Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 2

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IPAOHA WILL. YIELD TO THE POWERS. Moouu nlte Guf Cot7-Nea- pSetieu et Aubiamulor the .Law wetOt e »aiiss-Vkbiou Ve- Mag et a ?eau.saee Mob. *qutn ferReobrse AnArmseniec W* kas~h. accepteal the aseeme 0(bMm nzuenla drawojý i Uea h1Frauce and- uùii4.;1 il qoa 1» i8alqfflt idenlical ,t .po wl *f lait May, n-hlch, lu substance, -*t t e govemron and i vce govrt-- - Vn, Ut-set-ou, Sires, BJtlie, Kier. und Trebîmoit e .Christian or mnt- lUe uaechl<ing te, 1h inclination eof mutln, but either tic Govet-not- 0Vty iovemroi la te Se a Christian h.q Sltpolhttents are to be confit-meal ps pea-ers. Lal danal 00 1 lta. offi- are 1te èolact lie taxesccand enougi érj la, ho iretaîneal beior. il J. for- il-te onostlatinoplîe to psy the, ex- M of loc ad.mnistration. - Mle poaM atly by ,u a effldout' louas7 einog eothel Caràegle branci of;b, Wet End Trac- tion Cospuay, canasd by th. breklng 0f a bra, bar on trolley car No. M .Tii. brake bar broie while the car waa gobag down a teep hilI juat Inside the, clty limite, and the. car tore down thé bil for a quarter of a mlle wiioul being under the. controL At the. foot of the. bil I. a sharp cuti-e, and bier. 1h. car jnmaped the. track andl tnrned over, mek- Ing a complet -soiersauît. The abock aplintered the .car loto kindling tvood. Wh.o the broie lhe coneluctor told thei passengers to lie down on the. bottom et lhe car, whici lhey did, the. woen ahrleking and praylng 'lThe mu- tprman mIci bravely to hib pont. On the. way down the bil l Mr. Foley thr.w ber 3-gear-olel danghler out of the car wlndow. The. cild was brulse<J by tbe faîl,,but not serlous1y bort. Conductor McGulre, *d.apltpo-bably fatal Injurles, wa lhe liraistf rosi under the wreck andI got axes froin the coal mine bouse andl begau 10 eut away lhe wreckege. The. road bas been in operelion only a few months, but aeveral accidents have oc- curreal on it, owlug 10 aleep grade and sualden curve. at the foot of bilîle. During the firaI few weeka of tii. road'a opera- tlon a car went down au embankuteut and gaveraI people were injureal. PLENTZ 0F TEADE. But Itle l. Inteil wtthâa Tautallmlug - GULF COAOTS INKING. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weeiiy Rerleer of - ~Trade aya: "The pie bai-ometer-gIr,. 53*$*'t f 1aieri.mdls Madie by MtalotluIndications that are not entlrely tavr-- enlisem et the U. 8. Engineer.. able. Cotton gooals go up, n-lui incre-us- I>.Qminn, United Sltaes engitîpor in bnt evîdence tiat the. crop of cotton la ithle lfghhouses of the Ne-w Ot-- short. Pibe.of otier manufactni-ed *~~~htrlt, ua J a trett-neel foi Pr iodett, <of n-ol, bides, anal leatiicr, ail Notriet han Ja teuinsisa, fr te- how doe ,declun,,aegene-cal abatemtneit 0sretI.c'~ tbe lie~ ~fw orders beiug lie prinlcipal cause. roe alonig tb.adO chan Id3mena.voluiueot business,.not '711ýare a~ysnkiiig. For, me, -uci exceecbed thle large-st iuoîîuto - lie exepltionel ye. at-9 nsd iti onv-- agelmua -th Itîde gatiges dente liatinl several important branches :eiveru prgre rsa tti.ioti u th e evolume bansusrtuasae-eitint ot ny Riv. ~d a a esslt ej.pi-e-e-ous year, tiers i. a growing uneer- ______ reaiietitie cncluson l atinty about lie otar fture- of indsties. ~'~P el 0 li geut h. beii ae-elune Mone-y mat-kitsare îîeilce-r tîraidlitert mîlece 1877 ThIa liheMajor a tru-troatening, toreigo ecbanges no longe-r ti0 s graduai, thong i liregnlur. sal-i-raine.appneîlension, ad te-at-s for lie cof tlIand unog lie c- tsudn. greuit Noi-hbneatot-u ctopa are post. Tie-re li ilallevea, Ihi-ongioui th ýIh inssiP have be-eun- uw dreuces utfet-geso a iîlut 4Wts, New- Orleansa and the. sonliti li on- mintband lonly e foe- " et noLoufisana. n-orks bore ben closoci by trikers for 11E8 FOR DEATH BY TYPHOI D. avtc. ROGERS WENT ON STRIKM. Witow Scoke teitolcI e NVaIer Coin- -pourgeconousilie. Refoseet te Read Teathmony ta foirant 14trs Gi-cen Cie-claetAshlond. . Wl., - Case tb Hi. Wtt,. - 1"el 22, 1894, leavnug a n-ieloernîu]foucr lits. Saiae Rogers, weife of Pilip Jbog- tbl1iren. He n-as a lueioritig mniuî nutk- ci-s, bas diseppeat-ed tront lion Ferancisco. tfor $2 te $3 a day. [js Ceîth crus Her iîssbnnd balie-n searebiuor t-ie-n hm y tpoe a-cratrbî-ing for tire. e'eeks, aud non- lieeves tItieh *wsik anal use-a for a long tînte ri nk-u- ham ocate l ier in Wis-onsin. .