Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 May 1895, p. 3

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111E ST9RI iliPerons KIlIeà and One F-i 11Iumdred Badly Hurt. Y'ÂRMS LAID IVASTE. A Property Worth Haif a Million Destroyed. @m Umveo f the HMrer ,Depriveel of S bahirnes -FaIr Villages ad IP*t. FaiPeld@ hDeestated - Shool- b.... la thIe Path of thIe torea, a4Toacisersansd Papils Anihil- se-A Carpet cf Und sta'swa Oves O»wing Cropa luaiolwa -Work of Vi, laiad Hall. Nontiseinu ouca'a cycone lu Sioux, ieu, Osceoia n ud O'Briea Couninues.-uct lit leash t fty huanilvea. A huulred ailiers are injurod, aud tle destruction ut haf e milliou dollars' morth et tarmirig property ls a ber etirnate. TIc mhhi- w-id. but hait an hour Lu Jaration, whie Blit sairi-mst, swept oerr1,2X) quare Miles et cuihrted tenusicnd, aud loftinl Ite wake a nomn ranch>' oquaied in ce short a perlod of timte. Tise number et Jead, Altimougis fot me large as ait iret reporteel, le great enougî te lare plunged the irhule 01 2Nqtbwentorn Iowa into rnouraiuîg. A - a ldilat, ais avuînate as coulJ ho oh- talied ah tle tne thie lanueritte, reports the tollewiflg: At Sioux Ccnter and '.'caity. John %Marodon, ?iionAuna. Mareden. lira. Johns Koter, Alice Koster, aged 8; UllasMihle Hegglc. Babeo f !lrl. n Wynla. Mnre. Anale I'eitma, Jacob Jan- smu,'fe-nec Venhof. sgt-J 4; 1Mannico Mecossuibn. ageel 4; Balue ut W. Vlu-suoal lire K. Wpuner and labo. A. Banhilu. lira. L. E. Ont. Mes. J. Pont, A. M1. Per- ry, lime. Pt. S. Feldrausp, '.%rs. Charles Waldrîtn, H,-un>' Suith, B. L. Suitl. lira. L. Mkanette and blcte L. D. Even- tîs, Joba Frime, H. Deoier. At B-ley. ,Mrs. JolinW'abruiau. lMes. M. Bi."c- bure, 3M.s. Hrman .Brlknciu At Laurena.. Peton Stinumner. At Sutherland. Rudoîph t-,-wvrdteger. A t Cretea. Ereu-t Arnuo]. Ma>'y Fatelty Injurco. TIe fatelliijuned are: H. Koster. agi-J.3; *linta ?lGous Luetia l~oii ir?e.. ýW>nia, .1. De- ber, Hettue Koster, Wille, Jonnie aud Grare Cerumman. Mlagiie Getie. Jonnie A"i Jimusie Wulharl, Ju-nule aud Euhipl Browen, Bon Pr>', Johnn Hernian, 11.-n>' Haggie. SMm. .Jante Warie. The grealesi los@ et lite le lu Sioux Couaity. bt moon matois. on île Hauvarden branel ut the t'hiu-ago and Nurtce est- erut, mud Sioux Cr.nten, on thei Sioux City' and Noierr. lb mas a vrntable âshughtrof uthtecinnuo- cents. Thechclidrnaof tender ji-ars ont- numbored l al tera liiithe monlalitliât, aud tILt out uiîue tetaîl>' inured. l'poli the edge ut a pion-i-ilrosdi]ro ltle onte ta>, blir bandelsipetltorether, th,-in bodles toru auîd fise uil-. Beyonid thuu .n tise rondw-ay tih&» hnves of au arithuuî.-- tic luttered inti- he br"z. StilI furthur on anti cose 10 the u-'xune uost-teaul w-as a bctteri-d diuîuur hîu-kît aundl uî,eny a readen trnnd o-la-k lu the page nlî,-re tha olel linîs rani. ~This is a -t; is th;,; a cat?'" lu tieurecked asibeibuses littie fret irotrutdu-lfrnt plaseu naud brokenbarils. Sun buonnee la>- la the pasturps yclow ic îtlbutter cptlls. lut eue chiîdi's lanîl mas c-heeîed the brokeut lahe sud in anoîbera a noe-ardi tof nrt ennuI giron lut liaht au hour before bu> the teaclir, deulaime tai-o down-nanl, in tIcetnrrow ut a distaut fu-ld. Frntu Sioux Center to I'erkiuc aud frnmPt- kifis 10 Huit and Geornge and Ashtonu hiri mes tle erailinl the iviuee of the sprint afiernoon uof -iiîlreu. nt deuil. hutu J>- lig, chldren nili limbe tornaapat. uhît- dreu mIhed bee*r-u rrcnied îucr rfonty- acre fSlde aud hunrlel intouMitches.,-tîul- dren wrbot-çklled'toit for motIons mlnî'ndy dead ortîe>oaid thle nid of ut nuîîuu ehp. Death Visita scloolhouceci. About 3 î,i in.- luhe aflonnuon bleu-k cionda. nul hgreun triages, eppetreut uîsi et Orange City' and liveo ailes uurîiu'st eft he Chir-agnu sud Nortlmestnu lRait- me>. Fromnt th brai-k macs, iue mite, west et Orange (-ii>'. as near ae cointd uu estimtcd. t,'ntîîu-tîcdnoîpoedaud nt tast a 11gb, round hall, wiich aîutui-rd t. etinke lise groiutel. reboumîdeit andtîlttî- houcheil againî. met as foothballt muges liu' hmeaui gîtalcaud goal. Coud ,utor Ilui mi) on train No. Il) oethtie Chii-ngo aundlNortih. wvesterna -astliouîud, cace- tIi' ouuîîiuuî mcssetfmid arud ctctriciic-, as did alsu Mis brakomaru, W. F. Dolseut. TItis tnîîiî anJdis valîîabe contentse ite si'aluî destruction. Annie Marsden. e Yoîug girl frontPBis. coele, Vl., had disnissed berluui pupis *linuelle sautIche iproncb ot tiç