Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Aug 1895, p. 1

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ail one year, foi O«nly8.0 i~ i l*A-. 1 fà?, f f-fl nn- r- ..-..4,- 19. ira &nmà, 1 ver . vOR AlIX. AVFBA1K CODL, ITE L IR U1MAND MA KE MON& Y. 9flWU a m - ----. - ~i.. d~ -g sm......a........ssa s ..m... ~ s - - . - - - - s~ - ~ab *ufoh' ~ Y*LLjP0IflNT. g - S.MNOno. ~ mml. saab muS mil .~-i' w s ~ aroe IUUu raeor to iqveam" lam fer m«Ch &mi t «isr7agsaiat dg mA& J~b .* perSabfe~ r " Su. Mdiftr ~~ firM*asm squm*Immne. twuma e bb*e s ais«Ailag la mau * 4voetlaag maiJb Priatiag me * suipaymlis la umamntS. job #toq lu ec.o. 1). MW uAv.mlma C" t dmgml o SU linot bavtng au opus.. -% ucopines5 Ont" . 25 fr i. Suémeipton Pie, $1.50, par year. H. C. PADDOCK, Pubhisher. WAMI. FOR SAlA. am. AY-Wmed 2or 8 tous of tiret %,4jOo -Porae, gnod second- goewtb Umber doivered et 83 50 per cord by PaTrme LITciIFiBLD. E[CK-Plenty of good brick at the Vernon Brick Yards at bottoru Vries. H. E. Keene & Co. TIXOTR3Y. CLOVER AND TUE- muidp Beds-t~he bail quality, for sae st Iew pries, by Chas. itowpie, long Omo. (43-t4) 1F01% SALE-At rcesLake, 5 »Irhmettp at, *W u.bgeiota tu stateo utet, Waukegan, Ill. .FUR 8ÂLE.-.2 f ull blood two-year- and bigli pedigree. WIII exchange fror uilh cows. F«r particulara in- quiro of JoIC BEai. 46-49 Wheeling, 111. G IR. or widow, wanted-Some .woman who de@ires a good e5teady boue-to du oOoklng sud taie ch.rg of Kitchen work, wîth a second girl. Vrparticulars apply Wu A. W. WALDo. Libortyville, Ill. BOY WANTED-To learn the Print- ëVe Tade. oymsould be 15 to 18 Imm U ago, trictly temperate, ener- <elle, Mustriotss. sud fair education. ka? saccordiug tu services rendered, and promotion as fast as his ability warrants. New Store For Ront. Snltable for Grocery sud Generai Store, Cor. North Ave., anîd Franklin St., Wa.nkegan, Ill. Àddress, Fred, ]iretow, Waukegan. Brazli Imd Block Coal. J. H. Limlierry l.s preL.ured to up ply bis eustomers witlî the hebt lira- z11 (Ind.i bock coalliut Iowetlrcs Now le the time to lay in y~otu upl for wîntpr. Mater'. Sale. ' ~~ke ounxy, Ju the Circuit Court of Likv (County. Xmson B. CohY vW.. Maryr Parkburst. and E#nW. Parkburst, lier husband. Hyron co- Nysu ancy B. Ciolby. bis wlftv, lnaDy- Uand dFranklinuP. iiymond. ber hu'diaod fflr U and Bieffl o laWhiwfe, AI- lIs. W. coiy, lMy C=y. Aima Col- U-bmd C. Metz ansu WiIm IMetz, ber hus- Nio 11eA.Cfflby, »Zon Ooày.*AdmiS- lsitide bonis non. wiSiithe Wlviii ei U* Ilinnown ownsues f *g<oril Ofthtb -~~~~~Q prsat eclç erela. ai for Partition. .Pbllotice i. bereby given that purseajit d*b4 e oer mitsae entered la the *aiive en- .Uiêcause at the M akh Tean, A. >D180.o! ortthe uiidemmgud iIatoluhf î me tsa M ourt, wuii on t old Uy of ~~irA. D. 1896. at the hour of one le the afternoon of said d*y, at'tbhi dor of'the Court Bouse in thiiCty or auem.Couty et Lake aud itate of ao 1 ab public auctio o h bga oi nibet hldder for cash. the foilow-. 6ei~p~sf land stuated ln the vit. la'0 otrrfile.C4ty ofLake and nit aua0f1llarent'¶t lot thros, (M 9 $ visionot section torty-for (44) North, ot seon (11) Hast of the Th"lrPrincipal la. ieciIed s olîows: Conieîc- aju.riyviuo. m.Lake "..untytilîlînoisi-raaaY, August 30,1I89$ Public e clu ope-iicuist. Sept. 2. UI. Town Alfitton mtýi1neaasaut. 