Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 3

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M. ti sg Ir ti tg "If you loyed hl,"llh answered aith t-"j.' lent. "I ahould counsel you to hold to your e *~: word et ail hazarda." i' low, aahaml volce, feeling that lit wl. the"I do lt lovfession ele d ale, n _______ to marry? e CHÂPTER VI "Tht-n do flot marry hlm, Jenny." Thi e t day brougtth eso Cap- "You forget that ha lovei me, and taia Dane's deatb,, and as ahle wePt An thougb It muet have been lan fomentary Im .orrow for ber Iriend'à auddtn bereave- l 1die ,IPrOiDABâOf my own fre will. peut, Jaue coutld, wthout suspcon, n- If hie had been rit-h or n a gond poitlon dltge ber own bt-rts grief. 1 might Dot have fet no bouind; but hie lA. Tbe funeral, n accordance with the poor and nîntet frjendleua. He bas noth- ý vAi that had been generally expresat-d. îng but me." I ilo place t Allpore: and Jane, standing *'Perhaps you are rigbt. 1 only hope t et the wndow, watched the Procession wAiI turn out to Le the bt-at; but I alait pâls through a mit of aympathetAc flot le here to are how Ait ends. 1 am go- e ___ i. ng asvay to-nîorrow.". Jolne had wrtten a lets, nes to, Mn. Then tht-Y'said "good-by," and Janie won IDene,'not attempting te condoie with htr, SOOfL On ber boueward rond, thinking but Only to tell ber how ahle felt for bier ovpr ail thot Lad occurred.0 pos'rw; and n few days atter the funeral Some ont- overtook ber as shle walked,0 elhe received a note begglng ber to go and anid looking up Ohé Iaw t waa Mjor Lar- t uee ber. ron.d ;The meeting was naturally a painful file gave bier baud to him with a aorne- t toile, hoth rernerbering Low and where wbat nervoussile, relapngilt oncea they hall bentelat togethe , but the Auâto ulnntural gravity as hoe claiped At widow waa the more composed of tbe twe, closely n hie own. ;and coutld but at-e that somnetblug elat- "I ain ry glatd we have met," le aaid, .,wan grieving Janie bt-ide simple grief for eanuetlY. "I began te think it muet lho ber,. av decreed we should neyer meet agal." *"Yen avebten n trouble yourself, "That was ardly lkely n a smali place t loue; can't Fou tell me wbat AIfi? like Alipore," elle answered, bruiquely. I And ouly tee, glad te pour out a Il ber Bile felt t Acumbent on ber te avoid af ,woes Ato sut-h a sympathetic ear, jolne silence, whicb rugbt give hlm tht- oppor- toîd tht- whele tory. tanitY of gaying w~hat &le didfLot wisb te "But. .Ieuny," Mrs. enid, tendorly. heur.f 'yoa knew of this wben we were at ,It AinAtn tht-eseal places svhere one0 Cawnpore together, yet At dld flot seem te amont likely te mieseone's friends. 1 grît-ve yen tht-n." have bteun loekîug for Foux evcrywher, for« "I scarreoly realized t" aobbed Jane. the lant week." "AÂnd bornting ince bas opened Feur -I have flot been eut much lately.. Just t eyca teutthat it lu yeu stand conimitted jfnoWir lavet- Ien înying geod-hY te -Mrs.t Jolie bovtcd ber ht-ad. "She as leaving berte?",il "M,%ay 1 guo-as vhnt t s?" whispered I"Yes. She igues with ber fiter tue Mi. Aene. *"Yen love nome ont- Dow. Hattlabad te morrow."c and kuion nnb.t Fou are gviug up-am 1 **"%'bat Mfr. lela lho bere?" 8 right, Jentiy*!' H oAooed positively angry when Jane Again Jolaie hnwed ber head-this ime ftleted. Ht- hîd fot set-n Nom Dene'a te hide the- ut id bltimîbea whicb suffuged father for more thon a yeur new, and ber face. tht- last timettey lad met, hoe Lad bt-ent Anîld hwSî hp l'ie olt' obligedl te litpn te plainer truths thon lie i "l'crbnpî; I thougbt se, and yet ePXaîtly relished, another silcbtmeti dîrvu - eoredtr'îidedly te hoe avoided. .1 bhb A ý%v n utter confusion. She Jaue, stealing a furtive glanee into is rotild flt explain what sbe thougbt t-rtn face, saw t bat something badl ditnbcd e the- friend tLe loved we)rell. Au âhi.,and wtrmlieved that bis thougts Mlr. Delle remiincd for awbile in trere eidently nithidratvn from bier. t zitJ ilàu-ct-e santed t e l-i the- girl, ,Iust tîntn ho tunud and caught ber but ,'euld nittl-l bew. (rit icising glance. "I duoflott wisebte force Four confidence," -'Yotihave hteu playing cricket?" aleé ah. %iid t Jî'ngh; "but sornethlng wn stanimmred, blnabing.t toid nme once, and 1 wan wondeng "Ne, tennis. 