«o*. ze hüXf&«. .uttrumarket. su*d mnllkand moséte udWaged worrian, Th, ept iote Ie esian ly, %mut, 1 an old and trlcd hane.et maklng coffeamot, or chlnch bug makea him go up 5 by tira gallon, begins th. important con- oeils ln prlce to the irritation of thre loal 1 'lts au the cPoetry et tbbc 7 f oastratea utire draina oet Iùvest-i and foea sud tai er -orwu, thé suspense aud tire1 P 101 éortire eertatnty of self-1 forr a ear, matez tiretînre pracai- gatirsring efthtie great caeai cr-cp1 ihe subjact otnborbiug btaiest SfamIlles. ,arceli onythlug else loi spoiten et for F Žîîs cave o _y o mto * WBEN TUE DAY 1R9l>O-!<.. <tlw tmuet havi- axpîrn'esion rises lu Mo Sut&ern Missourri and) Illinois aud relis aerusWari fro-e u trm ite tarta, treai May te Septeurirr. aiwvays beginniu; m'mc'- ýWkreoaund cuimiîrattug otirerwirere, until A t last il dies awujy ou tire plainsetf an' 7 «os.. 1 Wiile jrt, te tira trau'e'r ou tire rail- -' nis, "tire bilbeni iais ef grain. cvî'r rol#irg lu sadow snd sinshmne" arr' greuend un)freely dstigiisirnbie frert Mado ai nir, tire fsrmr'bias c'riiihltirae rt under-giesrof etliow tirai creapsupn AWtire baitfrein dle u.sa, untl tire bceavy heur) ias turner) te geir. Every da i taen le goud or Lad fwthu- ie cieat. ]le wanis tire ceairer to e acejand dry; a tirudar aloim in a tragriyM sky et 'brmu a dister.lie alookst le reaigus lu tihe morriug, aud watts iinpatiarty 1« thte freigit train te ci-cep Li citi tira Governnsent watirer signai displaîad. H. geai te oive for tire papar te rear) tire predintien. und hie iterorates biri horsa' aira cir tireieaviaut beardu ira «au iiad to et:up hiriscourage. At tuis lune bil a pessimut. A spot ofr -st on a yeiew stallit ciii moka hlm *desporidet for a weait. If iis daugirtar la ceuntilrr on munuie lasons ire nill showv ber a Hesiau di toîrndn btlie cheor, oui tb irasgbttz àchimcirbing ciliiderceop thre choiefatuiin b gleem. Wilir tire Brut toucir ot goli ou tira heards o teverih actlviii iragina. Tire ferner gels bis remper and bmder readi surd arranges witir tiraneigirbors 10 t-ada off con k. Thare are trips te towu for- blnding lwîuc, for stores ot sugrîr and) cofee, sud the butter lanet soir) but la iterer) away in the aiulitioue. A sireep or a clt bn penrier np te be fattened, sud ciiciters are con- irai lu tire penrtriibouses. Tira lt-st uteruirg tint imokl einat front a tirrasqingmachina clown ou the aoulbern horizon la a giet day. Ail day long Il in vîtcher). PeriruPs il !arusy ea a s«»Il tartaisud ins movar)te anotirar in tire aitarneon. 8Somelimas lirere len u f aeountairie deay chen, if tire imoea sîl rissefrountirhe tirasir.tire tonner cIl venture te prenlt lirat Samr Brown'a tWet aLres ara turning eut baller tirai - ie expecteit and hopes is. If tir umoke cerises tire are dire predictiens tiaItirhe macebias broken cw, aud before il le flxad a aloi-ni wili ceaie aur irench tire shune. Tire tanner iras finiaheit tira reaping s uri tire airek stand in tira open field outIl tire tubie, lite nuggetim otgeld lylu on golden sandi. Already