Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 7 Jun 1895, p. 4

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licuDit EAN<D PROP. PEIDAY. JUNE 7, 1895. t* publiahed tu Lake (Jounty. Tho ,sot yet tbree years old, lt already has the largest circulation in the central aonthern and western parts of the .ounty and le rapidly growlng In pop- idarity and patronage. If you want to help your home paper, order ail your Legals, Ad-1 Minltratoes, Executor's, Tax sale soi other notices, publlsbed In the1 IDEPESIVEW. W. wlll guarantee .orreot legal publication, post notices and file certificates of saine, saving you atlthat trouble. H. CJ. Paddock, Publiaher. t! elndle le belng practiced &moag the farinera. Two men peint a flgnl&pon a fermer& fence and gîve lm a few dollars to guarantee tbem thatDo one aise will be permtted to VéInt signe over thein. He le askedi t. igu a recelpt for. the money In rder that they can return IL to their mqgoyer. The recelpt turne ont to f» a promissory note for aura ranglng &oM 0100to $M. À frend at our elbow who bas Usvelied up and down and crosswise ,tbl& world for nearly three score of 2.and oiWho, at thia LIme la just a - ifttie 4Ifflted wlth the treatinent iloeDtly reoelved froin Januse faced .*Imisý, says, that If ail the hypocrite *~r.moved f rom the face of the 7wbh, <er wouldn't be enoigh ped-1 11 flt to popuiste the old garden o! £den, âmal as lt muet have been. frher le Do business so good but MtIt can b. maie botter by edvertls- lu.The ocoasional advertlser la not ta scoe5Bful business man. One o! the Largest business houses ln thia oounl bas teken for lis trade mark. '%«p everlastingly edvertlslng. It *lagse ucooea," and by uslng this tmde mark as a moLLo, tbey snnuaily lurs. beir business by energy andi uéeb exhîbtedInlatheir edvertlament. t»oUttlo. afLer ail te luely governed byý perenal ltereats money andi Lavoralatgely sway the peopla. Con- jWaseandi priniples takre a back sesL, wban otiser Influences are count- id. Franklin Edlc, !orrnerly an «treme prohbbtiouist says he will vota the republîcan ticket next ime. »isMain object now ls te def eat the 4Wmocrats. Wl»? Because Hoke .fmith who looks after the pensions et Washinlgton, recently notlfled Edie : , lat there la no madical evidence on ~oerd that he can't do au able- bodlad man's work. Men wbo are disbonest eor careless gbout payiug ibeir debte usually tintet greater punlshnment on thein- osives than on their creditors. Pby- ulelans do flot like to wat upon thein Saameo! siekoase, newspaper publlsb- «s do net apend much Urne in pre- ,.rlng their obîtuerles and when tbey iot.offices theirýcreditors are pretty À"m to argua that a man who wll net ,4Wjuetlywitb Individuels will not tes#da to trust in a public capaclty. * rarely geL good Positions, jle very diffIouit for tbcm to aooomnmodatlonol.even lin dire lMes. IL dose. net lay te te DIGHTON (Big Hollcw.) Fine corn weatlmer. We îîeed raiu S Our blaeksmitlî is busy settixl qMV t*ùiires. Mr. Sirnes andi wife visited Mondfay et Mosiaville. * St>îebody says titans is te Le a Alidding sem. Whoc lo IL? B. Neville, of Grayealke, wueban «~ business Saturday.' * .ugnst walLers, e! Richmond, speut today ulit A. dItues foika. INglto Oranger andi Wm. Simes .1gtiodff <ha funerai cf R. Bisitop at %Me N.Ua' Snda>'. Wbat. the niatter vitit Douglas --0s for pathmeeter. Hle le a goond ,ý"mm tto ou t' belleve