Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 Oct 1895, p. 8

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MA le oboasbeen quit. 11, Mou, 0f inunesota, la vIgit. t Lyou vwsied relatives 'sÉ raboue vork aofCbcego. invlsiting Mr li d m ILir.S C. E. I. Y C>yhCo'a nov ad Ibis bal» socs 10 b. abie 10gel ne.~~~ul leebaefnblood 8~Uog~tQeo.errick's éMd danubtlerss ea May *to El% . B.Con- Mmm»mw.Islelasure t10 tddon - mfamilyen- v"îbà weekfroni '1ýgmfkahissg- Iat b. raiaed ~l~S'S sd Oitraexcept four eým là net onelVltaomiu or loeb 14 the lot, le ZIa iih, la Miulcb asud .. Il 1 *eftdaiegates te the MMl zadmavr Conrvection aI ~UN»EE PSoela in shape Soo~sonu short noice.. 1g oguratsad. Free 010 paper vihuvery order. Kb UuMMMn% ftWUI1y bave moved Parbyq roae-bonse te C. N. pi~iage hiec in iimsve Our 4IrU r~-edo-wik four limes a 3.. $&Mmo as«diposed of plal Chioago sud I" w eek loAuiloch vhere ho bas Jocated he prbclice of Medicine sud U& hTaylor bavoet 1t be con- -Iheir uev brick block, thb. l. enevaled, atone and brick on pnd sud lb. vails il! @con be L Bran u go tequit Ibis 16 ,«làh« c îtfler. bis l9od sud (irocery. business aI l~lrfor abe. A good cbance -anput sd Bra toies of Mg sd H. B. Egers store M e up, mid vork ruahiug. *0 , b.dy for occupaley "qaMe* mlly relaie over tbe Wbbygrl vho arsVed safe, C goh7r ,0ockth IispTri- LdmmgE I m sd daaghter Imd *557udPapa takï bis *c u nprimvinge bfor Wiggpn sud j iv 1 vate lb. useéîa um aelntc . Yo. HD. .reu. 300g. oeu Others Iii do tIUwv ibi mple. ý4il-iuxuw ita omie Opera Oe, Imv éeot 10on tbe VeI o utthe nelMaud da ht f'or ties ho gel ai bisonfce, ln lut %M.Tlioruing 44wtou > bat Of lb. i.veeSU msbleet "4Com n y., i0*4 Oème On$. 01Naaerh."1 ~ 4~8umaaMilamer. b tuhum 1»leihr ef eotoiaI3olc The.yougslr gmuue aed of our lcos e ompauy lends tha t th are sedy touie10write te nIas- .4 ete: udmauy do ý 48e ,astha$ gives much botter la e-à ivl be fsr cheper Svii be plessed 10 eg#A asaltae nce ibwy M& t6»vrdsthe coraple pstmriln el2c". Those esubrcrfptlon pepe *71paid, vil! galj -en tve amcuey 8m IL. a i repayevery ii cash or ilsequlvoleut Mr Me mte .editor s kt mu Thra"ydajsgave M., to e-e ta4l mm;;Wh O.%ut lp be tea'lova. ofahigbamies ~~ *q~r ae e'uaa Partner W r 4 - fth h0cs and làcssfi esp calid Job prlligBi etaiLibersyvinfle, M. in person t10HILC. Pad-j Dqgs-o~~~p lerais, on sb»ree-Pux* Ured odd" ÇWCo .Sbep- ard >0sfcM <jtdstock. The a=e lb.bo0 oa#le jogs la tbe voreO 10f pafttml4 ima ~on C. A. Appbley At te Couty F"ým or .TL. Lincoln fWabash Ave., bicago. .1 BOY WANTED-To learu the Printer'a Trade lBoy ubould bc la le la ue of &go, slrtly lelueme, en- ergetic, ludustrione, sud £aIr eduew lion. Psy aecordtag 10 services ie».ý dered, and promotion as fant as bis ability warrants. Sullabie for0 r ansd General-o Store ýCor. North an.1sd Franklin et., Va gnitE.Addr.a, Fred I vlab 1 at iu4 1tIo epublic that 1I bave rbiljiMy Pbotograpb erlvilevareJam ov ready for business. C à :ansd 1 viH guaran- tee jOU picturea. A.B. Lzwis. SPCA T 8,A L F P 11%9E. joffey kJO ivili s>)hl1ore's sebool suiiofsd CapqfOerote, aI an extra d ~uni. J§ aJOnt, .0 c"a. up to 5 v ortb Overcoa. froni $ t14. ve alvajs e, va guarante jon entire salis lion nov also, or refond your mney. JOPPEx & JOîi'Ex, Notic-Tim Séettie. Hâving soid ÙmY bÇ nt aGibuer. sud decided t10 Ê tj , Irih te square ail businea.!asqulck. Al oviug nme onbýook seccoture.requeal- ed t0ea«Hsad setl fore Nov. 1) '95. Ail bille nol pald b date viii be put lu auds0f an a ruey for colUac- tion. B. C, HUsa*jw. Home Seekers Excurslonil. Oct. 22, 195 The C. M. &St. P. R. R. wil salispeciliHomeseakera Excursion tiokets