Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1895, p. 3

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buri ho" uler lug4 at cent .1 eggaRlal?.'gneo j lenl ec, npn et gettlng rid, et Sergeant Lyunufer sb" awIle ownafter hie cnverationiYca] wit1h Mrs. Knex. He hall net determînel an I hether te comply witb ber requet, but At1 t now the whole tblug seeuxed taben eut te ot hubande. thoi Havlng dîsposeti et ail the papers that me hui acythiug te do wth Sergeaut Lyni, Win CHAPTER XX. the- Colonel turued to othea' busness, andin Whou, early ou thuenorrow. btepheu soon forgot the. whoie affair. m Pi'luup receved a uote freM Jane Cea- But heforo ho i*t he balltotetli bis sha teRniat unir the wotd.*"Core," t MaYay utant about bRuieLfa.J 1* bo&d ho toeut ne tme lu anmwring '*WbMat should rousay vas the mont hbp thAummh. trdImcupntb yunlikelY' thlug te happea, (lraeme'r' lbe by, .làuê standingunuder the veranda, anti ued uhugaIemeeo(iIipaesn bast, . andi leniug hack lu bim chair,, suiling. lori golngu p te ber wihh mt, wingiuul "Yen are going te lie marrlmd, Colenel ?" À sinide, hoe augbt ber lui uriarm. wau the qulck raply, anti an laccent ut Her ced lips qulvereti beneanth tiretierce higb distisin crept lute the divination. hi admiration trii eyes exprt.used, but le The Colenel nde hie tr eand. a stooelîndti lei the hro swtlerh " MinsaKutllys, 1 mppse't"' de "Mrlitle ov. m ow isiýthý.i-," "J'shaw! 1 veuld asumwon mnrry au har Inbu i mururti oii>-. llirîe ie i-iî'le!" won the eontemptueus reply. T'n lu s bi iîter'oume whliberha ail 'Theu 1 arn ifraiti yen viii have te teleas neveé béenaidîe teappelb ,or ai-t u4lie mi % wouitihase echoec. But bie promise V, hvo it in tfr 1 cannet gues.' ptr MIn. Pan@ bsd titi hlm. sud then the j "in Il ios Knex." did kuetuletîge et ber promise toau4trgeauut ie t deuat cngateul fs eide te o[ Lyon; but now ail neaul for self-relîrca- ofnh aîu eg.ualou ewuS Mnwas st aircutI. uandi hi' ouili lut it hlm in willîoeebaud remiug on be Dnr Pasin htj rs..tabla, anti now placed the ther on Ira li For natre than an heur tIi-y strolledti îua Coonetîrngn iii hlm ace nTethe AnI andi down, sud ilbeiua serv-ent inierrlut- Col onlrneui e a isfate.gondenCobes1th ed theun vltb a salain for the Ctuui tua' e wre netu sfor theig ou is un (rom Mr». Knox. Telling Jane ho wait Rue liere ot f speal.uwd otgr for hlm there, halie tonce obeyad teu ehe e ti râame i omeltit M> Oi-Pm .Te is surprise the lady wau aeiUwer tbing. -- su eaW or leseilon o hll ipeted "Afterwluat 1 sai at Cawnpore aboutda se efi" b er plae ie wbol.add agpctcta uarriad colonel, yeurn aiiîîexîîct me e toed anteutiebc vas palte ien-taeshow exuberant deligbit," bie ubtervecl.ti te elsmi, aitmutiled n-iIh t cb h e w ith rather a forreeti mule. o te vlcene lm atiei aay t oce. The Colonel looked itisuuupeimttd ut Iis 1 "Youensayconîgratulât; me" saiti the au-k ef wurrnh.fa Clonel. "Jane bas accepîtd me.,uu hnh owîl aned --1 m t ouI>' wsnt our ,consent nov asmodeenhG quartermagrer's. iîu hllnoeethusiastic, 'al. Iiatted >on he -Sh intir mot wllfl cildtirr eýrfer i>'hest uan, but-' h "Sua hi ie M@oKoxt rleta i ir Vaientine tried bard te look grulilieil 1»' t speeaed. "I helitre Ibat i! a man with b tmr ffvrfru i ooe,1u «Il ibe fortune et a Ittos-hilti bai wlabed aanbItioe tceefisanmsa te marri ber, mban-ouud @tilt bave keptlugt rousî f o eaa e C litb trber prumise teefilet drunken sergeant." h.I nvr ido out s e o-le "Butnow tre b mie,*'saidStep enet," lie answered, wuihh e soleutnity of PrBut pu sbei [aue, ad8cpîi t ta funerai; il Seincil ,uiîh ' R -Then mnid yoii kî.t.p lier." stire rpuhehpsta i hudb r -Why'i You dent hin"- umbredta take the part of irt walking li She put ber baud upon hie arn, andi gentleman wvie lehabard hopad te pin>' the met bis glance ot surprise witb (nue f tille role. -Congratulations," lie tueut iiîein 'ou, "are ver>' stupiti thiegs lun >' opinion; % f 'TII telri yng It.u. ~~but you ina>' Re sure I wimb you au-cty r I.ynii ees ber eaalie will persuadeprsei.MssKei-" leto ber te mry rhlm in spite et n-bat bas ped ashort, ant i concludeti rapitily "But hb tua L" -yen bnow wbat &ahe is, sirn" ps" ebsrlaei e ri ire- "Yen, I bnow." aughed the Colonel. **autnieut;as lea Imupemefrntherasn""Anti va wili talabout yonr iupporîing e.