il, Just look nt aibill tMai;ha-bas Oed; Letten giva liStbç test ef the beaua. UoUei .ofPinel 4tlement. neAmatis otlheal<oete us eaLnoliSet that tbe undor- rLout Sut dar of D. ü»0fOaselook lau teatter- tuais' pmMstte malt onut>' Court hie Xt sud M aeonUnemaik ae Attitao f salulEtata. Or rdVr»cliOMMs soul haors *e sal4 irMm ld ted ous the ~w*~ vllohho use, A" Ir , ud 1h **or ho grays .Laie. Independent. Dosis L. Beyd. Local Editer and Agent. Miss Bemmala L. lloyd la authortwd (o mrer sent thiIer[DEzENDKimv t Orys Lake.ountil further notice. Advertlsaeets, Suticrp- tlona. Local News Items, or ordar-.4 for Job Prntlng laft withl ier, or utth(buPustoffice witl recetvu prompt atteltot.- Olivette MorlilWas lu Lilîetyviile, Seniay. Miss Cota Austin eturuati Ir u te citY, Saturday. Mr. andi Mrs. Hall were iti Buîrhiîîg- ton, Deceraticît Day. Mir. Siîubert and ulfe were at is t hotel a feu tiays lest waek. Mrs. Dr. Darity. of Wilimt, sa tae grîest o! lier pareunts Mr. 'Tom Meada, Sunda>'. Misa Catie Smith, of Waecutnda, use Ltha guest e! Mrs. J. Wasbiburn, Stinday. Mr. Burge's people ware lu MVcllenry Sunday, atteîtduîg the f uneral of Mr. Bisbop. Mrs. Lonu Fenîcu is visiting ber daughter Mis. Cura Weigbtman, o! Chicago. Mr. Ad. Owen, of Hairteavîli wbo lias beau very sick for saine ime la improviîtg. Mrs. Crippeu, of Lake Forest, bas beau visitiug bel parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Rickey. Mra. Milton Boyd in expectitîg ier In a few deys.. Services ware iltiii intae groeaback of the citurcit Suitia>, as teecituncît was net reatiy for occupancy. Willis Mclleleît ulie was calleti borna by te deatit o! is fatîter, lias tiecitiedte remeiti soins lime. Coime eut te services next Sunday mortulng sud entcourage tae chiitiren; you wÙl h bghy tertaineti. Mr. andi Mra. Fuller andi daugitters, of Lîbartyvilla, atteudet te futuenal %tf Jas. MeMellan, Wedîiesday o!fhat week. The Ladies Aid Society will give a Strawlbsrry, IlesCreamin sd Cake sociable îtsxt Tuasday afterneon andi evenilug and a good tiendance in de- sireti. IL le te be leiti on Dr. C. C. Whitmor's aun. VOLO. Mrsl. Comptoîl dose net improve very fast. George Waite anîd wife atîsuidadti Lit futieral of Richard Bisliep lt Mlenny Sîitday. Chiltirens dcv uwlli lisobserve I lit te Vole M. E. clîtîrcit June 1*, oua week frum uuxt Sunday. The social in hite M. E. chiret 5eveîuiug of Decoratioti day wae a 1sucase; a large company, ail appeaneti . 1 appy. $17.75 was realizeti. 'Thle Vole sciteol clesed a weak ago Friday. Misa Allen gava ter ecîtool a pienîc li the grove oeutLisbatik et Fisit Lake. Ilati a graînd Liies. Charnles Rauglit snd famuily, of Waukegauî, spent Suuîdey uitiî lis parents et Xoo, aise Mr. and SIre. . Hoewardi, e! Granît, visitati at lianglitI Brothters. Thea cominuîîitY wuis alocked Tues. to Iean eofte sutden deatit o! Asa Comtptonu. Il e Itatbeau complaiuini for caerai tisys. Dr. Sheffar wes callati inlie huea uut considereti dangarous but sudtieiuy tiie niesassuger e! deatit carne. The llag raieiîîg inthetua ase>' district came eff Satîtrday afternou a large conipeuy of parents atdîticlldregg, aiea alne ofthLie G. A. R. andt a uumber of ladies of te Waucenda Relis! Corps ware prasent. lion. George Waite gave att atdresa ululit usegreatiy appraciateti. Thea chldren didthteur part spienîtidiy; tbey raisedthte flag sang tteir &uîig antt gave seule beauti- fui