Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 5

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~ é ~ et eiylady onée, 1 ismer not ome poubtd -'Ibo di né. M et s Wa ont glseoid p. si *.- a «»u tor m lother. I WMlir usk ete par. contempt - spntbis *Ject offsmi* donatue--w. hairerlddén lar te.4," mmd,:"serire falm igltIn1, hobroeéouiowl. vil)$@* wbere thé sta'rs lok la, 'vil a cournons gesture, he sMe ýn #'Tséedei, (Cfoir, -~ Ai Wvés at .useéml; îpoethé sme le lm thé chney cornera sud 041 boglate parcelé e ouare somelblag t tlrofflbthée iglt. aSoootii. léanl tck upon lte bundielcf doasko f a prociala,» remArked tée Lapishi. *« ehugls irmide, lsé heéysan flédhe t tme maire Yonr aon'aexcuses. To _ WU i'mlght fall5 1k beod to tebibnde,.get thé bélIer of Ospain ,JaSobus inea Îd aoite"-And yen, airf Cousé, dot thé plIeat- highly tenerarloüs énisrpslsé for a Youn ~ &SWéépé. sthi a vowéd hlp bond for au houri Unchain the od Adas, m, though I aay k. But 1 muet =~ 'Y- résWoà"tina oav i Md giv bilmn a runi1 Trust me, you vrl you te isae my daggér ont of him. and te à41 emltImpsséwiea bhiei hàs worid thé boter for no aeif.denylng an dlean IL. 1 thank you. Now add your ýà th mete aue tileSu thnk exorcisé. Whtl 'is o olong"Slcyou purso te thé bluani, snd pa-ck il ail cavé- & L '0« live lapart; vote te collage tust yout ingerà have for- fuliy up acile. Iî's Limé for me te go, Sas - ,psnsaaýndthiuk, vhlle othérspra ud Lot thé fééi of thé cards. no gloasy and thé song laye." àlofltickiieb, l'il warrant, Bit down, young "Corn,," returned ibe other, ouglly, Mig huléviile te boy the head and woop. man, mit doseur and cut for te deail 1k. sa lit'. taik sensé, Captain. Thé crop was Mutevlndv, bi a eavé sfaos nt of uoee M falrly nlrnmed on 'te ros-d, sa yoo miglîl Beit -idowe , tablyeao e Thé mormenary silence tai foliowéd bave des. youmaif.You ca't smean te Whéas, throu itoslnc tth trlmasbroken by a tbsy click, as théea anwhlddlé yonr felows?" Vfài%4oghte ieceo tesezltcockéd a pistol. "On.60 the ron-d? Yen surprise me! dnait, Thé baldi jeung man starté aligtly at And yét 1 b.d sorne kind of ean iuking! 1 The flUeOeil, the aound, te recumbeni figure on the Ibsi Il wasut eutlrely paston bénealt I Wh ré thé dea" faces et thé vau"sOd Seule openéd iIls oyes, sud tlitire ex toose besutiful back ciothes, 10," aid ,7 iscitaged a glanée, so rapid as te hoiacérée- the (%ptan, genialiY. -ta* la asni emile seron, a sem cf tes-m. iy perceptilte. "-Why, of course! ot course! gentle- -A qit room-é quiet boari of pliasce ,81r,»" nswered thé Young man, Sern. men of the moud, Dike yoedtsifaithé W lah érth and ses; est!>', you loucit me nésrer titan you oid mai, brigitenaini uoMeibat at thé à litiS. écrer-baut à giirnpe of héavén, knov. I amn natursil>'es-gem for socia friéndUluso f thé othee's loué. " But divéttisemenle; and I own IL méemua bard pasrons tie'ire been for théeIlt six months, An angel s company; lità isalgle traveler liké yourself muet ait just te impant a uitile conldmmc."I 0, O, ast sontl, O, levret pure a-nd and îwîddîe Iis tiumIsbe bcauso hie feflos "And bey did il a&l corné about ?" iu-Ic White, - é guéais chancee beh clergymen. Tel,te qulred Captait Jacobus. a MtAI enan y Dse1félth b 'G o y o il ls. Befome 1Iwva sman growu, 1I ..parsecu s eweréfor six menthe," ré- l gavé my word te my fater neyer again te peatéd the imposter, "iu Kingscleré yon-, -Chambers' Journal. tooc thlie carîls."1 de." Be jerked bis titurnitovem bs p .