- LINOIL NS ARE UGLY. OIEATEN TO DES TROY AN du ARABIAN CITY, J 01 au mmo sied Corn la Fairly God abolie tr ,»bWu» t esrt tu Arm ta Kan- e 1 - Disivantuges Under Whlch ni51 biiquis RebelIs Arc Struggliag. th Paule Oceuns et .Jiddsh. t I.vcesereelver! la Constantinople f romtdi Idià, Arabie, -a seaport ut Mecca, and sl -mue ofthtie reccat murderoîrs asseul 01 ie bgomular officers of Great Brilailu. Oi d~ sdFrance, annucetiret a Patie c ptlsstire.and tirat il la feareni tirec ileuns vil! attack tireoira. Tire lut- t gre ireld' responsAble for tire altack poq thre consuls, viricir resulted lu the bthduf tire Britishr vice-consul, sud a : piaér o e rm ver. airested luncouse- = n.Tins ibas causer! an angry feeling bou thrs Berionins, viro dAnand lire re- ci à» et thons alprebender!, and tirreaten t 2qà force If treir demand ls et con l- bM vitir Tire situation ia su serionsG WI:th BhaEropemns ut Jlddair arecirastily c ~eg efug onhourd tire merciraut vus-bi tle;:tirlrabr, takiag mur îirum alil W e6Wably eau ofthtirirbelonginga. l g Sim st» ater! in tire advicem trou Jiddab si ut tbeaMarvaI there et the Britisir Med.If miluman qadron, numberingneveu-il w% varmiips ut varions ciassea, la aux- r MlI ,iyexpected devea by tiré Turirisir au-1 loritliss. as tire garrison la very meak. m IOA!>ED »OWN WITH DEM?. IL ~isrB lOa No Condition toi Puy the1 Costsot Wer.V o eml-offiIaI stateucent iras been ru. irid la Wamshlagton fronatirhe leadersa 9 a" etirhe mut Inluretial lements ilu h*& shcing tiraI tire er expenditures re becomnrg suoeormous sud tire sîgar %d tebacco Industriesgse nuprolitairle bat leI'beiievt, aguneral uprisirrg Il =1t t&rutire.bard 'limes eauaed. TIre ~IIS u tie satemeul conceratug lire raébte conditions prevailiug le as fol- "~: Thre ar experises of 1868-78 ivere by h Cuba.~ Spain furnmioird 212,3167 .ýt litl a single dollar. Cubeairasa w4d itir aeariy $200,000,000 del. bu- a yearly budget of $58,0000W0 lu euo years. Gen. Lovellar declamud e tire Spanisir Cotes tire thlie ar ex-a iégsm ied been $700,000.00, or arr av- i hrefo ut 70,0,000 a y<u. Sugar pro-a ~eW, thenailirslae-elabor waes soid eto *entt a Pound. Lent toiracco wia sWialt ÇU arent aboe to-day'n îrteus. lPer i etaM;- suÈr sele to-day eit 1.8(3 cents aa **»&4or'30 Per cent beluîv celtilfpro-1 teun ar! la pregseri toeilIat ditir rUerma beet sugar. Tire tobeeco inr- W«T' AIo rincer! byond edemption by a wamr.u Leafdoes ot puy lire cocl of eIto.a'sprices. A $45,000,000 la tire lest straaî on theirecnrl Tirs budget cf 1893-1 aras ild 860000duficil and] sîrgar soldt iB t 2.S25 cents a poru d, whîile thIs lir t sels at 1.80 cents a prul 9MMON DOING YAIRLY WELL. ini Promis«s WeiIltu the South, but Ratn la Needod. evorritigto u ire Goverrimeut veukly ris report, tire tarm irsetier ofthtire 1W weu iras beeu favorable foeurîtol 0" inA reporter! as doiug aveu iii Tu-n- "-adOklahromuasud Jj improved inlu lend mr!Nortir Oeroina, tireugir aill eWdlaintire lal-namu-ni State. lu Ï4d»bta tire stand ha@a been effécted by1 blWeweter outhlie precudiug week, *- irai eommnr.ed lu groir again. lu thr.e uiy part oflire ireek e-asunu- llfl.but tire yarid' veatier ef tire pflt va, favorable for cîltivation, vam bd'ai eade. Tire marin iral also been bunefieiel to corn. S ofwiilovrtire nurtirerîr ior- tb're cIbl la about conffletd il W. eeing up sud doirîg ieil. Ile- êrom outirrn States irrdi<ate tirt t ht section is lu excellent coudi- la Oh!.. IrdianMichigani crd IIUis acoruvourrd Ire grently 1e!by -rab. W'iitr e ilreis in l 5ésprarisiug condition in Ohiou,Indriarnra, suga md Missoruri, as u mis15ap- léla Illinuois. tlas oecrly reedy 10 l~etla Kasas and las headiirg irr i'enrr- enui sd Mar-ylandl. Arkamranam ui 9=rtek report iurproved -onidition, sud t5(et in Oregon are excellent. t . F1115 GUN F111111. ýUWioiM Fr.. Stiver bien Issue Their Manifeste. f.l ree ilier convention et Sprirrg- li,11, Wcdncsduy declared rîrrîrrîlmoîrs- Slaver ofthtie free coinage of ilver ra2tio of 16 tu 1 witir guîd. Th'lis IWctlumaadopter! tirout e dis- ~oice trou tire 850 diegates ltho tire convention. Tire delegates selt ou record ansireiug lu fat-rofu D4ig ur a national Demecrbî con- te lte action ou thir rn uuyqîe iloh P. Hopkins, of Chicago; W. ffMulmisn. 