Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 Oct 1895, p. 4

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Baxter scd @eV"sl4eatlie Springield for Wilim JIetry, ~t degueer a-ho shot is if*e 1Fls moniug hoeW4 as ,Ieuuil ,Co'e1 south et tora with a muet la Mm l ir.Henry 41. ad &au mra- It, lkairy la saidtot have bau couliaed W-*W lasane asylurai sveral rearsagV. «tiiemtly' héhad been au a pnotraeted Opiiqageld bas won aithtei Blaaming- 10 tonattag lu the. cateut £gr next yeer's 00 êtioa OC tho State Youag People's kceyot ÇIritlan Endearer. Peorla, w*s au Activé candidatte iud the large dolkgatiou front there toIt certain of sue- Fe.lor the ressont maiuly that Peonia ,&Das afr aty d one $tâte convention. @~iuteld a-as c-osen by the.]loard of binretnud the representatives of the capital cil>' arc Jubilant. The avoa-ed caaditste for Presîtent, 1ev. Oliver W. Stewart. of Kureka, came vcry ucar bein.- defeted by Preident A. E. Turner, ot LINXc01, niose naome wqs auddeuly sprong bt~ the. apposition. 1ev. 1r. Stewiart rau Wlthe narron mangin of onc vote, the. lasstanding: Stewart. il; Turner, 10. Iii Marked success of the nnth sAunai .sveatien has not beeu dispute-I. The. M1oemlncton unions are natunitlly elated eveu th e goot atteudance auRd the unuanal itereft ataniteatet. It la esétimuteti that i»»0 delegates sud vioitors were present àt osedaY'. meeting. The.attendancia the varioun meetings unuer the auspices of «Teaorero nenched 20,000. The uer Mait etclng Slte ofilcers express their oefflietion oven bbe great auccesa of the 1 M*I«LO0flbnsd have notltiug but praise Éa- t%. efforts of the local unions to aC8mae th e b est interes te of the, gatber-1 Wrli Neet lu st. PauL The. sext gouerai couterence of lhe vgl.lcal Association oil b. held ut Ot Piaul, Mina., inlu»8. There ras a X"wt cOuteSt at the. ElgIn meeting be- wýpu Cleveland, 0h10; Berlin, Ont.;1 PsL; sud St. Paul. Tie report of mluteas of the denominallonal pub. =07 hanse at Clevelant sbaa-ed l'e-i plipr 1r thte lest tour yeara, 8948,301; 735,12; - rousprofits, ; diviende apporioed smoug Ftsuna durlug the. four Mn ~,O0; pad beneflciaries, $7,- WThe receipta for the last four years éfW-némenese of $7,975 over those for bi-jeding tour years, notwithatand- ~ of 40,000 members by tie =division, sud, ddtiag the redue- dm lta expenditurea of $56,9W9, maires a ffl of $04.97 5. Wanta iieavy Damage». [i.Bobatta, of Godfrcy, bas filled a suit Îa the -Circuit Court at Edwrdovîllej gainaI Miss Hlarriet N. Hakeli, pria-t *11a o e icMoaticailloseuinary, for "0-.0, alieglng that abe placed s boy-s ggwun hbi confectioncry business b7 for-1 W4Ug ber puPile to chea- gum andt cat Of Allas, sllegng aloidn.He %Wde tld dainagiug toies abouti in relation to his suit agaInat '14*$ioL Roberts aya bo bad the. ut to seusduary gi.lansd tbat aà W.Y used ie isstores a suruepîti- pb to acorrespond nith * lady a ontranY to the nrâles ar tiie mail for the yaung a-a-P unho dld-sot linow the. regalalions. u ,-'Vsntiou of the. W. C.T. U. "Mo Rtate Womau's Christian Tampen-a ffl ,das convention ant Quncy narl , mid ud andfpproved s paper by ie.p ébéheà of Table Grove on 'Why Wo- WO hOuld Vole," sud a-elcomed Mmr c, 40e a delegate fron thteiEqnai Suffrage fhedhls.Tiese odilcere nere re-eleci- f 5:PI'esdenî, Ml. ouis. ibounds, of rka. Vie President, lire. Carrne wt, àt Rocktord; Correnponding Sec-p 1kwe Misa Helen Wahker. of Bloomlng- 4 .