Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1895, p. 5

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"The Model." Temperance Temple 1 Te-SIGNAL SUCCESSof o., Anniversary ! stimuliates ils ti new and greaien effort% toelplace'the' îiout Dependalel Goods wthin reaci o! the Peuple. «t tic Lowest Possïible Pi.'es. wi' s'.y ont lîoldiy andi cau Prove ih toi): Every Time you Buy anyting in our Line Out- side of "THE Model," you Lose Money. We dont ask you to take ibis ftur grauiti'<, buti art'!<ilx- ions to have yen test it. There la no sect'et aboîuit fle WHY. Our expenses are iîiout Ha!lf si .îofauiv tien- eomjeing eâtahlishnieit lien'ý, <uit '<xme'iiianatiod to sdi te aime u'ltity of Goods Fuliy25 Per Cent LESS OiN THAT A(CO-Sf ýLoîNE- et Listen ta our Song on GOOD UNDERWEAR!ý Ex'i'n3'garaient '<xariIîutc'Ilti) giNxe Sati-Satit iîîu. on nioli'y lia iii 1aî'k. 1i<Lon su 51 s Merino Shirts and Drawers, Hcax'y andî of a i,ft lisid.' iltishi tutx iit scratch '<otin uutill Caîuiot lie Duplicated ut less thîaîî50c 'aîinx' it' F!eet'e Heuthi iilt'rwuear-, Extranit tî'îxii 'vi, liish'îI i tItilong lkit 'iig soit lis ditoii 7.5e i Cliy' t'r ,.iore liui'itDIoîiulreuasîcîl Iitii. itliShirt are dotuble lui froit und! l.uîk Thle negitiar $1.041) qîulitv'. 38c 50C 75c irai wool Garments, Pitre ail tv'cmjl. sxtce i tik.Fi tici i <ilar' etic neik. î'earl BuiLilix lira'<ut'n strnîg IV neiiforveti 78c1 $1 .00 altuvet u ti 'Tie greatesi ii tuîr Extr'atHva. Il<xXi(f Wou],Seotei at$1 0 S(de these (jarmeuts. tht'c' are cluenp 111t $1 .50( Biiy'4 t.ntterabinis <ndt Draxxr'.. <t 'M..3aloI d '2-- l-its. Extra gooci valueufur it'te niuiley. A1 FENV STA'NZAS ON s Clothing BOYS' V~LSTEiS hbig coIiîî, clt1 luuîî id, ai! sire8 $4.00> Qîalïty BOYS' ULSIERS Aith )bL'. sitîntuf 'uc" o! the extra gra te of Shetlaundt (iii- chilîla, in gi-y, dnîb aand l tiîe, îhe gnu.tit est coat ini thu"- country ai $300 $450 Compare it mith aiîy $6.001 Lister anîuîvvlîut' BOYS' CHINCHILLA REEFEItS. lbig Sailir ctiuiar, heaxy clo iii!iîiug 4raii<'i vitiu MtIe braiti, a beaiiy, t$27 Man Lake County, who needs an Overcoat or Ulsters can afford to pass us by. A HEAVY KERSEY OVE1ICOAT, iu f * black on dank blue, ut I Winl Cost ylou $14.00 anywhere eise $8501 :trictIy ail wool Kersey Overcoat, lu biack on dark bine, eiegantiy nmtte adtinimeci, ai $12 00O 'bae t. Py $.00more for same quality in otiien places ' etBargain in BA CLOTH LINED ULSTER9. doîi't fai to s3ee tb is garnuent ut$. 