Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1895, p. 6

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LOOICS AB THOUGN IUTAIN OOULON'T NOW BACK DOWM. iteview6f h.Dia-V euaa siftmaton-V.unesa la oayt Brins thse Tilg te a Boed as Doon as Our Congfre., la la Sesaion., J. Bull and Uncle Dam. Grat iBritaia'a radical sbep@ levers! Venezula continue te excite the livellest lateresl lu official ans! diplomatie circies. Preaudent Crespo, who las been abseat from tise capital on a vacation, ha, atart- ed baci, for lis. purpose, Il la belioves!, of filing the. four vacaucles ia hie Cabinet whlck occurrus! reccatl>-. Ooc cf tise. ev MC effc th a Ie ilber et Foreign AWara.The#c inoe deuil entertanes! la Washilngton tuat Crampes ncv Mi- ter vilii mime lb. vieva et iis predece.- 9Mrau no Inist>- or administration cois! survive la Venezula wiich inet manks reelalanca te Brillis aggregglon ha@ terernot Poilcr. Sente cf-lic latetre- Ports front Londoen ca..e commnent and criticlantamotigoffic"iai.laWashinugton. On, et tisse. aatsiueuts aitribqte. te Ar- baador Bayard the deelaratien that duc l'ho Amorican i«X le' thas t msi atm' I wb or ight. 'tItat la nert. It I mvy b. a ere. of diplomatie pour par- lers but tise> wil be onli-the prelilinar>- to the. "annk" or flt. Ington do net go te the extent of aayiug that war ia probable or even possible be- tween tiI couutry sud Great Britala, the>- do not sec how it eau bu aTolded without the complete humiliation of cae of the two countrie.If (Great Britala proceeda to enfoee its threats agalat Venezuela tisat country wili undoubtedi>- reit, snd then the United States will sither have to stand b>- the theories of Presîideat Monroe as tise> are now inter- prelated or drop that interpretation. It la well known that NVenexuela han been preparing for tItis event for some dîme, aad the belief ib generul thot as bon ns Congreas ieetm la Washngton no tht the Prealdeat eaua ecure iminediate co-opera- ti00 the Veaestislanm wUll make a bold move to occnpy thse dlaputsd territor>-, re- lylng on belp froni Uttele Sam. -Thse newa bas been of aucis a ciarater that tIers la tal alrsady of a apeclal sesion of Congres.ho santalithe. Prs.ldent la "main- talalag the. integrit>- cf American aoi." Britiuh Vlew of th. latter. There arc intimatioa@ tht the Britimh Goverament would at tiret have been la- ellned to tais ao active stepa, pendingihe ecualderation cf the. aote from the United TrHOMAS ÈRANîCIS BAVYARD, Auibaa.*dor in London Upon Whom tise Dut>- cf Defendift thse Monroe Doctrinie. U[ruan incident in ladepeudent cf tise boundan>- question, ans! lut tic United] Stateseau itaie ne part la tb. former ihctdent. I[hlm pointes! eut tuat due two questions are inseparabl>- connectes!, The Urmmn incident in based ou a dlaim tial tise Vieuexuelatus arresles! Sergeaul Beh- rensaofthle Britlis coastabulur>- on Brit- ihsi mou ntithat tuis Indignit>- muaI b. repaired. Tise Venezucians dlaim that lb occunreil en Venezuelia soit. A Wasington correspondent thiaks thal ifthîe neopapers andi the wlseecrra "çr-4p 7 LORD SALIBOUET. bave *"gel it rigte'the question of what th Monroe doctrine menas la spproach- lug A solutlion Pretty rapldly for a aubject lu the. handa of diplomate. Tiuat %isi look$ like It would flot b. a grea t while before it la known whetiier the prement Intrpreatica b>- the Ainerlcaa editor and Washingtoa correapondent "goes.." Prom wbt eau b. learned it looka as tbough JOhn Bull la goiag right ahead wltb the cettieenct of tihe Venemuelau question la hia Owm t ar witbout lntendlag t10 trouble IJacle Sam for elther advlce or dictation. The. trouble betweea the two Goern- ment@ la that tiiey don't laterpret that ,doctrine the smre way--et leaut that la hov Itlooeks f rom the alieged information Tlu British CI" tht tii.