~7 . -,'Joitnuy," tiroké in thé oid gentleman, sitoudet. "Did you neyer té>' thé la>', 1 Iaé. I give yotbck your word. Do as your Captait? Toethavée1 te eigh111y strict Iru &silo& 8811886 conscience bide Yeu. And cali 10 rement- white Il Issu, but ll's a gond la'! s- goud lui braucé the Bouse of Rimnuon, bonny." iay!" Thé speaker eriied, sour>', aitlte li DY L. COPI oomoenFR. ,Nay," natd thé captain, pléasanl>, récollection. "Bighiy réspectéd by icit pî "msay no mocre. I would neotlié an ecca- aind poor, ter. vas uotbing good enough of Aihgthlitlime s long put ml&. sion of tumbiig te any. il vould lie a for such a brace of sminis as Johntuy sud s- figlaligItis ver. mtlliigieaning from Wtoudand pitiés to risk a sojoumn hn purge- me. Fst collectionq every Ssbbatlt, and saci * bud te shulleru of thé 1111e blind aie- tory for téeske of a lumpévv ganse of thé poulmy aud hutler aud citéées,-wiîy, bouse bard b>' tée eding road, flot fsr carde;" and, cockiug te ottér pasol, lhé velilved ike s- couple eft kîngu, except forth flt Wîchester, -e ssptain iscobus, laid ç9ne oun titéer si4e of làkW-,lietéilquer. Tour parson muet bc cruel C eiing gentli>sau, judged il prudent le éen- Thebleaid yoong man, a good déeni flue- upamîng of te héue-bowse. That vus vitéré ter- b> te bsk dont lu conséquence. tsred, îrew upl a chair and et down, wip- te stipe pluche-I.A But ai lest eut chance Oo 'Tb.*Ikmvas a hbouse outcatil forthe cap- ng tée braestof perspiraion fronbis cme aiong, for a giLrl of te place vasgo- Pl' toles, and thé landiord a creature of lbis foreiîead wt hbis coal cuti. lng tele martîéd te soeé osted cil in O ov, u a slméten eslei o I éoéem o et ltée Winchester. Her men-folk vere out o' ni ,C(rmvweBl' soldiers vere rough itrdlng lité pleasure. aitougli 1 test yen vilii ind mue théevs>', aud vto ifi tae scot lier sud or etentfit b I hhoovéd a gentleman of tée but a duIl oppouent," hé maid, wiit a ber mother-snd ber dowry--ma two Ca reiéte urecaution. ladeéd, int euht- ghasly atiémpt etI orbanil>'. "Coulrne, ut Il pasruos? So, one on eact aidé, nil forf mauiceof Capil Jacobus, iî vas no lu. Iet us to'. Isut heartil> gisd of te op. test of you, Captain, we jogged alouetilli b elpificantlemt ithlie long score held b>' porbunuit>." nigitifall . . . And Itéré ve are, aid I ai hlm agulua the Commonwealth lit a "No, Do," said te captait, huffling thé offering You a third of thé svag; sud ed hisgéntiéeman §houid omet mes ~carde. "yo are forcing yourself oui of vhal could lhé fairer?"w éapeléed te sanéak ie bis inn b>' amen- isuér geod nature. 1 are i. I vili bave "Ton doge o! Egypi!1" bégan CaptainthI la entrance.Aler sabaling ibis boene the no mat bWen is record ln beaven for Jacobus, it s volée tts-tlade te guLasse Cr ésiua otré lt ktcén wér teme!1" ring, Iwouid you makç terme viih me? c lInsicrd, s- itîlle, dark remunuofea mun~, Nol a jet, nolts- litle," reluîuéd thé By théehés-vens you biaspiemé y<qj saai w» à short pipe bélvéén tis téétit vas other, yul auobfequious alacril>'. -And atip yourseéf of évéry doit! 