J. ., - I., IAGES SERMON. êlPREACmES9 ON A RELIGION FOR ORDIMARV PEOPLE. gre Ambus Attention te thte Rankad Fileottuiier tItan te the Few-Th5 Di>salvantuges of llelng CUosPIcuOu* -The. Blesstng of Content. Gospel of Content. Rer. Dr. Talatage. vhto Ila îlil absent en bis annual milsunintlour,. preauhing ad ecbuing. lreprel for test SadAY a sermon on "Plain people," a tolie wicb vilI uppeusite a cery large mjril! of - endersnytchere. TIet bt selectoil vas lteîams xvi., 11 13, "sainte Asyn- crltus, Phîegoti. Hermus, 1'atrOI)As, -- Hernine*, Phioogue amnd Julia." Mattheir Heouiy, Albtet Banne.. Aluni Clark, Thtomais ScoIl and ail the coin- mentulons maud by tIbivsesm n-tbeat eny estpeclul reniark, TIti ther lveaty * people niontiniel lu the chapler ver. dis- tiaguished for smnethimis ald ver. thone- fore disetseîby thboIllastrionîs expos- t iens, but notblng ins mil about Asyn- eniasz, Pbegoa, lermion, Patrobas. Hernies, Pbilologus and Jlia. Wbers vire tIey bora? Noo eskuov. Whens ddeltbey lie? Thons la no record of their decoas*e. Por vhat store tbey lin- tingulghted? Abaoutly tor notbiug, or thse brait o!ft-bnracler vonl have been brought outbt he lime upole. If tboy liait boen very intrel a orhplent or hirmute or musical ut cadence on res e!ofstyle or iu anywise nm:uîaaius. that fenînre inuIt bave Iteen canglît b> lie aposholie comoru. Bottihe wi-tre gool people. hecause Panl mt ontithema hie Iigb ChisnItian regards. Tboy ncre .ttrliiar> peopleh, rovlng lu ordinary ,phère, uttcîming te ordiuufl 4uljani nweetjug ordiiaany responsil Il lien. --Wiuat the. n-.rlI watia; Io a religion foi orlîuany peolulu. If there lie in the Uni ted itatses 150000people, lter. ant cirtainly nul amone than 1,000,000 oxtra ordinary, unI Ihon thorearue 64,000,00 ordiiay, aud vi do wmlil botaritou *buceafor a littie white upon the distin guishol und couapicuonus people oetbit Bible and cortatder in our toit te sevol onsllaary. Wc speal tooniuîch ut ou limte la twitiug guniauls for rmmukut hies and buildinag throue, for magnate and nseal[tunîîŽg n-rriors and apotoîbi si.gphilauîhrjàoîuiste. The ratk ald SI of the Lor.*is sltery nemi especial bell The vuel najonty of people lu nhoîi tItis sermon cornes wili neyer tedai army, null nover write aêltate Coastiti lioa, ilihinover electrify a Senate, vi neyer mako n unipain tnvntion, n-i nover ijtroduce a nom pbiiosopby, n-i neyer deeitdc tihe fte ut a nation. Tut do not expect to: youi do neb vaut t( Toua nihI nult e a Moses t lu-haI a matio out of bom:tage. You viliiBot ho a Josliî p. te prolîîng the. dus iîght u ntil you cesit Ove kings tu a cavrns. Yoa wiih Dot i *a St. Johnt10 naroil an spocalypse. Tu wili net ho a l'oui te presido ovon a apostolic collpge. Xou wiihinet ho a 'MaT te niother a Christ. Yoit yul mure probi hly ho Asyncrilus or Pblegea on Ilerma. or Patrebas on Hleries unrL'bolologue Julia. * Heals of Heanehoîdi, Mkauy ot yen are wmtn aut lte bead househobîs TItis nioniag You iauncb, lbe tamily for the SabIthl observani Your Irain dec-Ided te appunel, and yui judgment maSufiai on aU questions persnul attire. Every menuisa yon pli for te dey. TIti culinary lepartine of yuur housohol lain your lumialu Tua decile ail questionsa0ut liet. Ail t] sanitary reZulations of yoar bouse à unIon your supervision. To regulabe t foo, and the apparel, and the habits ai decil. the thousaul questions oftbbu Ilits la a tax upon yonr bra nn m aldgenorai heultIt ubsolutely appalli If there ho no divine allevialon. h ldoes not help yoa mach te b. t( Uhal Elizabeth Fry hId mnelrful bhii tut -idte critinuls et Neirgali. l i nol bîlp you inticb to e ho 101thaI ?NI j- ulson vus vr-y bravi amoagtb nesian canihuls. It dope Dt belpi mîîcb o lhotoil taI Flornce NigIt gale vas very ial 10 te veunlel ina Crmea.L t veul b bellot tonrnie ell you thal lthe divine tnten oft'Mi andIblrthu is your