'ut Jacksonville, George oflia.u Newton, sud L. B. l'av- weFeai-ru namedne asdelugatea-, Item tire State tu attend sacb cou- if une saolibuceldby tire lrrp- tuter! autbitt's Foreed toi Kt Ung-Meat. mer Santa Rosa errlinluSun trou $an DiegoRil! ri-y liortaj mbiwreekeul marirn-entftire Creuelabourd. Caîrtairi Harlaw rOit marysaI t iviren off1Poinrt Cron- the schooner r as badly rllsibledl Nue. torm. Ail of tihe food iras . overiard, aur'iriter drittirrg four deys avir uotinrg tu rait ma ý-sixkilleil sud eate to #Pilteauetire o tf thre crem. aSTU.Xes N ras-Nau& l'ie oousain Smw»thy witia Cot- 11ton end Wh.ti. ILR. G. fl & Co' Weekly Review of 'rade says: "More far-reacing thari any change during tire past iveek, If reaily rarranted by facts,la tbe continued risc in prices of wbeat and cotton. Real scarcity' of sither weuld affect ail huai- neus. Happily tire.las tili room unro e bat tales of injury are greetly exaggera'1 ed, aithougb there bas been sorne evidence nuring tbe week that irotb the great cropa bave suffered more then at irst eppeat'ed. OIber changes are almost ail favorable und Borne bigiry encouragirrg. Labor roubles are cleerly leas .tirefttèning. Mon- ltary conditions are satisfactory, and tire ubstantiel increese la the commercial de- mand la a good aigu. Excbeuges tbrougb the cleariug bouses bave been greetîr in- Iatud hy speculation, and et tbis tinie lest 'sar were eut down by the coal strike aud oward tire end of May, 1893, greatly ru- luced by bank fallures, but for the week exceed last year's by 109cr cent. aud feul nuly 5.6 per cent below thos of 189:3, wbile the daily averege for May la 20 per ceut larger than lest year, but 7.1 pcr cent less than la 1893." REST AT LAST. nIpregaive Scene at the Burial of Walter Q. Gresheam. Witb fgags et ireif-mait tbrougbout thu 'ity, wltb most impressive cîvie aud miii- eary îsrmp, Ciricago bas interrud tireun- tiou's desd. Thre remains of Walter Q. Greshamn reat lu a vauit et Oakwoods cemetery, there 10 remalnu ntil a final burial place is cirosun. Ail elong tbe route from Washington tbe funeral train tres -reeted by sorrowrng tbousands. No @top iras made except for fuel and wer. The train iras met bir an iufautry rugi- muent f rom Fort Sheridan and tire varions representative bodies anrd organiaations. la a bearse drawn by six bornes thre body iras conveyud 10 Oakwoods. À sainte of thirteen guna signaiaed thre approacb of tire cortege to tire cernetery gales, and, wrapped lu a United State gag, with the Presidunt of the nation and iris advisurs, iritir tbe representalives of foreigu na- tions, and witb the bigb officials of Stut aud city et the tomir, the body iras laid et test. SEA SERPENT OUTCLASSED. New-Yorkers Sec a Hldcous Thina with a Long Red Tongue. A straugu animal ins aid to bave made ils ahipearauce iii the May hog. six miles boutirteat of Paluryre, N. Y., aud tire nuigliborbood ls greatly excited. Mfen Who, daim to bave seen it Bay it look$ likg n alligator, but bas tiro long tusks. Whben excited tire creature opena ils irontir and shoota ont a long red tougne witb greet rapidity like a suake. Twenly- six men eteyed ap i li nigbt watching for it. Tlrey allege it came ont froin cuver et 4 o'clock, utterîrg irideons noises. Ail of thre mien wre armed, but only one bail lire courage to shoot. lie says bue bit il. but tire muet glanced off as if it hnd @truck a liard gheil or irupenetrable bide. The nommalinaukes ils apperarrce only et niglit. rctrenting by day to tire sar ap. MAIL IN PNEUMATIC IUBLS. New York SYndicale Proposes lu Es- tahltésh Rapid Transîit. At Newr York, et a meeting of the rapid transit commrission, a comrmunication aigui Nd hy J. 1'. Hnntington, Henry Cews, Edirard Lauturbebsud others iras read. It set forth thaltbey dcsired to ferma corporation for the distribution of nmcli. parcela. etc.. lu varions points of thu city b)y ureane of irneumatît tubes, sud wisbied eb kucir e at arrangements conld b( made Iu ruer tbe tubes tirrougi tire tunne] ou tire uroposed routes. Race for thse Pannant. Followlîng is tire standing ofthte clubi of the National Basebaîl Lengue: l'e Clubs. Played. WVonr. Iost. cent Pittsburg...36 24 12 .04.1 Chicago..........7 22 15 . 5 q Brooklyn...29 17 12 .514 Baltimrore . ..1) 17 12 .5s Cleveland...35 20 15 .5-9 Cincinnati ... tù -0 1. .57 1'hiisdeijîhia . 1 2 18 14 .5 0 Boston.......... 