poppbes * ani Indien 111e missed i hetrareaper. hava hart bto er a ndifleck thilir wltir crinnsen. tira auallieslcleur) cantos jihlstera rdew sud bimngtirewn-be * famly eut lu appreirausion. tiaily tir *tirhar craeps nesi-er. nec cuit, uei reaI, butialways tarihri-nortir. At leugltire men etftira fauiiy iide swailuntira big wagon t e iep a neigh- ber, returubng at nigirl citirtire news tt "tire machine may La irere any dy nec." Tire comneare tirecu lute a Buttei-of exclement and lira nazI day whila1he menaire gime tire ven lu filer) ilh bavai, lie. cir pies aur) cake.. Tie soap kettie la bang on tie raelaintie yaud ani hams are boiler. Ail lie huiler mUt ins aard te La sent te thilir, aud rool beer ln bracar). Tira chicteus aun dressai and vegtahies gatirrr. Nov tira comen oit clown aud cal Tira tirirar seunds eut a ceaur whist et noura aud 6 o'clerk. If tira whistl sfilî)bloc atIil tire cemen tuec tril a piecaet oi-ok le fluibier and tlrj AT THE DIN *-watelr the roadis to see if their turuli.te "aoBo mx. The field la fairly a dari -lethe l golden sbocks. Perhaps a u piy~asing cloud scatters a few -4~iet ataand creates consternation. th thsber dmwnby tur *gadbonyst of t em nelsh- borsonly a few .traveling vitir tire m- cochion. Ifverytiiing ine yeoa y' the uuyeru, wao enîi chie, ima tira men hure unhitcbadtire herses ta jtaly. T'ire lait Wagon will contaîn wmnfu as tiay finibshr tira stand arouad lira Swias wheat, ni y, andlp , gelrippersnud h bave rcoma toterayard tannin; tircunesairr, h tirbrabouît Columîbia IC lirgl upr n a nte uren. big stnaw batsé. produets irow étar, Tirai corena o etire roune sud bave Tiegrsiipu aidbe rgrosti).halgn"i brerigiriwith tircin d!sires, kuivesandaird heud irtearpon gvand la' n tucre fed.Iad-is amtt toi-kmsud table linen 10 bealp out tire ordi- u h spoegv attuht onadslsa uary family ouritl. Sncb shoutirg undît laughing and) joking aund goodnewanduiP"-- ' Lal news. Tire omeu learu lirai Jolin Samilli'a teu-nere paIr-h ttsrued ent tiirty <.. Luireas te ireri, snd tiraitire angi' meer in jusiteeo sweet telilve aund tire - are ricw songs, arrange irnladi et cty~ streets, Sung by tire arà(.it euw;n sud soi, did Jaunie kuew t t ber fehlow a coma witir iis teriaifroiur ve miles an-uy -usut vaut te gût on tire gooni aide ot tire li uran. Wilin irait au hour boysi are dis- ,i pirtcear)te ireIel %ir kagsof water, iruttarmulit anr)root bee'r, aund loug lu lire afttrneen a clotîres buritetful et bai sandwiches and pails et lemoitide rre sent eut. Six terrais are in tire field hmu' ing thre wirat te lire tirrasirer aud Iwe mien are feediri tire insatiable rnaw. Alil . tira golden atteruoou tire golden strriw <'imiréanaud falits cir in tIre smoky air; tire ciraf dieu in a blinding clour), tire a' grain is coirghinb two-bushei catit bag sud leader) cule a wagon. SN' un bre a cheer goal up, sud tire ivemen, catch- ing tire aetement flot-k ont to tire porcir aund nave tireir irmdkern-iiefs and sIron!;. A SELF-INI)IN(; lIARN'VE-îTEE. "Tîveniy-tno ubeis te tir, acre," &bouts tire boy uslire