8.16. COoaty fBoard of Saporvisor AmunalNemi- in-45uesiai. sept. e1. CIMcit (out-NXondày. INov. i M. Wl1 7Y«05mkaof ut nother important C lut 9046. oni, and huai th.. a Our Fair Dally. TAIE NOTICEw- The lamapsinsun vl issuseaDaily durung theFPair tIs year, es usuai. Nov la tb. lime tW meurs advertinlg sptelinsa1s. FPlut corne. first sorved' wth eholce of position. This Ie fair varsxlng. H.GC. PumDoox. Publiaher. Butter on the Ehgin Board of Trade Mouds>' vas steady; offerlug 91,500 Ibo; 'saled, 12,80 Ibe aI Ihsc. Lust vsek the pries vas »Jk; lait year neU 13ic. Neroisants vho penmaneully adver- tise, croate the impressimo f strengtbà and sousidzes, People atI leesi feel that those wbo keep their names b.- fore thée publict are wld sudd ubtan- lis!. GRAYS LAKCE. Ther'. uotbing thse mater with Grayalake! J. 8. Rurrie wilI seiliout at anction neit Moîîday. Sise bis adl. George Adams, of Deerfield, visited bis uncle E. B. Sherman, Tuesday. Mns. Chiarles Gailoway, of Highland Park, la vsitingher brother, IVili Ilig- ley. Mise Mabel W"o, of Oak Park, là vislting bier sister, Mns. John IVasia- burni% Nid1 Lilly Mead snd brother, Mas- ter Tom, of Chicago, are gnests of the Graylake botel. The funeral of lirs. Âmes, of -Sand Lake was Iargely attendeil by Gravsiake people last Sunday. Rend the îîew ad. of E. B. Shermnan tise jeweler. Renjember ho guaran- tees everything ha molls. The anuual exodus ef thse summer girl will begin tbis wreek, as scisool will comipence next Monda3' and abet *111 be mlued. 1The CblsN4. EndO&Vor- ere ad- drossed Sanday eveniug by Herbort Grimu, Waukeguiî. He gave s ver>' lalorestîug account ot bis experlencea a thie mammotis Emdeavor convention at Boston, wbich lie attended. Thse Immersion of Miss Elia Hall in Druce's Lake Snnday afterxioon was witnessed by a large nimber of spectators in carrnages. Tlhe yùunng lady bore the tryîng ordeuil witlî lero- ic fortitude. 1ev. Dazey wiii the omeiating clergyman. Arrangements for the Ilarvest Fes- tival Sept. ôth, are nearlng comple- lion. Tbe ladies of the churcli have undertaken an immense task in i gvng tbis entertainment, but. as jîsual. they bave flot sliiekeil and the afl air prom- ies to lie a big sîccess. Excellent muuic will be provideeld dring the wboio day, and in the atternoon and eveniug s fille prograin will lie ren- dered, including adaremses by Revs. Abel, of Autiocli, larris, of Milburn, and other eniient speakers from abroad. Tii-ad housewives will have an opportuully to get a dýay's test by dining eniuîdiiiiei the clîuyrh grove, anîd at the saine lime assawrh cause. Everylbody slsonlU cue~re show Iheir iîpîîreeiatiiîî ofthe earnest efforta put foril bv tihe gomd ,vouueîi of thie chnrcla. Do you know Tlhit lots of? epi<~lo wlo do inat (d) ao, ,.li l w-ar g 1la 1ss? Spectacles îroperly fittend and wora, Dow, mur savc' you vears of sîglit! But unless glasses are iprop- erly fltted ta the eyes, it were better ta weur none ut dli-. A Woru l iloir Eau. a~erman, the Jeweler, yl test your eyes, according to the latest approved soien- tiflc methode, f!ree of charge: He will be !rank and tell y o n boneslyt whel.ler ou ueed glasses or nlot. SHERMANIIs not here for a day. He lutends staying here.