Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1895, p. 2

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'ES 0F CI1LEDREN. ~2-LUNISCOMPANY USES DU- RESS UPON PARENTS. ~AtUtejut.UU et Lant Figut for Their ZIs'sm-Milnng Troubles Enteti-TO Mahui Llicoln Monumct-Death et a Wayward Tonna Bo.luinuu. Tbreat for Chilti Laor. The Chicago Times, Heraîti saYs: 'Mtb aàntotiet-looking contract ferm, dSaaMd la the limita of 300 iWord@, lhe -MW Uos teel Company la seeking te cast au bondudsofu e inor emiployes luto lu- dUtriai lavery, snd parents are ehrlnk- ue, one of Ibeun rebelling anti othera 11 Ulqeaiernu taenwiing obadienee. By t"e teron of tbe contraet, the father or - *a of aay minor working ln the taifountiries ot the steel compaaY loge bimmeif or brsoîfte1 rellnqulsh aIl itÉku oser the servies of tbheblîtid anti W~saImtieoanl rigbts hafore lb. law to sue W tenud reeover damages trom the Coin- fjor thbmJelor fsach cbld's services tiipag inljury or tieath ia the mille. Anti #bblaeIhe roaclati Vrovision oethIis 4beument that Iis exemption tram dame- t«e la mati. blndlng, even though the -palettasor deatb la diretly raceabie le , lie crlaah negigence of the Company « Iseemloyes. The language of the -M Ihk ouract la plain. Moreovr Ihere - fr tome. placati back of lî that in driv- hC" lany parents te accetance ut Its V»Y'isloms That force la the company's direct tbreat to tilacharge ail minora wlàôe. fathera andi mothers refuse to put liaisnamnes lteIte paper. Poverty anti --huner at limes are the compellang piyer tàt trace signatures upon sncb dot- ~sDe" us-lur at St. Joseph, Mo,,Ia - goidentifluti The burglar kled et St. -Joseph, 2Mo., by Dr. Hale wns fitentifieil by a deutectivîe ba Harry Hugîiiey. the- wayward son of H. W. Hugnley, a iillionaare breiver uf ata. AI efforts of bis father to e- imwm hlm wero la vain. He was sent ta theb Texas peuitetary tramn Dallas for forgiug the naine of Seiff W. H. Lewis teaua order for $15. He enteroil a jlea et gulty anti a fow minutes luter a tele- grarn came froni bis tather employîng a*yers lu defeat i hm. Since thea is ftther has allowed hlm a dollar a das as living expenses, paidt lroîxgb a friand lu St. Louis, the paymnent t0a1bcnmade «mCb day. ____ FELL TURPE STORIhIS. ILi,^. licCusnaut, of Mglaaw, Mich., Kîllen t IAnbur-n, N. T. At Auburn, N. Y.. H. A. MeCatulanti,1 a traveUng salesinan for te Michigan a" tio10Panter Company, ilIer tbnumw btir"sitor feil trôam a Ibirti ulry vin- dmv cf lb. Osborne Houa. Wednosday. Sitbougi consolons sihi-n founti, be tieti leur bheurs ftenward, It vas impossible ti ateram hln bm a couaei-fed clate- ent. Tiice ha sali that thore had heen »«»» n lthe hotel rom whlh hlm, but as the der an ss ouati ta hc locked. vitit the bu luside. ail thongitta et foui play ver. abueti. MeCaushanti as about 130 yeam dldsud bis home vas lu Saginaa, XeI-u-amia Mines-s joa the Milia,. The miing troubles et Wallace, Idabo, ara ead for the presi-al. Ninety-flve oft tIcenon-union men vito vere hreatened1 a ICailc bave enlisted in he h State mili- tic, a" t lers are being i-rol!eil. They bave tilles andi ammunilion sumicient fon g t psaîneeda. Joba Ekianti, vito as bétesm t inseusibility t Ge-rnlefb Wa#l4me.Altitoagitthe beatiug ve it- nasset by a dozen pansons, noue imulti ha pond vba ddilta teaîify. ]Revoit ln As-meula. The mnt slanmtttg aeîvs et re'i-cd et Coustauinople troie Ai-motus was -,ade public Wednesday. Il is stabti tiat the situation la se grave Ibat lunte 5elt9ut Muontains Ibare are 26,000 Ar- laililatte la open revoit agaînst te nul. -. f le Balt. The Turkish Govrament, tu vle-wofte gravity oft tis outbreak, las tedite t lacalot te anay niserves. hismîrtctlon et Celer Foi-ent. Eriest Faber, the voll-known pend!l- aaer, complalus titat tite barbaroas de- = Itlon et vaînabue etiar foreta la w~aelaiithot repatlag bau greatly bb lereasti the price. ot vuail uitable for ëehc"-uaklng, while te Amuricans have lUtraily saapeti the British, Mexienu 4" 100U man nark-» wvit h ceap pendIse. Cic«* o nmtactors Win. Tise cultai-Ifor lie construction> ot ti ev lobai-ceanti cigarette factony of ZRPt f& Myers, la St. Louis, basnhi-ou W *Clark & "ota, of Chicago. The jsetr' exeeed $1,250,000. The tee- -SIWv WW beh.composetioff sixteetu