trundlr-.s iis nwheel- tireuiraungnîrd luti.er aroriai tieIrornîr. lucre beii i bairocbte tire yard for a fresir auppiy paapiug througIi tir vinaesaItlire cugi- deesr't burt ir. 1 et liquidaé. Tire-feet of thtie %wemc seerued sucer, wiro bas tire cotrelilnitereat andînigiia iraI',, t wiuged by tire goor) rewar, for tirey are in tic lirrashar. le li nseoiiy a straugpr. thn b." net disposer), lika tire tarrîrer te grewl sent iserisidareil a r-'pitalist. Jeunue's "Ves, undt Argeni becausa lucre wlere uit twnty-fl-e bush- felon in dynu tobgoe tbtire heusée, but e. "Refpor-ts trou hIs. liew bisierirrg bot it is-ideai bar- la afrîrir of Leing cirafe). -'Oh, gel out, tif vet weatber. Inn non' tireaara tears, Wien ticy doe coma n tirare in pre- oethtireworiîi, do and prayers, mn ir, for neigirbers. lu tira cioua uitIle standinrg ou cereaiony. Tire iths. and il dopé courr otrtunie on maortune ot fair oldeat priviiegeil uigibor inksitut a ble îîiptuy yet"- weatirer or àtorma. tire ueighmnrmioed lu seat nt tire end th ie table and strts "..Tireur. tarnýrs &Il eue faniiiy, axo thley sufer for one tire coirverratieirsi bail te roiiing witi tire tireir onKmo]n," gr anotirer. remart: *'Mr uritir,1Ijust took tire Whiieitiefarmeri Mlauy of tira men wrar red dantiio libertyetio f iniig tire compaoui htira irs go home viii shirts and aIl oft tieu wida traw bat%, tir"> woéiidnî't gel ne Ltter gruir mv- ar, in tir endui, Mai aud tira field acene is troprical aud toraigu, wirare lirju liraigat rigirt herm. ur pr'et- margines ad bat wiîir lir big mai tirrasher elchiug coudu ak'r girls'lo waiî ou 'cm. 'For these and He ini rcsliy silow j , ff,; q~ i~,/f. araro>ri. 4o dops the Y')Ii nii'dn't Lalk 10teu River arnd 'aliforiria diugiigi àbnrgm ii Ille to rl.narounilthe t :, t , e entà igher bu se dry tire voyagéC goiug tir iurt ris, if au>'- btinar' i-donts ticeliii- r tirere-" 1fat'm on tire Olier sie on't bei-vaut for four esnt enter iiiitirte vi§i- triuons te' uru-ir toi- erowl tire buyen's. Nearn- Sstand together and per- ehnt saliig. Tire buy- tes igsmoney on anral- tilles large qtuntittr'5. rer) quiy a isurah ce - ~ ~ v - ~uma~rI '-f 4f 5(J1 '~ !~ -~-*-1 ~ Tilt. SI t: >MTIMiESibER AT IVOIK. r t y le th e r- t a r- say@ the Buffalo Expres Meboei' houe&eeper sent dowu te thre proprio- tor ef the sirop, and asiked him te 4z ber trp a boutle of shrampoo. He fixai It and told Joa to lakit up to tireironne- keeper. "lYou tell hër," said thre barber, "te take baif a tr'acxrp of tire eiampoo arnd put it lu two, teacrip,&or water and ap- ply." Joe toikthtie alampoo anrd went up to the ireusekeeper wlt i 1. in a short time hae came back, and tihe barber asked: 'Give it b Iiner ail rigrt't" "Xe"sald Jor'. "Wlti tire directions?" ",Yes," sald Joë agaiu. Hait an boeur bnter thi' barber noticed tire bouspeeper ont intire bail, iooiring curiousiy eut lnto tire irop. He walked out to wirere she was. "Hlello," sire sald. 