Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Apr 1895, p. 7

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ittoBpvtI1, IbaYegiv*fbe U00d'sasti-AmeTrB. the ,eM it l auéh the asqHL con~lig aamo~ <mgUB, n ae 1 Ihave <ien it te her Wo- like -*0e thloila l hb cots o.AIthe ah.0haM d cagodaptt sdselokeu ceUtoned. _When Edmaond Abo« tYAL BAKING POWDER noug6 . Aoyl the li.hmI baetoeenagettand @ee h waa in Greeee. b.ecanied matters Ao» ýbess;Fcedûdwei. hve ee agret Ufere wth far as te obJeet te eatiug green PeaFh- is the prs n togs ,~t3LntItUp.lood'msar'- headache and rheflmatwsm. 1havetakefi es. ne was la the bazaar at Athens.prs nu srne. ýjq~otbôy true biod purifier Hood's Sarsaparilia. 1 arnnw ei n W*~ouldn't it lie posible to get soins0 baking powde ma . hs %ya bepuli oeto-day. have gainait in etrength. My husband ripbe peaehe*r' ho asked the vender. IIodarmpaila ithe best waâ verY ackansal undon. illade- " hikDt, nwee.ueAh-received the highest award at the U.S ln the spring. it wlli cided to give hlm Hoods Saraail'na te taxçl css'o eknaad lhe egan to gain, and now lie han But pry tel me wl»'. a0d t al ,ag i isn sflo es andygtwrkee-,Ydan."MîîANNE "We have o good rods. if te Gov't 6fficial investigation, a a b a& pemember, DUN LA Pl 3SJ E. 4th St., S. Boston, Mana. farineras bouid try to bring ripe fruit t ra nentoa Expositions and to market on niule-back, it wouid ar- teGetItrainl- i ~ ~ l' ém ma!'yW ' I~rive lni the shape of marnialade." L 0 o s - a s - a f l "But et Corfu, aime, the penches were World's Fairs wherever exhibited in green, and there they have good ronde. cm eiinwt tes O IIVand bring the fruit te town Ini wag- cm eiinwt tes J"Ah, well,"* sait! the ma., "there la It makes the finest, lightest, sweetest, anoherreaon.The farmers have ne ruS o -money. and tbcy have creditora. They most wholesome bread, cake and pastry. rue Bt od Pu ifer 't atfortfruiît te get ipe." f ý1 iThere. saya About, you hiave a fair More economical than any other leaven- ýp0l0 o an d sinl Humas Skis! LAGRADOR'ICEBERGS. exemple of the ulule of Grecian agri-d1 atAtanta over the attenlpt o0f Sen byhiMoolght eud in the Vagh of cAlren adnr eiga ny-ing agent. i thure by roupe 0f linda- A rechrywi er, n scatclyny- ',ubqMlaitudcnt to havethie ski, f ath-1rreBocli.e~, oticed ftint the Greeka had aimont = taxed and made into a pair of -b io-bud oat ar- or vegetables in their gnrdeua-tolnaf- Of other ParsOf the l renhoedeu g.uand fIlakngdcs, tocns ele.yhradscre loSatrY sucb vicons Inclinations have ehppa.adorr-lkigocstigese mOme t lgbt. But ail Or tbis l0 Dot ail the more desointe lu appearance *'Wby don't you rmine other thinga?" K fl i 9 16WL T. r-o wftbout a precedeit. and iniht, too. lu ta aebe hontgte nleakd AprLtq o.Yu "tjy Engiaad and cîvîlizeti France. toeherej soit la just right. Yeuu ould malle a Clo h ls Thor areseveal aseswhe ha tai u Entering through aome narrow fine thing of ILt1. I ifUuiali YODAtein.o ski usd iwa hat Pf s a er a ench r frthese Ilad roct- with ewe . We sometimies ineet with men whO The water f the ocean la varied by I* n b s b e s d t dbook.h e1 taeariych rs or th nig l i "rck 1H o w s u l s o l e g crop a"' M o ntn t th ln k f t a a y Ind u lgen ce o f im pu ritie !, an di b y th e colorln g effec îs some notorlous criminel, Who bas an!