> favor thé. dotle 'but tise> don't. defi. Il quit. as bro67Andit 0alhla iged the. Cabinet ber 11oeb. There lit where lhe troui,;e coma. la. And if the tatenienta of thï pre.. A& te the Position Ofthie United Statesanmd tic doinga of Great Brltailp are correct One Of three thinga muai oecur-England mnt bac<k water, or lhe United States Awmî, or there will be war. That la thse trIdght view of the camea It le prageut- tii. The Amerlemu administration la de- lared to have taken the view that the Tnted States muet. according to the Monroe <dotrine, iterfere lanlthe Yen.- %nsin boundar>- dispute, hecaume Great Brltialn'm daim la a violation of that doc- trine. Tranagreesicas of the Monroe doctrine are b>- the. docrine ilmeif decared-la un- miatakable term-unfrieadly acte toward the Uaited States. Aad there yen are lu tbeV elisuelan rame. Meau±jae Great lOab nrepcrted to have et an ulti- gqIu te Venezuela, mnd iasa't aald a ebw4awUncl aj A bout Si, c"Or. The tbu ,Im e uj e agiwll «'J. amoout, Win par. 1States mubmîtsd bY Boyard. Had the mat- ter been kept reamonabiy quiet, it la said, t aisnyiiht have conaent(wl to %me. Iarrangement wbich would have *,jet Velle- muela dowa ea%3y' But the ulleged de- maneda of the Uniîted States have, been made publie on ail aides, and thim has foreed Salisbury te act. À cible front London sayn: '"Sumsned up brieily the attitude of the Engiish Preas and people towards Venezuela ie one of couscloub righteousnesand caim aercaitY. Itlai everYwhere nccetpted here that the British cdaims are perfectiv Justi- fied and compiete confidence lu the lirni- ne.. of the t3overnment in expressed. Hints have been thrown out for morne lime paut that the Marquis of Siimbury %vjll stand no nonsense from th(, Venpzuelan GQverument, and ceneequontly the. aie- nouncement of the St. James (.azeîtt tiet the. Premier had sent an ultimatoum to President Cresito caused but litle mur- Prise. As in the case of Nicaragua. every- body expfits this jettent tOltimnturn vill have the deslred effért withotut thet.tere3 aity of a recourse 10 the' arbitraîinent of arme." An officiaI statemnt front the leuiee- zuelan foreigît office covers the iilicy of Venezuela lu case the British atteintet to build the militar>- rontd recomninetd liv British blinuster Chanmberlain lit bis let- ter to Gov. ices. of British Giinu. The Venesuelan mlatement dores witiathe sig- tnifirant sentence finit ou the question ut -building Ibis rosd th, course, of Venezuela tbu~ beesu snb.tiiot the. "invuding neigh- t bors" cantiot miake anurber step further S"on the Venezuiela ride of the fiue" iviith tout nt once provoking a collixion. Wreuitientlml Paty Po"a yj Vait te thce xpettlou Clty. For tise' pressait, at leat, thse et of the Goverument cf rIe United States may b., aald te bave betn tranmferred to Atlata. for, sys a dhmptcih froni that cît>-, 1h. cil>- harbors tise Preuldent, tise Vice Preis-1 Ident and six inembers of the Cabinet. Dlot tu mention Treasurer Jordan, Gov- ernors CuoMa eofConnecticut, O'Ferral of 'Virginie. Stone of Mississippi and a long liai of other dignitaries of officialdomn. Tusda>- afternoon the Presidential spe- clal, runniag as tise first section of thse Sonthvesteru vestibule liluted on the1 Southeru Raiiway, rolled m t te Union i depot., In accordance with the expresaedt wvlmh of the