frienil, and Ibat seaillte atnoyunes and lisappoi monts and abrasionîs amîd exasperutig et an ordiaary Itousekeeper (ront morn nigItI, and tronite fret day of the y, ote tes1taIday of lte ycnr andIut y, cailii. rendy with help andl mc forcemenltt. Au ntnalkungmain ray cousideri niatofe litîle impotance-the canot lb.eItouseholaldteecenemies ot mnctic lite-but 1 ell yoa lte enrîl treva vith thse martyrs ot kitcheni nursery. The health oattenel woa hool ot Amrca cries out for a Gel - can bellp orliuary ionien lu the orlir dntlem of housekecpitig. The veux grndning, nnappnecialel vork geci but the sainie Christ who stool on batik ot Geile lathe ouly niorniDg kinlil Uce ire und bal Ue i SshaIr. -cloanel aldbreuiagvbatosos * aleppe.d ashore, chillel andl hungry, belui oveny voman le propane break: wbether by hien ova baud or te ban, her Iiel hehp. The Gel vho mal. ,destructible îulogy et Hanuh,vIte r e coat ton Samuel, ber son, and cumie to the temple ivery yîar. villbi e vomun ia preparng tIte faasily w robe. The Gel vIt epn&stUcBiblei th. stony et Abrtsbam'm culertailu -ftihe Ibnie agls en lte plaine o!fJM C-- t yl bellieviry vema te provido pitlity, Iovever rare unI embarrasi Prnmuture 016 Âge, Thia ibere are the erblnauy bas! met. They nid ldiineandma Chrit belpi. Wbcn ve bogin te alât about1 -ess-itevo shot.r1-m ff unà 1*1k s lina. visa the slsdy baud ought lo e b.Plenomuaa are et bot lutile une. Tiinga poinne1tetheia.ndustrious hoars on a that ar eteeeptional canantl h dapended ehiar and scit ial tah wltolo uxciaery on. Baller1taiut e mmm llest planet that of body, mind and earthhy eaPnetty stops swings on its orbit than bon cornets shoot- turover. Tht.e eteteriis have thousandsI lg this way and thîst, imperillag the of business meunvito lied of old age ut ongovty of vorlîs atteîtding ho their 30, 35, 40 45 owu business. For steuul! illuminationt The. Dent KînI of Grace. btter la a iamp tha a ruekiet. Thon, if -Nov, vhut la vuntel ln grace--divlao yoa feel thai you arc orditiary. remember gruce for ordinMr business men. meu Ihat your position Invites the legs attnck. n-ho are harnesse (nom niera tilt nîglt Coaspicîxous peopio--btîw tht-y bure t adai the Iuys of Ibir ie--hurntesa&u tuke il! How Ibo> are misrepreslel ald la business. Nul grace to loge $14),000, abused andl shot ut! Thue ligliir the boras but graci ta loge $10. Not grace ta super- of a roebuck the casier ta trai-k hlm dowa. vise 250 eniphoyes lu a factory, but grade Vhat a delîctoîts thiag il muât be ta ho ho supervise the boolkkeoper nultbn-o sales- a tŽadiîluhe for Premiletît of the unitîl mapndnIthe anusitboy tat sweep4 ont Stutes! Il muet ho go sootbing tote>1ie te store. Grnce ta invest not the $SO,- nervesl Il mnuet polir iîto the sont oftai 000 of net profit, but the $2J500 of (.]cir candidate tcb a seltseof sea ity when ho gain. Graco itot 1a endure tho Ionsso! a reade the hiesseil an-wspa. perst! wbole aipoal et eplicestrom te luuies. The Abused. but grîLco to endure the loas of a palier ni I came mbt the possessioni of the abus- collars tram, Ibe leakugo of a dialsphtd live cartoons la tbe urne of NupoleonIt ., ahiagie on a poor roof. priuted wbihe be vas yet alite. Thte ne- Grace net le endure the tarliness of the treat of the urmy (rom Moscow, that Auterieun Congres ta pusslag a acces- army haricot in the snowuî of lbussiu, onie sary law, but grade lu endure thme tardi- of the muet uwf ai tragedlies o! the ceuntu- nias ot au errand boy ttOPPigtg buys ries, representeil ander the figure of a r marbles wbven hoe eugbi ho lelirer the nionster cule Genenul Fro-st sharing the goodsach a grace as thoasanils of lbns- French Emperor witIs a ru zor of iclîle. ineas mon bure le-day. keeping tbei tran- As Styr und ljeehzebubbcho h.relîreseiit- qui wbether gondasoei or do nt 5t.l, col. page aftet' page, page a fler pinge, En- whether cuistomers puy or de nul puy, gland curaing hlm, Spuin eursaing bit, vhetber bbe tariff is up or tariff le lana, ermaay cur%îag hiat, itueasmiuraiig avbetber the creps are luxuriant or a deuil hlm, Lurope c.rsiiig him, Nortb andî afuliare. catin in ail cireunmstanccs mnd South America cursing lm. the aWts famuIdahi vlcisslttîie-tbut ta the kiiiî of jremarkuble ma ofbis lit>anul tle ni-st grace vo vant. 