Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 26 Jul 1895, p. 4

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tuf u rwc vabg o of 18 li . 6" st. - iunua. Ask Your Grocer for. IIIlCHAIi 0F TuRTu POlDER ~t~~Nogtb-QwaJ St, OMICACO. j~8.No32R.A. P. R.~ Ifed by W. M. Cra-1 Jft, Anderson, mnd., ted JuIy 12, 1889,: Il make the season '9 ai his old stand.* >Il' the best sire of> Itlrssthat ever wid ln Lake Co. His te being large, ooth &fine movers, ieyear ago last fail e14 hiayearlingctoits, Sfiret premi. um sr large field of ki In thb roadster k" at Lake County Wrms-$1Oto insure; ~bts, or no pay. aeoriginal owner be held responible -service fee of ail res disposed of urbeing bred. For1 lIâree, cali on or tress, C. A. Appley, nty Farm. Liberty- r'your Hiores are M.OT don't eatwelI, Ï41 pay yotuto hvuve rr teeth examined. erý.is a mian at the tvFarrn who ~tands minati -- tEILI ~r Liv L~f~ -S & ADO XM l A WaOi>. FRIDÂY JULY26, 1895. GRAYS LAKE. A.J. Leonard wili build two new bouses th!s fall. Mrs. Wm. Higley la entettaiing a niece f rom Detroit. Misa olivette Morrill leaves for a week'as visît ut Beloit. Carrne Austin ieturned from the City, $aturday eveuing. George Fretiricea bas purchlased a lot in Proctor's addition. Dr. Sebiaffer waa lit Elgin and Chica- go two days of lat week. Mns. J. W. Washburne. bas ber bouse f ull of City boardena. Mis. Èherman la Iniproving. She ls able to be out on crutchea. Mui. Gilbrt Fnazier was the guest of Mrs. Walter Shoute last week. Allen MeMellan and Fred Kuebker bave purchaaed lots of A. J. Leonard. O. J. Datly la building a new barn and intends to erect a new bouse this tati. Mesdames CJ. C. Whitrnore and B. L Boyd bave beeîî on the aîck ilat thia week. Dr. Sbaffer la lîavlng a 'îîew cenent walk laid lu front of bis rebideuce on Park Ave. Geor ge Jâmea and wite, ef Chîcag, were guettaet bis sîsten, Mrn. C. C. Wlîitmone.- George Hendee'a people" have a bouse full of boanders; sommeoe arrlv- ing nearly every day. The masons ore at work on the foundation for Fred Wilbur's uew lieuse lu Frcictors addition. .Mms John Baselpy left Tiîesday far a three week's viit wtlî ber mothen, lira. M. Rhoades, et Milestone, Wis. Albiert laselev bas gene to Maren- gfo te Viit lis iRter. Mis. Eruet 1H111. île nmade tbe jounîîey ou bis wheel. mimées Witn-ore. Wilmitîgtnn. Mor- ril BDirne s ad lloyd plenleed ut Round Lakte. Satîirday, andi rerent a fine tinie. The Grauridlke (emetfnv Associa- flan dli meeýt wth MMs. I. Fnrven. Maturday, Atir. gnd. A full attend. aimelq uteslrpd. JenU linegolnti fe stt.riuleul the silverwirdlng rtf Mr. tondiMrs. R. Nelman nt Fox Lakes last Wpdneumdsv. Jua1tt twepntv.five vears non thoy stand up wilh themn t their nianniape. sureivt hesImal boys of Gravillalte aboenîti ue dellubted. hpeanse of the shows that viiti ns. Thn-@»n tan ibis sesson. und tilsf11anathpn carnîni. 