Presideat sud tise desire ofc thse exposition authoritica the arrivai cf2 tise partirtas deprlvcd 0f anything lu theIl natur,'etfa hippodrome. r Ton tisoumaîid people had assbied lnaI the vieluit>- of the station, crowdiug thet stteetm a:4 thieki>- os the apare wouid ai-t low and verfiowlug four mverai bleds ilnt ever>- direction. The roofs, windows,à awnlungs, tclegruiîh poieand ever>- point of vantais lu the neighborhood lad been utillzed l'y eger onloukera. The speclalt wam stopped outaide the depet, howrever, the pîrty diseiarked anîd eroerted to, carniages by té reception committee, and the drive 10 the Iletel Aragon. their dem- tinatin, bogain hefore tgo expetant thon-e nandms reuizeti hast the. ditinguiahed vi-litors liail rraiedthie cit>-. Mîr. Cleve- land %wns ain..ý%ideut guod humer and bowed lu rrslx)icnsu luthse routintuona ova- tion ho ret-ived 1111 the tva>-te him hotel. Secrelary Canlilie. who with Mrs. Car-i hlge rod.'ii inte seconîd carniage, tva. lieercd ireqîientiy, and Ser-retur cof they InterionIlioke Smiths, who tound bimmeift on bis native healh, was given a hearty - receît ion. At tht' Aragon the part>- watt made cern- fontabie untîl 8:30O1). ni. At tisaI heur tise ladies w<re eaeîtled lu)lite Grand Operac leuse, wheri, the>- 'iere te guema cfa Mr@. Hoke Smith ut a bx h art>- te ses.I Rice's "1492." Tise presence of the brul-t liant array of Cabinet represetatives isad parked tise house, whirb is by far the9 largesi place ot amlusemenit in tihe South.f At 9 p. ni the i'resident aînd Cabinet cMf.b cors &Mt down lu tise Aragon banquet hall t te a dlînen. givea in their houer b>-Por-on- ter King, %îtyor of Allanta. Cuvera weret laid for eiglît>-. including the expositionb offic-ialis, te 'isitiîîg Governors and otis-a or diâtiiguiib.d cilizujîs.p BIG FIGURES ABOUT MAILS. Annuel Reîîort on Postai Revenue antd ixpendimure*aleMille. ie a-n .ilt- iiti bit a tmi ualnreport fer lte uaI fical tîi, ashos i titu tuttai nev- i-ne frontîî iatir--sti-eru'gu.15, ltexiolitttni.a hlig $,4i.7!lu.72, amt lakinîg iîîitî ,ut--nt the. ttiitau ig lia- billi-tiunlia- -tarm i ag tf theiti leiilized( i ar-ifurnuilrtit($1 ,57312b, tise tcti- iytanimon ut int ti' tittuisirs of te j-car entiing Jint 30, IS94, showîs an inrtrpame cf nreilîttamunoiing li t ,(2. a ndt an increase tif exiionlitres eof .lJ..:5 The îprincipîailt-ina uf erîendittnus-I-nre: l'oshtnnsî,ns' maaries, l.0tN tienks in iiobttîll:ce $9414,135; froe deliv- er>- service. $219.0;raiinoaîimail Irnuportalion. $26.429.747: star ruîte traniqpunuatlcu, t:,,753'-,570); mail nîcasenger tnauspontmti.mi. 11Y2.987; railwny postal car service. $2,M.0.9,9: ailva>- postal rienks, $7,I03,0'2.5i; toreigu mails, 81,171,- 455. Tise principal items tif revenue svene: Iletter postage pais!Inu uey <matir itplncii.all>- cf isilttuttesdue fromu foreigit poîstli îumilttea$135,818: box renta, $2[tJ.-t sales et postage stamps, satnpu d ulivt'ltuis. neivapapen wnaluiui-nd îîîi -tstal curtIs. $73,477,4-10; mcmtey enter Iusmas.$812,4Mt.S Mn. ('nîig aire sabinits autonesîfttisties relative to tise iaîîrensuet of -onu îlass mailnilitehir, tijutma uvwisitit sîîjeî'l pomt- master Grîtel Bisseli nmade a vigtrouns reportl bal yen.Ilie gasn>,tise veight ef second riags matter sueit inte mails dur- ina te Yen p>t ini'luiignialter crnî- latIs]frtee itltli lte c-tîîî t- ty fpubiira- liton) i-rs'2;7 3j4..'142 puaintîs andtheis aînoult tOf ptostaige ciiitleie. 