Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1895, p. 1

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f C. PADDOCK. EDiTos. L 3. N o. 30. 1,11 TO FEAR GOD. TELL TH4,E 2TRUTH ANDJ MA KE MONk>' -Libertyvilte, Lake County. Illinois, Friday, May 10, 1895. PRICEa 5 OEMI!8PSU $1.50, in advmi Co ty+ ndeDendLentl Why Peope Love Yau. SoissorlnctumS. MILLBURN. *VVAAIeJ LUUjM~A1 llteauae ou dont inti fault. The DuPage county Board of Sup- We ait miss the absentees this week Becausé yen don't eontradiet people. estet< ervislors have decided to hold monthly Aragmnsf Cîde'Da ýl«àtmnonindependant. If you are sure you are- rilihti. Arneet o lidelsD Lake Zurich Indentnel fl«RautOyou Iare net1 icqulstit-e about the meetings. are tender way. -ANXD-- affaira or even your mulet intimt find. i Wheaton Coilege la about to eroct O0RAy& LAKIE INDEPENDENT. flaaueyo)udo)tunderateartythlng si@lm. a lady's hall to, coat tbîrty-five or Mucli needed rain bas corne and piy béaume you dor't pose. it.frytosdlas. gratitude la in order. Fr%"ikaqVetya*. erauie you dont belleve tiet everyî>oayfottbuadolrs Mrs. J. M. Strang &peut a few dayd LUUERTY VILLE. ILLINtOIS. Oise ln the worid la ba pier thaïe yoe. Fishermen wilI wat until J une firetwihr.ed t8oe. 1711111otor of LakeoCounty) for tbelr eererail Benautta you doit ootude tbat yoleblia, before casting thoir nets li Wlsconsln i fensatkc l '*»*Mesa4 vlcatmuesge aie he nd aNet e-er hadn' potunItiýetluu lte. Ilyoelakes. There la a law whlch catches 0. S. Hughes bas been the guest of «M gq--*y petb 0m ak ac nl i ettat . 1d1, b-l-v, Ilth. ai yubefore that date, his bis smter Mrs. Emtma Straug. 1 ADVNTSI4G ATS.Beeauée you donrt go unitiy. on the ppieu Now we are already for you. Corne Misses Mamie Thtîti and Carrne tietievegytody k nowil lenu. 1w 5w i Sver I i as IBm Uallyr Recaàume yon are not rude to your inferlors on wltb your Job Prittng. We catiBitter dirove Up to Ketiosha fur a v lait. 179mol$ l i Ill!a t clral position. -W. 9. Belî.L. turti out fancy, or plain. work, wttti upt. Dodge went tu Grange Hall. 9_1_12__ taste and dispatch Prices the lowest. Iast bunday wo re-organize the Suadity 15 COMINO EVENTS. ~Only one man in every twenty-veahotlr. Io ?4-_Tr~ Memorial Sunday, May 26. who iseek to enlst in the United Mrs. J. C. Cory bas been out on a 1 4180 e 1W 1 1 0 b Decoration Delly, Tbîîrsday May 30. States army, il§ accepted. It takres a vint triher parents, Mr. aud Mms. _ I i i DuPage eoiinty only bas three sound man in theee peaceful tintes tri James Pollock. SPr MM ddl1lamal for Front Ipagu 0, prisoners Ilulher jall; -buît Lake county get Into TJncle Sam'a service. Thoà. Dodge, of Michigan, a brother .*s«l intia.. funshes such a palace and good 'Boards of EducatloAi should adopt of Mrs. Dr. Taylor bas& been a guest &MW MKooem terre Sl.per line for fleu in. rations, that aile always bas plenty of problbitory laws agalnst the cigarette hiere a tow days. , ÀblUanad Sve cone.porlino for eacle uti- free boarders. anud Dot allow stridents to attend Fred Hotman and Paator Harrié 4iimoto.Th@olos ryinig standing de Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade scoool. if tbey are addlcted to tbelr atteuded the I)eerfteld Sutnday réchool ýM1mV8 lotisA t mota pttr line, stralghbt.covnina eetsj Ilsaae SU per loch for firat Urne and ifBt>' Monday was steady. (>fferings, 82,- use elîher in or out ot school lionrs. ctueioasdlge.. MOM per lnch for eacb aubsequent hIiiertIon. 