'Wlricb la It? Are you drunit, or crazy.,' -Wirat do yoîrmcii'asked thre bar- ber, wirh mucir dîgnity. "Yeu musat be (ie or thei otirer, judg- Ing trom tire mees.rge you ment rip wIih tirat sliampoo." "lWiat message did 1 ed? "Joe told me you maid to tell me te make a cup of teu andriprit It la tira baIlle anrd lie about lt!" Honeet Tîmnes. At one lme lu tire Higrmannir rof Scot- land te aqk for a reeeilît or promissory note was cousldered arn Instrilt, and snob a tblng as a breacir of con tract was rarely heard of, soesLrCciiy did tire peo- pie regard their ironor. Tire Presbyte- rlan Witness tells a story of a farmer wiro bad beeri1tirte Lowlands and had there acquireri worldiy wisdom: Afler returnlng lu is native place ie needed moine moue>', and raqîrested a loan from a gentlemarn lu tire neigirbor. irood. Tire latter, Mr. Stewart, cern- piied andl courried oetitire goid, when thre farmer iumrit'dlate> wrote a re- 1.celpt. "And wirat ls tis, mati?" crIed Mr. Stewart, orn receivlng tire slip of paper. "*TiatI s a receipt, sir, birrding me te give ye bacit rour goid aithtie rig.irt lime," replier) Donald. "Blndlug y@, ludeer)! Weil, my mou, if ye canna trust youraai, I'm sure l'il na trust ye! SUt-b as ye canna base My goid;" and gatiring h îp ie retîrrnad 111te bts desk- aud Iocked It up. "But, air, I might die," reller)tire ueedy Scot, uuwriling te stirrender ie hope of tire lan; "und) perbaps my sons migiri refuse it ye, but tire bit ef paper wotrid cUel tirem.", "Co peu im 10sustalu tireir dead tatirer's ironor!" cried tire euraged Ccli. "Tirey'll need compeiling te do rigit, If tins la tire roar) ye're Ieadlng tirem. Yo cean gang eisewbiere for aaonay, I tell ye; but ye'l find narre about here tirat'li put more faithin l a bit of paper tiran a nelgibor's word oft ionor andiris love o-f rigiri." Taking Exercise. Peer Harry Sieairir. 'tira long-hilred poat wbe dresed Iliris attre perion te reseruble Buffalo Bill, sud ivio cas, tn tact, startinugly lIta lire greatest ei scouts, user) te tell me of a liteai-ay trieur) et iis wliedar- a novai matirai et taking axari-cs. His werksiep vas on tire top fleer etfiris bouse, tam trin tire noise of tire streat, aud ire usai te, write about fitte-'tr hurs a day. Ha cas not a Hecelis or a Bronson How- arr), chose worklug heurs never ax- ceer) tour lu amy ou,' day. Ha vrenta; ire laborer); ire toile). liledar)nia for a bicycle unr) cotrîr net afford a hrors(-. lie liratent utaig. Run ire -:ouid not. Swirrilrrg cas eut ofthtir ,'lueslion. Stib iIe rrrust have exercise. ie tapt bis dlctinai'y lu tire basament anr)is tiresaturus ln tire tltcreuý As hoe user) Lotir ver>' ofîcu, lt was neces- saryintotiate mauy tips downu staîrs and) îrp fgain, and)ii r'it v as ie ktap imsclf lu splendid pir.vuical condition. A visiter once saw ii iaslrlug iecn- staîrs lite a naulnair aur) soarîng up agirin lite a kire. unit vus distrsail tlt lufornied biy Johrn's cita lirat John cas sîmpîsirurntiug fer a word andbar) foun ti)l.