boiltiuîuga rUgl.g tram iso te six stan-s bigit anti 44 tmeueeteti. ____ %ais thoe"«Iar Wlndow Hanse."1 Ras. Pr. Talmage bau bougbât trom MM -. Ktharine Cole te ceiarated "bay Vladow boue" o Msancbusetts - aie- *aé unbie mot tashionable aîreet in Wagh- lugen. lu the Irausachon Dr. Talmage dceilu toa.mCole.hua bouse lu Brookiyn. Ceblutet Criai@ la Chili -Vaiparalso, Chili, 'dispalcit: Offic.iaI bvoiuess la eompletely paralyzeti becsaute 49 thlie Cabinet criais, la spite of ail à- em xpress etilu Govartument rlsj Uk- U.Rfemjifo bas bec-n unuiletaie ont- Vete is lual for a ne i-itmnistry. -tmonument 0, Ramn. Tic Lincoln monument at Sprîngfleid, IolL~l faut crumbilg ta a rin. t is 4.aita b. a pi@heet rotten hit-k.ivit a Yýouffl af atone, It ylhi- nazi-i, anti a -igW uIabsaftt reetet! la ils placeP. uu edeUm tue OU-es-s. - i Wheir bau bt-tn annesteti aI, ou a charge of ilana- Wb*u the offieera veut lu art-est 4»utood nt ber dom w itit a revolver = "te ta stand baek if tIuey Val- Ilses. Fer elgbteen bousmite swoft h.if assllon, tre§x, i eus. s. tmer r rX muaedyo the Moeresurnat la thé Otteau m'bis laa m rnt 'h *t ews f row the a O riWi-à'valî ii'tuation no agrive thaý-severa1 nations areaiamont certain te b. enibroiled inl the near future anleas souethidusla dons t once to rehieve the %tran. The Shanghai dupatch aunoune- las the departure of a fleet of fifteen Rusf- mlan warahips froi Vladus-otock for Chemsulpo andi Fuat, Corea. andi the London Times dispatch froni Hong-Kong annonaciag that Boua bas obtaineti the. rlght to anchor ber eeat at Port Arthur andi conotruet railroada on the Liao-Tung Peainsula, have causeti intense excite- ment ln official circles iu London, as ivell ne ia those bavIng commercial relations Wvith the fat Faut These mont important statements are looketi apon generaiiY A" belag a sutdan reopeulag ini an UnexPect- md quarter of the fat Basteru question ia Its widest seoe. The Shanghai dspatchà added that the Japanes. fleet lu For- ,aŽsan.waters bati been rclleti, that sev- eral British waruhlpa liatibeca ordered te Cora*, anti that preparations for s struggle are visible on al @ides. The Hong-Kong cabie message te tue Londion Tlffli causeti that papar to renark eti- torialiy: *Rassi& cannot possibly imag- Ine that the gset powera wilih view wth ludifference inch a destruction of the batl- ance of power, whicb lga alnost auparal- ieied la Its audaclty. Chna'S option te parchase 4he rallways is a jeet aImait too cynical to Sund a place la any serionsi dilomatic transaction. Under the indi- cateti conditions bianchurla would prac- ticaiy becomne a Russian province wbil5 Peking wold ba wthin Russia'si grp." ST. PAUL CARS TIII) UP. Boy Thievez Diable B.venty-flve Pu*- maeuetCoaches. There tire three boys in Chicago Who eau gîve iesons lu the flue art of tying up a ratîroati ystem. The eldest of the thrép ls bal 14 years oid. They dlaim ao excessive allowance of gray malter, yet îhey manageti Friday serioniy to incon- venlience the bocal service of the Chieago, Mllwaukee and St. Paul Iloati. Then tboy mapagedtet get into jail, andt Iis iithout the tangling feattires of ilituuc- tions, Ftileral courts or habease corpas actions. Seventy-tive pmuseager coaches, bying la the St. Paul yards, were dis- abled by these thi-ce yoîagsters, Who ivent ontona a raid fur brn#s and other nietals wich they hoped would briug thei mîoneary reward la aeighboring juik shojîs. The three preeious conspira- tors tiroceedeti along Kiasie »treet shorti> before daylight and tore front each coach that was ide-trneked the brasa joiningo that tire a part of the steani-heating anîd air-brake connections. A few bouts after- ward, whea the euiployes of the rond ap- peared te make up the trains for the day, tliey tound the coaches dismaatled d practit-nlly liai out of service. ADVERTISE ON COINS. Michiga Merchant E-ti-tes a Brili- imml Scheme. A nienchaul n habe hteior of Michigan bas cî-oIved a îîaveh at!vcrliktng sceeme, bit h ini sonie damîhî as tu bis rigbt te use 't. Thie pîtla lat stit-k a round pester on the buck ut a silver dollar. setiug forth in catcby latîgnage souueliag. taIis SSoad or bring me bock ta the store *of -, hire l'un vortb $1.W). Assistant Distriet Attorney Wiukins et De-trait reeei-eil