- but ai;fri stcdneos "utu er ttelnei. affectionate feeling la weaknesa. They of the euormfoul multitudes ef varloimi ftred the test penalty of fie law lu work te navigate the Labrador watrs "Four year>! Are you crazy? Dowllrurfrna orendgetorafornidltewicso- Ulngani. There are two books Po . aftrdrk. The narrow passages li- ou suppose we woud spnd money to iirtr rn oreadgetfrao'raidlrwihnm bounti namneiy, Sir John Check'* Hurt tweeD the Isands, both along the LaI> gel aomething back In four yeurs? We their familles wthb a distant dliity, tumes lutait the naturel color of the sur- « i oln, andi Bralthwutc .a Arca- rador anddlu the Newtoundl5lid baya. ahouldtie bankrupt twcnty imes over" andi move among thoir chiltiren witb face of Uic @ca andi tinge extensive dimu Prlacema, whieb were both boundar lidtckeanapygofr the coid and lofty apleador of an Ice- areas with reimarkabie colora. RIed 0&. tu the prepared skia of Miary Bateman, la seemai as If the Ma had reacheti out UWS OTPNM . berg, aurrounded ýWlth ils broken frsS- appeara te lie most trequently met tbe Yorksbre wltc. who was executed fainy tngers and ticked Uic rocky mnte.- There la bardly a More nunai- with. la Uic southern parts of the .b ltithe aiiy part o! the century for mur- rita 0f the Coast until il split fitnaides Neglecttna a h yWbieh Ought to De urai ai&%t on earth"tiasone of those lRed Boa andi lu UicArabian Gulf large Î, ,.~. Tora..-sevra ...... l Pais grm. augter Due l'ow. familles without'a. hart. A father bad aas are coloreti blood-rcd by micro- lm ________________________ One evenlng we found ogiýOtese O eea ptcbiS teel otter eitlngulsh bis boy*8oyes than sople animalculeis, und la the Indian tickies acariy blocked by a junge ice- more foollsh method et taking lirefate away bis boavt. Who thât bus cx- (>cetantiar forma of lire cause, in b berg which lied tiiftcd mbinto uad eazy Ua by deferring au obvions perienceil Uic joys of frienahlp, and addition te reti, millt-whlte or yeÏloWw'm -grounded. We paedl near eaough te duty. Especlally fooiiah la the per- valnu sympathy and affection, wouid spots of greut extent, the appearilfce Z à wou's mr£mm CG <gy edl is@ chillIng breabli. andte t have son who postpones thé work of cleans- net rather loge ail that la beautlful lài ef wbich le frcquently aiarnig to theC throwa a biscuit os IL. as thc saîlora Iag bita boct. There are mfaiiy rea- Nature's Bcenery tbaa h. robbed ot the Ignorant saler. Off the Guinea Coiat 19 n 3111114. A POlblUt àAdiU say. Ile had baAily ancbored lauichesons wby thia work shoult ibe donc u idihtden treasture of bis heart? Who ships someliflea appeate hoat ln himilk. laegs" reat Daqer. Iarbor before we laard tendi reports the spring. This la the cleausiitg mca- would flot rather follow bis chîldtet the Extensive red streuka are aiso kaowi la rapld successin, lke the flriug or!son andi the blooti needa cleanslng be- grave titan entomb is parental affec- 1ecoccur ln the SonuhAtlantic and (ag" eus - ,nl at hey=Lo&g iIledre1o fore ail thînga cisc. That'tireti fel- thon? Cberlsh then, yoDr beart's beat ScIiU Pacifiec, which are causet i yi neDostasig lu a wsn5cy f>, we. aoeIng la due ho a vitiateti conditIon of the affections. Idlol i amat ot taairdeutca h 4 W bmt 1 do? Wbere osh i tue height8 that surrouaded