- H18 guarautee means somethlng, you may lie sure! lot5 %n$ Wjý MZyy3lz=5 ]ue tbe This yack Se offers asepeclal 11,t :berailnl a ladies sud gen- tii.aloitlemaî's 0orâtbbgtou lia>' oie. Il. ragoodoé»,-No LiLoncay, Sept. 2, 1 will offer for sale my Store Stock of Goods at Your 0 w n Price. - 0011E sud I will sel lu you an>' Quantil>' you vaut,4 The l'iuIibitisu iv-ice camse off uts! anuuac,uh . 'l'lie aitutidace a ss bet- ter. Inferef gu pIssi si- ai. off yesîr. Tisere uvanas luit hum','speaker-s>lira. S. P'. liiiudswias tise crvi, sai shae gave t1w natter ili Iiffa u igoo i nsany r-ounsd. Sic <ffeîads la>'nu spoken word. Sho l'resseas iornemua>'uhiatp thitîga b>' dcliauiag to suy thons. Thle Tise appîstue was eautiots-bul faces show-adlItesse interest. No onevas tired, and many toid yoiir carreajouîd- eut 11e>'exijoyed tiese icoi. ,"one. 5ev, t i* plouasttl g et a d ruisblng hale 'ou ' se tible tise Isumsai s> steai la ho atillsisîhîeis'ouaih isa, fo iatdi- es-g>' auîlgoiS feelinug. It mi>' iiuw hie de iiitel>- uamou aîed huit 11ev. clai-esce Abiel utilpnesacla in thue C'usgregiatioii Icii ua i-ris ure, Setie. lit, 11) thueauornisig. 'i'ise w-ho have beard i hituuwili lsîsh o hear hhiiîagalas, uad sasuy wlîo esliuushe him blgly, butt bave liot ieand billiîpi-eci, mu iii avaîl themmbelves o!fbIaisopportuffity. May ve not hope, Ihuat pluas> umui &U aon-attendaul bore, wilh l o uvrZ b"w Ibis proieIigheal c 01~ i i U s1.omliu GUfïEg. MILLBURN INDEPENDENT. 'quartotte,of Gurnqe, Uaa n second Eugen Dad is ome-for shot teany, lu their power oC. effect. r. Euoisit..hoe fr mbr Rev. S. A. Harris. Local Editor and Agent. Kuoz vas droîl, t0 a fintelt. The deIl egatlon frein haro vas *uited reprs Mmr. MoCuollomagb hira been quitte III Bey. S. A. Ilarris iu antboris.>d io repre-ucûative, sud a,n lmpvo0ent ovoî but te recovering. ~sent the IJMUSPUMnuT St Ullburn, Ilntil u er h oiitl on but la rocsvoulng. turti notice. Advertls assi. Subscrp- a.Tecm ue ou l Iias eld, or Chicago, la the gueit tions. Local 810ws items, od"m for Jobi blotgap in their mornlug prograia, and ut th. Mies McClure. Prlitlng loft vlth hlm willitiecolve prompt found as big au Impromptu 1-plug to Wha 44 Io ran soptwie orattention. 5li te lime"l,s tise>' oul4d Iuthse par- Whàt idýth train sto twice furnon f a vlitUng pruehler. "'We vo*k tbe lother moeulngi? Ask John.Ddmy tbréehfi.g Ibis jear. à tar e e hlnk, pie-arrnpmclent vould r Normau Broywn mawuabsent a few Patrick lit rjele lk"h ote.Teln t rhoa 1day. wblch hoe spet lIn te City'. nortsa of t.n ca o ter. T heItieoute ofalh gîvexï lu dttth e o ff, sebondrldgien 0 Mm. A. Siuobyi b eeisn ver yinI Attibis "rliug À, 4tuK d*le .la ilula boomoiof, iis au laer rba for smuis ime but la lmprovlng &gan . on the lck lia.,bas ~oeougli iesaI fiMifé va cf Mm. Bailer su" Ivo daugbteru, of Mm ru. Fumer01, Of Lake villa, lo witis ».jp4len<><il machmast vas." Snob Fort HMl, voie gusesa of Mrs. Full« ber sou sud bis familly. are the viciusitudeso f