0 Ünetou le ehoadb-It Was K~IM re A-pprapriaI. fer TiraI Heur F 0" Place tbua ItlaI.for 'l'iis Heur and Place-AnuEMoquent Dîscourse. la Tby Heurt litgirI? In ie sermon last Sunday 1ev. Dr. - 'laoage spoko îiniciy t hie heurts ut *11 Who have 'nul yet definltehy uccoîuteih tire tree offa'r Ot ualvallon lu Christ Jeass Tb* Tirsbject sas "A Point Bauk Quel&- lIU," lire texI hing Il. Kings x.. 15, "'Iu tIini)heurt ighl? Ihtl-nettled bonnes t full speed, for tue nus (aelperiated for taat diving, Johu, lthe ssarriîîm analkiug, tre rain liat- lie. But sa'eîig Jebousdab. au acqunalil- "~ uce. lii lie ivayelde, ho miruts: "WIoa! 'Wirva!" tothie stherea pn. Thon loa- talgoser te .lehouadah, John sinte@ 11w la theire s ofs t hie ex--words nul mure OLpproprlalo for tual boum andal lrapîlace lirasn rt iis boum andal pnc" Iomlime heart tîgit?," I shoutitlike tu boum et your physicai irealih. Weill inyscît, I ike lu have evry- r'body del n-wi-l, anal su migit ask: la yuur eys-ugt igit, youor earitug igirî? Are yoiur nervi-s ighI, Y07Îuitauge igbl la yuur -uire lbody igia? Bot I arn boni to-day hukiuug auagnasis of the more lmn- poutInt aspiitual conditions. 1Iaboutitllike le bear ut yuur inatuciai seitare. 1I nun es-enybody buebus-e pieîty utfrntlney,mitii appareil lange turohonse aira& comfontu- bIe regldeurco. anal I migit alk: la ynn buasiniess iglt, yoor Income rgit? Are your aorldly surnoauîualngs riglt? lBot wiat are lia-se fisuniai quetis coins parel wihthue luauini as tu nlethem yot bave hera ni-le lu laiy uundehuin te (loti; a. u e -ether yo.i art iii'aurual for cboril as luen'betha-n yaîaîare uiiiing yourseit by tire long credit system 0 uthîe seul?1 bave linownn ueu ta lave nu mare tt eueolbat ut lanamia Istire nacd yet ta 055-n a giva-rumu6iiut bondl -ft lasera orul more than the us-Iole matorial unis-Orne. -- The question I1aali yaîu to-day ha not lu regard to-yoor hlat-I.moahî nuoluquin: &butmi 3sai iterrity.or youn dliutity, oz your sebnimaly. I (Io not monu te stad ou r the outide ai thue gate und'Irng thec bell bol comiug up île atials i open the dont and orne un lie lrie aiartmeant ut tif @o ui, sud wavath ie ernetnenssuta iai tirai mont give an acoralt fibis day'l worli 1 euy ault, O0uman. O0saomul ihmmou toi, is thilpue nI ight? 1 us-ll nt insîiit youu y an argument tg prove tînt sa-tine by naturne ail srouag. I tirere ho a tnctony explaosion. anal1h, amoLialack bho lpqt. sund the sholi t -* broîken lu twn-. sud the Pngine unjintea sual the ponaleruur larnalie-unsisteal, anali mran uonl lua-ain raanal say chaI fihini wsstîe matier. yc, lo uxla prunuhmuce Iiiu -~ a foui. Vell, i i-cals olin aurn to dI- euva-r thaut (,tirnatuiure ha ail ammml au * Aàkesanduni nj.,ihiial. Theo uliîg dos-r worki iglt. 'lia' liggcal trouble ie lav lu lie saou-Id s nitl alunsouts. Men Serui tinia-s say iliat. tliuugh bieir lves msay nu ho josh iglil, imheuart in ait ight. tlr possible. A tarime-n mie-cmpîts the puore- apîuia-mou tuilaout lis hînrna-. non dues il merciarît hlaie the mecnust gouda lu bi aso- wnalans. 'fuhet part ut us in ou otn-ard lite. 1 do not stop lu discui whetber se ail tl lu Adamn, fur nse hal been oun un-nMaina, andl have ail ouhen( tire tonialden fruit, aud have been turne -ocut outhbe paadigsofot olinens snd peac -- andl thougi île flaminuggiwrnthal muc AItihegale ta ki'op tusisunt Ia ebaugo p - s itlon anal couses beliiud te drive os in s yul nul go. The Bible sceort ut us lunule exagge ateal she iu Panys that se are pouar ai wretchedad rmserabhe anal blindais makea. Pour! The snotcb lirut stang ahls-ering on om aoustep un s tonid day net se mocl inlupueai ait lin s au ren spirituel belp. Blinrd! Why, the me shuséecycu ieri.shein t rahéepou-dembli And wshao tr thasu ton yeans bus gune te4 Iug is n-ny tram street to sineet lanulo sncb utîcu- ahanuosaas n-e. Nakedi VWh tiore is nat an,- ag a4thalluess leftuta hi tiheamert ofir ir. Sicli! Wiy. t ieprosy bas entera irto the bond. anal i heuart, aud tihe andas. anud the teot, and t zarnasofutnaeselatitîg nasliug am iras alealy giizedaonurtiofutun. - But telaie sat uiug ton a man tu rla tu discourue abaout an esil nitloot poil ing a irai irahave il nreaflied. 