5410 pountis. Sales, 44,2m41 potinds lat Gov- Altgeld lias recentiy rmoved Mr@. î$tarkweather found three ab *by i acharge forticherrin &IIIo v a ao ioesli,, 11.,, 1e;on îhe prison boundry lhue fartber norîli. pupis in voie@ culture itnaedîately on tla " elers.adve r a g n fort b &rcInt' made eve r ao lce ts e. , have blssesî soChester prison w îîî receve ber consent t teach. W e trust.lier , a amdir payabe. t omenanth m n ttheSeveratioti th oa we haek <m sd ail agreata-r num ber than liretofore a d cla sà w ii grow. sise & pyabe.191of nce Mrete.tits ectontir pat ovek nd ilrelieve the crowded condition àt PastoT Harris came into the tille . J Printing hIs . 0. D. arr - AdrtismenL4 créatioti reîioies-%Verdîîirp adhloti- Jlit.f --Grndfatther" by the bîrth a little hInbl aAdvxilie. io ail n<t Iterau <)peu<tse os e-ervwthere. The rati emuSon 10 Rev. Ellwarti A. Ilarris, oh 40»tWite pe et -d.2 o ju.O-l tin lime 10 redeem the landi from I ie asofvr, fap.'LL' -,r[and, Ma% -Ztd. SinleCopeî5 cnt eshZ fr l. a threatened drowth. au ax to griti. h'le wen[t to hies own ýDsil SubipionPrce, $1.50 pr Yargrintistone anti took clo0f hî.- own 1ev. A. R. Waliac. of tie Dsil Subsiptin Pice, SI .0, et Var. Our ws arai editoriai,- <buit milk, 1lovs 10 grixîd tii. But this la a ;'ro- sure t~ i rt- a teershee H. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. mail <itii as ger s.-r'i v on the E.e dm thsreiei tmes gre>s,ýe age. Now-a-davs if a man i sati~utt il. asltg _______J.___& E.Il. Il. BtIlLii-'are a< l lia,, <iii <iand grîrîl hautatreightwa' la' EDlshhknyStlio. iearigi fruit, Tht-onue lat week i down ant ni--ilers how lie cati n Il.on- Enihncslsalo. i waked tip îthe- peoplie andt ltelime ~îi .t etanwp .rra t tîAtther insci tition bhas ieeli cnt ini liiagntaoter. tandartl-Ureti. lfrgit*tr.-l N nowripefor w«lion.Dont î î Ie tearalnbruteniou1cme. 4^ 34. 16 a dalk bey. L-24 a1aatb tt<ilakeep th s iêc ot as thtelfatiil for hl.rtealof "Uncle Ptives- This foi foti i..liet ffl;ir,-d tb>W r. n,.andat voî wlI get it vet îiî.,morîh. An excIIangeaptIs aska Whén the tho>se wbo cume later. alio krew lîîm Pusertougit. N,,rtbant-,. Etiriati: sire IL4rti breezv bloomers are the universal go, wîll Ht forget. oi the marier î4*lîdatta il> va-k 11t,. If %.oitiwaîîl to el1, ont home Il,,w wil tailors press the ceases intci. e.rot ucii Wlder(lB>. EKîngunter -;-., imptrtt-d it palier, orllier ail voter Lt-gaI., Adt- I Newport la iwra ahn 13mb>' urgetat, Brasa .of We.