82,;53j.143j. Tluis us-ns an int-ngue in %ss igist cf 10,- 524.071; piiîds antîliiportage roilectes] ef $105,240. Eltn ilis htrelofn, lta I15 tîl] titi-tin gs -lmata- tt-r itile-tIis sa-mt tri- t it aigi- sithin litenrespetc s tivevuitiis o tufiubut-stien, lise nimibuen > ao a î aOf st-h îaîat 1er ntay bu iîiarodtl r49,8*2P1.t5: îîuIuing this le the minetateotf poidît i]s uta u-lut-bpostage o-ms paidi: as abhose, tua kîs liiheitotial u-igittef lîsuutîtt. oro tsen 7;I 17 rins. Thiti tîiitnbv f neîîîimitiîîîua tfor neuve- taîters andtibeniîitîtii4ii tatîta le u ttrin5 tht. jeurs seas 13,003, aliiaîua- ruof.1,I Th'le nuiniir tuf iat.vspulium antI peniodi- cal stubîtbooka requistiens rceivcd diur- lmtg the >-eanana3,3K), uo-n-h aere tono-andeti to imîotslatartr5.51)3 stilb books, 2,727 b'iamg oeth1e inanifoldi uns]. Tîtore o-ont.aisoti ent te poalmasts'ns 5,110pariigem e-ntaiuning 543,1ff0 urus- parler ndi p eiohis-al rîtvî-lupes. PROTEST 'ro JOHN BULL NE DISCUSSES THE - 8UBSJEOT 0F TURF GAMBLING. Iris Chrisîhan ansi Comamon-iiense Vhew cf Trials et Speled b>- lthe Hoe --gu Ilcain» vitS Betlinir-The W'iv. le Drive a Hiorse. Race CourseEvîl. lu bis sermoen fuîr lat Suti-.ler. Dr. Tauge diseusses] a teîîic sehaîcia fî,r meutas past ibats tîri u tisailia- omît.iii thc duil>- Itrees-vx.. "Tise Dis.qipaîitttia of tise hRe Couirsi." Ilii. tea.t oas .oi hoes îngrs? IHautI tbom l eIg! bts nckvii tistunder? le lîuaw-thintitlt- talle- and nejôlcet lie t goetb est lemel lise armes] mets.Ile sailli amolli..,the trumpets. ha, ha! nat lie sîneiletis the batI- île afar eoff, lie tîtunder eftls, capînin., anti tise soutiug." WeVohave mrent>- bas] long coumit, ut Intelligence tnom lise race couirse anminai- titudesmfurie ta tise watering place, ta vituess equine compelilion, andti ere la livel>- discussion lu ail hisebeeldi about Uie rigist sud ong o etscbexhibition,%aot melîle and sees], ansi o-leu thern la a ber- ean'abrouidtIhgîthe cutivaîtion outa liones fleetuess les ait itluquit>- inslentfiltucoini- mendable vrtt-tsncb a tinte a sermton la demandes] tf e-en>- mitaister o-ho wousid liue to efeeatimlblie murale pîtis te oe hans] anti oho i. net u-iiiîtu le@ce an uni- rigisteous abnitîgmeul of innorent amuse- ment on lthecther, luis his discusision 1 shahl folio ote aeruî-îîîaic jreeeet, but will give inuîePeudentils- nuhal 1 consider tise Chitian îa ndl utnitiiounseit. iv-otf Ibis liomenit,* .11 litterbi îg nau i] igi ut iîtg quiest ion tOf tilitntr. A Noble Brant. Timeetii-cis te 1, leaireisib utlion tif cron-ntl-iîaîi.tîg lii- brute cri-ti cî. lon agea the luttalatas lwt -ttil-l, lthe kinag of buasha. 1I-nkîu offkitilis cr-ooiit ands]tt the' irouit upoa lie' horse, ini ove>-.woa>- noblen, oiîothelion ialtive tir spiritor ý;t- gacit>- Or intelligenaice on aff-cticion ou-se- tuinlee,. le in ei.etiiiii amdîti koss isus o le amon ciataa mali seule. Theet. -Ci laur of olule limtes,liantrtotse nad liart rassseauns thoI), a mugestion of tht. fat-t that the. horst. ia souieîiig biore lthaitt iseauut. Job in iut>- t-ut mets ferlh isi- strengri, bis beat, Ihie mujesîr-. theJ pnimig tif Luis notril, thebu 1wlii îo f lii bout andit isttslisitsitt fîorthe baIlli. %'V'lat hltisaiBonhecur tid lfor tise -atrie and su-b at .dtuseer titi fothe dog, .job o-itis migiîuJi't pitil <lies fin thte hon-tu-. Eigh>--eigL tu, oi-s lte(,lBilecspeai tif iin. l' - iîii tc venu' vkitiî in;yIrc -- rien andris totîi-s n>-gret Iituin tit inho os-t-t->- t iti tîtîtit.It sns-en>-evidiit that Jtutî tutu Davidi and Ilaiaut anti Ezi- kiel anttiJereu'aîi handii Joh n-n eeIfondl i.f lise hotrst'. ileit- es-aiîînitihsueliftheur imtter. A red lerae-that mntit sutir. A blackih isîr-tiiat menttfauin-. A Paite hors-Ithat mealit tiatit. A w-hile luorsco-tiat uteant vit-tony. Cotit Mon- de9,i ni nîlinîs luini shile IHmnitîoidsthe bit. '[he citurclits iulvaitre iunlise Bible ie cniPareul t0 it ceînpanij-fet isem if Phannoits chariot. .lenesniusries Oit. 