a ltI-r tramn the ortgma- ter of the novel plan lanssblch hoe sel forth is syseni lu dtai!, anti asked if there in any provision of tha, Treasary fi-part- meut against il. Mr. Wilkius looketi »P tbe question anti anaveret ileht thora in no sîatute ta previ-at IL.He bas ivniton f0 thte Seeetary oMNie Treasnry teanscer- tain if the titpatment bas aur rahiag whieb preveats te use of Unitedi Staltes coins for ativertiuing liarposes. WILL INVEST IN HAWAIL Clevelandi Company, wllb $30004000 Capital, laefluy Sugar-Cane Land., William Blildell, a capitlist andi pro- mter ot Honolulu, bas been lu Clevelandi, Obio, dunug telhut week, engaget! in lu- terestiag capItalistu la a vaut schine tu obtain contraI of lte hastagar-cant produciitg land lu the Sandwich Islandis. A nmbihr of weltity gentlemen bave taken itlt of tbe lroiett anti a compay vil! bd formeil at one aud capitalizeil at $3,000,0)00. The landtinl question con- sistae<ot 15,000ac.res lucatet! fiteen miles f rom Honolulu. Aingi-ans Wrkd Up. Thte agitationuofuthe lb.aska bouadary quetuion bast been taken op bodily by taj Anieica reidents ut Juneau anti a mo-te la u- being matie te fonun a bounary club et tittpllace ta keep te peaple anti te goveruluenttully alive taete danger ef hîsing titi valuable Yukoîn mines. rTe ivar ci-y "Ton Marine Leaguca or Fight"i lu beiutg onnded. A Washington dis- patcb sayu: "ThIe people ut Juneau rnay possesu thir seuls ha pence," sait! Gen. Dafielti, ofthlie Coast anti Gi-dethe Sutr- -e>. "as ta titi possihiliiles oftfilet city's being inluded inh EnglIIubt-mritai-y, if thea rt-sulls of oui- atm-iy ofthlie bouadar>- filule betuvean Alaaka sud lthe British pu- sessionis as tar as nmadet, may be aceepleti as assurnce. Titey seem lu ho ltnaeees- uarly vorket! ap aven te situation. 'i'ey gboutîtikue is-ltIte ontiuaionens net- ing li hehaît of tiis country sud GUn-t liitala wll have no volvo lit bbc final de- terminatbon of th% dispute, ns i il l ie etteti by lb.eiigi offiilhtof the tîtreiga affaire offices ut tietwlso counttries. The mison -aof the commissioatmrs in ta fuînîuislu data tpon wbich ttese ttttcîtîmip mi-. - - reacit a conclusion, and tinusitu t he e-dtInluview ' Ial aur englut-ermi bave bt-t-u lu the fieldth iis lpiuer anti las.' M osr Re-: çcteti. 'nie ciosin doi's Proeedings of te nan- tionni conterence of Uînitarian and otiei- Christian citureblea lunahngon ee te mogt important anti interesting ofth ie roni-estiom. rTe annuai ehetitîn ot ot ficera resulleti la lie re-eleetlon ut Unit- ed Stateas iuator Huer, ofNlatatgLebis- nete as prouieut; ltv. W. D. lMere- bouse. lt New Tonk, gcetrai ueetnun; oud itlliam Hua-cii Roed. of Boston. trenasurer. Rue of a Raitonti ecrecti. lu tbe Unit-t! States Circuit court nt St, Paul .udge Caldwisi atet!an ortier directiîig-the sala ofthebcAtebisen, .ro- Pela anti Santa Fe uInulir«, ta lake pince at Topeka, Kan. on Dec. 10. liitouht faflY te Fart, Cnplain Gakili, bis vite andt te crew et lie teamer City et et. Ansgustîe, wicb siasl butrilAt "94es. RMrset In aBée b ouh.atsm srCiy 44(0u UiVIa ALFRED AUSTIN APPOINTED POEt LeUREATE. Another Upheavalînla utinPolitien -Huntlreda or Armenlans slngih- tereti by Tui-ks-Mati Suicide ut Chi- cugo-Hpotei Guemba Ili... Iu Tennyson'* Chocs. Great Brîtain hourd îith surprise Mon- day the report that Alfredi Austin bas Weu chosen poet bourente. The Book- manî, a ret-gnizeti literary aathority ot the kiagdom, makes the positive an- nouacemntao f lb. appoiiitmenlý la ils November nainher. Austin*@sume lins scarcelr' been mentionet inl the discussion of te probableaccessor of Lorid Tenny- soit, heae the sensation attendtant apoa his reporteti appointment. If it ha true tbat tb. Influence that sîvept aside Switi- burnie anti Daon lu fas-or of Wlllianî Ernest Henley bas brn overthrown lu fa-ton of the poet, <ritie aud jourualist, there ivilIl bc few to nioun. The appoint- ment iilI ha popaiar. Nover a great tian ini the lilenary field, Austin -kas stili en- denred bimaelf te the Eugîisb lpeople by bia nearuesa 10 tbem. 1-%EW REV'OLUTION IN' UATTL Hippolyte Proclaluns a Bleus anti Or- tiers Poitlcal PrI.ones-s Shot. Newse bas beeu reeiveti at New York of a revoiutlou lu Hayll. President Hip- polyte, itlal saiti, bas retired ta bis