1Towep1 Gnuat lAndau Show nilI ex- ibit boe next Tuesday. Wlle pîplur tiihe v-troîwb ta is liouseblst Fnldity', tepben Btiyd miss ed big foting sud felu tn the ereonti. hultng bis bawëk quit@ severplv. As hle i. ver elghtvy vars 4.t Icl l i mame tinie befare lie wlll lie about agaîn. MIss Ailes Grev. af Chicago, te vist- lng Mr@. John Converse. Mrt. and mlin. James. taoin Chicaga.1 are vlsting their dsugter. Mis. C.. C. Wittuone. A great nant' people trnm lipre ah- tended the ilver weddinotf Mn. sud Mrs. Nelson et Fox Lakte, Wedues day. Ontr Jewplpn. K. B. Sîîenman. sand tsunlly utuvetithim weelc if the co- tegs on Mutlé Ave. belonglnoe tn Mr Lpontard. Mr. Frtcb mnoveti bis fami- ly luto lits bonne just voated lîy Shen- l'lie hbis are nut for ir atier ireu% in towi 1 uesdav. .Jilv 801h. Grttvs Lakfil; etfinumare thiauî ils shuare of olîowq. hilît tutu ane, clîl heohitten thian tli(-me rouie for-if Lhe posters are Eumne traiin front filue oiilih riturs urowdm u il y 1;ae<îp, wîio us'me (-it t)i Ils lîoe .10 eiuy nepq ildiidqlto. A lit ll tiis. lthIlueiriM l litP Virioii wlieblhave lrare a Ae Mesdames W>Imbtlînte.Litwiller, Grabluîm auul Dl)itle bonwîra lilolonzi té% George Stuc'- on Iliceame frvlbned maIbfluesui. plte o'!le n 's Tîîe.d; y I l.niPluuî, hnulne luios. fro-tifi lie 1iuigev sud ni two milfs hetare if was cafilit Ins legs cëee batly lit.eraftd. couiseul lv hsine strîjiýt hv filue tîilla that M-ene liamîglue et lis heels. Gardlîîier'a lotel euid atviv lm 1 lng albi hie î,illemsa ttîi suaIl . i lbus file lm wel l ari,~î.LQu il day lie lind sevel,, nusu(-ut. Ilé for tiilies conuvusîîeef rom Gi-qLak tt.. mil tus newýsnsd isoeuunoiwus le 114s4 the ti e -qualippedlivprr Il% Laite coîîtv Hantirnes une reasaii- aille. Gtitluer's hiiitàlaesa crd riven the Lime tof erîval amuIdepani tire 'of 1ail fm.ioasua.a.en CicagournautI r.., George Erùie btjaat purcbaseda 'ne wiid Imal 10 nan bis uew well. Fine weather atter tlîe nain. The pastures look green again aud conti la imrpoving. Mrs. Samuel Gilbert la falliug iu betlth. The docton pronouueed the maluudy cancer. Harveat la pnognesatng finely, wheat sud rye being al l uad farmersarae Dow cutting their oats. Eider Hollomaîî wll tpeak at Fort MaI cbureb next Sunday; mornxing and evelng. Every body corne. Ourn wothy butter maken. A. Ker- wlu bas t6keu unto hîinselt' a wife, and thîey bave commence bouse keep- iug lu the nooma above tbe factony. Boys be caneful wbhen yen -are eut aften dark; soine deapenate clianactens underteok te bold up e youwg man lest Sunday eveniug as- be wa retunng borne, but the boras wes tester tlîsn the partiel In punaut, sud batig lit thie driver safely borne. FORT HILL. R. Spaffard la sîcit aud belig cared for by lme Smith sud fanlly. V'ole Bros. et Spring Grove, vlalted witb the fsmlly of Wrn. combe. last Runday. Mise Cernie Austin bas netîarued from Chicago. We are ail glad tii bean ber sister Cons le ginlng aud will soon b* able tecoeehorne, lier motiter la with lier at present. WARlRENuTON OROVE. Baby Rudd, wbo bas beeti quit. 111, la Improving. Miss Alile Burns, tif Chlcago, lg vis- ltlîîg frienda lu ibis vlciîîlly. Heury Lowmaun, of Chicago, je vis- itiug relatives ini hilal'ity. Fred Farrell, af Chicago. la @pend iug a week witl.î lis cousin, J. McCaliun James Smith, Who lias twecu visitine relatives liere, lias returlied tu thie City. Mrs. Bllyu an q hlîdren are spenti- ,îîg a weplk wiiti P. L. Beiîz andu f imily. Kutie Devine, wlio lias heemi aîieimd imîg a week with lier graîidpuremts litet lias retunued t4) lien home ini the cityi. Look at the red tag on your paper It shows the. date to witich your sub. &Slsption la pald. If yeu OWe, plesse pty Up and we wMl furnisit you e bet- St paper. It requins money as weli as brna to produoe a gond inewa- OLn papers