to certain points lu lovas, Minunesota sud Dakota ai rate, of one fare plus 32.00 for tb. round blp. goy for reluru on any Tuenday o tday only, Uni Nov. 12, '95. For further information apply 10 lbe neareat titket agent. A Lady KindIy KNeunbered The 'A lady died tbe other day iu n glaud sud l itr vil! Il vas foulai hat ebe had bequestbed the wo bf er fortune. Auuouuijag le o *t th the local nova paper, lbhe percun of vhicb lied given ber mauy happy hours.' The esapie of ibis lady la voehhy of emulaton, bui vevwll not s* t of Our blonds. If they vili ouly patron- iae usniiberally vhile lbey are living, ve vil!lot theiO off vbeu lbey nmke their villa sud publiah a goodobiiuaiy gratis. Sunduay School Notes. Tbe Aunual Lake Counly Suuday Sehool Convenlion vil bb.lod (D. v.) aI Russell, Thursday and friday, ct. 24 and 25, W9. Let ail Sunday seboola be aur, to Baud at leaut Ivo good dois- galies tu, Ibis Convention. Entertaîn- Meuttfrea. SesUime table lu Ibis pa- per for trains 10 and froni Russel! ou lb. C. M. & St. P. If jour Sund&Y achool la behind ou Uns report or piedge to Suudsy achool vork. pieaae moud il in as soon as possible. ALaCE E. Surra, Sec, sud Treas. **THE8P*4lNX"I18VIERY CLSVER. B9mthing about tbe 2NewCoaic Opera thal la 10 be beardai Wukepu. By fur the mont suCceasfui et% lbe sesson's llgbt opersa-The Spbinx" the, Egyptian work by Wm. lisYnadien Brovue sud Lavis S. Tbonipaou, that coules 10 Opera Bouse for au engage- ment of one night Monday ct. 21, vilh lb. original cait Ibat sigualized ils lirai production lu Bouton, lasI aprlug. Tbe subject o! 'eThe Sphinx*- la a very novel one, tbe acenes belug laid In Egypi, sud the principa 16ma=roI. belng Ibal of Egypta deity, the Greal Spbiux wbc afir éaony existence of 10,000 ýeàr@, Ma brougbî 10 lite sud t8àason the f ovn ci a beanliful voman. ther cbarselers arc a Harvard professer. vho marries the Sphinx;-a Uglcelan, a duaab valet, gchool girls sud Bedouua, The product4on lae MUd 10bc a gor.. g o ne,,lbhecostumes andd aoery oing On a magNOlCent seslé The acenasae tbree lu nuMber, sMd are Vintsd by the fumons a&rut, Charles .ani; thie costumes are bj Bryee-Gemmal aller dealgus by L. Hi. MtoeUe sud Paul West, sud the pro. re4lss sd armor are by Etes and lNat.with eleollaRee sbj W. J. Kelly o! the Motoolan opera HouasNe oYrk. AÀrmkbjbe ac«eut ofet lu ptoduoej by lthe S-. bossa- or sabhot, the Spirit of tMi SpbIai a idenly exposed 10 vivlb.he vetuinsbrebat o! tbe creît fStoue Image, standing appa. renlinla MiM air. The conipauy lu. cludesthée vonderfuI youn% prima dona, isaMais lillard, Mn. Bd- in Steve»s, lit.Jobn . G.Rol!,in MiueDe Rue-Mr. Talluadge Badylu SE lers, vith a grand chorus cf Tecom Mmsdirect from, lb. fers~li loue CbioRgO vbee Uta no p tO g10crowded housse aiandsa"sbrought tle'Wae. be bgvj urns sdjuv Our stock is Ladies, Gents, Misses, Youth's and Baby's wear ail at Bargain prices. and Overeoats., W. seil at haif the profit usuauly -madle by clothing houss. We buy for cash and have purchased many suits and -overccQats at prices so low tha.t we ean seilita yO-u at regular whoiesale prices. SEE OUR ALL WOOL PANTS AT $175.1 Have You seen our line of Dress Goodsîif not it will pay -,ou to eali, W. guarantee our Dress Goods to be as represented. We avemany bargains in them. Our shelves are full of choie. goods and bargains In ail departmerits and we are here for business. Remember our store is the largest I Central Lake County. M. B.