% LKnox renîained silent; but the tia mteni' nhe grent occasion another tinue."* eempemmouiet er ipsaeeeuute ic- Theugh hie spe carelenai>'le ball dis- ,comresionofber lti as'séuemtbi idseceveredt rein Valetiue' a nnear that le l liwas, or tbeugbt hinseit, bard it, andmien liei -e el m h tSergeant Lî nuntersteeti why lehallatibeep me unreati>' 5 te raspeud. b aad Iu reply te yenr tiaughter's letter'!" [lm nalieti Jane about Il tirait ane Therewona atoneb- et autherrty Ru is thnng toure wbhir e.. Knox imedately de- "en ae eglr Ril fr-oafil teu'ted anti reseutetl. 'Ynaearglrlitetr-r nai "*Yen bati bether sasi my daugbîar," she the regimrent," hae bld ber, smiillg; "not i'epimd auleu>'.content ithb baving mnaIyeur tact, you aE 'uled itne' nl îl tht bu ioulti have lcft >'eur mark at intervals ait dowu la cou' rli-re 1truinudautiranebu isthIe liât, frein Major Larron anti the Atim- in terati m mucb tirât 1 shenit like ber te at-" He broke off abrupil'. t -t tî'vrvthiuug tucetd ith that un- ' Deo te Sergeatit Lytîn." sacfluimbedt i, hapyMa. quReti>'. "Dent lt us bave auy ubjact lie waited for ber t a peak. anti t lat betweenunu that ne are atraidtat men- &he subi, beiatingly: tien, Stephen"ti *,Yen uuish me tu hellu ynwbat Jane le hall taugbt ber te cal hile b>' bis eu tllîl ief" Christian naine, anti the ligbt pause be- bR lle howe-i grnvali'l aset. fore pronounciug il secinctite maire theM "*Then," she answered, burrietiR>, "Jane smenuth Ie sueetar tuheu ut tast il feli ni>- said âtre ouI>'rt'ceived ber lether hein lu ou is cars. hait. witîi uotbing n'hahever lu reply." "My tiarîiug, uothing shah caeaWa "'hicb n-as antainuuttht giviug lber tuueeu us eilhcr noir or euer-cr"heasasever-f uj. et course, lbongh oee ight-have a tell, boldI>-; anti even ho imseîf the ti wisbedle halbal releasei ber lu a more speech scemeti a bousful ouie,*fer bow 'a couruens fasiimn." coîîld lha tellirat hti-efuture hallin lu lie bind aiti "gond-Ib>"'antI crosseti the shre? I îhresliolti, rben a sutiden suspicien stru-k Slite o astRe>'stel oeter aterd ainir bleu, ant ihe camne bacb. In te vîonniljy at or heae(imierl> "liju reall>' believe that Sergeant Lyrui Anti vraif orgcuie Lyn hai et ly:- menintah releame Jane?" le asketi, loL- Adi egatLn alntgvnt îng searchinglyinjte ber face. vou np, coulti yoîîgrilli have sacrifletimnie She criumeoned ta the temtpes, but bier te your loien!f luth ?" t vienvrfaihereti as she repliei, île- "I muetî have kelt my nord if 1 diet," üveleyer she anancreti, firnul>'.a ~ 'a-e>': "c oohe eaig a .Then, Jenîuy, your love muet bc ets "hra ne." b onîe caig hIan mine for yen; 1 tblnb 1 cotultihave Anti this appeareti no incoetroverhibIl giveu up al, eueu bonor, for your sake*' taitie Coonels tieube were a uisfieil. Sha leeket isltremmel at i ramark undI He changedth Ie sujcct te a pleaanter Olipîed ber boian luis as a geulle uno-t eue, test against hlm seit-tieprecation. "By the bye, Mu'. Knoex, nov tîîat "Yen sheunt t peab me, aven n jest. eirerytuiug insetledin R there auy reusun 1 should not love you as 1 do if 1 diti not irbi tbe vedtiing shouiti net ta place .think yen nobler andt uer than sur nyee t once? Anoîber fortnlgbt wmU ca neaur- else lu the worît." Then, feeling that ly every eue aira>'fretin bere-ceult Il 'hobehalltimoea han the eccasien de- net lie before the itteentb?"' nantied ie haattedin l a llgbten tone: Mb. looebe up, deighteti at this soin- "lu India I think eue muât hale taIse-t tien et a dilllcuti whicb oppremsed bier, bond more than lu an>' ther country;0 -I thînk it la the very wlmet tbing. it ismeohnrnliatin t lisaire a nuanuesu People will tal, et course; but the s-en- wth the natives." eryu ur arriad, the seener gossipping "Andi net h. able te beat theun ut il, We ye are itb'er," h luie mbeti, gayîy. 