21) 16 131 .75 New Yomk ....tM 101 17 .48 WVashington . 'i.-I.3 14 «24 > .41 S~t. Lî,niw.....« 12 24 .:3 Louisville ........32 <0 2G 1 .114 NVISTER1Ii' IEÂOIE. Fu)loîviog is thre standing of tir eclub uf tire MWestern Leegne: 1't C'lubs. 1'iayed. WTon. Lost. cen Inrdianaporlis . 3 0 22 8 .73: Grenu iteiidé. .':l0 1.4 12 t.0j ... UnrIpl S.~ 10 12 .57 Milwvauke....2 15 17 AC1 KansasCity. 'il..3 14 17 .45 Toledo .......... 31 13 18 Al1 Detroit.........2-11> 12 17 .41 st. PaulnI........«29 il 18 .3ir .t@ksaltu for a Wounndd Heurt. M r. Catidulicu lîrret, a Colonrado t3>itigu tridora airet 40 yune uof ge, rars irorîgirt nui lir e District Court agniaist Wu. S. Strattoîr, tire Crilîlle Creek mnili- ,aire uine ocnier, fer $820.000 fer aluegi-nI breaci of ipromise. iNra, liol clainre Ibat Stratirrn proiroseil manriege lu irer. and sIre ar-et-erd hirm iu1,4(2. before lits 'lrdupendeuce mîine bcd marde hir weaitby. Site Iben kejt a boardtng biouse candl bu ias one ut ber iorders. For Ohio Offices. Tire folcaingin lathe comîlele ticket nominater! by ihe Ohilo hepublilen Stutu convention int Zunemvîlien Grverruor..........Asa S. Rusiruehi Lieutenanit 6Gorrnr ...... Asa W. Jous Auditor of State....... .W. D. Guilbert Srrpreme Jndge. .. .'l'addeums A. MIinalil Clurk ut Supreme Court. .4]oaiair B. Alleni Attorney GlneraI. ..~.. Franik S. M.%oinett Stele Treatiurr .... Sammul R. Campbeul Board uoflPublie Works. . .E. [4 Lybarger Four Men Kllled. Tire boler exîniodeda t Denl'»s scunili. ienr Dîrîrîville, N. C.. resuiting lit tire iu- saent dectir cf -irmnau d Del. Flremrir LVr-uder Oxford, Gordon Oxfordl, anul iteu- tari ienrler. Tire firumuur bâireeklî-asly at-igiterdrue-n tire satety valve. Anotirer Murder to Unravel. At Saur Fraucisço, James Hîre-ard. a WelIs-Pargo Company umploye, ruisirur in tire police statiou, eovered iitir muer!. lie %as onny ableo lu mutter a tuai' tordt about iaviag le.. bealen sud roirber! Twoe a_ Daovoud WILD RÂGEOFWÂTEÊR MELTED SNOW FLOOOS COLO- RADO VALLEYS. Old Sol Dean lu la »ath-Two Square Miles of Territory Burned Over- Great Growth of the Travelesu' Pro- itective Association. Denver liees ln Danger. Heavy rins tirongiront easteru Colo- rade andr reid meltirrg of suowi tire urountrîtus are makiug the creeksanad rivera boom and a ustng mîrcir îrtŽasaesa amcng raiiaiay maenagers. Se fur tire Rock Islandliras been tire gruateal suffer- er. Four hîudrer feet ftruck mest ut Limon, Colo., iras wa-aer! aaay by au ovrrdoa of tire Big Saudy sud treille ta ausirendeni betavecu Colorado Springs sud Lirn9n Junction. A bridge la aIne, retrortud waasled awn-y ou tire Kansas Pacifie brencir cf tire Union Pacifie neer Oakiey, 270 miles uai of Denier. Clear Creek iras riseri, causing suspension cf aaork ou tire placers. Cropa tbrorrgionl ealueni Colorado bave beau considerably damaged iry rloudburrutsansd hail. Tire Plette river le onut fils monka nluarces and ipeople living in tire iottoma lu Deuver have pre- îrared tu flue frotm Ibeir bomnes. TIre Ar- kensas river ires risun tri-efelant Pueblo. but ao damrage iras resultcd. DICAH ROLL 18 LARGOL Mauy ictime ta Terrifie Heattin Chi- cago and New York. Tc-euty-one Iersona ivere overcorne by ireet luaur! about Chicuago Mfondiry. Four ut tbumn are duad. otirers are trot expecter! te lire, e-bile tire ruaI iiili probsbly te- cuver. Tire lemperature mas uxeeedingly bigir ail day. aud mnot of tire prostrations oeemrrrud avien tire nercury mairanging srorud tire 15 dugrue u»ark lu the aflur- noon. Thir as tire higirea point touceer drring tire day. Chicago mas bot enougir, but tirere aaere dozerîs of places morse off. Newv York bar tire saine temnperaturueand e urrîchi greaier lmunidity. Mostal lof In- diens, Ohrio anrd Kentutcky mure mucir irotter. Serural wacller burrea statione, iuluding Indianapolis anal Louisville, re- port an et-en 100 degrueent a 3 p. m. Tire folioiaing paecea reirorted 96 dugrees et olgîrt: Detroit, St. Louis, Springfield. Ill.; Cairo. Nashvrille. Knoxville,.'Memphis sud Cincineti. It ita acte te ay htira nl iset ta-enty-fla-e persorra died drrrirrg ive days et Neiw York ce a recut oetftir e ha, and tiait ever 150 ivene prostrtel. A good mnry out tiose tarkert to tire differcut pnb- lie instituttionsa îaill trot recoe-ar. (otirsr ocrer beture got nuteliaesconiritrg Joue. FIRJI IN THE, OIL