=19010ilg 9TetrnMise Ada Bel], vle reasarer, lira. A. B.b Pt n BlooSlngton. Tbe report cf t êWr 1use shwed a memubersip oft Ssdlu addition tiare wre 40,000t af the. Lyal Tempernce- ~.The.reports trous the aeveral Rést. aie an ch a-oit doue dur- bieair. Mat@ BNs el a ale Preeton, a Young b&nk clerk,b AlibS'ok, of Jaunville, Win.,b easad la the. river at RocfordY apiigof a cauoe.t ritps of Xocliford, lu ucws- est',,. sympatliy nitb snd urge tthe United States0 thenas helligerents. a the propenty of the. Paving0 Mpany-a-assIt b the.abaniffc ta sud the. Paons Savings,n 1tust Campeur for $5,440.y fard Shenif Oliver, a-bile ».-m o ~me prisoners la the. couaty jail,t *eaa-bale kit of tools wlthe ite -ecabout tu make their es- I N. Smlth, a-ho illet ie chut, i t alatr-in-lan, Etina Buciiert, taire pleaded guilly tu the change the ch ut b t lguily as ta thb. lot Brothers' jothing store lu Was0ioseti by tbe aberifi on 18 lu fayor et Gecrge Johnson. for#IW ad KhNathan '«'bic*4ar841& - )ôkan burgians lootedthlb. at@. 'ik GlanvlI,'. hardware store a *et ire ta the building îi tiie.d parpose ai coverilugevidoce si 79»or. Tii. ase t.cuainet oulyV 31he dir. a flusubdued betore mach9 s~r uçe0.soul piipleansinlioutl wire tbouarid persens attended the re union. of ex-prisonera 0f nar, beid a 4mnt Veruon. Coagresaman Hopinus ae dreeooed the veterans. 'Gove. Altkeid granted à pardon te Charles Fiacher, a-ha wss convicted trou Msssa Coanty lan 1803 of forgery aui senteuced te the petuteutlary for liTE years. Michael Fitfferaid, a wesitlîy Galena citiscna as notilied by telegrapli hat hit ouiy son. Frank, usa killed in a gold msine at Telluride, Col.. white ou a pros. peetlng trip. 1 An Afro-American league a-as organ. iaed lunllocktord, wîth.s good membershlp. TIte leatue bas airesdy begun arrange- Mete for the entertainuent of the State ietâtue, whicb meets there next Jane. At Rocliford, 8. W. Treat has docketed a suit for $10,000 damages against W. G. Farqubar for siander. Trent cisima that Fasrqîuhar calieO binu a perjuror in public during a tvrangie over a rosi estate deal. Bolli men are old aud prominent citizen». Dr. Eliiott F. Rogers. of Chicago, an in- structor ia ebemisîry at Harvard, cous- mitted suicide by taking poison In the. laborsary. Rogers has been despondent of lote, aud awhile sttdying in Leipale two years ago bc, ahowed signa of mental aber- ration. The lreasurtr of the Illiuoià State Board of Agriculture bas made a stateunent showing that the gate receepta at the State fair aggregated $38,035.50, as agant $34.319.25 tt ear. The aunount re- celived frorn (onosjonan sd other sources la not yet known. Fitteen familles we're driven out of thein bomnes la the Lindeil Block at Chicago at 1 o'ciock the tither morning by a lire that started lu one