-, antid ncrîr~.Ee-trs them I'd like to, know? When the asecond otese aretxbld. If îlectredit boUghtby C. 3. Koirt. of LII.ryviIe litt. ~. a iitao',Ee io' ax sae babvl's lieadl is riodding anld want8 to of soute gooti work over Anitrew use Fat étk lt how. Chiag-o. Ika-ta-i'-r l» other niotices, ptîblialied in the take auî, how eau mamma luit lber Strang's way tuust lie dîvideti betweeiî argriaslter iatk thet- preami.itu il, INDEPEIDESNT. NWe a Ill gtarantee darliug ina bifrucated lap? Wlien the the machine andi the workuieîîltere claseat Iludînâta ta-Fuir t- Iln<iatapolit cretl-giîîblatO,îontc cekens go a grub bing lu the garden will lio a gooti share for both. Ida5 againat a lat-te Iei « ýf l<otr- Il, a- and file certifhcates of name, savingIntesrgowciBrdetso" ihtod î-sonsftt om look lMpreUlIUnt aI#îleFua ai -kfirt p4uhw aiBide<soo ih go iwscmsfrn.u Cimcau andt 1el let-noer .of tl prizer, you ail that troublle. H. C. Paddock, the creature, with no skirts 10 t4op neighbors lte Baptisa at Russell. He vetiia l: lb- H,rs.-mt. tlhri.r, -a tttuePublia-ht-t. andti ling. They bave imuveti their ehurch lîto aalaiwhcl l li,- l..,t atai A maiden lady inlu okport keep.,a ¶The DuPage County Lawyea-a are toandtt a great irncrease in ail lhues hers fur 1-t0,wîîaî aa.y ity arotthtawar ad . is hit amanifest. Thier pastor Mr. Hunter auot siata. w i ,ba.t-hrs- ui,ii -l>arro ta wera. atia-snvthatgettiug to the front. Jutige Gary basbabonutrgsdIbpelehia irood price.. cuita-r f-er ,;. 1,1 i ra t e. iotr art t o h a a b -b sbe niii a dtepo l ii wrkn. t-wsI ttat- h e taxo. she osYthmi ss alately been appointed General Counset mmmd to vok. Cungrattuations . al o;nt.l~ii..~ u.ltnd~rmî~h mtiorwoanroad Compan; and also generaiThte proaera;breakirg a1 agosrtt-i-l, . tri.,ttt futaa- hta ea wor-e etiemN ia ora(opiý,frteWsen pr-barni "id sttîikîrg a Wood pirè ant or alevnât aý.t>forfit tilv- sud tareaa ldfia roaWho standrteWesîerntandr1-ovrtmng it, 10ok fright. rt)an il thoatmotnnit -nt- lePrtri, alleti frent htt ark,, it heur ntiment. Hf- is alsai General counsel for waya-got tîroutgh or t-ver three tolnga-tt-r and ti i it-tttngint tlu snoba-r aîwsmoa 0t-ak Ib-rseveral latrge corporations- ant isla aid tence, -tiîî arrt-sted by W. J. White home in le hefi f)t i- IIu tmtes andti -oabout the- teputation of tb ite tte ligliest talarietl altortneY lu Tbhe pbleton îs a wreck, hurse uniuirt. viidcteIÀ 1, Ikr .iaater A iago - - Aufge exerîence itefel the - vîîidAp.ita-Laiing wrltlit-ieit-ttarhot t wr.iA an Adminjtratora Notee goti tia', to trett slurrîig remark- Knaaee i.îat- - a-n -ie.Bîgw<iu aij n PUBLIC NOTIt E ti, ni, il tt..t ile- t aîiddetriniettal insinuationa about 'laccureti thet- ratufer of the- great hewailiitg il. A mainoi the train of icrbr .,nf-katp-.d-eaa~aî t-tt îBradley agrieultumal machinery' anti sptke uit)-Talle mnte sir" iîandîîîg 'orJonhurt of .i.etntt.<alert,-%t-moeitl e-netis w o it.% o me 10 tiiimplemenit works from Cica .go 10 over ai fine gold watchianti clain ansd nu a aid c ou t .attt ira tat Oftf petrso1ýI k-nti oî l,-voheard iimeaboutatis t a e The citî ý gives a bon s of fob. T he tender uiiy have knowî lthe tan lusl - y utelm 1na ,f esnothv er hèaotadborrower. but the borrower fu ltot uane Boit. L ie.. eandaiwiaatail $pet-atabutasthtta karîepe t w- bavingolalm» agailtai E»tàéeaare r t'iald aet-what hle or she has t10 say about $150,o i), buteas telwoka ae t e, pe t wthe namue ofthe tender not tubi sied reqnoeti-d10prest-at tlia in l. ta-aid 1if.' Atvone wbo wil refus-e 10 do eit iesed mlyi-I1 vrresidence 1111 afterward. Sureiy tlhe Onurt for adjudicratiton. Ilamn akkehpo c eopsii facomdto antalg HtENRlY TEKANPE. .Admil-,trt ib is a a voward Ieside-. iaving evil 60mn akkehpa1 e-u prto comdto antalgn Waukogamn. àpril Pt le. IMM. i ittnlna.