palace lu Port Au Prince, wbere be ia guardeti by the army whlch be broagbt down frtram the uortb with hlm wbeu be overthrew Legitime. Commercial bouses la New York whlcb do business ln Hayti bave been expacliitg this outbreak for several sveaks. Wben dispatches came saying that Hippoyte bati proclaimeti a tate of alege lanlPort An Prince tbey ivere not un- pr-pareil. Their privaI- dispatchos ivere ta the effet-t that- several of the leadlug mca of Port Ait Prince bati beau arresteti, as iveli as many wbo bath cone la front the country ta halp sîvell tbe army of the revolation. Hippolyte proclaimedtihle state of siege anti ortiereti out a certalif miamber ot bis prisoners to be shot. go fer ten men have been shat anti about twenty are la the military prison. Tbougb îhe aid frientis of Logitime are eonceraed ini the present moveint it lau nid thiat (.eu. Manigat le not at the beati of it. Thev army of Hippolyte bam been caneei- trateti about lie palae anti le latends 10 naie his final flgbt. BURNED AT THE STALE. Awful Trealment of Prîaomoner Y a Musmulsuan Mob. Constantinople disipatchu Anolber ter- rible massacre ot Armenians la report et to bave oceurr-ti la tbe Baiburt district, bet>veen Erzeraum anti Trebizouti. A moli of about 500 Musuimaus andl Lazes, the gi-est majority of vitaun wre at-meut îvltb Martini-Henary rifles, matie an at- tuck upon the Armenians iababiting aev- oral villages of thal viclaity, anti selt ire lu their boumes anti scboole. As the Ar- menlaus flot! ia terror tram their diveil- loge tboy verg abat dowu as they ratu, and a aumber ut men anti vomi-n vto were captared by the rioters, Il lu atituit, si-i-e fantenedtu la takes sud hurnoth alve. The Arutenlan women Who ftel int the banda ofthe mob. it la aise assent- P-d. were bratally treated and muntilateti. The Tarkiah officiais, it le chaimeil, kaow lthe rngleatiera ofthle oatbreak, batt apt- pareafly no stops have beau takea to an- reel tbem. Vite number of Armnias mausacreil at Ersingin lunas- saidtu t be seieral bundreil. The Turks, il le stateti, bave aise altat-kei the Armealane la lte district of Gamusbtiagh, ni-ar Trt.bizonti, andt bave sinugbtenet i nun oft Ieni. bIANT GUfflTS POISONI). Sevea In a Crîtîcai Condition et HuaI- lugten, W. Va. About twenty gueula of the Adelphl Hatei, Huatingtan. W. Va., took sick ho- lwen 8 o'cîock and 12 Bnday nîgitt, aud next moaîîlg a aumber of thein ere ln a <rilical condition. Physician» vore called in and ti w as pronounceel a case ut pioisamiing. Sevenai are expeeteil b dlie. The cause af the poisamîitg laetinkuovil. The htl, whleh la one of the leaduitg luastelries lu the city, resembleil a houpital antI i-as belag viàiiteil by bundri-du of peo- pic. The relatives of sick guteats have hi-en uîotified. jumpe t taCertain Death. Juat elte tiupartment atone of f3lt-gel, Cooper & Co. nt Cicago vasq beiag cloiseel Muuîday ulgitIrs. lMai-y Walsh, of 5415 Princeton avemne, leaped tram the thirti flooro et it-rutuadahu inti- ci-att-rof lte bnldting sud vas daubeti beatilonto f ic tiling belaw, a distant-eetoftbirty feet. Deatb enut-il ina nfi-w minates. The ekai aasterribly, -rubotianti theian- boni-s fractareti. SIe itat bei-n saffening tram demi-alla, anti ber aet wau one of premeditation.____ He matie No Promise. Mandrit i dspalcitea via Havana allego finit Pt-i-ident Clevelandtiebdtipromise" lthe Spania ninister b veto any action by Congreas favorable ta tbe Cabans. A WVashington tilupateit gaya: It ea ho stateti potitlvely ltato auct-bpromise has licou matie, anti thal suih a promise womîIt hi- se Irregular anti aapneeedenteil as 10 ho beyoîîd the range of prohabîlities. Bixty Armninn ilîflt. Flerce iitunhancea, aeomPanieti hy serionslhoabeti. are reportei ta liai-e taken place at ErzlugJaa. Sixty An- muians are Ralid ta have beau billet!. Titi Turkiiib Governmnt bas sent a circuler note 1tthe reiîreantstives ofthe povera anîd ta ils ,reîîretutievs abruati an- lîîîîuaelltg thal lite outbreuk vas provakeel hy tîte Armenianu. l'asl Slockyai- in laMexico. I<remideiit Ioueü, uf the Union Sf oî-k- yards, Pueblo, Colo., will purcitase lande requmireil for the projeetial union stock- yards ut bbc City of Mexico, wbile aa su-herne favoreti by the goverament anti nailnîyeiornpsanl. Thiepjriceo0f