0 JUST RECEIVED OURf THIRD LOT 0F m, OShanter 'or big and i tile ginls anti îiuys-we bave tiieî *tninimed i wti featiiers andt plain. The Millinery3 stores charge $1.50 -THE MODEL' 6'0 and 50cts -.THE MODEL" ,'>ington Street, Waukegan, Illinois. Mns. C. N. Durand and fa»1lly are spending a week witb her parente. Mrs. 0. )E. lnrehili and danghter Flora, are visiting relatives Lat Elgin. Thomnas Corlette anti bride are ell- joyi ng a vlsit froin bil§ motheT-ii lIetW Mrs. Fisher, of Deertield. The ladies ol the Presbyterian churcli wil! give a t'bicken pie social at thic eh arcl Thursday eveuing, Oct. 31. mr8. Protine lias linest anid niost select stock of ml!fly outuide of the City. Calt and a * yourself. Tho IIDEî'EDEh'T Offce lit in abatte to print Salt- Bis on short notice. Satlsfaitorv work gnnaranteed. Free notice in the îrpar wlth avery order. Lawyer C. N. Durand maitde a flyiîîg bulsiness trip to NSambha, lova, bist Frlday, but returned in tiîne to spellel Sunday wlth bis fainily lu Libentyvilli,. Henry Lancaster, of Evereit, liki' sonte of the' Litwrtyvilie inilk meni, sieeps toc>batuit n the' morning, cit)i- 'elueutiS lbas bardl work to catch tht train. Mars. Smith welt to the City Thurm- day to plîrehasse lier stock of vînter lui linery. Look out for a grand dis- player er!y next andi futiier arnouuecxent- J. M. Etisentha! andi wife wciit to the city ta) stend Suntlsy M itil their son Dr. Wi. M. Roîenthal, pioar te, lits i!elatllre for Lcîs Angeles where hie speiids lais winters andt practices îiestistrx'. C(ham. Williaîîîs, of Oiregon, a for- nier Libertyx'il!t. boy wiho learned the' art of priflting at thte Call otffice, senit hionte a cîîpy of the' "Oe IcC Wave, a i' anti twîîother yîîiiig allutettit. Tht. ii'iileuible..iiîi Wiîî.lnîan. gen- eral manitager of the Evenî'it station, andilors]cal iior for theic honte ±palier, îIilîed xi iL! is fnternal gunidai bo1t, c. it. sheriiin, eîiesla.'riy arc glitif!fei!ows, iait %%î<>l 8ani a yanî l ite. W3iin. McLeod andi W. (tttzinger, <'<itractors froni Chienge', bave the Iîamtntwxalls <f Trigg.-i &Taîurs neW iiliiing tlnîslied '<îlîch i.4 a xery iiiihsiiv.'piece tif sttitic xxiik. l' blaiu'V o! the' builticng %%<ulliut! oi- îiletedin iabiot thrce w/uLk.. At (;eorge Belîn's mie,.Tue ,l'îv, se Ilearil sex er. 1 remlrks Utat. .H. Apiple ' v la agocad ,tîcîtiei i. They sa1v thlere' 15 ut> lettîr ait iit'cr in gý tag ooî pnceus fjr iamy salabîic :article anîtalis ternis are rt.isnilel. i n M il! iio e!! to enigage'tai',s servic'es xilien ivin have IL gale. tir. E. H. Siiîi. ttiongh lie' ist (-ont- slî!ural!e liv thlitire, is lie)iinIii btter sh<îîîî'for tt' parautiîîî'of Iiil, pro fesi'onj tta !îîî !îfire. His Detatl Panlîîrs over Lova Ilis îlnîg slor' are îîîos' C'lliiat te lies t'5 in tlîî ii ii!. Y. iirt, n' vi ted tii uilliand xse fir votirs.' f. ut'h i'îîiit,rta xx iîîUl aiiîiîst mllei'Coui îi"i"tii havi' theii'ti ,thilii'. Ou iîîr «liitîîyor. 