pliltical hannin Buds>. John a andudtile attended the stances- - Mr. Pettlbione, of Aigoua, Iowa. ,iW-meeting 4 a il u. 1.Ailioci lo to bave a moothl>'eae- lted lu Ibis uolgbborhood on his va, ý Ev. 14. t tepheuo nsted tise lion day, for everybody. ta ooneeîcuî peser a fl1.ry asI eok.W. G. Thomu spemtoi lat Week In Mins Aiford, of Cbicago, made a Hiram Colgrove laseeklug belp proe- Waukogslw vîll bis brothex AWrevr. brWe vieil vltb ber friends ln Ibis vi- parator>' 10SUnklug a weli on Lit, place. W. G. Thom put In a da y lestvoiei dit> Sslurday and<l utidi>. The cards ame out for the weddiug wltb hie old -huâ, Da". Wte, ai Chau. Lawion la tihe dsddy of a of Thomas Tiylr's daugister, aud lMr. Grayilake. Lbouucng baby boy, so he caiîsiug the Petly. The eaeec fl oot pWcpvI l1 toW ng will a ihappy @miele. Loonoro Âme. b5u fintabed ber en- a6fqben, , on the par i cf arderoy-, Fruk Lumbar, from uecesslty, Io gageen i t WtîMce. R. L. Strang and 'Dg people. taklog a rect from bis labors snd bis rettirned ho Rose-ctirans. Jeannie Thom Mrn up 10 Wauhe. mou>' laugis rings lunltse choruseis vlth The caalogu f the H. 1). Hughes misa Tueaday to b lbtghepet cor 00. George. auction saleto Holsteiu-Frelsian cat- Stephens brother, realldlug bere. Ur aud Mra. Lester bave been ln Ilis Sept. 10, ai Autiocis, lu beforo n. Je"si Stranug snd Ailest 'Jamisore. lIbis district urveyiug lhlngs aud inak- It la exPlicit, gel ane. turued beir Bosera' viaât, witla lng preparatlons for the opening osf -ira. Bater hau Mr. McDovell, vile ,tlor>'of a reual good lime, lu tell. sciool next week. anid chilul vitis ber as gueits f rom nJ pei e Mrs. Richard atilsttafe Mrt. sud Mrs. ScisauIber aud Mr. IWoodetook. Tley are cordial peupledamlsCciolitekudbugi Stout bave gone euit 10 New York one s pleaaed 10 Ineet. hoe anCiceafor alu t w ltb bed r.u sate lu spesld a montis amassa rela- Spencer Welch la very 111 aI bishoeanctfra st I b. tives sud friends. bomne Speedy reover>' la necessary Joshaua Wedge proposes 10 paint bis Mir, Smith bas returned front bis ex- tobtis asuming bis dufiies as principal 1 bouse, we are told, s"d preparahor>' to g tisaI, la trimming tisWtroes about lthe cursion lu York state sud Niagra Fulls ofthie Rockefeller schooi.pris. snd reports a good lime among relu-i Lloyd Whiite aud Harold Mitito werO Belle Witneke closed ber vîsit at tise tives and old armo comrades. j u a mission to Antiocb last week, of parsionsige last Frida>', plessed witb a&l John lieGarva bas laken down lis a pieasaiît unature, te ha discnssed elle suw anil beard, of oit peuple snd wind-mil snd is adding olluer improve later, wheîî ail tingi are ready. c Urbei-g. mente lu bis aboli. John lsaiways Gor don Bousier hiés spent five weeks 11ev. N. A. Millard, formeri>' a pas- imlîroving bis stock of machiner>'. with bis graîîd-motiier, auits and thlere, bas taken s oljiircb Su Mil- The Y. M. C. A. at Waukegan in. ,toncles up ut Russell and tsow expects waukee, and lias moved vils his tamn- tend glvlng an addre8a sud special 1 tliectaken oui s trip tg Nebraska.. iiy tia tlat City. meeting fur yonng men Stlnday P- . u.1 Quite a number of eut pi bave While at Rochester, Wis., Pastor