ters. t n-as ali-ady 'M3inl the afturý uoou. ,Sic e-utc onductlng lier socoutu taraof et chol aîindtnîmiles heytîud iii- on tise came setion lino lt-r roîr rn-a, coadiluig a coiuuuy echool. She boanileu ah tIe tarmhonse of L. McCoonibe, th( meaihist farnon in the district. Ih home mas a quarte'r ut a mile ditaa frous the celool. F~our ut ic -Iiiulr. w-re hiaugt î>- uier. Wben ele sent tii other chldren home the four mn-no frigît euod and refused to ltare. Autute Mars dan tood la the îiater et île ittle w-itg &eh" b ioue(-crîd droi thîe tour cihidret w-ioe~ age a ngcd trous 5 to 14, about bl aud waited. An istant iter thc cyctoua was upou ties clool bouseoanuShelime S isapleas hiugs irtîla. In lesa htima hal 1h taese Mr a match ho ic thae ceend of il minute thIe teaeser audJoeaciill w-rad ad uid tire e e fatally ljured Tuaehool lbouse andIl*itsrock toundattos - was ew-apt ot of glahenjce. AÂthIe Mai tale. alde 119.1 as 2u*d tàse e Ihs Ii- * 1ded, haif houres torm. Hilitlîudreds of acres of wheat, oate and bariey were bjrled lu dust and debris out of igt furever. Hiic farming machiucry ias sccttered for mnflem about hlm home. Hia cattie were decil or dying. At the littie acbool bonne where hi@ didren had lispod their A B C'a there iras a hole to mark the spot, and in hi@ houwe a littli? one dead and tltree others prcying for relief from pain. Be'yond MîC(oonb the storn raresi. Curions thiags were foîînd lu the field hy tbe relief parties sent ont. In one field, otn the crest of fi furrow, Iay an openî Jrîîyr book. A et.iei if Part h i ti cfi)t the liieg, *Ilave rnercy on me, () God, acciîrding to Thy great mer.-> ." Of. th, fly leuf of the boo~k wasi fouiîd the naine of Eva Butler. Nlrm. Btit]ler's liom ni as three-quarters of a aille distant froxu wbere the book was foud. Lecving the Btier's, the storm atta-ked Hprman Rip- ma, one-haif mile north eft th destroyed sceool lbonse. Ripmc bad hl@ crm badly crushti. ,bis hougce destroyed sud bis cropa ruinou. But mortiy before this lie lost bis wife and two chiîdren tîrougli trichi- Uine. Preseatcd a Pitiful Shgbht. - At tlue tari of L. W>langa was oune of thc mont pititul sigîts et tIc torus. W>'- age mme soie distance trounbils buse ecieu tIeccl'-one truî-k lis fields. lt n-as îb-küd np ln the teeti of thc gale andilcarnleel hodil>' 0eir tort>' ai-necot landu l ie feuiiin apionefiuld,. imati- cull>' nuiujund, but fraatic ce tu the cafet>' ut bis ownn ife aud childncn. The wiuîhulad ifted bite ovrrtwuu eire fpeuu', but ou lis retnnn ho bndl to ct îlese diuwn in order tu, paes. ic teund biâ bouse, banneshede ad grenariea guno. Hlie lîîgs and îciîkî-ns n-i-no yiug lu tîcir >yard&. Stihi soani-hing for lis iife, ho weiked tatusaoutb-mst utflshi@ once. Iu a fied tiiicd for au ecrl>' crop of corn. le foumtu honr, face doîvumard, nncoui- scions. She badl ban narried botora the ueInd until Ion trengihletf t i4r. la lor iscad iras a terriblie gasl aud trous her lips duimumard titu' mas a mis ut bruises. Close tu ber bosorî w-es claspeel hon bai>', dead. TIuns usliaud auJ ite met, n-It the ain hpatiug domu upon tb,'m and tle ruine o eimhome. The descrition of tbe M-eoicand Wy>langa propert>' and s-iuîol -voutuh h. reiueatod îon na-rI>' crr' cttî,u in t wake ut the îlot-un. Numreons rietints nero foîud iodged in tuet incs, nuiere tplie nud ltcabunleu hy the tori. ail o er-ioueiy tujîuned liai ueati la î'xpei-teil uounniutanit> - Tue- gnru boys wmîubail coune froni thefii-d nuar Altunalethle apîuroau-h of tiestîtrru nere injureditel b unnard., oua soni ouuly and tie other fatati>'. Wincs ceont complieteîy stripped froin hie poste, and ln smeueluaces poste mre ahl takc-n frein the grimaI. Herses. cntic and reliicios ucen, hurl,.i ths>'ugb thc air ike ilaiff and tiie counmtry-for tinî-o-qtuerrtrs utfîa mile iii, aunduan> mîtes imu oxteat us entirety n ree-kcd. %Vhbere biîl tood fiue reiiienesos ,uld h' found notiing but a oller iol- anul in suine caisec c fîeir unisteel timbrs,. miii treen on the gronnd nere potiou@ of bbc buildings aud furnilure, bearing nul the Ieeit semulance ut their original fora aud useleca oxcopt ton kindtiag. Flelii that ere beaitiful as gree'n carpota Witt the aprontiuig grain are usueras haro as iu ticbluttik methi of inter. Trees anE îiprooled mud id l in desolation aiong tis- trail of the destroyer. tu Oi'eeic Count>' Mr%. John Watî-î mtan, ove milen-est of Sibie>', mu@ lu tauti>' kiled. A joiet tetI oui ber uoî-L Sh. bltîbir uni.