recitations for ubici credit i8 due Le te teacluer Mica Kinuiti. After giviuug tLitr rousing ebeers fer elti glor'. te compîtny vai treatet i utî deicieus !ce creain, cake andi emonade. Titis district lias reasen to feal prend of teir new sehool bouse so e auîtifttily ocateti, viLl their beautifui flag vavlug over A. Titane ta qulta an axcitemaut amnong the cîiltiren la Lus Voie Sunday umebol. Titre. girls andt iree boys ara soicit- Iug money froin tbelr frisais to get a set o! maps for their Sunda>' sebool. H. C. Tiunieen publishar, o! Jackson- villa, Ill., bas proiisai te gIve ali miail sebools levea atepe, vlîlch ho salle for $15,00, fer ubaL Lb. childera cou geL if itlah eniy one dollar. The>' viii b. sure of the agape. Escit collecter viii geL e prix. vich b. vili senti that tbey cm me wbet ta>' are worklug for before lte> commrence their work.Il oter oools ulsi tot availtheoe.êveae!f bis opportunity Lb. en mget Instrucetions et Vole anti amse I.prires. Tbsy bave tvo weeka la vhicb te gaLber In Lb. pennies, nickels and igdîe.. Suoces. teb vide avake oiltiren; tey are happy. If jeu vant bendbil\e, If yen vaut envelopes, If yen vaut olored vork, If yen vent business carde, If yen vent mat bM headu,, i Dyeuwventt mty latter boa&e, if yen vent u"c.vwlaigcie, If yen vxm4 veddtag Ivttou Xf eu«wa1 auy bled e o o FOX A . Josaph Knoll vîslted Chicago friands st wcek. Mr. Coasman lanot ilnprovlng rnucbi, owing te te Lest. 11 Msrs. Levejoy is visitiîîg Mys. C. Marbie, Mr. C. CJ. Ceine, (late of! Cliîcago,) visited at A. Týweed's last Tiîursday andi Friday. misa Ells Hall, or Grayelake, sud Mis$ Mary andtlMessrs JBenjaminî and Josephi Coasunaît visitet et M . 1, Galigerts last Priday evening. A. Kerwin attendeti tae flg ralsiuîgi iu the Vasey district at wiîiclu alag 'nimber were presclît iîîcludie tlte honorable George Waite wbo atidresseti te audience. LONG GROVE. Geo. Unîbdeîustock visited P'alatinîe, Sunday. lieitry $cliroder -leîtves îîext week fer Minnesota. Frank Ruppert umade a trip Le Lie city Sitturday. D. F. Krueger bas besît quite lame fer Romue tîme. Cause? , Our youîg peeple took iii the dance at Zurich Monday uigbt. The boys are lookiîîg for more weddings to corne off soon. Ed Nickoiey is home fîom Champaign Uniiversity for hies inmmnar vacation. M any f rom liere atteuded Lb. f uneral of Wm. Hilîman at Fsîxfiald Saturday. îlot andi dry weatiîar now tisys only a littie spriîîkle of raln.last Tbursday. 7i-ley iscîer le aoi' aainFe almoat cut hie big tee off by çutting wood. Fred Brockmnan Jr., lias got a- new top buggy andt baruass, now look out girls. The Long GrevP creamery roof lis bae paîmîtei. E. A. Ficke ias Ltame te job. _____ George Kleppoer raisei bÏisba-r lest Wedneiay it la 36 by 60 witb au 8 foot basernent. Mr. anti Mrs. lIernian Hlelfer enter- tained their cousin) frein Minnesota Élîstof the weok. Road District Nos. 14 and N9 lutand to gravai part of their roade toward Long Grove in tse town of Ela. Married: Wadnesday at Lre home of the bride's parants, Louie Bolleubacb anti Miss Clara Glas. Full partîculars next week. Last Wednesdsy avenlng George Klapper gave bis friands an opportuffity tu enjoy tbernsclves. IL us dancing in Lbe barn." WiII Lnidaw hast bis borseandi buggy et Klepper'e barn deancs. 8ome one took te rig andi took bis Lest îgirl borne andtitbeu left iL te Sbarning- iausen inithe roîsd and e WH i ldto walk homne with is girl. One cvaning hast weck two o!ur boys went le se. Lte saine girl. Diti tbey figbt? 