Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 May 1895, p. 1

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5V45~ 1111; lU .P~.flJ< &UL'. I1~LL I#I~ 1RUTH AND MAA'E MONk Y. PRICE. 5 CENTS PEUt Libertyville, Lake County. Illinlois, Friday, May 17, 1895. $1.50. in advai tke Zurich Indenondent *LAKE INDEPENDENr. .RTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. flAke Oouty) for their eversl llIUss. the Count> New6 *0 tmoegb to mire eaeb and ail *VERTI*INO MATES. cet ar l o bamMl i w lus. !ryin lan1ing adM ~~OBlsa$5 OUemus 1 3lin1.4traight M.'* lrI; b for ad or Frount Pasern C 40V rteslc"ueraUnerftir« u il. k 8" o etera hrgefor chesmdi ê5~issauents ruuni g bytandingear. Only Two W.eks More. Then the price of theCnlcago Week- ly papers goes up. Better take advan- tage o! our Special Club Rates before June lot, as their price more than doubles on and af 1er that date. Re- member, now we bave giveul you fair wvarnlng. Don't be too laie. We Want the News. But we request ail who conveniently can,te, hand tbeir items 1<, our regular correspondenta. Cive them your aid and see Iîow interestlng you can make tbe borne paper. If you don'i know wbo our local correspondent lo, you eau easily leara by asklng the post master. Rand ini your newo as eai ly as possible, thon we saal be able to pub- Iisb it white fresb. We baie tb use stale news. Lend us your beip nnd you wili be pleased witb the result. TuE PUBLISaica. Many an unw!se parent works bard and lives sparingly ait bis life for tbe purpose of leavlng enougb to, give hie children a start ln tbe worid, as it la called. Setting a Young Mau afloal wilh mî,ney left hlm by ies relatives MILLBU RN. Geo. C. Dodge bas been il], but la about again. Little Leone Strang lias been iii, but in better. Misa Maude Spalfford carne home from Ântiocb laat Sunday. Nine-tentba o! the wold'a teachinb force la sain to lie wornen. Mrs. Starkweatber was caiied bar- rledly tauicago, Tuesday. Jas. L. Thain drove to Chticago, Wedneaa, on a business trip. Miss Jesale Bater returned borne Saturday, tu spend tbe Sabbatb. Mr. and lira. W. J. White were no- jourriers at Antioch, Wedneaday. Pastor Ilarria and son bave beeuu wrestling with the grip, tbls week. Mr. and Mis. Norman Adams, of Chicago, were guests of Mrs. Pantal over Sabbatb. Jesale llaçrls bas provided bersel! with a new buggy in place o! the wrecked pboeion. Roy Hughes returned from, Evan- ston le spend Sabbaib, brigi i.b him bis scjoolmnate, Mr. Cbristy. WAUCONDA. G. C. Robertsiîowflias ail asistanit. Wni. Marbie weîîî to the ciy Tue.- day. W. Il. Ford speui a few da) s bere recenlly. Elitr <Golding ls the owrer of a new liade trombone. Mr. and Mia. H. Hendee, (f Gra)s lakle, buadayed bere. Rev. Baton wUll preaeb bis farewel sermon Sutuday May 26. The band boys are doing fille. They begai uiiarchiiîg this week. J. Aynaiey, of Diamond Lake, was a Wauvonda visitor Tuesday. Elmer Ford, o! Elgin, called on Wauconda frienda last week. Mrs. 1H. C. Paynîe and datighter caiied on frienda boere lasi week. J. C. Price, of St. Paul, Mini., qpent a few days ln this place lasi week, Wlll Wauc'inda bave a base bail club ibis year? Wake up boys anid organîze a iiuie. The Wauconda Tennis cliii are getting tbeir grourids readv firthie MWs.5 tn nijbriltn m 1 Is 1> tllg a blauuer uuuer the arri _u-s..