>COLD3Y & CO.1 Dont be to Late 'Gel your fan sCi wlnter Wcaat P JOFFEY & JOFFFY'S ',Great Cilosing out Sale Blefore everytiàg la gone. As we wilI not buy any more goods in stock. except what w. -get orders for, tili we get a new building to mTove into, Look at this statement. Men's Boy's and Children's Under- wear and Clothing; Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Dry Goods beats ail the Chicago and Waukeégan fali sale7s yet on record. It- is -the -truth. JOpF rýy & JOFFEVU AtsýO0u siie sail Qot~il Must zet out of'this climate on account of healtb. For particulars calilon A. Wl ter, UINTIL lO .n.loP. nM. sud otergIL Ss16rda@Witof etcb monUth yilnig Ijrsthra eordlsly veha~e. O.Lut. KW. lir Fago,0fChicag, apeut Sunday vibh bis ater.iu.1&w lira ifl W&ra pr.WeUas &d daugbter Mallie. 0feby Wuoda, vlted at H. L. Burdlckas lis Mamie Jeunct, 0f Dijon, Came Tueady lu .»Pend lb. vinter vlîh ber aliter ia. J. N. ]Barus. A. X. Briffa sud I. C. Hubberd roturned Tueaday fros. Colorado. TheY report a deligbîfui trip. IliuMId&a Brovu, Wbo bas been visit- lug ber cousin lla Grsoe Croukblle. returned louday te ber bomne aI -Waukegau. )Er-*Peterourt.bas moved imb bi* nm oni.leaItDlamond Lake. He bas -,deseverali mprovementsansd' expeCta to make many morn before apring. DeWalî Krammer 11« for nome liane been kept very buay painting, laring roofs 610. liosI 0f tb. lime be bas bad au assistant, ae vork le rio pienly boe ut prenent. Our furilure dealer speut Wednei.. daY lu lb. City to galber lusa nev lino Of g0OodaGlAve hlm a cilan!sd see whal good bargains you eau gel lu tbe lino of .diulng rooni chaire, couches, carpe,., rockers, etc. About ten of the membors of tbe Cbrlstlan Endeavors atteuded the convention aitlilfburu laut Saturday. Very interenallug reporte ver, givenj lent; Buaday evenlug at lb. Endeavor mneeting for lb. benefit of Ibose who could neot attend. Weddlng Carde. For Weddlug Mstiouery of tlb. Ouest il lty and vorkuamablp, alwaju corne tc tbe I»XumNRNT ePrlntiug Office. W.caage aompetîlul aca vele aspaiprln:tlng. We caufur- -fsbtanytbiug engraved vork a speci. alty) on' asloy te . u a beau 16ol- tained la Chicago. Remember, v. SubJeettoAttacks0f Choiera Morbu. Whlle staying ln the Delta (Misais. sippi Bettom Insaummer, E. T. Ws", repreur ng Ludiov, Sajior .lr Co. 0f S. Lo , snffered vitb malaran su mneubject 10 attacka naf chol rd orb lu ry Instance wh e v as lieved as by c y ~ a Cbolic, Ch sud 1D emedy. Be my. "i- regard ItthIe 'ne plus ultru' o! nedlclue.' or sale by F. B. Loveli, Liberlyville sud G. C. Rob- ris, Wauoda. " e IVA HOE. lira. J. Dykes i veaving carpets. Fallfeed isgood sud bay ie cbeap WiII FaYue Made a flying visil borne luo veeksa go. Everyone bas barvested s large crop. of potatoes. Arthur Morris bail a nev vindmufl! put up lest Saturday. lins. Dlbbie bas beeu baving s visit vitb ber fatber and brother tbe past fev days. Albert Rilty bas been very buzy tbe pat tree veeks maklug sorgbuxn molasses. Jno Duddles bob lthe bIne nibbon for lb. hast cabbages sud bc bas s fiue large lot te aell. The Cbidlisu Radeavor Society met at lillburu IBal Saturday. A losd froni Ibis place attended it. The lova ia putlng lu a culvert near Henry Grabbe'u, vhlch vil!l in. prove the. ned very mucb. Chsa. ebrl bas purcbased s nev coru bumkeo, *uýd abreader machine sud la doing ie. vork vtit ILH. rue il vitb aese ovr. Remember Ibal jou eau gel lb. Inter Ocea.nud -tb. I19DRPEISXZNT oua Yeu fut 10.00. But ve caun mae the offer fer enly a sbort tirýe, sud thal only for the Ivo paperacomblned. By lskiug the tvo togetber you gel lb. beal city v.ekly lu, the United Statom,1 sud pretly nearly lheb. ot country1 weekly lu--lb. vorld! for ouiy 32.00.g Seud alongiyour subacriptiona-papera sent 1o suy part of the Uuited States or Canada. WARRENTON GROVE. Kism Jobauna Garvey, of Chicago, la