'TIN You and t WAolu ea"d Ire, bueylng hirnel! .mid s- I1Isae il grésil>' us a fayot you shouid play your like bing diegracé upen tenauses ve biter of empty blsot s ad gréas> plates. viti 00 ruty an amateur.", o!fte King'% gentlemen. Are tue te keep aopn hor in ie employrnn, thée "VWel, have it as you viii, thé," said thé rond, viit cure liké you saspping ai lx Maor odded te ie patron vîthoul à thé caplain. -And whal ehali we Caiilitée our iteels? Wtet! Ton vooid decoy et vord, t te same tinté jérking blmstumb 'iLaké&?" Ivo poor ladies saion the King's highvay, la oveýr bis shoulder towards thé haif-door, , Shanl vo ssY-JMtobuses ?" eaid thé sud dragthlie ver> riugs froms thelr ingers? 'w éboirevhlcb a square of thé panéled walbs-Id Vouug man, smooltly. You vould poscit on tée maser ot Captain tj et thé Inn parior vus visible. Captain A doubt crosfelite mind ot CaptAin Jacobite, take possession of bis insu, shsarp a 3ecébu. vthout furtiter hésitao,vaikéd Jscobtisand iehé ooketi up ebarpi>' -I téhe i lit ehecarde, andI shoot hlm Ibrougla prospti> neitéepsrler. speaker. But te bs-Id Young mani vas te itest aflrwarde, if hée hadn'l béen a 'Tue long, low. reti curtaiueti toom wasibrlui daxg h ard, bhiewitel match for thé hWli , ar, tye o lirUlylt> lit vii a vastéful Profusion of face creasét inl a tbous mmile; and thé ciappér-dogeous! Ailttai you vould do; oacdie, a line lire et vood rosred in th captaita could make noting ot bis ex- aud, wlîen lite gels tupsides viLh yon, yoti IOmpisce, and, standing caie b>' aide, vith presiont. bave thé bravade 10 iulorm imof k le the*r hÉs ltelite blaze, ver. Ivo very . Wiy, yes,vltb sil my bésr," rtunnd hie face, aid te offet ibimas-aalar.!1 A killooooly hung men.,dreed it thé dé- thé capltait, "Jacoases, cerlainly !" and ubare 9 To me l"sud te ors-tom lulerpo- ~i bsci gar au fsiingvitle oisr té b ena settléd te tée gaine, thé demr- lated soeé bghly.mtimulatiug nattas. "A aeld b' hé reeytria miieéruaigyman conning bis pIlay with thé ment ar- share! Ton sallaitte, nowl I acilly * bscw day athe at sbthedr h.A fdisons attention, often lutching bis Js-v your pockeu on thé tablé. Také off tisst pas vblis avesud vothieabardmohnelan d dpaning le coitidér; and tecaptait, ring-ff vilhit i-i-t tOr thée inger. *yoagér vwu dean shsaven aid almoel bald, viîh marcel>' a glanée at bis band. itou- Searcit thé other racal. Nov mtrlp, thé no thast bis gréai head gliseetd like à châleniiy taaing bis carde on te table. pair ef you 1 Quick about l! Amn I te lnise eg ha thé irligit,, thé Ivo resenu- Thé>' plsyed vthont exchaanglng a dance a-tndsucc tapon you, vbiie you ffo eésch octhét n evér>' particular.vîi word; s-t intervuls a amouldeting log broke utake s- tolél? Put thé dlothe on thé Csptan Jacobse"o off bais bat, hàand fell upon thé héartit, disengaglng a ire. Sol" mté.png gémur, aid hersan, vi soeé h'îwér of parkg théecubi clergyman Thé Ivo men, eonelmainét b>' thé brace âov t dlibraton,10 ntitekl ai îm nmieaiin the chimné>' corner, and tée of griuuing plelol smozziéls, esippedte 1 lapon tbo table lais uverd aid Pistoa. Thé nIgiti vind rustied in tée trées outside. tti hrs u yd0uslne h ivopasonsrewita th tautevilt aAt ireI thé game vent eveuly; bol, as the face of te eider vas fluîahed te a dusky gu raveiintion, thé youanget bovlng juelnight wove.on, s- hitle heap 0of gold hégan rt;bseé huel i tsi iei b fa"e.of lime héiinti thé eider, aller a t0 Sccumulsle aIt thé elhov of thébs-aid of blooi from bis bittén lup strésked bis r moas.htary glanée st hlm; as if (thouglitiYoung mai, lu a manuer le the captait white beard; aid thé youinger totleréd te Il thé rapts-l) thé