Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 4

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ý1 W b. notesi liaI le t" i MF*awr lu Caban valonscs ho rd, 5tbave dIipiiI iitba le J«ermlnie, Os, hie tor lcluga Mau te kil fer P$a. Serves bet i nîià mwdr thceaSU et tie ev vomnulasV ,--T hobpUpnacmcPoutpublisise le -% Pape" reguianip, lustei Ofb 0 *O&mtau ma emawt',page. b avtmtcotm ea agriculture mips ~ ~e,~opl 4f ifferntklnds oet =, le bis outqr. Jou Thers, #Novooe« grffs vid- i th. Slm atrementis veM thot pOo,00 vrti morec tb^ lieuvo ue.-Piliaielpila i Eete H mens te b. an odter Wvie 696%,b"g tIeo ei bybord lAmes. t 'Osar et Sweien la sali te have1 a yeyspiu vliceiila te b. pe-t. = "n e .composer'a personal , wtha;viereupei t hoAmericin bfuaper remaria liat I i vib. Woothlbga: ev, au Oscar- conductor. ".ui L. Olmeub telli e public !i» ýi le olaJetxulng fer bis ovu ben- thber beucit t the credilter rý*Ï1%lk pâblbbilng couceru for 90ibhe iàumiished lie tunanciai bock-j 75~t"hé smye, "l a abarderi Wmr *en the lav. It cinnet cen-j ; 0fer l a ia 100 cents on the1 0W ail 115 cits unover outlaw." Heo ~ gays, "Prom My receptlen thua W_*M confdent tint f 1 live 1 eau ei Îf the at debt vitiin fout pears,j 1*e viaidli at tie age et 64, 1 eaui ioea fresi s"d unlueumb.rei starti k Wê" Wbeu Mark Twain vrites Ibis W oieus and very acrions eimnest he choata bîmueX lu s gery dlfféenot 1@c freintint et the profeasionai sfiÎmk . T, Tere la a berole side sud ý7%UIb.lcaide as veli as a iumerous Me t tIs man. May ho survive te, NOMitat trern sud ulunmb.eei kat INe Turkiah ambassdor basatele- go&bJ*verament the substance Z ;*41me IOçsIt erv c h isbai .,neit @iUisbory. relative to lie Ar- m*?Mx quesion. Wom il.statemeut t ou.ffl,>- tformed Lord Saisbury mePrela net epposed1 efOm eéudeméeed iy the lBerln "Mad »e*«94 'but Ib0fTurker veuid ~~t ecoaentofArmenia by an ~S L commissin. Knevlng ~~k Isb t leftI teei, veud WWér put thaeetotewmsaLte eperatlen, Wd &Ilsborpapproprlatél'la nd "~Ur Infermed the mlnater ltaI If vulie th. position et Turkey Ah 1e* b.e f nenuete continue tlie-lu. 04%w. Wi1II a liaii peclaration tuât t t Perto pemated n tic refusailie *vCrS ýWeuid carry eut the. reforms, i% liaI If il rcststod tlicm Turkey t4ffe diauieabered, he polltely dis- s4 lb. Pertes representabive. This = 0PMbusiness.Turiey vîli pieud g'thimsbmil t oa acarvung wvilc 10-uM.JA,.exisence lu Europeas a Is1a»paer. Tbere Ia eue blesslug I~Ila the retient censervative vic- ia PWsiuc Argomaut: The CalA bomasvertet ofarticleg entitied, P*wwt affséns, by Bd- WK Ir., 4Adamo, biielt a armer. The WMlla v, article, *~A*~s'*a~e.hise puty eninks: of 4,.I are, 1 asi: Wiylas aneétiesd proteaslonai mima lilxurt*nsiy han ve? M'Ïidk ire .W mm t ve- y sud to0111 bei tino? 4ps Nv urbupianaver là f b vcrace u& tien comnis tbrlvhng upon mAiavat erthle patient, ne. 'ta o tobit. Put b is 'f t h inve vo westrive lu iccause tiey are net '" a vo are., hep mo e ho and ve..o net.If ticybuy a 'A q9t e e v yul w att couts *MWbeM thep sel 14 hep knov ~i~tb.y have maie a prMft." Nev- laMer vr»ia vvtheu. There la JoUeut uInov avez "lhar ~ephcfermera et Callfotuis ~* yla expresacitor tien. mcrmpatbr expreueei ton , or' thle o" keeper, t4Mmn, tbo amn Umanu- x6ibymt? Have lisp neOt hoAi l.putb fev peste jusi * bav? "Ob, but lisp' w" ven be thie vsily. W. IL eT am rtypabp, sut dus «MI beu Idu êsbut lu Amier- Ita. C)«rmsy>issjust been clebrat- Ing ltgnat victorie.en