'I am glati yen cousider il praclicabîe,"E ho cejeinti. '*Witt the Quatenniater CHAPTER XXI. 9. ite.Knox n'as nuuch relleveti te heuri "1 will anaven for my hubauti; enîy Sergeat Lynu was off te Haltiabati, and 'Win Jane's cousent, sud the thiuîg is set- indeed bati gond cause for satisfactionu.1 tti.11 SIte batiplayeti a ver>' hl! gaine, andti Ha ment out anti feuntiJane where b. thounghJnst uew lit promilse to te hmu' hatiiett ber,.8hre rn toward hlm sud cesf nI, the lghtest contretemps inlghî put ber baude u his wth a itlte familiar reniter futile ail bar achemineug anti mat- getuu',ani fecna--efae ay i- - - ---wtîi-ti -- Uvrse ta 0 K-she-At navretehei ince Yor lette, r a~b eti you mlght eutnt fyur greal t to, whlch I1 àmw vel 1 have uuviocj- rveti, write te me again a tuIler explan- !n. Ihike yonn*noblefrauknesuinlv- centesseti that yen love meme onu-mIse; i perhaps 1 eugbt te bave releaseti yen rour roquent. ont>' I ceuit net, jagïiK'-I - niti net! Anti iratever ye n na>'faacy r, 1 cannot but thluk that yen wilR tar me et lent, leviug me, neurl>' if ot dte me dean>'na I love yen. Thm;y.Iay- omen alursys forglve crimes ceuniittati rIbeir make, then surahy yohu tiRI lok ieutly ouni>' fanît et seilessm. Yeu ,e, 1 adititRt; 1 knew that Iauniles, id yet conln unater ni> the courage te y te lire vithout jeou. If 1 bat >'eu, 1 kniti lue e bpe anti drift I knw net, Lru net wbere, Yen heiti nu>'future ln mr bande. 1t-amnorderedtoIl attiabati i shah s@tort hi 1h15 eveuing's train. t frsI I tbougbt et sppbying for anotber >ge in rny mîcati but then agalu I >nugbt that a shent absence wouiti do *ne barm-night. lu tact, belli me te ,n lte oeuh ting lu the Weriti that 1 te te bave. I weu't ask-youi te mams' tseon. afler what yon bave muid. Yen ýaII tale e norn Unisu; but write euly Uina te tell nie that my case le net se opelasasn mentimu. I tlilnkit lq. Goti- ymy ouvu dean love, and thal wmnai et meonla the prayer et yeîîr teveteti ver, JACOB LYNN." A very îveak ImIter, vortiti et the miten, tbengbt Mm..Knex; but ut iniglit ave heen ail-peverful bail Rt falien lote ny olher bauds but ber ova. She shuti- eretinaslhe pictureti wbat vouitihavt appeneti hadti he een lest watchful. .li dowuiuarti ceunie must ha a very sny eue, fer ma felt net a twinge e! coin- uic'tbon as *ahe destroyeti this leller; ucu id &lbe glu-e eue bacbvanti thought t. e teachiugs efthIe village su-liol iii unersetshire, uer the bigh, if momen-hii arrow-uuiild, principles seha bd li iet frmuthevilluage curaea Anti se for the wite ait went wcll. Mru enai uvrete Iimcediateiy upon rerceilit et bc naîrs a lethar fulletftieligblfhul coni 'atuIlatieuus, anti indeeti evenyboti> ex ressad pleasun. nt bearing et the Col icil'. engagement. Memalliance thmîigl t-uutienbteshly mas,the Qnartenmaster'i unghten mas me sireet anti tain that mes iopie torget that tact andti tbugbl enîî ifbte reiice et Rt. The uvdtfng týnm 10 Inka placeon lii 'onrtm-enhh. Il nus ho ha en>' yquiet; nul; ue fatlier anti mother. anti Valentin, rueute, %%-ho, ather ail, '.uas 'e ni-I a, )st meuh. Jane bati enl>' stjpulate'titha te abînuuldti4 iarrieti in n-bila. "Il uvoniti net sein like a marniage i %votire ni>'traveling tireas," t ahui