-New YortPres. Mespitable. A pecullar epitupir la lnscriher) ou a torubstone bn thired n-urciryird et an 0h10 tecu. ierreral Waynre was atone lima lu command)of Irle fort meuttCeer lni tire epilupir. Margaret. Wlte oet Davir) Gregory, Dîi Aurgust 12, 1821, Ageil 166 sars Hem, lies tire vomnan,th tirei-t, save eue, Tirat selier) oiutirhe Miami, aboya Fort Hamilton; lier table cas sîrriî,nd )tuat oethtir best, Aund Authemnî W'aynei' nias fefler rgucat. Net Tenlipter). Tire laI a qîralut stery toîr) ot a coti- 'pie et Scotch iniste's n-ho were tait- lnrg dînner tegetbar eue stiulmer day lu a littie parsenaga lu tire Highrlands. it vas tire Subbatlr day, tira ceatrer vus beaurtiful, sud tire bubblîng atreama n'ai-e funll of troul and thre woods full of sumnrrer birds. Oua lui- Pd 10 tire tirer andr sailli: "Mou, don' ya ofetan teedtempler) ou tirese beauli- fui Stirduys te go ont tisiriug," *'Na, nia," sair) tireoiller, "I never fi-ci ternpt. ed, I jîut gang."- Ilouselroiti Words. Hec ta stop a Sneeza. A iredicai paper says a snr-'eze i lu - statriae>tiily dispelleri hy pressing tire linger nihîard agantrathrie division of tire nose authlie joinrt vhere tire upper ltp Inside joins tire guiî. *Arotirer plan ole te expirei ail le ire i'possible fi-ens tiretarge tiretionnent yen pr'rcr'Ive In- dications et a aneeze. .,la tIrSIperformer familiar citir your music?" esire ater)ut the concert. "Ha muei be," repliai ira composer, ,who vas writlsIng; "'ire takesai b ci ber- tlen cîtir Ii"-WadLlngton Star. . trayed Iby zEmtiezil Wea' Our' Owa Dh,-A Uud-ot -1 Sprinkica0<sof1Pios. Put away tire blythe fitraw hateê , And tire trouseroona of doc*. 1 1, Suon we'll don our wlnter Urlee- . 'biat liq, if we are lu luck -Wasington Star. Little Girl (te ber mamma)-WbttIJ* Ldear) ictier, pieuse? MaMmu-'ý rat liras beeri given to your fathr lie >st.-House.brold Words. 2 Passenger-Tiret tellow bac% bbei*- aislag a great row becansaeob îaud. Coriductor-Yes; ira's ridIlil40 *, Lpass!-Cicago Recortd. Cirolly Yarcbtsman-O, coutl 1 b0 otr nrainstay? $ie (looking ai t tS"A iowk)-You are. No one else etIfS fier irait past Il.-Syracuse Pott Bixby-M'iatIidiots girls are WbM bey irnitate Menr! Marie (fIalteruifrrZ Do you tinit so? Tirat proves h.W xcellenrt tire imitation ls.-Truth. Fogg gays rirey are qulta styillh 1ai lis boarding bouge. The servant laenâ« in llvery, but tire breakfast li., 1ah noruings lu tire weeit.-Boston Trous- -Wiry. Mr. Coîuellor, yen are trylU. te open tire front door wlth your cIgSOL" --Beatty, now! 1 wouder If I've-basa mokiug tire laicirh key?"-SeiromefltaU Dona U. 0. Realîiza ion.-Nepirew-Do iou knov. untela, I dreami last night tirat yen lent me $10! uncle (generoulî)-Is that @e? Air! well, youay keep tben,4 Otto.-La Perroquet. Uncie ",You ouly write me-on1ce ev«y - mentir,Wireu sou WaDt MOU«y.- Nephew (a studeut)--"I beg your Ver- d ,n uncle; test mentir i liait te wrtte twlce."-Lustlge Biotter. ,,mina rasse ludulger) lu somewhai wltlheriug sarrasmn wheu ah. waa talk- Iug ut you." "lt tae ber prîvîlege, pdor tirlug. $ie tgs smewiral wltherlng ber- self."-Indinnapolis Journal. ,-Papa, wirere are tire mest dlamomie ftuud?." asited MWIiiie. "lu se0mebadY eise',r baud wheu tbey are trUutpe' growied papa, wiro'd beau havlng bard luci t utwiisî.