Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1895, p. 1

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i v - - - - OUR AiM: TO FhAR OOD, TELL THE TRUTH AND MAKE MONEY. PRICE. 5 CENTS PI H. C. PADDOCK, Pubilaber. VoI'!'iV. No. 2. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, October 25, 1895. 1.50, inA The INDEPENDENT Lake Co. Fair, ADVERYISING RATMS __ Opae I lwlâw 18w itm tu mI Itr 1 Ioch 18&71 lm011.79 1 $2».101 88 85I85 1$101 1 Inchb1 2M 2 We12 50I1800 1 6 I9 112 1 l 3 Inch 115 1 l13800 1 400 1 7 1Il 12 161201 tnebI12 00Ia O 001 0 001 Io1?13 I12)1 25, o_1A2 2 3im 1 5 00 1 6(9) 12 1 18 1 2411) iCol14 00 16 0 1800 1101)(e120 1 35 1 40 53 iColI18o)l 1_ 211isi 81 1-40 1-0 1 -) 110r) cAr3prent addioual f,r Front Page or aei position. Local Notic e <n cents lier Uns for Ilrgt ln- unrion and five cets per liste for ~ah aul>i- tional Insertion. Thoee carrying standiur ad cean have localant secrts perlitie stralghli. Lfflls Sl.w ptrincfh for frat tiMe andmiltifY eotas per loch for eae absoquent inertion. TIse ahove rates include advertlslng ln ail live palwir. Na erra charsoe forçage mea& In iadvertisemprnls ru .n_.ylIe year. BiU for a>vertiainic and Job Prlnting are due and payable,. 151 of eaeh month. 1 *01> Printinu W> C..0. D. and Advert i>sm-iit. Cash ln Advane. ta, ail flot havnc an pn ncount ith ah, slngIý Coptes 5 ..n-4 eah. j.&i for si. Subscription PrIco. S1.50 per Vear. H. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. Dr. Charles Galloway, Office over Lovell's DrugStOre iICoLJS5Fom io 3AND 6To F;P. M. Libertyville, - Illinois.1 Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office at Residence on Broad- way, opposite Public Park. HOrltl.-7 t,, 10 a. ni. 2 t»a 4 and fito m p. ni. Libertyleille. Illinois. Dr. G. W. ALVERON Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE MOU RS >9oe.'k .ii »)ihseesof women amud Chufldr,.î LAKE ZURICH. ILLINOIS. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST*- Office over Loveli's Drug Store HoI.Us iit,12 a. en. and 1 tý, 5 .l. PILY1 '1. Lib ert yville, 1Ilinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Premiurns Awarded. GRADE JERSEYS, ALDEIt'.EY5, ETC. Cow 4 yrs old and over, W, Merrlck lot; H. W. Follett 2nd. Cow 3 yrs. GIA andti îder 4, 0. D.1 Haven lot. Heifer 2 yrs. oid anîd undîr 3, H. W. The Fire Engine Contest. EABILY WON BY THF RACINE LIND- GREN PATENT PIRE EXTINOUISHER. ______Follett lot.1 Ho1sOi uo ui Heiter cait, J. Davis let. (Copied from the Danury ' Iowa) lwiýi'w. 1 TttsgPoaHorses . ÂYEBSIIIIES . For the past year tlie rlias beecu Cow 4 yrs. oid and ,ver, NV. E. Mil.! iderabie dlsctu.-4iiion lu our town a t STALLIONS. fer lot. what ahould ie <loue mn regard to tire Stailion 4 Ir od or ovr in harnes, co 3 yra. Id and liie 4, W. E.Protection. -Wc 'lever have bcdata Fox Lake StoOrin 0u. Mlle lo anr2 . 