orhenty-flve rears mgo, butne Frencimalk vas tieré.L taly, bas beau ceiobrting Its regoneratio n d victeoriens uiillfimtioiik but «niy the oeepart eaes u lIDte' miemuonil. celebratioor et latgrand epoci-makling ovent At Chiekamauga thoee ho foegt agalnst e"ch other gtheem IW&ainn thle AM Of et al and elebralsi the bevimm et both arnies. Suci a reunian le a aublmeiY impressive and beautiful tbienetofn« utonAously compact nattonal teilomp und&r thceue banner. Blaveny, whlii could have se sot brother 01gaunst brother, vitinugbt aiseunder beaven ta divide liem, vas a bai l ting; cvii sud only cvii. And that te dead. Il s a mîstake, a national s114 vbliih, vile t AIistcd. mceusdear. Uven the vitf tIs anuultWtloi. even tieugi Ils ippeai vas tth i e nbe4 motivez te, vblii hmm nature lo susceptible, vas iled viti borrers. Iréaven lave us fron tiheneSslty et auy rePebitionl ot tien. Meauwie the. several Stkte monuments vere'dedicated by the Gev- ernors sud otiier civil as Weil aLS Mil.- tary retitesentatîves et tic different Stitea May tbey stand torever, te be vlsited lu ceming generations bY Ps.- triets from everY part efthle country, te wbem thep shall ever speak et lu- dîviduai herelamnenver surpassed sud et a national frieudsbip net again ta b. breken. Monuments anyviiere tuat cau de. tuas are vorti erodling, aud the. fltting dodîcation eft tem canuot fail te b. occasion fer renewed inspiratIon unte ail goe ctlzeusilp. Whetber or net the dereliclet olteie s are ln reallty the terrera te ocesn voy. agemu thon seem t e b.nlutle lans- man's Iiagination waY b. a question, but that hey, sbouid b. exterminated as fuaiaspossible aimits et ne deuil. Fer thousands et miles tioy float Ulke gions up sud devu the Âtiautlc, nov goeoned by tie vievies. vlnds, aud nov by the ocean tides or the gult streain. Tiey are lhe vagabonds-tbe trampaetofthie deep. il Is sald theiz average litela but thirty daY., but lier. are weii autbenticated instances oif abaudoned vessels tuat have kept atiout fer nearlY three ye-tadrlfting lu the mneauhlxne tieusandsand tieusaudae O miles Oue recognized derellet vas sean al dlfforent tines viiere the. pointu ot observation vere 7,000 miles spart Nigila th te arveet lime oft hese ses demnus. Aiment hIpereePtlble tO lie eye as tiey dont vater-iogged uPOn lbe suirtace et tue ocean, great éhipi fuiet lite sud be uddeulp dasi ni> qn thon, sud lter. issun end. Au effort la nev bcing maie te arrange a Plan by vicb lieVUited lStes aud Great liritin $haln uit. t e etemnate tie" moniters oet he deep. Iu October, l18l bongrese passed s reselution authoris- lng the Pretideulte omaie su interna- donal agreement vitihoh several gev- evumoutu interested ln the navigation efthe North Atlantic Ocean, previinj fer the removaloet ingerous vrecks and derellcentuldo the coet agIters et lie respective couni-ea berderiuît ou liaI oceon. The plan ment approeu by lie maritime exchanges lu London andý New Yerk la fer lie respective gever-uxeuts toeoquip steain vese0o moderato tonnage, but veil bulît and fitted ont vieb aail searci lie oceui tar aud near sud destroy tho doreiietz viiemever teund. Short shriftla1 te In given te lieue terrera efthle dep. In. tornatienai patreis like tics. venuldnet ouly proteet lie great ocean lin.. el travd* but Inigil b. able ta, affend ald sud comfort ta vesseis Ini diâtren.The maritime nations cînuot b. botter en- gsgod than lu brIuging about son. auch plan. t r L r er W. le »ie Words