of the stores on thc ground floor. The block contains flat.s ad huai- nes bousesand the dwelling .apartmients- a-en. lilled a itit sîcepers. Blighting frotte swept orer Minneeota, Wisconsin, Nonrthern Illinois and portions of Western Michigan Saturday nigbt. Frtuit growens and celcry pickers in these regions were warned twenty-four bouns lu advaacc of the coming of thia troat but it la improbable that they were abl. la fuliy proleet themmclves. Througb the death of James B. Riggin, nt the Souther Illinois insane asylunu, the pioncer institution of learniag in the West, McKeadree Coilege, et Mascoutali, becomPs the beneficiary ta the estate, valuced at $14,000. The father of the de- case- %vas one of the fouindera of Me- Kendree College. At lits deat b. left the money for the maintenance of bis un- fortunate son, and at bis death to go ta the endowmcent fund of McKendree Col- lege. The son a-as 61 ycars of age, and had been insane for lhirty-live yenrs. The Secrctary of the Fruit Growcra' Association of Southern Illinois estimaI., the crop w-I not excecd 71 pet cent. of the crop of 18W0, but mtates the acreage of bearing orchards bas increased 18 Per "ent. since then. Ail the reports show the recent bot1 neather bas @un- bnrned a &-Test dent of fruit on the tree, aud high a-lads have cauard more riait. talla tha-wsever linown before. The growera -are flot dispoaed to accept the Ian prices offered by bayerand many are Prepariag to store thpir apples and markiet them laler on. &ecretary of State Hinriclisen lbas madie Ie semi-annual report, fronu a-hidi it ap- Peare b. bas paid tees loto tbeBitate treas. uryv during the lent six mouthoa auouating ta $42..Of this amount $34,710 was fronce«paradions licenneti, $1,M8 front fotsry Public commissions, f$431 froma commissions of justices of the peace sud Police magistrales, aud $4,731 fronu mis- cellaneous sources. The nea- law ln- creaalug the *'ce* for corporation licease bas beau ini effect tbree montba. The fres for theseîthree montha bave amount- ed ta $24U32. For the stame perlod lu 184 tbe-Y wene $11.438 sud for thç saute leriod iu 1893 $11,522. (Charles N. Smîith, widely knowu in Ihe base-bal aont as "Pacer" Simith, l in I the Decatur jail chargedt ilu n attempt ta uurder bis nite sud daugbîer snd -vlth the mander of Misa ROna Ituchert, aged 17, siister ot Mr&.Sithlt. He tiret shot the littie girl aud theut et bis a-ife, a-ho Iled. He fired twice, btut miased ber, one of tbe ballets striklug Edna Buchert lu lbe brest. $bc dled lu a few minae.. Smuith aa arreateti witb the revolver in hii& band. Smith bas ssked lbhe abenif 10 take hlm aa-ay trout Deeatur. He tears b. wiu b. l>-ncbed. It la probable that lit- tde Louise. tbee huld, w-ilreovoer. but rh. a-ill b. partly pstraiyzed. Smith bas beeu rcpenîcdly arrealged for uisademean. orn. 0 Evt rybody as intercsted lu tbe report of Statistician Fsrmaloe n1tihe Methodiat couference et Elgin, ahowiag the. ache,,. meula@a-itb meeneeasd decréane of the year ia grdwtb and strcnglh of cburcb memhenshlp, cburch entrîbutioniq b pas torai support, benerolencesansd other churcb wonk. Amoug the more important Items were the tollowiug: Probationer@ lu the church, 3,284, an incrennsa of M54; fui] churcb membera, 40,785, increase of 1,878; preachera la couference, 223, iu- cresse of 19: Sunday acbools, 402, lu- crase Of D; SundaY achool officers aud telachars, d,106, <lecrease of 17; Sunday achool acholana, 51),370, lucrease of 1,165, number of churches. 