mast thse Ming for plac. hWg on the pantry ishelves, laying under carpieta or for doing up pack- sges, for sae cheap aS te oMoie of- the LA»E Coum ?Ixwpmm'mu,.five o0ilts per dozen, 15 cents for 50, or 7ul for 25 cents. The 1I;DzpEuDBNT lis the youungep, the bestand meet vlgorous uewapap- er publtshed lat Lake (Jouuty. Tho' mut yet titree yeara oid, lt already liati the largeat circulation lu te central sonîberu sud western parts of the county sud la rapidiy growlng lit pop- ularity aud patronage. Ad ad lu the IzNzMPmtDENT geeS loto et lenst 90 pe ent of the homes ii, Lîbertyville, Central sud Western Lake eotînty. Wiien a mereliamît ad- ventils, be wans t t reaeh the lîeolile' aud the ahove is a valiieble '"iohII..'r." Judîclouis advetisinu iin the IxNn,- PENDENT wlibring yoîm îîicker rn - turnue anîd grettr résuîlte for yoiir moaiey fouir limes over than auiy otlo r mediuîm linee oiuty. Our udver tUsera ail acknowle(iguIbis fîtet. flIe lW Ton lo ot Pfinto isit S The il iJ E FI R W ME A -iviio las à line stock or-- 1 WATCH ES0 CLOCKS., sPECTACLES, Eye GClasses r Jewelryi ot étiI kiiid. Be Io alan Agenut fotie'o the busi- Lakte. '. 'on Free. boardens. haalîîs uIo N1s.- Wttmlr stip-le. atlmsIare cîutiiig l y et Graessl'a ke. (ýing sud of 1,ç 7tuoel I .00; Cnt- pwlteiî li l-ne la-si w('k. îlt.ai111*Iyk Wi. g4wailmsud fatîiilu'. t,!(Grayts- paîigfalkudtîeni .Jxtrctinge 1-k 'J'. m-1 a! ivea lure, $uimmduiyv. cwlgofA kid t<~83.)() Mes rednîk ciiiMiiler.-lie. s<nul att.ntîoln guven t(. tat.oIla otf 878 Witsbuîî<Iîîii iî;M-*t *-8Wl acinesnd, >~ wi" O ;m.. iiul iog Ils s* Mai.i- r 0Of ail kinds carpe t DepartifeliL .We have the largeat stSo(f any store in Wankegan, cou give you the best assortiment, and we are uiaking very low prices durlng tisl sale. Big reductiomi made on remuants. Floor Matting. _Now la the limne yen walit matting, nothiiîg licter for entamer use; during thia closing itale we will ùffer: 500 yards tancy mattiîîg et . ioc 300 yards heavy matting at 15e 200 yds. igured Japan mneattiîîg et 20e 150 yards Coton warle mattilig et- 2ke f,4peclail sale 0on Reitua,ts) Linoliu m. hlave )on ever unsed sy'for your diîdng room or kitche,,, the most dur- able fluor cî.verinîg you cAu use. For- meýr priée was 75c a mqoare yard; our pricesduriîug titis mile wîlv 40e a square yard, Call aud g55 it Crockery Dep't. 100 piece glimlier setm, sud 6 and 10 plece ellauuhur sets. nt Cl prîceaq Jelly tumblm jeat i iicoi. er ir dziei 28e. Window Shades We ea ei lI voua glmga iuifiiint-! Slioe Departllent. To Increase oui Shoe Trade -dur- ing July aud August we will give away every night 81.00 IN CA&SH ThsIs lu oi gV fDo1IL. With each anud every pair of Shoes sold we give a coupon free of auy ceaI to you, and at the close of our day's sale one nurn- ber will be dnawn fom the coup- ons given during that day. The bolder of that number drawu will receive, on the following day. a check on the First National Bank for $lmo,-and so ou during JuIy and Augnst. Save your Coupons For in addition to the $1.oe a day given away, we will on the finat Monday of September at 9 o'clock a. m. take ail the coupons given eut duing the two inonths and draw froni them, the holder of that numben drawn wiII neceive an open face gold watcb. The watch can be seen ii; oui Shoe Department. Our pnces ou Shoes have always been th e iowest and we wilI guan- u.nte ht o as u.f. 