%Ir. Itcg- ýb *oter tut-nighect by lie-Ashiîîd Wa_ et-s incetain hiat the Durrantcuns, bail et iqpny.OA ceimplaint bas beeu file-Jd titigt ott b eteu tli ~ U~ust ie crporation re-ctini- the et- honte,. Mra. Rogers n-osnet-y nichi ii- > Pusée te gel pare tater. nclleging tereste-elilutle case, and compelîted her i l bti $in rlrcotitc yeîl uaband t10 it dosen e-e-ty niorîiug nadîu a~ sd liI le copen negce-t-el~ rad ta ber the-full report of the ltaI. ~Ullshpur a-Ie- Ti. aan-r t a en-Rogers tlnally wnet on tt-lb,, tiere n-as a ~f~ Igial Ti. cme a-iic latoi s~oodisagre-cuent analhils tife- left bome. Ho a-lucore t- tial extmoni. Bars tint If &aie se-nta b relorn teue ci -e--- do se, andi cen pe-nc ber a-bol. tinte- it ri-esthelb report, of the Don-eut tiail if ÉMIO OTERRIRLY TORTUE IF». aie-desires. - WS~ ls tua... utlai. JeE Bile M0RE OIÂTRAeGxII N ChfINA. notSera. Kuiila;t tM. -J* IIIs, the negro Who rnssralefd eAggrresslons Ageimust Missions lui cen- 1101111Mu'ouau ana lisapea e l h mueuippi, - trl Pr Fovinesu. J' *UXeturâed anallui-neC over bu a moi A Paris dlapatci lu the London Timces 'WI bdetfttes, Tii. mobts gi llea reports tinthle- Rotman Catiohie missionl M *uut0ody reacheel Brade-n. Tex.. u ageucy nt Lyona ha. reeeive-J le-île-ts ne- ~1rd200 or 300 men a-ho iiad gath- Pertini; eggt-esaiuna agînst tii. Eut-o- StoaGalon-ay, Bt-aCcu. Mason, ptenus and Christieiis oftheb central pt-or- es"d ne-igiborini- lose-s. 17pon bue.. ot Chine. Tii. mission stations 1te* le cn fîicc-t».ler.toi--aINa» deatoyed and et le nero c-tesbei-un. ia l- soine outIhe couvrerts kilioci oaudlotiers tue an no. eer cu of. H nas trouuîdoil. The, Iussîn Consul. in the- lu ienaes tîog-uiipole, absoute, ut the Fr-ench Consuli, ers ap- - a-idius iocy s-ost-u~<i~vsiti peale-il IciIe ilisisteel tae atele-ri-mo b. sentIfto elocal ontheiities orderiuug otringcuuî uuucaureor thie t-stcration ut NUIN 4PRAIRI FIDE. ortie-n. Nevethelesastbe eiahubanc'ea - continue. ~~sJgOrta i Datagolu Parla oh'1 Routeet by IHebei.. Narth D akola. %Paniab nîeaîîeers repiort i engage-- *4*Wae are ralsillg havoc - t-hi the- nent ne- the cily of Santailaanoci. taws o! lie nortiero liai-rtfNurt-hii2. Fif'tlce-n undrod re-gulot-c uuder Con. suMd aise gitihiose livingilu '<aIdez se t-ontackeel by the iint-rgents Und - iul rhai Conaties on tie- hln- anC routec. La Quinto, ini le-redios, ulue of the river. Reporta of tie n-es ettat-keel by lie insurgents, n-bo boob LquaAtitisiof wieat bing conumeJ tIietort andl set it ou it-e. Tcs'o tholitande '1 ý4nw sd fneqnently fa-mta seelling' Sponish lroops see- qusrtered bbc-i-. L %wMana- recelveal by the linsurauce Wie-tt thie fit-e reachee theniîhcy relireel 1asdaly. rointhelb, ty. At Bueclo ie Spouiabu - RobaIto! Cube. I tôt-c ce-et-e suitprisecl e-bele Commtander. IuB oifCb. Lieutlenîant Fi-ancisco Luujan wrus absent. ý S~eaboemtt.e apolnleal by t heh- luInttying to rejoîn bis comn~ouns tbey Mau luse tl6ge on Septe-nber 30,mlnstook auîd kitlod bilm. Ici Vilta Abajo 1kite10express aympathbvseverul asnmillbande bure nlire-îre. Tic s., h aise-elan appesî Spaniab ecolonuil uclet Lieut. Tovur, evui '~'~~Jagmeetings ilie lil îronghiîî autprisc-<llit-ut- Elopnjo cehile cros4iucg(tice Dot1lJerttailen Oct. 31 suîd Bay-amo River on Sept. 24. 'Tho Sîmnuisi padcaI)t~so het day. inai-bs seas cunside-t-îble. Mnîiiy %cee the otorement mey Ce-tire the dro-u-ed. etsodi slmultansous action as teamers In Collision. 