>'in bt-r arme aud thq bah>' oiu-ped inilur>'. TIh eiî-her an( WVhitnl>eyugihîeIoos enre boul ereck M. Nici, Maie Guod, teai,-of ut t r Witueyr, e lose-d the î,-ooi te-nt>' mit ut.-A ef-trc ticstenuii trui-k. Jolli ('uughuttîn if,' andJ n e itdren acre al reiuc,-d lu>'takiug efutge in e cculone cavt 1Ttuîy 1usd their bouse, huus-iold gouda bmarnudblda lîunse kittu'd. D>ESTRIUCTIO>N IS WII>ESPIKAI5. Other l'ointe Cotrlhute Ite Dmeeal] Litby the Cycoe. Acide fnrnm the cycl-onîe proper, wmile mvac c,îuiuîed to île tirce Nirthwectin l ouea î-,unuic,eotîon seiou futtieî-unu tn>' eîffurv-d fror cou-iru' nud aunde.K tru-at tornui. On Saturda>' aflernounuj t euifi-crwiud at St. Chantes, Ili., îlev duevu ib- brick uruili hat ce-ri- efi atti the- udetructionu b> in- uit the Luugrei & Wison lhon'k. N -xt tu the eest n-c ires a situIt building oweeud lu>'Gi-rg (>eg,îed.forment>' nelne n puust offlu-- lu ceus oiuupied hu>' hi nsH muttie E C'lut-i-h, riliaî'r; Jouhn F-. Etiiott, jurit l yof tic pece, amud tie Aunder-iont Sietrs ,lrcssmckt-rs. The huavy wîatt crused th sontînl building, kihtiuîg fourun p,-souus atm k inurniug tueo uthî-s. as fuilows-: Chant, Andrson, Milse Guetie Auuilureuut'%Irn Eitit . ('îre,iJosîuepuh Tiotuîmio. Th iujuinu-l u-i-n- us fottuucs : Latke- t nmto] ceiti die; Auneec' Johnsonu, Elgin. Fd ( roukhlti- amd ie team wnero kil itet ailiemdersonu.>' ilghtuuiug. Th tunuîuni s si-vere t Abingion, unrinui n thuî- uîew ewagoun tai-tony, cuinug e danuai uit $10,000. IRueports fnom the ointry ir du-ute grn-t damtage. Five-u-it Arnolceas inetantly kiit-d h tic sturnt ICreetonu. lIrea. J. 1'. Srnitlhî'e buse ai-ar Lake Gouice- Wis.. ce-nestnin-k b>'lightuiKg andl bîtall deueoycd. Lose about W,0.i; Weoi ir sur,-i Sevoral fniighl cars n-re atm (G-orge Rthodes andlJuames Aehiour jh lctiahuil tckîn refuge in aharnu.%cer 1r kiled b>- lightit îng at Lan-ît'r. M. But t i'tu uc-i-e tarnnuuî'relieving uar Doue itan îsThrce humus bîlouglmug te D. A>-nî 'iluabot six uiles w-ist utfBiirlington, %Vl nu-noe triik 1>' ightiug antu nuud1 oftbe gounnd. witi a tîsc of ahbont $3.041 lu In1aiina thc rcsiletcoe of Jantes Mu phti> on Jackson etreet ma@s slnuuk 1 Sligttuiuug auJ bie littIe cuitn-as kuoct t- otseys. Uousidî-rable damage witt dui te- otise bouse., teAt Snperlor, Wi., nater cause Jonu cheeta, aud a destructe bailetonni t, -locred. Lightuiug doclro>'ed cererai ami le buildings la tise countiry. re A cyclone uear Maron. . D., loek on M~ haifthîe rooftoof Martin Bauma bouse ai la carrled itlhall a mile. Lumbar w-es m Id teréd otan tise prairie. TIse graueniq d. wmr.alaowrecked aud scattered ovar ft Scountry'. tA flair cebeiug aension ahCanlile * Ps.,i igohedl t upisop bimehf. 'd a'e # pmerlu ho thIe Pihibe . ~"Blé4 p Yibeenfte f t lie 1 1 xdîe ~ . TALI IAGES S R gON. an:t aroqary, if there be as in I inig againet invl.-osé lotiug ut) from ven a cor- aij.i tt -a n-tii-e, if tIhelira> ors l ELOQUENT DISCOUR8E LAST as genunfe as thie aroina la eweet. Noth- I SUNDAY ON CONSCIENCE. inir agaiast Etîil,liauy or Let,or Adi 'T %%eédnos.liay or Easter or Good Friday ord WYhitliiiay or Palîîî Snaîlay. if these s Christ flefore Pilate--The Power of 8yilll)ils lhave bî-lilîi theîi gofuilie repent- sý the "tll, Sinail Volce" - The True ai,--(-aloil boly roilnisýe --Iloandi ChristinatiI cîls--, li . Bithi --r-ioi is oîuty thé.' t( Conversion-A Wacàh ln the Giorlous elii-itb tu)the' enorditle î,onlythe chel ti Gospel Laver-Pardoniig Mercy. to tiié ki-rllliotl e ..iity the lcillip to thé t, flimité,i-iltaisoily tihe body' to tiéc drit, o A Dtturblnir Force. Thie outwiîrdi ust iet 'sylulical of the a liarely doeâ au>' discotîrse hltd ait ait- i arti. Wash thie' IjinteIs byailtamanas, 0 dience wil h snb intense inît,'ret ls d id biut, moreîttha n ail. %%tIsi tiihe hirt. that wieih Itev. Dr. Tulmage dilivî'red ll ,liOl. iieîas >îîîîcî'o (overllor Pou-c Sunday a fternoon ini the New Yo)rk Ai-ad- tille i Vitatle tlîrîît h is lia nds la 10 ti c emy of NIU,4ic. Hei'chose for liseiîtjeet ivish btasinî tii,' t. n of i f cîei'i.lictý "Cous,' - "'the tî'xt seloctoîl b,ing liniliti '3,a Itlî'r%%î les btl onoi hbanlctds Matthew xxvii., 24: "Ile took w ater and -tiie bloîi of auiîi, inoet lîîrsoîî. w lîîîn r, waebod hbieshbanie efore the multitude,' l--ii'îight haive acqitttd if heoloîîy had mayn>ig o r iîîcent of the blood of thi. thé couiraugie. i'or I'iltvIlo. s c,ns(cuice juet porsoîl. své>' to it." n%% -fier hiai. nui] bce iîw the stai i Ataot7 onoiîtdintihe-r ho o -iistîohd fron i ti' riglî tv At bou i0'li-klu ie oring. u t) nîil ortiie left banad u îtil the day the marbie cltairs of a pialace, anîd acrues I o r en, hul i igtueii i thé floore of rîcheet tuosaie, ail nd rîîer tl d en-11r, oft hiie iOiîlit enîl i l 9 ciilinigs d>ed w'th ail the sîlelore rsOf wthi hréofstthe Roula itgemreaîdte o color. anîd betwe.