--'-- 1 iom paable, ltofefeh MontS. o! one who cannot awim; ten chances The Y. 1'. S. C. E. business meet Ca.Wîti- vangbC 0 0 aHnl amîl(ellse on s f) nt I-will wîîlose bis îlîdder and go ilig ai the parioîlage last week, despite 4-e iaged theil i ' aiol Advanoeo hboto. tTivaahslm<m mm~ e'eh lhîim tu awim ime îîîreaîeiiîrig weaîlîer. was wlat-ahggm1 IN iea)coalo 10th1,oto.teiided* and etîjo)e .Yîlddre-,., SdgiedO PI-.v. 5 c"cImi eam. 25 ýfor $1. aiid h,- wilr ualt need the bladder.1 Il airv llU lîî i-ntithie latter ption Price, si .50, per Vear. Cive -your child a good oducatioîî. M r. and Mrs. Parket, o! Chiicago, 1,, t oî îlast uer.k %'.îaîlg his mijtiier Se. tait ilt ls mrai ae prebis gojouriiiuîg at Lake Villa, drove a ; M.C. PADDOCK, Pubflsher. mimd iîtivatedî, anid his wbole naure over lu Miliburu to attend cburcb -Àser (i3l1k made subservieuit tt ire laws whicb Vice Sabbîîlb moruiîg. If Y<u wala hîlore of Yaur fliouse, goven mu, nd ou ilihav gieit TheMilbur Y.P. . C E.wasglete Wauc,îila îmlîmograpliera govenlimati, îîîl ya w dulhaveegiensentedIlaloktgearîteeri GU nt RN.EE. îaigprue what wili be of mort %îalue than hiir dirail)eliessnteAliai hieGtuîiiee raIl> ýw.ndMM.Letr.livilg roedWediiesday iiîgbt. More wouid goie M1, rid dice %% Miilie lield in iW - ni teacliers, have beea re-en- weallli o!f t i Y. ou have giveni1lîad ickîiess inîI preveled. M. E. clitireti Suriday miriiîg Mal, 2.J for the comiuîg yssr, at an Ili- hilm a start whiui ro misfortunc eari Miss Carrne Bater speu .as Sbbatb fiel. Moiiey Vill deiivei ithe sddress. salary.leprive bilm of. Tlie carlier you witb friands ai Gurnee, lber moiber re- The wife of D. liabiismu, a pnuii urufe batcb of îîews did no e c hit eear. hi oituriîig homne fronî Woodsoc-pk tu re- rient lumiberman o! htariwick, N. y., U U unual. W e trust the coi re- r s ue i ve le !Iî c r ! h m .aas sick witb rheu mnatism for ive t wli lie 0o deck next wesk Bikes. bikeâ, bikm-Lloyd White montba. ln speaking o! il, Mr. Rb aW is.WARREN. now owns a iîew wheel and he isa iflsofl amys.' "Clîambe*rlaiis Paini 1 Anna Straiig is prepared ta do Jo,l MCmmrrnck lias a file iiew hap o.Gog lmson has aiso Balai is th1e onlY thing that gave lier akling, cuttîug and l tihîg. by blider.I ordereti one tlîruugli J. M. Strang. any reast fritm pain. For the relief of Ilystem whicb tuok the treuium at We notilce iai Fied l'aller rides a Miss Addie Pollock bas gone to) bad cases of ibeumnatians have ocezi Worl' Fair. Give bier a trial. file bicycle. 'plowa lo be present ai the wedding o! curir bv il. Foi, sale atl<Ni cenîts lier '.~ooeliclur ai't esdyetsud Chats irorio! îîrîeeîaaîe faier broter. Duriug ber absenîce,fber 'ttl , F. B. Loveli, Liberlyville, attend tu lima olti business for ail car wit1h of liugs Monîday.. j ister, Mrs. Cary, prasides ut the and G. . Roberts, Waicunla, drîig. ,ýdesaire Ilis services, îot ith tl iîd- Grubb aclîuol. gist8. If -i~malicuous statemexits o! fls ONi A little datîglter lias crime to the E. 1'. 1)dge was home aven Sundav.