10 Ils imopressene-ss. Tte- Brilli steaier Napîi-r, beocuigiuig r lu Nor i Shieldis and boîend fi-unit(ruine- ~oe.y lly' Je-el Loctea, leill t t otterdCami,lias ben ic colliionmu, ~a>' ~ f lie uphreud i-uie-s tilci off tbe Islandl ut Anlonul, eitb flue Ililti.41 paft ofthle jea-ery belongng to steamcer Livoitia, of Luelîl. The latter J La & tm y chhch waauobtaelu e Iy rt-sseI n*acd totîttee-oie ercs élÏ lorvfatguIorder et LondonÂsig. c set-es dt-otruee. Tien uliers teeeto caued bar. icien <llscovtred lu lie pos- by lhe Nasiou's cti-on-. niqW t a irmof memha-is InaluLondont1I -dWO# tey hald been se-Id. Theille eltiY Egiatesas 1tudy Amerîcan Law. sIpesaje-elahaabe-n etimteJet Te-nage Se-youu. of Bonda, Egypt.,lbas e- ~ jepas as beo etimaei rirele h ers-hool outhlieiCollege of Cinîcinnati. bu taie uip a tht-e. year-a Weulet N et tails oet lemla course ot Anerican anal Englisb juraspu -Dr. lqnuai A. Stevens, a KanuasCity, dentce. He fI. a graduaI, of lie Alexsîî- 2904 $mydtusn brositgt duit for divorce dia Lawe Sciiool, and tie fit-st native- Spp lave.. a Weil-to-elo Wichitla Egyption lan-yer to Issrsue biii. tudips in ~ -iarlii, aga ther tioga. lie Unitedl States. "laid sa nq ad a-ould not hepbeli Orty Wenb urne.But-led. , . V . , _uj tectory et Bociuit, torty. ap oinsu u 0f theit1 » lasti'romn s cnter, Westîublie, cul- ff~p~iChlerati lIi a Kan , t lap'Wdanalbot-led torty trorku in ltii. ~$ ~t.,... ~ Itubei. 0f th[$ aumber ten a-ce kîlleel - ~ ar~ i>trightand ane. a-enesriously Injure-J. »%aue.eohaslihal bboomer balle, 'The t-amaîiing gOt-boen eseaîie-d ili ,trtriaffl anal na- a bo mutetgit injurie.____ bas been opfeealulahe______ ;esgter et -teCity. Tiie restau- I Bav~er a lo fur adels, th~l e a" iru e cfe." anal bua 1 SiY Cncinnasti îtîzeus offe-etee liser- A ~~uesIi ir. More gitl* a natortgansation for therionsuî-îuuocf te tauloy et âsaltinaegant-ublaytraining lu lb, - h îe~Iîlc seocld. At prese-ul ce-ibighi J e liia acad«ý< ept-ps, iuuuformed ancd t 0F S y a - tUdeis dilledJ i-gulttly biOnof thle protegsor. e- ~* i. e-asatSa1 Major B. H. Richardlson. -.* eoeddow Mlj.B- H. Richardson, editor ofthlie ~ ceaeti aun-nColumbuts, Gu., Euiuii-e-,slîuc. 1Ieu d~* qohussec'as. asseu"inisday tîlgit. He wssune ouuthle liex SMelaJuppori-le y kît ess- wienspap.t- men lu tie Sosuth..lie Tii. ati. 50l>ioore vra ccse n brotici-(if Frauik A. Rti-Iiuîi-louî, te gu .*ttet- hlm. of tic'Blimore Sunt. #Shs0fCIIIUO KbJld.%buvier GesaDown. esCun-tel Wena esdKin cia TIe-ceooner Ne-hile Duif foundereel 1-es 111asa mCh ,cmlles off Lorain. Ohio. The captalu sudg "bOd all roptino unc'n eraeli-eed. One man Wn- Of Ot leu V10M reeciseel. H. Woas tun el cugin.% tea1 CLAMOR IN-LON DON FOR SWARDS, lm AFRICAN MINES. frIahtful Accident las a pitteburgg Parnace-Opaln Iuna New 1Dole-Lion LansIte laHi-Aleuttlen Volcanoes Ara VouitlngviJ.. Act Like Hualgry Wolven. John AX MeCall, îireaIlent of tha Non- York LIte Inenrance- Compacny, lu speak- ing of lie crase. orer lie Kafir i- mng saaies it London, Paris aud Bellin, muid: "iThe tuai tifor saatca uilithe South Atricau mines by London lne-ostuns e'amit the. Mont aslonlisiitg tbing lu lic way of speculation 1 have ever a'cn. Tii. tîn-- chasers a-crs lîke no mîny bungry trolvea n-ho coulal not bc tedtfat euougi Tiere seemeal to be very little effort ou lia part of the investors to mak, inqîuiries -about, -wht lhey gers buyiug. l-,roiybody-as bnying, aud evei-ybody dicl n-icIerery- bodly else a-as dolug. 1 renienniii- 0110 in- stance. Tii. so-called 'king ut tic, Ket- fits,' Bai-ney Bet-oto, n-ho n-as once, 1 beleve, a cîrcus pet-foi-mer, ajtnotinmeîlu London lie openlua of a non- mine lu tie Transvaal cablede i,'Coffin.' It crus, 1 belle-ve, about abven trot long and for trot dcep. No on. la Londu kn newa- tdilu about lie 'mine,' but thie e a-re, put upon lie mar-kat ad in no lIme tiey n-e t a fabulons premulin. 0f course, thia in merely public apeculahion, aud ItlaJ onîy s malter of turne iien the buible wgl u hrst. Wlien lie reactîon sets lu Il gulI b., lu my opinion, lu faror ot Ame-nlcan securtien. Financier. lu London are alrendy begluinîng to tut-n thi- gaze- troin Sonthî Atrica to Amer- lca.cî CONVERTERS OVERtTURNER. Oae han PeIaitl Boraed aud Sev.o Tn-o convert-tîra -uthe e .iiic-'ii h--us *Wunks of Jouees'&, Laiti-hhins, Pittalrs, overtorued, and .ix Ions <f uailteli nttl 'pout-e-Cinto thp icpteoici-, e--itSci-e or more monwn-rut n-utk. tOnau i-iseas fatally berned, lire.e sccciaynnci tour olier. sustnincd seonsimiinjuries. The inuretircei rotc cnove-î-cute liuicpital, seeie ovrtything posàoulioc-iee-ut 10ni- leviate Ibeir suffeting. Th,-i"pccabb ity for the accident !lics uiol ye- be-e-n piticel, bdit il is saidcltcu liav elccn unu tiroidable. Tic daniauc.e tut0wii--ii bseas îîot vriy eavy. Theue ic-eeif occutred cehile thceitonn-e re iig cuti rf -t-No. 1, cîich uoutaiiicd îr--r eiglithtcus of moIte-n metai. 