junior h-d:mo livel>' s- hsbit quile unaccoonltabie. Tué douitt in ie ant ifre, vilt a deat-vitl face, huggiug It 49 sutharvieuco taete Senior tht emhé t- md grév aid priceai m. He hégau bis woauntied baud.L tad I uncoasclouel>', e.ecîinthémuette a vaetthé other narrovl>', and préseu- ,Nov,"sid (s-ptain Jacobus,"yoetit triialéitona Cap"ainJacobus dispoeéydet' éectai s piece of ver>' défI manipula- stIIladé my torse tor me, b>'tundr!" hleamrlt oosforalysapat thé ette lion. Tii. igivayrnai saiti notting, but, Kéîgheeco h vh oe agalut théivai, aid calied for aviné. Op- tvising bis moustache, leekéti thé otiter te thé dout. openeti il, sud whsîiéd. Iu- Po" te ahlm, thé travéemu' sailîtés were fulil it the eyéa. Tteccient binkéti, vent stand>' theré vas a cisîler of honte, aid i pbd, togét ihélviitheir iting closks ad ver>'wvilte, and glanceti eviftly>round at bis iblack mare ramé trotting aroundth iec gret sencod ais te areper, vIte conîituédti e score pis- corner andt Iampléti ie te roonu. Tteé "Truaou ats.l Ifr etlmn of te ciil>'; but thé captait, t the moment 0f Captain stood b>' is herse's heedatimlng( eaaaock,» remarbéti thé capain. "Have caoigacrd niv111 îmlghetéeiién rlhs 1.4g ih roc ne tst etf highvaymén r' esti, mv thé olti man's eyes open vidé thé>' strappeti on te baggage; and vbén1 'lWe put eut trust n thé avorti cf thé and shoot au auevering look o! méanlug the>' iati doue b.e led thé animal listte Lord," repliai the eider Clergyman, ai bis son. Thte incidentl passeti se quick- rosti. taI tean onlooker tée pause in thé "Moud Mu t>'irmmop, Gidéon?' sid thé .,And ot gidéon," ectocti thé youngem, gamse voulti tave héci barely noticesblé. Captainte10thé taplesJoitny; and lu-1 as a un, igit volée, exîréméiy eut of! aptait Jacobns, under cover ut itée table, cludiug tentbolit n a fiuai exhtortation,1 kéeplng viit hbie bulk. unaheatheti a short dirk, aud lidt il, naked.- "Thé landiord laktes youm cage for tée ,Spoken ver>' godl>', aid a mlgbty un is kure. eckoufiug. But If evér I niéel Pu ont onu puet>' sentiment il, observAithé captain. Soon te pile of geld piéces hégan te lité pad, lil shoot you dovu bilé vémin,1 roflinag bis liquor on bis longue. --And tivindié and change slsais uon thé table, se sur s my usn se Caplain Jacobus.1 yet Ik sieémiterne Yon runa muething of a-1 vîtn euddenily,asute bald Young manS-tand cléar!" risknotvthmandig."laid dovu s- card, te Captalu, vitis- Andi viit a haussd lie vas gense, iés-ving d*,,n oit oai 1," tm e litéolmai, I aili, drove hie daggémtrougit théehacktée . ohaf-dsd raesl a pré>' te thte viiimuci t rasuilit>'. "shoultier te ofetbis opponeuatandi, deep listethé Oak.buîainc Im tettr, nith ahonidet, have besleti thé devil these man>'- -Net &gain, m ut>' co1>I!"hé criai. meel des-dl>' discomsitur. f o!id>', aiid s- yem pu "Thé ms-n acreamsetiaid feul bck lu a secéue of thé isales i igosa iste ina- 6'Yos-, even vitenlte trs-velth sbosd in eveen, sand attésoanialthe otéer pérsn en asin 0ftte iy r esyug up ndhie cgra- the guise of a mbier," thé otiter chlntéd leaped te bis fret viti a cm>, vuuppung a né>' luolitée icirtira augit, ai Ir e a 1 h t, chééttll. gm-estote-pistoI trou a lmi<h 0 it Inersti pliutlt "Ah!" ogd thé cptain. "But pérbape thé Captait vas btoqnlck frplustk et. Bu t la ntisol ecr.. apanJaou ymnvrmet Vspain Jacobue, the cava--hé cantld brng te pondérons englus e teckI lsaipon