Ie lat is muidti ta ha$2,000.000 i-nid. Forelga Pi-oduct Chut Ont. As the resait et an agreemi-ntl ouereel lutto bel weea American manufacturera of sviudaw-glass ant iImportais ofthbbcsaune pro4uî-t tht-ne wlU ha au ativauce af 2% per cent,.lanîiniceu. The importers have agreail te no longer haudie the foreigu lîroduet. _____ Perl i etheu SultauL A tiispatcb recuis-ad fi-oun Co»utanti- naplo sayi thifflaplot bas hen discoverd sumant tise aU tie et l au' pelace. la. m.n»,laS autA.'d" tudin»ar l. Al Cube. The wapr-.sntatlv.s of the Spauh GOvergmoat inthIis countr'y bv ~o o-et what la naid to ha a new plan Mu the. part of the sympathisera uith Caban insurgeaIs ta hip animunition f rom lthe United States ta Iliair complatriots la Cuba. Detectîs-es have been watchlng the Insurgent@' frientis for thraa îveeks, sud report that bey bave obtaiiedth a1. dient factota a ubeataiate the original story. Tafiui coi-ding ta tb. story, bave et large cou- siguments0f toj to Ha*ata. 'houetoys consist moully of large and isutally' beavy dolîs. Their iveiglit li eviontiteti for by the delectlveu by te assertlin Ibat eacb dol! coutained as îoxî'n nIl' imrt- ridges. The lest coiisigni(îet - of dîtlse sent froni New Yank tb Cuba li elb-iiatt-d ta have conînittet 400 cartritiges. MAIL TRA]UN WIRECKEII. iMalneer and ti FIsenu.KIlled anti Ton Poat.l Cierhm lAsas-ed. 'A dîsasîrons wreek oceni-reil un Ibm Pennsylvaaie Ratiroati at ~'Newprt. l'a. A disableti car ou the eat-bouti frelght Irack jamped the track jast as mail train No. 7 was at that pont. The loeomo- tii-e anti tender of the mail train ivere hurieti into the canal, aud the postal sud freigt ars were piieti ap over the trucks. Englneer Wilkillisuanti reman Haines. of Harrisburg, were lnstaattly killeti, anti eight or ton postal cerk» were lujured. Foar mailcars tob tire andt tgethor wîth a large amouut of mail malter wert burneti up. h'nssenger trains are rua- îîlug by way of the Nortlieruu. Centrai anti Sunbury andt Leiviston divisions. Bine anti Gray Unit.. One ut the nislIs of the grent galbes'- ing of Weotern men lu Vic-ksburg ladi- dental ta the uaterways convention bas beon the organîxation of the Vicksburg National , Mlltnry Panrk Association, wboso incorpoaturs incte (lt-Gn. tee, Gi-n. A. IL- Alger,.(;iu. John Bi. Gordon, ex (loy. lutoard of Wisconsin, Col. Fred D. Grant undi many athers of equaI prom- issence. The objettot the orgailzation lu ta, fater tbe touisstitîn of n national military îark at Vicksutrg smiluar ta Ihose aI Gettysburg anti cu-kamatuta Park. Thcotiîers of the ao4-ialiîîli arc: Gen. Stephien D. Lt-,o. ut1Mt'.Sisiîîi. l'reideîit; MaIn. C. L .t>uîiduii.Iowa, Vice Presidésal; (Cpt. W. T. ltit'by.ot Iowa, Secrt mt-try; ('0i. t'. C. V-w-îo Vie-ketuîrg. Trî-nturtr. The iz4tmiorisir are ulmosîeqiiatly ilrau n frointhtle railks ofeth etî rimt. 'Fice enri'e n-as lu- dîirffIh iy te rt-cei tremuîiem otflte Grand Ara»-f e ite cibtili* ahe Lauisvii!e. Btse Dimtmonde anti Ytotiey. fltcltclV"15are Inyiigts laloctit-the flîleves alto - rubled î-dqu-lnook HutlCluîb's hanse. sieur Hfenmpstead, L. I. The titieves se-jî-eeny valueti at $10,0(0, postt'd as etlie la Iugolf mauth, andt a iiantonîl ekirt lohin alto-J a(t$2000), beluagiîîg lu Miss ('ontuiu-iVandierbîilt. Gosdon Gelsalthe Conîrmict. Tbe acfting supervs-îimg ttrcteî-t ofthlb treâeury asanîhed lu IRobert Goonm, of Chic-ago, te contrnet fan blidinîg a steat»ss heting plaeut la the li-mporary postoftlle lnChicago, nt *881.Mnr. Gtordon agneea ta do the n-ork in forty 4mhtig. - ýi jealoun of Mer &inler. Near Elmi-oud, Ohio, Ilattie ( 'ase, in a fit of jettously, t-ansiil lîy the facellIaI Rimer Temuple, bier fattrs eauiloye, peiti liesiatteuntionu to ber Ihaî ta bier ululer fleleit. cut the ltters fat-enith a raser au Ilîntase suill ie o ark-etifor lite. Fouati Her Iteir on the Flur. Mfisa Elin1Miller, îf Hikiatan. lad., awukete allier aîoraimug la inti ber bain l-ing on flic floor ut the bedlihi-. Hon gros-n brother, svho h a seI-ap-n-aîker, is eîmppIosci 10 lhav-e eut off the lbain during Oae of bis samutambuitit sPells. Peuit Pierced ie i.Heurt. Joba Drippa, 8 years aid,naI l'ittsburg, îvhilo runaing bomne tram %citool feul. A shate pend! lan bis pocket îier-td lim heurt and