1h s le eiec'd hi e oi- preasee-air poseer. S1csiniîe'I Loce- ant John Tonne-y seeocorklîîg .t il, uncd bo- foi-e liey got il ralaedthteiucrorkiiig4 et convorlet- No. 2 sdat1te-lciroise il algo. Tii. meIsI rae onut f -rt- N.1, anC lie Len bocumt ex ie-ilmier îthetossl- biiiy of ant euxplosion i hni ibcy et go off lin- comprtessel-ojr umachilne andelallcîe'd tho conrertert- luelrcp. The mtal iras throccn in erery direocîcttioiand nveloped nenly aIl lie met -ifflo~Icyce i lutbiulio lion out he lilI. IItEi>S BIfFORE TUB sTroDM, Stsaubsh GeneratIssoues a Proclama- lion of Mercy. Ge-n. Campos bas issuie- a hcrulumellunb lu the. Spanîsa amyi lu 'lt ortidiedng lie- sut»tary exe-cuttomi or iI-retment oft priaIouers. The placing ut Cuban genm anC chitdren anC piisoner. lu frcot eofthe -8qtrndron eot Death," Sîseui's eerhie-as convict coutpsny, asun-el as tie orovities of-t eler Spanisi leaders, n-he look <ilon Caubanse us anakes and flot asmbuui isel- Ina., bare eciled lie disg-iust ofthe trtid. The Spmuicb<Cabtnet, cognizast of thieeffect auchi euelties erouli bas-e ie excitng synîatluy fur Cabîa, bues in- ctrucled Campus lu isscue tli It-laIsuina hlitinorut-oluaîîpoaaeau ilternatiouinl erautîeat mgit de-celeup into letheccîg- tiiticuiiout C'bane as belîagereucla. 'NVe-du nto huche-laI $Iiiiahu <nielty' cciihue' îcu le-sa eengefnl liehn i l hli<euuhoti bil iii ho mcore secret, mot-o dise-t-et thbuith le lestl,eRaid lIce Ctititn wecbcs lsrcuthea ibews t0 Jac-ksoncville, l'. 'he day t loftIHavaneat-cores f pîuniîers ie-t-c Inkon 'fronst 1curt-o (tmthc, litiuil. huit- HanueC cîuccimuiiou f îtl uiut it . hiut-cluucc e% th ut sintianîd vcor-sc ied Incbuîcsi-ii tîlcl lie fric tporteel IciStniu's uticul ai Aftnictt ne-er lu licliic-tut-cl ut ugutuc ENGLAND FOI? WAR. Actioni T. lienthtatAffronts lhe Unitbed A felegi-Onutfroc nu 'r, BIJi-i. Ilas I-ccn rrcircul lic RIO Janirio, dloIiuug lîat au ai-oie-cl Britislhi tut-eii îin t-s-lia mis i Ii-ccr Bt-aziliinîî teri-uitui-> heuth:ut pa-t cf Veto, ztusla lalmemiby lie IBritihil uet- mnut. mThie niewsI-it eiIc- -cujte- i lu ececutl- <louissentuoioni ceitu it shlul te-c-ute ge»- c-t-ucly kîiutu. (Offic'iasfthlIeStInte Do- lîcrh ne-cul ciece Gret-e-Litin cuî lue li- nits-fy de-idocl ho refuse' cith ialn outhle Vc-iic-2îe-lnuu bounchat-y dispte.'l'ilslie- liet leudtel o fan nîmîon fui- u Ile- tee-ing that cetion, troutbe inin luisict-cfut- us, antd tîcat G;re-ct Biitîîin la liku-ly lu ahowe mluubuoiet resistanetotîhe effors of oct- governuîîenî lu apiîlythue NIonrop- doctrineo lu lis east-. The- IP-cclint and iels e-nb- net sire i tarmur ut cntoc'iîîg the Monroe- CASE THAT P'UZZLES DUoC] OuS. Wyomtng Woman LIre-s Tse-o Montha on e Glas. of! tub. lins. John A. bitove-r, ceho ditcliut La-antie. Wyo., ut starvnlioîî, bhccîtuukou nu tiotatishmntitexeet ogloa t fMil tut- ove-r tsi-o nmtis. I"t-oi20 hoinda in n-e-igt ie wseaas'y lusevenîty- ire pounCa. -A most exlraordinst-y cii-- cinainaance bn ths conne-i-ion la liaI lie alimentai-y canuat taileil ubsohutely to pet-- form ils office for te-n teeka Jprier ta decilli. Local phsyicana regard tic case tas un, ofthle muat extraordioary in iuediuol etu- naIs. -1kanrgeret Matier Pabst I. lai-geret Matie-, wtet fut(u'tustae- Pabst, lb. Milweaukee bu-ter's mon, is serioualy III as e reanît ut ne-t-ous pIs-sra- lion, reaulllîîg froni lie rot-euà t CI-t e-lut' socle, lu wtcithlieformera-t-O-eh-cs ntcre- sviîpe-d ie-t-lcuîband. lMr. Pabst i. lu thie Eaut, Iin. said. Short WVlsat Crop. Tic generol concelusionrilicthie Brtils <ertil rade, tintt he tchouît lucret eutlte wsorhC for 181) la about 100,000,0(K) hiuchi- elIc bfls thîauliaI àtOf IMM, ii'aitn,uiid iu theieport of tie Europ-cuitagonI ut tie agricolturel deparîneultutorlotben. Fatalîy Billon by mer- Baby. Nira. Joseph Borna,,a-lt, offil Duluth contracter, Cleal trou blood poisonlng. Whille caiig for her young son, a-ho a-as Iwt a-i elîpiaIli thea. le e inIluits agony ..Prlvata d4gatieoeéel, u t ou béen eOtpleteli deutrôyod by a hurrieme The storm wag followed by a tidal wave the-wvaters a othe. bay rlslng to an n Precedented belglit, invadlng that portku of the. clty frontlng on