1 bad tbe houer of play- whether 1nght te tellllt te yen.1 ing wtb Mie Knellys." "Not nxyting agaluat Jacob Lynu?"M"lhat lasele like?"'-asked Jane, eager- boarpy. IFfor îLe, as well as every ont- n Al- "1f> deat o shonld 1 knew anythiug re, raswo fuît of cnriealty as te the ap- *bout hlm?" with a ltts gentle @scrni pearance of the- cornmisalontr's deughter,à tint sbowcd Jolne perbape more clearly ho Ladt ouI>- arrired from 'Eugiand two than întbing tise coutd what a guif dits agu. would divide bier f rom ail ber nov frienda "I*lscarely nfoticed ber; but 1 hlie-ve sbould elle mary the man te wbern alé îLe iandiome. It An te ho hoped se, won hetrothed. Bnc, 1 suppose, ele tabmengt eut with1 "I hog your pardon," ele said, humbly. tht- intention ef heing -Ild te tht- higbests MmrDont- went on us though nothing blîlder." had occurrt-d te interrupt. "liotr canyen say-sncb thinga?" - crt- "I certainly should bave let t rt-at-b J"Itn, indignuntl>. YOD through-throngh the pr9per channel, "10 t net true-or An t h-cause of ts only that now the knewledge of lt migt trulli yen tbiuk t ougbt te Le slip- Influence Four decision, ani otberwise t prexsed" Le questloned, cynicailly. migbit corne tee late; 1 den't knew if yenu"-"or neither of thune- reason."1 are ambitions;, Janie, but, if yen liked, "Tht-n why 7 Don't ail meu marry thos' yen miatlrne day ho Lady Larron- who can effer tht- iggest settiements?" mure"'-hoc1orsistc'd, ieeking keenly uto ber face. "Lady Larnonrnee!"echeed tht- girl, surîmied, for tht-naime conveyed nth' CHAPTER XVIII. lng te htr mnd. In apite of the- Hon, Barry Larron'i "It is tht- title te whlch Major Larron Roimewhat deprocating description, Diana will sncceed; and ho wlhe-I know,' for Knoyilslivas very haudseme, and migbt lie teld tflt-to wi eFsle Lawif." bave heen more se Lad htr manuer bt-tn ".îe!' said Jane, OPent-d-eyt-d and ltes in accordance wth ber appeaaunce. breathît-s. She wris a littît- ahove the medut "Yes, ye," answtir Mn e, witb wornan'a heigbt, and ber figure, neither a feint muile that showed boyad tht- veny alia non ginliaî, laed tht- gmt-tfnl expression cf ber lips Lsd been btfore, lauguor whibic chîracterizc-s those of" "Yen are quite a Ltrine of romance, Sotheru irtb. Ht-reyes trere large, and Jean>-; surel>- neornoan laed ever su'h aof a gray se dark ai te hoe almot black, choie of positions. Yen might hoe a and ail the coter n htr face seemed cen- quecu of nociet>-. or-" $ho et opped a ttred n ber sal scanlet-lAppt-d routh. uitIle awkwardly. Htr dark bair vas gathere<2 lngh upon "Or a solditr's wife n barraelk,", con- htrht-ad n a somewhat uncoimmon fensl- luded Joane, quietly. Ion that added te ber height, and gave a "I have ne rigbt te aak yen if yen tare certain qutenlinesi to ber présence. yet fer 'Major Larron," trouA on Mr@. Dent-, It was ber banghty demano that rcbbed *"I ouI>- theugbt yen eught te know le btr hoanti of.haîf &ts charin.,She tris caret] for ye." coldaq an cidle, a~ ber voice, theugh "It Las iude ne différence," said Jalie. mnsel and tltar, Lad a metallit- ring in t-but 1 tbank yenUal tht-@sane for thé t that grated on tht- tar. Intt-nded kinduess& No, 1 don't t-yen like She ios just twenty-fivt-, net tee, yenng, Mdajor Larron; and I dare ay t ba.she thoîhbt herteif, and determint-d, changed is mmd, ton, since le spoke te pleisant as tas htr present position, te you, fer hie bas neyer @&Id a word I eould ebtain us seen as possible a more assnred constmot- Ato auytbing of tht- srt'," onet- To Mri, Dent-IAt tas tvident thtat the Bt-fore ele came eut fcor n Egland e girl Ladt spoken tht- trutb, yet who coilld Ladl studit-d tht- army lit te ste that Ait ho that @le ort-d and was tblnking regiment was statlened et Alpore, and about new, if htr blusbes were to e hoe>o after censultiug Burke as well, Ladl cone Ilit-t-? Not Valentine Graeme snrely- to tht- concnsion that tht- Hon, Barry bce wms toc youug, tee, frîvolous to lu- Larron wan the- mont éligible bachelor lu spire sncb a tender passion; noer Colonel tht- station; and tiat after hlm came Col' ]Prlnst-p-wh>', bow blnd @le bad' bteu; ont-I Priait-p. who, theugh le Lad ne title, of eourse, it muet hih.!el att-ly bier nor any very probable dlaim te euoe, Lad thougbts led bot-n se mut-h with herself a large Incomte and a hoatiful estate Au and btr uta affaire, that sht- bad for- Herefordshirt-, Eitber of tht-se wonld ho gotten tht- fancy w4ich Janie had altaysa ~désirable match, ad artlessly sbown for the éligible bat-- ie Ladlbt-en tht-rt- nearly a week,wben 0elr Moonel. Now Alt retunmd to ht-r n esle detidt-d that te gve t-lat te ber debut, full force, aud ele underatood that the lber, father sboutit gve a dance te Atre- fant-y had ht-core a love as ardent aAt ducs bt-r te bia frends; and baving set- va Al-advised-'vbat eleht- *-4.always tled thia n ber uwn mmnd, selle vent t leared for ht-r protege had unbappily once te connît hlm upon the subietct t-orne te pas, fil that Stephen Primat-p Jane did net get an invitation. uttd retunutd the- glrl's affection slle coutld not ele ne7er expected t, and would hv e crédit. fnsedlit t-yenladut coule, But til L e ".My por ct-LAd, t Asaail vtry ~jdou fet the- lght. Bile tas se Young, andt yen," -îLe iid, presentiy, hblnekg that, ht-r Oue short glîmIlse of gayety Lad bt-ca Doet&lie kuen' ail, elle tcou d, er~tstand no sweet that &lie felt t bard te Le Iet tie otruggit- that iwas golng on n Jane's eut n tht- cld. Aud htr mther was iii- mnd btweon a hopelens love and an en- dgant, gagemnt that promiset-d te more hope- Stephen Prnsep, on tht- coutrar-, tram lt-s atill, gatd that Janie tas net there, Hîs sole "It insvr-y bard," sight-d Janie., "Myidea as to put away tht- remembrance ef 1 motht-é l, of course, agaluat my marry- that one att-et hope, vhAeh from Ats vemy !iýc lgbtkinte the position whlch shle brevity Lad set-metI the déart-r. Yet bl __ - 1-1-_enimn-- fteItlk adap e Loreti1r-irold have11b-en1-notbln 1 Il . 1 . ý M 1 - -- -. c -, . 1 -1 1 orne sut- a bitter. bunllatlng a*Ub bhat no wonder he feit dissatlaÏlal sad. No Ioved bersn o ol, pembapu o«de sie lovod hlm; yet neither fae't Lad tige power to prevent ber marriage îvith e lmnensel>-bis nferfer, who 'vonld, If there tas anytblng lu tLe th.-ory pro- peunded b>- tht- auther of 1"Lot-k*ity Hall," drag ber dewn to bis lerel, Ht- tas flot thinklng ef that tht-n. He as wat-bAng thte nnsiitrîdaugi- ter, anJ ackowledgmmg bt-r good lookg- wais wondéring whether be, could net by ru>- menus fou lu love wAth ht-r, and ne banîsh frern Lis rnemory the- untîse pas- sAon he Lad contrat-ted. for Jans Kuoir, F'or tht- botter furtbt-raped.'of this plan, he Lad attached l iself te Miss Kuellys 'anly Au tht- ovening, and it-nrceiy ief t-r side, thile @bc, uothlng banth, only tee gracionsly aceel-dbis attentions. It pIt-ased ber that people should notie bis apparent devotion and drat tht- Au- eritable conclusien. Even if îLe ut-ver murried hlm-amd elhewould flot if a better match offered-At tas a distinction t0 have snob a MinuaColonel la ht-r train, sncb a uistlugulaht-J soldien, mut-h a deciaredly cligible parti. Ht-r eyt-, gret bright with triumph, and ah. hl-d ber ht-ad very prendly,, wben, thongh tLe smali boumsreeeapproaching, and rnany of tht- guetts ere gene. Le stili lingert-d at bem aide, Ont beneath the quiet stars Le cetîld thiuk and alrnost ferget that Le Lad a cempunion, but preat-utly a weli-kuown nomne falllng upon Lisear arotteed hlm frorn thte ecrie Into which Le Lad fallen, and Le feit tht- utiaty of retunng sernetbiug mumre than the- mechanical as- sente whicb Le Lad giî'en to -at-b of ber remarks. "It