-n snlowbankit of Ilbte îbîîîîtî,stid eit i. ad % e cudgiitoang i-îliiiir. lasss L pir, Ohl, be power of consicienîce whî-n it t pale, ick >oung mn uof 33. alrriudy ,con- fai>- arîînlsed Wtiî wvil) of sîc.piiî, denîdIo dediatii. ou h b. na>'te htic ou- 8 )alai u plc i lîl o i dnght 1dninred gll lisî fNaaehl i il l,>èisguilt. Are th,'re giiostse? Ye. lifhit.t ofu the grai îyard, but of Unes id Coti ig eurt to meet loin on Ibis tcesel- 11-11 -ilrreli. proui-.iiîg, t imesirr iîg. coiardi>' man,. liit.t with a fevr tracî's of sympathy andl fuir Startli.d iti Ctîocr% staîn art gîct.' I'outîit e 1'tai. ii ersd pîcte hî-ii abth lookî'ili bis la1 d ftr 1h Pontiiâ ilat. Di eie suc oppsit IIiliight astassiuationan id hoe nys: I mi'it? Lnxiîry adpain, seifidinees arnd geîî..roeity. arrogîi-.'e and humitit>', inii NNiil ail gri'at Seltunie's océan w ash saitlliliiîess.nildaiglît and midnooa. his le ioud The bloalod i i1.i.d govecauor takeî the- Cel'a fromIiuy band? No; thie m>' baud custiioni-isl i, tbat ibheurisoner scli ode. nlit rutiler hie wriets raaii'd. Ili a emi-iri-1e Tité'tutitunloiîsceas biviarnadiule, arounî the pniaoiner are the sachedrietem, NaL-itîg the gree'n one red." * ilî flaiaîg î'>s andî brandiched is, The Voice of Conscience.- * proaoculig luis f.oinluthe iane of r,'- F-or every ia, great or ernaîl, consci- *ligiomi, fi ileblteérest ierse'otiOn8 havi. (,i,- hi-hl ii' ecoie of God, bas n re- *been r,'ligieieou îo.lloi.aItýI whurbe rooif. flore (ir lîss emphatie. Charle iSatan takes hoid of a guiod rma lie rake IN.. reclioncibte, for St. Bantboiomew mas- Upnthyi>'iitî-asit>-for brevît>- of occupiat ion. acire,,%-is -liii -uî' I>th@ bitter memnles., If you bave nî'vîe scn an eicl-sia4îicixl andîinîtîbie dyiag miomeont sabd to hie doctor, Icourt trying a uniit,-îi îu bave ne idî'a Anîîtrosi- 'arny: 'I)o.ion, 1 don't know "of the foili îîlnîg lu fertii tsîioft tbîee ild n iii t' e t hoe amior n itti me; Iar n lua "religions eiiiîî'irîstq. t;ove<ruor illate fever of tiîîy andi miîîîlaînd bave been foîr croes quiestionsîethe prisotior and tSuds a longi%%nhlei. Oh. if I hadl oui>' pared tie i igbtc i t aw l îi8 inocen't and uants to ltlîîîî-eî,and the imibécile, alid the crip- ii iigo. 111e îautionî e is l ncrcuesd br lite:" IRousseaui de'îlnrod i lid cge that1 s omi'onue wirbonîîîîe t.,the governur cnd c clu lie oinimttedin luhis yoiith stili gave1 i chispere ln ile Par. Tie goverîlor lînts hîrn cýltu-ise iglits. Charte,§ IL oft b ic biand bohiîid lîls car. so fie 10 catc'h the Spain i-îild flot âedcc flealiîîccte hbld inithec n irords a tît naudtîile. Il te a mescsage rit a coufoscoür anmd tweo friars. Caiti i- frorn Clauia Proucîa, bis nifp, wirb as ino lîad eucb bitter iemor's hoceas la had a dream about thiînlnoi-oace of thic startle'l et the lecet ound. Cardimnli * prisener nab louîtil,' danger of execut- Be'aufort. iîaviag clin the Dallé of (flou-i * lng faim. anud il.,'anake'mî front, ibis utoru- 'etr oftî'a initue nigît would sn>': ing îlrî'nî itlbute' tuj centhe message to "ia' ai% îiy! W'hy do you look at me?" lier huelîand. nlîn ou the judicial boni-h. ich-ard Ilit.. having sicin bis 1w-o ne- Aîliat eitihie îîroîî'toftbils ifie. iheis. w outl soaîetiuîe iathe niglît y andi their of tbise'w on nsoacienlce. anîd ehouit frîîrnlts cu,î-lî aud clîîtî'bhis thé eotiri' faitrîre of the canliedris to tu «%unri.,tighting apparitions. Dr. Webster, d ma ke oiît thir case. 4Gov,'rnor Pila ha ring esttu1'arkîitmninî î Boston, and a oires 10 dis-harge tbe prisoler front cus- erilie W itiug for tusgîluxiu. complciaed ie ody. toe tcjîîitî'r lat the ' inurs on the of The Fanactcal Sanbedriste. oior ieofui the wviatt a igît long kept )tBut the intimation of uili a thing îhargin ini ithli hile crimei, w-lin thero n briag-à upon the gureraur an equinîs'tiaî wî're o nplrisiillre on the otber Bide ofthte le torma of indignatioin. They evih report