Yea-lfied. Abeut lveuty-bive poireu aacertain loeuicmanmsbroighl a suit agahusI the Seti Carolina Ralrosi for dam- ages te bis property. He o 0.1tle cas. lu lie Superior Court, but luslstei epen carrying It te lie Supreme Court, wiere i. tcpresentei bis owe cause. He begau. i. argument by saping vimealiy: "May t ploas lie court, there le an ehd French adage wvilcisapa: 'A min vie la is evnlavyer bath a tooi feraà client.,'I The. neat vcek tue Suprene Court pronueed ils deelsion, vicb vas ai. verse te -lie Sontherner. Hoe vas lu Anousta ah lic lime, but rcceived tie anneunSemnt oethbis ecnd sud final disappoinhuicut by moins etf5ahoegnazu sent bilm by a promneunt judge, vie vas au Itima. tniemi et ila. Tic tlelgramnruad asftelevus: 1"udg- ment for deteniaut lu errol'. French adage aMrmed bi, Supreme Court.", A Lestbov-V.vered Plak.. A deciai nevelty lanthe vay er plane easg-tie Invention et s Mlvaukee mule dealer-1s ou exhibition lu tint qily. Af 1er sevenal peroistsisud n experîment hie iovcntor bit upon bath- er as lie meuh attractive as veilias lis moal durable article for incasiog piam TiceInstrument vas ut lu EnRfaie, Tbe cohen et ieathcr selectfon the byst speelmon Instrument wvsas s îc blaçir, bandsoel eebossed, glvlug lthe imiiadsaior e quiaito Csrving. Noî onip doca tho instrument tins lacaacl preseet a mail, attractive &Bd digalâe& appaience, but At: isa hie aivantage of beluts ueîethlOg lu hnisi that cannet b. raarred on potted. Sai 'Baeboduie, ~auusvi D4 ds»rvO~5e*~elp û ý ý s .. 'h.e oabýv b" W Mlamelunuuealu Sevet'aldbnà7ania isp aneemployed ta stick thc brIÇkS, sud theZ do e Work nsahiy m»i veIL A vlter, de- mcrblng a vIsilte eueneofthtse Yards, sapa: Seatterei about lie yard otei "number etf Itosia or tIwent are von- on and glrla i von),.-.iosr figUnas, their, faceasd their 111k, vies lisp dli tak, Inicate cleanirirtaI licy caIne froua sutier country. Tbeyare trom Pelaui. Net eueeofthlen apeaki a ,verd etf Engllsi. Tbeln dreus la ieu liii 1btis tble modem ballet girl. ,The latter ah blast I volt hIsand btouanor etganse. Tiese voues Ot Ibis brik yard bave notier. Tbeim I 1, WOMEN AT WORK IN A ftocks ef ceurse mîhertai, stop at lie knee.,and a loBse vaist ot some other snahriaI la gathemed about the buBI sud Sieulders. Oliervîse thies. emen aud girls are as nature maie thon, sud are Rs bar. lu feel ns Du Mauriers !rIby efthle Latin quarter. Thelr limbe are as bare sud browu aud crlop fs lhe roofs oethle houses lu lhe vicia- itY iiere thep lve. These vomen are ah vonk stacing brick preparatery te ls remevai te lie kilo. Tiey are lie vives sud daugiatara t lie men who vori lu the yards sud klil. Wbileh men are asieep tliee omen con. out belvoon 5 sud 6O eclock lu tho e muuig sud pick o»thie brick-vhiei the mien have a >, uiput 6t lie day sud nlghh beforc. bunh"' partoeiiar yard thome revu et bM rikme a u g quarter et su averagebiock.i. tro ire eumWiy about ft'bf lièe. bvs. TheY rePteseut about 10,000 brick. Twe voeneansd tvo girls pIck up thèe revusud stick thon undor a sheiter. Tiere are tram heu ho tventy et these sectIons et nova, uccordlîîg te lie pre- vieus day's vomi, sud lu eveny section ther. are esually Ivo vomen sud Ivo gili-not alvays. Thep are as apt sud qulck sud securate asuan avenuenis vîti her fancy needie vorn. They seon. te do tlii vomk ithbattange content- ment. There le net n day lu lie voek lu uasensbie voilier vien they do -fel ceme eut ho MaIswenk. As betore gîven, I requîtes