-Iself 10 double tlie amount of tht- oui o! men. - .~ .~.bonus in s year out of the ativ suce in Esecutore Notie. Real Estate Transfems. rt-ai estste. IVANHOE. PUBLIC NOTICE I& ber-ab>' gla-an ttlisete tcopteti Front Waukegan hal>' egtter I Gog ao cieinut.te'.lre au sn otr * sbaetbort. Rîta utors -if the Lat WilllGog ao cwinuti heýAfe an an otr sed Tottarent of! <brstlan -chwei de- A F«Ho" iîto Chatries Sibley %14acreselu strawberryblnebgs"od of M.Hrin e Sayngit osasd, LwUliattendl the Connet- Court ti _=1 blnd.bgu...rtto!.m.Hrbso..e. Sady6igîl Ctlaaty eat a tre thereof to lie aod. t the PiaS Kantes eat ai to John Higltun part lot Bockforti, and prpieo f tht- .C oke aehmeStra cor luel akgn n "Id Ctanty. 26Mt<L.ake Forent. . _- ... IScwl hut eaven" la i last and began his schooh at Graysiake, o.t the ontrit da>'o M ext lm~. when 1 I wlfut s wbrtallil èfrsnt asa-ng cilisiti.ttt'C E Smenon. te, Milierltakowsky lot 14 caught in the mesties o! the law. Monday momnîing. aali Estate are notiSi anti requented 10 lt-e- uik lu wa.,bhuru sirîte.............t610 tent th.camne ta nsaiti Court for ajudicitalioti. A M Three indictmaents for atiultery were The Sunday achool electeti it8 officers JAoeB*ICRWINGEL. X m AnleMSte-wart to Mit-k Gonyo iota K59 a tuedaisthr cnl yte MARIA SCiIWINGEL. .E t-tta mati10 bk i Modtrweli-a sureurdeaga.s. .....ent. 105ht andtom~abera- last Suiay. None of CATSIARIXE SCHLIE. Solution la pilu ub Joseph Tu ruer 1 ae Winnebago county grand jury. He the oid cores retaiueti their office e xcept lu_____._______lu..._..I I.-4-1- "» was arresteti but ait hours later the lîbranian. Wood Wanted ln Exchange for bl k 3Radgetit-su Cain lit _ 310 released on a $3,000 bail. Theme was A 1,Maple Sugart' social was [rali at Stabscriptloo.. AnanJ L Warti to W R Bride-matiam . ~f weepîng amongtlie aangelet when lie the home of Geo. David, Thuréday lot 361 Lae Foeee.......... ilile ws aresed.evenîng May 9. A fiue probramme W D Cîitilt 10WMaro)nev loti7blk. 2 The uses to which newapapers eau wsrneei I A P TnHighland Park.... .. . 1 5w a r0er THE A IDEN S OF IFE E simulonste W lutta lot2 block 5 and be put are almost endlegs. Here ia The achoolidi making extensive pre- 11E ww~ nô r IF loti bock 6Bord du Lac Bluu w d... 13W0 the atst accortling 10 an exchange. partios for a May pamty to be ob- 'Write toT.9. Qunrczr. Jtu i ¶oAna 50 adalotua3uî-on add"If )ou a sleeptiin - oo nsev May- l8th. Lt wilIllbe belt in »rawer M&1 Chicago. secre- 1 toa . uge2dadtoN'auc)n wd.. .1 whicb you apprehiend a vieil from a Mrs. Deans Wootis, better knowu as Cpenyor foreInurAien t B(.ous..C ......tcrsin8 is1 robber spread hall a dozen news- the- Park. The school býas chosen ~K a regardng Accident Istar- W F Hosgan ta i Ca cIe>'e tOft toftf papers on the floor near tht- enîrance Hattie Payne as Questi anti Pearl aaoe. Mention titis paper.