3M5, li-essae of 4; valuation of churches, $4,068,438, lu- cresaof $128,480; total debt of conten- ence, $889Zi, incrense of 84,083; total expeuditures for pastoral support, $284, 564, decreas8e of $4,199; 14readmen-ri Aid antd Sou thora Educational Soclety, $5.52ZI, decease of $1,371;- Women's 1Foreign mis- sion *inlty mi88, ece e-f$27 -'q 1* k us4-:Siz:zz - - I C "amas On the banks oft teMississippi luSa- Man, I., stands au ehu tu-e thta inte Wad d outer of Carroll Couaty. It la Probably the, largeat lunfIllunoisif sot 'in lie United States, taking cincumiter- ence, ieighl nsuapreat of braniches -mbt coualderation. The famouîs em of Bos- ton, wicia-as testroyed lu 1876, vras tweutY-ta-o feat lu cirrumtenence at the. base, a-hile the elin ofSavauu a n euty- tbneeftest aut aine luches. Ils beigit la eigbby feet, sui thei.%prend of its branches aattuan ares ofl100feetilu iauneter. Il a-as a large troc a-heu the present ity af Savanna a-as laid out lun182. lu- deet, if De Candolle, th1e Sa lus botanist, was correct lu placiag the age of thc elîn NOVEL BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO, OUlY One Muet Know How to Ride the. New contrivance. Bicycle manufacturera seem lnclued to !îtroduee some sort or a maehine thai IVuI take tie place .1 the tandem, wheel non iu use. The majorlty appear to favor a wbeel on wbIch two ridera can ride aide by aide. Several wheela of thla character have been manufactur ad, but they have been on the bicycle tn me rudnfot much fancied. Somethlng new on the bicycle market MEg LATEÎT BmcaclY . SILT toORva-n. le a-bat la calledthîe Conipanlon, a bi- cycle, as abownulu the accornpanylng eul. It seaba ta-o pensons, belng cf Uic Ondinsny type of safety will ta-o nicels&. At s glance'the construction efth lie ea rouît icadtotatic inter- eucestatdlis bicycle rouit upset niti tno people; but, on the contrary, one person eau rite It, sut, an account of lis ightneaa and admirable ondinle. il la becomlug very popuiar. A "ansa WonutaWilI. A Kansa omanls nIl reattis@: *I wast Ciaroty Ann Scagg ansu Rot)- et Beaggs 10 have aIl my unouey andl property after my funeral expenses are et M35 yeara, this. iiany giant usuel hbave sprauted sea sten De Soto explore-I tie isasissippi lu 154'. Tii. figure of a mni lis thetenani rien serves s double puilmos.