1 speni the tiis t f îur bot tongue onîiy thai may showi yuîmthne. lisvigStrenam il drops crystziîine naul sîarlinug tramn Rouck ot Age,,sai]u"<,ir4 a ris-en ut gI nos ut youn trot. If I1ashon you the r- lu your coat. lu l9 only becane bbc al utf(Jod's n-aaldonaau aai-sw lingsopen, i b ere iha arobeN ie sitl bbc fleoce ot LUmb ut Goa, anal ut a cut anal mallet uangel msouldnfot ho ashumeal bu su First wene uàeealnoing heurt. If tle ast lmi, tlnîty. or tonty yeurs of se bave beera gring ou inlutle wrong n il la trne that nse tlonn a aounda etanteal lu tleopposite adirection. If offenalOunr tienda. n-e are guail lu ap> Site. Goal is our bonitienil, anal yetlt urany utfus bave nme-enapohogizeal -the irronga se bave doune Himl Tiere is nothiug tiat se se muci n, te gel id ut as ir. Il la a hurrîie hi 01 mouter. Il poluteil Eden. Il kii Chri'st. Il ha iastea tle sonlal. à keep dugs lu keunelm. anal rahbilm ix èwarren, anal cette lu a peu. Whal a i tirai --ouIlrl ho bowouid shiat lhem nu bis paorn!Butl liiifoui dug et sin tires, brds oftramnsgressionse iras-e tertainoal for psany a long ycuu- lu heuart, shici sirohl ehoetrscleai brigirtest rormn laaiounr nature. wltir lie vile brd! Begone, 70 hotou ot an immortah naturel Tomn out tichoass nualelt Chrit c luI A heatben carne tu an carîy Chnis, a sir bailthe reputation of curing damer Tire Chriisuanal "Yeu mut bava worM, ofoimouktoicary thou; loir sd;str roffl, Tle éurse hm oinsen îad r-when lit iu$8 os $49mrî ybpmuu um "ex- hl i.thofey e T film.ocke hm.lVhpen petoehave aterawhile ZiO mr 4ay. tor hin làthefac. Tey ockd hm. hen $10000 a year boosuns YOnR expect lit to et hoe grosnod, they gronued. Tbey shuok Le $20.000) a year. But about bualveuI:, 1'îi their fiisuet hlm. They spot on hlm. things the more we thiîîk the btter. Eaci They bounded hlm as though he were ia Those consilezâtre net lu the air, but on the For wild beait. Hla healing of the sick, his hilis, and we have a deed uf thein la our sght glving te the bllud, is mercy tu the possession. 1 hâte to eue fa man aIl full onîcast elenet the revenge of the of huavun. He talits huavei. He slnge world. Hia proyers aud benedictions were hpuain. lie prays heaven. Hfe dreama A ]unt lu that whirlwiad of execertlon: henvun. Sonde ofutus ina our aleep have Ohio. "1Away with hm! Away with hlm!" hied the good pace' open teulus. WVe 511w waB Ah. It waçîlot merely the t.wo pieces of the çiinLacles in tlie SkY. e heard the jolcin Wood that lie carried. It wam the traits- click of the boots ot the white horfts ou of ap greasious of the race, the anguish of the wilich the victoire rode and the clapping outri liges, the wrath utf(Jod, the surons ut ofthIle cymbals ot eternal triumph. And, and1 hel, the stupeudous interest ut n auleînti- while in unr leep we were glad that L-1 erio lng eternity. No wunder liii hock bellt.ounr sorrows were over aud borderas dotte 'f te No wuuder the blottd started front overy witb, the Ilirone ut Gud grew shter a cd hon pore. No Wonder tlîat ho crouche under whter and whiter tilI we ojaunédounr S a torture thet made the nue faint, aud the eyes and saw that it won orly the suit uera everlastiug bills tremble, aud the dead ut cari bly mrning ahtniug on our pillovv. Cati rush up lu their windiug sheets au ho To have a rght heart 9ou need tu ho fil"ed adi cried: '*If it ho possible, let tis cup panti ith this exipectancy. It would malte sle tram me." But the cup dîd lt page.yuur privations and anuoyances morc jure None tu coinfort. xirale Thora hoe bange! Whant has that baud lit the midmt ut the city ut Paris standi. M dons that It. should ho thons crunbed lu file a statue ut the good but broken bearted liat -palm? It bas boon hesing the lame ilon uehne oe iale.ha ail r vlpiug away tears. What bai thst foot could be emtten l]toes'ich tenderness. fit m boon doiug that It should hoe so lacerated? seoma fnt litele8s. If ýhe spirit of Joli- eg It lias been going about doiug good. Of~ phine ho diseitabernac>id, the sorti ut the M what lias the vrhum been gilty'! Guilty eiiiirens has taken poseuion uft tlîs f'g left ot sas ing a world. Tell nie, ye henveuis lire. 1 am not yet satis d lthat it is atone. and earth, n'as there