the bay and curry log out to s men, animal# and debrls il wrfcked buildings as tbe tîde subsided Mfec a San Francisco sas' that theu had dlapatches about a severe satl whlch previ-ale4 l l along the. coast eari) ln the. tvek. The.Ions of 11f. la reporte heavY, but details ofthtei disaster ai meager. La Paz la th. capital of Lowe California and eituated on a bey of th( sne name. The. port la well aheltered and eaally defensible egeinst attack fiiom the ses. Tii. clty hadt a population o B,000, a cathedral, a government boniE mnd a taira houja and the. place waa once the abode of luxnry, as evldenced by the bauduome dwelllnge of.tii. wealtay club& The. city trap aise once-the sàt of exten- sive peur] dleiez, silvmêr mlnlug wu» ex- tenslvely engagea ln and the commaerce of the port tva. fot inconsiderable. VAN BOKKELIKN IN TISE TOILS. »efaultlng Chicago Bank" Employa Ceptured in Maximo City of Mexico dispatcii: It became known l'rdny that VauBokkelen, the Chicago batik employe, wbo decamped wlth *$0,000 In cash, camne 10tu s clUy He wa@ trseed by a Pinkerto' detective and han beeu canait Ilu Onadalajar. Acting on the. adrîce of Consul Gencral Crlttenden, lhe goes back mwbthelb.detet- tire, maklug no attempîtot defend hlmn self. Van Bokkelen was recelving teller of the Meri-bants' Lon and Trust Com- paoy's Banik nt Chicago. H. dîsppearei Sept. 24, tnking, il %vas ald. $UO.000of lhe bank's t4uds The McCormlcks, who hitdedposlted *P5,000 ln tbe bank. were InstrumentailaInthe dlacosery that Van Bokkelen wu@ an embezzler. MîssIonarIga Muet Walt. The. Cotîgregational Home Misaioncrj Society la lu unusual atraits financlally. Il i Inludebt to the batik. *179,000.,lus trfteury la empty, and inasmuch as only *100,000 of the indebtedeesnla accrai by collnteral, the b1unk have refusai ttirther uni.e<'îrft lout The salaries of the bomne risi.îîurjes iwerc dueeOct. 1. l'allure to n-re etbcmmnuaîs in mnuit cases borrowiiig uf local batiks nt bigh rates of interest. Th'e sou iety in absolute- ly depeudent for the. lime being ujion the gifla of chourboa and idividîials. The prc-aent situation la dute fot only btiith bard tinmes, but to the. umissioni o!fCn- gruigaulouel chure. 10 take tlteir mis- si<>nar3-cvllections ln the. nummer anc early faîl. Million Dollar PIre. A dispatch reeieid fruin (2oolgurdie, the kconter ofthle new Atiotralicii gold- fields, nnnoinces tbet n wbole block of buildings Ibore tva. burned by n titrewhicl n-as saurted througi the upse-ttitîg of a lnotp. Il in estjmnted that the damage tyll rnount to $1,250,000. Hiolding Thelr There la no doubt thât Nortbu-estern fermer. are holding back their wbeat on accoont of low prices îcrerailing, and mar. keting their coura. groin lantead. For several days pont lhe reeeipta of wheat la Duluth have talle» beluw iliose of laîi yesr. ____ Younox Elopera Walk Thlrty Mileu. Jecuca Sher'16, and Mine Betti, le lena. 18 ,runawa3-a from isl. Connty. iriawere mar-led et Sergent, Ky. The couple wnlked lbirty mlles troun homne, and atter being marrioci slarted beck un foot. Calhcd Reven Louions Wlfe. Lcevi Cain, e wt-ll-ktîàolu citizen alla~ qîlite woolîbhy, died et Maysî-ille, Ky., nfter a liiîgeriitg illiec He bncI been inurriod seven timesa, nd, atrange to gay, ench of bis wulea bad I.uisa as be-r gir- ent uie. Plonge-a Thi-ongi on Open Bridgre. A îicas4nmtertr aitn beta-en Pet-cbou- anC Bellevilîle pitngéd î mbthie (ntociabee Rieet-near ['cte-tboi-o, Ont., thtreugiau ope-n lot-k bridge'. Se-rndlit-t-cuts wse; cijune-c,bctdnottictilities are t-e'îiitteil.- Condemueil as Trahtors. GcuayaqIuil, Undut-, telegri-ss lai Geiuia iloiten and rriinio, wsci ere triecî hty <-urt njaritial, nete condemnnd Ici iletins t-aileens tu Ecuincer andcelfor utlepnullîgthe- lite utfCc-n. Aifro. Smoked Ton 3luuy Cisgare-teIcs. A boy uîonîed Tecotte>, 15 y-e-nts oIC, ce-t btînie-d aI Plttlui-g. Ihic ieutb ceas ecuec roui inuiig cigaret-ceus. Ha sili(îked sel ac--i boxeciliy for ourt;. MIARKET QIJOTATIONSL Chicou CntIle, <ommunto uprime, $3.7d tu $5-75; hous, ahippîingst-amdes, $3-W ) bec$1.50; shecie, tairt tu hoiue', $2.50 lu $400; îc'ion, Noi. 2Lt-cil, 51)e le (1e; i-ut-u. Nom. '-, 28e ho W(.;ots, No. 2, j7c lu V&-; rye, No. 2, 31)c ho 