icaused dtenti luslnntiy. Tbrci' years ago thi- boy's tssiu brother died fron ta- lng Chîrisîtas fr00 onnanîcats, Bank Ferceti ta Close. Shownaes of collections torceti the Siale Blatik ut (othîeîiurg. Neh, 1 iloue its dou. TIieteltomits aiiouualta oabout $8,t000, ahle he bo ett are about $25,- 00, îpart of wbk-hlalu nvo-uiectibie. Fuat Express Dtcheil Spreatiiag rails isrecbi-dthef cBurliiîg- to's Deai-er-SI. Lousis faut exprcess at Waltiron, 'Mo. Nine persane nene iujured, titrec ut theni seriansly. THE MARK~ETS Chicago--Catle, commnenoprime, $3.75 ta $550; bogi, uhiîpiag grades, $3.00 en $4.00; sbe-p, fair ta eboice, $2.50 ta *3.75; wbeat, No. 2 red, 59e lat(»c-, corîn, No. 2, 30e en 31c; oats. No. 2, 18e to 19c; rye, No. 2, 38c ta 39c-; butter, eboice creamery, i10c la 21-:c; itas, tnt-ah, 7e e 18c; potataes, petrbubti, 17e te 25c; broumsecarna,co-unîtgnotte l eboice green ittrl, 214v ten 4c pçm pouats. hmdarpoli-Cattle, eliî'iîiiig, $3.00 ta e-.25; bogs, cholce igbt, $3.00> to $4.00; siteep, commuan ta îprimîe, $201)0 to $4.00; %vbeat, No. 2, 64c tlu(;Oc-. coru, No. 1 white. 30e en 32c; unes, Nu. 2 wnîile, 2lc ta 22c. St. Lii-Cattle, $3.00 ta $5.50; liogs. el.50 fa $4.00; whcnt. No. 2 eti. 63e ta 64c; carna. No. 2 >elîun-, 26c ta 27c; oet, No. 2 wbit e, 17e ta 18e; rye, No. 2, 37e to 39Ie. C'iacinnati-Caltte, $3.50 ta $5.00; itogs, $3.00 lu *4.25; sbeap, $2.50 lu $4.00: whîeat, No. 2,.(00e te (67e; corn, No. 2 mixeti, 3Sic ta33c.- pals.No. 2 muxeti. 19e e 20c; rye, No. Z, 41c te 43c. Detrot-Catte,, $2.50 lu $5.50; lhoge, $3-00 ta $4.25; sheap, $2.00 ta $3.50; nheat, No. 2 ted, 66Re to 67c; coi-n. No. 2 yeilow, 33c- ta 34c; onte, No. 2 wvhite 22c te 23e: rye, 41c tu 43e. Toeda--Wbeat, No. 2 i-i-i. 67e lunti8c; carna. No. 2 yellw, Sic ta 3àc; unts, No. 2 white, 2le lua2Me; rye, No. 2, 4lc ta 42c. Bffalu-Cnttie, $2.50 lu *M.50; hags, $3.00 1u $4.25; ulheep, $2.50 ta $4.25; wiîent. No. 2 roti, 69e to 70c; corn, No. 2yellosv 36& te 37c'es at, No. 2 white, «23c to 24c. Milwvaukee-Wbeat, No. 2 spring, 58e e Mm:k cura, No. 3, 3û0e ta Sic; osta, No. 2 wbite, 20e t. 21c; harle-y, Nu. 2, 40e ta 41c: ryo, No. 1, 40e ta 4lc; Park, mess, '$7.75 en *8.25. New York-Catle, $3.00 la *5.50; hot%, $3.00 tu $4.59-, sheep. $2.00 te &*4.0 wheat, Na. 2 reti. M2vtu 73c-, cotaNo. 2, i e ta3ne, oabs, Na. 2 whtts a1 tae<o2c; lA I*O té ame. ILOC« eo i s frsW ,t PRIONTPUL WREOK ON THE~ tAissourn PACIPIO. IlasrIble Dccii or a Texas Io-tra tioid. <Ilo, Itttily crhe-tlll Sîibirmna Trains Collie. 'rîo silîîrlîti îttinlis O itu I o m I ri l'tîî-lle tîîitl.îuneîlttttl t i ih îiiilii Ic iîîtir'ani t i e oîth leîti th tliit tg ct.lîle. witilnthot' Iliî' atio lKut tId l itlilit 'l"eliîoy u mii ahorrilelt ivreek i-' sîîltît. 'Thte two i-inteer. l'tumlt li-nliriui a titiJotila arpbei, ut're killti outîriglit.'Te tIwo lreiliet. <i î'tre'Trui, Rail t'irbm unb>iilar, wrr,'fataily la. andt hitrt Taiyloir. or t, It I.tttls a-tre IRMis itîjiredI. tht'fariner iriattsly. t io latteri elgîti>-. Theti' îlstî'r %tas rêîîed tliranglitttht. utre mtîea usAwly TWO ill.N KIiCTIIOctlTIID. SBuilth andtDalia s 1bie la ýthe Faal Titeoidny for lt themecunîtinte ll te hlm. tory tif NewvYtork two-auiriderpru paPI tih. penlty oft tîeir eriiitt's nt Daîuemora. N. Y., un themPainue day andi befuro the sanie set tf ifvtntemies. (Geurge Il. smlth, îvhou urdereti Id ll'bliip Iielcheyer ut Albany. andtihrleks N. Davis, su-bukiflct 6-year-old ti naggle Shannon nt Cohues, were exet-uted lu the ele-trlc chair at Cliii- toin pison. Theoe were aise examples of qtiiik justice, bath belug euuvlcted dîîriiig the tbird watek la Selîtember, sud no ail- peul liiiigz takea lu the higher curt. The tîs4tilsenimaental tentures uere lat-king. 'ie twv o iti vu -lt itîto théeWetroctul b- rooia i fiti el ouitln iblrtiF. aititual (-unis or veste.' w-ttb plain derk Irousiers aud slippiers. w bit-lu ltter wëre Inkeit off as they sut duen in the diaira. DURNE>1118 BUILDINGP. Objeel 1tuGose Mun Owuiug 1.400 Acres f andui. NW%'lli it Tii rite, a uet-lly rît ihnsu e tairai-t-r itf Ni-n York. nc4e-itt y par- cluîil i 14451 netdtlantdtin 1141t lowîntr e-nd tif L.uîzt-inî-Coiti. leut> îuti lie- i-rto-tii- a uuuulfi- tilîilditgs,. planîit- iti tri-is auîîîh liit fei-its. Theii bit lidtazs batie e it iie -ciJijiîimiliirte i tr l r t-i ohru til t tutitid Ile fei-.' e trt iyi-i. Det-tivli tart- now:I usut rk 0oithcl iiet. hti l lIî-gi- tuaut eu-ile liiii theIi-i- timit al uid ut ftr Mlr. 