the basin vital fini&. The pîmiples andi other gnsblug emotions of paternal love. "Vermillon $ea" of California Owenlils I1 -te?" ~ksowu not. ThheUcPeak o e irIeberg swayîag slowty cruPtoms wbicb appear are Indications Thiak It not a weorlnema. Teach yoar britlant color ho Infusoria. Areas col- «Y peso1o941&7ayram e«Miand majestIcally te sud fri-, anti finally tuat ilebcblood bas become loaded wlth chiltiren te love, ho love tbe.roue. the ored green bave been noteti, especilly e. ova, 5mi dlsappeatiniL, a peek of different shape Impurtleu wblch shoulti lie expelied et robin; te love their parents, their Goti. la Uie arcttc regions;, wblch are due t0 bacalet l a ti a, risia; ap froni behisti the beiglit anti Once, la no other way can-bealîhlie oLet lillh. the studieti obecet of their Inyrinids of diatoma andi ln nome pur- o ules h tak. lis laeainltaimed. Now there lo but oe file domestlc culture 1e give them iWarmn lions ofthie antarctic seas diatoma of usee<.Who .&MTheY «Y Uiat au avalanche la some- blood Puriier pronitnently lauic ePub- heurts, ardent affections. Blnd your rusty color make the watcr a lrty aulerhunotues ti sf e dclately poised Uhal the vi- lic oye to-day, and that la Hood'a Bar- wboie family together by strong corde. browii. te b.dy and mlad brtons frein a sbout or a bLad-clap saparilai. By taklng a fcw bottiez of YuTon nut make thons 100 utrong. hEolte lasso snst éat net Ws-i tartItIlon ita destrucltive coursetis gi-cal blooti cleanaîag Medicine TeEotto <oris ozaplainLi a"t posaâly th wash frein or steam-the badiy hebt eu b ale haut up go Liii. a Machine. Of medîcinal ageats la gradually rele- lay, tbrough nn- * oer lad diniurtols e t cebrgs %equlli- liat When Uic varn wcather Coules Whlcb kept la order iruns umootbly and gatiig the oltiiilOherbe. pills, dranglits tg ;iao.esty, do net it.A ugbhc so os nithe si-atens viii lie able te meint the regularly. se the bowelu keep nit their action aad vegotabie extractl; ho the rear anti fo anty cia ni, h.NrhenLîlita tbhrodl binte tebilia ing affects of fie lheateti uen- Il measmres are taken ta heep lbem lu goal bringing luho gimeraiunue the pleasant formnoa'» dreasi lbcr Uic.o ttter eg*sPa a tsi.Tho bo s-h tart s-lihgood bliali workiug a-der. Thbisntters. of courueblunt anti effective llqidilaxitive, Myrup of .KAnieîstinL -lscy 'skf so linI 1w icbergs pea wau t - iuey re eu o! rder. The are outeco oe Fg5. o gelThee ruc omedreccotutui m e v n» t hcS 'e W te i m es b a th e ti ln s lv er, at ti mtes lu a lu the p r n g , g iven th e i b y a ille r- lim a la t a o te t rsTam c i uter .h e m a u a t ru e y ic C ai o re ta l Fi .Sek for hélit. cicar tiansincent crimson. ltlsn't or- ongh Cleansing of the blood by Hood's laxative rand but effective. wbicb la aise asie byail iatiiu Taille lamingcou- to A fin a ettrbinado of teepm, garsapanlihu, u-ilhlielkciy 10 pasa n'emedy for dyqSppaa. malaria. rheumt nino ol.Frmebyallaii thing agu 15 moeiiglitandti *OrtheuuLglts; ,a throug be ti umer Wtthouh sciions Drvaitiesu d klduey trouble. am drugglsta, .lp «imnts ofThefeeling tcat Iunigt neyer ain beliold I llnesa, anti s-boatUicaultmn come- The 011 glands of the skia are most Ilta said Unit the laie Hans von Bu- ueuilr etsDcban cxutsle aces'.,I reaoc i th e ifngti t Uey aredsuplle aueroa luraces