REGION. lianter itun, Fa., thse Scene ef a Seri- ons Foret Blaze. Tire locormotive cf a lumber railroad set fine bu tire îaoda sontir neer HunIer lRtîr, a surah settiement 11-à miles southweusl ut K-arre, l'a. As soon as tire tire iras dise-tv- ereni meii ere seul to tire accue lu igir il. A iigir eind e-as bloîing lire greater part ut tire day anrd tire lrogrea et tireflames coild nouibu cirecked. Tire tire fiuelly reecirer! tire oupropentyout lie MidIaneloil Coumpany end tirreetener! Il mur destruc- tion. Wreu tire uxtunt ufthtie tire rans ne. caud 200mecweure sent bu HunIer Ruru. Tlrey forîgit tire ire tirrougir SatnmuicY iiglît and ail day Srrndcy Iefore they n- ceeded itn gettiug it urler control. A large nunrîer ut loge ireu restroyed nndte-o tanks andt Iio boiler irouses of tire MidI- land 011 Comprany aere brrned. Tire tire nazed aboutI iveaqquare ories ocfotet. TRAVLLING MEN IN SYSSION. ceiebrate Close ofthtie Fifth Year of Ther Organizatton. Tire Trrrveters' Protective Acaci-intiori cf Anîuriv's, wih-l as orgaitar!nt Den- ver, (-Colo., bin ite, 1890, lirld lia snnuai Conventiomnlit Sari Antonio, Te-x., to cule- braIe lie close efthtie ift year ot itse-- ictence. Il haharallr!aereinrabiy nnîîiî grerthin lutire mat tain yeanc, beginruiog aritir s metnberairip ut 3.9>45 June 1. 18M, mrniring 7,052 .Itne -1, 1894, arnd closiirg an ith 10»tK) iâmne 1, 1895. Tire assonia- tti lmii ni- orga i at-il]iii t ml- nao States<- arraî inii iin-y-îiglit ltarge <-hies outhtea Viîre lîlStates. Tîtnr iie'rrSlat- nias:otis Irae ae)term aden Ini<riig tire yee r-l-'lrid:r t ru-urg.ianii'(d) andrlNnorthr Carnra. Twii- ty-u'igrt mla lipstehlie u' hi-ciorganmi aur! athile tirnie posta hire lapseul. Strenger Fer tiran Fiction. ile-rt>caete, ut Nev York, is san unrr tintt lie hînîiltnî bort-oc- $5 tnonn a inicnn l'riday inunaliig. Thei lre avent te Brook- lyn ta Iîriii nalkiîrg ii -'rlton alnce-t, inea Relud i luîk Laine, lire nickî-d ni> ut ut tire gntl-r tao $11101>Irtît. lic rt onve trîur! dthireroaer 10 Sergearul Jamrre-s . Momntagrne, utthre irai lîrecirret, Broonklyn ponlier-. takiîrg mig nr-cit for tiresanre. Ca'n iunl a i-m-inî-lrnr ni, 34 yen ns otl. atnd lias li-cii ii titis eor rt ry ieas themi taie yi-rra. lie bec eciluirurler hinrsî.lf ry gir- iîrg Frei-hc nld Ge-mian lestunra. but is guirug ont as;eai-ook. Banquet lu Nowspapcr Nfen. l-riey c-as tire sixîh rrnnivcrsery of theu .Jîîimstuîantîoîl enid quuite alarnge dele- grîtion orut rrcapsir unmuenrfront h'ittylinng lufb un a clur-ii i raili r rHmrrisburg, n-itreu-tire J.imrtoerr Flooni 'Correspond- <-ite Assor-irîlonr ares baîrquetedl ly titri. Hastings. Ai htir ue cf tire fleurithie Govermior iras Adljîrterîl (eneral of tire Sîsie andri eara e Ireürge cf lire relieft îrurk. At Juinîstearur tirere e-as nu duri- ousîrehlour exeept tire decoratin uttIre graves cf a nimbtier of tire victime ut tire flood. ____ Fouir Sesen Are Lost. ,igiritmting alrru'k tire lnrrk ('errie E. Lon)Ig, frein IIinlirreteu1-havamir, car- ra-ling < niî ubrk. Four ut tire ce, imi- etrrdirrg CautinRlîfe, iriaber!. Tire six survivons irere ireker! rp by tire bcrk linaîrîa. (cliliin itice. Tire berk we' nm- lArd>- r-onrsrmnud. Tire distister eceurrer! faîr uloîîrtire cocet. ItgWheat Dent Consnujuuned. Thie finaai Inansfur eo1f ,00tous of reeat bîlongimîg te the P"air cabale aias eitnrreîuniter et Sn -Francisco. Four ienduiug siipiug firme, 0. W. Me.Xeer, Epirilgur & Co., Balfour, Gttrie & Ce. sud (Jura-hi, Raldidelu& Eyre, weruthe' purcîrers et $17 a tenu. Ceatiiud cirecks wure given iin plyment. !'hunged lutoeaWashont. Milile eamcing for weasbetl betveen - EIson and Q<kinLNeé..tire enue f Laid I)ewu 111e IBaton. Fnitz Schreel, leadler ofthtie Golden late Park Rend, laind <lon bis belon ilire tuidat ut an élabunulu Decoation Day pro- grm at ISan ria'ncisco, aud refuses] tc. play auy mure on accunut of lire irelcîreri music rodu-rl iry tire band. Schreel, at-b la a -Gerurînu musir-lei etfrenoocr, lliyud et OId Vietninua ttire Worldas Faim, ai tIre clise of hincirlir enrt lu tire mirlw-irter tain.