oiti )utiug: anti Stephen Plriusep, te uli 'r sligbtest nord nus Ian', agneet i tl "Yon nill oui>' utnt a bit ef orangt lossou lu yunr bonnuet te lhe as like ride as an>' eue coult iclh," observe ler incuber. But hera the Colonel matie a difiiulti ".Tenny. yen promised mue yen itou1 -c(ar twhile roses," hae interposeti, rf [rau-hfiilîy. "And mnno iII." moiti Jane, sîuiliuu ai-k. (To b.e coutlnueti.) Economy lRn Fuel. P'rof. Carpeuter, a writen sud autuîoî y oun te economi et fuel lu preucut engineering methotis. states that stut>' e! the laits oe! houera ielu bar been matie Rn Ibislina abows, dellulte li bat a langer percentage et the valu ot the ceai eau bu utîhizati wheu uain anthracite andti taI iturninenucou and aveu 011 ean ulu>'be buruati wil large wasteso etnt. Man>' irIe bat lutImateiy sttutiied the aubjeet are ( the opinion thal a large portion oftlu i3-tro-cau'bon gos coutuati n bltunu:î ina ceai la glu-eu off ut-eu tRhe coal lirst fired anti la carrReti ara>' unco; umeti with large volumes et freab a bctore the fnrnace doora are close iVhetler or net there la absoînte pie, ofthIis belng se, IProf. CarpenteF tRnI thena la 11111e tieubîthet, te successfUl tire bitum'tous coals tRiey sabenît tir lie -radnu&lly hieateti lu the preseuice as anali aunnunt o! air, wblch i dri off tRie gas. anthe gai iberated sllu Iben be passeti nui-r a bod>' of mci descent ceels in the lliesence of s'il cient air te prîmetce comution. Mi, lion la matie o!the scbcune. fmvoretl smie, ot di'awiug the gas tiomnua tîrough a body>'oe Incandescent co btut nuo autornatic de'ce wlll repla an Intelligent tireman, though Il la à mtjtted tRial ne sîRght tilference cxlii Ili the qnulRhy tof Ibese varions il chluuuag, anti soute eft leîuî are of pri lIcal halp-Ncm York Sun. Fane>' Dlving. Capital exhibitions et fane>' dlvi ara oflen glu-eu frein the pli-r aI (J Hundreti ant i ftty-ftbstreet anti t Hudson River, Newr York. Dives tu-i the tep et plens litteen or algbteeu fi aboya thaeirater are graceuR>' accu pilabeti, varleti by back-haud aprîn seuuersaulte anti "twvist." A dari dive was matie lte then day b>' yeuiug tman frein a taîl plan. The cal et a steamer stretoltet te the pie.', pa Ing aboumt elghl fret lu front et wig the nîbiate steeti. Yat lh. cleareti nlcely lu bis diva. Excellent long-È tance swiniiners are le bu sei~nlà, aime. Soeefettheui tiblul uthlug e jaunt te the Newr Jersey aide, aitheut the Hudsoen la a bt'oad river ai t Cu.tlOiS <ha Ve au enas. i 1418 FIRST SERMON AS A WASH- INOTON PASTOR. Preacheil feferea Va..t Multitude-> mloquent sund 'icuuresque Di>Rceisrse ou*' Al l eavcus Lookinz0(b"- l'au itandlug un the Amuphilhcaten. New Ficiil o! Work, These îîhe kiothiu at noc chu r-h ini thisl or forcigu countries Luis becu îable 10 hiti the audiences Ilthluave' a-ssieulmleul n-heu Ut n-as annotuituet ilma iDr.,raluiiiiac ieull lrech n-linet le suti-rriiaititat t'est niai- tituties ahteliphed iii vaintt heur rnis irait sermon as paster in Wa'shintgton.j'ihe mnbjept et bis epeunîg sermounu aI the a- blunni capital n'as,"'Alil Henn i okina- On," the toit setectet lwiiugthe fumens pagauge frein Ilebru'îvmxl., 1. "Seeing %vc aIme are conipasseti about wih me gm-at a cheuitioet nitnaems." lu Ibfis ni>' ouenng sermon lu the na- toual capitaR I givre Youu beiest Chris- tian salutation. 1 bethiuuk nu>' elf oethue 1prihiegceof tanding lu tII historie 1cbnrcb me long préeldeti over b>'oeeoe Ibhemontmesl riabialee! ofthe century. .There are îlînt>' et gond ministers oeides rDr. Sundierland, but 1 de net knom mot au> 1mon excepthitmnseit mitb enouugb brain te bave shoot succeistuil>' andt rimîb- 1atI>' forty-three eas luntis conaliu- ensu puipit. Loung distant ho the year wben thai gospel chiefthain aRlai put doîvu theasmlrer trumpel iîh whlch lhe .