apendlug a veek s'ilb ber motber liere. P. L. lieus vas called 10 Chicago ou. Beanard Grimes aud vif., of Chics- go, viailed friends tu Ibis locality one day 1*51 veek. Mrm. X. Carroll vbo apent a veek vitai frienda bere, bas retunned t10 ber home ii' Ne city. Tbogl. Moore, formeriy of Ibis place &ae& aI hie brother'. home in Chicago, Oèt. Re vas val! knowu la Ibis viefluy, having spont hiea boybood bere. The sorrowing fsinlly bave the ajmpalby o! aUin t eir greatloma. Bis reusIY& vere-brougbb 10 Wauke- gan for lutormeut. Troubled Wllh Perlodical Dysentyry. Bon* P. EIver 0! LuceÔ4, rla, West larbi s l] sa8: MY reevery fro an of. utery, morneton 7esrs o, il deuly, ut nad e vesk  fûtof l àn Colle madDi XmRredy, coM adosi 10A M tic 84 8 l ive) 9is 40 numim. M. P.M w OrtU le7I 1 -N Ws. CET. ILTiIj~ id»Ii . Moi i i us.N kel&r 1 stý- Levilla C88S~i lao e ..s I. I id 704115a3. 04*167 1730 on -à il, Ëtý 4 1il 73os .... dit P. w atmlalis .a 06.01 74ta 1 M~ 9sltop only on ignal. Adminltramtr, »ONt«.. 7 WaukeslepI . l. .o Exooutorle Notic. 9Pc.cI IÎ= useb a lha the TLu etamen t rdy. ss etteCourt lonn.W Waukegau, iU iLe. eut . W. vil! take orders for auj 0'f the Cbicago Deily Papere,, 10 bc sMi; by mail, 10 any addreuet ttlwe-**te of 50 cents per month, Thome vbo suberble for six Mo4tba or a jea lime, eau bave the benefit of our Club Râtes, vblcb vil!bcamade kuovu on application. If you vant bandbilis, If You vsut envelopes, If you vaut colored vork, If yon vraut business carda, If you vent neat bill beada, If you vsult $"y lettn eads, If jon vant idea viug cards, If you vant vedding invitations, If jon vnant &y kind of job vork, Leave yonr ordera aithlb arnnun ENT offtce, LibelyVllie, sud baveIhm execuled lu tbe abortéest lime possible. The Cbilâw... SBleep. Bleep la regardel sathe tlme wben oniy good arrives to the aleeper sud lu the case of adulte Ibis la so; vith ihl. dren, bowever, tbe malter la dlffeot The actuel tact of sieep la good, but the malter Of sleep la not aiways op b7 auj mnenus. for, durlng tbese perlode of repose, a cbild may contract a habit of Position vblcb viii cause a lasting de- formlty. lu lb. Oirgt place, ebidren are Olten put to aleep alwaya on the saine aide. The motber fada Ibem leas net- leau n. and tbougbtlesaly laya theu- that way. Sometlmes Ibis restieuesa la cauaed by pbysical defecta, butlt malnly arises froin habit No creature on earth la more liable to babilt tsu, tiuy, eof t baby tbat you vouldn't th%;u could paswe.. auj distinct quality. & j mother, for nmn ressent peeullar to ber- self, tinda ltmont couveuleut to place tbe lutIle one on lse eft aide ve viii say, for about tree dayi; weu ai fourtb day arrives, master bahj'ýWo cides Ibere la something vrong If b. la put on bis rlgbt aide, and forwllb bo. glus to aquirm and1wist anti! h. fdowsu bimuself avake. Mamma places bliiou the other aide sud ho soeuely seles blinsef. The. 1401 Du*-Ne1e. Trhia la tbe Oftjbig me,',or &b veulent moueel'-dhst iseulla Clu, M09e . .The early Obluese lnette were luaial eesnals a imilar lt te muoê etut bani notes, bearlog thie ame etthe bank, the date of the laece, thênutuber of the note, lthesgature cft tbeOâWWh lSsuiug Il, iudlatie.s ofrlie vlubh la figure.,,in verda, sud lu pîctorial trel: . réeeuatiomi of coins or boape'et.cSâ eqfll-lua mount tu ils fou a a sud* a notice of the pains and pengfd! ir tountertelting. Over and aboygàtià-. a lceciexhortatim on 1lait ,tmrf* t"Produce ail rjeu Ma. Igni!"Tii, Dot"es , biDe moupprmade ra of the niulberrytrot- ~ ~ . The. aviiriclooo nlm4h-wuu»*. Maltin au thW ~a "SkilnSlt Wgh 1

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