- Ih IllusIrates tic size ofthle Ires as coin- pared nltb the body of s lange min, aud at the. saine lime estslb past of the. nation la lhe person ai one of lie oltest ploneers, Pliny Taylor, a-ho bas lircd nuden the shador of lb. big elm for titty- lire yeara. To D. L. Boa-en. the olteat living pioueer, a-ho cama bo Savanua lu 183Xinadue tbe credit of pneseenvng the bit elusinl Iter ycars. Curiouasly enougli, tien. la no sean or mark upoul thia Ires ta, show tint Il bas even been alrurk by iigbtning, slthougb treas al *round il have beau abiree nepentediy. paît. 1I anulMark Frecmuantoavear $10 and the dresa bacl wlilci lie gare me. 1Iwast J. S. Clark to bave$.l for nnlting for une. "IIENRIEITTE FREEMAN. "Wrole by J. S. Clark. Mira. Martin, wltness." Thia soundL-anasIf bhe testator knew ber ownu mmd, aveu If sie a-rs nol acquaintet nith the Intricacles of gt'am- mar, but, nevertielesa, lie document la about to be contestet on the grount of andue Influence. Fires fs-ontSteam Pipes, It la toundthlaI dry cinrea, a-les the heat la removet front Il, helng nean- Iy pare carbon, a-hI shsorh oxygen trous lie sir nter favorable conditions ao rapidly as 10 protuce active cous- bustion-tiat le, glon or dame. Now, the proceas of the oiglu of lire frnt a ateaun pipe bas been tItis explaluet, riz., tl ienatt ram nasteaun pipe nl, lu t1he course oftlime, char or carboulze the Wood lu contact a-lithor close ta Il, sud a-heu thls charring proceas ex tends 10 any depth lu lbe Wood il presents a surface fu!I of fissure.sutndcracks. thus czposing a large section lato th air, Ibis eharèing driving lie oxygen out of the charnet portion sut keeplug 1101outa-bile tie lest la kept np. Wheuî, tierefore, the heat la rensavet, the char- coul reabsorba oxygen front the air, sud If the action Io rapld enoug ln lua dry atunosphero combustion folloa-a. "Wbat mkeq you look 80noul-n and a-cary, As If you nere qulte tiret of lite!" '*Aise!" le sigiiet, lu accents, "'y. jiiet beeu shopping willi my wlfe." -New- York Journal. Aftrnsoume people bave bada s fnd s short lime, tbey beglu 10 reat hlmn as If he nere an cnemy. @tende Que-tiird et It. Reauly for tii. Taz-MItl. The foiiowiuîg table xhows the rmte pet cent. of additions, to and deductioms £rom the assessed valiatbi ,of eacb cians of property la eaeh couuîtjy oft he State as adopted by the ttute NHnldof qualilsa Persoîîa I t'roperty. Ooutle,. Add lied. Adamaç...... .....vs Aleanader .1.C Booue......2 BureaueIl Calhonî......n Carrollt.. Case......1 Ubsiplgu . I C lark........ .. .. <'lintori......... <iraa-ford .. l I 'uiberi:. ,I . 1 L De Kalt ... D'e Witt. llaugles...... Fasyette ..... .... Ford ..........2 Fi-lon ..1 tireeld........... tamtve,.. . . . .i Halton cL......... liaicb-dl»..... ...4 ilapan ...... Jier..,.. . .1.< JIur e-s .. . . . . aI 01.......... ; J.-î1)11%l<1"" L.ake- 1 La tElle- . Lam ien-e -ni Mloa .%Rl>vplîe.... thadlr-> lqe MassaL........ .... Mc>. a1iî .. . . . Mchrkl>... . .. 2 VerruiliII wam>,rsî.. . .11 ' 4 4gb........ lrr......... ..... M'Ilsi> . u .. .. . . litit, 14g". . l W1fon .. . . 20 19 -at 1W Sad. i. ; Ili. lgreat amp0 1> .a4>lit- 1>1tait or1. ae a< e ssea '-f <. h at fo r I«bR %vi oS»i, 2t.: . Tamt tl.r il of Cos. 8521. loi. neiir.yTii, îssu>,er tcf ('ouI t 'îuî l las, a l] ,IIlle el4 ituhcr li. ean lna Cool, .miel j>, il,' cqî>iatieliî eaditio h "sk :>iil Cook s. t,-n o,înlleshie ltin th>>a>,l,- . -,,okj,. bt hnî-f>>ro.tit- net lia soi boa,ti .st i v,-.. o' flear axthi etr- ritii,>> liiare>H. ,,fan s tcha~ng>ez %->j,, ralralbuni, >,rî'> fa 4tîane'i menIlt,,' >1>11>!