeli quite sick but la 011 the gaia. Etigeite lleîdee it liavîog abl addi- tboir buili to us lbouse. Mary Madden la keepiîsg bouse for lier brotiler liei t iîe City. 0. J. D.aily, of Downers Grove, was a (irayslake vîsitor Tuesday. Miss Lola ilurge lias been quite ilà *NiLli putrid more throat the past week. T'he Ladies Aid Society uteets at thie elitireixt Weduîesday aflernools. Mr. Burge la treatîutg his rosidetîce, oin slusser sti to a hlem coat of paint. Miss larris, of Miiburn, was lu toi Saturday to orgaîtize 1 ntusic Miss Susal Wilitehead lias putr- c,aset a item wleel of Shterman, our je%, eler. A lîîuniber of inasoîls attended thîe fuiteral of Lafayette Ilusoit at Voit> 'Iuesd ay.- AIîotlier youlig genttleman arrived to gladiden the home of San) Litwiler Saîîrdav.- Nirs. Tuîrner, of Aîîtioclt and Mrs. ijjjimîlead, utfUlucago are topping at %Ir. look*s. Ir. c. C. Wlitmoi-e and tiuily are movlîmg ilt Mrs. J. W. lIuoWs hbouse oin Lakte st. il i h by Our fltuelna Ne"mOathoMm. &a"e.friand. uv ùtg w , or v« ami poing bgo e a>Party, muàùsi or le" tide, or ihen mor chnrds or aooWl ewdimp1oue. anypiocoadisg, or um yeu *1, buy or dMo*ge yowriuaddsaeeor buin, or your mo or dcîtghler id ItiGi- rmei, or When your »ighbor gsi.a tm baby, orý, i a îrrd, ij) u kitow or hoar of' itu item o ileres9t 10 1h.pubic, britug or ed ili, and th. INDEPIW- -N-I wil gladly publUsh iL. FOX LAKE.1 We are soiTY wo bear of the deatis of Fayette Il ion, of Volo. iclool comosenced -a week ago ils John laile as teacher, agalu. Arechie Darrow anîd utiole of Witîke- gun visitod at the home of A. Tweed last Suîîday. Eider T. J. liolloman, ot Antîoch, wiii preacb at Fort 11h11 bunday înorn- ing Avril 28, at 11l «'dock sol uI 7-30 p. um. The Fox Lakte cemetery association met wilim Mrs. Walter W hte Thuraday Aprîl Il. 'i'iey Wlll meet mîtît Mrs. Nictiolas Whiîte Timisday AprilI 25. Many fromh ere atteîsded the funeral of Miss Lilly llook, of Gava Lakte. mlich tcx)k place Satuiday afternoon. The bmriai mas at Fox Lakte cemeterY. VOLO. Why Mit Pool? Wlîat warm up lust sinday eveiîing. Wlmo beat of you three lu playing? E. L. Httson an old etler of our viciaity departed for a better land ast Satusrday, atter being slck a tam days. Peter Wagner bial a bee Monday hauling tone for bis new 1bouse wlîicm will be build timlis aide of the river in Mlleury. droe ile"ev Too Late for Lutl Wek.) ~*~sJud.