hreritte Captoait a hbu uer, vito mues uhs ver>'ruoad fronm Rend- héar, thé ighvaymai b.d caugitlbis trlnkeis, anti, acéortiing te bis muler in hg to Whetr. Thé>' l'eéballa a vtlet vith oe baud, sud trust théernuxzle uucla Case, oue-hait théMoule>, te thé * vrydoadi> spte agalut Puritains. Thé et a pistai into bis face vitit hé" thér. rghtfuI evitere titereot; and tita thé *~ ~ &éiaetdsposaemed lrnOfet1 ais ute, Thé clergyman'& véapon exploded harbsa-m-thér hall vent lie thé bottouleaspockét Iv, hbard, and ieh vowed te pragmatical bernai>, thé bullet strikinglte celling. o! King CharIes tée Second, tIen living y**ls sonît I j->for Il smoig then." '-Now," sitCaptaI' Jacobus, rele.aing ver>' privaiel>' in thé cil>' otColge. Fmsslg te slp bis vice, t.eSpeaker eyed bilm, -ir'a M>'luc! Ohéy rders!" lhé -da évo pa-rtouovér the édgeeofIe gis-s.thuantireti. "Hantisaup thoe s atiles!1 Au lmprévéed Sow.4 ilmé turnéd bis gaze hiaSilence, vîit h l a Staizfnesan epewa.etu eyvlal ýe, wa*ehful attention. "He busa mîgity>' Thé oi m a vitt saisglnèeani Pob It u pvr>tau-i uilsan va';vt-thlm I'nt lbth s e> r ae é-eiu hé bsggs-ge bimber lutormerchantablo shape have IAauee,-bti"is Aoeeut. Wi Attempt the Trip b7 SaUoon. 'hé pian eoncelved b>' Proefflar S. ,Audree, s- disblutgulabed swediub lentist s-nd seron-nb, te ovércome te Oecaien of the polar icé b>'bourn>'- 8. A. AXIDE. ig to the north pole by balloon, lit iklng such definite shape tbat It can ,longer be clasmed wlth visiouary rojeets. The contemplated undertakIng lu et- ractlng wlde attention la Europe, ow- ng not oniy to Its boidueus, but aiso bt he tact that Professr Andree la a ucetici balloonit and seleutii Man * standing, who would flot entertain Swld or obviousiy lmpz"slcable erne. Il@ la now lu Parle supérintendin;; he construction of the bafloon. il will ,fltain sleeping roonis for liree per- e, and a dark roQin. for photographie )rposes. Il wiil be equIpped witlî a ;et or salie whlch wlf serve to keep li ider control and propel It, and a boat )gondola, of considérable size, wIli hé mrried. A great number of héavy cables lviii ýe proided no that ln case the bailoon iould suddeniy slnk It wili hé reliev- id of weight by the contact of the Uines 'ltb the earth. It la lntended t10 make te trip, starting from Spltzbérgen and 7rossing the pole 10 the shores of Ber- Ig Strait, next year, lat June, whela te atmospherlc conditions are most fa- vorable to serlal navigation. A heavy snowstorm wouid probabir be disastrous to the balloon, but ln tthe mrly summer they are Infrequent. Il l estimnted that not more than a wéek wil lie consgumed en voyage. Thé tact tat the leev whicb surrounda thé pole and lias been an unsurmountabie bar- IBSEIRVATORY AND GONÇDOLA OP TE BALLOON. ier to ships wlll flot have to be laitonj unto consideratlon constitutes one Of the chief teasons for bellevlng ltat a1 balioon expédiltion tnay succeéd whére tb osé by vessél have been failures. A Parrot'@ Inférence. Aniong the nelghborbood storles toid and lmplicly belleved ln the Massa- chusplta town of W. la one whlch wé sbhould be slow ln asklng any reader té credit, but whicb le lnteresting as an exampie of the local wlt In story mak- lng. Thé wlfe of Deacon Saunders, an excellent citizen of thé placé, la said to bave possessed a parrot of exceptional Intelligence and remarkable conversa- tiontil powere. on one occasion Mrs. Saunders was maklng cucomber pickles. She had thé cucumbers ln a dlsh on thé kitchén table, and was etlrrlng a kettié of hot vinégar aud spicés over thé lire wlth a wooden spoon. wblé thon engaged se chauced 1to tr about, and saw the parrot xnaklng off witb one of thé CU- cumbers. -Ha, you rascai! You'vé been steai- ing pickles!" she exclimed, and tbréw the wooden spoon, drlpping wlth boillng vinégar, s-t the bird. It struck hlm on thé top of his.