living unuler bbc 10w lctI direction4 that'a peut morten and tu most es for hebure ou dock watching I. St lUisrnt -lh hylxinyrtropical because the ou la naturc'a pro- examination et bis brain sheult ibe Msllueedily. Lydie, Niehohis. knoet h laI sason before. The tection againatthUic eat of tUc sun.. Iumadtie 10n5etaui Uic cause of bhe cx- tend fibaliya " lu aho wr tdaai Ucbot atebot coDaîrlealits action la Otton asalal- cruciating bentiache froinwhlcb lic was ansi libcrallly bavebio la the Af rîcan Wildsq . plglueef ef b mont Important cd by Uic application of vegetable or a lcngafer. Teaopyr- <lya iavcy..asEvcy epedbloi tib 11 hert f utis e th Maon, because pure animal col. veaicti the tact liaI Uic end f the ranssd ceasiolleat Africa lias Io provide itait wibl u cr- blooti means gooti healbb, anti gocti nerves bati becomae Imbeddted luna scar uans of relief. rî'uey of Poine kînti, money betuîg o! De helh la esentialbi th appinesa Thre xowest Rates £ver' Made1t0 hofo!an mi-y to thebrain, Wblch lie hati Ne Veinua haul use in the luserior. Neuriy eigliby imn andtet the hlghffst nctuliesa lu thc South rfcelveti la chiltihooi., 'n fr baee garersîlrd1 ransprtth ('rrn- rnd. __________Witt lie ln effect via the Louisville sn.l Elletata fie der ec o h aeSrGrh lra'iMs Nashiville Railroati on Nfacch 5. April 2 An lusect lnuts second stage of devel- 8h. cn M Pn-ar C310ad I oMite r oto ove-Wutiut; ader Diiculitc. anti 30, 1895. Round trip tickets viiillie opinent ta callet pupa froin a fancleti hnum, %rom.n k-soin ii t fReattufet ui o! cottoi Cesare Cauble, wluo tiet i tlanu this soldtep10npe inluKentucky Tennesse, e. seilnln ie it b 1tetht Iu main, wvtoant rsr tte va- sz, vol o! everl iide"e quiltes sdof bi auîr cvoyars ago.,iras the Alabama, Mississippi, Géooruia and NWc,4eie sc ssp s-l ..Irnson o br s- mx.De vaios lns.brsa Ianaiticope- a bout baif dia regulsîr rates. Asîk dents to bandage Ibeir Infants. ae ofthec vaut armyoet s-orn e -hwrit4 wlre. inallooking-glasaca. etc_ -ft 1,, tory, " antio! a novel. Wieli knowîi and yoac ticket agent about l. anti if le con te Uri. Pinkham t Lynn. Mass-, and -004tiuc" snrY." anys b(ltatlc;Ir Ger- stili p<ptiar lna îîî>, iiose tille ls ituall yenexcursion tickets tWrîte tu bv o envtoiPa' u p tseiwc you ea . IOnly awo a idluis .ii e o ie e p e to , N argheria 'us erla. This story lie C. T.Atm re, Generai Passenger Afor, CoavnstiOl i t hoi ) Pau.l Cure " a u dertan a oma i àlus."'-tld i itsen rrie o b uxe lh î itlguce sroe when la prison fr a politicul Loui Cv i . I. e.L CrsN W . fr C stm in ur 2 yao- iz z A ro ine al actres, ina s iter te -t a eq ietelts nelgneP AC iao i E R L ,Cm tU r" rP . a ni. ;Inkham, sas: - al; il) tbee cbauge or fashloiz lu differenit offense la 1833-4.. le s-rote it on pleces . ,aà l. 5L.. n, no mgietefu> L>llqe.,frUo e apnst 0 h f tora Putter, sucb as lbe conîtipro- The riglit kinti of repentance not only The Malvation Army Wur Cry bus a lui condition 1I ssanla hen 1 iist irrote large andi bright bine 1kad wb tes mt cure. vi1tlîa tootuîpick anti hik madie means ho stop dolug vrong but 10 begin circulation of 52,000,000 copies, prînt- te jou. of-s M O10 'Ili etrvar irss agerly sougltafter ini a en rmte nf facandile, webletoigrgt d ta forby languilges. -or Any one eu5e. 1 lti dsitl t nIfer atings of s-heu ,dilubet i vth ceffol s- aber. The wonk ,-, 'a »r.