~m lili Wq. sd li Il" bel. Azbaifs --mma d«~ -- t qw .mifr. la orvm '10b is eomtewl, Ihm au for a tIbasidme hlm mcftly amuaomme et bia han"a.Proffly b. tnnrsaishlmeyem aveu bar. "Dartr," be amâl, "We'&Wn' itabad bout go doirs ta the fesel'no. It mua' b. nlgh *M fer 10<." That lrampas» in hbm kok: "T'791 amd't mind fer me, Imiter, rm botter now.rd ruther you'd go; Preelden 'rouage golu' te mpomk, an,' 1 mIlYo',aMI hWd' go aun' hear hlm Mebby, acmbow, yo'litfind the lrutI. If y. dou't, lb..,lVU may nothiâa' m 1111ruprofise y. ibsu nec -10 troubla about l no mor.Mebby ll'a aU a miataki. anyhom." and ha relUed hm ho" weeklyftrainaidteide, émalt hamore lidng udoer a burdoni that mas pumulerable instead of a "l>e thomgh bateful beliot The daughter rose Up and blamed hlm and mont out. The cloutiaecmomd thick about hem. Kor heart mausweet at the bottont. but her fatbor'a trouble isy over il. Out godIer thse tre Elchard mu peclng to and Ire, restleas and distraught S eh tol hlm whatber fater hadeedatI. Loetus go," ha anawered. promptly. "g.ela your father; It la due him." A half hour atterward thoy ontered the meeting-boume. It usa a largo. plein amUai, but nct wbolly umcomtortable. The body of lte building ma packed milS laymon, a largely forelgn, low-browod, duil, creou- lcnslcckimig people.' But one touch of scul- refiuementmua visible o thebeye, a chas- toned, patient, atarveti boit he f. ace of a wmm n er. and thora Most elme mmm blcmay fiah, sabura, tupid and ooarmely ted. The pulpit plattorta mas tldckly meat- md wltb oldersand apoalleoan sd ln their we are aorry te beur of lte sevare (100. iRaymond ta now morzmig frm a WIILPWPLAT»»wOu VA ICKLmat IM illess of Cors Auatin, of Fort uiljas. MousSat. lGao. Richardeon bas ms.iss theoFropbet, To beaails MM ofllm- e nd me boise for lier speedy recover. lakien tbe place ln the store. ofason Mytb lks - thta Aiimber of our Of Our citizenis Mimas.Iennie Complo mus out but sprtual. Tbeir *mlied bl rltlos Adriving mheîî J. Fulrwmtber'a dog Mramlîolf tu tbeir taces, tbomarnsof lcmbeflos mo i th îird degree utitte meetinig out sud caugltilbe torme itby th. noiemoe thora, sand Ou&a tam aoîtbhLn very lf tilîe aaoîiîc Bretlren 2Monday frigîîteniug ths anilmal m86l railsawaNY lites tmp 01cMCW throing he ldy ot an Injrinq As Trean and Eosrd advanoedoevr veniîg. tbrmîugtIi lad outsud uiuruqth uate a very plai priciting up of «Ma t ha mitil "0î litlIa orrom me record uier qulte badly. Sucb loge ouIt oe aieut Ibthe pintmght have heen dlscerned. lie departumne trou> our milet of Lilly killet onigitî. The PropbeV'a bard cotd eyes lit up mth aun [okit lielm occurred at the houLe of______ unptealg gbeazc4andais Prley'm beuvy moS ter faîbaer ou Ceutre Ave. eariy * foruel ait. The IV.