Sept. 15, lu Christian cburch. LetJ beeiinp btiste revival servîi!es ut the Barris was the gueit of a former clama. ever>' youmsg man come. M. E. clînrcb. Paitor Runyon le mate, Bey. T. A. Porter. Reminis- lir. Sawyer, a y îung man o! fi ne makinqVu earuest effort in bis fieldl. ceuses were refreslîlug. musical talent, la trying 10 malie ar- W. L« Fires.o,Nisutic, IlL.. vas a lira. Heury' Shepard, vasu mssod at rangements for a claminl vocal musi.guest of A. T. Whithe@, s gentleman of thse Prohibition Picule. 8h.hla luAi- Novwishere are thse singera uisoseIpeasiug îýddre8àî. We inderataud thiIs zona vils tise adoptq4d augiter, viso veoiSea are not up tu ttbe standard an » nôt Lis first visit, we hope not; bis lasoeekiug $he lirme Ebrt Hunier la building bîmself -ev dasaet lvitikboe, vhs -thse mi""e Mr&. W. Srong, Mmr. SI. Daiziel and vIte a uew honte at Richmond. Alice and Lîlian Payne, viso veto sud F. Thsorn, of Iowa, burriedly came liBe vulIlie remernhered as baving mates aI sciooilaiut year. lu mec tieir sister MMr. Amuese, but ar- vedded .ins. îOtiver) McCiand lait Tweuît y Ove million of dollars, thse rived hoù lute lu see lier alive. Tbey winter. authoribies sis>, have been alpent goiug atteuîded "lierf tinerai aiong witlahlier lied Trotter w55s ouIthontie, lust lbe- te Europd'- titis vear, si)iftir, lu the relatives sud frienda of bhîsis Ieiglîlor. fore btartiîig for 84astuîi's conclave. menun ime w-e talk of bard limes. Iaod Sisîda>' afthenooîî. J ïid is touîlt ho eiiju) a trisp luke Ibis The third sessioni of the Gurîse., ad we imiaginse he aili have his f ull Ensîilage corn le rnalting a mammothi Graded Scliool opeus Mou)da>', Sept. LM, share Of st gond tsse. growthî. A masn vas seen carrying a vils :Ir. aud lire. W. S. Lesteri-li, Alice E. Sumiths and Ilattie Braisierd. oisakcn. hapcî,ta -seeuîed fuli>' four inclies lu diameber. charge. We solicit the patronuage oft afler a lappy iii.erary ansong tueur those deslrnug a good, ai-roz:nt coin- maîîy fnîeîids. returned te 1-aihioe This colmi takes interest ini the mnsachool educahion. Beferesice last Frid ay a. ni., nsakiiug exceeding report tijat D. G. White bas puîchitsed books on ail sul)jects haugist, have been 'close couîniiectiou ut Looîi Lake. a lot iin Graveinke, and vilI build him- added ho the liraiv. These chool 1îw self and wife a îîew bomne, iii the near posesss ne Ihe aes.iiraie ;lu Stela Lernugs, durnig bervacation future. the couiitv. .1. R. BRACHER, Prs. f rom t Chiîo seniiary. uisIthe guest oft hr anopecigsvceS - GEai . su. îuuCerk. (13-h4)I) JIrn.Dr.laayIor. Site was knowii Tly iere vasndoutachn serice un- 1itere ten yours ugo. At ltse R-oy' WodYug Ple aîdout bwpeutH oryo, Eaxax privUtA' citizen ihould have sii-prise party maiuy lîud the pleasure anna ew wentwitpedGaesHickry hie name andi udiress printed ou the of meeting ber.- M. E. chisrchu. paper snd envelsîses whieh lhe uses, 'Tise disbressiugtiîew8 la curresît Iolit. Stratig, Sr_. bas tise Misses as Il caves mats',-nIistake,; sud if ho ,Iogtefineo!M-.WllÂe îv,,, anîd tlein mrothier, lais grand- gels a reasonable numiscu prlnled, he tlait the recelit bsuot lier littie boy ba>'cbilahreu, out frointChsicago for a vîsit eau gel paper, printing aud ail at tbe ait accident, lias su grievesi lier thitt amng tiee coituaclorîs. Âumoîg tîseni LAKE' Cori.Trx INDEPENDENT OfiC lier mid lus becoite derasiged, trhem s r emvoigr Llberyvile, a chea as e ca hu~purarily we isole. h - i eus oîîtr Libetyvlle aschep ashe an u..