has bt-en a aucess, bas At not, Col- ont-I Prinsep, An spite of thet-iht-t? And ouiy yetemday I1tris gravel>- assured that, if I did net aak the. quartermastt-r's danghtem, I must catîtct a failure, Tht-y told me îLe tas quite tht- station bt-lt, and a tremeudous favorite Anu ri rt-gi- meut." "A favorite An tht- ntgimeut-is she?", Le relitatt-J, awktrdly. "Yoit metin that îLe As net," îLe oh- serreul, srniliîg. "W1eil, for my part, 1 think At As quite a mistake toefnotice pe-o- pie of that sert. It ouI>- makes tht-m feel nncemfomtabie and eut ef place." A vision rose heoeu'big miud's eye. As piainly as though aî e t-e Au rt-uit>- LW fojré<' bc esar Jine as Le Lad seen ht-r on tht- nAght of the- hallfit Catw'pore. Ht- awv bt-r gauz>- gamuiente, ail of snewy tuAit- sire for tht- lîttering stratv col' ored nibbons that st-euird te Lare fluttered tbeltuiolven jute bis Arain auJdîvneught tbere irnemediatîlceconfusion, lt- ceuld aAmost famît-> that tht- tcent ef tht- tea- moiti sihe had %wî,n itht-n trs tvafted nov B-nies bis fu.e, but iiicking down albt ia eî,mpnnilio, lieho mo' that îLe, toc, ivere senti in Lt-r b<-lt. "*Don't yen thint, tO?" îLsie tîoriisted. au ohLet b- is glanete. "*I (lare ..ay; ifini nott ry teil nîp An luet NiAs' Kn.,'c Y" "1? 0, ne! I have' tii-r e -tn icu lit-r." hin 30ul.*tî wvil ike ht-r w.ben ion do it-c-t. SAit is 't-ny street, and g-race- finI. and womantr I ion't suppose mont- than ltati s rtquArt-J iu tht-ry hAgLest circ'I.s,- îaid Stephen Prnusep, with the sligtetst suspîiioen ofsameasin. Misti Kuottys amupteit mmediutel>-: but te ht-et-If decAd t at Colonel Prinst-p w-as neithe orae gntemaniy nom ne uice as siLe Lad ut first supposed. She cou- eludoJ Le trac gettitit-bort-J;and kuow'iug that notîting w-as more fatal te ht-r chnues cf sut-t'eos, ps'eposed tht-y îbould go bat-k te tht- Jnawing-reorn. (Te Le contiued.) 3 nsa Stos'y, Mr. Barry, lah's werk ou Russia An 187d0, telle a item>- cf thet- ure th-n sirn ir as an Instittion tu tht- ton- tny. A certain Ironinuster caused a titan who Liad offc'nded hAu toe e locked up lu an At-ou cage, and kept hilu confia. t-Ji l t for a engtb cf time. At luit, wL'lle Le w-as absent ou a joumuey, the case of hes w'retcbrtl prisoetr carne te the- knowledge cf the- gormor 0f the province. Tht- t-cienter cansd tht- man, cage and al], 1tuLelirougt-Ltotethe gtor- t-mutent ton, andJ titled tht- tyran- uit-ai lronnîaster te dAmner. After the Jinuer n'as orer, the gilvemnor iient for a quail An a w-ooden cage, sud offt-red te st-l] At te bis gliest for t-n tbousand roubles. The, offer bt-lut trented as a Jolie-, tht- govrnor î'ald Le liaul a more î'aluabte LArd te soeil, andl told bis st-r. i-Vanis te bring t- tin. Foldlmg doors fit-w open, and tAie Amen cage n'ith lts miserable captive w-ai set doîr bt-fore tht- astouisbc'd guest. "Neîî," salcl tht- t-ci-rner, "w-bat do yen thAmk ef tuai for a quail? But thîslseA a ver>- expen. mi-t-Lrd; I1n'nnt 201,000 roubles fol hlm." "4vI riglit," sald lte alanîned propritor, "I ill Lu>- this eue, s4eud bilm detu te My wcmks ithotît the- cage, and ycum messenger @hall brin& bat-k tht- amount," Tht- matter iras thug picasanl>- settled, and tht- cern. pan>- adjourued An untlstumbeéd bar, mon>- to theîr papirosses anJ coffet-, A Book Wamntng. Be t-art-ti i hat yen w'nhte An youl bocks, If yuîu do Dot w'aut Your ht-Araeto adnîlnlstrators te muake uuklnd rt-marki about yen, Au olul book t-baser, juil home frein ChAcago, relates au in. stance Au WhIcb trouble iras created by a MinuiWho tbougbitlemsly minrked Lig collection of books lu a pecultar man- ILLINOIS STATE NEWS OCCURRENCES OURiNG TIIE PAST WEEK. a Zeratedi SdewaIk for Chîicago Ilbop- ea pers -Elgin WAIi Botte Germiîez» XlAI-Gov. Altueli on the- Girl@' Iu- dautriat st-lol Question.c Ft-bpnlmî On 11gb, William H. Hlitnisnt tAie ht-ad cf ah tievemnent et Sitest-tntet,<'bi-at-'. pro&)- Ca t-rt>- onters Ai, buîid an ehltotIedsuIe- aik u bctbaide-s of