- lot 8 Hlgliwoout w i. . .............. I the room. Tlie ver>' slîgttest att-p Smith as Fairy Qut-on. A cordial Byr n dong y" ecau mae J Cawle> te Adae J Hogan pt It Il High- willI rueLle the paper so as 10 waken invittion je extendeti to the Swan anti W a., v:00000 or "'> n...............................Rockefeller choIx l. Ladies serve sudjesal irlasF P Pomnero> teHRebelle lPt sw430 4 t8hevee lepr11)tedorcairefresbment. 90y w A8om ana let eS W4s241 12 wIr .... .........10000ci not be opened or a step matie wthout MUIALEAMNTINKBOaE.Masterltr Channt->' tcP D Shutoldt lt the ruiittng." i, DIAMOND LAKE. UXIA XMNTO BM= eso w 4 and let 'awttune,4 10 4211.4 d td. R30 Every householti" sys a woman, ThSndysoowilrergie -------_____SanetoMlitRilcb as,4eti4ow,, a 4a > "hul w fa,54ta s1 h uda col ilr-ogn docal...............................0641 70 eoîionafaja smuch a t nx udy Lousia Lake et ai to WEHiliman a trianu- should bave bet i lnen," a eentiment. etSniy lar plece oflandi I 24310 wt........ 8 utht wll finit few disnters. The fiag Henry Ost andi Helen Bartlett 8pent W.A TE , ,5 0 f'El nteruyae>i neva 51 111ares udv sho:Id not onlybIle owned, but put out Sunday Witt, Mm. anti Mrs. Bottes. whchthrel Miss Allie Bilinaki bas returned * * * RasIer in. eanry>'o S5L &>ce p et.t. the teast excuse. Patrioltlsm le Inborti home after ailending school in Chica- i î éuse% 4312 ed...... ........... 9 5to be sure, but lots' of ibomti senti- go. C E simmon% to Ida M Henrlî-kson t 15 PAIE> bilir(Bord du Lac- Bluffaw il........50 ments neeti tevelopment anti foster- Miss Goodmian returneti from Chica- CG iou toW HSta-r-it it.7 Suti9 i lg. Love of country is one of the go Friday andî seetus glati to be back aN AiOoci c r-c"C nîpt'.H-,<aid bu lirhiand tîat w-e cautiot bring out too to the rural district. O C O J T G H thing e iw lacuel 4ll ao have 100e strongly demon- Tîtete w-as no sclîoc1 last Fritiav as -0- ~~Brna.-Iî-t do takt wd ....Ir srabeti.thie sciitol b lîttiat us receiviig ils ALL 'who k-no',s themrselves iin- 0 lieaynIié %VJtltn-trîlit Wt' John L. Sullivan,. accordinig 10 animîaîliouse cîetîîiîîg. debteti o me oi book a - tw',aunidt t--ýr k t>z13 43-1 'ti 241x) the Boaton Po,,ba- estimate, lias matie ' ctî~i ola i-i aî cuiorothervise, wiIl please Outr Ipeople art- grovillitutore<tit not lesbituel 0,I0Ilit.12 years. sortie tie@witîî a lame ktuee, waâablIe count Ot ~more in thie hatbit of looktg1 .B One tour cleared him ntI,)I0 Histho start ( i is trip lait week. caîl anti setule sanie b>- cash orj Lovtll,Libertý',îlle, aîîtdG C( Roeraaverage yearîy earîiîîngs turing li$1 _ _.s. . . _ WAUCON DA. NIiss H. C. Wells is visililig relatives in lite city. J. W. Gilbert waà a Rtockefeller vis4itftr recetnly, Tht- me buouse oit main etteet le nearhy completeti. E. W. Brooks was in Barringlon on business last Friday. The uew store ah Lakes Corners bas opeîted up for business. John Donlea anti Chas. Garland, of Cuba, were here Tuesay. Jas. Murrav and Jas. Gainer were Chicago visitors this week. Mr. antiMrs. C. M. Revmonda, o! Chicago, visiled relatives iu thîs vicinuty last week. G. White, (,! Foi Lake. vas a pleasant caller [ast Wednesday. F. A. Harrison. of Chicago, speut a few da3s visiinlitbs parents receutly. F. Camm bas moveti from the Siocnm bomte mt ýont- o! 1,bt. Harrisou's hous-et. c'. m. i1h1. L. M. Hill, .J. A.