îim imarabaladtirtle bouts oet mnueR onrsabi the mwomt i u-th 'mhich lehalumstruîcb su"h emlaghty 'bbeis for God a ndl riglulcontness- I coma e yîu îitb the manie gospel tuIt rhe has preacheti ant te iin yen n ail kiuîts et werk for naiîîg u the rid nti- ter, anti I hope t te-ma' mnai nayoui tlumies untI have jon aiR corne anti tes -nie, but don't ai; cornteut once; anti mitb- oîut an>' preliruniar>' diacoursesaus t huti 1 piropiose te île I begin bere anti non' u üc'îr yenu w-ihhtie thouugbt that ail hc-v- k- an is ympathehical>' ooking onu. e -ilig uve aIso rine cemîîasseti about nit, su 1- gni-at a cheuti ef iituesea." Wbare Paul Strand. ('roshug tRie Alps b>. the 'ient Cimi ta.or throttgb the Mont Cents tutnel y imu ,are Ru a teir hourisnet dem uat Vet- ii.a>, y nd itn a few iutunes heCut extiuuiuuiug onue of te greiudcst ruina of i Im' t î- hh aunilit heu hem. 'he it mi ml liliiumg at-eps urointi yeum le .tciru-le youuitiiuu tie sar utheu tire conmat t -mmlii>'fmught or te race ruuu. - n i ail tiles tîme seuls risc. lier ubove ier, ina til mmi mtul nt ony ehctatitn,na or gahier 's, as R titurai st-eit t111culthein, i ' lue! sai ireut>sentorsth îe hings andtirthe 2-5,10X~ luaiti-uisîedators. At the Bidesaoet iru oanî-îa anduît tder time galleies emat-e in, cacms in tuhiei the lions andt igera art si kîlît wtut folo dteei îtih. freuzieti tu-h bouger andit irsî, liii->'are el ont i'- Boeu ou tr victlnu, n-ho, mtb snordtiii id alomue. la condemnedti lemeet thora.1 thlîîk that Paul bimsehf once atoi in suie! a plact-,'anti that t n-asBt nol ui>'gurau tiveîy, hut Imeral>', thal hobe bti"foui',l mitit beasîts ai Ephsi Tbe gela day halcorne. Froun 'Liu t-Im norld the people are poerlng intoVerona lieu, n-nnen anti chiltiren, emto"s at enuors. grect nen anti sal, thonsuî"li upruu tbousants corne, uni.tba fint ;-,lt mi er>' la fuil, andtheb second, tha thirti, lu Sfourth. the tiftb-ailttRie wYu>np teiunI re Iweatietb, ail the iva>' up te Ibm Ibirtieul y. ail thbc myu>' ite the f teth. Il- la place is filled. luemensjr ty o aiudlcuk la suteeplng the great cincle. Sience! TIi altiiue for tbe contest hnascerre. A itenuiil officiailItens forth tbm victRnu inte uli tu arena. IkIt binugel bissîve'rti "' Ib fi Ve grip lulo lght baud. Thé 2..000 si otbrectllmsly natcbing. 1 ter the door n o the saiecf the arens crcnk open. ou B- phungî's the bial! sharu-et lien, bis hongil la atîiral fmor blond, and,. utithi a rear thi ,U hrnîgs ail îhe gahieies te their fret bl Lir rulshes againuut thre a'iurd oif the counhai auul. Dmo ymut kuout' out strouug a mroke mtanrnimii st-uke tvilien bis lite depenu] i u thé, fitst tînosltf uis blatte? Th ka - tuili lieat- ainaue andl Idetdiig, slik ar u b>' ieîv'rd tie sie et the cri-la; thetu, railý st lnx bis uat 1inig aI reîughh, Re cimes i ofth lfit-t-etr i--e aund more terrible roi i liiait eu-en,cittiLe drivten bhick wuithR Id Runluîu strole a fier siroke. uutil tl n- rnouîshcr i l il rit ch is fea-i ttl tRuc'!7 O(K) XM paeupileut up uthir hatîds anduit 01r E-about t luit umiLes thue tlv tremible. b>' A Clieuii e!f 'itnetses. krd sornetiiis île audlienceccrien'tesee la1 raice, situeiliicîtho sec gladiâters ig 11e each other, uitiI the iiu-îlue, 'ouliuutsii id_ ahe fer the tahien, turmemîtheim thuIiui as aut atuheuh uhat lime uatili1uibed . sîara'd, anti moulutesthIe cýinîLat w n . itRi iilti bcnos. se- 'r0n a nntiithentrieal audience Pt refers irben hiesanYs, "W~e nre comptis abotut n'lth se grant a eod of w nesses." ing ']'lefact is Ibal even>' Christian ut )ne bits a lieu 10 llgbt. Yeurs le a badte I Re per. The gales et the arcna bave hi opeaed, andt Iis tigen bas couiceut te m I ro>' yoîum seut. ilbas lacemteti y et wmlhb man>' a mounO~. Vonhave hi )In' lbrownn y t tRune anti agalu, but lu igs, réîrength et Ced yen bava arisen le ti ug it back. I vertu>' beiere you milI or a & quer. 1 thRub thal tbe tenlutRen Is 9 ýe tiug meaker anti meaker. Yen bave gi' t se man>' mountis ibat Ibm prospect La-thal Il tilie iR, anti yqu sahaievlc mre threuugb Christ. Courage, broberl Itnet bet the @and@ ofethIe avons drinkt ils blond et yeur so'tu. ere Yeur lion la the passion for mIni tf a drink. Yen mai bave contentiat agali gluI itîvent>' yeare, but lila .slreug et hi bhis anti thlrmity.eft hone. Yen have trieti an 'me- ."