'Millions of meu vaut t~, tabusol. Ail those mailuhistuiry ttlo and thcy mu> have il for the asking. nov bave a halo urouail blîir naune tn Tillers ef the Faou. eanlb n-ore a croivru of thoras. Thon thero are ail the ordiiiury tarm- Tako the féliv extraordillury railroaîi e ers. W. lalk abouît agriculturul lite, und men ot our lime ad 8ee owlît alhi.e r e im iatelv shoot off lu talk about cornes upon tiini while thousads tof Cinciuatus. tho patniila, wbo vent etockhodersecacpe. Ail the n-unI to-kL jfrum the plov lu a bigh position, and utter Thomsas Scott, prosliderit of the attier ho goltbrough the dictatorahip la Peunsylvunia Rilroal, abusei imtinitl ILtwenty-oiie Isys -cnt back again luabbthe i ot uI der thc groual. Thouandits of plow. Wbat encouragement i. Ibul 10 stockholdenm in Ibut coipa> Alil the -ordinary farmers? TIte vafil majoritY of blumo on one msan. The Central Pacifie tbem., noue aithtemx, vi.l be putricidh afe tiroad. Two or three mon gel ail te Perbitps noue of thein wil b Seaulors. blaine If anythiaz goes îrcong. 'Tbvre rif any of tbom have lictfttorabips, il yull are 10,000 la that Cotmpanty. - e-orer forty or Stfty ur one hanîrel acres I men'tion these things te prove lb la ea of bbe olI homesteul. What tbose aien cxtraordtnary poople who get abîtacti L- wunt in grace 'ta keep their patience white white the ordinarY escape. Tht. woutiîe 10 plewing with buhky oxenandmalt keep of lite ls not go severe on the plain us it ,r cheerf ai amI the drouibl thai destroyd la on the higIt peuka. Tbe worll olecer s'the corn crop and tattenables theini itonfoglves a malt vbo knows or gains (il erestore the gardon the day atter the do" more than il cau know or gain or do. a elghbors catle bave broken iu and If, therfoere, you feei Ihul you are orîlî r tranipil eut te strawhorry bel und galle nary, lhank God for the letenac ald the 1" brouagh the lima beau palch und estea up îraquility ut Your position. L' the seeot corn un sncb largo quantitea otnei prt 0- that îhe.y must ho kppt froas tbe vaterACotte pr. lelest tbey m5weliip und die; grace la catch- Thon remeinhor. if yon bave onIY n-lat Ing la eatiîer Ibal enables tbem withiott is cllol un ordinary homo, that bbc grvt niîaproetion ta spred ulot the boy the deliverorm of bbe worhd bacc ail coule nu third time, altbough ugain ald guin und (roml such a homo. And there may bc U_ agun iilbus been aimant reudy fur the setelcmalig ut your oceniltg standttia limev; a grs ade 0octor the row wth a child wbo sahathobcpotent for the ue i hollow bora. and the aheep with the foot- luit tiarl the &croil tfmot, mighlv iu irot, und tbe borse vitb bbc listempor, ehurch andl state, and >00 vill finI the-) a unI ta Pouilet Ibe unwilling acres ta yield nearly ail came fr0 log cabin or 1i 0. a lîrelibood for tlie famthy, and scbooliag homes. Genios almtala us tSout n for lte childron. aud lutIle exîras to blp lu the third or fourth generation. Yu' >thoeaider boy la busineas, ald no thinq 1 canriot finI in ailbbalîîry un inrttu "t for the danglers wedliag cuit.t and a n-bore the tourth generation of xtratîl bc lithoe surplus for the lime wbon the n- dinar> people amoint bu auytitut. C oui kies viii gel tif nwil uigo and Uic breath lumbus trom a neacees but, DenuosthP in wil ho a littie short, and the ssingiug nes froni a cutier's celair. Bloo-mfi,.Id au, 'r otftecrutlle Ibrongh lte bot harcest Miasionany Carey trom a hoetuaker'. ,a- field nul bring ounbbeoi man's vertigo. hoacb. Arkvniglit freux a barbers sliii as Btter close ap about Ciacianatuis. 