thît tiitrutghfne, bettreon Lake and Madisou sirootaw-ILh tht- purpose Oet t-ieitytiug titi' i-cr-r of the- t-rtat shoppingt- dist-t with tht- Un rion u'I-i-ted bd>. Tht- slulewartk, as liineîtus, t ili ho huit onn alt-rt-t oit tAie st-cond Aoor cfd the- State st-tn-ct buisinetss bonneus. Il 'il ho entAi'ly ut-loet-J itîtglats,wals and roof, mo thit Iwîlestriiis tîakingie cf t, ft tiltîl l't - pe-u t-Jtetht- nther. îty tAl nt it hut 'tt Atlit frein tht- udjoAning il binscs hlises. ItAinLt-Id b>- tht- projet-- o tors that tei tî'îrinstittion w-il teit- nAgh dloruble the value of State street front-at-e and luit ilt wiI furnish an Au- yîlîîi ihitî ndtile i-ie ocole iute tht-e dnwittin i-t ri-t t', "sleit"Autht-it-, stores. 'Te>- oili lie abAet tertat-l tht-I Stuc sKtreet cbt,1,sfnîm altocit an>- part of tihe cit> ilndt dAotht-Ar buiîng riA tot havit g ti i l-t etrîtuglu miîiii.cmsiîîmb ctr tooe at-' i' ierce wntis frtîîîî tht- tintt tht-y t-ilt-n ti. l-e-iatt-J triit uttil tbeî lt-ave il .tiitic nvtAtri tp. FavrnsP-ivate Homes, ,oýi1nir Altgelt inAsdisttinfit-d W iAL the îinîsrnt aystt-111 cf curAnt- for ilepen- deniii l-bi in ustite institumtions aud triAl tt,ontat ;k-ut-tienth lat mi> rtsuit n tht- îiraotii-a atitnî ot-t f tht- Gîrhs'- 4I.os ntlnaI i-i t,<l f t eILEratsten. In a l-tii-n o ritlt-il iiterrve>-B. Hiird, of t't-sir.,.lrt-sti-mint of the- ChAîdremis Aid Si-tt.lie t-t>s in part: "I amn cou- yiti-t'tI tint tIti'boit nittheJ yet dcvist-J for îi.:ling î;ith honielesa ehidren laste( plate th-tii nt ttnîe n Aîivnte bornes,t thiý- i t-v titiLe trenteul as meinhrofe tht' iaiiily. ad itîe-t-i ari>- to lt-arn tht- barili ut Oaf lire sudt the Lest ways of -îi-n tii i i îîîfor Ibis -purpefset tht-i -iii iltin iltJin 5en institution cilii i iiil i s sitiiote iid soute place foîr ictit n.IfAt ive are an>- itgi tifficul- tii- ir,- w the i,-law shonld Le chant-t-J Bit .qiîi11li ts osibile-, ce aste putatti t-iîî i î iltiit-lo.rd g tif viidren lot-ttht-r ln illittii ilits n)Ivettht->-aue prisoliens irtit i,'Ai ikg iiilty cf an>- offenîse ex- ct-pit tlhaitif Ati-iig trAtidAt-s suJdItîsr." chang-t-J ainettJoulet, It. uc>- I'1li a nditîlNewrton Lt-e w-t-n arrv-sî-îi iiti-uet iiiJl,iet for a terre cf ooi ,- ritiine t tan expiintg Iiiday. In ailti-i i tht'(crime for nuit-h PLaît-n nus iii :- i-llit' nvas wnmted t Rt-o- kuk. Iýi, ifr ,g-ry. Thet- ttccra- inlitiAs î.î:îîi..- iîtt's utîîîtarrai aI tht- prisoni., ad ir tAielAsi year llen bas1 hel a it s Lee iitnd Lot- as Phaten.1 Thit-m iii- îw -îjircîîI"idity and tht- amp-q ,-t-i li't as rtlt-ast-J eriy n tht- day.i I'A!iitliii ias lildA, fin Sht-niff %cçCormic'k q ot Kî',tiik b.,Iei notificil tht- prison officiasis ihai lie liatî a warant for I'Lalen for tht-1 ibrger>- itKt-okiik, WLen h.earrverd at noeîî. trîtever, le Jt-clart-J that the- cnp pospil liaAen iris net the- mn le vaut- eu, auJ iinvttestigation diacto.t-d bot thetrtntk liitbten norked b>- tLe Ave pri»oset-nôoitre PLaît-n frein sure art-est and prebstîl> a lonîg terni n prison. Bo tam notîrint- lnts te-n eird frein PLaît-n. Lt-o iVîtS led fer ascAîktAnt- im te oSC&pe. Egl'a New IndustrY.- If thie' plants et Dr. C- F. P. Korsasell, Edwaril F-. <'rat-An, cf'bit-at-o; George B. Býowt-îi, ot Elgini, and tI iena are cîrried Otnt Elilu oAtt sîîîîîbave a tlant for tLe producttAt tttion hduoi liofet serillzt-d miii. Tltt'Irormt i i Ai n ni)st-lise bhoIL cou- 1dens,'J tiik. tfur tht- iteiic grarity of tLe ittu w-iill e th(- saine as that wbich ceint-c front the-i'to. lDn. Konseit cluAme that li lie as Aîîtcîteîl a proces wbch wiii revttitiiz" ,'iiting itiethodi for 'at-t lut- milk fin thei' urpose of kiing tht- baiuilli andit -tnus. n thit is stertized uîilk tua> b tliipto tidistuant points andl tînemenve iniiiair-tight hetties ton ain- detiiiite hit-. Tueta- uient features cf bis lino-t-4sasre, the- Aitttie and paraffin cap î1 livh rvt- iniîi,iiiutelY On the- surfait- et tht- oik in te bttîle i. The- glass botiea are ait twot ii-s-qtarta atîd 1iits-ad art- made -s(ittt-enmd ht-ar>. Murdcrcr Senienced, Tht- triai of Frnk W. Hins for the- kAlingîof Carlîtnes httet lOn the t-Ah if lait %layINi as tii'.ght te n close lit Fret-- t-pot SaAurnii3- ninmt, tht- jury brnigimîg - lu a rerdiîtvtfgtiity anJ fixAnt- tht- peu- r altyt>-utdeatti ylianîîtgitîg. NI'eu tht-ver- dicttias renîd the- prisoetr groaued aleud auJ feu tintAiauJ uncnentiîîcfrein Ls t-bain. Tht-.