1serions tire, as yet; but, white we have Stallilon 3 yra old and under 4, E. Relie-r 2 yrs. ol1(anutnder ý, W E. escaped. Our citizens were ailtsauie ta Pearson, lot, Geo. Vogel, 2d. Millecr iot. sec that we were iu constant danger Stallioî 2 ynî oildud ier 3, M. W. oft the dcatroying element. The recuit Merry, lot and 2d. ORADE ATERtSKIttEi. ot this constant agitation ou the part Of M.tlFK ND JFLD','19.Cow 4 yrg. 011 d nd oir, w. E. lb111- our citizens, causcd our eouncjl to dec-i MAESANI(tLDNO. 1er lit and 2nd.j termine, on making conte uecessary 1 llroad mare 4 yrm 01<1 or aver wjtil Heifer calf. W. E. Millecr Ist iand 2nd. provision for tightiug Ilie cnemy. As1 two ormare oftlier colts, Fox Lake Stock HLTIt a recuit of sncb dletermination. Mr.j Farta lit. Johnt Bradley 2(l. Cow 4 yrm. oidd u . IL W . Fol: BRî1B Sigafoos, manager of the Racine Mare or geling 3 yrs oid atd iuder îctt 2nd. . Fire Englue Co. of Racine, wls., benit 4. A. R. Johnson, icI, Geo. Harden. 2d. Cow 3 vrs. old and tnîa>ler 4, H.W. an agent into our tomiti 14 intro- Filly or gcldiîtg 2 yrs olti andti tider Flei i.'duce the Racitne Liîîdgren Chentlicai 3. Gea. Vagl.. Ist, Fox Lake Stock Iliier 2 yrc. old ud niffler :1, W. H.Eguofru u oieewt Fîîrut 2(l. Foilîct lmtchemicai englue ini lie worlid, bieides Filiey or gelding i vr o1>1 ud utîder. Heifer 1 yr. oid aud nir 2, H. W,. erifig ail expeuses of lte lter coTi- 2, Fox Lake stock Farut, ict, D. R. Folt ot. pany if lic falied 10 m in in te conti-it. Anses, 2d1. Heifer cîîlf. H. W. Foltbi. i We belleve Mr. Sîgafoos hardi! expe(t-1 Sncking colt îwiIliont regard te sî>x) cd tb have to niake ai cuntest wliîen l Fox Lake Stock Fartît, lot. J. Bradiley ild. OltADE HOLTEIS~. 1 proposition was made to ourtato ttî- -011K. Cow 4 urs. old sud over. H. %V.FI 1- cil, but lý came m sit e sAi(t,; and la NOR.SI8 ORat >4NEBAL MORI(. 1db lt; D. Lee 2nid. its cre lit, Mr. Sigafoos neyer waver.d Stalloît 4 yrs o>1< or over, Fox Lake Cow 3 vréï. <41(1and uttier 4. 1). Le iu the leaat tram lits original propost- Stock Parm, lot. Ueo. Vagel. 2d-. lot; H. W. Follett 2nd. tion;.tx-ept, that the ctmipeling catit Stallion 2 rs <.d amd induen>s, E. Heiter ciii! 2 yrs. old anodiîîlr .p&ly (The Howe Fire Eîîgite tC..of Harris, 2d. H. W. Falictist. Indianapolis, Ind.) d414 nol ask lii l MARiterAcDif, b. Lee lt. H.i .r c. bberriissexpenses. MARS AD (ELDN(a. eîî 2ndî. The day ofthlie coutest cme; wliet Brod miare 4yratoldloroverwuittso Blac~k Mlilly, L. Amatîn 1,1. lîoth companles, the Racine. wiîth t i Or more of lier colts. C. Drîxce lat, F., 'Lindgreu," the Indianapolis, wilt il Wilmingtott, 2d. Sheep-H. N. Maxhan, Sn1d. '-Fire King." took their etiltes to the Maèrc or gelditigi 3 vytý ')ld and i NtAISOH MEBIN0F.fair grounds, wvhere four bunildings iutier 4. C. Drue., lKt. Stick 2 vrs o>>1d aoerE. E. Gilbert Iîad been construcbei of dry pille Sueking colt <withoitt regard 1» it'x> l it anti 2d. loards, filhed lnside witl laths, bar- F. Mlltuligtlan. Butck lambl E. E. Gilbert, ist andl 