ever sucl ioîatler ' lhe luit of the dresu or. the arma seems tu ecriminel'? liVas there ever ne ancrime? îîeed but the pregsure Mi th 'e finger to ln- K t On that bîil uf (arnago. thant auriluas .i dent it. The figures at the bottom utf the lt eamid those' lîwling niotera, May . n robe. theoralle at the neck, the fur lilling ef ins aud mine liav-e peri1 î iijve un the dress, the emhroïdery ufthte satin, Lr r lit. Oh, fie nîînaom bas buu'n paiîll Those thp chater of lily and lest aud ruse ini lir e arma ut Jius-u venu stnteulil d'lit awide band, the pise outlher body ansahe sacuns that wheu IlE, blrought thena togethler fm-in 1 onesiig1n1tth1klirti thîey miglit embrace the wonld. Oh, Ilît calai, humble, beatiltui but yet sud- t- I iigltontuf helîlssma f te îarugtest the genius ut the sculptor ndujil,-u" on ic n îiîîot fth )IS fîîag the spin huatut th liroino hoecelebrates. Looîk- il oroake fun neathfor uîyord!hauoi, in ng up broungli the ittaof the cz,rouiit hurt male he rinahfarheyutIbu rld cOhuuld that enrlnale. lier brow, I coulsc e le 1. yalte tiumpl n arcis fenawhre the ad ky beyond, the groat heavens n% iî'eealil@pin 1 e ng t inoy oegt ceay! h, theat nunîlîni'm wironga shaîl bho nlglil, and Ihl-e n Kin ElfGlorymigh eoméin! h, t atury ot enltuc n(ý-nditresignîrtion shail clii 0ail the barps and tunpets aud urgans utf bulm, ld tu ail ages. The rose ud lic lily SE b esrthîly Muomie miglt ira une artbem sîîck in Ille boud uofJosephiue will never drop CE Hils praise! thiir lietals. Belles-e nt the receul siiiii- ' la But what nere earthly floters te Ilin tiers nrioulier memorv. The ciildren iif lute 'y who walkeh arnid the sniow ut the nwite God, nhether they-suffcr un cartb iu pal- M ,r liles ut benvera? W~hat n'ere arches ut aces tur lunliosels, nshail come t. ihat hIc c artilly ocarsour? tu hilmanho bth about glorionus régt. O0licaven, sweet huavi ia, at i is throu a ainbow spun on' ut uvelaîlt- thy gaie ne set down ailounr burdeus an-l .1 riug aushine? What were ail earthly griefs. The place nlho fu. Here thoe M le Munie te hin Miîen the hundred and torty tire vacant chairs ait the hearth ua i thiia- bli , su ad frur thonaand un one suie, and the table, but there are nu vacant chairs ii l Sclicruhim and auaplim and archlaîigels lîcaven-the crownnaail isoru, the tliru- arlg tand ou thù ollier side. andl ail the mpace ail motiuted. Sonie talk of huas-en is J ttwoen ts fila-j sitb Ithe doxologies oft thoogl it ivere a very baudaume Niarla te ternal Juilil-u-lhu hosanna uf a ru- nlire a fen- favoirud spirit@ n-ou! colalu.ite If deemed carili, the lallelai u ofcnfaîlen lu and st dowu ou finely culsbioua-d suata4 taic le angels, soug aft-n song risiîîg about the ail îay themselves and Sing psaluius 1 ail M C" thi-une ut Gocandloaitheli Lamb? l1u that éeruit.-. Nao, no. "I saw a graat iiiiiul lieo d, ure, high place lettl haar us. Stop, titîîck- that ninari could number starulin (Il a barias ut hcavcîi, thart oun rlotwory inay ufaru 1thethruîiu. lie that talkud n ii N g9 lie huard. O0uîy Lord ,îesus, it %%ill nît nie l'ad a goldiîn ecîlteu measure ftle iy, ni hurt thee for one bout tmiep) out from "aId it n-sa 12J"5) furlogl-thal la. Ir the shining throng. Tliey nil ilitîîe i ail 1.5 .M)iiles lu îircuinference. Ah, hear- tn ici u ni)Ilieu thon goest tback agahi. cormn- eiii. nit a little coloiiy at une corner o the hîthier, O llcssed uone, finat nu ins Uksa doinion, n hure a man's euititaî-e ol e tliy fot. Our heats, ptolong nili .îldtic -:ds-no ihat kiud ut viollie l ias ii ný e nuis-surrender lto îîîy k )ig '1lis back and liaw mu<-h oney i- liis et Wbuu thonu guext back, t-ll jr lu al h hie tebtavotepie ol w ~ imuralstht te lst nutouid ,lgranit that the liglit ot that blessa-j wîridth imot al luttth lsthe f id i, luiv shliîoroun 18 usiiiur hst Mmnt. bec silttelathî-r's bouse ring svtlithe 'lie fret timu 1i -romsuj the Atlantic i le teu Ille munie sud the dance. riaoghest tinîe nehldn-is aI iceniolih the le 'rbey have soute ld wnéin e l aven niiiit 0 Liverpool barbor.