î-onîeniied min la>- heiples durnnt-tUAithe t- attr pneteetitinsauJ ladt 9te lt- carrir'J te tht- l Iou a tretcher. 3 Ht- rt-mined tir eurtoensin a stupor. Tht- - verdict n-as extiectt-J, as tht- nîrder mus -cohJ-booed-Jand tht- oui>- plea interposed b>- tht- defeme irai inuit>-. Tht- JeatL trat-h as lîcu-il cnt-nHarris, tears le- nt- tntertiAiedt-Jt ai e w'onld attemîpi rsuic-ide. ____ r tate Nets lu Brlef, t.%Mn. Nuit-y ('itner, a n'el-kîoîrn Casa tCouîmty îiîîmeer, tht-J, at-t-J77. iLe -s hem iKeottttiky îrndsettldai B Nirgila Faitr'e tut-net a $2,300 note due a bauk t-îuseil tht- iplmett-ibouse cf Colins &1 Stereusomi, ut Lut-on, te Loetloet-. Al TI4OUOMTS, WCJATIY M REFLECTIOt.- #Ulman rnner, a mlng xrndima, ras mun ovex'sud killed rieur Streator hi a Santa Fe train. Mes. John Pt-tenson, of Knox Cetnnty, -ave hirth to tbnee dangbtem, aIl] of trhoin re doing toit. Guy Mitchell, a desperate forger under nrrest at îtockford. tris dctectiat An a t-ht-me toesecape b>- kAlling Lis jaiter. IliAnoAs, W'Aat-onsini, Irwa and Michigan wrt-e visit-J b>- killint- frons, but tht- -reps went- se fanr iatnr-d as tb escape injury. At Gmt-envile un epidomie ef diphthe- ran Lac brokon eut, auJ sevrraideathas bave occurred. Tht- Board cf Ht-Alth loet-Jtht- scheeis. John Balle>-, alias Bennett, n'as arrest- Pd at Iteckferd on a t-Lange ef bavlug me- At-rt-J guitesso a nuthor cf beteis of watt-lien aud mont-y. C'. N. Smith, irho kiled his aiter-m- ai, BîlnmnBut-ht-rt. auJLis 5-year-oid tattgiitev, Louit-, ras seutt-uced Bt 1De- 'atur te lie liant-t- Nov. 20. W'illiam WViddell, at Joliet, iras sen- teuced te tht- penitentiar- fer tteuty ct-are for kiIIing Samuel Beuson on the drainage chanuel lu May-. Both mon col- u't-d. WiliAam J, Maineke sud George Kauf- miu, tire Chic-ago pnintera, tors up lhe- (ore Justice J, J, Burke Bt Antoc n o chargesa preferred againat tht-m b>- Dip- .ty unme Wancien t'nandaIi for shonting at-fore sunrise on Griasa Lake. Tht-y >it-adt-J guiity nnd w-t-e fut-J $25 sud Ponts, wLit-b tht-y pid. Marlou Heekard, sgt-J 40, JAed at La- 'on, lu t-rt-t aten>-; lien'as tht- vittAmcf hin ow'n credmlit>. He w-ai a spArituaIist, and bt-lit-rt-J inie-f te lie a medium. He ft-il sick, sud rtet spirits mored Lim te use certain dnîig sud hbobete effetta cure. Tht- nmixt-ure wi a mstrout- and posonous Abat Het-kard dit-J An a feir mAnu tee. Olliten CGoldetn rt-turned t tot-okferd f nom Wiconslin w4tb M.Ir. W. H. Derbain and tht- girl site ist- ha rged witL abdut- ing, MmIad Nledlar. 'Mn, Drrhau tras plat-el under $5ffl bonds, irhicb tor- fur- rilshed. Tht- irisonera fine defant and aay tht-y tilt mn aw'ay ag-iti if tht-get a chance, as tht-y are deternted te go on tht- stage. W. D. Stapin, a prerninent attorney- ef ltoe'kfî,rd, wtrarosted Ai>- Deput>- Uni- ted States Ilnmshitl Johnt A, Lgan.uito C'hicago. t-Larged ndtL ivting su offen- sive dunuitit postai card te Harry C. Souithgate, fommer>- cf toa'kfomd, but flot enîiicoyt-îlin a ('bicago batik, Stap- liin. t'ho iiiid hoe did net know tht-me n'aia Ian- igaiust lA, w-as taken An Chiat-go for aht-nring. A Led>- found fitan Alla Monda>-, wyu a Lutiet boit- An tht- temple, w-as thît cf Edw-anl W',rîlswoth, cf IHotclninsen, Kan.,.nho dixappeamt-J freintht- Clamin- da, Iowa, Itosîtitat Sept. 17. WNatîs- wortlî's mimtd w-as affectt-d aud for nine utonthi Lie was tculnt-J Auinthe- Indepen- dent-e. Iwa, asylum. It ins cniposed lie bt-at hic n-ay te Alla, A lttem fias foun-1 n-bitltt-lt-arc up t'liemystn>-. For