1 andle ho -os nane 15 high over ait il or kaow 5W0 farmors juet as noble as hoe oarî ad air aud eky troun a mangePr. wns.Lot as ail ho content nitiî auch tlinig Whatt bey vant le ta knowv tIret thdy as vo have. Gol is just as good in telu of bave the triendébip of thnt Christ w-belhe keepu away fromn us us in wliat I ted oten drew i simles frein tbe fariner'. gures us. Even a knob nsay bc- usefirii 'e lite, as wbou bie saId, "A sower wcvnt It i. ut the sud ot a tbreal. Oh, that n 3ur forth ta soi," as vhea hie bul hi. best might ho baptize witb a contentoil spirit ot parablo oui of the acene ot a fariner'. The spider draws poison ouI ot a tIovo aun boy comlag back f romn bis vaaderiags, the bec gels honey oui of a thisîle. hi aht sud the <>11 tarmhoase shook that night hapiness la a hearcaly eixir. unI Il ta. wth rural juhilee, and vIte compared coîuirprletacsi itfotI he iaseîf t0a alamh la the pashure fielrbodudendron of the biis, but troulthI gre sud irbe ail the etonnaI Gel is a fanta- lily of the vuiley. heor er llaring, "My Father in the huaiaul- nId ma. A iMorse'@ Tait. m>a. r Thone .stoucmazonm do not wanî lat a inwol-formed herses thUilUshoul hn eur about Christopber Wren, the urchi- holie rong ut te not. rtslng hîgIt fro, ted. wiho built St. Paul'm Cathedrul. It the croup.,lte direction oet ibcb It fi tot oald bc btter le tell thenibo hot lova. Whea this la borlzolita.l Uic U aacarry the bl of brick up tl r e gacfuîîy carriedel cal h 1 " ithout ilippiag, and boy on a caotli rd oteii>w ,os. moraing witIt the trowcb to mmooth off thse horse la mevtng. Witb powcrfi or- the mertar and keep chooful. und hoir t0a gool-shuped horses It la ofttn carnit roa ho tbankful ta GuI for the plain food upward. on evea curvel ovon the bau tin- takea front the pull by the roalsile. especiaîlly wbon thse herse ls lirel lte Carponlera stading umil bbe adz. und The bealth und strcngth ofthe uicnut D0 bbth bit, and the plane, und the broadax are, &ccordîng 1a popularnuotions, la( lary neem thobchotelthal Christ n-as a car- ctdb h rssac hetailti-ff beh penter, vitIt bis evu baud wielding sav t muanal the rtcristt'Onlb b lunt- anti hammor. Oh, Ibis is a tirel vorl. to aia nefrneadb h ions andl ut laan Overworkel vol, ad.ib lanlansyicb Itsucarriel. To some cxte b ill an tundertel vonl, and il in a w-ung aise it ufforîs an indicationt of1 -or Out vorl, anI men and wn-uinneei 1taI hrse's disposition. rour knov thut there le resb und recoperation A lgtbosusalba11et -n- luGol ad ina lItreligion whicli ,figt wasuual astet nul sa much inteutiol for extruorlinun> . iko tho ours, lwtsys lu motion; wl il a people asefr ordinttry people, hocause about ta kick, the ailt Iran-n dîti s of thero arc more out Ieta. arl boîvoon lte legs; whienbthe ut do- Deaer» of lte Sick. mal i1 f ti LgtJiexhatisteti then h là is The healing 1profession bas bal ils dnoping\. jotOni nml ad Abercromhios unI ils Ahernethys und its - ad itit soute orses, vhtea gubopli tan- Valentine Motteanmai its Willarl Pur- itsa wuag about la a cncular ua ibo liera, but te orliaary pbyaicianm do lte on lashed froin side taaide. Thon. t ary mont oethlIe worl's medicining, and rng, they need ta underataul thut white bak- scancely lie uny donbt lso thut, like1 Son, Iug diagnosis or prognesis or wriîing pre- 8(111 et birds, lb assiste lu the lion I he scription or conipoundaig medicuniont or mevements, as wbon the animal 1a I and holding hhe delicale pulse o! a dylng chilI Ieplng la a amali circbe, onrupîly tu ady tbey muy bave the preseaco and tb. lie- lag round a corner, It la curvel tae une" talion oftheb almighty loctor vbo took tuer ido. viii the came ofthbbcmudmitu, and atterhbl Wt elbrlhredlt an0 ýfast, bra off bis garments ilfa oiag d Ionien- t el-re ore te a f id