an heur. Thon tiey reternu ta lhirthomes, preparethie mmnlug mesi for lie men sud the mou con. tote yards te grIni thie cay, te 81 lie meuds sud te hp devu lhe nov- maie brick ou tihe sauiy level. Not a Joie. Led ou by the comlc papers sud the iiumonous paragrapher for the daliy press, env people bave been Inclîned te taieas ilgit sud facetious viev efthle as prm ,Ml Fvpme Prêf. M400614 Wvhob*"i5Sea8tici ougi s jtudFy otthe malter, aays"bat> there are about tore-ozx tbeuaid trampe mev lu tuis country' sid tbat thie itmber tg constantly lnereasoissq To support this borde 9f vfgabonds conta the country somothng like oO8IS- 000 a puer. Indirectly theyp ptbably, causethie losa etfaa tllarger amout. woraa than thus, tiiey feram a potipa. tehlc scbaei et vice and dieess. The. rosi tramp la easiiy te b. distlugulshed trom the. uneuupleyed -mnn, e ceut dovu or deapondent. Be doe« net vaut te tise lantheo ved; be bau founi biereai level An the gutter. f1e. deslmes only te est, te drink-to b. CHICAGO BRICKYAIID. druni. pethaps, voeu be thie more se- enrate piraseani t. b. iet alone. When ho tallu te satlsfy bis vanta, he becemes a dangeous crîminai. In In- iana ast apring tramps toik achual posession of su enhIne village aud drove1 Ats lnhabitants tlethie vodo.1 It la lIme te lok at tbba subject Seri- eusly. The tramip le a publiceuemp; Deep @en Thermometema Themmometers maie fer takug thie1 temperitume ln moderstely ieep waters bave the tube Incased lu a copper cyliu-1 dem te pmoect It fnom luqulaltîve gobsic and f yencontact viti rocks; lier. lu a r4ng at tue botten te vhtibsufllent welghls may b. itticied t suuk Ilb readUpy. Tii. cyllnder bas s long, nar- rov doon in frontoet hie scule, vblch mnay b.e penod for th. eadlug, and lii ion closes witb jointe se igul tintt1h. cylinier brînga up the vater tron the botton viti ils temperatune ptaehlcally uuehauged by the waters limough whlch it passes. Wiutew Wats. Shirt valsts of voolen maleniais viii bc lu existence thîs vinter as muci as thoseeofvah goeds veto lu nummer. Plaids are muci lied fon misses sud young vomen; changeable effets are eigeriy sought for lu ail uinis et goi. Fer Instance, mcd sud biocebcangeable walats map b. venu it s medoems bine akînt, vamplng the. stock coliar te match th. skirt. One et changeable green uni goid map b. venu iti a black or green akrt.-Womanid. Steel. Tic metiod ef Iuiaylng the haricai steel, such as avonds, iaggerm, sud inives, vlth goli aud silven vas a se- cret procees ages ago lu Dumuscus. It ln i secret silil, kuew5i enly te a feu' Syrian artisans sud thein appreutices. 4~ umn»vle arot~ u iiaôlo "*iithosth the I5slad of Seta= la oniy fourteen mileslua xi.l1ar -a no leu. thani ow ligm athé# -lla -habit its ecod, andppu. omot renù torau. beyond the clip limité ait.. ulghîfall. The. Ilrsb.maU.f my arrivai beut, wvile oui shil ay. lu h 1h bl>, 1couid pluln]Y hboat the moarine: of the bied-Muisty bouts aithey pvovle&around thé onlikie of theb cÎltp la, mech of préy. Mr. De Silva, the native agent. h"llog lo.atéd several 11gev.' traits, ve mlavted on foot wlth ab~out flhty natives the follaving morning. Tii. tlp to th. firsI 11gev tralitvaswu iy #ie@ or four miles, snd ve arrlved et éteispoint st about 8 e'ciock. ",Aflur locatlng th. trall exactiy, aud linding the atream te whIch th. 11e uIbreak for valtr.uh nlght =kuavakeing tram is i&l-day sle.p (tb. habit ai tiie 15ger), vomut about naaking aur preparatïons. In thé direct