fire muentts Lewis Junstice bas fini- gent-J An tht- Marshall Cout>-joIlifer stealint- a bicy'cle-. Oit icr>- araiAiliii occasion le madIe Aore tii lAi-el Gmt-en, i iu'etî>' doniesti', o-ho sr'med tht- prisen- t-n th-Ar meals. Tht- romance Jt-reloped otiAIprisont hans n-t-e the oni>- banni-m te liAs hapiueme. Tht-n Justice pIt-fut-JgutIl- t>- t., a chbarge ot petty ltmet-ny, paid a dlue of $10, and in a baîf boum lRachel Lad ht-r Justice, te, Tht- fret jail dt-itvery Peoria Lai cape- rienced iu a leug ime occunved ut 10M3 o't-lock Ttmesday uigbt, four- priseners, William O'Brie-n, pt-mine>; Patrick Hart, tbr-e charges cf higbtray coLLer>-; Bt-Je Brown, tire-ny, anJ James Retd on, bur- giary and lntmceuy, escapiug. titnlanet kuetu Just boy tht-y got eut, but tht-y pickeJ the- leck lu serne manuer, Tht-y tere lu tht- female corridor, te thichà p-lace tht-y Ladtbot-n transomrred ou mc- courit cf tht- trotded conditien cf tht- jail. Cenductor Mon Doirell, ef the SLort Uine-,saysa aimnuliving' ai Simpson lest $9W1 te gmt-en t-oda men, tho mutt hlmi at PAnckneyrilîe b>- agreement ihrough cor- respondence. A har-in tas trtici b>- irhieh the- Simpson man tas te gAve $000 t-ccd mono>- for $10,000 cf the "queer." Tht- tvrk cf countint- the- mont-yiras be- gun and tînt-n the $00W tas up ont- of the sharpens gmutibed ait tht- moetyAn aigt-h anJ, ston-in t Ataire-in Lis porlkets, ti- fommed the Simpson min Abat he w'as un- tAenrtte in of tht- itti, sud At le "equt-l t-"le w-ould sumel>- accompan>- tht-m ta the peu. Tht- mari n'sast-nl>- fmight-ned< and, with a sigL, lie gare up aill daim ta hic t-ccd mont-y sud started for home. Tht- teilint- guecte isiembled at St. Josephl'î t'hnrch An Ptenra Tut-a>-mcm img anJ the- neddint-breakfast Lad htetn prt-îared, bttt Auton J. Thiers, tht- groom, t-timnteot, and Annie Burlet, the bride, faintt-d auJ tht- gueats dt-panted frein iL, t-hurt-b. Father Iteetter, irbo w-as te have ht-ou tht- offiiaiAug clergyman, adulmeased tht- congregmtlon anJdhile tht-ut retumi te th-m homes, Frit-nde efthîe bride songht te console hem, buît for heurs ahie remuAnt-J uncoucion. Thiers Lias hee drinkînt- mot-t-ul>-,but n ne ie stppose' lie did net lntend te appt-ar art hec proper timre. lA la report-d lie rt-ceint-J$500 trom LAs father sud $300 froin tht- hride'i father wtIAL mrhch to set np houarîkeepînt- Rt-v. James Pretomn Green, a Presbyte- riait minuâter atifiheihina, Me., ias clani Jestinely matrried ut Qtiiney te fiallii Bumîh, i wealthy t-Ami et MeureCity. Misa Buîsh bac bt-en kept Au coufint-mont b>- Lt-r father, aithonyL she As cf emgo. Heu father objet-ted te GmteuLt-t-muse Le n'ai poor. Tn'iue tht- couple trt-J te elope, ana tht- groom Lad marriage lIt-t-ses An three coulities. Saturd>- tht- girl get itsy feLe- 1-h.- - h-eL-father ba Ive Lt-sen, andi Whe»ie t baund-A Leurmel a" mi qli vnet of the t-Snie. Goldetn Texi. -"TLy people sitaR b0j pt-optle, auJ thy ted ànY Gol,-» Tht- t-seon thia teek nliAstàtl' 1: 14-22. A swetet vision of Christ tht- home? ls tht-re sactred or hort-ly this aide410ovuiV1 true Christia home roaniadaOft antit-ipatet ht-aven, go guam i t,1 that tht-n ve seme lime avako h. tht- instintive esuollo. vilI le, > homeiie! Tht- Lt>- ord te the bedY etfRui returnesi, V22ofouul.so1«»B. i~ thongt-LinAsJease, beuvenly Mopui» MAi fender, Hot upliftit lCrut. - master id thy bnibad ,r1 A good îvorking dîie e!