2d. rel stave>Ççaid sucix aller substauce ais >itttltAt. HoltsEs.Three e>'ues 2 vrs oad oîîer, E. E. suoulatd ihum rei'ntiIh lih Match tesa 4 ii'» les hatt Gillîtert lit and 24.strae it east î~ ani Iigi,,Fo Lae î,,k art>. Tlircc lminhls. E. E. Gilbert 1,t. The couditioîîs ot the- contsill as 1.)2t1. olpOsFx LkeStuls. ii, ixed thIle towu coatîcil, ucre as ist. C. B. E jstiiit . O tDSoilows: Tlieiitor buildings ucre 10 Sîigle clrliage hî)rs- ' <r inire 10 Buck 2 vrs 4>1>1and over,W iitîtaler 1>4 lie Iired aI once. Eac1t coutlaîivwa carnafge. W. P. lickirsuî, it I, i'n<svotl lBuck lanîh, Wttn. Cater lit und 12d1. t» iake a un of anc lhousns' fi-te SS.t,2t. Tliree >v.'es 2 yrm (oId andi ver, lViî.aller the torelh was applitd. Est-h iENTS tutI t41 HOliSES. ('ater Ist. uîîuiteutt t uolierate bi4 enigitte as lhe flaiîr getit-% driviîti. lt>r'e t o'îl >l' ste.t tIy adat r i%% lit.ThlicIdistance- beini n>asîred. Wtt>. Braîiti.sleltcr, it. Franik lBrown 2d- Ca'-r ist. tlit1w>) efgitici uer' piatced lit lte Geils dirviitg horse olr iare ta 'rr'>'latîils. Win. Caler iii. '.tat lng point, wiîh cigit in a lupull lîîsggy. W'. Il. iu'kî'rsîîîu Ist. Fox Laîke- SiaaSataz. Stoctk Faritt, 2d. hîtk2vstlittia-rM i ta> SAVLLF.HCOIitE,. ist andi2,1. Sale 'horme ( i anda 4or îîuer, W. Buck 1 vi-r <>>andunudtr '2. IM.Il. i E.Walki'r. 1>4 A . MtiArtlitot 2d. Stonue ii,Wtt. Cler 241. saldiu 1» uiiy I I l'. 111haitttb-. Johut liiiîk Listî. Il. NI. Stonet, iýt. E. E. Fryt- le. >iliiert, 2>,L Boîy rideriidruîtîr 14; yrs. Lv-stui liatNt-v Thre<- ewe.,2 ne aid autîlau tr. M. M. ist. Elîen Liwrnenîi'2>(1.' Stone ist, E. E. Gilbiert 2d. A. N"iiii -r. Smlt.-l'iin' BrtI'dNi trunatits., Flîrcee ui Ivn ititi andti mmui'r 2, M. M. Stoine lit anti 22(1. irAuLais.Titri->-lunîls. E. E. Gilîbet liX M. i. Stallin i4.v,, ( A r ovu W M-,î u('iit(-r Stîte 2di. Attorîiev and Counello lIt bLaw,.......................... 'ist. Ht'iir v Caten 2>1. NOTrARYPUBLIC. tSalîn2Yr.î > ii iitîlîn . W Sî>"'iil a't 'l in cli1iVI,' (.11 ""i 4.- aaa'i latter lit Office with Lake County Bank. iîuitailt Libertyville, Illinois. Miss LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. - TEAIiHtEUa I-i VOCAL ANDO ALSO DELSARTE INSTRUNENTAL SYSTEM OF ...- musc.... E LOCUTION.. BEStT METitOttet. M(10T eEÂAKOABLE PF.ttES. LFbertyvllle. Illinois, MEar-,ii:S . 01! 'tit lin> t> >îmarc >'4 -i ns <iiictIltltsit-. 'lalin lovntiit1.. File,%. r g.'lulîtug 2 ins 4t1,1. <'Iits hî'inl lt S tî-ka t tg vi> t. Jlta 1> 'îîtlaaîlit. 1 ' 'l tuE BEED 4 1.1ESDLALE.. tti) lii tî-14 v.i tii oritu î'. lDaivitd G rilh(Ut l .t. auI ii2>. tIti41b i t 3vn, ,îl iand Inmtd,'n 1 David G(,nthi. ist. M uAES Ol>t*i LDOli>. Britiitltmttc 4 vrs i>,lîi tl t> unr MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. moit oakr>'u îtncolts, Ditvi i Gitlitist. Gr<uadafr of Anseirtta ('aasxe;-rttoru Fililin ort'diîg, Davtid (ri itti Iii. OI4iAiaE (OT.SWOLDS. T hree ('ce'a 3 urs. <tIi44and i' tr. T, A.