41c; butter, cuolce uc-omet-y, 21e te 23v: eggs, treai, 11k, lu l&; pctnloe-a peor bîtabe-l, 20c tu 30c; bruintcor», couintucugi-ose-b l tu e bricb, 21/c lu 4c per poutîd. httdisiuclîlice--Cat l . ipn.3.00 tu $525; 110914,choiee i-ht. *3.00 lu $4.501 Shee-îs, communi to prime-,$2.001) lu$3.75; erct. No. 2, Oi e t (13r;e;tutn. Nu. 1 wh'Iite, '-'Delu 31c; ua, Nu. 2 crite, 22e 10 24c. St. Loni-Cnttîîo, $3.00 ta*5 buiigs, $3.50 ta $4,50:;cvieuî, No. 2 t-e-J.69-e te- 6l3c; c-ou-n. No. 2 ye-Iiown, 211e lu 27c; osbi. No. 2 n-bite-, 16e ho 18c; rye, Nu. 2, 3(hc lu Plie. Cininiti-Coîtle. *.501tu $5.00; lioge, $3.00 te- $4.50; shc.js, $2.50 tu e375; wheat. No. 2, 67de tu 69e; corn, Nu. 2 nîixe-J, 31c ta 12(-; oasa, No. 2 mixeel, 2le lu 22e; rye, No. 2, 44c tu 46ce. Detrot-Cattle, I$2.110 to $5.25,;linge, $3.00 te $4.5, ;sie.p, $2.00 10 $3.75-; urical. No. 2 re-d, 04ec lu60c1; coi-o, No. 2 Yelloa-, 30e la 31c; oats, No. 2 a-ite, 21c lu 23e; rye, 42e lu 41e. Toletlo-Whoeat, Nu. 2 i-ca. 65c lu (07c; coi-n. No. 2 yellosv, 30e lu 32e; ots, No. 2 whlite, 21c to 2=e, rye, No. '-) 43e lu 44c,. BÏffalo--Cîtile, $2.510 tu$5.5p; boga. $3.00 lu $4.50; sie-ep, $2.50 10 $4.251; gicat, No. 2 t-e-C, (1c l mle;corn, No. 2 yeluse-, 311e to 38c; oaîs, No. 2 wtele 23e lu 25c. Mius-ockoe-wbaî.No. 2 apt-ingj 57e lu 58c; corn, No. 3, 30c tu 32c; uts, Nu. 2 en-ile, 101e to 0u;borley, No. 2, 40e tu 42e; rye, No. 1, 39e ta 41c; îuork, mesa, $8.25 10 *8.75. New- Yotk-Cattle. $3.00 le $5.50; iogs, *3.00 lu $73.001; siei, *2.50 tu $3.530; a-e-nI, No. 2 -e-d, 617c to 68c;enci-, No. 2. 87e tu 38e; onsa No. 2 n-hille-, 24e te 25e; belier, cran met-y, Idtu 24,e; gW .,«>st eni, Isetae*- La AGAIN IMURDÈRING MHELPLES8 Ufui-lc *ArdlO4 IàARMENIANS. M4 shw a 1eMne la the.uiidatc 0 e. &11l the xincJWat cropse, néetXéte, Jrie. e, andl baaley. The detslled smngoffl o»*t n- Ruineor that cieveianda message wîîî a wde-sps-ed redoction lu th buiondht$, ln Mako a proal igloue Seosation-- lut-of! ptat. e, do. largeil tudrouht. Clans, 'Y; plaints of polalo rot coue tron the 0f ports Yel Exceed 'lxporte-FPixiiig Northern and'more Scintillera New lur e- Alaken lonudcasy--ltrnod at Sens. landl State., tN'ew YorIi, s"teral oft tin or Statas adjoInlng the, great laies and l«i.- Flfty Artuciuus alin. soori and Kanas. Tii.tonas.front 1a1 so A dimatcii bthLbIondon D4ily Now@ blgit sud Insecte appear to bave bes. re front Constantinople maya: "Iteliable noews .xcepitally Illiht. Tiie mont serons r bas lie-n recelvésd bore tint fttty Ar- couipînt of the. potatogroiver Ibis7.8! ho nenians ivore kîlleel and e number nriid- la hlir wprie of the. pruduct, portion.- est cd et Akiissor in the vvlllnyct of Adjil un larly lu tiie Nortiiwsl. The report tront ,i thé Anatulien Itnlwiay. l'y a Iloet inob. the departaientla agent for Wisconsin andl f The. slaugiiter oteucrrtd un Oct. 1), wiich Minnesota reviremeuts tualt lattar me n-ns prnket dey,. n-bon nialny Arnoullissna State the tubera "do flot pay for dlgglngw ce hall gntierod front adjancent villeges. H.masya tiiet the. yleld la anormons. 13wqs 4 Early flthte mnorning n Turilai rougi, potatoe. have auffereel qut. serîoo.fy & finding t<but he Armeililna nete »gotfrot»lack of rain and their condition han i- arîncel, îickeud a qualrt-el andl abot one of been suaterilly reducedlalu uany 13talag. - thom. TIiore îsa thon ralst-d ou nit @Ides lu seven States il ben fallen front 10 té, c e e -iy: *'wby beatate lu nmassacre the 22 pointa. inidclii?' A inub ut Tnrko, armed witb Tiie condition of tubarccudeclines! cove zercîlrersa nd kulves, tien looted the mer- 2 pointa, lu Ohio, n-bore condtion le the. B. ket anidluîaancred tii. helples. Armneu- lowiest, aomnetilg ore'r baîf e crop la ex- In.. Tbelr bodîesn vr, tii-ownn the ected, anîd the sameenîay lie saisi oe re n-ols. Tii. pante la revivlng la Con- Maryland . ad Virginia. Continuant, * aatnopon:c"ukt orfthe coniuued drongbî. bot weather and hîgi wlnds of le iolaed ttaks nd te AmenansareSepteuiber, catiig prematurop rlpeng se mystn flocklinto lietee ciirces. Tii. andl droîeîing. bave resuilta-d lu a loge of d Police distregard tb. ate iconduct cardas over 2 poiula lu the. averege condition of F. gir.»btictheArostionu ly the.foreign applms.The. greatest