______ Presldent's ilnggagre Arriva. Al cf tire beggege utf1're6iderit Cîcie- lamd's farnîly arriver! M1ondiay ettGnry Gables, Bnizzard'c Bay, Mass., accnîraîr- icl lry nont uttire servants card Iilliarî Sinîclair, tire Presidu.mt'a stewnard et tire enpitln. Tire 'reaideta ihrnes aise Sm- river!. Cuban itelslaAgain Riouter!. Arr uflicinîl disiietilr triruliavanar an- nounîces tirait tire Siraiisir trours bat-e won 't vietury- carr tire incrrgents conamarder! iry Miiceo. '1'wursinîîl banads ut narîr- geints, arhindi bat-e ai<iiem'edniitire ricin- ity ut Cnrnîagnrez, lanc being acciveiy pum- rier!. Gmnbcl's itoier Exptedes. 'fli huiler ot the Ecuradrean grniroat Snucre nxtdodeil. kiiliîrg thlueicîrnar idi-r an tio urte ti aenid i ing cet uîternn mre, nh.tîneu-n fautariiy. At thbe liite outhrie necidert sciii' ari càn rrg trucîns lu in- chialai 10 attai thie ruinr's. btsny Inventions Patenter!. N itIrn nidru-nini or! iglirty-aeveli iraitente tar cuisnte'd lait areek nt IWashiington. This la tire largesl orîmbur. taitir tao ex- cvlitions, isarred nî ii cmy arek asiie 1891. NEWS NUGGETS. Chrcago 'ciii. nriinun te îrie, $3.75 to $6.25; laiga. sbipintggradnes. $315K) lu $504>); c fi- air to cîruice, $2.U-0 te, $4.75;arhrent, Nu. '2)rer! 77c le 78c; oenu. No. '2, Sic t 52c-; ucle, No. 2, 29c lu Mce; ryu'. No. 2. 66e t lu67c-; briller, ciroie irea mery, 16ete 1 18c; eggsl, fresir, Ilicbu131v-; iuuiatraes, rar iota, lier bushel, 45v- lu 60ü; bmouir cern, pur lb, commun groîrhti file bhirid, 4e ta 7c. Imdiaueîuolie Caille, eîijping, $300 tu $5,.75; trugs, eloie light, $* .(K) tu $4.; niru-rî, conîrîraua 0prinme. $2.10 lu $4.25'; wiîeat, No. 2, K3 iù oS'j;crn, No. 1 at-ite, 52e Io 54e-; oata, Nu. 2 white, 33e ta 35C. St. otimi-('cttlr'. $3.00 te $5.75; bogs, $4.00 te $475; athen, No. 2 roll. 82ç to 83c; corn. No. 2, 47e te '48c; nlits, Ne. 2. !>c te 21k-; ryu, No. 2, 6-de te 19e. Cimr'inati-atlu, 3.5Q 10 $6.00; ibugs, 83l.00 to $4.ô5; sliiep, $250 te $4.50: mireal, Nu. 2. M5e t 86ce; *cern, No. 2 mixer!, 53r tu 54c; oîtc. Ne. 2 mixer!, 3lc te o- ryu, Nu. '2. 110e oàlue1. Dctruit--Catttle, $2.50 10 $5.75; iruga, $4.00 la $4.75; sireir. $2.00 10 $4.50; wer-e, No. 2 red, 83e 10 84c; corn, No. 2 yelloîr, 5: ' l 53c; ocîs, No. 2 e-hite, 34e tu 35e; ryu. COSe tu 70e. Toledo-Wirhent. No. 2 ed, 84e te 85ec: corni, No. 2 mixeni. 52e toe4l3e; ona, No. 2 whbite, 32e te 34c; rye, No. 2, 67e tu M11e. Btiffao-Ccttl,,, $2,50 te $.00; hogur, $31K)0to - JF.00; air cui, $3.00 to $4.50; wehaI. No. 1 barri. Sic to 83le; erm, Ne. 2 yelloav, 57e tu 50c; ots, No. 2 irhite, 35e 10 37c. Milwiaukee--Wheat, No. 2 spring, 78e lu 'c corn, No. I. 50e te 52e; ala, No. 2 whibe, 31c ltu 32c; -arley, No. 2, 40c- Io 5ic; rye, Nu. 1, G05e 0e; pork, messl, $1=.25 10$12.75.- , Nov -o*-Catle, te 000; boss NOT A SUMNER FOOD. Wall of WateT Rushes Down a Ne- braeka Valley. A torrent of roaring water swept down the Medicine vailey la Frondier county, Neb., Snnday, carryiug death and de. atruction in lis path. Curtis lake haret ils bauks, nud the accnmulated drainage of thirty miles of terri?ýry rnshed over barn- lets and forr lands lying in ita path. Il la beiieved severel livea have been ]est. Stockville, seven muiles down -the Medicine creek. wvhicli la the outiet of Curtis laite, hnd 250 inhabitants. Trhe peoploent Cern- bridge, wliere tic Medicine fiows lutu thre Republilcn river, ,o'ere far enougir away to uscape deatir. nthojngîr they may lose îrroîrcrty. At Curtis a fitne roller iii %as destroyed arnd march raiiroad I)ràperty damaged. Henvy reins for several dayâ were folloved by a clondirurst, and the dam nt the lake could not stand the pres- cure. Dovu thre valle>' mexy fa mi d weil- irrgs and outbuildirîgs werC swept away. DEViES THE GOVURNMUNT. Dandy Wili Nol Permait Federal lu* terference lu Nebraska. At Oinaia, Judge- Dandy declared hlm- self to a certain extent on thre Puder liflieu troubles wlren bue dismissedl Sheriff Jolin Molui in the Federal Court. The Sbcriff of Thuratou County wns recently indicted by the granrd jury for alleged ln- terference wiîlî Captain Beck, of thre lu- difa police on tire innebago reservation.' lic bcd tome down to surrender himself and bave bis trial et once. Jndge Dandy told him to go hromeeaud stay there until bue %vas sent for. Thre judge declsred tbat lie did not inteird lu sanction interference of Federal ofilcers witb State authorities wiren the latter werc doing their duty lu sérving legal îîeiers. COTTON FOR JAPAN. Amerîcan Ohîpunients There Will Make a New' Isdumstry. N. Habdriguichl, .lspaneme