>2Gilbert Ist; Franuk Hatri it t ii '2îîl. T hnei'em s 2 u*is. <titIand (.%u r 1T. A. tIltnist. Flirt->' lattî s.T. A. Gilbe irt It ut; ti 211dl. Goiat aii.1 kil,. Pat lBt-atley l'-1. To BE >'oNTIL" ED. Ti.ui' ct'k ut'lýe 4iipulIi-.hinîa. it i iit 't>'t u, t e l i t (if! r>' t t ias ii' --t uttht' ri-eut LakeCt'tit% Fair. Tht-rt- are iotut"s stîe enrr'.: luit tht-v am,- ut t îtr tant, as tiie'report n e p)iisit correspounds nit-h tte'SS>> 'cietys retu>nl.s. Muîiy miutake', t-e iitîi(eg <lt - 1 îîsîkq, uhieh lth'es-tr- tanu' thatrgtes t tht- au ardnag commt- tees. of Muail - --'OlMI RAE.Is Vour Time Out? -TRAtHES 0IF lrolw e4viodoroe Vhit-oit'exanmine lte dtie onthe>'sot- VOCECUTUE NoHAMOYtu» orun ure tof liencolts, L. Attiau Islt. de I ag»Of 'youn peper. anif Volurtt Lbertyville. Ilinois. lMare <ungeidiuîgs 3 yrs <>1>1orîn uden 1)snstrmptit4u ltas ex pîne>i. ieneuu. asus eth'"iigtm"mtlu-beSpllli - ______ 4, H. W. FollettIslt. * - h tui3titlb tat tu g- Fine Kitng." A feu'miutues liait 4 FîiIy ta' gt'lting 2 3-ns <>1>1anu ater 3 a nueis-cylinden lpness tii lin li Ieo'-cktebrh a>apliiunfr W. H. APPLEY, H. W' Foiltt. îaîen it 1 .>inie. sO.Ct>' nntc trî a sapim anbtforb ENiLI,11SH iltttE O> 'it LYESDA LE 4ataAl>ES. BeterTha Ev . buildting ati uhiali 'thte "Fine King" . ..AUCTIONEER...MRSOi %voi>i itrBterTa ve. "s 1 tu rk tailed ta igîte. thils giv- Libetyvile, llinis.MARES Oiitigi t yns >111 ai T le noautntlion Ibat the INDE- iîg i imt amiue buiilinîg ta 'ark on. LibrtvileIlinos. Maes r eling 3vr oll ndPENDENT r.'> cîual tu thelitil t ier As muon as t'th lu<nci it-e veli clant- Hsvlng lad ut-lt experiene lut 4_' nuiter 4. Jlhi tit-n ist. I ever published in Laîke Caîuty, lutit il<'. a lîlîtal nas finetias fa signal tla the tiuening i inte pixelseventecu yeîîns. Fili 'v tr geLI>ing i Yn r1 tîid ti>er 2,-, niii b>- gnatly tîtîproveti anti sunîtais muni nht>ere 1<> dun-the eîtgineî, 1 n pepared t» attendl sales tutsîtu C. rIn-t- lit. tiI11tîutpetitns utheu nwe gelt Inr ieu%%,îaîtiui-av bey ' nt arttuutthie tructk. part <if Lake anti odioining Ci>ntei vaasît. rrh3. cyliutter psluni oeuied in aur ueWittlC-e. >tutking titi excellentt race, uthicl lte ut vetrv Lau' Rates. SabtifacltinGiue't. Fiitoft uwtrkiag hîtuns-. iJîîîhnmili Ail neus type atd a imoderu eqîuiplunttSpetat>ms îjoyed 'try niuith. The- anteeti. (live nie c Cali. ist, Hl.W'. Fallett 2(t. o!flte beit unîteriîîl wnl enalîle am i t»uin c itli titi 'Liîialgreui" eillit' toan ltrî t mttht'tint-st JobuiPnutintîaIlte rat-e Ii.u'snele tl3' set-ands Or Cattie -Wuî. Birnt-Itt. Salit. ren>astntle prit-es. Stick ta tht- INDE- niant', lI. Sigîtaus lîtiîg ilint'eaîi- Ralph Darby's Barber Shop rnN adyuwiib l..'et, r>))eiteen fte oe n -b -lcmttn' lieat .(] lt- Bl 3 :1 i->. olti tr tu'tr. tD. Lec-<. jThe- INDPENDENT liatti ret'tinties lîîntîetittiti- clittîai tuit1he' Ini iiit BEATH SONS URNIT.'RE SORE, ~ ..