%% le rrived unt ilght a [l ,r nised exuept in rare feta-ils les, lu ibis fali sud nere uci etuiecthene tilIthie t10 188 world Ihose nho are accnslumied teouse morniing naiting fGr tle rising ut the tide oc ve iine ou groat occasions bring out the befone n-e could go up lu the ity. hil% sta> ot hevenage sud say: "This nlu is thirty the vesuel ptched and nrithed lu the wsa- JY' id yesrs ld" or "tonry years old"* But the ter! Su sonietinîca the hst ilInpsg outIlleFu L'e nine ut hi-aveu is more than igliteen Chisian lea stsrugglu. leHe la îiiust the Od cunturies old. litusa Prepared at fie tbniîugb the voyage. The waves ot teîîîp- J M- trne n-len Christ trud the nine press tation tusasis soul, but ho sis for the-the we alunie. Wheu sncb gries-ous ahanera as iornîinîg. At lst the ligbl dan-ns, sudI Or sae corne back, methinkus the chamberlain thc tides ut joyr ise lu bis seul sud lie te r- boas-eu cries ont te the servants: "Thisa saîla upansd cste anchur sithiu the valu. thr id lsa nomual Joy. Bring np ftrnm the vaulta la tby heaît ight? Wlîat question eau W ad ut heaven that ld wsmo, Fil11 n il tecompare nilh Iis lu importance? It la il f i tankards, Let al tie n-hite robeal guests bueiness questioni. Do younent renlize thaît n r l drinîk te the itumoral heallh ut those yon n ili soon buste lu go ont ut that stoare; pe utf uevhorn sous sud daughters ufthle Lord tlîat yon nill moon have to rt'igii lat eCi kan Almigty" "There ia juy in heaven parnerablua; that soon amoug al the iîil ltic rt amung the augeis ut Goa os-en one sinîlur lins ut dollars' n-ourtb of goudatflit are bi cil- that epoteth," and Goal grant that tlint sold youu nil! nul bave tihe rrndliig .f a tht lu une Mîay ho you! yard ut cloth, or a paund ut auigar, orn àigo us, Agaîn, tu have a igit beaut it must bu 1enîynurth ot anything: that soon. if al mai de a torgising huart. An 01d n ruer gays: confltagation sbuuld start at Cenal1ark thi hol "To returu goual for evii ls Godilikc. (.ond alan efel) -.v-rytiing to thc Bartery. it bo lie tor good ls manlike. Es-il for guod dlaiil- wiidn ut uistîîrb you: ihiat slon, if t-i -ry , te like." Which ut theenatures lias- ve e""iler ahoulî l ulsrud aud es-ery - insir- Ec ay Christ wili have uthing te do wihbvis ns aile con)i-anîry alinulul tait, il svouiiat n ut n longas we kep any ulagrualge W'c lias-e affàiel you? Wbat are the questions iliat çvc do &Il heen cheatedan sd lied about. Thure are stop this idle the grave <ompareal nithuthelitis int pepl wh dilie u g Iluchthr i - queetions that nf-acdi leyond it? Are *iiode ut houal om~donî t po-ery sd dsgra'emakhng lusses thaI are lu o e-elastiîig? ti L of thenould aay: "Gn oosiovrysigr hlm!Diult re youn nakirig îiunuhases for eterua .ti LI 1 tey oi d ':"GT o nul i!eLilntAre von juabiîag ftiteuihaun yuî iia agl t g ba el o o*."'. îey d ntundenstaud ho svhoiesaling for eturoity? Wiiat qui-- a the lis. Unsanctified bnrnanaturePanys: tiuu ut the store lasgo hroad at flie basa-.ai ad- "Wa'it till Yodn get s goual crack nt hlm., andl su altituiiuus, sudl suos-ern-heinihag ti utis nnd nvben at last yrun fld bla inl a tiglt asibe question, "la they huart rigt*?" o,,r place gis-c il telim. Flay hlm alise. No Or is il a donestlu question? la il soe-au ald quarter. Leave nul a rag ut reputation. thing about fathun or mither or compati- a thie .unp on hlm ssi both foot. Psy hbin r ion on son or dîroglitur thut you think isla bat lia un-n coin-sard-asau for sarcasm, acoru comparable witb ibis question lu impur-li a. for sco)ru, abuse for abuse." Bot, my tance? Do youu îît relize that hyunuiver- st for tnienals, that i.nule the riglit kinalof ut an id inexorable Ian- ahi Ibese relations e lite beant. No man êe-r dial se meu a thing nili ho broken up? Yotir tatiier nl hoE Vatonard us nsen-e have doue towand Gud. gliale, your nuothrlîwnIl lie gune, your coui-e sud And if we cannult orgive others, lionsecuapaun i ili lie gohie, your child nill ho -.se we expect God tu turgive ns? Thousatida gune, yo i n-i b- goule, nad thon Ibis aut-li lol-. ut meu have been kept uout b eason by penanl question n iIIlia-glu te harveat its 10w su untungiving heant, chiet gaina or ulplore ils nos t s, roll ton Here lasRseie nnho says: "I n-lu for- nia loto its migtiust magnitude or an-cep- gIve thit man tile wrong lie aid me about its voat circles. Wbat dlifference nos dues f ced that house aud lut. 1 sili tongive that il niake to Napoicun III. whether hoe tri- i lack man whu overroacheal me in a bargain, I umplheal on surrndereda t Sedan? Wheth-1, lied wili torgive that ma Who soid me na hoal- cm hoie lied at the Tuileries on at Chisel-F Mlen dy overcoal. 