-* yee,10 tîe cmirry.haine uorlRob Thuiori aI Gurî le repmurs bulisîiedé; gooti. caîisiderîmg Charles Vîctor Davlin. foi ail th t latest, îînprm ved h mlI<us rýIIg the ue fitleiof jolie. muccee mi g ait(dis w lad ît eartv. lie , et I ,rn SM rli ii,1,, I îm I ai lhe 1- 1- ,î' ' ~~.fil Ântwirnmisscne ie WlimMGiii .IIruoe ues, lie looka as tlio' lie was j Yo.,e.;s ehiiiif SMr . aloi Nl's.(ha'. buale, cal soîpl fle lnus Mî mia h ba lie.,n !estartedie11aloller tip,. Moitda% i.ipart,'aisrit rit2P. . i t le - ;es lie4h. tl ude u e baly il laris MrGeoiga Thiî<î Mrsbliemrv ra3 in las 'ea1iou it, ii ii i umaim8.,d w it-m i a*lus lth rnaclinerv,.(.il tebs emi ilftami, aeeks. oiIo. 3ecOv'erilig.1 si,'k li bu t forlis In ttiiou lir <a 'îmu.eî ou. M "Idîî je,îfîmi-l ih4hlm word aîîd be wil su ow soi "by wîîrk. 5'ai, scîol lmis eei remrg;tiîizeml îlsuiliter, Muas Stsie, a as called hleianie îll m.,.m'î . l i'aîma , iimiîîî' aht Granige J [li i> y Sihl (;eoiige I>adge ironoCimcagoi to cle foir lier. <1heii , ' -Dit i i eî,I ia m.,th'i" liaVing bougbttlime elevalal . 1Ilha Ve oa i N llbuz 1 A i tl% as lsoahonle guest aveu Suiudav. 'ili t' I ff .mu, - îifmI m, tisi dowiî 10 busie&4 andidi mmmlred gria milr,'.i l-, mne.,i)., ,ld .. iMitu W bWgo supply of goîxîs, wlîiclm w ii Chles Laîîîi)hîlasthie fomirdatioî E. Gi. Wood, Co. 1lires. Y. P. S. C. E., giiiîg boli aîuld lomai .îmmm itom the ho bhere. i propose tii smppy thie laid for lus inA-w burle, William Met- wats aguest ut the Millburiisocieiy s,mmai. 5,,' teFmo'r elti lîmmim eks ie.î jNe wibh Flour, Feeti, Grainm, Salt, (.regir did lIme work. andi addressed tliain Suniday eveninling luur.mlm'i )Iri, .îitmlrmi 'iîny mm Coal, etc. You wîll alway. filiti James Blechc la agent for a disîl anîl asaited pashair sin in the aven- u>tii'uhls Smmumml,Iiv fuî'rimîi Apl 'lie , ou dock to serve yoa.ets'me uwrs., Tlmmmmi, ie.t niogImt'm dktusreyu %aaliîîig machine, said ta be a greatI iig delvice. 'icîmîimommlmgiaimmîtmlm'i Gilo. DALZIEL. labor saving linstitutionî. 1h was voiet by the Sab"batli sctooi AÀIl thimi iigmlirh eymi't,'lmt.ii),y himîs Icum, If ou believe ini protection, give Misa nmaSragwh asb bnt invite thie Rev. Il. B. Waterman, t. fewIlinutegt*lmiforelhtif pmalt six lilit hom phsiia. atril. Dir. Em lo . eno! Oak t'aik, tb give bis eniertain- Mîmrimiteilhecalimithe fiiiiily ailishoot Imn, Il cnlygada dî'ssmaking in Rasecrauia the puatsi 5x ment, The Japanese Wedding. ai Mill- lts eyt; sought amie teur fmace aliter miîitiîr Medicai College and lhaving wesbsrtmnt oGre. burn. Watcb for furihur announce- limgrun a i k.ak'i. lii fils lmmîî.une tgmn a thorougli course, be ia poshod Mrs. S. W. Guiiei'man relurnedtu Wment. nmrreitf ,uthnila mimmasd urînstîm.lyoand &Bml the lateat scientifie dlscoveries the citY Saturday aifter spending a Alfredi Spafford la off for Val pariso.i'.smsfmmi) tu uaL. Thme rimains wer.. placeed &M hnce Is eil qualileti to trsai ail week with Mrs. John MeCormick. bis sehool ai Rockefeller having closed.i.n a tleaulîîuoi whilie î'asket Wieih wa& coverdm ~ssointeligently. Us b as a repata- lira. Emily Bronaden wua called taIlie will lie fotiowed by Edward Taylor, si fragrant iowm,îs rte -gflesorf