> yontfg peuple -s f r l eh e s i h e l soi e O ft h o n dT R E A N ; I e ] M b p i e t o rd . . m t e r e m a r i a t to met deth's seul of ber brom andt - S imaipimeol Imtro bpiontsueof ng i ttlîme days 41ie aismered the soin- T EMORMONS AUHTPt bhlga pnnscie, to Mti paot o mitg mouta of 1119 ratIer u iwlmnsaie mal nioon te people. Amrog atier rather tut lier truslt. sse mas boni iin Moita. oauo oyom4f rog atomlbig samamrauces he, pruffered hss ville J.ji. ., 1Is7 and ut the ie orlimne <unof nooM09 i olowing: ier dealli mas 38 years 3 nutitlî aiàd ti t~t-'DV eali.1"Te mord of our leader anti }ropbet in 3 das u ag. lir bt mrîs lîili1 the morde!f Cod. We ,riit eè <ld, we 13er. fge l~ o 0tie t iwaîsiitl E LAmT NEEE. cn't couvez»e mtbHum, but lHe bas gîvei wee11si )ti.muls t t(,o AI ,tn IMe .,X Ul.] a aoan ltaI st ec"n talk tW suit tiereby orule' lriîigstg) Our lllsihebienom Rui Uah] m ill, jufit the saue as if GoS 11km- ,ig beautifuli ttiiuztl5 self wasa pressent witb un. 1iasu o murc ~murr.otirul ,alr,.it ~ sur. the A. AN EAIM a!rasd t.> riity alvatio inutthe baudset Timop.ul' îmc prawOpape C .107 Asri. Ibsdvloaioited oman than 1Iamte1 T',*"wpaiel.i .s wiy w îm, Ce. AIL int'..'. trust myseit in litse bandm oft h. Almigbty. The wrdâ ut 81w1y it-il1Mhl ellihil e wii l aima wrlgbt, sud lho ml tedal ou imu,u iired t.,l "iîred"anid ort'ER VIL.ight, if vo do as h. aya in every par- Il,î eyelawere ifiuS. ithe piteIou mia >">nous a Om Oauos ncMVM ta.ticulair. Ho tola the keym ot lite sud al- 1,.Ok 01, a tltil Ofut tie wmu ry Absh. Through a lait! quick t etAt vas.lon on tis eartit, sud yen may atrive sam WI.k- luy lthe iortil ,uîan kmî,w the young croupIe satospoecbemsbefora multsasyou plone andmi ot one o! you wmli The mye' ilS. dioped -and t ht' nAgb, tbim aeeming suspenmion et tife, then, wmml ever go threugb the traghstsud narrom galle tent Sown aud issit.en'O ,lt und mJ". I wb.aporefragmlents of ympatimsulfearloto O0m gHcly Klttgdomo xcpt yon go A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~t ,.lt "itIti ai i- ,.,- ie ptn 0the tallon omiit wIl mas tbrougbtthlie tralght rai ho pointaeout tb A Saudise ittu ie l the,der , Ss.-p. deati; te pr but pomerful frame lai IthO yo."l A ui u wtgb in u e liya ender *lap a dattonol rmin, anmitasien chook tetlOg oni To arise and meet the reapooaïbilty de- mu lowyad et litai e 11ideî- ttho cool floor, sud tegray bair tumbled pctod la Ibis, tbe vrtuel poatisen Of Gel ou 'The iimlit su bttedrgrs; d Outasproad.. iustantly thte daughier bal art, mwould doubtlesa bave appe&W t 1 .% d then a ruitie O l,'utUitOi. wi'. te mhite boad ilulber tap. mOgt mankinl a» a rutler dauntlug tlng. A .e'mt le bheuitvins Oft he br.'as.IlThe brandy in the t>pbo&M 1l' smite"MaI. Buttoth" mmanYoung it evidentiy beemed1 ,%I% .bu siilistlai-k ut the oongv tht' iinhç'. Ainiot with a eslnd. ElchâMrl pSol iithber luno bome beavy affair, tor h. arxisse and ly fleur Omselt. t .i.i,i,'d borne andtO roc outat-elcbod band; Iben 1h. dramo ipa, te piacoulhibi nelectual aheulder under ltse * - mwrinkled brom. te cdlect, lte crumPlel bal itmthoy blîneam. He