~r~hares àllwayo Oftlo.ov*r Loviea Drug Store Hours Fromt 3 and 6to 8. D.J. L. TAYLOR, Offce over Trlgme& Taylor'. Store ROUH$ 5 to100. m. 2 tii 4 p. m. 0 to 8Sp. m HOME: At J. B. TRIOGS'. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. PR. E.,H. SMITH. Office over Lovelis Drua Store. Libertyville, - Illinos. PAUL Mac CUFFIN, AMTOER m l COUCELLOR AT LAW, NOTART PUgLiO. special Attention given to Collections and (Janveyancing. Office WIth Lake County Bank. Libertyville.- - Illnole. mien LULU M. Im. PENNIMAN. Vocal and Instrumental Music. ilé Debuate syste et Eaiw LI$80$TYVILLU. ILLINOIS. Mise V. ^lice Devis 4rasat ef ë__a - - ahy rusa STKACHUR ftOp LISUNTYVILLB ILLINOIS. J. H. BRUBAKER, PHO0TOGRAPHER, lI enestee et. Waukegan. Te ight li i rcer d osgtlefaction agleured to everyone. AUCTIONEER. Libertyville, - Illinois. Haiting hildmwh experîPnice il, Altitoli- Serl.g lu the pa.t %eventeea' year., Ia&m preplortd to letund uir. ln aîy part of ais and atjoininig Couusiles nt very Low RaiC, Satiefeotlon Cuaranteed. cive me a cli. GEO. B. MASON, Commercial Hotel % Livery Poad by the D&y or Week Speclai Accommodlations for Traveliiig LIBERTYVILLE, ILLI1NOIS. MLPIDARBIS BARER SHOP 1 --is now L.aated ln the- Wheve you ran aluay. gt your Sheving. Noir CUttitns, £ rebsing, 01", me a trial, 1 .111 pieu.se you. *alph Derby. - Libertyvllle, Ill. Lakeoilutnty Ballk Wright, Parkhurst & Co., LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. .ssues Interest-Bearing Cer- tificates Payable on Demand. LIGHT HARXESS, AS WELL AS NETS AND >LAP hO1IES AREJ ':1NOW IN SEÂSON. Chas. Kaiser Keeps Them.ý Whlen tlrt-class repaliisiug Is needed, you know where to fIlid hlm ln Libertyvllle, ElI. Dpyou owp a Shirt? If net, there ta no reascu w ~'Y04J sbould net vheu m8 MIVB & SON are s gtht-se articles at thîh t ~K ld of Prices. #TheSeasop is here --s. - -For a cime lige lu Beadgear and Y . C. 8MITH & 8ON are 8howiru the latest At ppmîlr prives. Try tbem w)îesî te11)need tof anme. rtijg 8ti lah Awd up-to. 13. C. PADDO4M. m,£ àm &N P. PRIDAY, JULY 26, 189,5. dlalyweieted..10. Les. W. M. a. M..mnowu. eue. t-yr 1 Advertise your business. The I1NDEPYDET for enterprise. Chldren's Suits of ail kinds, cheap, at Joffey &J Brubaker's new ~t photos are the latest and bett'I" 33tt. For a Stylilb, Ha&me Tie or Bat, see J Offey & oflT%, The LyA..aThitoîî and It wll pay yuU to help sustain It. The iIOD"EPEaDET fUns the bill for a County and General Newepaper. Red cedar and pine sbWes, a car 0f eacb, j ust recelved t~rght & Son. . lýr The Best W Ëg and Cheapeat Over shirtso, F Wing Pantf you get at Joffey b4 ,. Brubaker'm N"wIvo ytephotos" are the talk 0f the,>êJ On't gel pictures taken any Mre se- log tbem. 33tf GIaRL WA-NTED fornerai bouse- work. Apply t r. W. Mlnulcb, Liberty ville. Bru baker's galle s in the new building, 2161 . (i St, Wuuke- gan. You willl ' tiseround show case." 33Lf Wri[rht Son Ve a r*'ule Pciiioy-HubbardI. PERSONAL. "Ah ezceedlngly pretty, but quiet- home wedding, took piace Weduea- Beni. Miller ls going to Chicago, day evening, at the residence of Mrs. weekly, for eye treatmetnt. J. B. Hubbard, on Twenty-ulnth Miss Myra Zimmer, af Milwaukee, Street. when ber daughter, Miss AdelI is a guest at J. W. Milller's. Renolds Hubbard, was