ioî'ing , om t etabliah andi will give bisi the Centrai part o! ibis sateioseverai who wili also testhe enummer term. frîesîm. The imiaket ws careu'ud iv six ittie p$mMnta the best cars. weeks ago; an ageti sister anti buabanti Boib gentlemen bave done gooti work 110Y. ImIOimats and frens o te îttie play- _______________ ________ have boib been very ill. lu ibeir respective achools. note whomhalmdlu't thMent ail for a letter aimd biglmi-r liand. l'bc fuulerai ,ers'im',. muler Adlnstatr' Nlf.William Sage's uew bouse orna up Your correspondent bas beard coin- lvi li il](- Catîmole mlmir,'.. ev R. M. 0«>01 .5-aticniie . dmnlAa -eaoft,F.atanvl tedstuc. eealcrenesplaints of the bati babit o! nut giving oîiatminîg. Thmerentamals ,Wiri'laid I ta ilu MohnTe In adeesed wltir u'.id theare ai work on the building. James hlaithue roati. Loadeti teama, at thîe Clîioîie 'Lvi.y iîit l,î duOwas rtem 00U t orof Lke Dlent i Ir ai~rt I.'e ohnoi istu trc.think, have a rigbt 10 the fuît way; >Ouiia'i.i'If ,i'm,î.lmidrun mand wama a'tted es.Insale! idont .Il the i, nday o A Teîegram wa reeiv SndaJy btliltnîaaoulituuoit hrai rîiiiî'ly <lie :-i'l Iami hlmmiwt li mmisIii. ne= eIN& 15w. su an siaire Perso s roolaifor mutual couisideration. in li.i l li ia. 'ii l i fcint limg isuomi ]ývtiausga t w a sId tatmî or fiemi anuouniciug the deathlio! Hiraniuii ii m. iiiImnmticiimtîname Md iequeuted taretient t l u su Schioaiey. leHa Stu ay10h Ralpb Spafford lias beeniconiplaiumi g mmni tru.lit aienUi i rmm Imnt i ill ~5ft ors5ud û loi, atnrtia inacontact HE!Nhy TE AMPE. Amiiimnsiriýir. luCalifornia, lus wifa, Mary Bronstiu !asr liot be ia rvmtu i_loru micîiiaî'îmithmi ec. .,lîaiîr WAUkmkun. Apîi l il. 114. "î, Scioole> . visited thlme onn er hîi liinsiging iii tire chtoir. Ilis hroibeJ r, mi..ii h iai.tîm ,î, ,ms.iuît childoid humi ire li Warrenm aud rettîrîet r tr omi ilapae. ta . ~ .m ~î..î :ili mr i..ti iir idar.îît lExecutor'a Noice. haine, ale last full. Tea so irs ihrother, Alfreaso, an id 'Miss laîiiemi 'l iiiilJ' i 10ilm'rimi.îy aîteicr. ICE (mi' le 1 )gi vi u i hooeystnv i li. '1hiai i i sangi piasinîg solos last Sa,-ilim<i. iioi i i, attend ier. Exmnt,,r t nh mt e Le a ocîatahmmt'atGsig u y m Jiy ex 1F,.sur'l'li~. e eta ar c t r an god Halulinuteea h pîamaeWdie- iii. îiiiii ii .I "tond tiresCuneyssuuii lit yt'rime MissioiiitnV Society met i tfull fe«Mereo Uotlllt.d s d etti C, t sill ay athutiuc. h aresciuîeîerythAîîaMisoryT,10alId iî'rimimmim i'sr'm' = En j l it 'eh'PF, laie . euII r les ehe A bhu l00farge crwdthedmu irc ah lme clî u tc pWe aîsdsy, a y 22, I <îî 'm igm ima mu 'u " Wsuugioti 'R. puur.A tgll ivrioafomlme d.0 p . !ov ed fby a porst A ianf -(0itii th.'ai'. aîm %m'afood Wate li an dLtpe Ingafraotmdigit îuagaî uh thAtimals oa miq e a, t bdevi by'nhie hîfrs'ontauiai' îmi te *id U) or1p àof. fr uppr as niae, whe a pat Ms.Geoge Slanî 1 ceTbatehiWarnrnienmium'moll lod ii - - oEKI.,Iu ,.lais thtoer aboro!tht1bail roppbirttdh901hrhayo! br esed haMraEr<'ii '212,irmmi .orawfml' 'ele . l c h e ; oln te 2 .ut3m 0 o pr . . t a sa, p r t b a g d f i a d sI i, u l i m iî ,' wire p a's. u ii .,m '1 tht îau la 3t.IM u erryAdsuc itiewsi n flîti l tw t afîddag a is fttd lgts A o! i tiiii cm i, li'iii ri tm' *S atdl xhag o bu inglit e gr ande i r u r gav arî niue as aiiciî,w of liea' ite ilî '.3 'mii'. i-i iii forD sbtut p . nu.mde e apatmu! sI. eorge'm'<îiri'< isiemtili ON ACCOUNT. -O- ALL who kuosi tciimeivcs i-i debted 10 me on' book ac- cotint or otherwisc, ',till îpicasc cail and settle same by cash or ,bankable note,INMDX'E.fl and oblige, %Jý . 