mawaua vly- bisndmi, wore batbed sud rubbed, mild lt bult mmi, impramave in a way, sud wmoU on9 ROLLINS- sucithaine andmaroth m ouly a fefliciter- in yeasra, but bsagreat anmal emergy and eahîr.iog between wonlda caon exact. Proaoentiy gredy, traud-carring lorce mer. cleasrly ,Setîl youm item. Palir.Ileae.ffl the dit oye. epened. thomsi widoesel illiY, unsalated. lie spoito touchlly, yetl alter a Mns. C. W. Haumiltoni retttnmîed ho'e and te girl fetcbed aga.p of joy. UPOUtcitUie, wit a chrtaimi boat sud beavy baut- Tturduy. j moering that loutle m asof meidimig and sshaping eoUed msitte duli and paaalssvo Mrs. 0. A. Gihîntore amd daugitter massn betor. him. He deltgbted in literalinl- Mmt visited frienda liere Friday. terpt-etatiea. Indeed, upon cocasmn, we the maliter bie proentel ever no asimi- .1 bab)y boy came to giadden thue . s able, lte lingual vebie n mhlch he prof- ho)me ut Suuel Litwiler Sutîday. . ere i Il, W bthe decent, moul bave pie. îeîîy C.Edmrds as lectd .veite l ilereceptiemi. la trutit, gentlemen liery . dwads aëeleted0et lbaireflinementtit a, aller moe tta director ut sclmm'l uîeetitîg Stuttray eue discourite durlng hbi sistory, foit it lu- nigimt. cumbent te apologlze te lad"emote, hvug We met-e ail veîy sorry to her o ga ofujece hei g h. r UM be"ldelsit the deatiof Miss Lillianil ouk wliih ___Occlamiomi, boever, lb. ursa ainmomewma ucetrel ut Grayâl&ke. Sie wmusea"m esmer faister,amo later, bome extrav. oltI rasitielt 0 OluIutS. -git msi aomy mitttln amay cf nulansud entiola hega. < o lice off sud pas over to ____ hltuehearera momowuMei ormn.amia, DION ON BogHoiow.l\. - "'b. building ot Goda eatitbly ilugloa," DIGHTO (BigHollow) haeroarocl, -"for elgîtleon huandrel yearm itxe to reut ali . 0. Wake up. -.bas boom$ta"& , b&t You cm. For Or butter f"ctary Pal4 66 celtsslier tatlo s oitdra omiphrou a n Us- ew.for àMarclm milk. ât lleatbboM o!proboca mmd Aot ioilr Wi. Nelsonm of k.oiaville, mus a *'AT ,<,110'r rOauS m , terhalin ashottt- ,Ic ored te lb eala visiter boe i et meek. taeuneM ul two flamaohos, noel <ha e@m ieoçieesàmofctoul. th glory and iPoa Il eville, ut Grays Laite, mas ber. burosug amay througb <le glauy Mm 111104 bave @lem auo oue on. Wbeu a lie d, ista busios lat Tursly. ovrel the oye. tatelarel at bor, a <ruaimarty'r in theuec 0 o!Crist, 9a"OMaci ou1 amoallu huetY wetbroie outun9t if h omohal, Mdl th acarsoly mcOnd t tillbeLamb <batmM A$laem Have yotr mail citagel, me bave %*010 tamf-0 lvrod *ntb-ili' criedcm oaivy,God in Hlmmiedoum " love »W gt it. Whatl' Wiy, tt. t. o.tarte. tbe gil, Issifther 1 don't Yeu inmme-y11rr tospamthon eminao My banda. VTom, Trou "', lto my beong go plâcesi theu4taoched, Robert Dazifl Wua svictim Ofuta ',Wth an effort lb. at up, Sa t mtarit