~ ~ aimany sublst-niiers iin Centrel. Sîttlh-bit-h ly tiis tie uv'e cotîtîuet<-ly HEAH SNsFUNI17E TOE, 'ORDEI)*llluM. este-rtn and W'serntLake ('ousîttv ii 'ît'cal iltuta5uuti Of fliuates, cuti Wltere gon tan always geto our i o*1v ldad 40.Dai mpttr oiiesut(,* s ii aagenlbrIitecOw -lviaHe alettleano! i ,Hae',sî.lt. nu roai ftor argumtuenttamitauvhit-Iî i, saiticouldtl tîtle savt-d. Bt they -I heLtetsyl f h-Heifer i13'r. >4<1 attîler tn2, D. Lt-e.!lt ebitsiiit'etiqilg lmettiîn. jati- us-cn' mtuon tmdeeeti,as iluthSinty TONSORIAI. ARTiST. ioîs. utes tieît ilnidtot lue deceivt I bu'se-condts bath tires n-eme completeiy (livo mg astriai, I n-lui phait, iti. Heifen t-al!, b. Lt-c, taise ilatemaents. Ve are preîuared ta uisternatral attd luten tminîutes not Bapl ary,-Lihertyville, 1.-t '.N moeardiu>tîduiieavam llt race o!ftine coulti be- seau.Flic lu iuterested parties. hnliig --t lieaîigli 'n BllI 1 ir. oad tîi iîtdtr '3.C. p- .- -.»..-d.---- îttlcitaned. sanie o!flte littînts beiitg LA KE >1ý pIt-!y it. WARREN. loitiieti mesly titroîgît. TFlicrFie iCou' 4 yri. oui antd t)ter, C. A. Ah)- tIli ttrtni- tudhoulate for lait wut-t-i .1 ing" wusi t oanivbehliti ini gtttlxg QOUN rY pley, lit; 0. D. H-avent, 2nd. lu the ire, but caso ilut îtlig IL ont (ouv 3 yrs. ahd antI uuder 4, C. A. lMns. Charlîe Bat-kus bias moved frotti uî!ler it tlii gtlhere, tttkiug aiii muth BA K.. . . ple.iliear tanin talber Wîiukegaiî borne. tfisî tluntîfine as lte "LinuIgneii" tiit BAN K..... lj4)er 'à2yni. an uindemttr 3, ('. A. Flic Warrn emteey afiociatioli t> tutt. Wright, Parkhurst & Co. iAppier Ist sud 2nti. utet nit Mn->. Henîry Nibur li t l auuîe t'atcuttefIhtie]1 e neting ~ Liertvile, lliois AHefe 1yr. aid ant imiuter 2, C. A. j week. FTienext meeting nfliluhe thet-hteisaint' evenittg (Saturitiiy> antd am s IM ietvle lios plyItad2îtd. finit Wctlnesday itu Ntventben a the neuahIolte tontesl, pîxrcltaseui Sue -0 Heittîr calf, W. E. Ml ý lit. homnetif lins. Chtarles Laiînlu. "Liitîgrei." antdl ue nîuu feel susnen'lti if ~satler Itti liettîne. A tire colinpatty tias Issues Interest BarnG rIiiiE tVtgituli0 Te enit'tilselect i>,rty at (;r 119c igeit'tngtitiizt'tl ut1h lin. Rotlt-ntes- litBOearivei ng I Hll uvas a sut-t-tsi. Prof. O'Couinen% !of tl' a,; thi'!. lIn. Sîgafotoslots given Certificates Payable ,(iuI -..>4 nIuuc' '.. i)- ut-go. futnishetî theu ntii.Flcti'-'apmt tttltiri-tito pîe s:0D ae n 2d.Piasuint' Clubi exîtets tii gite a demies tliti'bouys feel huit tliey couhl battîle on Dermand. Heifor 1 YT. <()Idîutnd t' eï2. IC. A. a! parties dting lte eouuingig nter. titi-tiint'pntty effeclively. But ne -Appiey lit; 0. D. Havetu 2ii.Tiecniiiit a trldOt15ioehttvyianvrhvet Heifer c.l!, W. E. Millen lit andti2n»,l ottuîl nussate c.î5 îîî hu h>ync ee ttet LIGHT HARNESS 'hulientrttsiu ia n oi tt t.laiîrta) ievien', Oet. 17,'95. AS WELL AB JEItSEYS ANI) .iLDERBNEi8. Strang, uf it lhbîurn, tamlliarly kuîown________ NETS AND Bull 3 yrî. tld sud tven, N. Knelî- as ututle Jake Stnuibg lad lisen cttledi LAP ROBES ARlE t-Irlit, ta bic iho>me on higli witit a ton houri porCîuioatlon. NOW 'IN SEASON. l ull iÎ3r. tld anduit mmten 2, IL . 