8.JURRIE, ORAYS LAKE. 1 'AR LOAflif Cil-T ~S Geta. Scimnuiher atm't.(hiimago viuit(in Mloiftlay andiiiTtîesii 3. A.. L. amyiIîi sva.,; iili 'i'O ii Ch. 'iiia lcker ihuumîa mi'i;u h flue steens t,, Cluli.;g4athis sieek. .1. 1'. Wilhmmii'aliti wîife havei e l-il vsitiiug relativeos at1i lluimîgtonî, wis., lime 1155 waek. Tht onche4tra ausd1 a<sa. Itrukers lasI Weîinestiav eveîmiug foi practice. after the musical treat au excellent lunch was serveti and att report a ine time. They meet witb Misa Lotit Stearns ibis week. For a anes vlstng card or business carda give tht INDEPENDEZNT a cahl. Fine new script andi a nice assort. men'l of carda bers. If mmii waflt toiwi hI' i olîr home mluisnalons, E .'i'îtoins, Taxsat anitlier nlctlî'-. uiblaci luthei I'Nuuit Nns . \'o m %I il g lualitl um cýrre'ut li.gailiii ii,i mt j i ui lobtiit ijces and file vethiiu.ts mo! same, sas'-itlg >0ot 111i thîmItnl'(ili'1(. Il. C. Piiululçck, Iuuhisuîen. t! Pneiumîum No. i ,-Farn.ens Monthiy. To every subsciber who pay's 81.r59 atrlctly Cash in Ativance, for the INDF.PEqDENT Ont year, wt will senti a year's subacription for the Farinera Monthly, a 16 page farm journal pub. lished at Rock! ord, Ei., Price 5centa; but Our Cash-in-Advance aubacribers, eau have lt absolutely FIXE. .~ii a lh l,, 'lu*; i,,,ii.uim p' . mm; j lii '<l , i< i n i ui.iii i ', IIiii -i ut îî~ i G u li, 1h,1,, f. i-i î, .. p 1 î,um ii 'l A-ilsert.i'i'.m uanid onnm'<pontents shatîlt remenibh er huit ilt ikes tlme Wo settype1 'liifoi','l o luilt - nt'ln li printed. Yotîîw«11 grm'uîis' .oblige by handiusg lu your eaîmy eanly. Copy for adas muat bareafter be lut our banda flot aler ilsan Wodnesdas- noon, so we can devobe Thsursday 10 asebiing up th<, lateat news. We alrn W pnînt the la. DIEPENDENXT Thursday a!ternoon, so l* will reach our readers on the Frlday LAKE ZURICH. Ike Fox is busy deliverng icé. Clark has begun slipping ice. Fisliing in the lake ia very guod. DeIia Seip bas returned from Chicasgo. The painters are ai wîrk on Webb's buildings.1 Mat Wood la considered champion f rog catcher. August Bergmanî was an Elgin visiior Friday. E. e. Fieke and wife weîe ai Long Grove nday. Iur rin maker comriied matri- la Y th week. The Ela cornet band no~v cornles o)nt lu full uniforn2. Fred Kuckuck went 10 Chicago on business Saturday. Wm.hIersclîlog ueiit honie 10 se bis ma SundaN. D)r. G. W. Alversom, of Chicago, ias located aI thils place. Chas. Seip and wîfe v.ere Palatine visiitots last Sunday. Win. Tank anid wife of litalle, are gueste of Il. L. l'reliai. BiglenmiîlImhe.the hlyilig ciîi- mal usini mV'i 115a'eek. Joîîmîm uera"h i g, nsmther sndsirr o! l'Illi uGrave. adre guesîs mmf A. BergnatiFriday. laîîry Swtarniaii huas metumnuetifronu Giluar samd huas timil comnml o! the Zcmricli cr-amserv. Olur