'IIea canaltthon contîîd seilhb iorseg«!' Iemiai sas-s, "Tute hutrsea itofs shallIto couate]lns hlint." Miniattu-lisber cynt- baIs anti singe, "Tise uhttse andtihie ritder bthi ho thronos into the sea.", St. John. Ieribiug Christ asciiuaing forth trom !onuneslte rvuonquest, relinesenîs bliusi» Seated ou a wvhite isorse. In the piaratie Oft iseiven tise Bible makes us Sean thse cirkiug of hooifs un tise guidon pavement as it maym, *"The annales 'isrsaeeli hmaven foibowes] iim on shite humes." I1 sisouiti not vonden if tise herse, no bauge] aud bruhard anti beateit andieut rages] on 'antis iouiti have somte oIson place sehene bis wnenge shah bu nighted. I do not assert i-t, butI I su>- Ishtelnitlibusur- trimes] if, afrer ail, St. John'& descriptionts of the homsa lbeaven turne]outt e aîtogetuier tu Se figurative, but semewht itenul. Ilonoresi of Gos]. As lise Bible mîukem a favorite efthlie torse, Itue hntniarcli, nds]tlie troluiet. andi tise evaugeiet, ns]tise apostie stroktng bis sieci ibide andul latling huis rîunded teck andti lnduî-lj lifting bis exqui'iitely formes] isof nîtutlinleiîiatg o iiht Ilnita tIe t-hamhp et bis bit, m rlh ligrea-ttuitttres In ail agea have ësoken o-f bills inttîtît astîr tenta,.ViililsCetn- lîot seema te plagiantze fnoîtt thisdi,-1le in the texl, mc nitch are lthe descnritons âIike-tise descrlition cf Virgil andtiht, description et Job. The Duiki'tf Vin- to-n seolt nulale n nacite irrteverentl- ai t ouc usbis old suar hioait.Copeiatgen. (iu wom le bati ridoît tifîcen hours o-ilicut dismuiotîing ut Waternloo, a hnai]snolid C~openisagcaî died, lais inasten ontlened at mulilar- sainte fired cie- bis grave'. ,John H-oo-ard mbowses] liat he dis] noe oxist il bis symptathties lunliit-lug tissei tan 'are, for tuhen min ie orites huie, "Has a>- oi chisle borne become sick er apoîl- tsi?" Theme ilaisard> au>- lPasage cf Frenchris ienature more patisetie tha ltilt. lamentaione eontlie dentit of lthe su-r charger, Manchegu-. IWalter Seohî hassu nitri admiration fer ths i tunely- lonomu'l -renIure et Gud that ilu-"St. htenan's Voll" be entiers tise gintis slarketîcd sud th. bimniet throo-u over tise smoking danis. Edmansi IBurke, waliing in tise tarI at Beaconsfiels], musiag e-rer lise Past, tisroo-s bis arma arent he o-crut- out horse ef ils dendsi on Richard, anti neep. apen bbthe rse's neci, lise sorse semiag te sympathixe hanlise memories. Rowlandi Hill, lise greai English preachor, wau caricature] because lu hie farnil>- Prayens is upplicale] for lise rerever- ai m ink herse, b ut whea the herse gel veil, cotrar>-Iteaml the propheches ofthlie tir- iens, lise prayer diii net aeern quit. e - mnc et mn absundt>-. Tise Abusa cf thse Horne. But viat shaill I mn>-outhticmalîrnat- nemIt fliii beuuiful sud veuderful creit-j ire cf os]? If Th.m-.. ame ai-lh; thoý12:« who cardie. car bordeau mdpll, ur plowm aud taras ou, tirezit% cr doue mîlasud ruae for our deeteri '-wbea I mfec men thus beatiug and abus. lng and outragiaîg that creuture, li sea'nî te me that It wouild bue only tain that the doctrine of transmigration of souls shenitl provo truc, and tinet for their puiiiligieul tise>- mouid pans ver itîto soune iiiûr minerable brute and be beuten and whack cd anîd iýrîîelIy renteid and frozen find heated and overdrivoîa-iateo aîîeveriadtI li; stage hoeeau elennal Irav-melrota towîîatb, Or lied lu neta denal Isist. lu1%11 edenal viîîtui-, sinitteit witii etnal cpi1 toulles. Oh. la it nnul a iune thai lthebrute creuioif. whlihaîl ise tiret ipossessioni o ur world, sheîîld lie se inîîireiiîed by tiie nuce that carne it lamt-tse fuwl aud tlic tlsh cenaed on tht. lifth dny5the borsne and the catlIe.