>. 1,::' flic cgeate îîsse t ý f mil a ét>'rim <a, aorelaga and th e ai iioiithe i',s >,tb-or milea sud roa.,it ailiîcn >o î, l,~î u antof shir tir>,aed rh agr-gle 'th-eepor t aIl thl» ,ir<>i»sl ten('atiU,:*.'>. 'l'h. reou a net as"o.,e<aont >f »4,705.5019 this year. agnii»st $4JÉ4.77 in 18. .autapparenît rt4-lliu.tîi of $199>,118. This; ia not dte 10 a red,>.-îiou oit the uîse.smm-îit of any ufthti bigi-noai>. but to uthefotaithlaI Ibmr- ty-two >-uorporstî.>ns lii wore auosea ast Joan liate be-tn droppîed trou>tii.' lisI t4Oli1154 pr>>f wats preseaeî>îd hat lte -or;sî,ra t ois hlbîîd l,-eaîlîolvrid or tiere ina.oeil andelgiuîg cthrough bakrtuptey. Mor tlteso îi,-ts of lb. pani> car- ried lange capitalizalioi. muid lhe reduec- lio i>unute le Iy <i -oe>itiig t lecîn fotrheliaI la 0>413 îartially ioffr4et teythie addition of lie%%,corporation«s, l -i ot hoe ->pitaliza- li,,îîoftthe latte-r ik nialler.lauit yesr aisne',aîuenls win-remade îoetthe capita sto,k of '21Z',corporationis. snd huis yoeir oi> 2-à4. a gain uoée> e», but for the roui- lion i> ta>d the iiggnî->u- eassosmi-t in suîal-r, alhhouigh nu re,ltii-tioîîs nere Miaou st*te Ners. At <'hunpaigu the. case ot Wllliamaoià agninst Whitlo<-k aassettietiin court, thie juery giving Wiliiison *1 damtagen. He am -shippet y Whitlock. At Springliold l"rederiu-k Beard, une of thie icîhiisofthle mailiine hlall boa-en n.->idenl, brouglit suit for dainagei for $2,.-o(K0againmtthebc tiktéoaroud of Agri- t-iî tuie' lît .IauneeWeat waler & Co., uf ci.îluniteu. Ohio,. Diel ci Liz< r. lia iiig >4e-a>r LI .hu-olvilia, fo>îîulliniii a u t i t îk lthe tfi-Mt eiiieles dîet-i>g iis in[brleiaoiiw'eit >11 Harper's Fet'- ry. MnI. Li-Mr'g brolhe-r aasliiicharge ut thie aniîi>ry it th- tinte aunelgsugol bbe i4elicîfifs. Bapti4t ,uî'oiaf l"teetmut are Pn- jraîigîig lua elebrate the fotîudhueg outhie society iîn that (tty fifty yeans ago. 'Flic loi-k ldaîîd ('lvi-Federation a-as orgauliic at a mieetinîg îf the> citizen a in- terested th1e cause, sud tie paliers of incorporation a-et-e iled 51 Sprngfield. The object ofthti org,.auzantion, a-bich la non-sectarlan and aoa-poîiticalin latupro- mole good cliienahuî> and elet'ate the ingrat condition of bbe eiby andthle com- mualty. The Feterution la the. ongrorîb ai thé neent action ot thél Rock Isad Council nili reference 10tIihekun .lialug cf saloons.,eSna I.suils. AeI>I l)ed. 'i 1<4 - 14 15 >2 it 1'i. c 17 2» Il :1>' 4 14 :1 2<> 44> Il:: lu 15 Il 14 - . Il> 1>, 2>1 3 15 I: r.>, 15 17 :5. us '<i 1:: 15 1>4 1< iii 1< 15 4 1'> b> 21< Il Ci .1 Il 17 4 -t le, 7:1 Add Wd. 13 12 -. 