0 no they just j!layed f reeze uhnt.'rthes. fchiews esbould practice memorizing dates. Oue ia cornpàny but two la ambarrasalng. WHEELING. Subecrîbe for the IMDSPEN1)TJT. A lbert fromn Prairie Vieu, le seeut oftenion our streets. WuaL cati cali 1dim banc? W. Wells anti Mabai Masen fromi liai! Day were pleesalît caliers il)t towuî Sunday aveniDg. Many o! eur young peuple anti some mnidl e gaieu es sujoyet a rnooîu liit ride te DesPlainas Sunday evetting. Insteati of Mr. Iten anti Maseu; startitig oest Ilir western trip lal week as reporteti, Mr. Iten matis a trip Le Wieeliug, Saturda>' andt visitas] friands nutiMouîday svenluug. John Mtling sa out Sunday avait iîîg wilila flneboras andi carriage drivingin te loveiy Lwiigit-aloîîe. Wiît's te natter? Johnt! ai the yiuitg ladies wera net eut. 1?Faint beart utavar won fair lady." Wiîo says Wbealing la a dull town? Ths Pr-op. o!ftse Chicago lieuse it- forme me lis entertaineti 119 guests ai lis tables the past week from Mon- day moruinir until Satîtnday svaniîîg. Tweîty-four bicycliste frein taecil> teck breakfast at six o'clock Sunday morning enroule 10 Lakte Zurick. Tite wrtby A. F. &A. M. dtvuhged tse mysterles o!ftae tiirti degres in two candidates hat Saturday evenlng, a!t ter wbich tbey beldi a banquet et the Chictago Blouge, covars Leing laid for forty- tour, a nuinber c! vlelLIng baotb- ara frein Libertyville sud Aringtox Helgitt e bsng present. Deceration day wu dul>' observeti by tae achool, Lb. teacher mni seblar marcblng brougb town loadd lwitli flowersaid kesplng step to tLete tofc a drunt, wending their way Lé, the cemetsry on thîe bill. OuI>' 1v. liave aohiiers lie burlei tiers, but titeli grave. er. made brlgbt anti beauti- ful wlit graids twinSi b>' Lb.littis banda cf eartb angels. Cever with rome each lcwly Greei rmouad, a loea pure as tbIs Malles thae gravehalloeOtigrcuud. The Wbeelng Junors playeti the Barrinetgtn8i»ie hat Saturda>' at te Barrington bail greant. At the beginnlng cf the ixth Innins Lb. Srtiî Beeing Lb.>' vere gong - te Le beeter wantai te put in a fiull grown pîtcher; the Juniors objectai and sald 1hey wmulddtLbrow down their bat and retire and elam lte gante. AfLernsomet tallb. he rds OueD>' cama Lé the front anti playoi Lh. garine out. The qport standing la b6 8 la favpr cf tsejuv»Iol Who are wfilng tLeutieet Brd mine on their eva p'oudd and for the Ch.mplonabip, b"t AL méat Le "fair UU.ArWLUAil, AN AmiT ATEALINO Lichanut slept but littia duriug the nlght ltat preceded bis visit tg Trean. Ho waa wrltlig until a hâte bour, snd, alLer lylug down, ha buseutihmiseif witb old meunries for a Lima, thon the preseut, v'itb lita chances of deatb, sudlits possessions of hope and love, beld i hm in long aud sltsrpostwake- fuinass. At threc o'ciock in tire mornlcg hie arcs., and, goiug te the corral lit a clump et pinue blow the mines, saddled bie herse an.d rode down tho meuntain aide. Ail about hlm roe huge battlonienla of etone, naturesB vast inaionry, heapeti witii b1aýk batiks et darkness and ghostiy witb the groupe of ahadosys sud sulent pluce, while tar above hlm bhung tbe Eagle peaks grizzled sud risty lu the waîîinZ moon, andi fer belôw the vslley lay dira aud formas ad vague. The ride waa iouely auduusate, but wbat lover ever counteti danger and dsrkness sugbt save