'n k..., hoe of1 In t1imi departrnent we m *0 some very bandeau..e stylm e utm dresa gonds, value trom loitol yard, dun hl bs closing miîe we te entire tor et LIhe one pile cents per yard. Veiling. Here la whoie w. cati Me y7«W Money, otîr entîre stock ofý oves yards of face veiling i la ekt*, "" 1'î anrd colora, value 18 to 8Icok ard, l go at 10 conts per yard. Lame CurtainDet 81.00 sample ertains go &14 e«Ob l 98 curtain go ut, apair . 18 1.60 curtan go at, apalr il0* le 1. 78 curtaitia go at, a pair 1.84 2.26 enstains go et, a par - 1.79 2.75 eurtaIns go t, apair 1.9lU 3S75eurWan go ut, apair 3"0 5.00 catains go at, a pair &U 6.00 caurtai es go t pi - Table Lnn Do voun ned a table elotIi? Durbmg tlîis cluulug sale, we wlll make pase on our etitire titock that will causé you te 1111Y ie. Corsets. During tliii sale we will oser 100' pain (if corsetq, wotb 75 cents and, $1.00 escli, aizea 18, 19, 26, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30. al go ut 29 cents a pair. <'h -en lriig ruler ini lIie#' c ut _______trial____________________________________ the luiw plep ( piu e us at lower pnices for the same I ___ __________ quality than yo u cani elsewbere. Muslin llnderwear G ~ 'e have 92 pair of the Ludlow Tu close dueliig LIis sale et a big Grocery .uept.1 Shoe left that will go at 95c per l).,riîg Itisluj~suitPw I iiiu pain. Cali and %se if we can fit you. 0i14) & I.ieiy l p t Gnts' furnlsblng ùDep't. perer lui. t.u MIl Trlmna'd liaIs mîlt go>. Now %fpoi*a percale aburta, leubdebsm, a inor lime tg) bîîy s [lut. collera. I pair cufis eaplete, iosihi te Boys Sweaters to AI, 81.'501 aid*2 0Huasgo ut .' stcluuhing stoires 1.60; our ckulmg prIe clos, ech 1 cets. aias oven 82.oo eaeh go eit 4pice. 01.00. R.D. Wynn, Wwaukegan,,..U, HUX~~5'J. P. WILLIAMS, Weil Dlggit, The Weil Kinown and, vav oFqxre1ence4 Well Dlgger Brn nOdWIs pe p lett»lugm INyo11r81111r111 a .u css oe udb ,tnao lnow mailng Wel ls Jaîl and get our pnicea befoe ~ VeuIeoeVom CII.*. 08The 'WH EEL 0F FO)RlTU . ET N 4-Itseb.. s ~âS oAd...~ 08as heoMe ilI. 2-esh.Coi you Mrethinklugofhobvlugoawsell1durgjC M & at. P. Ry yT1 M. TabI*. S-U.u,.Igls ?C~5. ~oru aid une repiored, i am iquite sure iex, oOIlNOIT 55 1-»m.ssa.. , c~aath.m plase Yeu. If you iet mie dig deep enough. for p...a.aa'ui em58S We585.. 08 tilthcfaiiureila ma elis. a, a g3'u # es o n4 111158ai.....IIi... A. Ny PriceilAre: Se 0fiie 52 l 18 4 6 a te - 1s~i..IwIs.,Uuu.... 0 Iieerteld 8341 210 t e14 ô59 m,,*s.aupl1.. F o dgglg and bricklng ccli!# about fou* Dveei8î c tu m à es 21 7lIl leet ln diameter, irai 10 fee Ille. nezi lu fret Itogaut s845 lut 512 B936 MS 18-Rabou.suIanl, ft 81311 .... 41 LO ez u0-,8 z 0fe MlDx àLAMNATYVILLE ... 146 A 60 104 1S-Caaeb l~sm.CoS .4sUliASfelet bkuù, Per fout Guru.. 5 <Il t31i Ul~hiS55 ..OU.................... Furorveilu iî ht tui diaunler. tir,t 20 feet Wadoworh 9 19) Il 65 W-Ku" .....ebho.............i1. .t oaiî.,g f5 30-UViawyWeakueea.......... .9. fut-t'for prospe.cting wchu 2 or 3Inlch suger W)1%0 ROUTIt: oeu= 3d-".tTY.,QiC.110.ttVO*0 firet-,, feet lucta per tout uet e ifet 15 cs. ., 6' 77 " DR HUP, nS nie0 ýit àe ctî, ..