4 i'îiiutiiAr .i ' tiiîk. ttiî'i'e liithiiîit îiiigiiid lfr th liît t i iof 1,1!iert v iii.' landts'i <r- l'aniii lis NIi <LIii îatriîizt'Ilii.,trin i t Il hIixs s'it tII h is îoulixtii th e abolis aliiitii.' <<hilovtiniti'<'t' M 1!!sooni foîI!ixx. Ili aboliit inoîlli lii' ix!iueta tit-înîi bsk fui !y repîiirt'îsalati resîî!ciuti ein lfr.'sli plainft. Tiu cri-n n ill li odtoli nýi x ili il andîîî the piisse'tget'î i il! stick la.), i'ighteii nith ilicir svrv<ivv'Lani iiîkt- Itttî'r î'îr.' of the mxin'iii!.elt 3t:ikeu'i<tr obeisiiîîe tîn thle irst ap- Iii'îr: li,' <fthelei'w traiin. '-%Ir. IL. BSa. a < o îiiînet r <f t bci laialeii'Fir niEugji u'Co.<.' n%:ai n to<nit tiii w'o'k, mi!i.xing theii nits 'f(if i (inlt.!Fire Extiiiguixliers. 'shicl m< e' bu'i uve sîlperiin lii i<ny uîieriî'il t iîgiîie that lias tliîisfanrîieu <b1oa îIL i'p ira Lib)ent i 'i t'. Ht' ertain 'v iuîîkes the tmoi, fuir r hioiitii n tif- feriîîg to co iîjîtt' <'ithi and a'l «tber ire etîgilîts uit if lit faîi !Ktii iii on a trial. tii pay tilt,' uxpeiiniai of <<uv conîm ii iltiint dil iît s liilu in a <'<iiilest. !tî' xi ' sh i ai l ig itlîî'nî' t'oit.4and el v itxise t lit' pe' <p ie>t. i ily t lie one' tiiî'î iimsiiien 1)eta. Letitîiciii <ii e'nîtir. WSVe 's îlit îandiInan ist h axe souteîî' stî'iii of lire îirotî'ttion and '<ut bliieve if Mr. Sigîufýio<. lag iven a chalc )ht-ii Miil Ninin ai i iolitt'st. (tel. Thomîîîa Emiuig. oncec a deino- î'r<îtir Ct iigressliau ftoua Ohioi, andî îoil<tNo"<'<York lat' r. tiiits't take a Nxed'y ri' iiNe u<f thu politicuil iiitoo!. if 1% hi'lîble ai: s"'I t about iî et!s a fort'igii xar te) gui this counitry ontîlt hevalti'v liasis, politica! «vaaititl liii il<- Iv. IfMN' vîvolti 'ngage i onliiet. sav xit bt ouleî.great Eunopi ait pomie' îucrhaps the uliuers '<uoiiitstol) senti- iîîg ont the' coliiîins' goit ftor a wlilî'. Tht'eniocratit' lanty ii; coltroil li y goiti 'crsbpjiers ti'tw<ei t li outi ant lhe reîulica.ns tht're i'.n't tht' leîîst tlilferent*e ofseitinuent on the' îîîcst vital question of the tiay. Mr. cileve- lanid and Mn. Shernman standti ftr the munie itteas in finance. Whla is thera tii eîthîiue votera inI the battit' ofiext year? Bhuthe Laid parties MiI dlectare for golit tnly, and il there Mre sorne martal still more vaînabie aitît aace, they %v'oild ati'<ocatc that. The ne- piîhîlcans with letien tililine antd the prestige o! îîîaliy rteeît victories <sil! go ahc'îilanti eteet titeir candti- date, Mhiose iposititon Mili lie jilat ltat the slîyloeks îîsk. So nuitters '<iii "COIMNOEVENTS8. ~1re<'<l Cout-Moday Nov.4, '95. 