married to Mr,. J. B. MacGuffin and daughtei, Edward Fletebet Pomeroy, of thii Miss Ada. are et Des Plaines. clty, formerly of Chicago, Ill. The Mesdames Vowler and Churchill areI bouse waa mostartlstically decorated, at Des Plaines-camp meeting. the cosy parior seensng a very' bower Mr.aridMrs. J. B.Ayers are attendl of blossoms, frith the profussion of roses, Miles and orange biossoms. ing the campmeetlngs ut Des Plain. he delicate flowers of the olive Clayton Cunningham, of New 1 (jrk, tree, wth Its beautifi leaves, s visitlng bis baîf brother, C. X. Du- formed a border about the room, end- rand. lng le a ýanopy of orange.flowers, be- Mr. end Mrs. Gullildge, of Milîburn, neath whicb the bridai party stood. visited their cousin. Franic Dyer, and. The bride waýs handsomeiy gowned in vife, Sunday. a soft, white silk, draped with chiffon, H. S. Huributt and wife visited ber and was given away by ber brother, parents, Mr. and Mr@. Carfield, at C. D. Hubbard, of San Fernaudo. boumlis, Sunday. The ceremony wa8 performed by the lîrs. Sam'l Moore and grand-daugb. Rey. Fletcher Pomeroy, father of theteHzl tundTsayfoa groom,la the preaence of the relativesteazireued uedyfo a and a feW most Intimate frlends. sojotirn at Lake Bluff. Mrs. Pomeroy will be ut home on Dr. B. E. Hughes and Mise Hattle Fridays, after June lot, at No. 239, Wells, of Wauconda, were gueesaof East Twenty-ninth street. lre. H. Williams, Bunday. The above la quoted from the Los John Lyon bas greatiy improved Angeles Daily, May iotb. We would the appearauce 0f bis residence on almo add that Bey. and Mrs. Pomeroy, North Ave. by a new coat of pint. bavlug taken up smre land near the Thos. Genty, wife and cbildren, who Mountains, s.ut-west 0f Los *Aj- bave been visiting her father, Frank geles, bave been pending some tîne Protine. and family, returned to Chi- le their temporary quarters there, cago, Monday. iater going to Long Beach, a smail Mrs. Chus. H. Austin's home at Bar- town On thse coast, bis health n9t Per- rington was struck by lightning dur- nltting any mJ.iaterial work, thougbI'ing one of the recent storms. No compartively comfcrtabie. Ed, as atiurdmg dn. we Iewlfm, ~avng l?ùcatlepoI- Mime Jennie Lee entertalned a nom- dion on the 'Overland," bas assumed hae.Tusv s aw ea ote e d.nt and the responsibillty Of the head of a, evening, the pleasant occasion belng varlety, ranging from I0 ousshold. bier seventeentls birthday.1 cents to 21 oeil .esh. Clarke bas been ln the University~ H. S. Huributt's sunt, Mrs. David Ladis 7! anduring the pst year. George work-I1 Som Lalesfrom ange Hall adlIng days, and studying -nlghts ut ai Bradley, well known to many friends Chicago wll give a tony up in G"'hrdldlthrlaehm nCi- dance at Commercial Hotel Bail o-i business college; and littIe Fletcher goe rdld at he ly1,;at e ome lu C ngt o'Mist.attending Public school and being the gFiaJl 9 9;ae 8yas nlgh. Dn~t isaft'Beau Brumell"of the neighborbood, Miss Clara Averili returned this If You kno.w of nyting of Inteiest as usual. The famlly have manv we'ek from a month'a visit to ber to the town, uet It la shape and prs. warm friends ln Thbertyvllle and we aInt'8 lu Minnesota. Ber cousin, sent in proper form to0 the village are glad to have seeured these facts Miss Lottie Cramer, will remain there couuscil at their regular monthly meet- in answer to many inquries made in ontil Beptember. iuig neit Mondmy nlgbt, July lst. regard to, them. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Austin and Mfr. 'rospberonaadvertlsing means con-..--.-- and Mrs. Weber, of Chicago, who are tîIltî advertising. The stopping Libertyville la golng to have a rt-aI "wheeliiig" It to 'Vaukesha, via Fox of au udvertisement. even for a dime, live eîrcus nexi Monday, the first one Lake, stopped over Tuesday night brlugs aliabtllty cf coutiteructlng the lu years. with John Austin, Jr. suceesa already aciulred during the If yen want to learn ail the ut-w The familles cf WillI Davidsou and time i* & s runuliog. dances, take la the bull at Commer- C. R. Sherman were Bo anxious to put Par irst-class, up-to-date job work ciel Rotel tonight. in a full week,camping at Long Lake, that you iteedti't be ssbamed to, com- They are a11 comlug, ail the tony that they started at 12 o'clock a. m. Pure wth anythlng on thse market, dancers from north, south. t-ast and Monday. They must be enjoylng CorneW t he IDIPE.NDENT Office. We west, ho the fiaîîcy bail at Commervial tliemselves for we have uotheard front have liew type, tse hîigra e stock Hotel, Friduy nîght. them yet. If the editor gets a mess cf aud gturunitee a neat, cdean, satisfac- The Ladies Aid Society wiîîgl fis bhe'll wrgbt up their sport to thelr tory job at the lowest Possible price. their regular bi-weekly ten cent teua u i hstfny VUnes8 you want the earth, what more the M. E. chureh parlors from 5 to 8 It rakes John Austin, Jr., to sug- eau you uni? 0o'clccl5, Thursduy evening. , geat a good idea sud Frank Prottue A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ag S1.eg tmjy î.. veyoylvtd ta collect the funds to carry It out. CmaA tlric R£dJS5a>sn DrdialJ Tere wyIi edsle0. ocsntteThey are both good fellows, yet quit. fr uuer, Chompie u o coia l ibarhere will lie al f oksAilthe dîfferent; but botb are bustiers, wbich Il- LitraryCtronleitg weekC flc. who .,is a virtue. They are wlde awake and Uiripilig. etc.-- IL t,.For Sale want esummer edn at 5, 10, i5cis. cnrbt ieadmnyt h ly al tie ltadiugiug m l and Xl.- per volume, please cuil and select. success of the Lake Ceuuty Fair. Henry clkes,umuIF . iB. elIdrugg l.to5y Proceeda to be Invested in new books. Thev over ride petty différences and ludit uaa 111etvll. lae mdlyFH t Howe's circus muet bu geod, or worki for the good cf society. they wouidnoct dare maie their stands M. W. Hughes, tle Watuconda pho- NOTICE: go close together. They show in Lake tographer, vus here Tuesday and toek Having oid my business ut Liber. and McHenry coutities towsss for the a umber of views cf Llbertyville's tyville and ibein~ about t move, te neit tee days: At Grays Lake, Juiy fine new residenc-es, among whlch Waukegan, I be by r jail haqr- 3), Wauconda Aug. 5. It takes 72 e.hsefDrJ.LTalCa. ing open acot ts wi ~e piease teama te hal thein from tOwn te raylcr, John Barbour, J. E. Ballard; cai a.d=tuWbefore Aug. >Stb, '95, town. aiso C. W. Miuicb'a large St. Ber- se I can stîsAbten ilp My k The Happy Fifteen wyul give ia nard dog. 1fr. Hughes dlaimis t10 bua Thankn Il for pat~ shahI Grand Bal at the Commercial Hotel fine artist, and