î t..oî floua 1ln top.of teUicP..p.8 ttmll5 35 6il 4 W 71ves charge for liorlig In anetteweil uuulani iUne GurDecCla lu t5 ai 0 saa. l.,s'U.audNals«o.I*D&.Put )m - 0 Pu%& owuerestops mne f ront digglîîg d,îper. C «< Warrenton 9 leO à- 5*86til* «"-LibzitTyvi&,.Ii u.............12 8U .... &IM MeZhhgZW sCVso, 11a S Msu.UVs M& old celist5 cs per hour itod.îut -1'3>. 2 .-12 te lite1s - - V S sudiurn ili belp. ifvertt m526 a3I .... i &à*6»6 &S 1 0 il pO i Fas * Prtes havlig ork durl ntamugifur.nlo;b Deeerfieid Erfw 7tu3 1262 14« am stiermerville t A '4'9 se 5 m565 1 thuard t 1e,1- bri-k for ccl .1.0 <4. tent fr hr go.srri.e. 25 5 bS50Iv 2rI 46 de elle the top and tumber lii eiiilî j#il fr-týqti; eîNDAY TRAINS. OuI! uj. V IIîLa u, o ,i,. ie r. ii lc4:56 ). ni. Ar Itiud,ut 5.*,& p.a 1 1 ,.,dtyltiuOirl. okii eoaLv. La vrty'vile v;il. a.,n. Ar. 4Lit 011>161 Ielk t uij nuîkmîiîlke Mainne-r sédale] e sf.Lv. (Chiago :3,oi. Ar. Llhrtyvjlle 9.49&.m LI ,) (1,,wle a at"l t i ...1 .'er bat If lv. Chicago 4:0p. uM. Ar. Lilw.ti vlleif m Pm5 Iiuernauonai ttu, l *itio ely wmck. théâi ne No.1au. ruis Stîndagu. oly. giug soitb. nul wac l --id w,.fuunnu - t...t', g iraîwii bu ati)pOn igiulas 0,0w.: At BUssei 12;11 c.'. 1ibal i une duunu aiItutia e ul. hle d.r.,tnd l- -<r d 1> D. rVld.Oi 12:17, O rile, 12:21. Mondet zavs--a.fso..that %% kitilh. p iu'y &o.Putloti 1 atlutiui fy hîî1î' 12:811 T vîeert 12:42. DveKrfieid 124$. , er.r Sc,". te 1.,,. <lus. iuîil iivd 342 nccls M, .fîtr:1 v'tIie 12:U, arrives a.j, îiiCujIlvg.u ai 1:44 p>m, siaLaM -ke t').. lnt1, 1ii.1<iMr52J.1l i,,thlit euo les ____ _____________ u~abrtdj of hntuie iii arti ie veul.ten sd 1 relliy tbliîk If a.d clii. ere .,ll tilîankful f.,r Ille aimaîlautre Wlec.Cnt.R.R.Tin Table I..ea~ fbnc. wch IL tni ,.for My tînu>. 1 eau ulve 0151NoaTa. V. ai~U. toie uinmes <flcù.ry oue Ihaved'oue a job for mpn. rpmpm Smi i__ silie-, A,îg. 2. trr. and 1am gli bat r lse guiCbicagu... . .4W1 Ly24A -il 1. 8oioIwk. ieurtiuof almost e,.ery on,... elapeevîoîî> SVbelig ... 09 i0 ... . 1s2 lia ra I.w=rijlt nt hul. hur îryiug ny tI cuit) ulanve LAU>tahiicW- ..9 15. 515 . thellapIlîiîl ftwiîir. Leitbton .skisO25li 2 s2U8 ta lertati. r I ai a l o s atib 'o tuîi: t ef Ili'"P p et, oc e felle r.. - 5 il> c 82 87 S a m 1 5 5 1 5 1 1 Sak cen tonialatv lrte-Nfier <lite loail j'alie Grays Lake... gg411 F2 je51 à s hi 3Us1 5U' îi:t ruuiiîîu.vr 42'.IlîS oue it., ~d>Lake VIlla.. -951il3:51 507ô4I.11 m 5il 10, salîe muit îte tuwitid foi i-y cash or due bill N« soreT. em.4. ~' ~ua~bef~, Tlusiking lail fui-rpast favur.1I1 ru o sishoe q', Yoler tattroll*aLt.Ill fuurue. la M. 0.a.m .. p nup cwb". Lake Vile.... 4 .c 72.0?As*. Il u 46 que, 1 Addrâs, Moils. «4 31 87 201 710 ..... ce soi J .. P. WILLIAMS. UM bLke..4 ; ST 4:1. S 2 1leŽt'1L thk2Ulce te In iShape 4tlieilig s l - .81-1... 97IS dl G.. . Nop~>Jblibn rilit kSoecBiiîl4 cliallort notice. DialIf except Sr:dui)(>). 5 8 9i ~ M:l . Wî,.tu'iittla uzuîateed. Free aAtoP Lulyun signai. nc4ieli-i e r uptwitil evtoi oder. ------ - Elgin, Joliet &Eautem Ry. - THE ACCIDENTS 0F LIFE- Wths tor. 5&Qom=uW - mSouti tý BEY 7? o~oe.~e'~tldqpyes wp.hw Pmes us TINZ TABLU. "ONe JITH. VAVION& CGeICI 4:30 -0 larrIve ... e,.r,-u..dchr? 4: um de... odu pu m pin ... ý...... .liai5 1:4b Pm .... ......iSer...e.......: 2:3>9 pnîdel LkZr<ia * pt5 Kt r] Lae L45351... 1:40) Pm .... Barngoten..... 1Oiâ U14oui .. ... IIT ....l 11:1 ame .lI8I . 8 a-,Il

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