to malte the srile secin sweter wbim'b ahouid met hlm et the jcuruay's close t Love ta the mainaprng tbiat movas mankinti; fer wemnan, chilti, self, golti, gain, houer, case, and aime and ends a tbcusand more, il sonda us ta andi tro for- lever, andt et last for sweet andi beloved ruest It sonda us contented te th.egrve. At the.canter of Paul Elcharda lite it wu's lu fresh sud tragrant blessora. He fait bimseit strong and warmi witb it as he rode downward through the moon-made fantasies et the u4ght, sud eut tbrough mouster jaws cf thc gorge. When ho ssnk dcwn frorn the mouintain hcncb, howaver, intothat decp wood. where only four days previons he hsd passet i wthiu a fiuger'a breadth of death, bis biood chilleti a little and bis flash crept, But ail was allaut now, save the tiny harp- lug of esuamer insecteansd a f alat ighb wiud breathiag amoug the bramblus. At Moosauack tbe cocks were crowing sud a jgray froth cf light, drîven over the mount- ain by the cea cf ligbt wbieh w»s rislng ofr Ils eassîru aide, flowed dowu mbt the slcep- iug town as bo ciattereti throngh its Street&. As ho aprang to the grounti et Buri Hart- man's gale tb. meonu was lippiug eut of sigbt lu the wcal, sud the stars deep lu the zcuth, burnad talut sud white lik&oa receti- iag swarm of becs né tbey sank upward ine Heaven. For a little lime ha wslked te sud fro long Iha graveled petth baore the hous, Ail wasaillent wltbln, sud ha looketi up t 'Tissas window wlth su impulse te tels a pabbk ,aqqaust IL te waken lier, soeacer wuas tmv, but suddanly she came in te the. porch, aud lu a moment har bauds were ,n hils, aud witb tul hbonne tbay wara stand- ing together la thbe fragrant sbsdow of the vines. A fier su heur lied passed, ElehaMdwm la ta icave s pressura cf the band sud a Simfortlug word wth the sick mana; thon ha would go onu te Gray Peaki minas, ho sald aud ratura on the morrow. Ha founut bis kiud sud slmpla-heartati olti friand very feabla, but the ayes thiet lookeut up te hlm frein their dcapealag bollows, snd lte trembliug handt Iat was resched out te mccl bilm, were slive wlthb fiendahip. ..mmgladti tescyo',"' ha wbiaparad, boarsely. IlBishop Psrlay wes bora tthar day au' toe me about yo'w spoaln'ye'r mnd toeaabla Sharp ln mccliii, lait Bun- dur, bull tele hlm censideria' yo'r BIc..sud raisin', I ditia't tinkitI a tliing te mitainl I wasa bay," salut Elcbard. Il1 coafees Il was gretly eut of place, sud 1 regret il. 1 was foo"lbly very augry, howcver, at cer- tala thingu titat were sud, mailyl thinit au your daughter's seantua, and lest sigbt cf the tact that il wasasrcely my affair. 8111 I thlnk t litIothiug thât I salut wa huitful or uutrue.1" 141 .à't inucb tiubt but wbat aU ye' asid wsa jeeti," wbisporeti l4e sick mn, turulua his gmy boati te sud tro uapon bis pillow ln a troubleti way. I keuttell11mncb 'bout îsilh things ne moe. It aiU seema dira 'an unsarten like cf laie. 1 baînt neyer han well i stoca tterrible jant acrsas tbe plains 1 It o' eolf, su' I've bon weak an' mebby net tilten to judge. 1 knoweti, thougb, that if yo* tbougbî yti not donc jcst square yd Say se likeas gentleman, an' 1 taie Parlay se,' sud lbu turued bis mcs agan le Elcbsýrd's face witb s touching loktoet r.