8 evIsions Adjourmeci, Meetinig- Monda, Nov. 11. TAuakgving-Thurnsday Nov. 28.,95 Libertyville, Electric liglits bye aud bye. The boom Mwili strike Libertvville not iater thannîext spring. Get neaîiy for it. Au Ellectrie 1R. R. lianalicl i s'iiit- waukee Avenue wil sliorten the dlistanc bîetween Liiîentyville aitt Chicago anti funnish frequent trans- liirtation for freiglit anti pamgengers. The C. M. & St P. R. Rl. shonîti t'xtend ilicir Libentyvilie tîrancli on tlîrtiîgh Avoîn. Grant, Nipperniitk andi tti(I'hmonti to Lake dielieva wMiiel '<'<illt make thet slîtîrte.,t rouîte frtom C'hicago anti open a proflitable' local ats) il as ltligtraffle. W'e lelieve tut-v.N have the înîutter luii iiiid anti 11li iiiîi the fille inslide t<stîyc'îrm. Libertyville Locals. Wiiiter in upon us. i>elightfnl aîîtimu weather. t 'oiing-Lovely nîonilight îîights. Iii' fr.uze au luth thîlck tant Satîiniay -Sîîifflay. Oct. 20-Fi-st suow 'of the La- vlii a gotit supply of ful!anud Sî'î' thi'. 59e'Nat itenxeur lit Ji<iie.v A- Joifuy'm. For hýw4. ver3ihoe )n] cr4, leg- Boisy <tir liais, c ms.tress goi o<! __ ii' 31. Wiiiii iii 'it iliat lire eligilie? hti n ii lin'limoe peoiple give lis thai exliiii 11' Itlie <<p ti<fîîlem leax es biit <huit im<uil t hî'îiit1iîîy <urc guî<iî for lîcddiiîg '<t<<k andi n uiliiiig tlie griîniid. Si'ivi'ix Ieabyterian cîturci Situ- liai! iiiiiiig iii 10:30. Suhîject "Xciii liy tht'l's r iiotf." Sîinday evîli iiig lit 7:30. Stibject "A Sowen Ment fîîrtiî to Sion, G. D1. HEVvEi, mnlister. Thi' Libunt vxille Pleasîie (Clubii> i gis i a litîllun "'""D hall at the Towin Haîll, Th<iîidy 'iight. Oct. il, '". 11Y' a si i\ tCicago orchestra. Tiikui 54 cli'.Suppen extra, serveci ini the i<s'ii'i. Comeaia. ye 'sho Dix iýii St anit Park Ave have been ierNiýu'itlki' Lihe'rest, the road May coiituul Mli inelt'quaiity of grave]. Nuis'iiîîy .<î ait !paved aninlî las no tirnr>', f 'r thi<,e ah> travel the strcîts <'f Li i'i'Yil '<Iauiy tiînuo! tt' t cur. 'helic t'ol'< 't i ilîttville ,Ii<peitr î'î lie u.iiit'ii suit I ilium scbuols%. Thîîre M as a spei' c1'<t îoîîl:iuuiSatoînîli niglitît ilili'îlit'y aiimed blisthe reluox ai <t .I. 1'. Mt <i ilv '25 vote.- Wtr vn.t' <'aii IIL. .Builklev Mil s lia i- iiti<sly i'li'uti'l ise'rx'cliss ulo direutîr iiti iiixt sxllng. 1mI n iîto ;i..'i 1 l' tteit1 <f the lafilus "i Lîiber t . ut! i icinitv to the faol t huit tI 'Ça fîi!!,îî-1i to i lte aloi k îf, i1 iîîcir, Latdies. Misses andt 'It! 1 îs !ook. iîîeî tiî<i<rw .iir, ak'rpshîîMl.' P<ht'se cail «iii i xîîiiiiiii nyxt<<ik i <roie tiuv >lng. MES. PîtOTîNE. Partner Wanted vlib ý2t0ü0 cash tiili N'xtln illeîîî'iniailt 8titlislieii an<t xiucc'sslill N'ensîiaîer al Jobi Prtii ig iis ii',-itLu! <utyvilIt'. do -L't. l'îili <'nu thi' L.KE Coi TY Tnige .t&'Ti.x l<r v'it mx îll i'<îsole quarnte'r, xlii' <it l'y <'ii tt'platet'thein handiitii'eiw<' itori' x il iit hi'x'expert ti <viili Iîîuft ' irisiiit. Tlie3 wsill I hîî' i <<<t ii11y tilt ii' tl u îîît conf- v<eîîiî'ît t<rîiutrv îand Meat Market ini fîîîîuîiiii Liteki' ('îîtiv. iii<te xet'lle<i au~ ihir'.Tliî' '<xii ixaret'set t<î1 a heix'v xilii, s<îîî'ft)1iiîî<iti(ii. Tht'iu cîîtletr 'xi lîi oliii) ton, of ire' and '<sil! ouliy î l<r'iilii<g ireî'îa:i<'<un