bis wonk wiii show for bu pieuse meet a y oid frieusds Hall, Liburtyvllle, Fnlday Nlght'. Jsîlyiseif. He expect8 Il returu Frlduy. at my new stand, et 212 Water St., 26th* '95. Music by Prof. W.J. Mar- Wil Farmer, formeniy veil kuevn Weelkegnu. Respi. Yosîrs, tin'ls Orchestra, of Chicago. Tvoi here as pulîlisher of the Lake County JAs. T.N. Prizes will be Awurded t0 the Bt-sti CaIli biltwho bus been engaged on Ladynd Gntlean Wl'zes. DOcelins Morris Ht-raid the- past year and Admnstrators Notice. Ticket Sots; Srpper extra. Corne k 10o be editor of the forth coming pIUnIs - NOTICE Nk l.-r,'t.y uien that the Verî ay nd]eno a Social Hoî'. Muea al eiito tari Co 'lilu liua:.cae.IIstuiti. The Leake Cointy W. C. T. U. C'on-, about Aug. 15, îuaid bis respects to ,V y ,u rt of LU. ounl,ut'a terustuie,,- ot,4d. ti ýui ru lu lIse vetitij>n will be hlid et tise M. .ILbr~vleai leAE'N:Tofc .tngtutt.x ' t, . t li ipro e fthrids, Liberryville, Tresday, Aug. Ti1,irsdaty. Fermer did not iîiform us Fwsât % , otilh-d and N. u tate tn _ d 6, '95. Tise program is being ur- vieIbter lie vouild copy or rebut-h ant, i-I~ a e ' l I', r ,-r-42 ) rst g ed h v tise om m ittet- an d every o ! Iis silurY p o litical ed i orials qld coit l 1 dîui(i Il - r . e ot iib m(etim ke bs me--Icr atrs lluhlep iih dls h- meiaEIy, orMooiy asqmit o-riss 3.61 ClolgF'oy Note ClathingFacatîy oees.r? tempera ne, ut lt-ast by tut-jr. Butter on lise Elgin Board of Trade Tweltty hboricus wili ,!l e t ri)i im ,resence. C0JIMln-rnE, oilywa i-iet ff -s234r meditelv forhomes for skllled Liberty-tilie 'ias very quiet S il,,1oiids; - sales, 16,2w pîoulids ut Ie; vorimen. iday. 'iheie' iot being aîîy services li a-vek, 17'-; outê yîr ugo, lSc. Herm Kiiehi tic engîneer for the ut r-iîier ebur-b. the congregatiosîis li lwe'5 GOt-ut Loui on Cîrcus viiil uew Clothlug factory, lias borigbt fouir!I er. wt-ll represented t the lapt dan%,!s gi ve Iwo leroimancs's, afterisoon anid lots on Broadway, and vil hegin ut camp meeting ut Lake Bluff. elsihopI evenilrg, Moîuuluy, Jmly 29, on the onuce te build a nbw residence for hlm- Fowler prenched iln the molrulng and Lake Coiity Fuir Grounds. Admis- self. D Tr. Fosl'et Ili thte etteruot. Boih i siosî 25 cenuts. Tise fuctaiy vili hie lighted aud are flitilisters of long exl>serI55e, t-do- Tise Wusîkegnn Gazette exiseuts t0 * ewiîîg machuies run by e ecticity quteisce ansd jower. The services~ laiîllî ils ive daily about Aisg. 15 suind tI'e c umay offer to iurnish 1tisrouglsotlii.h day vere exception- '5 o oernxiie taci eiecric lghs fo th vilagestre;s lly gocd. Ne-tîiy $5051,wus raiaed the nea- editioui is to bue dubbedl Wall- anmd private su4res a-id resitiencei ai vitisin tise week, ud]tise Association kegan l)aily Herald, (iuîstead of (la- reasenabie lîrices. w ili bt-gi hext vear's work, free of zette, tise luusg clîerisihed familliar J. W. Aekermnae iuforms uîs that the debt.. hume ) seuralor Reibati W. Coon, et-ew cething !actory wiii be runsslng Tht-e eitorr(-ari uiways write more! tIe pubisiser, lots eugged the ter- witb fulîl force bufore Sept. lst, The'c1sterfillý of tIhe iuîsiîsessliteresîs of viees of tan: txpt-rienct-d liiner, Wili brick von Is doue ud the rocf! being v.- l su e, is s. cuurmilsa re utsell- L.