'ou ly o! sîuieienite n'as gtîte. hvet Ftîlhtt 1litanti rcgreted by si ut tîîy lisi lîlovedîl rîtcfamsilles of te Jaîtauese uvîo feuf ------Con' 4 yre. oand s ot tvtn. If. W. Fol- cmalncuissiibddughbm intheuilit>' t-ai ipailgu utgainstt ('Ina are CHALESKASERKEPS HE. iîtlit -two sictenssnd (oite rturîer leides Inutitaaious tauiiosscss maine ne mains ................ ............................ Con' 3 yns. tltiandt ven, H. W. Fol.unumerOUKnsePhews oaud tIeteî îtnd ao h edulrltvshwvrnu lot;lot:- large t-Ineeof acqtaitance i itornoftti e> eatvs ouc-nm Wilieu rI ssnpllghnee, Reier 2 yrs. olti and utuden 3, Wm. lteir great lois. lin. Slnsng niw >7Iamtt. aotevlag h tlidso( nSpelîmanreaiin isIneeSela o: R. W. Follett 2nd. years 014d. lecensed soldien îolenîînly brouîghl bat-k you kuov vitene bt ind bfm .aReiterlyr. olé! sud under 2, N. -a p~- cîaîieu unîxu tastened tul en -clIeg- Xretacitumer; R. W, Foilett Sud. M'e are nover o happy or unfoîtunule the iQnIv portion '>hlt-l could lie ftutd ~at labrtyrtwe, Ilu. Reier odil, B. W. Falleat lmS as uve lhlnk ourselvea. alleerlite ouvuer n'as killed by a abol. GRAYS LAKE. DEEFItL. Mrs. W. B. Higiey visited ansongiier Geo. Zahn Ilata home. relatives at Wad..wartli sud Rusel Ibhis ia lfetwa l iec week. Mâ ofr a uteel day. Mr. Bldley lias gone to KaUTm iRO ty, uraeta1e Mô., in the interest of the Rock Island 1Mle pn od Raiiway Ca. ICtity. The W. C. T. U.. et Ibis place gave a reception ta the Uions a! Waîîcondaà,I -antiocit and GOnue lait Fnldav. lira. Barruaq, o! Rockefeller antd Mis Mammie Jernette, ot Dixon. were guesîs of their sister lin, t). Richard. sou thi, weck. A new barber shop Itas lîeen opened lit lthe lasement a! Mr. lRoss' lieu building uwftl Walter Beak as pro- prietur aund Citas. Lupberger as mnana- ger. Charles Enelker, a! Palatine. viied liii brother aven Suîtday. H1e is pre- paring la niove bis tamiiy iere lu Feb. on the terni that lie recentiy ureîascd, of C. Whiltehead. A large t-rowd wasin atteu>lance and a very pleasant atternîau spent: liaI the least o! the eujoymnt being the verv btîuntliul repaîtt bit a a emaken a! ini the lecture roonu of the churcli. lins. Riaut-y anti Bessie Bayd wbo ucrethe delegetegscent fraux thîm chttrel ta lthe (Coîgregati>inaI convenx- liain aI Rogers Park gave a full and vemy lulencstiug report at lait Study'i meeting. . Bmrgulars exencised their imust-le ou the doors a! Grayslake business bouses EmuuaSchwab va»lu te J. Fuxney made a trip t50 fà Monday. D~r. and lin. Knaack vl,4d-1 cily lest week. Hcenry Allardt ' of Chicago,'vu anc day last week. Amîg. Wolf commenced te OU the yanuonage, Tueaday. Mn..Vetten and <aughtern spent Sîinday lunlte City. Wiilie Barmnoâ is at honte, ji a severe atback of rbeumati. Fred Ilayer aud Charte& E were uit