My p mlbtheb.lien co-lcf1InPb'-atl surprise lIattirday eve!slug bY bil h-,th- thtee" be<ttntoclisst!and l@M, >Im frinlaler. bsi'oateiloto my ho-o alacel sîttol drecor u ciare. ln a tcmeof boumaeIquiry* *'IlmIo't*0o <boalteapriof propbmcy, and oponel My oe Iletedseldoidircto noillgaris. y.'alnlwt bl tedl O.1 adarler, l'y eun l aem e hoangeail dglortea of the namoda Suulay achool mllIlie 'talitedI)m- hen!1I'Ve Mde&aviso 'or Iroauol a tirw-oalUnle mbe, amil oven 1ost1tail DMa dayAprl 2itl, at2 oclok, I ou MnImaI Ithougb w»la hmasil. perrit mn¶mltal I'rlethood. Pomer la gAves ac0<bai scmtoopl oue.t, aIOlO, a t Ourite l 5tt' eedl y. alyls' 1usd mth yo'r pore thiugitahousid Y us on earltare bcund lai gellol ious@ Cole, il, nd mlle ib troal cut for gain' 1h. uopassoaile in, Heavon; and tiinga un ounertit a aucceos -but yo' blisoil Il memel liv. a&' turnel <O &ared iel l ven. Our mail route liaits etsulet 10 Ben ire 'fiamem$auMrn a1l roune&me' " mmihtIvaluea, 1I lOto le amin athe Dome. Ha e tartel mwith thie mail humaI su' et loto me, M' ieODUMOl Put Il Gaiodet Ie e clar" u ort lTbeY bal't dyout 1.1OMI Pullpt ilcoutl1lkwusturrible I" meen hlm tor elgbteeu huodred yoatre; <beY Mouduy atnd iii carry il once adanmdb.iste emed tomrithe wîth thte Pamage r.ooivono revolaton tram Hlm; 99 ca't untîl J uiy let. el tiei. ory.aal; thlemu c-a ay my. Lelt tota ieep SomeOu ouglt ta tinoveliiost tIVOfather 1don , mind. ijmwu nth. Gefl; me don't maul lMm.,Our <el somoneougit o ernvisthofltwoingbutaIreant, sl e= laugbtor, 00O&eau li e »anditalited t. et mofýome amful atIuhI, limaIcame liser mzec- lugly, but mth a tucite~rrer inlaWvoscmm &wnl. lug a bugg, tbe igt outheb. acuc3 "h muwattsuly ma Iremufi-oyour <ebuuag l"Well, bretirez, Whsi do me mattWbY, -emtermult. On» timp mua very ers- aso much b. Ishnt eaay 01ale og mau ils<haeKiaglotaor G" sptealabreal tusilltI ously hurt. Have not huard auythîîîg 11v. fâtitar, and M' Vty 10 hO a gool 01 sha&"UIbM ewhoWa morld; 1111 eery"iue abwt theiabugg. boter than I bave hbeéulu isse mP- If 1 i a, eh" lboy. AM I t muai bo Goda Kingdom. Io loga'<t U-ogle n»uoex Grossnm i lmitrois Il ibrui Mu lie e eml BlggeM ofer yt. .&m ate s g o ld hb ond s lu » u Ie »iho mat tare bîpoe M , c by îê loe Iso le î betuJ. ohia Waffiy Ttwoo rec nam. ber. l'ho O. Great .tandard Aoiolv f4o OTte1100) . i lia.,i AColega Promident write: "For cae W bhthle iaeye fOnde the word moitgt. for pmeourmer etofdefini. l.. .for "mieuive metho.Imtu hidi- "otng praunelatieu. for teram yet re r -cev t _^ .l, , tcs ad for practlemi uon a. a worklug dlotionmry, 'Webmt.r's, ioternatle.mi .'xooim imyothor ain*ie Vo.Imo." G. V . MiMRrIAX CO., 1'ob1iihefs, n T bof ep-t m.,,Wi1 itir m,. meh et a meoom m raI, ,etor " aa.m. mm fer Yom laI - - patm"roi .0 thrt er %by the ".,vOum w» oomom eainah4b arg a ope" -m fo OMe ibom.»mrai 1-iausa. om~inàmamtI.. 