of lia lothel bu aguin. body ald minI fi tailimcompartively fiue ad brig a la- ald vo liftto up the voman who fer and otten grows te sncb a length tht tale elgte year a bbon bent almost loti- machteslte grounl; course-bred bei tel il ie vitI the rheumulism Into gracetal may aloe have thse bain long, but tbbc ývery stature,ald wbo turuol thé acabsa of sac ndarog rd- bprosy imb rubicual complexion, andla sally veny thican toga vihh who rbil the numbuose ont ot paraly- more or logs frezzly, tbougb ot tec itent ms, and whe swuag vitle upen lbe losed t aIn may occaslitilly bc noticed ta damt- windows et hereditury or accidentaI bail ofthtoretuglbned horsos. in sc hem6- liaduima Oatil the. morunnglight came horsea lter. la a lendency ta ahodd ILLINOIS STATE NEWS fer, dedet Virgini. He wss brn la York State elghty ycars ag. 1%r. Sarah Doty, the adet woman ln OCCURRENCES OURING TH4E Morgan Couiity. died at Jacksonville, WMî PAST WEEK. lêaving descendants of the fiftb geDera- tion. - -The Woy fund ncnr Peoria bas been An1 jacks.. May I e Pardonofi-Couses of ildentiliei.llis thfat of Johnî Stockman, a Chicago Firem-Nio Wivcî for Indi- firibaud. lit! hall sume trouble with Acc gentl Vettraus-lysterions litrder relatives.Ou et Lnco a.Boit Dooley acidentally shot and fatal- Occ ai Licolu.ly wouded Itichard Daridson t Vin- cennes, lad. Davidso*s horne lsat Has Served Twcntysix Tours. Mount Carmel. Th Efforts are belng put forth ta sectire Axel Dubiquist and bis brother Duel, point the pardon ut Louis W. Jackson, Who of a promirent Itockford family, have ity of ba@ been lu the Pelitelitiry slace186'), heen arrest-d, ..harged with -obiiiig Nor- imow More than 11,000 convicts bave ar'ived dlin Bron.' store. trodu ut the prison sice Jackson ivas admitted, ames Rogers. of Rokford, lied the Of thc but ail of them have either servedl their baller ta blis foot while lie îvas watching antd sentences, tison pardoacd, died, or been aMrahogae.Teiimlranoy transferred to the Insaae asYlum.ac fataîîy iîjurnîg the lad. Spea son u@ vî nduced to kilI a mia ln asli- desk lagton Couuty, as he suîîposed. taBasue William Cumpston, au aeronaut, re- . bis own lite. Ail of the jury wliieb tried <eived serions Injurie@ ut Fairilliry. being wtI bm nd the ther difiicrs ot the. court vopelled to julep quite a distavo from, d bis bar 10 the groud, by an accident ta sIle aredeul. _______isparachute the( Kiliefi ut the Porch of Ht., Home. The barn of obna Murphy, lwo miles dove A Liacola dispatch says: Lewis lie- orth of Varna. bîîrned, with ail ius con- tc A f e, a fariner, wu& mYstWerdly mur- tete. Lois8, $10,00.Th ara was rs tiereil Suaday mornlng on the porch uf erectecinlu1M,6.ad bail a grouud area of Item lies coutry reideace, close to Zion 10.000 square feet. It was te bet kaown ote ('burcb. Hla son ad wife ere aot lndmark in Central llinois. l more than fifty yards away prtormia: Leslie Hazard, ageil 16, died t Rock- ci moraiag ork w hen the m irderer rept fad as the reault ut being beldl tider the o 1 t o l t h e b o u s e l n b i s b a r e f e e t a n d e t a ic l s e ta e e k b f r y a c m a i n o i n range bt hls vicîini in the back. The twater a wee e o e y a scoin ulon for ahot brought Mr. McÂtee's son ta the George Praî,wt bmb vsl wm o scolenu time to sese sfi4her faîl deadl mîîîg. Thoe orouer's jury formel tieat lbe Tho assassin wu@ traceil througb the Pratt onaused Halizird"Èideatb andl bell luti Ffielîs t the city limita and then 10 the inita thIe grand jury. II0 h eurt of the cltY, wheu lbe disappearel. lDora Buras,. a country girl about 23 aide A strage ma wo was hoveriug in the ypar¶î of age, wbo wus receatly Incarcer- oft neigbborhood several days %vas ussenseen utued in the couaty jail la MeLeansbore a j fruiîaing tbrough theefildsa ater thebe)uaNvaît the action of the September terini re a crime. The only motive sasigned lai rob- of tbe Circuit Court otr a charge of la-v.ol( c hcry, but thcre waa Do incontive for tbis ' fauticide. broke jail andl bas not been re- uiL lis vaLuables were not kept la the bouse. csîtturel. lParties imîlicated ia the mur- pun '.