w-It. Ilt as tie vuice of hie 0w-n con- aà hllato the menror fnt Itomé. T4 - l iceiii. haveo hlmr--aii. They wili secn* hi. Froit w-lît dilî Adanm and Ere tr>- tu aithome', anui ho ciii behbag for tren- bide wîhi-îithe>' bailail tho wortd b theni- me on, for the eonlerur at Roule ias ai- seive- Front thuir owu conscienîce. r_ readyl> a mîîliiiin i regaîrdî te Pilate, andl Wlat made ('uilas rîoniebment gre'tf'r cîîtsspicion îlotsnt i-ase uîîtiîl'uPie tthanlb.' t-ouiîhi-ar? lits consicince. a nhanishleel and îouîiis suicide. So Goe-- What made Aliab i-r>- ont 10 the prolîbet. L.ernor Pouline 1Pilate comptîromtises the *Hamt t'toit fouud nie, t0 mine enoniy.?" le matter ad lîro"ie.s that Christ ho niip- Wbat made tii- gri-at Fî'lix tremble before i lidisedo sssated Satepi- the littl(c nileeoitar>'? Conscience. Vhat k-ouer le faseeid tu a bn' iltar, mîd adeîchoBelshazuir'c Ici-ti chatter witlî a le bis bî'rît aad baredelak t-oue the thoiîgs vulltwbouii- her a iîîger corne ont of the n- tofî'athî'r. itipi- i--sof lad and houe' tîack ch-i-r,'of tic miîhîightand write on nr ltert%%rieîed.suoîÉtat ever>' stroke mstaiîî l,,îleitaeteriiiiz? Cousîlence. conscience! ilobethé-mure- anfui. Christ tiis imuo-tf A Grave Accee.r. ý.from thlie e-ou rginîg. witi lSusheil iht-i- W hYe-i- il dia t t ha t main in thisleaudieau-e, n' and tom anîdquive tring anîd iiji i îgtî- i S-i. ni thii]itthe mua rli. of vorîdi>'prospi-rit>- pré-enîtîug a t of ti-,' u ff,-riuîg inii ii îhini, le agitateul ewhite 1 sp.-ak and whidi fubons. theic iht,-r. fuî d ii- iiow fe-luite lanîd t is oerpale. anîd tht-n th,-ne for bis gréaient maet-rliieie. the,- lrcatt is lev-en, andIbrthn-dc of th But the aihoilriste are nut >t catis liperspiraitihon on the fircliead,aud thon the fted. 'flic>'have litîilsortie uf Ilisnu esa-n loohi.k if tîreet î-îîîîelui look of horror cand ýh iac-erail:; they ' nit them ail lai-i-rauttd. ul-..tuir? I kîîow ni)t. Bait lit knîw-s, aud na The>' have bail smoule of his huood: thé «eyGiol kiow-s. It mn>' titnt lhodespolied -wclt al of il,downtIo tht- last coq)uacte. . n r3e g if-anid tiirii-d innocence iu- So Gvernr Pntiu Pilteafto ailthi to ,af, anîd the enulie of hope into the mi'rciful hesitation uîerr,-nders to the de- irazî'n lauîgltî-r ot despair. Or it mn>' he 'wmonin-al cr7 of *"Creicif>' him!" Bat thé îiuîî lie bas ini hie posseossion the proport>' r gurernor seuils for aenîething. Ho sotndm f ottîîrs. andl b> corne strategeni ho keepg ýn a slaveceut to gi-t something. Atbongtîil aî--ordiag lu taw, andîi et he kuows-cil 11thé constables are lu hacto to taike th-e flot lis onviu and that if bis hi-art ge prisoner to exéc-ution aud the mob outsid h -iloi t) ibcating this moment le woulîi e.are impatient 10 gtare npoii thir vii'- b,'in i tc forever. Or it na e>'hohie bré- F.tim, a parise in necesitted. Yonder il iponsiîble for a groat utyster>', the disapi- eecones, a w-csh imîin. Soute pitre. hright pei-mrmru,'e of soutseonue nho ires nerer r water ne poùred itto it. and thon Govrnuor tuminIf .aud the détctutives more baileel. lePilate plts ig white, délicate lande luto iui htu raiks uero tit coîered aplad i îlte ceaten aud rube theut togenlier andthtttie ift hourse or thei rail train took hlm esthoît lifts tipi. d ripping, for tie ton it ii ut rn-u-l, andthettire are oui>- twno por- s.fcsgteued ai the sluîn,-c girdle, w-ite liei' uis ln the utirorse wlio kiion of it- le w-botiea]- ccys: "I1 n-ai uy bands of tlîis i ;.I and iisetf. C.od présentat thîe m w oehumicidat traînsacîtion, I ev y adin îieu'oftthe tragpiy aîîd préenteut tthe a, nde of iis entire r-poacsiiity. Vont rtî-ectiou and î'oiicienu'-couscieîico w-lit have to lear it." That le the meininig nitiî stinîge, -ousviicnc irith pinchers. letOfrny text evlen it snys: "He took wcîî-r viuiieiie ith fltite, conscience w-th fur- neand wasled ie hîîîdc hefore tle muui-iii-os is upon hn, anud umail a man's ig, ide. sa>'inîg: I cm inuo--t outhte blood vn ii-e rotises hiirho doee flot repu-mt. in- of this jst person. See ye te iî." %VWtamadue tlîat fariuer uortvated te Pilatelt Wah Blashe. 4,odi go to hie infidel tîiglîbor and sa>': îy Belold in tuis that cereiuon>' amolnae Ni'igbbor, 1 haver four of jour shevip. te nothtue.