- àila a monument o! indefatigable Indus-LJ~lLTl î w fI¶~I~D~N . an~ s-oked h ay ow d aa ieroir Wead marpk-uet., ry. He wsa snative of Brirlo, la the ~ " systrany wno*Ut-ie. tugi the n ai-bofteProvince or Coino. b tereti fren omi s-ile ilt-aplace aU alnteio!l. ________ trouble andt tai el-lettre, ins beeu takzen by a stuail ~ ce~btieRgIOe lns eonstantiy. I *hIta or reti one. Or. perbais. s-bat rhetah: onl Itoevy ra la ieven more cnît>rrsasiig te0 hu trav- cause but the trueco-bmiiigestion. Sa 'I pn l.h cir. beadu nily lie temperarily out or fcîv2epIe know syhat indigestioîaiy et doCIos fashion altgeblansdhie ci-y hb i no e ae lb.Te cure *** é U 8IIO iiowt CSS1 43tIg for tual eilsof rqgh brs@ ire 1ta Ripaiiu abnîcu. Asingle one givea e 3110Imuy __________lithe___tonlalir.As yu druggli. "IF AT FI RST Y O U D O'T *mnoey tiie mattera lit secî he icladies of thse UnelleSainl Ss-ldied. i. ý.., e liftrap. ribe. irbo a ggert lIser arbltrary nights omeoneuasitednceSnot 'ÈÏA l- dy et andt heir aanopoly ofthante lai malteri of a goiti brick. Iu bhc vaults o! the SU OO EED , 0* i I fdes-ee hnta rs osasminI ai Carson, Ncv., a bar o! coniuso- a tu1lu Oof nu iaore than a tes- drings ot beadà sitlon tvas substitnted for one e! goltI. * in ela voiythiag. 1'hsnk lu oUn11or a neckbice 0! vre--lith hesaine (Itier substitutionsa arc believedt i ave Y thousa ltimes for s-bat vour knos-lotge scei~~ ecii:tOla ieole eamteat cgvrietl at sud Lydfa 9. Pitkt-ha*'Vegîtabie Coins- acesu dtruntona h terbe aean h oçnmn ss d uaad *m for ue ." duughters f Ee itPaisanti Loudoni. tehave tt$100,000. armotu-S P ' -.-i re uptýMç =1I 'Svry Tle i-sesaoftIis seer ilibe pieaed te SPýt Dlsco egr u a hobatls ce la ai diseuse tmenons on the pàInijir surface o! thlce ths scenc h Su blete.ette.,ln n ls banda anti et. ingera anti tocs, sbei-e "' '01 UI* ~~~~ stare. adiht la catai-ch. lianl'a C)Aarrh' CureIndbli-r. jatei;:aehy po ieCur.o e M BWov nie mal- tbcY lare arranged Indul »a KENNELFIIWW 1.51 ~tts.i(ltri-lib"la a conttutlonal- KE N dIs.oua, requiesu a conibltuttbcusui-annrent.Wataorisy nual EI&sl' Calairh Cure la takten laternilliy actiig hta rnrymnes DV du-ecu an ieboeadindmucau iuR 5EI andthUe way lhe cals il voulti t theu bi vcmi0 1h nie T tbereby deseagthe feandatilaio laeoigotfi y liED ICAL O ISCOIVE Il 1 bZeog egv the aue s adivla¶ t iepatient aturesa oayrpcla nueaA ou- ____ budinagtup hie conbtIon 5i5i5~î ta.,=os c- hTuui uuameu paveedDllrf ra sIbatbi gestion Ona. 'diQgvercd In one of our common cure. liead for it aofTetlaofilai. fam i anefiie àm liV da-re . ...cHb-RY d& CO., Toledo 0. thaefien 6=ametoS vba do flot ni@4s BeecharF's pilla ar'2 iousness, sic&'C a= ziness, dyspepsia- b4 in the rnouth, heartbi* pid liver, foui breathl skin, coated tongue, pi losu of appetite, etc., caused by constipatiol constipation is the Mt~ quent cause cf ail ol eue of ibe moatIil-pWl5Fý = iaamore Usha ll fleics srld,eapeisly0*oicu&'Wu dru Irs'.ors-IeÊPMcC lit.. ew York. I'iU&,io »urslthae a muses to a 1Icou.d ,,witete malrndilCutouhluer1s iittla. Ely** Orueso cuo-ed <.-Musrcia Go'e Shmoai, Raucoy, NO MORE ti Bey ter fer île. ss deS wthitIreuatim e in fr 260. s 00 YnuI ILlu - a'i

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