%Ir. MeAfee bas reside in l Logan Coun- der are helievedtalubave assisted ber ta Ai ty siace 1841. He had not a known eue- 'ScuPP. 1 - tIlles inmy. The family ofrer a reward of $200 The Chicago wetber bureau Issues the "th for the arrest and conviction o! the mur, followiug crop bulletia: "The Stnte, as bill r dorer adthe county adState tacrease nan-bo, bail a very favorable week. bice t it by the usuai reward. Crops are generulir lmproved, and cora, An r - speciuhiy, li. bing fiaeiy. .'tany fields i. r Which Was the Lant tb Die? are la taosel und saine show the silk. 0.1 Ou ). The remans of Dr. Hagen, NMrs. HO- barrent ald byiug are completel, wlth tii i-gan and their chilI. drowaed la Lake auto provint ligbthy better than alittîci- $ eGeneva Juiy 7, arriveil ia Joliet Friday pated. W~heut and rve tbrasbing coatia- c afternoon. The tbree caskels cotalnlag ties from the sbock. Pastures and gurdons thb the bodies wrere brougbt tram Elgin, are impraviag. Fruit i. mtlli doiag welii Pt vihere the faânerai services were cout- witb large barvest promised . Euriy varie- reM Lt itucteil. A special coach attucbed ta tbe tics are pieutiful ou the markets nonv. Mu tregîxiar train contuineil the fanerai îîariy. A. S. Builey. a 13-ycar old ma. chose v liait a bandreil carrnages and lirivute a nord aîetbod of vomimittiiig sui- < onveyances were la waiting ut the sta- vide ut Chicugo. Bailey livel with IL tion wbea lte train arivel. Father I,. P. îl.itcblug. No. 1715 Evaus-fi I-lI.îgan owued valuable reui estate in ton avenue. Availiag IlImseif of njouiet. besidles carryiag $20.000 life insur- fe bec fM.aa r.Htbn, r y autve made payable 10 bis sister. Dr. Baîley llacel a ataîl gus store ou bis iap hil ,r Itogun rarried $7.000 iasurauce witb ad then careflly covered bimseif with iI lu hs iife us beneficiary. An lteresting a blaket.lIb tis wuy lie was pructical- m quîestion eriga as ta who are bire of ]y enveloped wilb the escapiug gris. Bail- tar C lî tlîîr u nd D r. H o g a n . liil a 1 re su m atu e ylc î f t a l e t e s o w in g e l c n - e r- ih. îhild lied before Dr. Ilogan or bis patd el-etruc lie li asaI coîem- uNfad tic courts may hold under the by radtead hll beeu ont of 11ork for clt Iil ouîmoa iaw Ibat be. beiag the slroug- several weeks. -a dr plîysicully, oulived bis wife. This Thie faaiiiy ot C. C. Newo, a iaboriag co î:îav divert the $7,000 insurance momîey mtan, moviag by wagon fromn Marioni.th( 10 the. nearest relatives of tbe Joiet Ho- lad.. ta Cross County, Arkansas, mude ti a ela f im ily , w bic b te uow ex tin ct. S iace t e su p rF n d ay e iv g o a e o d u shhe I oga d ribed lon . i stools wbicb tbey gatherel by the road- ijr th, isputc and is sîster Sioute, . il siloemieur Aima, tbînkiag lhey were a:f ei ma 10 atac sth eto lhee.urmîisbroostts. Ail were takea violeatiy ili, of if ________ andl two of the childreia, girls ageil 13 and chi HeIistory of s Yeare Firee. 7, died. A boy aged 15 diedleilact nînr- Se itl Tbe annuel report of Pire Chiot Sive- iug sud the mother andl two ollier boys r; nie. of Chiicago, says that, ot 5,17ô4 fires, are very iii ald yul probably die. They li lit 386 were due te unktaowa causes, 220 are beiag curel for by the (armer la the a ie tu explosion of lampa, 171 ta explosion nelighbbrhood. C-0 he of gasoline stores, 9-U te detective dlues. Recently the Auditor of Publie Ac- re he 1801 t0 chilirea playiag witb matches, counits retased ta Issue hie warrants for W 1V.) t0 chiniuoy sparks. 107 lu locomotive the paymient oft he appropriation eutub- co sparks. 