1 torgivo theu-ail but une. harst? Whether hoie wan ompenur or g in a That man 1 connult orgive. The silai- exile ? They laid hlm nt uis i coffin i nan I eau hardhy keep my handes off hilm, If lunilie drens ut a fieldl manahal, Did that Ij 1P lu my ging lu besson depeuda on my turgis- gis-e hlm sfly botter chance for the neith anal Iug hlm, then 1 sili sîay out" Wrong worlal thon if lho lad heen laid ont lu a i oue- feeling. It a man le lu me once, 1 arn plain simoual? And snoate us what willht Ounr nt calleil lu trust hlm again. If a an ho the difforence shether lu Ibis wonld wo f [tes, holray me once, I amrnenu calli el put rude or waîkîrd, n eme howed lu or mal- Out confidence lu hlm again. But I Wenal treateal, sore appia uded or hissed aI, loers have no et It 1 could nul offer asisncere w ene is-ccome l ita or kiekeal out, whihea trye or the tempporal and everîastîug laytug holal ut sony moment ut the greatb orne utfreo ail men, whatevor manse future sud buruiîg lu ai the splondor anand outrage they bave inflictea po e or griot aud uveramdhuîîg and nudergolng . ffi..utluge ou-ban1mglt-snie h .ureAud.Iltem i.lath. plIn1.1».-i tforus Gis-e, Wuy and 300Are rcipitatu lutaIe, a Ptt-Parochlaîl liedl la Turned laie s HosPital- mr Peu-sons Ininureal. Stan! lMay Die. tnighttail dhsu-ster jalungeal Lomain, e, lutu mounnig Sunday, sund shah ameaot te ho au incident ut glad rai- ng bocame lu un instant sL catastrophe appahling borror. One chilal sas kihical xlght, hon juersunasacre ftally lujunoîl 1hohween thirty anal fonty others seme susly hurt yhe no inklng of a sectiour smpomary pînîfunîn buhît on rotten thr- qLThe accident ot-curnual aI tle ont- u fthe cereonnious Iaying ut a cor- s tone for the non- St. Mlary'n Roman thollc Churcli, sud inutalter the pnies ihushe.l a crusul ut 5,1iiiJo îxle inte -mu silence. ThIeliât of deait anal ln- id ls asuolns lieal: Mary Weber, 3-year-olal daugliter ct it Weber, ut Sheffieldl. ntaliy injnu'<l: lisa Kale Deidrick, ut Sheffield;: botté i brokea ana l urtuerualhy. [ru. Juin Eutrain, agoallady,ut Lan; I leg ci-nabealanal eet Injureal. John Fehdkinp, ut Lomaîn; hurt inter- My. Katie GOntilu, 8 yenasolal, ut Loraiu; fleg cmombeit and hurt Iuternnily. Ire.- Michael Keîling, midle agoal, ut )m; lujurea l lternally. 1 Roua McGee, 3 years pil, utf Lomaîn nil tractsuald. lis. Mary McOnaîl. ut Lorain; luft 10 usbeitana l rtintumnally. Ira. Margaret Mackerl, ut Lonairi -t intemnal. Ina. Cornelius Sullis-an. ot Lonain îne injureta anal loft log ersheal. Mlau-y Sieder, ut Lorain, ageal lady kest cunusei anal bort inîemutluy. Serionisly hurt: Col. W. I. Bruisn. heg anal arm limuiqMa a.Ir. William Burgeht, ut Lormin; bon lu-i. N.ilBruce, out Hogans-ulle; loftan l broken. Nellie Doîlard, ut Lomalu; bea cut, John Illustin, u ofi; back bort. mini. John rox, ut Shefeileda; bhileg ruken. airs. -Mary Lutimner, of Carlisle Ceraher glit ieg crushoal. Jonointin, outIlaum In;lftlieg malien Ntrs. Mary O'Keete, ut Lomain; luit it-ýnouîy, ana lheg sihI bave ho ho umpî ruaI. Wl'miiam R.ysu, ut Lorain; nigit le rolien. Gcorge Tieuhbalal, 3 yeuurs olal: besal cu Nicholas Wagner, leg imîiseal. Plstform Won Crowded. Thie toundations outhle churdli are ou ailual about Ion foot ailoe ebottoa eý ie untinis§heal lusorent. It iras on the$ ualidîtîou salIs thut à, largo plalfoni adjen rouhIlt, oun-bldIbhteeemornri ,-ne to hohel Frum an esnîy hbui e [norning until alter noon people ha un gathering on Ibis piattorun, auxioi aucpune s point ut vantago tram sîle a' sers-les ut tiec durci conild ho sep id! beurd. Wlien thie rovemoud alfthci ùo thein placeon ouhecplatorm ut ,cock tuliy a thusanal peuple weu tandnlug on aittiug ou Il. The great mi rity ut these sere n-umeu anal chihlmre utin Ihonsunal uthers nere gronped aboi oe place, ail witbmn ouruhot. Just au Monsiguore Buif, ut Ciovelan, oe chiot Roman Cathoile diguitary pro