consul gen. eral In New York, la enthuisiatt over the prospect tiraI the cotton of tire Soutbhivili, serve to draw the commercial relatiotns of Jaiern and tire United States still Clos- er. He sajd lu a reporter: "An Americait cotton dealer told me a few days sgo tliret hie ird siîipped 7.000 bales of raw Cotton frott the South to Japan, and we enu man- ufacture cotton clotb lucre et a very mmal expense corup:rativel.. e find a ri-ady market for the made production in China and Cores, rere tire bnlk of the peuî,;e are sueuroor that tbry are obliged to wear Cotton clutir." Further Resîstance Useleus. The four Irîrgest tual outrmtors in W'est Virginia have resurned miuing witb gond forces. Sixty nevr men went to tire fields Pi"rdey. anrd tire cual sbipments frum BIue- fields aggmcgae 215 cars. It le statecd tinet ftic leaders. Lawiess nad Webb, are inucb rlisriipointed by tire. action of the United Milnera' convenîtronret Columbus in refu.irrg b order a atrike covering tihe en- tire regiou 110w supplying W~est Virgirria orders. The old mien are retuiriing Iu trorir. feeling tiret furtirer resisînuce is useless. Moat of tire Virginia suldiers bave left Poceirontas. DUILICA*ES 0F COLUItIAN IBELL Ticy Wil li îe l-rcsentcul lu Rissmala anud tire-tUuitetl States. Tic Culaitrbizarr Âbery B-lli rtin te rnt New York is i on-t-ueipt uta ltter trorîr Cli fmou IL. Itrr-i-ki nid gin, Unitend Sicatus mninis arn 10 i tsianr rr iiî-lbic aka for a trill dr.nariîrtiom aînd iihmtogreiil ut thre gri-mt ('<rîniobiarri liberty and pence bull forr . Retre ciii,lire Itussien atiint. ciru inatrngr'd ciii urkimrg a design of thre 'Bell of lire IPai-e" rbart ins l e bplre- aitnted, asethIe recut of a iroirmlar rrrve- aienît outhrr nnne o u ioa. 0tire reuprle et F-rarri-r. MISSIONARY STATIONS RUINED. Ciinese Ululera Destroy l>tch Prop- erly ut Ciing Tou. Inrte-llIigenie ibats bei-oni-i-civen tiret tire Frenchr Catirolh- etrd Eriglisaidiu!Ameni- car i rrisiorrarry ruîîumryaetCiirg 'Tou, capital oftnt ir provitnce ut Sze-iur*r, Wes't- crmr Chin. %e-essrltroyed by niotera. 'rIe nrresioirmare ri rr-i tu bctir Ie it heii, officiai Venrerra. 'Tie provineerot Sze- chiten iras brun tertrurd tIre 'Texan ut Chime." CIirg Too is tire capital city. Trrylor's itoudmuca Mast Pey. At ierre, S. D., lie dr-terse ii tire sarit agalutaeîx-Trenstrrer Titylore hrbonds- uirmi ît terrrrted lu cshowrtire defe carrti to bu itr irs rt tr-nuar y pintig tîrrougli hii bookis tlirrt Tayloîr îras cirged aitir $27rO,LX) lit iis ornalanrk oni Janr. 31, 18M., and prîîviog lry nitraraurirt outhtie batik eccormît tt i e lauiraiii-iIiterîailti uni>- $3ý4,(551nnî a larîrat, aiigirg tiret thua conntiturt i-nia alanrtagi- -. Jrînge - Gffu-y or- denined a-erniit for thne trii aintrniint daim- eîl. $344.277.4.5. Tire ueteinse eskd a stnny ut i\t3- uiarys lu repare u airarreari. 1Millions for Prblec Worke. Tire lîrbliairers nif 'a Ivi rg anrd M uit ici- prai Emgirrr-ring" hanve gathered-il itisties frori threcity î-îgiirters onnt3W>0C!ius ut uore tîrir 10,0001 uoparatiutrn-bch i.Labu tiret monre pulicittannk niili irde drin mtr tire asommer ut 189>5 tircnr <-er betone, tIn- uxpernitrîres for pivirrg, serveritig, wacir îaonks anndbridges nnliroiriitirrg $200,- 000,1)0, tahile lard yer les tran uere fetirth ofutis c irotriîas catirnde-r. Cordage Trant ou tire Rocks, Iu tire United State Circui Court et Recteur. Jtidgu Cuit aîrîoirrled Johr I. Watenbtiry, cf 'llorrintin-, N. J., irnd Williami E. Siroirg, of Strîuug & Ced' eàlader, ns recelvene ufthtie United! States Cordage Crrtipaîion«i ietitun ut E. Itoi- lins 'Morse, as nulrerrltive of tire crud- !tors.Xitires bve-rkîtoarrifor sorne tute Ibrit tire conmranîtiy at-ieit> inirrciari dillicul- One Lite Lest. 