paet 1 h. 11ger we dug a pli savon feet vide, ton feet long sol filteenfeet deep. but much longer aud vider at 1h. bottom than ab the, top. Ait thé. di dug from the pi& vas cavetuily removed te a cousider- able distance by tIhe natives, sund tbsy shoved great cave sud akili lu .not leavlng auy external évidence of 1h. tact tut a big boie bad been dug. A lot of bamboo @trips vers niaI lai&oervthe pit aud these cover.d vita dry leaveu, imade t. appear like the general surroundinuso. "We nexIttok three bamboo sticks about -tWelvé tout lnu-lengh - and piaced Ilin the tom et a Iripod, lu such à position as te bring the, point ofitho tripod divectiY aver the contre et the pli. Fromt 1h. tep et th. sticks soine efthe na- tives suspended a live goal by a cord barely etrong enougli te bear Its welgbt, snd sure te break If lthe 11ger leaped upon lie geat. EveryhIg belug lu readiness for NMm. Tiger, a soon as lie chie .te go againat oev litIe saine, Mr. De Silva and mysuit, as weil as the natives, repairod te a but about elgbly rods distant sud saaild developments. Itlied been dark about an heur, sud 1 began le hink vs vers geing le odisappeint- ed, viien eue et lbe natives@rushsd lut. he bu, cring tend a beshma.' -Tii. turieus cries of the tiger lied startied hlm as wlth a terrifie voar lé spvang'upen Ihe auspended goal sud, going .down willi ils borden, sank Auto lbe mercileas pitprepared torilé. Ignitlng a number et torches both ta llght the vay and te forestali any aI- lack that might pesslbly b.e Made upon ns fro wild animais, v. Pro- ceeded in a bedy toe i.pi. The moars ofthe tiger vere awtul. alhe turiously trlod to lesp upward le gain bis treedom. As 1 have alroady ex- piained le yen, Ibe siteofetb.pli slanted luvards lowards Ithe top. sud at every effort the 11ger outlbe beard strikiug hies oee nst the looesearhh. -This trantic boliavior vas kept up for about au heur, viien euliveiy ex- hausled, tlietierce king oet heun gles lay perfectly quiet aI Ith, bo- tom oft he plI. Two et th. natives now lowered a bambO3 basket day. Int lb. plI, iettlng the. open side fa11 dlroctiy over lbe supin. torineo the t11ger. iîumedlately alter Ibis. a number ot natives juuiped luto Ibe pil aud bogzan cvovding ratian vitheu thneugb the. sand beueath lbe tiger and brluglug Ibem avouud 1h. basket. lu Ibis manner the tl1gev vas, ln a fev minutes lncioaed lu a bambooc basket. 'Reîuruing le tth. but ve saated the davu sud as soon as ifl aard lhe natives vent back te the plItsud llftethe lb. aket containing the tIges eut ot At. W. detailed ton 0ethé coolies t. take eut captive t. lhe cip. Betne they starled 1 to3k s look at our pnize hhrougb tb. rallie vithes. Be vans magulficent speci. men, but lb. sorriestlookiug 11gev 1 ever sav. He vas covered vitI blood jrom blits rantic efforts te gsi eutdi lbe pli, aud 1h. skin vas peel- ed itemn hie nose sud face, wile hie eyes voe alinosi entirely closed bY the swollen tacs." A T.ugh fismlaey. A journey ef noariy 700 miles threugh lhe bush vas uecessary tog the. uev blshop of Msahonaian4. South Attica, t. reacb lhe .couter 0o bis dieceso, sudh. soa: "Il vws à vary rough jurey, vliscarcely auy sloop sud 11111e food. On Sun- day atternoon, atter msuY lheurs' travel lu cheaking dust sud boat, vi restait for an heur at a vayslde shsnty et polo@ sud mud. Prospec. tors ver. iounging aneund, aud out man lied put ou a clean shirt, but P.1 voesbeatty sud giad t. seoslthe blahop. I ezpected liaI I