-a. _A_ 1-tht fI nefl. m-a; NOM , euaài a , au m c,- GRimai *ud 3raàm MWtheamre lug comismd about wltb s ed t a lovi1 or witnmeuue.c Betere 1 get threugh, 1 will show s'euà that you tlght ln an arena, arouud whîcb circle, ln galleriea above ench other. ail1 tRhe kintlliîîg eyca rnilal tie ympathetîc1 bearts of the uges. nnd nt cvery victury1 giiii.d there cornes îiown the tbunderln, i apîmatise of a grent multitudle that rio mnt (.an number. "lJeing compamaci about witlî en great a cloud of witnessca." 1 On tie ir8t levation of the aficiet unm-1 phitheitcr. on the day of a celebration. sat Tiberius, or Augnstus. or the reigning Ling. Sollit tle great arena of! sp.'ctators flin atcmth aur struggles. ntin the lirai divie gallery, as 1 shall ciii it. ie oui king, one .Jeans. on bis baud are many erow as! 'l'ie Roman cml)eri)r get hi* place by celd bloodcd yonrqucste. but oui kinîg bath cornee bis pince by the broken '.,arts healed. aind the tcurs wviped away, and the meula e leemed. The Roman eut- peror mat, with folded arma. indiffercut as te whetber the swerdsman er the lien beat, tbnt our ig's sympathies are ail wlth un. Nny, unbeard et cendeseen- nions! 1 me biem comme dowu frein the gai. lery jote the arena to e hmjpun lu the figbt, ghouting. until alrup rli d down bis voice in bocard- "Fearonet! 1 wil belp thee! 1 %vili strengthen tbee by the rght hand of my power!" lu the Accul.. They gave to Xbe men lu the arenu. n the lden turne, feod te tbicken their blond, me thot it weuld flow slowlY, andi that fer a ionger turne the people might gient ever the mene. But ou.' king hbimne pieusure in our wounds, for vs are boue of bis boue. flesb ef hie flesh, bond of bie blood. t In ail the anguisb of our beart, 1 The Man et Sorrowa bore a part. . Once, in the ancient ainphltheater, a rlion wlth one paw caught the cembatant's swormi and< with his ether paw caught hiei *slîield. The mue took bis kuife frein bis tgirdie and slew the beast. The king, nit- ting in the galiery, said, "That wam not *fair; the lion muet be main by ai mword." *Other lions were turnetiout, and the poor ovicîin feil. You cry, 'Sbame, pbanie!'- at sncb meaunes.. But the king. in this case lit our brotker, and he will gee tRial we have fair play. He will forhld the rushiig ont ef more liens thon we eau mccl. Hc wii onet suifer us te bc tempt- c d.uhove thrat ie are able. Thank Ged! The king la in the gallery! Hlm eyes nare on) us. Hlm beart la with us. tis band Nvill deliver ris. "Blessed arc ail thcy who Lt put their trust in binI" n 1 lok ugtin, and I see the angelic gaI- lery. There tbey are-the angel thal swung the swrd ut the gate of Eden, the ,hsaine that Ezebiei aw tipboldlng the K) trone et Ced nd frei whjîh 1 lok ,e awny, for tbe splî'ndor la insuferable. leiclre are the guardian angels. That oe c, watched a petrinrch; this one protectcd s h child; thut one ban bren pulling a goul out ýl o! temptation. Ail tbcae are messengars dof ight. Thoeedrove the Spanlsh armatia 1on the rocks. This turnet Senuncberib's .h living boats into a hcap of 185,000 corpus Those yondcr chanteti the Christmas Cr croi ever Bethlehemi until the chant awoke tbe shepherds. These nt crea- letien stood In