2 9-WmmaWoeuFev. woem Coll.....9 8Tmbumcolie. C>ry4a. Waters .2 4-Dtam'ibet cfClmitimor à..uts ... C,-Ceemba. Cohia, Eroucdml.tb .... o U-NaUrmlgm., TOOthaobe. FaembOe. . .-U *-Rmeda*ma UiekMaabe. ventio.* 19-bIam. o. ,ft" umom ...... *8 18Cwm, mrnotte. Hazu . .... 18-àtalamIa. amu. Fuvr am Am l..... *o-Wrbausm coac ................. 2C-ftlduavDiama ... .......... 9BUwampalbi . ... .... i- k. ...... ... 34 LIBEBTYVILLE, O LEÂNIN G 1~ w ni -I a> gouf. w~ ~' 9, as -~ al~ . oe~ CI, à~ 'v -< ~D' < ( r- CD CD Cfl ~CD m91 D L MF, UeEYSt« STÂLLION IN SIR iOlm fer' iPA- ROTALIZ?, 643t, Rot :3 ;it 43 peruraenwi. reob fm . ILu234. lias 2Hprodicigw m o t RISaltoale .Tranafer. Iiîsmity daugitars. iRoyallst'a BM4.k, upi,' i'ro:, Wmuh*.mnBayilyfawist-r by Richagrds; Bl fOMIM (Coie FontWaikimnDalyPeieir. te. fatn f oyalty, 2;26; Rudat* W * A Sl.nomà d.F inMt.e ý,ri etl J' iIL 2:27ý1, Pt , texaiaer 2:21tBlu@ Rig P, J A ebletu lt'iOl'.Lf-r »IS le.1h ~2:26-z Fox M. T. lB. 2:34), Royallal, -Ati. Se C.lîtibto pAMuie. hc.t«rIl W.1 t1301k I Secod iaw by Signl. wich lItlas la itLc" uip J Tile* 44;, It a.1 . icIl :lieliais. ioyaliatt collaav*M w.ýt4-Iuandd 10 lt.akFm.t. w il, le »ISI s y and aliliot beIp being lic,u 3 '9 aitte U Fily A lb,.aý,uî nd'> <>cellelbiStellewts 1are bSol bande l e s tu . .t m u tNm u .t 1 k "ai ,- g. > m i - î e e . i ia m e ly T iols s y 1 ., 4 .y 11111111 ,4 t'L Yur-i lu CIil %letrn,.kil :11-' retird 2:3l4, lliniibemd g4smedl L ai,,' V'n. >it 'w f1î l i t 2 :1 7 . lt ty ali t n 16 .1 h a i fil.- i. lrîtîsin e' S ie ;, iiett 17t lîtghî ;and eighis -5 > I . Y o . a and. V- fitIl1 eo c h i1.1114 îîrîd . . in ake ltmi itake lieI hrabeîlng te 111Ie~ I.,,.,îa, t, I i..,.pa, .a, .., IIf you ii eh itt get a trtter, vo ai q9,Il . ......r litlargo driver or muils 11limn pa per tri. . ,ikiî age borne. it.Saio iik I and lia 1 2;l1IL b Iîaî îoud', sedd >to w dIr . . i" i ll V ii k e h f Stisa m f lu~ i a! M d% M ' san le Wn' 1.I. t.r«l,.,rn le,-,and i8 1i11 1 ,,ameudddS ,. :00eî' 1erme: $25.00 Ta Instare. Same 11)lIsaac to I ý". If andI SUi L - i vanteuad w d -. :o <*J J DETU Y I 1>tuttcbina td.. J tI. m 14,. i ki i-I aOS te iort, ..ide n lanud adjoiengeu 604 WasbînRton St, V4ukg"i Bani W Ituttm.rtit-d tu Adallis L Cola. ...~ ~ ~ ~Lti 'i .i waduLueFort wd lt.So WImgeHàafhr te bini,' E9Ilafor Il 4 ttiuth, ut i, dlu b18 5 i1.0 .. IMD Humenr cookt' ojoh l lPitt* Il« 30 M 2 Homertuoke'. vol, bln %J4612 w d Mn0 Barban ttiudolph ot ai toJac'>b Ilarbaro,. d"4 wk :% 3 0qc ...... ....... 