il, naiseit bis baud lu brlng lie audiena a quiet, a mocunal ut spîihting limbe: ares Uic groat mrosd lmb consternutia hIih beame punie shen lit wasme aat a section ot the temponary plattur xas iikiragbenoalli lie aselhit f3( eople hual oi together upon IL TI -rash came ut a anîaddui anal esery oneu te 300, sas-ofi dozun or Ino n-bu serai led off tue edgus, n-as precipiltaled in te pilt tu ifel helun. The section sili gave an-ny 'as in biso vngs, andal s un it ilformedal n -î-itablêdatI tu-up f aue victimeî. T'elic lit nvit Ilunubl bard nalîn, ri-senuledaln iraseteal ro f vory step sani. thie gable ends bol cluseal oi) by lie atone tonundation nal nd into thiAs-unItex niere Inespea mn( -ouruen uad -iareu ii n e onglomirati trigrling hruauP. ail in frightfiî, rmn denuaili1anahc. Tic souiaid ofthe crash wa aiioneul hay a ssal trona the bel jlesa v liuis as by ara echao. aud thit autain hI ma-uit cri rtthe lie îaators outh1e tri -dy, sviu had been siniicu hutuina pa andî us-ue s'.ell-îîlhas uueuîauess as tles tiilaq thinselves. 'Tle inea-nblu reuht t ofp-nic ollosi muid doaîuid flue horror, alreînîy gr anougli. Those pensons nI the top utf nasa escapici] osily, butsalea the pIts- panhîy otuptical thoso victimas ho n sill enlnnapped coulal not ciaruhor up iteep aides, anal lbey tramploal upon ci ,i!îen likeonaumuni suld n-mstnîros, stroug aura gelbing ou top anal the nenî wnuan sd chuldren bhing crosheal r anten down beneaîl the grenter wehg Tlîree tionsanal peuple, luat lu pruse: of amid, made a rnad ruai torsard s-analthe pit, ioping te lenal aid lu the foriunatcn, butu tbey pressea tor ilium sa-ight Ilinew uthJasât fiftyofuth liparest the edge beailoug imb île For aI ieast fifteen minutes nu aid i gis-eu. anal nutbing sas dune excepl the way ut making maltons sorse. Fit ly ropes ana lhadaers sere proeuroal i haundeal down tu the struggiug vîctr Wbeu assistance finelîy roacheal themj lie roncue sas soul undor wuy il s touud lIaItirhe dead body ut une chîlal lu lie bottom, ufthelb. iemeut, snd t aimeont fitty other persans son. hy bruisedan sd mangleal outhe fleur. churcb Ilà Made a Morgue. The olal Cathollc churcli, a tes roda taut fnom the nos, sas turnoal mli morgue sud liospîtal, apd some of the audiene was altegether uindrv"4 - - lo. stmunt. Ii'uluwla g irayor came thll o kYr lug ut the corner tome. Wben the eére- monles sure finised the priesîn callod t the externioizeil laspitlhs nnd made lu- quiry céneeruuig the conaliion ufthtie vie- lima-their tiariahioners. MUST ARBITRATE OR FIGHT. Alilgeal Ultimratum hir Oluey te En-1 gliand lu thea-Venezuehmt Affair. N othing lias been doue by unr Goverai ment wi-ti reerence lu the Venezuela boundany contmus-crsy ointe Soaietanyr Greshiam fnwarded Miniater Bayard a copy ut the esoîtion passoal by the lt. Cungrosa unging Great Biluin lua ulimt tie dispnted question toarrbitration, Il la oald. bon-eser, tînt Secretary Olney bas pnopnred s note tor n n. Bayard ta lay hetore Lord Salisburîy tînt cuîtalns a mono foreible exîîrosaiou ot the s-bsn ut lhe Uited Statua ou tiosnubject ilarn bas yet been officially utterej, This digpatch la ut a positive aud muaI une<iuivoa-al na- ture. A.s soun as il shah hobîaln'ed hetore tIre Bnitish Goverunnît t i ili niesea kquestion whlch eau bc, autîlual unly hy the netreat t o uieor tl.-rtIer thos-erniuent. Thie stand takun by thieFUnileil States lu thîs dispaîcliha is ' ue wîich is-als-c the olîtest sud iontmavra-n a-il itlion outhIe Gos-euniont-tIceuforcîeîat ut ofbth Monroe doctrner. * Secnetary I)nu's als;atch lu lu sîib- st@ance a diieatiin lthe maisit positive iangiange tîntthelie ncd Stata-s wilîlnover consenit itaititii,u-caiuiti n ufthie dlia- puîed territory i V-eziela rîrloss thuat nation'a riglit thîîreuaa i-a irst detunminied hy nitrntiou. 1IVllIu hîli alclatati6n lo aluhsiuntially th(e sanio na ithnshidi was madeu sonn aanth-ag, aal dtai shicl tbe -Britisi Foareign (afflurfle ad w itI a statuuîunt dtlic lî h-tîishà ignait taluaapart utfttic tarritory inqi:asti un a-unir! hobl- aittal tu arbitration, utie riglat ta anuthuer part ufthie ruion lu qunestioni couid nut lie sounuaitteal taisncb anlitrai iin. .t M .ben (hreat llitain touk this groiina îlequstioarn-bhicha Pre'idient (Cleveland andIlis avisa-ra 1usd tu docide n-as whetb- cm thue United SIt-a sla bnautua y lie Mon' nue doctrnîe sud by Ion dhgity lu inali thnt ail the, tei-ritiny lu d'siute ahuuld lie suhuihteal lu anrtufa, ior nbetber by rsconcedin.