'hix aiclîad tîtutii pltir-i-btte t 1. II401) ani"' of land Iw u tua) iluit-ltfor omît-amlîtu a w n. Trouible on the Gri-et Norihern. A t-mnuiltt- utf ighi t rt-siitmîg thi- vutmiuulé dgo-e itfte Asiu-rii-mtu i llIiay lit usiqut el*.4relAke. N. h).. r,-î1sii Ilmt st-hedlis ftur etbtitiesminut tai Prt'i- donmt il ili. Theimin ii rout iini - o li-mi - tIu lithitlit n an t-a id mitait-lh a griey- alleei- ee iititl-d tu'.1ts urtli euuisiiilcn it tu nsa hhgh l'a itmilla it totit i gricîmimi. As fath-r i-uise furt- î-ulintittl is laimed t litîMri. 11111 t-ver inuiethe uînioîn -on lime greuit stnike iin 181M. lias bren i-terniati-ally iitlatiiig mIle agr-e- ment malntit a tite. Blai-ch la Venezuela. A i-arnesiend-mt ina Iti. truzil. te- gnîipidT-ul Ttîtay to But-ii,- 'irt-u. Ar- geutina. thaitiit-nvs biteniieu r-iveil froni tht- Uovcrntr oftl'ara -uJtirminx thme report tif he pausage af Britii Inostihs lugli that torritomy. A -orme- t pllmihi-mtlaItai-auna 'f an Engligh it-im- palier rn-civ(,tl uirde rtr ls pulie-r tu eiiuh-rk au nc omi--tr Vi-ieziteis.iut an- tii-ipaliiiuîoftîhe' ilcutoatralion Itreat Bititint is exis-ilu-ilti i nae tt La Guayra Ituer- î i!tàuianofutlit-r ulimatlumi. IlIst Losismnt Srnùgacuit, Ohio. TIif Lagitiila iIlo l i tSiriuîtitiît tho Nua. us tletniyhi >tir(- ueîlt andti liMrF.Ttîiîu. -nofIlleut iîî gis hum mci> t-iauîtil %ilhIii tIiunlav-i. AUi tu othîr gui-mule at-.rt- sa nit- inla t i- id~ i somld- n luuity exilt nimii thte tîililiii.Th le ire %n-m mimt 4iiiitritl tutitmaildamaiuge nîintlg uii 51îtiaile-)iii-& c. iiitIlut- hi-art outhe tylt-i.I-Fi fteut busiimiut ît i es ivene buntect. Have Jii-cJ Lotter. At ( iitusu.A li- l.à, nr.h uiî..îtiu btuint, agedi- 1)yt-un. i1u. lit-r funeraI vais atî-mîîed by lier fotur w iîltiu til ihitigil- tore, te e >ott'-tu lîîîi.. ;i-anus aid; ifty graiidt:liildrti.i, ic r 10) i,'eat- grndeîîîhihdrniutandmu itîlgt îut -gmet-I gratitît-ldrliini. ilu - as t lit- oMîiet persne i n Alabîîtuîîm and - uuitîllii!numidin laniet-colina- ty tor ihlytt u e Cabinet Crai@ ia France. Thie-F-ncuh cabinetii- u-igii llMndauî it il rviut ol i lu dentittlttfeat iii te (lta:ut'.uif I) >'tmt lts duuing the debite oui lit - it rarili îuy ut-na. 1'n,-i- t!ii -îuFaiînilins-i îuttpted the- t-tsignatim-i efthde minmie:y. The niiitny whicitllas jîttresel wI ias fortii-tiant Jan. M. Rtibot, afttr tîte falliofthlbe-Dtuuty aiiistr> - PariunIeauan]Indiana lSontelry. Five tramaps invadttiihie kit-ht-ait the NationalI lotelIt aI3ubashb, lad., drove ci ciy one ont of Ihat liart of thebeonnse anti lelped tlimentilvt-s ta entables. The police suet-e uimneud. ThIe tramaps tbreiv diables, bhuais anticolisîeat tbe offlrees. Tbrec of tent ac iuuily cIulbbed lmb subuissiait. Brens-nt ilthe Clake. HenryHllliard, a iegro si-bt itaalfed anti then martiereti youîîg lrs. Bell Mon- dayr night rieur Tyler, 'iexuis. luas cap- turedITautay, fuken ta ton-a, anti burneti ta tieatb in the pubile uqîlare. A large ct-aWd of cltlzt'as iitasesetia idying agonie. Actors as Benne Shîftere. The tbirty members of lte Titeatnical Employes' CUia workiag aI the Lyceuma Thenler. Duluth, Mina., ivent ouf on a strike for igbcr n'agi-s Muntiayiigiti. bleabena et the RIobert Dowsning Cam- pany elifti te steny helircen the Rets. J. J, Van,,Aen Arrented. Jamnes J. Vuiui Ait u, ot New-port. iR. I., huas bren unîiétattiln a ssrit u-arginx tlienntiotî of vilt's taffetionse, t-antoi out by Mo. 1S. Colt, anti Las gi-oit $200,000 bail. Aigntin2 la 5hip Ctîle. Theo cattle raiscre ofthlie Argettine Re- public are making uarrangementsuta im- teont large inumbersuot blgb-grade catle Itl impruse the herds la artier ta com- pfe. la th. Earaiinn markets vilh the 1 lite Ptock siupporBigrozathe:b. tadt , tua àan mutmiiwz- ý1 . 1* mery Be xNm dr ll UvsbOwh-aq tb Place suda pfflitWe oo«d,- Theidmrrick show» la the .