- if there are not lu it corre- Ttîey carne erer into ni> fohd six y.ers 7, podt.aciîs of heuart anJ lita. Iltal a ago. Ttîey hall ouir mark upon tîteni ily good thing to wceh tie lande. God cri-at- andil1Ichangeil it to ni> mark. 1 ment yon i. cd threet-qirtcrs of thoe orid nater, anul tu thare tIitoPsehevp, uitI I w-cnt Y> ol al, ilttcomrnanded cieculilcesud ibn havé-te interet on tie mono>'. and 1 theauncicuts did flot take the int hoé eanti 3ou tare thitintcrease of tIe fotd. rd plunged tle w-bote îorld under mater cnd If 3-01u nuiît ta e sim me te prison, I calli ýre kelît il thera for corneltme. Hand mach- inîake nio cotiiuntait?"" Tue iinide hi-amui tII lng was c religions nereniouy cmong theetofthe miin*'su-cmnversion csiiiho euld: g, Joe-c. The .Iewiste Mishna gave particu- -Now. Doue- if >-îuî have got tbt'm siîoep. Ian direction loir that thbancda muet lio otî are îvî-t-oaîî' to tlhel3. I don't ivaut etlrust titrée timec rip to the irrista in we- notlîiug of tioto liîtgs at ail. Von mest i- ton, and thc natal,0f île hand mnst h.o g>aira> frotnt nie. Sometbing las got bis conversion, and lie put ail thse legs! ani barrels and demîjobus in c a gon R1d4 took them down in front of the old viîurî'h w here he had been onîverted and lid everything eniptiold jin the street. rhat is religion. WVbY tbe thotîmnde( of doulars sent every year tu the United States treasury fit Washington as '«cou- svleuce inIiy?', it simpliy eas lo're are postutasters, and there are a t- tî)rneys, and thero are officiais vbo sme- inos retain that whiib does flot belong tu tber, and theso men are converted or tînder powerfui pressure of conscience anld tnake restitutioni. If ail the rnoneys out of whieh the State and the United Staites trteccutries have been defrauded shî,nd corne back t) their rigbtful ex- -lîcquers. there woîîld behoney enougli o pay MIl theŽ Stat,' dîlts and li the uniti'd States doIt by day after to-mor- ru %v. Conversion amouf te tu totliflg uniese tht heurt le convu'rlcd, and thc pocketbook sn i-ouverted, amîd tbe uneli dran-er le con -t ventel. andJftle lodgî'r Is;i-ourorted, and the fireroof suife le couverte-(ianduithe pi- geonhoie contaiiuing lthe corespondenc.t -uvrted. auJ hic iuaproveicat ie noticeilM rt-n lu> tie canry bird tbat singe iin thue -îarlur. aud the et tînt liî-ks tise ptatter etnu-r tlu meai, anîthti dog fiat Coule$ cuutuiiug from i tc kî'uneî to groot hua. A mutust ait onveted, onriquarter court-rt- "il or îl thouusarîdth part convorted, la nut v-ouni-nt-let atti. hat ccitt ho the grenu iukun tic de>' of juîlgmcnt? Coucc-ii-ve. t iinlciv-uuCo nicaiting isiuuupiilrue-id otpuir- tutu lui-e. Cen sî-ieuîuc bringiug tnp ailtthîe pîîct. Alas. fuir thie guvrnor, Poittius Pitlte! Tiat aight afuirthe court haut adîjouurueul a nulthe sami tîîinlts bail guno hitun' aud uothiug w-as hi-ard outteide tht rouumîu nt thelie cto- f t the seîutiîet, I See I'uuuiîus Plate aruo from his tapestrcul ar,]leîcuuc con,-tu and go t., tîî lai-en andu beugin to %mach bhie im, e îryiug: ( mît, otut, cr-nin sepoit ! Tetteet thoin te nm- andi lu Guuiandîultuuthe a iglî>'crimue? La tii-r' no cikali tu remnuve thuee îirod- fut ctuulne? la theme ini)ceistesr>' tu dis- soive tili carnage? 'Must 1 to the day et my don-tisc-arr>' the blooîl oft Iie inno- cent uan on ni>-hi-art aud band? Ont. thon crimmon spot!" The ivoreit thing .1 muan cen hare le au e-il conscience andu the hast thiug a mnia-uhai7e lea viat l'auni ci s a goodi coa~nscc. Snaltf:Dispeaaatioa. But je tieme no suu-h img as moral pint- fivation ? If n man isa sinner once, muet le ahernys ho n shuner ani an untorgiron sinun? Ve haroemai l ad conscieuce afler tue. On do jon iell me tint ail the words ot yoiur lite bave hi-on jtuct night, aund ail tic tiongis of >'onn heurt lare beau just rigit. aud ail tise actionss et jour lite just rigbt? Thon yon do net kaom >-ourseif, and I take lie reeponsibilit>' et scying yo.u are a Plariseo, >-ou arc a hy'pocrite. you are a Ponîiue Pilate aud do flot kaow hr. licommit tie ver>' sameleuintlîat Pitate coîrnittel. Yon lare crucified the Lorul ut Glor>'. But if aine-tentîs et this auuiouîuo are made np of thougbtfui andu earnest people, thonn riue-tenthc oftbtis auuiienue are sa>'uug within thetuceves: "la ticre no sncb thiug ce moral purilica- tiomu? lm there ne laver in irbicis thje mont ma>' ach and hoctcln?" Tes, >'e. jyen. TeIt it in moug, tell it in sormon, telulitflui pra>-er, tell it te tle hemisphores. That in eelnt David cricîl ont for irhen ha îaid. "*Wach me îho-ronghly from my min, aud cit'ance me froin mine