- Euglana's contention ne sbouhl -;sirtully aulnItthte'fieldanud Ions-e Von- ezuiela lta ilht il Iiaul a.ne. Fes more seiauns questions lias-e pnuasuurltea them- rt sels-os tu the Ainican administration nithhra receuit yvnrna. Tîhe da-cialonuofuthte President sud hie Calhuoet udvhaura, afttu caretul discussion gand al nstakiîag inv-estigtiomn, i hahrt a bolal anal consistent palilay shall ho adopt- e d, andl hua pulicy ha beeuformuinted lu tîte diaîîata-i shicl Amibassador BaY- aal sa-hi lsy hetone the British Gos-onu Smeut as Roun as hoie trrs frum bis lires- aI) eut jounny lu Seotlanua. Re The disptcl muets Eugland's nejoinder ni witli a reuffinunstion ufthte pincipleofo -a originanl contention exprusseal la phrasez in n-bcld os-e nu posqiiity ut donlit as ta id tle meanuhg aud cumestuesa ut the Uni- [l ted States. It doua mono, lu pole, but Ih firr n sigulficant n-oits. Secrétary 111 Oluey jeclanes il tu ho lhe bellfofut1he rs Unitedl States ilaut the territorialh daima 1 shlclr Grenu Britain bus aet up lu Voee 'e zoola are lu tbe natur'eutfn attemPt to a- seize tenritory on the Ameican cuntinent la. tu shichlise lbart no hogal rigbt. il CORN TO BUAN. s- ,Thi. Gsrnerwag of 1803 le Certa lady ce Itonter. nse The Chicago Tribtune thuis suggesls In nos-el nay ot dispoalig outhte surplus corn en cr011: 7nu "Ou a 2,500.000.000 htshol erop the 00 Wesl sili lus-e cornutaluru. According ho t l îKansasaCilY disateli, a Packlng if butine cumnîîy lins already isaneal orderl i- lu uts Wlclita holise to begiu lie use af 0ai corn for ful suauoon ns 1h eau ho bought 'h ton 12 tentsa a hatsrel. Last yenm lie un- it nana] unit!alinonial feature lu lie grin For sitntion nus thie feeaitig out nli:lt.toari i nuhiaul:la. Litte atte-ntionivsi-ispal al )of ut irai, uxa-pt us unr cxpernieiu, but Il ag the nggnegîîte ilt niuîinteal ta millions 0 la4, bushli, and al sa utiecteal lu reduca n, stiauks litiI munr' bu îîls. Buîning al tI, cornafaimfou ishalias ut an îveity than teed ad- ing ut is-beinttalu bugg. sa lulias been gui ns ennuIletiugll an severl occasSiuonus ti'ar a greunt îeauh ut attenîtlio. Baill are direc y n esults of os-cnpnaiatctiin. T'eie oîrdilluai 119- li n wlcat vn hidi umade telack-tet-dhigpaa nue tîcable areru nl luneault in corn ir a aggri le- vited furina tntake its lise as fuel i Many seutlonufeasio.T'fle 18I}cro aéit loubt il n-il!leca meurod-brenken. Ou ih l e hais ut prisa-ut prit-ts -crun ill hbcdrita i1i5 un than coul tain fuel drîing thuatalan une ninter iu State's ivst outche Miss;issiPi lie Htis-er. It ims alalthînl expeaniurots hav nuh shons i tin tnfutury corn miii go fi tbau Ilir li prduciuîg stennthan n tonc lier coul. T'r iol iin île -ornunuakuas il csi ad cially nlna'tedfrnhot fin(,#.Il is eues hi. t handle auj iîlinost sîuuîkeiess. A prou a0 iiacul upernrtar un tire Boardl ut Trado - ta- terci lu faîfeil $10.000 if lho coulaln( nun- turuish the 'Ailey 1' rond silli coruf( nal fuel et a la-sa cot iith 1hof thue cai 050e nuppy.", pal. But ou theiehbad reports trom * V215 bnasa, Kanasas anal loisa points, ishaj Li ln timon ut con famine resort hba ha rai- made taucrnm for fuel, state tui ils§ uni rad neither nalistactAlny non profitale. I 1118. bieut la sauintense thal lie iron ut fumna ad sud slaves la soon huumed out. The V5s tou, itlaisnul sleady. sihci mnder. il li haY practicable for rnaklug ateaun. bat ing MORTONS HORSE-MEAT ORDEF Furolgu PurchâserB tu Be Protecie diîs- by Haviag thre Product Labeled. :a Secrettuny Mortou s latelit mont îuspe Golden Text-"Teugh &h ememp &galnmt me, uiy heavi tear,"ý-Pi. 27: & .~ Tire lemaontis weà e f 7- 13-2âl ana irasnferois suW Trimph et Gîdeun." Lampe, pilcirerusud tram right use ef meaus. Trume~ muet ho biosu; ampe,tét~ flareal forth. Put tire trum"ue wouth anal soualttirhets, at"70 ucuses. Break the plîcirers e04 radiance geam forth. "Lta 0 mua.e." Use the instrument» .