-héad, aud lhough lb lnfllcted no serions ln- jury, Ils effect was 10 takre the feathers entlrely off the top of thé bird'. head, léavlng hlm baid for a season. Soeé ime afterward a minuster trom antther town came t0 Preach at lb. W. churcli, and took dînnér at Deacon éiaunders'. He was qulte bald. As thé famliy and the minister sat down s-t the tabié, thé parrot, who had thte f rée- dom of thé room, came up and peréhed on thé tail back of bis chair, and éyed the top of bis head wilb a close and hlhy lnterested scrublny. And Iben thé bird calied out harshiy: #,Hal you rascail You've been sleal- lng pickles!" Whlaing blidreia. r.Mary Wood-Allen, writlng ln Wobmakind of hreaklng éildren of the bo gt of whinlng »us-- In titis case, 1 abould ay, that théeIOnt titilg to do la te sécure the cordialco-operablon Of éYéry other adult member of thé fans. 11p, Loet there hé United PUrPOse noeOr tojthechfld.titAt for wblch ho If nIr t wouid hé guéa t. »* thérwio&é.clve hini te Undor 40~rfl#~m but geute W&Y, su it » k.a e t - 1 1es F -.Ledieeuf 7 youv Weug epa . fonam't. queuta are to nid hlm, flot tg plutis hUl Th na steadily, persi.tently, swéetly and firmly, adhéré tthis pol- Key. Neyer once yléld te bis nitce but always recognîze his attéluPt te mneét jour wishes lnt a pleasaul manger. If théelbhng he waflts lu something hé should flot bave, tell hlm no, andI as- oure hlm that no amnount of whlnlns will seenre 11, and then let hlmn whlné. Wait, don't scold, don't tantlillx, douWt appear te hé elîher dietnrbed or moved by his wbilng. if whnt lie désires le momethiug liecan bave, and hé whlnes for It, assure hlm Ibat as soon as hé asks pleasantly hé can havé Il, and thén give hlm limé 10 maké up his mind t10e lé iésant. We are too apt 10 try te drive our ehldren rapldly from one trame of mind 10 another. Walt patiently, and If possible heip hlm by divertlng bis thougbts 10 seume- bhlng agrées-bue. In a few minutes hé will probabiy gel conlroi of birnueif. It in of ten a very toucblng slght 1e wlt- nés. thé efforts of ebldrén 10 gain self- controi, sometimés under thé atings cf thé tantaislng reproachés of their eld- ers.-Womanklnd. Toeluu théeLin. Thé relga 0f graded achools sud sel. entlfic méthode of éducation bas de- prlved thé rlslng genération of many of btée experiences, laugbabie, Instruc- tive, pathétie, whicb live ln thé mem- orles of gray-beaded men wbo once .fig- ured as thé prototypes of Whlttler'a "Barefoot boy, wlth eek of tan." Il was thé hour for thé spelllng lés- son in oneé 0f Ihose fondiy rememberéd red district sebool bouses, and thé boys and girls had taken their piaces on thé floor. "Toe thé mark," commandéd thé téaclier. and a rustllug sud shuffIlng Indlcated obéience. Thé uine stmé±dlied clear acrose lb9 achool room; now a pair of baré sand çdu.ty feet, next a couple of nlcely biacked shoes, side by aidé with a pair of rawhlde boots gultiesof thé iug- gestion of blacklng. Thé teacer