'rie arorsl firu ever kîroaru luFreder. hrksbrrrg.l'ai., on-n-rrrd Tuesda* nurniîg. TIre Kiigzte frutury and Exi-ehator uil and six rhîrîllinrg ruîses ar-ru iruei. W'iI- ia"'u Dta4ir . rngiu'e tttire Excelsior mili. iras bnnundtoledr-dr. L'gan la Forunmi>-Anpoîntea. lu tire Unitedl Stetes Circuit Court ai Portland!, Ore., luîdgu Gilburt sIgner! arr orîler rppointirrg .John M. Egeni reeiver ufthlI' Omugon iShor.t 'Linre aur!Uta hiNorthr- cru Raiiarruy andrrlscîcu arorner aelloîing thie isaîne uf t reivers' certifienIes tetire amotînt OtN%750,000. Wiilde Said! lu Bc Ine.ene. It la reirurter!i iLondtonr luit Oser Wilde, wh abirs recunlhy sentenîcer tu trio yeîrrs* inrîriaenmr-nt ini Puntunville prrisoni et liard labor, atter iravinrg beuir cemvitterî ot gros ndeceucy, bias become inae Mora-.Saved trou Wreck. Aspeciel fr-om the City of Mexico neyai tiraI ie'raort -passeegers outhtie Cohuea 'h» irs slàè eàtt et a s*, 1. the ...u.,r-. UNPALATABLE FACTS ABOUT PORK. Spain Regrets the Firlngr on the Steamer Allanca--Big Trust Cornes to Grief - Our Columbian Bell Awakens Sentiment lu Europe. Pork with Trlchirouiu. It lesaid et the Agricuiltural Depàrt- nient tbat there lo no trutb lu tire publisit- ed reports thrrt pork sxamined mlcroacop- ically for expert lu (ierrnauy and France and fonnd toecortaiu tricimae is stemped hy thre inspeetors as free fyomi diseuse and no transported and aold lu interatate coun- merce trade. Early lu February Secre- tary Mforton ordered ail pork fonnd to ire affectedl wiib tricirinosist tuked, but later Il iras deeided tiret tire preseut law did not give the Secrelarythibs nutbority. The erîforceniunt of the order was therefore postponed until Jnly 1, wrien tIre new lair gous labo effect. It ta donbtful If tbe new law will gîve tire Secretary the auceasary powrer, aud it ta probable the only relief must corne thrrougi the local aulirorities unless tire Secretary sutures frour the shippers of pork to Germauy and France (the counétries reqniriug the inspection for trichiuae) volnntary agreemnents, sncbasu bave been made iritir sîilpers of beef, mutton, etc., by wilebtire latter agree ta tank sncb carcasses as (Io nut pass thre Fuderal inspection. If sncb a reguîstion lnut inl force, bowever, il le feared tirat the poxrk exportation t0 Gurrnany and France will cesse. "Tire percentage of pork affeetedl îitb trichinosîs in no large," said %Ir. Salmorn, "tirai if ail tire carcasse@ found lu bue ffer-ted werît to tire ruudering vat@ tire iippera' Iprofits woîrid ail disep- pear." Te ir înîrrîrt of pork exported to Germariy and France averages froni 5,- (00,000ta 7,000.000 pourrîls rrrertily. SPAIN'@ ANS WER ItECEIVED. Fuit Dlsnvuwal of thre Firlrsg on thea Isteamer Alliance. Tire Steti, Detrartnrr.rt lies receîved frrm Unilted States irriister Taylor et Madrid tire noinirlete anid inal a rsirer of Sireiniiou lieedenme toIof 'c(ri-t;Lry Gresir- arn for e il ir:vowaonf thie irirrg on tire Uniteid Startes tuerrire rt xai îrA Il iii a. Tire rocuinbent lIia, -en ii aailr-ilfnn or pne hurie lvih iterint. an it %îîîsoe 'of tire mair stnijecîs avhiv h Arting Sern-tairy UhtI irougînt t inti, nitentin o nf tire erîlinet et tire niee-ting 'rrrsnîni. 'rie aniier ta mont corihia inlutiour afndis tc-li.resnivr' ,of tire fu ilest ils: %%t ai .f thre vcusifr ttire couninrandlrrof tire SintniligniiriIt iviici tlred on tire .¾lliri. Il is saîil to hi.t ctirei srt..e trv nithii îv-rrrnt as it ftrlly note1iti ni tran ril spirirtirhe Identarrii ira de. Tire Lion'@ Grab. Il will bu Englaur'a nuxt ucuve 10 enhtl- veto en Impression that tire Moniroe doc- trine in a tbeory and nul a condiion.- Washinigton Star. Tire savage ta nul fer buneatb the skia of tuis Christiato nation. Tire instinct tiraI leads Itaglaur! bu enter np jurîgmeut mitiroul arbitratton, bu refuse medisîlon aund to cirastise tire qusking atagunisttla tire Iincut outhlie aborigne-Ciricgo England'js* cnduet ln tire Nicaragua matter lu arrogant and! comardly, but it Ais ebaarcterisîic. Itl asthre course sireiras aimays laken lin !eu iegmtir mmmlinu- liens. 8hi a swsggurer and a bully ex. cept viren tire other party la a eountry crf l>r cir asite.--Globe-Deunocrat. If Ibis mutbor! ut proceduru shoulr! taire place betareen two indiiduais, une a big man aund lie other a liltie boy, we siroulel apply epithets to tire big ua tiraIounIr nul be flettering. Wby sironîr nol tire same methoda of justice exîst belvuen na- tions am betmeen iadiidnelm 7-Boston Globe. - Col Goldsmithr W. Hewitt, - b. mo&t prominent. criminellatvyer in Alabamaa aud mumber cf tireyForty-fcrartir, Forty. fiflir, Fcrrly-sixtir and Fcrty-sevealh Cour.' gresses, trou lire Sixth Alabama district dier!et iis irome lan Birminiram ut use. raîgia of tireireart. H. vas 61 v'ears ci ege. Tire la: totter @sliUkýeeut District *4e' Opinion* of Greshamo6 Tire administration or tire Blute Depat. ment nndratSecretary Gresham vii la regarder! by tire historian cof tire futur. au equal to any.