bala atheudedt lieme edd img ai Rieaes 'Thurday avmmuuîg aumil a-ra nsceîved in due forun. Jake flerman bas beau iîavilîg rooms raîmavatetianîd wiii suion lake ihua lis foit a pannier for life. liermsîî hlelfer, of Long Grove, lias îmuîchmsd îwo lots ilear tIme lakeand %viil sootil btild oui hhieni. Mlrs. If. Shultz lias retunset frons River NView andti la ow stayiîig wltb lier soliw'iliiau.u ini Fremont. Fuir isttar nalroami accanmuaaioiis, sifii the hiehitionmui.ost asisu iotlig, aîily thue trtulee 10 aIuisii yoîîr signmaturin. We waomld suîggest lu aIllaurhbuîsiness , ' t 10"put"omî a aigu makimig kuowin Ilmair hiusiiiesa 1telIme public il also laumks ike lmîslues. R'leie.nim.r if %(-Ii usa a dv'tn-1 hising ini thls palier >'mium ahihave Ii ipay tus fo u tan aoik. We are 3atm servaits and exl*pe ls. E. Rlobertsonî, 1IL Me)er, Il. Mbtint- lieîmk, M. Clark, Dr. Moffat aumd Wm. Iliiîuerbarg, o! Palatiiîe, a'ere tiare Timtr8day on a tlsbing tip. Wnu. Iiillmaîî theobuîstling contracior la ready 1e take ail jobs you hava. Lt usakes îîo differtuice wiat you bave ho do give Biliy a eall for businiess. The Lake Zurich Bus starteti ou itg tiratip teh Barriiîgton Saturtiay a. ms. anti returnet loatiet with passenger. Two trips will ho matie daIiy. Succeas te yoen Anse. Everybodu attend thea meeting aI lthe Wwn hall Saiurday i 2 o'ctock p. m. for the purpose of gelting a Mail, Milk aimd Passeîiger service on 11. B Leao! TY.. wheu trohla smihl rh ma ,bangbt a boîlle a! Cliami I r1 'ain Balm from E. J. Neaves,'là druggist ibere, anti says il did iiihnjore gooti than auîylliîîg be lîsti evtfbefore useti. For sale liv F. B.L Lveilibterlyville, andî G.C. Robants, Wauucouida, dî'uggisl. 'litre ara gîeti îossibilitiis in iilie uear future for nich mevelomniams lu Zlurihm. We have nou.mra' backs. ."niy (elue w'shiug ta lcte liera eau hîuî anîd builmi. Cimoice lots at low lgures flîr sale. As il is Iow a'e hear the aiuntis a!fclrpeluhers sawgsudîî iammers rng iinor tara f'romn ail suIes. Npevuîildiuigs are goiîîg tp tlail!. Thmis is as il aliauldI li. Suliscribe for thte IND)EpENDENT. The I. 0. 'N. J.-Lodige arganizeti wihlime foilimain'? offiuars' Worthy l'resident, William lIlutchîinsou: %lice Prmsident, William Ernstiug; Itecord- inug simd Finiauuciiîl Secy, Jobhnî Iicksou; Ti'eausrr, E. A. Fickt; Chaplini, Masi Coiby; Ciuîductor, Win.. hall; iniAlte Gîuai'd iaî, A. Cuu iiiglian; ()mmsimie Guaî'diaii, hlenry 'Swermaîn; i'ast l1resi<leit. W. Sauommiîîî Tnumalees AI. Il. Fiche, Chias. Il. Seim andul leîiry 'm.<Ittl'eu. How Many Eggs" A lady> tuu.k il iiIliet or uf 'gg'< 1 ns1i kct anipîlîotui'iig msî lii' ImIi l liuu, ii ifIr 1 tiik,' tht î'ggs out o h eu imZI lm t it'h viukit, i L iiij' 1Il Vý 011U s'c ait îgg Ift Illtl ,os lîSjý t; if I take tliem souI it il hne Ilu7 anse egg, lefI ii hebîm.mket if I Inke Ibem oît four it a ie i have ont egg heftinlutht basket; if I take tbem Outt ive ai a lime 1 have ont egg leftInluthe basket; If I iake ihein out six at a Mrne I have ont egg imft out sevtn et a dine 1I wlhl have noue te!t hn the basket. WANTS, FOR SAL4 UTO. FI'r.aie89acre t Prairie v or mail ufacturîlîg purpassaA property "ili iocated à a b. Turm.4 reasonabie. apply t Prairie vlew. Ilii. PASTURE FOR 0Io- good pasturueor stlg. Cbias. Stempep0 Goe,1 ETD CORN, En a ungarlan Chas. Stempel, Long G T wO Pure bred PluichmnàiBwv Hop. .pply t op~~ Gilmer, 111. 