Despliles, Tuesday. - Fred Scbwab ba reeelved a0 of coal bo lieat bis green ltOÙa& Mrn. Charles 3Par»n& à" asi V edder were in te City, MM"d Mmn Somps, o! Chicago, vi* flumiîler uf local friends lacS 'iéW A baly daugitter at Fr. bergers8; tbat'c wly hli la80 B. O. Wilniot. of Colorado. Je i its p)aren>ts sud other fromh abouts. lamt week; but lio seriaus dtîuagc wac CharIer Ttlicon's horse tries loue. lionday nigit lMn. BîelîsI away tbe ollier day. He 4141 lîlacksmitb sliop was braken ii but ct-cid, hî,we ver. notbing uvas missed. A box O! boîta nd allier Ihlugs was!oud luilite MisMyrtle Hoyt is vlsibingb yard wbere lhey lhailbeeti le! t li the ter, lins. Gen. ,jamlson, At o9 burgiar. Frliay nightl Mr. liîrrie'.isVaiiey, 0gb Ca. llcksmitb sitop n'as cutereti. lis tbal lit the absence *of te paatc cllesl broken open and witi the tiiol. Roniqjel led the service atB torindtl erein. the <baor of lMr. chtîncli lait Sunday. Brcudsbetter'i salootn u>îs lroken Open anti severai bittlem o!fllîttir lakeni. ,eo.Miler lias enttreiy ns They Ilien tried Sa pr'>'open the ci' rlte secontd &tory of hiea iouee, Aý of F. H. Eîîebker's store; btt oun ti wanlt ta reltitnl Deèrflelgl, eajj loo meýZure. Ifi815 trnugly îniiîected Jaco»i Antes itunled a double1 fnthe itrtuder n'as nto stnauiger ui iiogsamud alves te Cieiago *~ atiother attenîlt w<>llie bc!oll>iwed b ' v antîlrcîtuned with a 1o-4 , titi anrest andti loroltgliîiutvestigatiou. tutney- Sev erel tramps miadet~ c<nnforalin luthe Ian' OUcI el Pleltis ane nîglit lant veek. Lige douc. lin. E. blesser, <if lova, lia' lier brother, W. E. RaweUaI livre, Miss Rallie Moyeu u*' C'lis. Btilkiey. Henry Ostemman la 8clovly bp4 getbiîsg the best o! the 'lard'14 rheutnatism, witich bas çns lunîch trouble. lirs. C. Scbepp returued haone liChilcago, Satunday. 'AN accotupauied by Ed" u téi4S..,' turnet borne aguauSumday. Dr. Kaye. the dentlat. taltfué ttent quartera at C. Autos> and futuare lie here every MondqWa ter tinte your tootit aches oeq Tîte fture of LibertyviHe M lie aîtplysiccnred as lotigagE4 dlotk e jaurus titere, and =- tîtwii 1) ' v orti andtiexemiple. 'W graînlale. The-uuusterlous ring of lte w lîell.î is heard again in Deurfiekl Vt.tder anti Sarah Snyder a" 0 îîs une-s for n hotu tbey Peel aM 30 tIhe date. Newman 'atters and wife.1 lngohave becuvst, tw lies of bisi uncîes, W. J. 1F.r t - Hoyl. A reception n'as telideMq liouday evening ai Mr. PnlIeri. Fd Willtuau bas placed a ne' IVAN HOE. l l is chai> for the conventence, juilins c'hamlîerlan can ie i-,ted lutrJIts. If -ou have any tau ut Paîlatinîe lait week. do, tlont stand outside and0 cold. butstep lu sud make Yom Autlliny3 Putuant bis beei utk for i> home: Rd aiwaysà likea compas week butix non' inprOvinig. . lisc Wlxtney enjoya 5kes Mr. andi lra. Moses liarle. if W>iike. iintuuiu tisys. afler scitool be gi, vîuîted tIlir olt i îemguu ire: lier iraîx stecti. She aImonSt 1 <iver Sntiay. >ryt-iuga -I iSa-ig U Alice