vas lie oniy biehop lu the. vend on liaI psr, tîcular Sunday, sitliug asmidea piank ocaiug suces et 'biit-ung' vIi TUE virLEDN xavsso. tad State.sud busgsace lived la 0w-1 es% viere b. bas supportai bitoý bp selling papers. Baron vansyds-- > Wus wel acquaiuled vlth ias sud vas preneut ah tic lattars Mu% niage, h. being a distant relative oftlfi Grmon stalemman. A NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. î AM Invention that l a lesouflte Produca l..4tm. Promn Souta Dakota cornes a dser*p lion et a musical nstrument lhe lhe et hIAdi vo have neyer sccu. Itle*a lhe gultar or lie banjo typobutlSt la distugnisebp- tic tact liat Il b4-. two cennected seund-boanis, t" vwili are obtainci toeu desiguel le blond snd afforimumeleoe an altogelq. superlor qualît!. Tii. body oetlsi ustrumonî bà&4 1 luhenlor ciamben, viti lie nasal tc» openhng lu lie uound-bosri,, sud ial lie body la a msend aullary iaiy almilar lu coutGur, tice-t o4 b.; connectedirtrealnsd ra Pplus ae vood., An Interter bridge iiuui vilci connectu lhe ouIer oni-beu uthithe, nper face oet hue inse-. 'l- tuner aound-boiidbas au epeplgbq MW.~ liaI lu the enter, bol net se large ta ' NEW MUSICAL ive5T5VME»T. diameter.The nev Instrument bas been pateuted, but very llttle la knowu about I1. urne as yet. Private Roof(Gard.e. Plans have been drawn for two uev bouses that are te b. bulIt uptown en tiie vest ide of New York for privats resideuces, and eacb oft tem la ta bayfe a roof garden. This would Indic&te that their owncra intend te apend part of the. summer nionths ln New York. 1 "I kuow of no better place lu New York for a private roof garden." ni the. arcbltect of eueetfthese housue, 1'than the. bigii ground on the west mi of tovu. Tii. bouse tint 1 am goisg to build will b. four sterles hlgh, and as there are ne hlgii npartment build-' Incs near by the. roof gardea ontbe top vili b. prIvate ln every seuse oft lbu- vord. It la the. owner'a purpose ta-" have t se srranged thut be may have his or bis dinuer serveil tbqb, lu varm veatiier. Undor theneeleu*--- stances b. may forget that be isjo am elty. Prom his roof b. ca o iok ev« Riverside Park, aud acrens. the rIe, ta the Jersey shore. Thtis nthe c-I part ef the towu lu the summ, 4 kuow, and 1 expect te see.m nov rideuces up there equipped vi» roof gardons." moe. The lady vas uiaklg nome reameî81- oLbent-"he klud ofetlotheasnoe~ ladies at cclii bsd on, viie11be«I4 baud iemavked: *f "Th in b t girment a wooean " wear la the mautie of ciiarlty."1 ;_ .Te's," mie muapped, "dit'es the cniy one.nome buabandesvat vives te vear."-Tt-Btm. WgesIbear eJenks hg&. vern Ù i l *eout of d Wies. gles-Weii, be's covaiu . strb vdu'tb. out of daagsr ustil ýnurse bas ubee tkugesl lima gene away.-%eevIleJt 7I )gr&. Mink&,ý-"Isu't la quser auttioe bit e of *ry a. Iffli an.k . A 11, ùe Ss. Z "» Saton la utavfi- but bis 06p ope rm *a& nake bi m sppw eet sandP Baron vocs ydev lasthe -u»D fanons 0cm. Wimllamvos sxP4pwA *10k à puomunent part lu the, 5Aktw Waterloo. ejeluedt hi 0eMM*O OtI anm MOI age, and fer hie vau aivames te lie tak or tb. Su&chr Hissais- H.eW*»a oujp usadeate mlans, sud b.*oàI amout tRio members eorileswi mnt toe xpeusive. Ibu 180 ami Ibis contry, sud lmuioilateW I Compeany B, TveiftiiUlluolit"-v He vas viti Ibis compeur la me batl«asdurlug lie civil var,aid >u te hic tank .f ciaun Aftr a tev pears b. retuna4 i is nMny. but Smoncame backht t I

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