îs and admiration. "Vues, 1 thini 1 arn alwes-s iiati te rectlfy suy wrong 1 bave dou," Elehard repimcd; "but lu Ibis case my conscience %veuiti bardly permît me toge t'alie impression by su apology that 1 didu't believe in iiat 1 said. 1 hope ne barInwill1 corne of il."1 *'10, n,"luibathecamne boarse whisper, ..nothîn' '11 ho tidt taye. Our peoplea int uigb whst semas makes 'em eut to bu. iTbay used te bhosma Iingdid, 1 guesa, *wbat waa kind ohard, bu .4neyer pasi amucit notice te sucb reports, net believin' 'ernrauch. But lu my darters casa 1Vs differu'l. , Ide't know whatU lbecoea f *1' will care for bier," Saiti Ele bard. gant- ely. IlDont let it trouble yen. As long as you neeotiber site la your,' ater tbat ahe shall bave a berne as îleasaut snd frac ef ecare sud danger as yeu could wiL' t Iltai it litat; 1IWamosi ltnow what 'ar lite with yol wcuid bel an' l'rn satisficd. Bince I' ve been ainylu' bers ibese tour days I'vê coleieW ant yo' te bar ber fer yo' r own. But sinca rsrley wai boe.Ive beau ttroubicd. Vinmteerd somethin' may happan *'er. Shu dont aay mucit, Truan dcn', u' navar dd, 'bout svhat's goem' on wiîb her, but 1i gucas Paricys beeu apressinl'o'r te ymarry Ai, an' Ire tait likiesorncîin' mlght yhappau 'er." Elcharti geL Up sud went cul, Ini a faw mornants ha ra-dnterad witb Treas. "Yeur fater Wllis (bat Biahop Paria' bas latel>' iavlled you te a place in bis bouaahld," said Eichard, wltb a arila, su ad ho fi tlroubiod about il, Ca*tu l e asuro hlm *The girl looketi dowc witb ising cier. iCleuni>'able fait the Bishop's offer a palatal and hbumlliatâng oe. "No, fer lho diu," ah alt, lifting hbe bondwth e glea in laber oye., and 1 Iordcrodlm off tha premisos. 1 8 omulnt endure such a sbaeota1 thiagI"1 h Theodt nMb trugglod up sud Iceotdet bar wlti consternation. "lTreasa1"1 ha salut, la a lotit wblaper of expeetuletivon. *10, mjr dartan, what bave Ye' donc t"' 1I baveIretod a mnm who is anâI te spesi re a pure womau mast ai ha desenvo.," abho i-salu«.,Doyen ttWaculut bear lte outrage F. BARISOW Manuacturer ci J RMarbel Granite MONUMENTS. Eemttry work cf -' Evcry Dcsdlpdon 126 S. GenDosee t., - WAUKEGAN. Eaaoutora Notice. PUIiC NOTICE laIs brehy given ut h, h 911wIeExoeutor ofthebuLa4t MA li and mesismeut ci Anna Bilernian, deeaged. wil attond tie Couuty Court otlake'Cotity at s term thereof to be holden at the Court in NNaukegan. lu sUad County, ,on tlîîî flr-1 ?donday utf.luly next. 1521, when sand wi*, ail persons havlng clsluîsagaluatald EqtIsue are notlled mmd requested tii present the saine1 te ssld Court for Rtdjudjstloui.,EeuÀr IIENEIYl'IP tI,J.Exctr Waukegaiî, hlsy 151h, 1152.1 Ask Vour s Grocer for' Beking E à PURE CREAI OF TARTURfoi 11 North Canal 'f W!SAVE YU j -FIIIO5OtéÔ75 gq'eACUN -ON YOUR- IDry Goods apd Clothipg * FjrisigGoods, aIllý _____the Best Goods and more'_,* -~wReasonable than you cn @ buy them elsewhere. Best StoeIk of Hats a.nd* Shoes at Prices Cheaper than the Cheapeat.* JOFFEY & JOFFEY, Next door to Commerical Hotel, LIBERTYVILLE. A OOMPLETESTOCK Lime, Drain Tile. Farmn Wagons, Buggies. Agricuttural Implements. Etc. We have a nlew Stnck of the fajnous Webey Wagolns -And the Boomingzton Harber Bros. Buggies *ý,Car-niages. t>alI and Seeohn.# "Wright I& Sons: 93rWe ae 41v? es e 0 S upplv our l S n!ý -wln Libertwville. 111. ce I. FM -NW ree-dtmt od o $IF" am. o goysh.W pair t e b tau#hhendabo.ssUy&I a1 os.» a» ar a'vlaoCbsssly Md lbs et ceablss1 He'.I Fp W. C. Triggs, Agent.- Libertyviili.-*. M. Lux, Agent. -Wadowerth iii -

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