ln. spectéd théehUéeapprovingiy util bis eye rested on onée mail urchin standing go fer behind thé otberm as 10 hé ai- Most out of algbt. "Nate," hé asked, "1why dou't you toe thé mark?" "1P-p-please, air, I am," fallers thé boy, "but I've got on dad'a boots." Sure enough, thé bée 0of thé bOOtO wéré ail rlghî, on thé mark. two or titree tInches béyond thé toés 0f thé YouthfUi wearer. Revaelas@West. It takes a brigit voman le rebuite anotter woman's rudene.s, a- general sat-bment v.»l borne eut b>' a $tm-y front thé Atlnta Constitution. A lady enteréti s-raivwa>'traiu n i toit s- ses-t ln front eofsa nevl>asr. ried couple. Site vs hard>' ses-ted bo. foré thé>' bégan ms-klng remaika about ber. Hem bs-st yéam's bonnet sad clos-k veto fou>' émiticisét, ivth more or Ioeu<U4- galng oon hebmlte', sud litote le ne bellng vhs-t mlght have coiné neul i if the lady bad notput a suddfltop te thé conversat<lib>'P, bit oftstategy, Site turutét ber hés-d, notieei titat thé bride waa conslderably eldér thau thé groom, aud ln thé mmoethesb boites raidi "Ms-dam, yUl yen plésse- have yens' sea clone thé wlndov behlnd yen?" Thé "mon" clonéti bis mentit, anti thé« bride ne longer giggled. Beautifyis-g thé Ara. For thé girl vitese atm vIlI net stanmd complété exposure ln évenîng dés Ibère le ms-de a aleeve thal lita close on thé hImie ef thé s-m frointhéevm-lst to thé holtev untiér théesitoultier and 6M thé enter site et thées-m-m la booseO ui4 puffedti lethé elbow, Tiisaléévé li matie of transparent mabemial, sud le lacéti up thé asitie etfbte s-m, thé lemit shewlg bébvéén thé corda, wite thé draplug on thé puffe mottea the el- boys, though thé braiteparéne>' et the materlaialleva thé genêts-I contour cf thé s-mm te show. Thé bodice le asdé viii sa poîntetilyoké. thé yoke isehig aleug Its etiges te lité test et thé dreas anti éxpoelng eligbtl>' just that ps-rt et thé necit whlch canet bélp being amooth, te ms-blet boy tiin thé girl ms-y hé. S3orething Bise. A London journal ms-ie fun eoflite lady bicycliel, or ms-ter ot her cos- tume. There bat beén an accident theugit bappih>' lb vas net very serlous. 'Il am ver>' uerry, ait," caId thé fair cyciul te thé vîcîlin et thé accident "but wvit can yon expéét s-t thtu perici. cf thé ulnetretth century If yen ride ,a horethat sitleus-at s-bicycle' Poà%b> herm ms-ter gave offense. At &-Il évente, hée anavéreti una aver>' dry "Matiam, ltvs-s net thé bicycle the breorné-lsad s-hs Thee Orst Engllsb vatchoa lied vélgits and veré uaéd spocitlcloché. The>' bs-i ouI> eue tsad, matirequlretite hé vount np t-vice a day. ThéedMais voie et uilvér sud btss, vile lts came vereunglanéti, but epenéd i tthé bs-ck andi front sud vere four or Ove Ilhe ln dlÏmoter-about thé aseetfsacern- met déseit plate. Mm Nuîcit-Tou cs-n't th-ink, Broth- or Ca-lebt,vhs-t s-n expenso Is been te n14 étlue gAMébS- te pIs-y the plan- uer. Brother Os-eu doiefnly)-Itl't comipare viitt vItal 1 its-t o psy out Sien George vwu "Mng te play the, rsa. And héo dm' les-ru mach, elîhor. ;-Tuige. ThéetIthhSWMUU OTUBUB--E5eb Woi sudcI * n9sré *0-u hlb thé UMoRous SAYIW#- lHe nsed te umal, "WiII y« enh q ' No more the style endeos Of woman "Inev," but stll ulRVION Hé awka, "Caut I hé yourl r -Wshington Star. WiII soeé lberms-n kiadl>' Ilehw thé bsec casa rés-h the g a?-Boston Tranucript.- "Thé>' s-y lIat Gemtruies ..... ealmost illiterabé." "W@fl, hé ehecit bésntîfully."