uthe baicoey et heaven and , acranadeti the uewbore worid wrapped Id lu swaddling lthes et llgbt. And there, b8 olier nti mitbtier thon ail, ln Michael, d- tbe archaugel. Te cemrnlnd an earthly le beat givez dlgulty, but thi@ eue lat leaderi te of the 20,000 charot@ et Goti anti et the 4,ten theusandtinties teu tbeîîsaud augelm. [y I tblub Qed give cormniud te the areju c, auKt'i, an4 uta qrchaingei te 4be seraphim. cl andtirte seropbim te the cherubini until in nil the ioeîr erders et beaven hear thb 1, commnandl and go forth en the bigb behost. mr Now, bring on your lien@. Whoecau it ferir? Ail the m3pectaters in the sugelie nt gallcry are er friends. "He shall giv ut ls ngela charge ever tbee te beep thee e lu ail tie vinys. Tbey sbali bear tbee. n nt in their bandes. lest thon dasb thy font e ugainst a tone. T[honu aat trendi upon jt- the lion anti adtler; the youug lion and the a dragon shiaît thonu tranuple underfoot." tl Tbough the arena be crewded with ie tcîiîtaiions wc sahal, witb the angalie ek belli, strike thein dewn lntheluetnaie of ly (iýoî and leapr on their fallen carcasses. Up 01%m, beîîtiing trmng ot briglht. anlgelic ltir fmi m-calit 'd ilft wiîîgs anti ligbtiiing foot a 1huiR you to-diuy froin the dust andi strug. ,,, gui-e ofthe arce. be 1 look aziiî anti 1 are the gnllery ti ficRt prmiîîlits anîd apoat les. WNho ait a thomai mig.ty oe&e up yonîicr? Hoseo andtîlJcrenti.and tiDannii d lsaiuh ont iPauRluantl Petecr and Joli" antIJames ea Tlîcre sitRaih, wnitlingfor ail thecworl o-tli the lasI lRed Sesaball divid, an% .pJcretniab, n aiîing for tilc Jewa te r-'tira bc ti John of the Apocalypse, waiting fo vas the swenring o! the angci flint tiiueglal be uîolonge. (oriouis sprits! Ye wer a" howlcd nt; ye werc stoncti; ye wcre ai icti upotu. They bave brn in the figbt îhem ,il- selves, andt tey are ail with i. Dani knouvs aitl ubout lions. Paul tougbt wlt ian beusha at Eplîcaus. ni- Ie the nnrdent nupitheater,.the peejl en gel soecxciîhed tRal tbeY would sbeut fri de- the gllerleq te the meii in the arena: « mou t again!" "Forward!' "One ucr een 8trobe!" "Lokeut!" "Fail hack! tbe "Huzza, buzza!" So lu that gaileui li-e prophetie aî,d apestolic, they caunet bee on. tlîeir pence. Daniel cries eut, "Tby Go et- will tiliver tbefrei m he utb eftit ren lienm!" Davidi exclaini, "He wll uet au tje fer tby foot te blleunevedi" Iaiah CAL ýtr Out:'"eaRr onet! I arn wltb theel Be nt Do di m aye ti!" Paul exc ain s,4 "V itcf the thî'eugb eur Lord Jeans Christt"The tbreng et prophets andi apestles canot ng keep istil. They tuake the welkianri intwltb shouting aud balieliabs. tiy FamiRhiar Plgures. i te 1 lk aa, and 1sen the:galler1 Mdt net us that hmvC ,beel UI preper distane, bc iuninght, ait the wedO'rl r neentinYl Andl nev hy I the martyrs'gafler>'. les et perseeutlo)n have gene est une shentuti andth ie mob hnéî the>' mahch us witlu au ail ptby'. They kluuw aul tii.ââ bartisbip. ail the aptule~,ai b lice, ail the privation. Tii.>' oe5 silîl. The>' cry, "*Couragel Tht net consnue. The Sotde et TIte lions cannt devour! there lu the arena!" What are the>' aiRl ling nigbi me ausmer hock th. give, anti cri, *"Hall, ob&.soi efthIe lire!" Butinent Criatieu.. 1Ilook again. antIl ee @o***m that et eminent ChtiaasW1m %e sîrangely inthelb.mlxlm nl SY~p et thons Whomeoun ««b airf. ThrI 1s.. Matin' bayoi the suprsttions et bis, la saveti. There in Albert arount i hm tihe presbytetywh mn and the chnrch court that him. Straugan titan ail, tee 1 Calvin anti James Arminius.Wb bave thoughut that titi enu sIC iugly togather? Thene are George fiaIt anti the hiahops Whe o illit blm corl n mb Ieir ppitaube theugbt hlm a fanatic. Te' t ameet singes Teoplati>', Mio Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts a Sigonumi. If huaven Lad bai nab befere thai veut op, they voubiW a 1 tarteti the singlng. Anti there tins.