ésbge«' 'CLapt-,1.In the furce 2. lu et», #eld. Cape .A horne, Chapter 4. At the gale. uè rapidly ou tht- thole, h Aid a be*t»; love ator>- of h. lt-at- ato, Am I bt~ mates to-diy'a love ator>-. T". OW#4ý tryst witb tht- t-eietial b4s~< Whoue naine, liie thait et Ba, strett. Hoetrnita atillilan oal0s felds. Go ferth te finul him, But fftatw'* bat-k frein an allenutlime, e-hh Binnt-his oitn. Orpairt-et-st-nah.t ebutrate sinuer, clinging 10 the »0u4 Rultht-e peitent, st-t-hAut a btter a aW-'ý t-y aud i home, B>- tLe anient hav, lui ordor t e reem Boms muat ho botk 1Ma aud et a hrghen station lu lite, Uise -'- lena "part. of tht-booi, Ho lAs Jeans tbot,- H. makea birnself mont ntimite hIllieu kln to us b>- takiut- uponbimf s-a' ture, Yet t in lainfinilely bIght-br at au te, sAuce Le in tory ted, Tiusidsbu *llbW 4» save, Able and iling, for tihéliouh'e Runth Asn arirtual nabrogation etfI)sut 23:3. "An Ammorite or Moabite stail net enter Ato the eongregation of bhe Lord." But irhat cou».net ho on t-rounds of jtmtie as noir muleposaiàbl >grSeO1 WLen the- Moabite Ruth entera the royal famil>- tf God's Isvrat- sit-eht-coene b fort-rutier cf a migt-L>-multitude, It 1la a ind of trophet->-oe open gaies te tht-e Gentites. AuJ bot bit-h tht- exautation 1 TheiI.alM' bt-contes tht- daughter of tht- King and in. due tintethet- tieroetLuts, Onut it .: noble mtrt-siou, iu tht- gracions purpep of Goîl, conit-aat lait tuat oeeWho 10 n'ot>- to e hocalo King oet inga'fm Lord cf ]ordo. "This id tht- Lord's dolssg auJ t la marvelous Au our eres.," But 18 ia trime, Wt re tht-chidren ota KAne Tîte stor>- bot-ms titi departaro ti' toeitlit n-bit-h lstht- frit ebaptef tof t-eyen-human lite. Tit- dt-.rtlen et Iw'm94 b>- Eittekel and Nuomi lu the ilsyt of faminet-iAset tht- samte tAme &ympto e et tht- Jeetrit->-of theimes and go*I t-estive of tht- maturel t-vil Lent -of*It ht-art of man. "Ail me lue sheep burt. gone astra>'." But tht- stor>- euh #Irai mth tht- prodigai bnckInIth emu~ eo- Lend, tht-m tht-rt- Asenougb and to>tmBe Hot mauy are the intimationis se et4 gospel dîspeusation! Thnt deveut oye glimpuies tht- FuaLer contint- out te ~m« (Le repentant soîîh on tht- vay, am" bsntbp revereut t-ar tbere are abepierd emli-gil a voie s ayint-, "Corne unte m%, auly.'thot labor and are Leavy laden, and I1vii lu -( yen rt-st," It la. a lore-atory pure and simpde, am" tht-re are these îvho @mile etItlIa lu-e plcty. go aise w-IL thht other etew' ldyl, tht- Sont-s of fiolomon, But be a liant>- te t.aud Yeu iAIt n mite but rathermît-tp wtALdeep je>-, Perbape lb& chihdren lmughed a litAit- over moltkWg toret-tters put ami>-. Wht-n la ater dmyî theten-der sentiment tireed lin hbf own nbreruts the>- oi tînt-matt-r aàIltit more censlderatel>-. Te rend ibIs love item>- rit-ht t-et tht- love of Jeans la yens- otu ht-art, As s pratilailessen, sinul> lie seeWot cf a happy boee We are n danger t-f losint- our Âmeican home. Tlnat voutd ho at-retatlesa te att tht- world, for eUt tChristian beomes Au trot- America e. memînite teneh mankind ' everythes'. -gmtat lIt-ls ofetblesseduensanad pt-ate, Let ts uake ranch of tht- suggestions o tstîcred, quiet honte lite la tht- aripturu be' fore ms, auJ w-mm îLoe .that corne'o'lhbl tIre sacnd otour voleet-ioettht-est -u ibat are menti-g thtne Aiacmriety e the- home. Ve ht-ar mut-h et tht- "ut-t omta» r fiLe doeu uet lok mut-h hie ibis ml sLe îrotld probabi>- dt-pia&Itt a»d* hnunble ta>-s. Neverihelesa t doet- cse a nd htarts gond 10 loik upon thme lii. et *our simpleit-rad etBethlehem.,Ruti, bis aimpie and Ilut-uos maid, iinîahyt auer duitit> fnithfuiuesluttblle tilage. egît-suint- noil, and iithal prettily-sotter e tht- reapenrs; a Lomel>- piture andI bouti n fui for is Lomelint-q.It l 0thhebe*eWe. ,I ]y Brkt-groom aIse peised mvth our lUtUl ýr hyaitiit-? As gays George MaeDotiuI., 1) "Theu ian' 1, thremîgL aihe b.pIlîa«udr ghccm, -Aers îLe t-hurt-h a sit-t figure comael 'DOinter,' lA tid. 'thon sîveepeet veRf my>-flor!' 'It le tht-Lord!' I a'ried, ad sut no mmer' > Next Leso-"the CLiIJ Snmuei,-- I. Samuiel 3: 1-13. a Fiaitb fer l'-day, d I the- tabAL for to-day thi- t mati eLotîtes bîmat-if not au .1 y ludirîdual, but an integral part of,. il gmt-at human race, ai men et o»n No ptrien do unlmpot'tamt au O hfect the- vhioho, ail 10 o hledoW t- t tht- stature et thebAli-t ' r aund'seudren. tmen, lion artlb ,a of smîtLtaudsoumItTIy o ,i it lb>-st-nies tht- mernînt- Un i tie naud tht- unfathemable t-abaty. -

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