î.ruaîed Oin the moruing cf tli sixtir dny. and the immun race not crenivi unlil the. evenlng o et isemxiii fui>? eught lu bu tisaI if au>- man cerdrives a herse, or teedi banm when lie la bot, or reil- ltmmly drives a nauil mb the quli ef is hoot, or nowel im lm loe hlm prancre, et- no msoeu bhlm tisaI bis ftlocka sdrop blon, or pute s celler ou a raw neck. or nnerem- sarl>-ciutnhem hlm longue with i tWIsted bit. or culs off hi. unir until lheiboano'le- feu.. agaînai thecolii, er nmercifd> -t breviate. tise natural defcu.e agalafl lut motile sonoyance- liaI suril a Muin ne tisaI hlmelf ougisî lubu rnade lu pull and IeI bis bsorne ride! A Question of Speed. Bat net oui>-ddues oun humonit- anti nu.î Christian itnincipleaîud lthe dietnat.f . G deutanîl liaal;-e kiîdly tieuttthe Ii,¶te ceation anîd espelial>l the issîse, leit 1i;,0 farliier andi mn>- hiat %%hatev,'r cuiit bc i( n for tht.e devieiopîîuet t o if t îneans n tii1le sîrnlgîl anti bis nîijiet> utîlit ru b. done. Ve nitl lin .tuîtdyilihietaten-antd hieas daptationas. I1nîn glaitI itIlarge books have Lîten o îitt*n lu show isow ie coutltienut naiai grdi]îtlhîivi lis alimete tau c lerlart ndtl Vittithi@efuiuessIt and 'ivint i@tcaltaiici t re. [t weîîiilx, a saine if in Ibis tige tif thle wiîriti. ivis the forint humsltirtietl lthe thurt iowe-r i lthe od imb a gotrgonls ruse andailtit jiomologist nhaasiiîngi dlthe ncrid andi gitaried fruit cf rthe attc(ienlsiiiho lthe vers pu)etr- ut peur nuit lunch anti llun und grujie uud apîtieaan(] the. sauriing coar ol tiii. ortt'ît liais itothtie grea t mntist t C, an 1ii1ie ti.senalte tri titre tif tht.eiti"e hi lies lia rit>a ndlias hteemic Ithe Devit î.huîire, tititii'A itît rIt,, n titid lie Shott itorît t4itî tthhtoiirs,.gnt tr t lia n i al., sltoîld gît lo ttlvnuîtîge front olar au-t t-aite or otîr civil iztion or Outr Christianî- lin lire, h lg utui n&rlina Iî il io'ivof be..tî- ty, hisatit-hil aic-k i in uint îtrisyltut ti ctîne, ]etI ii mn liiitt :îcssr(d au grat-îfil r ruptings anitiitlie raii lthe tîtrl bî. goal cf ecelemiit ilti len fed ut I uxîtri tnt cal limqa nd litaîkcedin i-tînt fort ahic shahl. The iîîng tricil anti fîîiiitiîtservanit if tht.huinît r acet' e itrveîs nl.ii911 gt ail cure, o il rewatiru. tîli sîcctalenit forage antd soft lilter andîl titruuisaical postiare Fijelil. '1hose fartits in Keittitky aînd ini differeitt pats cf the. Nortit, hure thi, herse is lrraiucd rte nrfeciont in lutt&'.s aîîd in beatfaînad ii: nitijeal-. tire wi'il i--t spart. There iseuit more surIne ini driviîîg; slow than in driving fasrl amûmire tiî.î a freigisi train going tua îmiles the houtari butter thon an ixtiret train gcing fifty. There is.a dlisiiin ubroad in rite wortîl tuaI a lising muaetlbc, neresmaril>- goût! mal- Chraistian if itlai slow and duil and pied4- ding. Tisore are ver>- few geed people Wuho meem te imagline it isln hi>- ypions hi, drive a spavinesi. galind. glanle-red, mprin, hailei. blind aslaggercd jadle. There i. uit no neîîch virtne lu a htoinînte as la a Bu- ceithaies. We wsnt .wifter hornes antd awiflen men sud mwifter calerprises, sud the cisurcis of Goit nords te gui off ils j.,;, trot. Quick tempes, qutick iighluings, quick mlreams: wh>- net quic boheze?lII. the lime et war tise cavar- service dc. the muet oxecution, sud as tise batIls cf lise n-onu are prohtubl>- net ail past, our Christian lintriotimîn demande lisol oe t intereqjed iii etîtinai velurit>-. We migisl ae seeli have poorer glane lnutr amsenis nduiammier sutips iincar un'->- yards tton other nationt. slto have under ur cavtil- r>- saddles and b eture our parks ut anlil- ler>- miewen herses. Prom tise batie et Granicus, sehere the' Persian horses drove the Mucedonin infîînhry int the river, rieur down le the. itîrses ou wiich Plailip Sheridan antI Stonewsali Jackson rude iîîlc lthe tra>-, Ibis ai-in of the mililur>- service lias been recognizel. Hamilcar, lnîiiîii- bai, Gustavus Adoiîhum, Marehai Ne>-, were envaîrymen. lu this aria ot the ser- vice Chsarles 'Martel ut the itattle oet Pci- tiers béat back tht. Arab invasioin. Tisa tCarthngiuian ravalryv. silh the as tif oui>- 700 men, uverîlircewthetRo[toait aun> with the Ios uf70,(M0. lu tht.saie %vii lise Sjianishb chi-ar- treve bnci the MIor. isis hordes. The. bcdsu-ny te krepppeaiee in ibis countr- antd luail rountries im ro bu preparet fer war, and Ihere litooiii-- ceas lunertch a content tLes lucre lie pleut>- uf light fuoted changera. Otur Christian pntriotisrn and our instruction from lthe Word ut Cod demand tisaI finit et ail o-e kind>- trent lthe home, and tiien aften rtai, tisaI -e deveiep him fleetuess. and hie grandeur, sud hlemmaJeml>-, sud his etrnîgtb. Au Ahrociona £vil. But what shaîl I a>-of 1he effort lis- ing made la thim day on a large meule to maie ibis splendid creature of Gosi, ti divinei>- ionored buing, an Instrument nt atrocleus cvii? 1 make no lndlacriiuinale nsaault againat the turf. I.buileve in tise turf if it ran buc onducted on right pria- ciples and wvus ne bcttiug. Tisere in no more harma in otfening a prise for ibe swlftest racer than Ihere la burinaetutni agricuiturai tain lu efferiug a prise te thet tramer who bas lie bust vheat, or ta lte fruit grower viho ban lie largeat peur, or te the machlilt wbe presents the tbent rn tisranher, or in a mchooi offerlng a UNCLE SAM'S bleuebis chlldrcn. q. Wbal a apectacle vies tt se At Long Brandi, or aI ep atgheepohead Bay,th@bve d a flash $50,00» or $1001 tr M ultiludes rulned b>- c'g 019bo 'r ivorse rmmcd b>- gaiina tns bat cman, lose laabe taorse il bu dicouraged andi quit, but t- thse bueio aver>apt tego a tn AuIntimate fdieud, a ioc -lu tise lino of Ide profession, luv ths evii, tele me tisai thre arst iereat kindm et butting 5.0 h" je itse>- are about equali>- leppoua, *tien pools," b> - *'meh M I - * wisha sealieij "bookuakng"-f i1 L1ing4 ail bail, ail .mîoten wIlb tt Tberp. la one word liaI needeto d ton ou tise bmow oetever>- r t ail§ deslîîtlug Itde 3 or i par aalyl>- "inging lîpP nmore ticket, -suis] on lhe winnina berm-- swritten aise ou the bmýw cetY* keeper who ai extra indpcaanst au ofthîe rtos and! on the -even>- jockey who iaciena pace i~ i cOrdag teagreemeut, anothètrma -andi vnlttea over cicr>- jadc<pai -wrltlca ons erer>- board- ef theIitJ Ing fonce.. TIet word la *'a4~ tthouunds but. Lawrers boI.