--Chief "I vent ahootlng yeglem-da>' "àwb*I&ý as thé gamé Iaw ézpm-éd?'"Obt. 70@ thing ebse titi, theugit Cbt lecord. Smokeia powder bas been latrédmé' b s-t West Point Thé cadets veurtg t their cont lapels aftér every danca.- Dhicago Dîspalcit. 1#1 Thé St. Louis girl wrote: "Dontt lIé hé b tiar." Ber Kaneas Oit>' béas rplled: 1"I wlitbbthar; the'êu. goi word as phale."-Intér Océan. Bobby-P-w. wbat'éthé duffegélmS beveen aqua andti-er? Paw-TIbb mrugglst viii show yen. My>'sonias-" th dIfférence lo merci'l téepries- Syracuse Post. "Neyer," began bte phIlosophiléS drummer, "neyer mamry sa voman wvlla a square, protjudIug c iin." "I a v t ' 4o,"1 s-Id thé druimmer fronu Chies-g.- .ndlans-polis Journal. %; Fuddy-Te-e <ces Witie Grimée. à grés-t veman, tîs-t; alvs-lo10111 oui for number one. Duddy-AÀUiwu looklng -eut for number tvo, yen mes" '-,oston Tranacript. "No, ne; I woubdn't tiare te bavée BM tushanti ieip vitea vo moveý." "W nob?"I "Heu s-atiepot bs-ggagema-i, y;Z mevw, anti hé'ti h cure le forerlaibn- ielf."-Chicago Record. "Do yen caîl Peary'@ latent expodi tIon te thé Arette réglons s- sueoutu* one?" aaketi Busand. -"I de,"tepéfl Hlhlt "Hé gel bacit mlivé."-PIltt& bm-g Chroutltlé' egraph.. - -V 1"Hé tiitn't have the lund te prc$wu% bld lie, Béesié?' "Yes, but abs rOlOOb-, ;d i hm. Site s-Id btat vhlIe b* »A the santi to propose, hé dIdn't bàvt UM rocks te marry."-Harpe's 13800t.- ,,Papa, i kuow vbat I'm gei tuebh for your next blrthday." "WOD, u1 t 'A1 niée palubéd éasving mea""~ 1 have a fine eue nov." OI1',W De yen béés' the océan Méoll.' Ever mes-nAng, mad dntiSév ' '"ne becs-ue that fat eh ibt-ha Steppeti upes Ils uuiértow -University' Heeald.- "'Thèse jokée about the = sls.yung se labe," rernarkag- about 11M . mp.a., le m & ".Dear me!"'os-Id Msad EMlI4, b4M I ides- yen neyer geltlmé.-nIUO Uce Journal. --"Tere's one good thini s-bout lb meignhol>' day. cf auatuaita' "M Snéersby. twhs-t in tu-IF' Wh a angetea splain, ordluarY MM 11» caunlt go saboul ca-ling lb 'lisy fvl' Wshington Star, Tes-cher-Are thèees-ny ézceO t* thé mule that lidat cxpaadea"ud c contracte? Tommy-YO'u. The §m 'man les-ves s- lob blgger tvéflty-poUd ýItunk gacte Il <01 éoider."1141BS5P nse 'euis Journal. s hort lime s-go s- pabhisher broMglat pub à- book éptitléti "Advie le I»l ,Wour;n." Oni> ene copy bas yet bu*t idluoeé f, sad bts-t w« t aitesb>'1" ofi1ço boy te bis mether for curi papiS' -F. B. 198.Kalepds-r. ý 6Perfl 19 1 %lvL3m te bAI l4t dovS, snggosbed thée s-écee gtr. WI do s-ny geed," a-d té'be Bq or. "ITaite a gallof etWatrau I dovi te s- plat, and ti bvudsl nothing but vs-tm-.' -Aiua>'Aru " tThese yachtsmen den't eem very. différent frorn other people," mité a-d. as uho laid devu btée picture psP-pr "Ths-t'abie, exeepblng asuleonés,&c» ",Wbat la tbat?" "*Non. ofthem vosi. yachting cape.", -WaabugeaStaz t k "-What do yen tiuk ef titspMeIeUb ezlbencé theeryT' "I IMOv Il la tGth.- aqpported b>' tact&. For IRMRbaAe% itaa oran enl>'27 leurs c6M - oteé, thonghtloely beleabout tbb tit l bppeneti s5 yearsao"-OlS- &Iil*sJournal. "I1 vouid givé thé vorld te caml é mine," teé saliardeiti>. "NO, Ul'Eu,'5.& ste answeret kiadl>', but COM o; yq~ ms-ythink yen vent, but yen Ton conlda't bu>' be varAonei « s hundréti dollars§s- Yea, yenito n- Washtington Star. -' 111 wonlditlworm-y »o annéit mima

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