72 10 known iaccudiarism, 276 lisbiug tbe vaccine luboratory at the Uni- Cc to suspectel iaceadiarism. Four neèv versity of Illinois, claimng thut the new il id :omPan ipe have beea organîzed, und four lav did aGI state ta wbom the wrarrant hb a' ew engine bouises buit. Of accidents, shoulil bc drawa non who aboul file the of -16 sIIght. 27 severe, Il serions, ad -)coucher. Tbe Auditor bas usked tbe.ilîî 'ai ftal. The. value of fire departmeat opinion of the Attorney Generul in the th ui îîroiperty ta $2,446,001. matter. The Assistant Attorney Gencral et ou replies tbat the Aulitor will b. itîstifieil 'ul, Veicrani Mat Not 'Marry. in druîviag bis warrant for tbe amoant ic] The ewr law relting tb old soldiers in favro of te trustees ufthIe univerity, nd Iheir familes anti thir support by îvbo mut file ouchers therefor. tu ck, the. coîîaty las tirred Ill somethig of Droutb lias greatly alarmeil farmers in 8 ýlY. a rîlaîpus et te Quiîîcy Seldiera 1-Home, in sections o! the ttadi ats iai anîd Supt. lirkwood issuéd a deere 10 lias done valet injury. And another ex- C L,1 hie effet-t that ail> aember ot the. home treille nus notel Weduesday, when f- e 'ci ho gels juarried mnust léave the bhrme. - uqwiid, r- ad ltisor dvq va lita r cnaoi ag ia th at a etc ran w io feel s lalcl gre t l ron s ta t e vi i it > utf.J ack- e attie 1o support bis wife le also able ta sivle 'oi, louaiu lal eli noiîîîuertlhourlalfooal bec not need thb the setl iort h itieltan sttion tepaîga, 'Markham and aolier interior lowîls. At Jac.ksonville tbe lownpoîîr amounted l Blte News lu Brlcf. 10 n clottdiburit, carleil by a vicions bail- ail. .lavob Fiîîk. a fermîer, o ho livei lîcr ëat"rm. Teiegrapb polos and wIires, fermi en M.III Creck,%iee ilb ik. v f Ou a uîthuildiugs, trecs and fonces tv%. ro-t 'vu mîti. illed. aktk t rated. Marly caIlle were killed. At Ini- Anaiiiad.3.to 10 Peurî.î one ma wivs kllel adseverai .\Ira. Aia îlr,9 0,lo toion.3aad ftedofthie P. & P..traeks vvassi- ýt e- îîîîîh cllol-,forni for stomacb trouble cd ollt. WBs; aidlte!le lit Deculur. Mirs. S. Z. lHaven, urbo came la Chi- Ing, ltcx. Gerrilt Snyder, for tiîe pa sevpa csgo carly la tbe '.0s, passeil away carlyt mer y cars pastor of the Springfield Third Wedacsdny moraiag at lbe residence oft can lresbyterian Cburcb, bas resigaed. lier sou. Edward P. Hayen, la Argyle the WVili Deirea, aged 22, a member of su Park. Mrs. Haven wuî barn lu Sauger- ýs's Etîglewood camping parly. uccidentaily field, N. Y., lu 1804. Ia 1835 she, içith gaI- ultot inîself ut Davia Station. mnd. Hie ber buabanil, came WVest, aud Ibeir log lijtt. two bours. cabia staod on the spot notv occupied by at11 Iboerman House- Atter a few years the Jouas P. Johuseon. of Bloolmiugtoll, the-'rtîn 8oSngrilmkn h wus run ocer by a switcb engino ana te eune.t agefed 0kn h badi> ljured that lie diel soon aflet'. trip on a small sailing vessel. From there lte île trs a coul miner. tbey mocol te Utîca, N. Y., and later to Buffalo, wbore tboy livelutil 1869. In gbt. Nieholits Schilling, 50, atîenîplc<i t that yesr Ibeir sou, Edward P. Haven, t It dmira b itseif ut Qulncy. lie ls a stran- tuuk tbbra taCbicago, wbere Dr. Haven rsu ger thoea mi refumeil to tell ayliag lied snon atter the great tire. Since ýn it about bituseif wben rescued. thon '%rs. fHacon bas made ber home with and There are no Iepuly Unitedl Slutes ber son. mnîy marshais ou duty ut the Peoria lhstil- Two $500 buils, a $50 andl a $10 bure tIlerieA. te entire farce bavlag béen wthl- been tormed atthie redemption bureau Ltedraw nioti au order receiveci fromn Chi- of the lreasury trotu a banîful of truit- smo ugo.mnts sent ta Washigtou by the sub- ding At Decatuir Lewis R. Calnaund A. B. treaeury la Chicago. The bits were touaI the Bîrttrîu iil a fille of $400 for gambliig. on the huke front near 22d street lu Chi- luT ILLINOIS-V Impartiail Record et ccompHohgR by TbO. r Law&-How lb. %%a ccupiel OurlaS lbPa", ISotuge of Blute h ; te House WedaeslaY t"W d t a commitbee le Inveuigal of te luheritatîce tax 1ev. tis consena a unher etf11>04 ucol anailreferral toelb.