àp'avb4Ia tiualgned 10 oereadity moTé4' 1flo place tb place andi ereeteti wMt fCWi' ity andt 0autaniaticnlly awIugltu IoD- earrying arm to depelîtthé' laid antd aîîtoinaalically celui-n the armt b ori»4l posItion for engagement witb anotaf loDa. I-I la eitpccally adatpteti for b#nd-ý ling tork titisof lîay mmd àstrw lu férs-. lau àtnu-ki. lFigire 1 shows tîte des-ice Itn lîeraluu-tlve, ilgire *2 belag a sec- tionul vlî'w of' the parts of the derrick. l'hoe hune bloc-k la secured lnlaposItIon by headed stakes dtivsen la the groilat, anti reeels-es the luiver end et a dehrrl'k posl, belt upirglit by gay ropeai. On th. uppar endi of thte puct a carrier armu la pivoteel to rock, andt on a reduced portion orthlIe ai-in lu a traveling tilDe tram whlcb la tîpporteil a sheave block, antl-trlctloîî roulera façilltatii*g the reatiy moveniont ofthlie tram. To rock the carrier tiaia anti tetaîn Il at anytiesired I nclintion a nopa ax- tende trot» the Ipost over a lisilI 'j 'ui lhe rear enad outlie aria andti hence ov-.r andi aroun t ller îîîlleys on ltae pout tu a faqte-nlag point. Tite hoisliin oe. ai- tilreti atont-ent-dtiifie front portiont ut the ir4veling tramne, ua&me4 dos-n fis-r a uheavye piey anti p os-or a 1005. pal- hey ofthIe traitît, anti theace over pl- loys on the ît->st andi an ItIer pulley helti lu brnceîts nt ls base, exleudlîtg hiorlzontally for t-oitvelilent connection witlh a t-tulîtor othuer ikisi-r. Coavt-uilcît ian-s are îrovided for lot-king ic pt uttn i iilaposition anti for ntittaiiitnll- rtleasing the arni ant i saiîgiiîg It lalî-tally uifler de- puaI tinîg a load.the iiiplrovliio for rock- lng or ltà4-liilîîg titi-utrul tîîiltaflug lbe teit-astof l1t.4aiadItaîîy t-ltired place ,s thile slntîk. T-nu e îîirnk tiiay 'e reaill abou alîurt amni pat-ketilnaa ivagon for t-oiseh-nvec t o-tg.S eutihi- Atînir-an. A NEW VENTILATOR. lit Wil Suppiy a Car with Pienty of Vresh Ais- Withouîeahrnnght. Tihîe biessings andîi lîabe 0 f a uviole generallou uttf peopleiig - wI ai go ta the mn itlitI orovldt-s àa r.tronitl t-ar ws-tit gootive-ntilation wultiount the annoylng iaterve-tntion ofthIe "uP6en- wiîtiow i-ad." 'rite ac-eauibanylng Il- lustlration u sitantu lInvetion tii-l Bccula adapted ta tîhe purpose. This veatîlator. by the ivay. sias dei- vIseti by a man who bas bati charge of talteti States iérîay hiospilalti, pprlk-ti. larly as ta ventilatiotn. for many years. As shoiv lante bnoeeî-away portion of the main VIt-si, a venîllallng lîlpe, ixteatis eagtha-ice ltrougb the coachi itear its rouf.lits opposite entia belng botnI ulwarti and roildedwilth fn- ael-siiaped eoivîs, whose months are covere-h wilh si-re ncttling. iistîte te t-r thie pîie hai air aultie cousit'iiig e4 short tubes at whoe out,-r e-ndts are îIc'ilei-tiiig ilates,as sîtuinli une of il( ue sili vea-s, aotiîer vioiv giioîviuîg tut-ar otît- t-titi thIe ple. .a valve oîîeîîîl y lIte air iaeing ta ont§ ti mec-iou n tti le - tui al)lssbii 10 cr- remît. îîhile adîjac-ent lt tIsvalve. ni-ar ciendcaiof lt e, ls' ea danîpen r r- uhat h lt-a lu- iurremi . 'FTolx»rtiîit thti're- THE NEW VENTILAT0it. movinir0fcimiers from the -pipe, a col- iectlîîg ebamber Is îîrovlded near ecdi end with reino-aible bottoui iovered hy a secrw cap). lu the iower part of ecd car door lm an air outiet h:îvitig a coverlag of wlro nettlag at onle ie and at the other sidA a biuged covertîbîte oî,euing ou twnrul. lVslker. The surnamt uof 'Walker, a coitet. pornry tells us. bas notblng te do îvlti pedeetriani Mens, but hati Its orign lu trade and occupation. like other tamnil. lar naines. sucli ns "Smth," "Parmer," "Bowyer,** "Ficher," andi mo on. "WaIk. Pr" lm a coinaon surnamne la Yorkshire as wlll be understood wbenltin canese. tien vwltl the ladustry of that reglon le explaîneti. It lm of Fiemlsh deivation. A ma whp Worked nt the walke-- walcle-or ftiltigý-aii1lWu a waiket'; and In early Manchester direetorlea al the fullers and ciotbdressers were cal! ed walkcrs. Puulshed by Cromiwell. A Putritan preneber naniet Boyd was la thie habit of liaeigbIng agaie Cromwell. Secreary Tiiurlow lntgr-~ ed the latter, advislug him *oilave.tha mn s hat. ae' nfool, and Yero-e an- other." sý.attithe Proteetor; l'lpWty bli ont ln bis oWn coln." tàma- Boyd to dinner. andi. before glvln#g w>» ay, prayeti for three heunre. -le was a gay geologlat;. Bla nale w», CrtiflW frq*. Re wlth an heiresa fen la lil Becaube glas a th thom

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