- Northi andt Henry NMaiwntu ere iii te cit)- labi week. E. J. Hplilly w ili have charte <f E. A. Goltiîngs rlolilla of botls Ibis measoi. Johnu Fratitz. of (bhi--ag.u, spentta fewti. das ',istiîtg lima-brolter. Deaîu receîîtl) Thte tisiterniait set-un to Le having verv goot i luk jualgiitg b), ie lrge stings of tiîli w hîch are brotîglît up fut-m thie lake. Th@ e utwboardi lias commenceti busintess. Henry Maintaît was appointeti village tremînurer. J. E. Itilley- uîw weats tht- marahaîf's badge. The wife o! D. Robinsoni, a pronti- rintt Imberman of Hartwick, N. Y.. a-as sick aitit rheumnatism for tOve moths. Ili speaking of il, NMm. Rob- insaon says. : hmeliî Pain Balm la the onl îv tiîing lhtat gave hem amy rest frarnu paini. For the relief of pain il catiihut be iteat- Mauy vemy bati ea-eso! heunîatism bave bt-en etîreti la> h. For sale at -e0 cents pt-r bottle b> F. B. Loveil. Libert>-ville, tît a(I (;-C. Ha-î.Wmîucnia, tirug- giats Itf - ILMER. M. A. Andlrews is impro',iîîg. Hlenry Muîa-e ii ouilte aîek liat. ,SaIt ý-Scenuts a barrel aI the ie lmer Will Morse iaa* purchiaséd a road. watgonî. F-iaîik Thointîs sipped a bouse lu Iowa Tueâday. Chas. flilllps, o! Waukegau, titi business fbere i5aturdda- Juet recei-eti a ut-w lot of Straw Rate at R. C. Hnbbamd's. Mrs. J. . . Clark asôiàted Mme. M. A. Andrews in movîug Saturdav. Frank Thomase anti Frank Ull7rich were Lîhortyvîlie visitoma Monda)'. Miss Anua Schwerman la asaisting Mus. M. A. Andtrews at Libertyviîle. A large number from this vicinlty bave bt-eu ishing aI Waucontie the paat week. John Scbwerman formeriy of the Lake Zurich factory now bits charge o! the O(Jlmer factor>'. Wm Hall lias contraclei to hawl the- butter anti cheese for F. E. Hawley & Co. for the coming year. Misses Millie Ilutebinson andt Zoa Nimegumu atteudeti the Suüdauiýscbooh convention at Deerfteld ýSaturday anti Suutiay John Scltwerwau bas been recalled to Lake Zurich factor>' anti a young man fromn Lontg Grove lias taken bis place bt-re. The article in hast wPeek's Isue rcgarding Mail, Mihk anti Pasiengers service en thte E. J. & E. la a feasible echenie anti shoulti be carefully con- sidereti. Remember the- meeting at Lake Zurich, May Il. We are in need Of gooti piasnger tratic on Ibis ruad anti every onîe aloulti turn in and tendi a tîelplng hianti. Tu-rt- la -Strength in union.t'" M. A. Antdrew-s andt famil>' have mno',ed bt teir ut-wborne in Liberty- ville. 11ui'3. A. Andrew-s and Henry Morse we lose two of our most respect- etl and inluelîtial eltizelîs. MWh at le our bau ia LibertyNvhle.s agaiti. SNoTicE on te requeStedti1 attendt a mîeetinîg hîcîti t Lake Zurich iiiiii ty May 11, '9-5, mi 2 otclo-k 1p. a]. for lte tiruose of sectriliff a Milk, LAKE ZURIC H. A World*s Fair tres ln'Oak Palk.. Join the 1. 0. M. A. and be bmw,5. Bakery goods at Facke's, alwagt' fresh. John Stahl, of Palatine, was a eau*~ Sunday. Plense leave news with AI at th. Zurich. 