bloct-ut-ird Il, '0 cudiasaioia ndel hi nsiilt and nialtreat tie central West, wbere the ci-op wa. si he bottders oft ilîin. giiondant. Ih la tiongit bhtie entiog d and kepig qonllty of tihe fruit bas be.m > AGGRESSIVE FOREIGN FOLleT. moch lmpalred, sud ln many sections a à- - tendency 10 rot la aliready :soleil. The. .r Preuident Cleveland'a Message te average conditiotn now %(atida at 70.1r. I_ limbe the. puggestion. Tii. gene-ral conclusion inth le British d A Washinugton dimptcli gays: Pri-c-i- ce-i-altraide tâthalelb. nha btr f f di mt <'lerc-lsid'a aniual message lu ('oun- the. world for 1995 lnaonlut IK),I.00 iýgrexs, the. îrcîîorallon of wgiel l cn se-I oou bushels Iccs thoneliat of 181-4 la an- [- o»'eii i e bsattentioni, cvi liea mnt Inote- noutne-lu nthe. r-port ofethlie- Igniweas kt wuortby uatlelier. It le moirt- liea- agent of lis Agrie-ltîiral )egartageuilfoi caticnal and lie-ihaies if fer geir s-Ociober. T> pî-.f.iatesaoft hiu ce-aous- larlant-. thon the fanlionslaîriffnie-sauge -be-at c-i-p Intlige lCuitpel Kinegston, riy "f 1*487. Wic luisny olrnerrerm thlnk 4roinlS te-!? bns4ela msterre. [lth la Y ehlaniged Itie bistory- ut lartties.lis tibis (Great lîrilalnu analouib e ccîiiIc-ibo r. country. The- îîfnvipiculenture .)f the n-bat wn ariveat,-d inuch difavorable s tortîicouniiîg message cr1Ib1 he fic cis-cm- condition as lu assure a high Ipeu-eniiage Y Nlun ofthle torcign relationsa. itla»-e-Il 0f flour. 4 knoccn luit the Presidenît i-s cuver for a Duluh reporta gay thatt Iberoe l ù d rejcy tuent Gri-ut lrifatiîieeic-rieisig thi.4doubît thnt Nortîlceetero finierà are et cointrys vigoroila rc-îcrc-c-tnlicite iin fvor bholding lback Iti i-ic-nt oun a-c-cur of L. utf crî,iîraioin i u e-î-zitlin. and lli iie %au I ow pli-res lrevoiling sndb nia rkcl iiig heur YthIis rc-ly hlic- tc' iciec-inîg .'ft* Cotîrems, <ontse- grain lîcaîcaî. b'cr gse-rt-r;8Ideys là if holiesauc-t il . MIure - iuîrtiliîlc-cenPat thîe 1recelis cif wleat fliaic- fulloti bo- c- t hon iltheingi»ceia ts e tîc-cîi. iciiclc-r- loivts bie oftantîcit r. Rlic-jv,-rm aa' le îîg tho futuîre of the- United l tla. laIle t- hit offeritîga are clnily groiicsîi liglutair, i ;icli(-Y Ofct cer -o -ae-nle-rî,r:ce - ciic-s, andl tige daily aal-a thèn.aîe i tc he I i r-iceitis cxIclî Iiicet., lcîse- owin tolemun. On thle cle ,hr h1c11%.1. tic-r:bus hils it-cg- If I lîc le e'ie-toticcice cf -cr- be-crianmure lisha î -,-icicbt i fne-se tai t ojîcf Ilr. (I.le-s-l c tila -i-,cu tlnianl int-sr$e gra iri tua mIiegh ofil cethelb d frie-iire crenlizede l siIIcy tIC,11î-ccî- luil> n-lions tofe-ucr iuîigie'i do il lo ,h3g grececea îelt hie' cuintîry- thalnttlie-tinte- bis as larg t- otlual for ci! lgraîineecli . t--ii.- for a ciiw- Aite-t-jan 1i ll-y. an îc ey otfgt-eci-'iece.toi hcýitic-ýiI nîecuit l LANOING OF MARINEr. s ue-n-anI--ictîi1hbis cu1ti ity c ciiil ,îl5 lise-s. Ut-eat lritaîn Aio Iteported t I.ave Interfereid lu Mora.. EXCItSS OF IIIPORTS. Information of the fcunuilatili tcîrýgjug CurrenttForeig TrsdeltîiîAgan.tIluKorea, resitiigit n th aîleo--c Currnteforein Tadritillgl s ad probable delut oritheQceti. ancd the Unît fica tel 1tet4,, itth anding uf militai-y fort-e-sby the, Uiteal fo egutrotteiciaI snt icîcschiitiiiî he States and Eueîunksupun-ers, ba.,,been tor-ig Irideeutt-enI . aibIriliii.g receei.dby 3!litiitr Kuritîo ut Ipan agîlua tîis -ocntty.Tuet-eîecrt etn'i- tromthetic oreignchee- et Tokyo. Il la -pot t]nîexpore rfe-Ss-eptinhs-r nuittth, qîte setsatiunal, itscicahig the- andins nesi a nonti n Of afn-iî totleu-itlecu- A fnaies heY Roustanu. the 1I ited t3Suute. Il -clacen icî s far îeeil-Ie»c and pct-bably <lu-at Bltiaiii. tfavoralein lu iiy iiortae-ctînrs. asliUicgbI Tii. laIenth ,liliicl-h tu Minsialer Enrine t he driftthisfiulutofcupnomie of!l-tit- îtsta e-e fIusr trns Ihium Slticcic-iîn 'sfiguites 'c'iliIforry iu nuniler, bus be-an lamîce-e. 