-stumet, asu bis assistant editor. prît ou. TVis iildiiug viii be lnished ly fIlleul vill t e dver'tisemeuuîtis o! Tl'is wa-l r,-liuvc the Seuntor of tilt- reuuiY t4) receive 'lie muceiiiery hy tht- biusiusess lioises. No euitor crtlmiuiol- nulîstia, so lie l l hâve mos-e AugIîuat l5th. atdl<W5ite Itic siocînrrise o! bIos.iirug Itistre lime 1Iouitvote 10 hi.- POlitirSil frotn home msichi sta 'o less t h e anU Th i. 1lis nomblit at loirlias i et-t Trust? Nos pay as you 0o. nmerchents shîowv t-v rre intrseduu formed-si us, is time. ils tiee Gazette Many of our customers, who wou!sýin ii attring to tise lorne trndorIe v sd- seid wiir- th ie Daiiy Rt-ai-rt-r rvn- nottlu ohn f asking us to lcnd tht-m îertisiusg luiise collîrmise of riles .; Il-ai tssed, to jathir !il the ripe lslsrrs money, cftee asi lis te book" a job. ttevslpîer. It k rh-irr-ssisrg lu tihe, whii-h ro. ]issussla ttetii so !oiuil not thluking thut ve have to pnî vrî..l edjîsur ro liat-I rfilîess niut-iluitrriz. cirztinrrug tht- haetiirt-e -nu.ý for-our stock and cash -1o our Mer is 'eyavruis uk bi 'me o:sîu omsnldti u su every Saturday niglît. We shiale ousi ulcng asnd lit tihe somp lime tep namnes'rmosy logeriser. like tilt- jerv.erihii prices for job work on a verv smsi cf tiiose mens are rereir, If ever, at-crs lotsani liînlt. Comîsetitirru i-§ tihe niargin and flnd It much -a'sert secs lui Qe ndvertisitug coliirisa(if tht-ý lite o ustrie anudi e notice tisitiithe collect Cash On Dplivery, than to g. 39Ce1 uewspaper. ID 'uly Rt-gluter grsuwd lit-tier vitisliit- lit promptly after ward. If yen vil 'the vise nian advertises his war- crea.rîrg pirîrôtiage. Ve hoite îbey eot hava the- poney to psy for tb i j p t blis sîivprt¶àmmnî, , ,;, ncutiw. ail viii prosluer li ontrseveëral PtwetýIlbÂ0'-4 POe, »as my ar J hlbdete-Ansd prupers. Rueerae- fieidis. Wecome 10 the prospeo tIve. A_ moflîX-480 l an tiF'1tiio' etwb3,«"iLlln ~ M. B. COLBY à Co. Square Dealers, DRY GOODs -.»NOTPIONS inI great varieties. NEW GO8DS EVEBY WEEK,, FINE, DRESS TENNIS. GROCERI ES A FULL LNE______ 0F FRESH GOQOS at righit prices. EEnE:1E LIBERTYVILLE, Lake Co. IATi LATEÉST i STYLE AT Popular Prices. ANDL ILLINC We are dispensing this article at our Soa0W tain whiecb as beau opened for the mses. O. and Indulge ln Five Cents worth of oic ç Fîzz We sîso carry a full stock of thse Goldemi z z Cream Soda found this aide of Cbicago. Five Cents lsn't Much Burt when Expended ln one of thffui Chamois Skies foued at my store it s Ill amaller. Tbey are Worth mor em ek YouDqnt avetoAlter Sponges wben 3ou eau pureIà You ~t lem se, cheaply at my store.W.a ulve beadqluarters for pure druge. Lovel's Popu1ar Drug StOj'e., FR ED CROKER, Tailore Drap SPRAGUE ST.. LIBEIRTYVILLE. CLKAIiING ..,',4,,,w j,4-4-JW4 After a very caruful investigat*on for r many months from a strictly M-echanical > Standpoint 1 have now selected some of the very best machines extant, price and w-rwk- 4manship considered, namely, the WVaveriy li,hest of A hig-h grades; the Crescent.the .?RainbYr and Spaulding. Ial, make the Sherman Special, any run.'. a iy kind of a tire, %wood (r stel r. in any: ing to suit the purchaser. 29 Wheels SoId this Seasoft u *nd ail giving Good Satis-. Sfaction. :.:: S C. R. SHERMANff LIEIERTYVILLE, IL41 Amen,,r H M a v d IL t IL