- icourt. bot. MemIserg of theLql1 bet. Memburs cf Cougresiýé. Bon. ot religion but. Tmeai»s«,m hiltlendenta of Sanda>- sehools, 1 8,1 d bet. Ladies bu, nul dirocti>-, but tj e agents. Yetendlay, and evcr'-y d obut, tise>- gain, tise>-la».. ad tblsau 0while tise Paasuols swing ai tisc bai e clmp andti fe huzzas deafea, tIer WlU3 s mulitude of Peoplie cajoles! ans!d --n J subd eheateil, oho svii lli te rmt* a0 eatînn ek. oik anti neek te perdition. eCietivate tise hotrse, b>- ail mmus;, %iim as fat a 58>en ilire, pro ridfl~d ,t net l'tarue hMin endanger y.urU vothors. bul ho curetaI sud do not >af atise herse te cse t-o cf nin. DOt' ftisnow j-unr icoels of meralit>- ani * lylng hicof. Deoîlot under tise Pm't j imîîneviag tiseisorne destro>- the mAA*'- r Dtcthave eyuunoame pult wuntis ,ins'reasiug catalogue of hhose wba»i f uined ton bts woride b>- the. disI efthlie Ament-an race course. Tbey, itisaI an honest race coumsinai.. tran-k-, and tihat a 'iionesîl rocsco4. 'ai "-ookes]" truel-Ihsa th larlantg nitronî-bal I tel -ou Ibat ever>- s track amiarnudt.d h> buttlng menand-Io l ing ooutransd btling mausm, Jt, triiglit track-I mena straigît dci Chit nasis]in oet'. ef ils gospel,,"t'O n *a mtan beier Itit a a if'op?" 1 s'>-lé 1nint he is better titn aitis eatodtin tswithlaiteredslalittuiseîr ashot BoUntii ring ut n rare iimue. Tista .a vet'>po job b>- shit'h a mon in rdtle1 gel a bat tiii Mille out a ftull leugîiahcad of 800 il lier racer gosuamutes bia owaamorale iti lie couacs cul a wb,,ie ienth bebind ;a t rare sût befone hint. Equlue M si raty. Do >-oit net realize tise tact liai thfewl u. migisî> effort on ail aies. le-day toi taitne>- vithout earniag il? Tisat in-A imîlrse cf ail tise cille,; It a is e sr A meriea tht. effort 10 gel rnas 'muit earning il and an other forma of tire nulresectlable, tise>- go lin gambiinc prictires. 1 prcmaebltI un square cid fahiones! boneat>-. saisi uotisiug againsltishe rse, 1 cnohhing againat lise turf, 1 hava emYthing againsi tiîr proatitoUto«L men, j-ou go lmb shraîgitto'au Ltries ad yeo-ilhave betý lIl suid yen wiii bave lurger ces,tisa n on auever gsi b>- a wur 1yoetgeilawith nmorn f teduc i,à rLiolcisesicrew tînt 1 sic going tise boulevard., Ibongis 1 ncvoebe rnais iiwager, $5,000,000 t st eu wiil be debaucisd au& dammasi 1Cultîvate due borne, ewu hlm if a% 7 ufford 10 owa hija, test ail lthpe& elias, if lie have day mpeed ln bloc, canetul vîicis va>-yon driveY"uea iaio-aya tell visaI direction a mas à iilgglunb>- the va>- bis herse. h"a. boyîoil, we rode tire. mile. .vc7 bath moraiag te tise country- iteh .. weedrawa b>- two fine lorme. I>-My drove. H. ev hem, ans!dul hlm. Tise>- wene triends. S8orntnî. loves] te go rp isy ad ediii WA fer. vilshisheir happlusmu. Ho bied agii tan ln thewagon wilh him. Ha dro. lisecmuntr>- chanci. The fie« la, Ia4 eigity-twe yt'ars bc drovo lu tichae rection. Tise roan opan tisaI ç1 u was long mgo unihcîd, and! b.he i Put up hbmswisip lu lb. wagon bsonne ut again tlu taie l dova, but h in uid lime, I lbanneds omething Ihat Iam tengut, that a man mu>- admire aiesM and love a herse aud be pround cf a bt and net alwaya bu willing te laie tîiedi of tise precedlag vehicie, andi yet hbu Christian, au ernest Chisitian, a huMW Christian, a censecroîrd Chniatima, l f ui until tlenma, me tisat ai bi* destin chancis cf Gos] crie@ out au Elluba* ciaimeti wiea Elijab wvrai up viib g loping borses of lire, 'My fihasr, in father, tise chariots of Israel andi* horsemen therpf Z" Tue'Watoa' Tre., M. Ducisante receail>- mmde knowit lte Frencis Âcademy cf ScieàÏes sulte ot an experirnent mad» e Maxime Leeomie la Congo Upff ef the tenu. Maeaga. Upon Incisions la tise brunI cf il Md a pail attise foot of the trce, ton quarts of pure waier Ce thisiteen heurs.Tise gnlm, are la the habit cff slaklûitisai, mi theseiidiien fouataila, d tise flow of llquid ahiyl U y dlffereat-alzed branche..s, p- ago Dr. Wmllicb touas! lun1 -fndd. A ver>- - -

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