24 F RSALE în odm oq hous,built upolhonorandilt acre lot on D iv si o ntj i l ge n o s good weil and 4e ru. Fruit m and busthes. Ap le. (29-82) A. P. STAPÎt.Llbertyvîîle. 111. F AR.M FOR SALE-1 57J acrell, wuen inîprovemi, Cio uiIding6 noves. failig srig, bl11Soc anti D*Iu FarM. lcaed on eti tOwn 1et rmojtir-ee ('es b twaio- aldlvemlWest eoflo llack4iiiiili bp. Terms reasonaui Etiqurme of Yvnar on premise. NICHOLAS SMrMr. 1'. 0. Address, Wauconda, Ili. BI.4'tCKSM [TII AND WAGON Obop ai DiamontiLak for Sale.A.I can no loniger stand it W shoe hotus.. 1 offer su esiablist business or o9« forty yeara. anti y buldl e* mw thieyeara ago 4x32ft wita.d4lt.. 18X 24 fi) wîtb ing o story anti frai ry o ltui $hop or store, i a bwalu J W gooti stand hijere tbirty e .1 teama gail ai the c ery *v"r imarning. For partihcala appl e' 4, 28 41 Wsa. EIN5MAX, owive. Diamonti Lake,'La4e Co., 111. Pffturage fo &ock. Wantsti Stock b j'are. Apply te .1. P. NouRm4Ï ýoceIler. 1000 Corde Mlud For sale ln quantite ~uiî. Apply tW F. ~ymond. Poand s eBar C. .Sunali, Dé ig~lne y 111 Saw Du# Fj4r Sale Tit Ilutif Daimtj4 MQj- lias startol agaiti ant ibas plenf of 58w duat nov onu band. Pasturage f IMk. have plenîiy o pature, wiitu runnhîîg wati, f o me t sicoW&. 29-32 A .Riohara. Prairie View,,'La '.,I. A Oood Buinssor Sale. Grocery, Bos ah/Soeo sg" Furnisbiug Gouda, etf.sta~ u will lu a ive,gr~n ~i county, for aald ra For patilcal pply to or Relstai abassd Lo An.gnt GILMER. Seethie chanîge iii R. C. llubbaulse $ 2 .50 shoes for $1.50, at the Ginur store. Niat Bimgatrt N isitedinl Lipertyville, Momiday. Juist racaiveti, a car o! corn bran, $13.0u a ton. 11ev. Moîîay sintti ai Gilmer, Sat- urday uafterîîoozu. Franîk Ulînichi is workiuig ai bis traite iii Rockefeller. Mrs. M, A. Audrews spent Sunday withî moiber Anîdrews. JaY Morse, o! Libentyville, spent Sunday with Wil Morse. Alfredi Macrow, o! Chicogo, titi business at Glmer, Monday. Levi Price aud family, o! Wauconda, viittd ai Mrs. Andrews'. Montiay. Miss Mila Hutchinson bas been vie- itîng Mrs. E. Hubliard, btepst week. Chtas. Phillipsansd wife, o! Waake- gan, visitedtinutîler Huntiîgton, Séà%- nrday. Tliere is îimthiiîg so lmalpful ho a mnan ini bîusineass as uitîticous advertising. Advertise satin gonudsandttthîey are sure ta seli. whleim in lîetimil a culivtton, or any agrit'utua I î mleuîenî , cit oui Cit Sialil. 1liecalu saisfiy yoti, both lu A Snnali îîuîuber i rom Ihis vlclity umtenited the raiiroad meeting at', Z.urichi, Ssttrdaty. A preaident ,4,, secretary were electeti an! a tee appointeti. There wiii h. aoW, meetinîg in the tmîwn balat&4 Zurich, Saturday, May 18, at 2 oà"... P. un, sharp. A large turnout la '.ai'< sireti. The IND»JUrnsoe hoto my a paper ia Lmke Côuaty lmfo o& andi publiahes 'k wlei. k l - - ------------- ilîm ir1wiv É-nri JVIF IM: TO FEAR GOD, TELL TUE TRUTH AND MAffE MONE Y. PBICE, 5 OMTS PU C ïo qw $1.50, in advta.

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