-1 eîvasîind ore seciine bridge 1l4 --tJeAanklauper. lituitn liglît aidf a huis-y, Ric'harnd îciîg pot inii usar theue re-r, wihit lii>'vlii)l:i1'csedtiesencitist fro oîs liIuke. J lîî4ahlinseuitý i' f aîslsv.Mi. Ms, lilURN 'lt ij")olitf ieP S- iII Sutiîerlawsl %%us csiiia.,ultiid MILLBU RN. sasiýo0tisiestasissis'uiiî, i t'îisi-t<'d le-iIle moi-kuIlu'ssasis-tuî. Thse ordinatiion of 1ev. J. .F. lain ta seus ta" i keî 5and a husg - l'rti- ý teri, lit Ii isseli , wass p5>ti pi ied iltitil îi iately, 150 011c i iiiit._Oui)ta i-a iii bi, C 551 w t wo o iaOl iiaes Sep. i. Oili tolilexpaileilreiiiofU. S. Cs ,s s",eus vs, te to Fou t seri- TheS. SII jiî.îthIiiateîCsisîss-t at us' -d iii, pres'siibi l i , ld lle ajgli t Isle sous. ail is isslu îsus itîlases fie- pristi'-liii vof i sa tuilletit , -, iibis euudasatn, spouises W hoeti ecail fori i- ' asuil Su5s! i C 051litibiit, titi- îuuitilslofi4)1(1, mtadIe. 'Tie lj-s t' r wis-tv îiretelAeu oa uustxI1-i cî eM itso i iie ' ise ', uwie tsu 's i 'uiiv- tIsc c a muole repiessaîsve gaîlaer'lsg. Il, %ia1il hiisi' t'l lst aiii iiulia s-'of, ee le,,, , ow 'o sr teils,' ,i s ves'. wo-iik andaticuescs clesari>' <'saifIs1 'ti ' i 'isessta. tilAIpo-ptaicaoli- sut im fii sus asnd to Ills position. A sicsul umeetinug wws î l LsW.- L'ireir D. G. White iî~~,lass-.' do%%iltl l< sonui Wlsieu-bl etijoyed duîrusg tIse musoîsg, Aug-. 21. a<siffl Katie (IC ier 'i-c-ee ., stîluai le, bise ie1k su iriungw' i Lis ansd inu the aficiasoon us vivsrh tcottbl-lrilei.Aoi wnyfu of "Sigs anaîd Suis ias of Lite iii ue afiti' 'l - 111) ];lie. wej tie rsen set, axi ta t;mveut ou- china, mas given ta>' Bev,L. A. Gould, bcs1ui ii ~ ~ ~ ~ w'-e lý,icanyit, îtîsd * drgoat. 'j HigliaildýSrk, for foui- >ears a rolsi- Selit, aMli.Itle Gr.'i sîsake ('sasglega- uof wiicti amuses5C. dent o! Chinua. Beys. >Stepliaellrtsu, tionu iacîsaclula si iîd Iiti-Vest It coulues ho this columii tîtat James Ewing and lHarris vere preserit fi-ontPieci. 'Te'lins iai-e suatssasiy hei-e- Dlciwown eSoln hl other denomiîîsstlnilts. The Iadies abouats. loit. mv., expet t lusee n goodly Dsagoias, liea> w-cu itn h nativhe soi-ced a bounteotîs iiniser us ail guesîs lîluher o u ssiitlkslils alteisuaice. ulias Te tae a-lee*ndliiPthîe iti tIse chîarch. D. G. M'bite lits behecii madeCtie Ui-mausii îd 1l~hîî~- lc udîee- __________________________________of Cousnittee of Arrnîgemeushuàîdai-e isi Minneuisotua, anud report pleult>'o! lielausit auuis~fllih5 t,,,,a-oncewsrk up blere. Tbey are boys ho COME! COME!! Ahel, of Aitiovhs, w-l sîak, amnîg wasîwr ons o ie'vn l -TO THE-. othier.'rs.,Theidcss is I'stoi- I)azey's, .A profuse di-ivingtr naini last Frida>' impts'ad frons his uvasseris expienieuuco, cause down so qaîick asts o flow off hou ClIrting eout 8alet and Sue Cas ali iiolit la>'g'ivi5sg it a leasiyv. iftensutd it settltd aiuiwlsito a naurgin t(ofuattentin. Plan tho go and goutie pouir. Itftrealseisoaltluiîgs uap - . ~~~take bile chl di-cîs. woii4.iesftiliiaui i(sis au serispvant i pet.. it ea tise Y. P. 8. 