-Hurper's Bazar. *'Yes," saIn tire business man te thre clergyman, 've lent a gond deal et lie lu My 111e-.""By fritterlar le aw I, suppose?," "Neby belngpU"o tuai te My appolntmat.",-B ta Courier. "If dere's any Invention dit 1 b&V* a pretound respecit for," sali Nove- along MIke, "It's de feuutng-pelL" "Wirut' de reasoul" lnqulred PbodkrJ Pela. '-Day neyer worko."-Wasbng tion Star, Hazel-1 have oeaOf th ire lt demi-- los you ever saw, Nulle-lu whi. way? Hazel-Wiry, ha puls Ont tlbe wrong tooti thre otirer day and WOulm' :irarge me a cent for lt.-New Tm*~ Herald.- Muige-Anotirar man called me &DlU lait ulgiri. Yabeley-Wirat id yen Ï101 "Weil, as lia was ttrree dac blgg thoan I, I aste) hlm WbY ho CeUllmY't gay sometiring orlglnai."-Iudlanapout Journal. "Ah, but t's iris gooi record that stanrds lu bis way." ",How?" --He bas- foollshly always made Il a point te 90" cashr for evarytiirng, aud cOnseqnently ha iasn'i lire leasî bit of cradlt."-Cirl- 'Cage Evenlng Post. "IVirat was lira Most ceufusing Came yen aver irad?' asthe lira oer ef thre iawyar. "Casa o' champagne," returu. cd tira iawyar. 'II hadn't gel ra tireug i Ilbefore 1 was ail mud=l irpl-Harper's Bazar. Fer varions reasorts men go te tire sea And minfold) benafits glean; Bu-t fair womriu's reasen Ilairait, yeu'll agree-ý Sire goeite tire oei lte ie sean. -Brooklyn Lifre. ',Evar have any trouble wlth youir wheai?" ,Net yet," soIr) tire BSWee 'Young Tiring. "Se fer wheuever 1 bav* mun oear anyone 1 have beau able te gel away before ire got up."-Indiana- poilsJournal. In Boston, ot coursé: Hleka--ý"BUt rsolywirat klnd Oft& iOOkln9ggirl li tris Miss Beekon ?" Wlcks-"We% can hardly say; Yeti sef, sire diffl have hem glisseson tira day I1uMW e -Boston Transcrîpt. -,If you hava anyllriug te say, Why don't ion ssY Il, and biredoue wlthit?*î 111 neyer cast my pearîs batore sWlsme ",Weil, I don't knew os 1 can biameyent it wouid be an Insuit le tire aIne."- Boston TranacrIpt. "There's money lu stocks," sali ir mon wiro ts youug aud autirusIlate,ý_, "-yes," replled iris seasonad frlend"fl sure tireale. I have ireeri Pîttln Msy saiary tire for the tant four ,* aund It's ailtirhera yeL"-Washnt* et imeke, anr) tire malin-tair elcinmi, ail otirer bleunrngs tire Lord [muLe>rus misine. Oil non' anjti en noce ira eliminbng, andr)tiere en inoffdoe in sec-i-t- trulyIliarirurîtl. 'Thot nldo for a bli'-r' rirueta irn'witr bai-gain orit sa tarta- Tire nagons drive a-field, ledur)rp fi-cntir;. litcn,-I . sys." <r nue fmul have moue-. tire sehcesand eturnuote ire aciun. bIn uinui tith re-ar)pluies are' -"ili. 1 guiesl'Ilgohinrtie andir) 'inruf Tira net of golden straw lncr'-n're% Iote ru ati>mnd are iller) agains t bot hi'- ,ixiini- wrlint rortil tue prieénores rourur) yellow ilieci. aur) tir e cirireir chir rnip crits. ('.ffc -trt.aare lt-Ilnd itrepiîr- i"'Y nay. b,' unnouin-es us ire drives le tira base. Hew ioi il ls! 