ialqulties." And that is whlat in cuother place lec cred out for w-Ion ho said, "Waeh me audJ1I&all ho mhIner than gnon-." Behold the inter of the gospel, tiliel w'ith living fouintalus. Did yon ever iee the pictune et the laver lin tIc aucient tabernacle or lu tise au- cieut temple? The haver lu tbe auclout tabernacle mas made ont et the mousensa metalii- ooking glaises. It was a great buasin, standing oui a hocutiful pedeetal. brut mIen the temple w-as built thon bbe tarer w-as au immense cffnir, calied the brazoît soc, and, oh, loir deep more thie Sioodseire guthered! AuhI there more tout tavrs beýsidcs-five at the riglit and flit aheIcloft au eaeh laver lad 3W0 galloas ot mater. And the outeide ef ileco leversairas cnrred aud chaeed mith palm trcîe sug detccftc eut yeu could ai- meet scethc ereestremble aud lions go truc to lite that >-ou contd Imagine >-oil sair the noctinl tîol, aud the cherublu mitl oîulspnmd wiugs. That magniticeut uavrnof the old diepeneailda la n feeble typie of the more gkurlotus tarer of our dispensaiiou--onr surdit Jispenucation. A Grand Opportuait>'. Ilene le thc tarer holding rivera et cal- ration. iaviug for ita pedestal the Rock of Agen, carved wcitb tIc figure of theliou et Jualu's trille aud having palim branc-hes for vit-torn> ud minge suggestivcetofthe couil's liglit tow-nnd Ood in prayer and tIc uoul'a flight hcnrenwnrd crîca me dic. ('oule, 30 aiuditon>-, aundmeelua>' ail >-uur dine, honorer aggnae'ated, suiulaal jour sonnons, homerer cgouuuzung. Corne to thie founitain. nopen for ail sin andl un- ceonnese, the furtheet, tIhen'orst. You ueod not carmry >-oîîr ,tns hait a second. Coulte aunderasb In this glorlonas gospel taver. Whiy, tinttelaan olportunit>' cnugi te ecraîloe- up ail nationse. That te anopporlunit>' tli nili yet stend on ttheAille aud bccken to Ital>', and yeh stand oit the P>-reuecc and heckon te Spin, audJifnill jet etand oui tisaUral aud beckon tu Russie, aud 1h mihu stand et tlîe gale oet baron aundhe-kon tu ail na- tions. Pardons fer ail sin, and pardon night cira>', hroîtgl tiche od oet heSon of God. A uitile chhld tbac lad beau blind. but tuuroîugh ikitîful aurger>' bronglt te cigbt, ecid: *%Why, muther, wm i>' iJ't yon tell me tle eurth snd sky ane no hi-nutiful? Wl>' dldu't yoîu tell me?" "O,"rcpied the mother, "m>' child, I tdid telyon ofton. I oftn told yen hem icatutiful tise>' are, but jon more lid. aud yoiî conhda't sec!" oh, if ne could have our eyes opoacel te @tc tIc glories ot Jeans Chîlt, me monldfel ttat île haut lîad net beau inid us, and >-on mouId go te moule Christian man andlse>', "Wl>' idu'tiyen tell-me hfnre ot the glenies rimu tle Lord Jeans Chisit?" aud tisai 1frtend w-onld say, "1I did telu you, but yen t-nee Iiud aud coulti not aoc, aud yen urore dont aud couhd fot hoar." Hishor>' ea>'efihit a grent aras> came te captura anclettJertucntem. anJdmisen tuié army got on thecblls io Ihett he>' mai île turresaud tise tomons of Jeruaeus he>' gara a aboult tat maSo tis a arth trem- bls.aed traditioni, mlether trua or faim*, "aya tkat, se great iras tisa about, egles -fâying luthe air dropped ndar tisaauk 1moaphisrcpareua.len. Oh, If ira could aouI>' catch a glimapse etftisa towers of "u tgospl temple lute uhuch yen are aili- avîted.toecorne mtsd asis, liionswoeIi lia ia sug efJuilanLt aud w-lda reeuadlag, 4et, New NewJ«fl5OJ5W L akan, the hiosannas cf char W-oMe ag THE afliNDAY INTERESTINCI AND lNSTRUOTInt LESSON, iRettections ofunEavattag Cha~i -Whoeaoane Food for lbeghr- Studyhng the Scriptural Laso. l, tellgfeatiy and Profitsbly. Lasse" for May 12. Golden Text-'île le despised an# Iocted out rn."-Iàia. 53: 3. This iessoîî le tond inMark 14: 53-M aud lias for ite subj-ut '*Jeans Before tb. HigI Priest.-~ It le a pertinent topia.,- Tbere Christ stands to-day, aryoie "What ce-it 3-ou dot nitl mer, HOu $29 our churches giviag answom? What sah -: ho the rt'spoasc ot otîr Sunda>' seiools At this time? Suurely here are questions net fan removed fron tus. Iolt possible that nme ot us are foliomvtng Jeans. like Peter. star off? le ihere a high prient ia hlfgI anthorit>', 10 stanîd andl lthink ot iii) chat- - leuge Christ tte Lord of the churcI? Yes, but are there Iui also those, bid freM viem juisi uuoeî eh, are recîl>, if uead bu, to die for hluti? Tic aum of aaou ta te iriug tiiose truc mutuosstoe i front. "Siinpr-.tuin onielon cnowned htm, Sainte and larîgi-te