0i Mucter in Cby tU> GtmBPrut> lt? ocý pt lwfîàUtI evd.... 4M0 GR EProut> te Adalino I'rutéiy Il t ,tnd pt Il i ue-t 643 luq v..... 4M1 J. P. WILLIAMS, The W.11 Ktown a 1 Exireienced WeI1 Digger vlt btilt ove outIl The «WHEEL 0F FORTUNE." "a l he c a It Nov, If jeu a"a thiniimiofI aving a wt'uî Sug cr au cl ou@ repared. I a-t qut.onire 1Itâ pleas, o u. Ifyl elt me Smg Seoeougit.,for limai thUt.fallure ln muet Weill§, MPy Prbca. Are: Fur digging and bricking Wells &beut fou foot in lîamnter. fIS1111 elt C. »it 10 footl 61.0& maille 81.30, oel 29 tafoot 0.0.noxI là test 111,.partacot. pur veil» i tent lu diffletcr. irut20 fft M515.for voela ls wt t me - 1mor S e*t ffolot proapwcitfl itI 2 or* Inch mogor dut » et e10mperfont --oeil Steeol , 'A e Diii ObaI SOctepar fntfol lhehatop 01 the <round or the boto f cnci vela, but noc charge fer borliuginnDov veil umnie«tae ownêtn siops me trou dlig DUdeeper. Otean- bag out mal repalring *Id voila 60 atm Pur hour Mol turnisah batp. p"t&meabaving voit dooe muai furnili board fer italp. brick for weil Msd cment fcr tb. top modlhumimar for corbtg. Il nemdedl. ouly on jobs vhthînIvo miles of hbe. tb.u Imbu hbourd myoif amol .;p: mrkIo0be doue lita i00 veknimiilkO manuer Mdl ho mte tu, go leo n ut &DY limeý. 1 PortertelaIfI the Ovimor canant inapoul My mark. thal b ool a motnc omiDmin-sei o m go dovu and uo thal I am olinga ali tae% a b.dons, a"S that milbelp uy reputalloit andsatsfy him - 1 bavedug and iOp5irelM Wvlls 8mcftrIn laie oa.. and eut of O87101. vltbin Ivo miles ot hoe1me 8o e evola nd 1 realtY tinî tey ver. Il Ibamikfol fer the amaIl uI,% mhbhIl qoM iton for mY llme.t I cao Vive the nammu eot very one 1 have louea aob for ince Autg. 20. 18tand 1il muglad 1 have got the credîl o0f aimOui evo"rY Ooe. ePeC&UF rigbt eI home, for Injioz my bout 10 bave <hein plmqly o! mater. liarsatterI viiiatlom s lcouint of live par 4eit tIm abovê pi-louafor esb -on mlH joba mbat 'arnount <o, ovrmiwl m do"a ia ge ahapéuuu hoS4<th lu yeuah or ldua bit 10. gIUlrspml&voa1 r t< t ohae 001NO OTuH:' Ia. I .u .Uo,pu noorm mi 4 t 2SU4 i livorm 54510 4 G mar 48to. a 0ea 2ae malaertim 910 la1 Ruaacht tariel 018 I20 inMa... .m Sommeil s Gurnao O911 W a m tono9 17i S Rveroit ilS20 4... à li = Id di 7 s i u . ... 12 .8 C b ioago . a wive.7 14 09 01 0 lé 1 a SUNDAT TRAINS. Lv. LIberyvlle 5tP. u. Ar. Ecodout Lv.Iàboyv mel*lo : m . Ar < iu Lv.bS Ouag :Ua.atA hiaiaw LV.UbotyvlmS40 P.Ar J L . C hia go ltdi p. ma"lr Gozzo noms., Aulabla..T......... Plc i i. - -..éai1 9 .. L a t h i b e a . . .. 848 1 2 6 e a à MÀOhftell...... U 0go pa L a iso v illa .: ..". O S ! U Ij. SU S I Gozze ot fu. im. .........m8 a .. LaheVîlia. 45 1 w0S ecw llj alim ondy Klein, Joliet £&EKm 4mPm arrive -. .ana"n .ip 4:w Pm de Iodmi .LiP z ...x od Il n SUp............. Pum1 .. L&mopd kI-la ... 1

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