'rie menr ii9entaunitheriren't plaîbers mate several iviitand iteh' eepsu up this asiurirn in- drink galions cf iqrids snd ker'1r nel joulneis tote rLitclirc. A nozen apîl,' itterclîn i, nî,t appeaing fr-r a weak, alloniges i b irurbats. 1Ind unr) ribaunit brr->pie, rhisapear ii' srving, ciren lire fomeabacit again: 111I Tira cernen nouir) ttc suiou toi- riree' rrow betome tiresunir. 'inn comas caler- seci'tiree ilii ie uearly tire bilieu men if tiry aiirai nie. 'T'ie long atter- i mrelro nitn cake. sund if there im n a ii'- bistrels tris yen-. Giresu tire specuha- noon in tel short te prn-are aupper fuoinuse'ou tire fuithtei ferst iib, teppent off toms nî' stanve itftirs heatlays wbera bcenly tarniaieit men unit iaif ts a-ruîty .unthi bnein r. nand rihorîstêss gets tiree iit s- G1tit bîirnie t ti-day." So e hbias cornen and ciildi-u. TIre motif) kettie nliprems an<]îl it .i lerlire menrgo brin-k1 the briyriubiis mer, adsud thie aur) juet hole tira car, ueami îeiof .. I tire j,)te ytriyun. lire gels tire Iigirest bn-bec if i bsirewr) n-bi iroler bu tller) nbn irhcin-enesuitd a " oiin coerthi uidt tirput-oIr tatira ironigirte tlint n"-at tiat lu. bg siimis bu intire oucri. 'l're inl a fe inletire airnpgintro f tire tour j IC i-i'bi'i'367, sys in tire year againut buhtnel oetn~itor-a bu lm-el. beaus and n, ci. umanage te finit entingirte saiiufy 011,11-tir igirtirte Irenliren iof Cina cern toe pari-. coîni lan- te irrit. tolura- tçir-snlvp% and) the' cîilit-rnfre lie and JI Indija. cirer cirent je stili Ilteestepee. A batvent sunrpei-table 's a rernnnsir ofuttir e rsnt. 'T'Ie farinrei-rr'aued niti ihe flail,sauying riraI a ting t e rember hnireirsinu b>'oee juitstoi r is iute etthe ' lcir'ren o atsumiilirundreitcor-ics dn't reprtelet tireca- hi-ad iu a itniy wcir' portions ai-e cal- citiajirs tlelber' tirt if îrnseîrt pmeeu keep 1 itul putI inrîn a tira'shiug macine; suni cnlatednomeacanlIy. _an) t ie a-r-rp tirea n- bitie iarly *î.(Kin iitiraArgentina, enltivateit ty Itlijais suni If tirera le a long vrnat hefr-baut, aud cindn ut> citir: "Tourare go- Spauièhim migr'arntlainer, seenruanunuu- lienne tire taile le @prend) there--ire ex-bu; teuibave n blnak casuinre diles unit a warranter) invasmion offiris rigirta. tension prlieiltiri t fll iength aund nec cîat if it tolies tire tirnle pile. Tnt, Saur'nl s tIre day geuerally ngreer) îièced iont nt the enîds nitirtalbes fi-onu jénune c'urhave nansie ieSonns, ltn." t'pol astire iiflY toelftbei-arise tiîu bine l'nuegs it lu a large tanin a fen hotu'-'farmeru rire grtirererlinn tire martelt inth rorninrg w iiifinish trie tort. 'l'herd, tircus in tire gveatest nuimunr. 'rien oic- u'ii! ie breakfaet to egi-t1cil>for Ille 11:1niliai wgonlans o-f tirent r auleri in andt heture tire rorsca are trnirit'Iired unr) chois i r e n î'n-îy tbmnnep nrb' ther-tte le farmer' titir)bouet gainst tire frontl lofs o th tewl thased tra ateric-f iis favorite aloi-e, a baver stîrterg aun eveninrg cit ire viue-niar) rornIn. fluerund makî's arrtînffn'nx chhlie tarin- n'omneu ai-e,-auuing hues u i t itchir û-lns en, but te>eirinitnre tiree ltîci'if tire a r' igl it her'. o ei. ~~'5t' - i~re