'A'hua ahgo>s-nie-reixîîcise impolerts tcîtriî thry have conftîned ti-mme'lvre te * br 4LW31K>in eoe ut of et said guardlug lhe Inssin ligaticîn et seouL. $lifhlS.Ott ii Ote-ciS rtis >-h5fir Itie 1Uýtîtei Statesniaines trte latiedIfront -fil-t-cl îiîîeitouths ,f tIhe enBclendt -eSi'Othe ln.Yort-kowen lutheaiguillser ut sixiefl Tflic- enasotf 114 wcts a7.825lndelIl hbeicreal aIso) lthut ritish marinî' lie aerage tft- thce-Mpre-J portioni ut have be-eu landeil. -ie- i-eth 18tJ abut I:iC(l0ocIO liolhb.Japanea. have a coiisiulcrable ftutc-e ot VOLCA-NOES IN ACTION. solcll,-ts et 8e-unI nho have be-eu îiee-ir- Itîgut-dot-. Smoke ancd Steana ttcflect Pircs »ep Tic dbcpale-hea coin, fi-unTokyo anal a Beneathecithe Ci-aters. communji-ulo tie- sobtaii-e Ocftdîipîce-b- The- re-vc ie -titu ie c uiic,!ccie- I err -ce-eire-elfrot (.eu. Mut-a.t.hie Jalnîect ne l ina jiN citu-ii iecII tq i î-c-ic ccccfi-ne i IiruY et hleciol. It icîcî-ars lt-cct t hi"c thec Ncrthtci-eri elsi. te hi.--eh'.l ise10ee- Ildisitclcs tissât lihetroule bi hd :x ein- (<iifot-uie e <-luit iglît lînu- eee'ckmc Iy îî gi- celiiion thlrougli tie Qieena cialikeO cf tle Ilgiîiitie- iDPOf<cflr,-. Am e CiîîtiinSmithji cx- r n orctgeitizec lieirs of Kcîren. rhe aprec-se-a il. Tbic- le-i vilcu cli kit-clihavoe c-,-»old auldiers Lideti lie lprimit ive.eqtiîcnint asit-ring ut) tei bic- c i ; è iii se-amet hIlîcîn aof t ho fer L-ast, but ssii h the lr of-cau boat ui tc-l iticco îîcî Jt te-t ,Intnlies. iiitluienc-e in coe t-c-Iu bta. îîl(t'n t tcergs îcc ilaidt t iî ccuce talions ot Kct-enn It-caps oiree' rge nizee titiefui-twe*ict> "iht-ftutf ceccîcili icceoen meuetn ntcthoe- Ls.Eîc-li aitual:on i uîcum- iii th(- Al-utiiiciha i r-' uicct ucI - iv. e-n-cl cil.t -l. ae i-oc-l iitshi iuiciern ueeop- Tilue ouc cf isl:î ui l>-Îi g ic-tc-ciitht'"oiT..'hey wve-eilb <ltil leil otci eliered. eBc'tiîig Ssii liii1!Ile N'ccti-c-e*i c-cng Wic-n ite Que-en aloi e-eliber di. ra vor l u thle Licite-il t temi c. 'and c u thli-cni-re toit aul Iice-e ie rc>ee'csi bic-valcî-xnb'e r icrîbnlly tfl iiii>- iti;e cli iucccing t rth cTi Wou nK uin, Lo towc'rftcl -hie-t, withn t-rrimywhobas long licen lit eit iîy cthe ici lIt ii iitet-ac-uîQoten.le nue-tc-cle le Iadershipof Enirland Clii aTon Muci. the 00w t-oelis. anti th lie bnd oftone Therc have Icecti ivc- ini-lie-c fi-ut»the liellîcion enteet-ec hle Queic'îapalace. <'0051 cirve-y it Alasckai li-ig the cmn-The native soldic-t-alie-l frcîm the pilcul-. ani-r. 'lheur irintclostut- okhbits cmiisiicled TheTo Tkyo distiatches do nt*ralte niberif. inii fixiing thee -lcitl c iereIlclhe- 1*cerhlatîcl iCnily tril ie-nie ut tIie Quee-ufurt-er I(';iîltl îî ituces lIce- itty-aixth teîa'îllu-l <f lieu tîtat aie ita disajipesi-celandco. luatitude. l-tglu il e- l ts nititelitiicit-e't hani»nul hoe lucatee. Ill ltltu-ilStatlesc ccti'c-bc-. 'The- cirt-e> s sutiar tendtilluctliiithIle citttt'lcut' Notes of Cota-eut iEvente. Ibi8 coutrtiy. i-iit-zI 1)qillie-bd ays te At <ietiville, Ohio, CurI 'ronuiioetz la la noioni v bc iiget i y doîhi thbot ail ut t hoe nnder ar-e-st on acsspicin ut baving jenep Yuikon Rivert- incilu i,-vlccw îe ni.cutîbi(f u t h le di-tui ut hi@ infatnt chilel by itai-va- 1-'erty-Mile UtC-ek la Aîîîcric-uuî lci-iltt-y ltion. se-Iichi inguie-cthe gcîcold i-Ics ofut bîî lutrt.k GraunI, tutheofRtIobert Gi-nz, ttte-eii ns fat- tis îiîed. the ficîeliait. ic'cs unere-llantlet Bostonu, Musa.. diel nýIlle -ag- et 56 S Americicu Shlp Pertlîia tlerneel. years. An Aineticun vesse], the iPurîilus. Uup-[Rhodle landms Grand Arnîy moe n il pool orCarte-r, u c. oeu tuiîTrr erke-t a meonumenit tuthe Rsiton a tholie poo tt- ouI-'no-ilot-o wtilan ctrgo ut soldi-rs of tbe Stahe trio fe11 in lie civil coûl, ew-sabut-ned ut cen touti-lindred wc-ni. miles off tic c)uteilcOntt fchili. The, crien- ob reftuge Jis thc boitte, une f Jantesa A. Jordan, luidi-lee et (.ment wrilci, that guider lte charge out he .-Raides for înklng tala. fildavite un onel mate, wilb acren menou ord almionge- aîd exîîenses as pension erana i-cachee Valpet-oîece, Chili. Tbe othe;; ber, bas diéapîpeai-ed. bouts have flot yet liteu be-at-dfi-t. The Netv Yor-k Court of Appeiils bas alhlrmodi the conviction of Bat $liu tôt- Mtracubou.ty tEscape DealIs. lie-muler of Robe-rt Bou.aet the Trog,' A bloei ut granite tveighulng lire. auJ a sprlng-ele-ctions of 1804.. baît toua te-Il lorto Llberîy att-cet,. Flood u ltticAgua Fris and (Ala Rit-. New- Yorb. TIh. atone gos being raiseil et-s have cesel lous breaks lu thaï

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