Smithi. Eaiward l ctijai),-I the boays andl girls are extra l-imlîîcr îîexcic Iie -<îîtl Si1ta b Jei NX thîe lave for She fors; st-bool conîvention ttî ilitsieil, 'Tîturi- '"'Il .e-10V tlîy and Friay. IDîtut farget la attend thie C. F. Tha3-er lias osold the l4offlar tic-oit exiit and.iecbure et andI El atrmtat a hart! in St Lounis. chitreli, Weduesday evenlsag, Mr. Hull, now a litîtllug Chictîgo rel liTe appareius used by Rev.1 esSaIe agent, effetted the <ical. iof thc ucwesb and Moat 1 construction, the pîctlar- b Miss Mary Vagn-r, o>dtist dauglîter ilsîlee audllîe-like and tei,Ù ai Getirge WVagner, atnd John (huler 1 uent very lumeresing. were married et bbe Fremont Caîhoiie t-lunch, Tbnnscday natn. We hope t»; Jacli Frost at lest teid 004 publsit further itantieularli iext week.' Inine. Ho vas bemaied by ShÏ jtreu Saturday, but au lie Snavefl -1 Miss Cernie Sityder and WIIIPotou lie didti geb liere t111 a . were niarrieul at higli Dooni, MWctnes-1 Suiiday marnlng. It aeemý îiay. Oet. 23. '951, ut the homle Of the field d'id nul imprea. lip tiidle iu bhcpresence o! slxty-tliree,1 dur, for lie cnt hie atay da~ glteabe. Tlîey will oecupy lte grooms, b is'bnaps and nioved on, ài lten' bouse ut ]Rockefeller. Suct-es iiugust o! the amall bc", anti a happy! lite ta blic lieu' tamil!. uvlo bad bopet Sa elebrate C. G. SulailiÙi4 clrculablng a pellîjoîxi by aslsîigli ride. for license bu run a saloon aiI ItanliOc.' Cornespondents and Flie cîtizelts O! ibils Ility are u'ery stotld rememb)er that lit utreuuoaly aîpased bu bthe sciteme aind "set type lia-ore a paper eus are vîgturoutsiy euteritîg Ihein Protest. Fou 'viii grcatly oblige b Many o! aur people- cautInibtedwheu vomir topy earîy, Copy £6?>r lie n'as lîtjsre< and lare willingtg la lereatterIlsIenlucor bande turîlier asilsl bâit iai! Isidild t-tan Wednesday noon, m50 unntertsking but biîey'IillIot tîlenîute>j vote Thursday 10 setting % 1P a beitll tîle at Ivuîîhoe. ecîecialY nul iens. Vcaloi la pnint the lu bbc ViCinliî-Of!thie pulîtIie sCtl-u.£NT Flium'sdiy atternou WVe are iau-itidiîig eltizeits. butS uvili neacli <mn reaéders on lte ual bce imposed niion. Lt-t tht' drlmîk- erui, uho sigu bis petîlion]laîve the F;alooti next Iteir îîwn <latis. Thi-4 Chamberlain** breecler u iof sîîs aiklu it-eli<liinrY-.-h'len troubied s, bonu nnaiy le ils ou'iifinît vie-ii. iveti - m Beware! IlfiMlicIter ntît)t>, ave' gître ttis resae saabd ltautot>uteet ulihfaiiumre sud 'ma1 dir~e <isaslî-r. TFako- Nalitte! FlicIhM cltizens a! Ivaihoe îniditillitiitv 1urlîl th# nul tolenaîte sut-h e tîiijsaiite in their, theaent ........ tultial. We trutst the stperuisor.'t wli ëIbecteea nuS juillet mihwruîîg an au i li h gent cointimily. iteli-ilFIen8 miusic n-ashet away front. the sortl sale by F.P file dusi of evtîry-day lite.-Auerbtch. G. C. 0 OUR AIM: TO FEAR GOD, TELL THE TRUTH AND MAKE MONEY. PILICE, 5 czm riýw i

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