- han gis-on, te bis glôrY sud ta-, tires of lire e niem ofthlie mecrtion. Tis in tire tou son lu a nutîhei. "Ye are net i for ye are bnougirt witb a s0 tome glunlfy Goal iu YOsr bedys yonn spirit, whici are God'e'T lemon mie lite permoual reabloS- aud upphy il thomo. Gideon mens ho itirI uls Wood-choppeî', se mÉL aY y. I, tirat rail-splîter, Abraham brongirt nuthrough the str'ems ct lien. Goal bas un moun for th ir. ý Iudges anal sasior s tilI. What ' bail passeal tboungh solprePareal Mic Ibis mightiesh lest. ou ou, aidle, sud almven ut the Arab hordes,. peîleal lu thnesh bis shoatlunlire, Liree sîno presto keep ilt rois the* ibanals. On the cther baud MM 110 Istrucleal ut Goal lu s vision etOf t ment for greut anal gracie"ouru ed'1 Immes'. haît, anal sîil lalor uute ttiestsoulahe lb. sofutHarod Mdsle s aler side that Goal sas aireut tela evoue sill i hlm os-reigu aMuI- Que other assurance or reassuramlSQ 1 emade lu Gideon asa ind 1te is immun way uftîhînklng. SAu hlm a deam, nul bis osa, but g1l -rehations anal luterpretation b! WWÎ- t verhqirs suIle spying ie edge et * a enemies' camp. Front If ho gathers C* m go anal hope of succemn, net "W 1periraps ut ail as heiug a res-laf0e ou higir, but as, lu ils timal In:9 a tion, diselusiug lb. rosI temre eotf a i- ot Ismuol Ual Was unlbheurt oftid n mies ofthIe ILord. "«He diviae halle lIre. iruudrd a ilto thnoe cumpalios;" i. e., a irumdO * eaci. Hune sas sho re ttseml * Gialeon. It sas lu lining' up. g t- aganut sncb an armu. Wira±t Cr", d shal silent looks ot woudermet1 I -bus-e facealu aI laImoment; 8»GMS~ M 2,000. Tiens la only Que Way 10 -count ton It. Gidron bmihived tirait bo Cod's man for lire coufiieM.Ut bundreal muet have coule Iteaa£«n him. "As I do, suosirall yedZ-* ?o, genoral uow. Ho la setling lb -lg1h" tenu for battue anal teacing lbh* bS -couqueat. Itla Dot Dnosmit~ kt tail sud prayor au lie n e Sanal action; or itlal ralirer faillit* S Trumpets, plîchere, iaInPe-1h55S the implemonts out -m-t% oule. Tbey sore sehI caleulutu the poworfuil baud et tire ktitrrugir GUo.oatelupruice ternld. Tire. undmeal lug slmultaneoumhy tram lions, torches hld for a uM Y aurcirsa ateirmen smelihi enst, but tlken out asud Sang hebod, blatlug forth 11k. lire nthre torcir-Iigbtemu, tire voie au&'-~ lire mountalu aide lu tire mu - Sappreheusive nomade, eut 0f _ kg aluary surrouadîngu, muet havé, kg lerbly uucanuy sud frlihtLul- -a came the mightY Pul, tlb. Wltt f self-destruction anal virtuel su il Tiere 1a nu mure muving sen t *,, r- tory auud noue more sîgnIficaul Or-tg in Us-c of ibolesume essous. m iiiastrstioem.- il A uralteal nation ha ret"otly bée.1 un siesiurg tle batlle Ifid ot Chicat ut anal bunoriuîg tIremeununY u0t1 et d men ms-bu eil thome: ot "~On a me's eteni Camping prout.l d- Tluein silent touts une apreail; - a- Whuitegluni. guinraaitir olem0 r1* Let The bivouac ut the dena." - , a Tepnesailing Ioule ofaalreue.. c- tivene a -s une ut ioyahty t lu. là rit loats abus-e us and thie look ivas net i un *ad u fra Ilfmsas oser a s In battlefield thIat Lincoln utteneai the, nut moaile sonda: Ile "Tic n'und itmiiilitho note or l)«9 ,-momben shal se say her., but Itt ual nos-un tonget n-bat the i di bre, 1 îp rather ton usluelie ber. deditcatedtGLui ,vu task betoro o s-liaIt ram theeibl$ ur- denal se luke inrcnsed devollon t41 u-d cause for irbicli tbeY gave Ihe' Ia*' pe mensure uf desotior-that se.hue h ýan reaulve thut liese deail abaîl nultbhava )m- lu vain."- - uot- Lumps anal pitchers, shroudcd hir1 rot onu tint the pitcers Migit r-uïntt2 for broken, anal the lighl shune ont l su]l more hiliauly sud effetvely. 00 ligita kept cos-ereit aIl about noi , N*e- hushel neyer liteit, tire pidIelO - are lioken! A Cnthulic f osn's womnL -. 'on the chler dey, sud left lire bik e Ie propenby lu the prietîs le PM'Y f 'h. anal tireseuls utfsnme otieru e d 'os» tory. If lieu-e sas auy money et ou, le ho gis-outluthie pour. Bu~ m- banal. there seuld beho ntuu tire boy's apple auxlulY W& ommds-iThs apple baIF.M, R. v noes ocure." Blinluesalera of - Lamps bld anal kept bld. r - 1 te Anal Isumpelm. Lot tireurgiye- unucorlal sounda. GIs-e theun 0», oaa- battis. A amail!tnrUmpet- Fe forth a very lange note. -