- te wole. la bcattrnof 1Senale met l inteilS moril servic-es in ho~er f ukon, John Meyer. The. ik bal beca balaoumtehy t enîhins ut mourntag ani willi pîtîns adferas,11M, ýported Ivo boaniul Lrepresonhiag a saunDMa Sotiier a brokea pillar It ' ce Mas tukiîtg ils lgbl. lu Mn. P'aisley introducel secl lu te memony of nana, wbicb ver. slopted lthe Snate Thurslay a net thut no deficit existe&. rFilzpatrick, chairman of )minniîlc, Introlaeod a un la creuse u of 00, vy. A fIer Ibis bit tPafl0Z toi, the Setiata t ob a rani. .. ouse spent almost the enlte (Ut - eriug lthe arbitrablon bihlan * the tebole. Miller of huaietr I joint resohubion for sne d ise ia -aI, sbich n-as lefealed by un cd liuluimig majonity. Mn. Merime ulimous consent iutroditd *a ubli bribery otfnieniers of tbe4JW iSaeably lin.-the- lla-cham tlAet tb*. es." ?%l.r.N Miani lso lutro<Ia.d to puniiih;;b traudoleut ulterhiO la aldresohubican afier the seMa 1 oen pasel aldadoptel hy the os* Lasombly.? It nm es, sob fruie0 Iteraîlon n felony. pliishabie by loi ,meut lu the penieiliary feé, WtlI hin lice yoars or by a dlueut c Z.000,. or bolth. Oni> hlfty-five members, ivoaty-tvO au a quorum, vers prisent ilathb. R riîay, anea soon uthae joutit ea, aîjonrtimeut vustaken te 6jp omîday. The Souahie vasn n essiq an liait auboum, und id II no10,1001 At Monduy ereuiug's sesion il louso a namber o! bis vu.ru r sb tito b> onaninions eanitam ernis lu the commiblee of!thé. vIand nyne, front lIte comnilton oue»a HIs. ruîuorcd lthe arbihratlon bill-0i as rutale a apeci5l ondin e-Tno oruing. Mn. Wilmon uitroduid 1l orr text book bill nder lthe gplq 'venue meusure. Il la a c007 'oi M ) the. negulur session proviling fer Il iiformity of beit Ibooksa viii9a10 ttai-bel wbiebcemlupein bte ooutX eiviig lthe cuntracit tofoa"alai :li blute 10 puy mb bbthe.t$cs«Y hiraI ut 1 per cent. of 1. itsrcolUO ales. Mr. Bryaoffered àa bu J004 îg chill laitorndulMn. CodYpxp îeasumc couteinphatlint Ble. sul* if telephomies sud i xiug lb. w4tf*,q lxanged b> telephune couupabii' Seato <iIInoting. The fisbusiness the. loou lid nesluy vus te pasbte arbllrt*qhi il veoflt. o!170Afhirtiatt*siM csmnittee o! the irbobe 10di prenue bill iatiudnced i Ie- Whiteieil. Il vas l 'i£k~ rnmiitee ure a nd repOr'~ coi. Mierriani thon askedleli*I ue lis resoltion lu lvIn iatb booîlliug. Atter a bewld Sga!ç f rbaagiag of vote$, Permlnlff19 id h> a voteutof '0yeus toSS' Itu a two-thirds affirmative. ate îiid uolbiag. Literary Work Vnder DlcOUM iu orl o le oa regulat Couli* o Houisebol Worls a wrtter , tiuk luis lnlidllhty anud moâéa self, villi tbe solt-tpp.Oofl 2liuese uecbunlc, ou the style 0 otîltor. Dickens hiniseit, eVeU,. elticietttly assislel by lbe labefl bIe ',%r. Wils, bob vwondetfMul wli the articles. Ho sparsa L ne hic lu resbnplng th. cotiti wrîîicb lelasel but dl dnet Outiutl ile t-as lteatanchemt of! tn1A Iliose whom lie fancbel. or vIo te. hui;lthe gcuillly o! bis manne' si nuil rly tviaalug, n d oio stiag thut uccompuni-ou rt correctioti. tI on thse othor tîtere hIouhsundunIre of Indirect eam lu support 'Mr. LilIy's soniewbat clatory strictttres. The trulh. as ve auspect ut t Duckens, tbreogh deective edU vus somtewhat berne ln bis teal thse range et bis reatsg, und aIrong lusIt Of lb.eaoCI&W 0 leutmocra'. Lu be fuliblaseottâ o! wesrl-lesroed popaswr.Ity nover roally ut 015e lu the be« 0 Ou the othon huaI, ho va ne generouto a0 auit. but .Iafli the Instinctive consideiS qtU tleman.-TbO Saturdey qeSmWtr STe Perietoot peaasb Spunlard et every 401M sîmike a mtranger - . Iton, goodacas ty, seeni te stand'W tI ut ib r contrerla t oun country l. théatufl "Could yen apRre t1e a Spuls bggr "P"a wil due"ýttmont -and thm 1 row, and