croevd around hlm. Owui hie titte. praise lis usimer' "TIc, led 3,-sus cira>' tothe hlgh priet.' Mare-el ot mepkupas. Christ" the Lord of glon>'. suffering hlusself ta bc- led of men te igîiuîriny aud deaili. Henm le the tulfllt of thle Scnlptura: 'H.l le bnougît as, a taut)ute tlesiaughter. La" as a shoep hcfonc 1er ohlearera la diib, mo he oîueuîuth not hie moruth." WhY Ï1o00 Judcl net behobn ti? ,Ail the cîlef priaÏsa - aud eidersacnd scibes." Ail agaluat Jesus; floue for hlm. Hum unfair % trial! Do men give (Christ a mors ud. concIle tribual to-dcy? Lt lm.a am the eneites of the Hul>' One uhe s lot lu as a flood. Hîs frienda are inaUçi- an. Yet tîcre siau¶isîtisa Christ' . h spi-cks for himeî. Hear ya hlm. And Peter "star off." Oh, where Iuow la the isotdaesseftînt cned ont, "Thaugb ail mou forsake lIce. yet wmml net Ir' SBUl Peter foiiowed Cbrist, auJ harem $haw» iras something et thc nid courage, it la courage unguandod and unsuistained. Tb* uoxt moment Peter lied deuiedis Mater. Te keep frorn deolal hold close tO tii. Christ. Do net foiloir "afar off."Pev- mas warming himself where a 900d MIRRY Chrteticue are, ah tha worid'afirle. le -1 mas flotac ver>' comtortabie pealtieu. -lM» Lord nover iutended that If shou ei a. A*i Peters hande greir marm s mheart gr&*,. cold. Preslent>' le did nno M" mah0 kuow Joinusot Nazareth. Wa havaeuimf^ It linthle misa mince. "Wltuau agelcat Jeans " W8s Uo tsso, 11 tound. Wltues agaluat Jeans, geoplmg wituese, la a scare article atil i, t1 could hava beau dlacorered 1h wouidigy* heen breught eut ahttisat crucial aw.,i But of auch mîtucssa ilthea0,11131110111h and Pharaces "fouud uone." Tb.9,u&-,ý net yeht ouud. Bah "Mcaur bar fl witiios." 0f thia sort tiare lafi piamty - Yet feiv arc decolved by 1h. Au.s w ll late if cau plill'ha séan tisat "fori'a*ye' ho haa beau deiivered. "The high prieit mtood up," tinS 14P ulfylng that maiters iad comatean iaqms..ý Thnama iseli Qed mseaday arts». "àbî smerest thon uothlug?" What la If tbat,, thuea itueuas.aanat tise?" Ob, ÇW9-lteral>', fohbewtag Tiaciseudorrs IQW**, "Auiswerest thon uothlug te ubat tbie mitnces againat tIrse?" And then bigI priost goas right ou s ai m Lt4 pateel, te aucecer for hlm, 1gu,üfly. B' neot natifiCîrlet bas ditiuctir ackmowf1- edged lis divinit>'. "! cm (tisa CbeIat sud yet @hahll sêlétisaSou ef Maq otalt on the right isandi of power and od% In île cloudc et hoaven."Inuthe face flitiplain declaration hoewus ea*tt and isecuise of it, cwac coodemuad. 02aW n'as erlat man cnid de. Whah seit? What God can do la fuililmeut ef thea 4g- laration of his Son. The mord l4 eut aM* leho îlI corne, aud aven>'eye shall seilaL.- Hint andhIl-ustrationss. Christ nn triai. Neit week 1h w-ti hefore lise scculer tribunal, tisheoii~ tis week if la beore tis pirituael 9840 the chureh. Christ amont his 0w-a, tlM bruugs île anbject tory tclose home. Jue sands te be Judged lu the audit 61 Ibm- clnrch to-îiay. Betore ire go baera Pi- late wuts this Jeaunsire muet mer' whis we thing of hlm enrelres. 0f, cld "1» came to Ieaouva and hie ocra receailiL bum nuet" eIoftsn ornu earespeets cti? Ie Christ weeonsed, la the whole et Is divine missiont b>'thos ir b i' hte noms? The atrangor etooti a long crule ln the vestibule ivaiting te ha givein a seat. Haeiras flot croitdresseil, AM, ipeopla tarednth im c luttle as lisey p~affim- c d. No eue gave hlm greehiuig. At lm*~ leh tuned aira>'. "Whct dhurcs la tie» 1ho ase ofethtie sext,în. "Christ's chanci,'- tiras tise repu>'. 11 reckou,"' sa.d the- atrangor, "the master's ont." W'hère doce Christ stand la tis h usebi tet-day, the reah Christ, erocraad, or "' trial? Are we ecayiug, mIls Peter, "1Tbom- art the Christ. the Son of tise living, Qe' or witI tic higis pniet. lu crîtical moed ..Art thonth îe Christ?" Whlck de w-e tkuoir bcd. Christ or tIe morid? Chblt t ery'siluscpe ake. LtEs a eamusami d4'., ulhteel acknowie(igigmnt ot ail that W,- claimed for, aud la île estimation of tb C Jair agalusi hlm. Ha la king. Haea~ V here a king. Lot thisalence et yg lires ape for, not agaînst Christ p thl iringepistle et your axampia lq He is my'Cba'lai, my Kiug. f Next Lsso-" Jésus hafore uie :Mark 15: 1-15. 9Wby the ChancI Deaen't wa tTIare tire man>' people tu e wbise relîgiona experIe'ieuc uated and publsfld. meuh b a jlhcrarly curlosît>'. Tbey"V 1 fllcof st in, or convur

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