1Photos at AI's studio satIiaclIm gusranteed. The Jaca son family have airuail moved here. Chas, Yankee, of Barrington, vu here Saturday. August Bergman cahIer Monday. Chas. Phihipa, o! here Monday. Waukewur Percha Kimberley, of Chicago, vl* ht-me over Stunday. Dr. Alverson, of Chicago leasmateu locale at this place. Miss 1'etera la staying with H.- lapkie anti !amily. Wm. BItume anti vife, of Gilmno, visiledâhere Suntiay.- Tht- bandi boys have reelved thelwjr ies- cmaps said torches. Jthnî Lietro! River Vit-w Wua lleasant cailer receîîthy. For Sale a uew mileli cow with cal!. .- Apply aI Zurich House. Mm. andti Mrs. P. Meyer mourn the'> baSS Of an infant chilti. Cutis. Hokeymevers lieouse le a phi-. 1>' nearutîg complellon. Miss Amantia Hacher has returuwd ta Chicago for a brie! etay. Aîîg Bergman ha the- proend posseeso of a thorougli-breti mastiff. Chas. Kohl bas begu excaiitiag-r for lte cehiar o! bis new bouse. CIhas. Shoîz la once more - allaoS upoîî costumera at Fiake'a store. Tltomaà McKinney o! Waukow» hiere firet o! tht- wesk on bualnm. Mat Understock entertalned.MW. tives from Deer Grove, over 8udM. Miss Freda Goodluck la etqploS&? as domestie lu the- family of H. ép?, Chas. Meyer sud vite, et lé» (4rovt- were guests o! H. Meyer Ms uiay. Tht-Zturichî brasa band bas bonS euigagedt 1 play aI Barrîngton Doe tien Day. Johut Ierschilog anti wife, of P!dplt Guo\,,were guests o! A.Begas Mondlay. ..i-iL igL.~e Put le awuîiug lit front 'iI* ffrpuo business. Frequeutt slàowero o-f' ale rmnch 'te lte fitrmers delight in fact ail arouti. ecfl- Dayvid Laugbnem bas secureti a pm&. tien on tht- section under toma411. Cunningham.- Evemybody goes fishing and mn pulling .em out so fst t he forget té - hait tht- hooka. Fred Kuckuck the boms oapuuin bas bis bands ful lîiti year bal1h«. bouses in Zurich. If yen have any hormes or cows les wieh teturu Dut into a gocd pasbS caîl upon John Koffen. E. Branding bas informed us of.t I&< due residence te @-ion ho erticted on be' new atm-et, Coe Avenue. Win. Hilîman aud John stempoi shippeti sevemal carloada o! cAttîls a»d swine 10 Chicago hast veek. Subscriptioiý for al papersu peiotfilh taken at local OS t I?<DEPENDENT ut puibihirgI rtau A. Cuningham and faly ocuppy the- uppor fiat of CL moyeris reaideace as aooa6aU Henry Sahwermau drives@o«« Gilmier withbhis new outit quISeý te eebow ting8 aregoiugen, -, hie absence. MR ED[ToR wvo theo ple, o Zurich have stairted , the baUl for a M111k, Mail and Passnger on the Boit lune. Corne nov and have jour taken at the Zurich S8tudio î0 finished photo at boit 1t#prlu charge for an Inferifir pbGtoa t Kînti reatier If Ion know ofm o! intereet ^to the -INDICENM" tht-m on a slip of paper om4 1o in the- news box at the ZWliha t Twenty inenbers vers 1iuitihattd in the Iîtdepelideit Mîtutal Aid ah their dtiret Fiekes thall. , Tbtrday Succesho the Lake ZurIch lop. Tht-rt vas quite a lv'ely ht-me iset Fridav lotie o!f the teanis teriug'away sud: uÀë the- outlicIbridge. -We serions dama. Bottar- ,-ak ~Park" now b#» a, an invention o! n. but jOu cmai îpdlbeal of a' tg4~ --r

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