-Mliwaukee Journal In eacir of tirrue fields-war, the beach and thre cabinet, aa soldier, jurist andome.- retar-e attained a distinct and endur- Ing-fame.-Grand Rapide Democrat. One of iis bout ciraracteristles was ho@. tility to thre growtir of corporation Indlu- once ia politîcal affaire. and to tis mu due Most of is atrenglir with tire masses. -Buffalo Express. Persoaally Mr. Greshram. was probabîr thre mont democrattc man tiret ever oce-. pied tir. Blute Department. He was more accessible tran auy of ii 'clerks.-St. Louis Pont-Dlspateh. Wblle Gresham won no espectal distine. tion la eltirer cabinet, iro vas a palnstak. lng and conscientions officiai, and deuervv er! more credit tran tire country ira sme- corder! iim.-St. Louis Qiobe-Democrat. Repuirleacaneot but believe tuat irs naeertainty of politicai faitir vas unfor- tanate ar! tiret hiras la error wrea ire cast bisilot vitir tirsCleveland edminis- ,tration, but hireauenhb.credîler! vitir bon- oety and a doute. 10 do is duty.-Duluth News.-Tribuae. A ma has died vho baà deserved vwon of hi& felow citizeas. Thre Seretary of Biais vas a brave soldier and a just jadge. lu i Iter eareçr miny of iiscountry- men flud tiringe lu disapprove. and land other tilgi tira staxnp hlm vîtir the same patriotlutiret von m tamne labygon. yeare.-Plttsburg Commercial Gazette. Tire are trose miro vere ciosely aI- tached t1crSecretary (Groshramnand viro ver. cemeated te hlm b! >ene ofutper- monal frienasip, wbo miii fuel tbat a ligbt bas gene onut tiroir lives, and tiret grief ires comas in to .it wbere hope of tire future ufthtie dead statesman bcd ireld kms place sud joy atirbis sur-ceas Ias gr'nnine and tire outgrorvth of appréciation aud true sympatby.-Nuw Albanry Ledger. Ultai'a New Constitution. Tire Utâb coustitutinrl convention pro- vided for no lieutenarnt goverrior ii tire his cfStae llir'r. teirsirnîldplrovide for sucîr uannergenea-. su tiret ben thre people civet i scrals reîîreserrtrug une par- ty or poiicy ditîr-e vili bu sorue ue lu slip lu wtm n a Govrnor dies and carry on thre work as k rwas bugin.-('hic-ago Inter (icen. A glance-ut lire neti constiturtion abter la to bu snimitred to tire peple cf Utahr lu Noveintter n ilstiffice to show at-at a trernendons advanie is lu store for at-m- auirood lu tirst terrirîîry miren il shall he- comae a Stalu. Not offly la tire 1'urera) stetute iroiribit ing poiygatmy couSmînur!, bît iromare suffrage jsesetabljslrr'd ut oe 'l'ire onstitionu î trcb is lu bu suirmit- ted to the' peolle ofUt Uah luNovumber proiibits riolygarrry. as du ail tire States; kt lrovidus for irorun suffrarge. as does Wyom'ing: it doe a-y ththtie grand jury systent. as dues Micbigan, sud it do"u not providu for a lieute'nanit guveruor, lis wiricb itlal like Delawre, Alabama, Ar- kansas, (leorgia, Maine and*orne uther State. Il incorpomatus sorenu nw tes- turcs in trials liv jury, providing for petit juries cf eight persona, six ot mbom cen renîler a verdict, except ln criminel cases, wire a unuanimona verdict ls requirer! to convict. Tire constittution provides for a scîrool system tirte t ronrpuensia'c, sud if aveu carriel ont aili give tire num Stale a bigir rank lu uducationel mattes.-Cbi- cago Record. Tire RuaIena Squeeze. If Tapan vas abouti one-tourti tire sire of Russie tire latter ivould' bu offcrins t ny edvic.-drClicago Tribune. Japen, liku Cube. may nul bave tire aympatiry of tire Unlited States Govemu- metnt. but heur banve tire cordial symîîathy sud go il - of tIre American peple.- New York Adrurtitier. linasta is iuclined te croir over whnt lil regarde as a diplomatie vietory in forcing Japau 10 agrue not te demand any outhtie Chinese mainicnd. li la bard lu se. it-erein tire vitry les, for .ltpanu ias clearlY meade tire vicliirn uofirrilozing by tirreo of tire muet poirurful nations ufthtie ivorld.-Kansas City Star. ttrrsaia'n tender regard for "tbose prin- ciples on mincir resta tire concert of civil. ized nations," sud ber agouized fear lest JaPan. by violatirrg tbrem, slrould impui tire progruss of civilizetionin lulie Inst, aiment make onu forget tire part tRsais took lu tire dismemberment ut Poland aur! ber tmore rêvent treatment of tire Jews.- Newv York Times.