0.mý There aiso, lie - sioux City', 1lova' Bralauard. Umm. didlsrnaive tit' croedd iMi $Choamous, *1v w 4 Waukop, Tuis=> - M.Audoie.m 4 plu. A.Ml' o > âmda', wasd« b taesMd a déparw Il,, l Peter Sueangandi &ddle PM"oliviebs v«eR fcom duhmtost- l It bur-mstd ue4 DM"r>'Peope dIove o lite to vieil; mm,. ou Th"e m -erv ntW selves, Piaf. Aiil 414 'hot m notwAied, fer,»s yetumw tii. no scede>'et Ewbo Tise congregation tuduW sdi>' iarg, vilitla mu from a distane. The velp people veo tre glad te euti "lstraugora vItlx he 9"glo Johin Davis haî! a b"o~ at tise nov bridge amv tW belug bult, apdi#a a# cartaifu$mHo ePd*v burt ou- oqe id age tu thsîý oslmd Repo ~cW esthat ti er theDaWHeadBdj ei tise Antbocis bhineh, Mye mucis exageae. 'Q those Who belilhe ke slarm, 10 o euntuwad.. Mabel and Carence Ti Somera, bave jouofibm- h grandoblldren at î8*1, A& day a part>' lf te.-Pu-o Hughes, pieniced aIoxZLd R. L.. aud J. "M. slrsug the part>'. W. ara sorny taréce sure tise preaciier wli hb ' vas tb i ie I. mter kos*i leaud for tvo miles. Del Âmes set a good.cuatoul vlding transspurtation for 11M :I These isoles sud gentlemen aawj" ho long distance tripe, ofteu5a-à willing 10 go, but file a tank. ;oft provide rigs. We trust i I vIii meunbered sud a ay >'pmo4d, à Ibis case.. - Given a flash of ligistulng, Aim late, il seema a fire resul..' Nfi, bltsou'mlabarn, up Plirevîllo va>', b# Sataîrda>' ight. A defeetive todi1 ported. Alsoaslire ou Hiamm piace,same nigist. A rum«otf vo failed tb ven!>'. Tise ?egse vus a Mîlîbuirn compan>' rtk. Another nov correapouîdee- veek, for une of lb. county pq Weilh!'Weil!!! Nov moyen! -WuI ho becouse of ns We ihop"~ paper wili do ils level beet for thb, pie. Ou titis point, walcisthbis PENDENT. and ils speclal ciaim. youta jalulthe famil>' for neyai Despile anwarrnted rumor.s tf cuusrary, thae deed of sale, oflthe A. Mattiiew% place. lise been e anad Alfred Bain will hecome tise ci-. MNrs. Mssthbews reserves aIlai ou sas jlici shse wl enecî a six romu tge tsar luer ow-asoccupause>.- iiuisser fon tise uew buildinglha&' ordered. hiaie bush. Tise Druces Lake (-l2Nîiskrtts") jlayel tlise home. luce "Gpisrs),tlie former viq 'l'a suscore o! 2q1 ta 23. ThisW4 tiO-S garne anîd lets lise flag go te lake îiîîe, Uîltil aliother tusee Garno ut Druiees Lake. g, iwt, beaut>' sud mauhseod tiucne. Durnug tIse gains liii spirits pnevied. Elizabeth J. Thom, viMe of i C. Ames, died Friday 'AUg.' Avon, atter au IlInes. et daje. Services voee h~ home and contlnued ut A=oi the place of burhai. Thoeli largel>' slteuffle. PNthffl as insu>' ere ousilde tisa' Isonse, as were vîthin. PàÜée,. otiiciited, secompauled b>' k4s choir. The decease of inttis mother, toucbed a 15kge n ly, as by It sPI'veu 'childiet Ais utirnated discussion et and cous of udertiWlg, va.. taire ofthtie club meeting kt, Tut'ssay, .Gane npinim 4« hsig w-as the moet Uaqd evil, virile ssoa <iI Ntspowr, w tn as elAb bu- 1 1 1 ýl t ----------------- 1

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