~~jt et mssionaie David Aheel, tlk4piU$ China rçdeemad, anti John Scudie Of India aaveti, anti Davidi Braineard Qf,ýe aborugluas avaugalizeti, ant.i mi.A pl rate Judsomn, irbese prayers for' tenkbheavan b>' violence. AiRl he« sI" Sians are ieobiug luto thme arenaL eu strugglm la notiling te theins.De w%1tu CJhrist's cause, sufer frems the iiuh? Tbey muibeti Gneenland's icy mouwteIO& Do me sufer frornlte itest? Tbq ai-éu' teret inl the tropies. De we gel f*,t.u?, The>' fainteti, witb none te car. fotilue *but cannibale. Are wa persectd?'iiE m ere unatbenuatized. Anti as teh« 11k ifrein their galler> snd see.unu tler la tts presencaetfthe lieus 1 seem te huai Ilot" *Watts adtiresmlug us lu bis olti b$M%4. toui>' a lijtIe changati: e MNust yen b. carid te Ibm skies e Ou loirer>' buduet ese, k While others fengbt te vin tbe pris Or moledt îrongb bleodY s es? Teplatyi> sllnhieuolti bymu: t Yonr barps, ye Irembliug saints, Domn frorn lte mileows taire,- Loud te lte pralme et loe divins., -White Chartep, Wesley, the Mtbpdi- sbreaks tortit la bis favorite wert, a*ltIae tvarieti: A change te beep yen bave, à A Ced te glorfy; d A nucr dylug seul te save, And fititfr the sky! 1look aga, and 1 âethe gales'yuOt youn depatet. Man, et thue IatheO tit r gallenlai me have bearti et, but tb. ae kuev. Oh, liov <smillar tief fO Tht'>e'tmat aour taille%. anti vse m 1 theb boune tut Qed la eompauy. IRam *Iq, tergothen us? Tiiofe faIbem &»amo*bèr itarteti nu on the rmmd etflte? Are t«" te cureleussneste vhat buceme» et.1*1 6$ thoee eiltiren, do time> ol on vltlL*Om SintiRference as te vbetlier we Win t $àmp c his batha for aterxauty? Nai. I sme *tb Cchilti nuanli i b aud over >owtbW eanti saylng. "Faîber, do net fret.' miébn' t> do net mrri." The>' renuember tht dur, )t the>' lef t us. Tbey nemeunher thie ôaoiiy In efthIe hast tareveli. Tlieugh jean li- i- eu-en, the>' bnew on.' faces, Tii.>'re-' menber our mrrei. Tey mupeal eu bnaines. The>' match thua figbtt ferbulavual. le Na'. 1I@sec ltein rse ni> sabsn ove, and tuau-e betore uns their recognition "0>~* ~'cenragement. That galber>' Ra nt fli.; u-The>' are beeplug places for us. ÂtsaWv t.have @Juin the lion lbey expect lte kIbi-lt 9-Caliun, suyiug, "Couaeni> bîgier." Ee.,. tmeen Ibm bol struggies ianlte aru»ms of mipe the sireat frein mi hrow nau 15 "ou iptoe, reachiug ni> my rlght alli- ca clami> Iheira lu raptureus hantishabklig id mhile their voices coma ringing dowa s- frein the galuer>', crving, "Be thon faItW Id fnlui utotaaih. anti yen %hallhbates ug cremu." id la the Aceun or OsUeryt ru, But here 1 pause,.orer emtta i tb the For ut sy ndjo>' etthe scelle. 0.1.1'et aih theking! Galber>' et augelml G=le t ne proelîîs anti aisll!Galery Oet»4i4 pt tyns! Galber>' ot saunt! Galhe17 et, f 'endis sud lindrati! Oh,.rnalutie le»*i t f etligbt anti leve! Trus bo it TIrougs! ew saat]we etandt lte - eto the unRîre? Myiadaeto eyes bumÏM' plc lng on uts! 1bjriauofetharts beatÎinlu ùm ympthy fer uns! Hem sllaht we5.e ,At dure te in agalu'? Hem shall ve .vMr l ire coerne iaeunageti again? HOW 0s w«, ever teel lenel>' agaîn'? Wîth God 1w<q ~' an ti a uge ts foru s n, an ti pr epheta a eeP ties for unsuatithe grust seulse ÏÎ etd ge. for us, anti our gleriied iedi»A4 th 'us, ashait vu gre up te l~t m SNo, Son et Go&, Who idite t ill N, e angets, Whoee ilS o, 1)'>' apost les, wbose Wgrnfl «Ostrti ilye Rereti ues, vitosearme aree io ed te rrecaiva sN e.I'ow . v l m ' ugrentier! Sure I muet figt If 1 veUUir~ i et Be talfui te mi Lord, And Auiea.' tieCcross, endure tise Be upperti y hi ti>'venL h Trhi saluts Iu ailt tla giorflus g,

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