îft er %%IluiîIl ut '<illiii ot i a'îîîîtnu'di iil e uiext xxinli <r. Tiierv'm ltgreti Imitîntthî'rt 's r oneit' 11a<il gain. Mosti if tii1 se '«1<0 N<t .r.' iîir.i<'iilit <'vthie rn",'iiiîîîî tonis lire, xx111liiihave iîttt'r «nid morîe cuveiiîiit iliait.'ns, i citer iil<ihteii to ilueir iîîiiis.thîîîî î"<'en tfî ne. Tht' tNLI)i'ç'!lI)FN r Ofit' liitte< on îhe tirstt ili «r m'ix ia îî'<'morei 't'nioui ai il ht'tten î'q i! îîîîcîît t li uiglît it '<iii take lis ai lonig tinte, i f m e ix ur reci v'tr frnîî iiiheit<vyl<as f tIilin<It'i',(ed <if weii '- li '<eyti'eans iai r; suiist' tiare' lîîîefîll altit'îînîgîî iia.W',' aial I siit'eeinl lim'. if tht'eîîeoleill ieiîlpis. Steves. W'heuîyi'xi i t wyamy k iniltifstoxe- Ra""'g. co k toe, g stove. Wootitii!.liai n sof .nlÇ-n't fait toii . c l. Fr, î Protine. /1eau anti Will ~ ~ n u1te)a;ytîiJ~o.i 1have bought s a a ml înces ihis year, alan un uiffer yon1) ,bargains. I tare. y prospe ve îîyen to let mue qît c lied rock c nices. You'Ii ilice a greut isitake, if you do't cati on me befone bii3 ing. FIRANK PioTisE. wIîy Fair, Tliey lIen! square, Thein Goods are Reliaicle. Go and See the Childxen's Clothi g Tlîey Sel) at a Special Discount, Extra Clîeap, Because You Have to Pay Jut Double for the Same Goods at Other S tores. .25 Suite for >9016oId Ca"simeres aooo $ .69 1.85 5.45 lUNDERWEJ BARGAINS Our stock is complete in Ladies, Gents. Misses, Youth's and Baby's.wear ail Ét Bargain prices. CLOTHUNG BARGAINS Corne in and see our bargains in Suits and Overcoats. We sellat haif the profit usually made by clothing houses. We buy for cash and have purchased many suits and overcoats at prices so low that we can seil to you at regular wholesaie prices. SEE OUR ALL WOOL PANTS AT $175. DRESS GOODS. Hveoyau seen our line of Dress Goods, if flot, it wili pay you to cali.: We guarantee onr Dress Goods, to be as represented We have many bargains in them. Our shelves are fuit of choice goods and bargains in ail departments and we.are here for business. Remember aur store is the Iargest inu Central Lake County. M. B. COLBY & CO. Dont be to Late Get youn fali andtti îter Wear ai JOFFEY & J( Great Closing out Sale ) FFFY'S hiefore ex'rytîiîîg la gone. As we wiII flot buy any mare goods, in stock. except what we get arderrs for, tili we get a new building to move into, Look at this statement. l t is t Men's Boy's and Chiidren's Under- wear and Ciothing; Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Dry Goods beats all the Chicago and Waukegan fail sales yet on record. he truth. JOFFEY & JOFFEVU- FORSAýLE!MI MY ENTIRE STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also Business and Good Will. Must get out'of this climate on account of heaith. For particulars cali on M.;.ý 1

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