eerrga, sandI atîr achile tire iarvest "nrritlI"n1r di iî -n îî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- muon comaesrip, and tire katyhints hegirij olrg htstemre their nirtual recriminratieus. pic. BItn t tn n ni." It taes 01. I gnîcss'r a ionu lmniil bmm-k. hibts -etoterestore tire louse t lIhrnn, brnit gonn rytiig elue tir do" ils ondiry fapi-ct. lu tic mînntime tire Iie e iue tole ue men re wayhelingneihbos. he ecru alinî,inakes the sie offer. 'l'ie irnt Sîuday niter tire fin-r-er cîunt,,s spiei ire pnbfrb u - f' grain bugir undr)slowns suudry samples tire iunu As tirebeuris go by otir r"' I~~ anay linn 1111e bugs andi ie rendu tire agri-tarmr nie nr'ii. aur) lerapls al an l curlul ral aer nit city n'eekli-, porinrg mode 'lheu ius tire fumniers inegin tor nfoir otims erer tire market eiuiiuem, andti - iiii.tebyr bgnt i -nobmdy disînînms ftiri, wn-ire nniguîiirgitî'i nuin rigu r i tireiefforgutte-u lnuir-sbeninnns rlr"uieu iit enfr i mte Icure nte Aliriiiatucir efor eos p i-uen'u.T reill e iâ iliu m o r g n ize ii im p r rnm p tu , a n ri "-oin bei unir gcirrg tnstandr)ont frton- tira u t,pra nom ut ol f tire abolis tItrer ou-io f a cenrt,"* ire tnetuince toe e tn'finu. Oii ne al'ranntier tire ut tira supper btable~. andr ie irfrmris hir' l lre n'îur'n'Irrr nd mninrivîn off tr tira -n'fe flin raicmesm ae mccii stylai-in; cureoruemor firiglrl crrs tanrdinrg un urîrtnd tire 75 mnark :rl ceek, seiiug nt asreta-, î IW nyi-myienne .0%. , or-ters for aur iiiirr'nineiteliver>-n bulne "Wlecures tir'a u nnarer oetRa n'enrt?'bil; il>y. s-s ?rins Jenînin'. uilrthatuscf tire heurt. 'iith thlire llir of Illue ireut truie - "'Tie epelilors do. 'ries mate mil- begins. 'T'ie mîrciruuîs order fi-esh liens irî jigglius privecsrip aur) dewnnhile stocks, for îlrey knth e firetimera' nives lire ftie akae dollars workiirg lIl ug ndurdauglitrlar uiliL e lu teuy. Tire NNER TABLE. gel."'Tie tormrer ta pr'simistic' again, Liacteiti and machiniet do a thrivîng andi grouletthevirole aveulu;. But ne business, debtir are puit, tire hausis have >'tire itciren. Perarpslia white table oeelismucir rie-st Ly il. moua te lurin, tire'suiv mille anr) griot sciotis wcul nt cever tira board, aud fur- Iu a ceet or ns e iepite on hiisbeatlleUisegin lu r-un anurLtiding laire- tai yred elothi mute biItiant squares t suit eofelirhes, Itea litîle hag o etniaaîstimer). This,,inntiré uviole secret et tire rather end. Pn Iris poctlaur) drives te Ion-n lut a brug- revival of truIe. Tira surplus l lir e At Intervale ara utacke etfvirile aur)d y.Tireaha filds neigirbors uni tire vil- treasure.irouse ofthtie earîh revives cou- r brocu breai, rol#sf e t rrIti- ptchars ot 1loge irnyera, wcire tntatiously iplay fiionce, irrespectivaeofthtie goli reserve mIli, daubes ot apple sauce, plekl illehats 1'telagram frou tire Doa et Traie, tll- hell hî tira nation. "ud aur. Piatteru of chicenelluti lu 'Ingtr Ullg priee. Tire huyers rush plaeSà, slce haus sud befad ouimtIon, about sansPling trhibg and thmtandutak- Hold faut by tire presenti fi 0 0