141 10 13 lu 1 10 GIV1Y0 onoit 70 tscOruIEs, ' creaming ant fixing tbbc odor et 9ui before thçy slip thein or off ertbhum kg sal., The actoînpauylng l1111141=00%e ahana thue apparatua used. ' The dca-ens are put mbt a ro.8s4o box previoasly canidt ah Ice, 1% tb#4 -s btom 0of lhe box la atuept'd.. wîti perforations, anud lola andi hMbt0 titis tube la ment a '-irrlnt cf carbomle-. acid gas charg-I t wliî hieebcistoeiw- Uc otan of lha flotter. On lie left ofthle pli-itie ls la . der A contalnng the canbonie asein l a Ilqiaîform. ils fow loi coutrolleit by, " negulator B nI lbhé top of thie yllu- der. The gas ln sIigI>îly beateit W' petroleum n lapasasng Ibrotîgi the. nons. pipe C. sud tien bubbk-s up titrogi the essential ail lun1the tank& D. Fronu lie tank D lh passes mlot th box a-ber. Ithe flowe-rgare, carrrngitte 1 - odon '0f tiec 01til i ilI. ÀAttr a epr- tain length of lime the dutrera becomo Impregnaeet titi tie trnuu.aferred adar, aud liat odon beromns txed. Bore- tinte,lu ondér te fa<illîate lh b. ix of the. odor, thec Ilorers are Impnegnott% ed niti a .iî île IgîYueninp. MORE 1'MAN 200 VEARS OLD. A Tu-ce la Germit a ,.eaue o " Harp of Sommeraa. One ot the most lîccuilar fanmatioés of tre., stands s fer miles tt ti*asuli. east of Zlttsu, aud aibin slgbt oft to Sazo-Bohemîsu frondler. lb la a oel< of lb.s hape, a-hlcb apîroschesthbat of the Instrument. The Irêe. basbeec standing for more tijan 200 yeata, reaches a heiglit of 180 fpot, sud mess- ypa. l th bnti' OS'séaqoela i!. 10 breakfut s agît-n aid lié base by Baron Relhorsdo)rt, t., u-tam.e usaîor th's mar- irel belungm. Csoriîlera hua- ftull ibIs ta-unit lxut gniuiens Mian «vft- e t ane î.doe..îl a ireancscoid- Iîîg t<lii- îimer. l'ecà:elsei laa-anus, 1011l scoît nei-%Ilt>îer bei-anse it la col<l. 'lhiue lx no lpoint bota-cen zero Pr the gray loids yield nain or anow mnakfflno lutr el iq-- w antet. If sies are -ltar sm<bels dtera îi.'isriln; f ecsi-a (nsdescend soule- bodys featiers ire ruine-.I.lit ouIt add nitiliîtho o<'ur kîalpiuemsssud detract muîe-h front the ' tuil Itendent y ta gror oIt If a-<> tould Istrît-. arter content- me-nt and cesse nrrryiîug over lie lu- etitale. The ruly happy are the bat'- py-go-lucky, a-ho ake ereryîbing au l "cames aut iambe the lest of Il. If it rainsaitaIltet ln left toludo la;to put uq our untîrelîn, If a-e are o fortunate au to have one, andt Inîdgo aloutg. WO± feet sut bednagglod shirts a-uut kul an. auy more than poverly Mut dî-tîdgery wilI, If lucre la souxclilng a-ilhi us too suuiny ton puverty ta on sudn too noble for tnîîdgery lu tehase. The. penson a-ho aponta bis Ilite scoidlng be- cauise bhilga .Iont go ho aui hlm la Mie tlhe fly on lie kings chariot W-heL. Tlîlngs ntay notlibe îipauned exctlîytn tbe counift oth le fly, but bis proteel wilI nover stop the0 procession. The lest laviies for files andtgniomblera 10 pursue is te bake a-bat voiiies along and bie gla t I s noa-anse.--'lîlcugo Times- HennIt. No Hast. Tihe disposion to see. nalenaaulsIte ta evenythiig lg otten commentes] apos as s MoBot deairable ooesaicG.-; but It Ji possible ta exagigerate-anu.Iimagine aý beneit a-bich tocs l ot exIst. A panly of tonnaIts nere delainet at a blolel unî salake by ah seveerais. Stormn. Flnslly it aas decidedtol cross the libe, Sud one lady of lie psrtr- agneed 10 tie plan cieontully. 1-. *'Oh1, fil hl beMUci botter t tk lie hoast even If Il does naIn," h1 at "sud aoetblug, a-e sbaunt b& m(. toth le boah Ibis moruing.- HONORS ARE EVEN, NOW.

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