Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1895, p. 5

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il*b.fbent th gowupt IÊ".e rOie 0u Olsetva ail kmew " R*M hou SMM fth ea slSa $100 cmnlg but a êg bal lisu e ol r l Wuit WDotor boutd of il and Isoed tWMbU oaler. BH.«Mhoil t x* eIa*At orsap b**MIAthMa b IW .8pt ob- ff., vb"ch«4>887e- bafl bmmvouil40«t V It fer mas b. vOWuli guIva1 or Dy£ aie OrsItle Ifthava ' t bie t ber Mes*vn Wtluslo- bge Je wai, aIthe cavdsMlo d. os but be Ins, vb lUm étalf hik fli t ihorm. He mpet ooso *WhWUt Ivbuiros anti the unaml tfit bdOr 1the mountains, auâ toweid tatb;B. The Doctor van a most affable sýffl~u v iii rernasuhr, ian eh. ha Wl»kapt Ibm horvesh sbng 11811 0»bout aivantage. PrelIy soM «*, 1beprospetorer oyng dis borae% a'IbÈt vau jeaI vat van antaI. A odsue tlar the prospector nid: 18 0Thals a Oaherse youi.ridb&g est#' *Oocksy agreed Ibat il van lua àvsry làc.eed manDer, and veut on tlk- bg about prompetint unti lb.heman mm morscoempimota ed here sud aM mI 1* va jusl dis almal for dia AIm*. o liy. tihi Ibe Dote van »Masae aseud ipikel eoftharmt *wi u kept tbborneson para"sui tg à» loger. Ha vanteIdihe raeandI 14<l0f coures a herellke jours la sn- Iby u ofetreseit ot a man Mmkame. r. giv eaverytlslug Ive gol for hlm,4 ýSI 1. kno Mev en ailtI vuldn't tmc b hlm. SMDl id1k. 1m knov Jufl 'Vbel ho la vorth lu dhia eoutry.' "1'bs Doctes! van calmer sud mors m~~meneernei dian ever.Ilvnie but berme lu eNoMexzlcof et ons but Il au'l su xpsipsave boras by a "Mev mu&h momsy have you golF »tsIu skbrre' said li Desor. afriand et mise -; 1hbus intaer a butte.' t' Tbe bure vana ùoulclamabeant. l» ws i asn ol xaetly vhat the Doo- liruaMWsIoetcourses, qai h o mkaithe Mm fr a look at1the big alz-nola ils àboit. Thal van bejoni ltdamm »uMI MeDector ald: t 0 haMl jeu vhat ru do vlth jeu 1 Mo "w loocsansd jeu ae L*k f& »dmà i Ot-clans bors bes pou ausas vlwtb yofr vark. l'Il lutjon Uw lMe bee for the bu a" sd$0 Il w«% thdirovlu Ibat revolver, but you isdMlot ma rida the bornes bw o eu"am -rié Pmordevil van overwhelmed wl<h rattude, and lthtd* vaneom- ull. Thon th. Docte' valkSd arouond wu~qsauliS £ uAne ecoul gt allai 111e beasa-auj vay. be'd take lit tu b e aommodatng-ami psu or »OO leW1,Int knev juMw hat ho dlu WM th disburre but ho probably got a boni et caIlle for It lu Urne." i o%" aal va li1k ockey," .sR émetec. "fe ban 1011 me oialotof «* d" e me . s an i "ped oî etwy traie et diat blul. Wby, ha bac bit ubingis up for prectice every Place va campai, sud b. alvaja made the :VMMate p&Y cash lu aivancs, tee" j "Mtlua? vbal ho diI," mil auoher- *~uay lime but one. Qune day àa 0ev ber came ridlng lutoecamp vidi bie -b« a ia foam. Oneo theboys etthe -b%uutm srancitbal accidentalli Ibo bmMei lnusncb a vay tisat prompt U41woul probably mahM Ue.. ro1yencoma nev? a»O the ".'tfalny,' al Cocker; «but i miut b'av $slaivance for sncb a job.' «à "'Ohlatra ail right,' aild secov- ICk ,jy. me ho»va a,ay in vidiont ~ '~~ock # tiisebo hha Vu seib e ~ ~ b laashha nq Sotth#ecan ',mlIot au abulam -e*ad Ir ate lbp rncb.H.neVu Ml about hlm foutre te cet the gappea oarp wu wvas i >oasors, etetor You LueaI ol pl i mlaIgot iront Boston. ne vu etom6ila lugrealt truble. and wbon thé esaduelor ame long b.osematl wbat te do. Tb@ cbdnctor groapel the osMtatlon, al Maid promptly: "Ton must gel but at tihe néat station Sud toits the next train bock te Des- The mnlookel at hi* ticket It VAs marred "Wurz." 'i tblnkit igo te Woburn." ho MMi wZbes 1 go bsck." The couductor aiplainal te bIsa lMa tiei wau omtre yunneceuy. a" mi 1 the leuIlmmelhia chanc et huai hie wlh at ail; for, lu lb. seaim mms might b. adisel tu, bur a huit * erait asud te take aKltbU ta#is for Wobnrn.The German book ile bul; the arrangement neemel te hlM Atogether tee coopliested. 141 o te Woburnà;" ho ail. 4Tbeu 1 go bacIL" The conductor aboyaI 1the utom -»&timce and curtssy. AgainaIa&gaa ho went ever thse reaaona for ta%,'" a train bock te Boston onsomon a pou1. ble, At meb station ha renewel hlm argument, knovlng that if th.mmsfnL Iy eompreeded diem b.ovu dagies. ,Kt every onuet, bevever, tise Gemma doggedly repliaI: "I go to, Woburn." The Incident was a sllght on%, yst the ohduCtor'u attitude lisroughont van a beautitul lesson of Ikindllneuandagood broeding. Il uemsd te aay, "If a Man la ln trouble ho patient vlthbhlmn, «ea dai f ho doesant upeak your IanM- A iglar Epidenîto. A Ot. VîtuW adncesepîdeleiabu eifs wpes the scisool childnen ef Relingen. a vllages urn Trier, on tha Moele. It bogan auldemly on Judy 25 wlth Kath- anIm achmubel. a girl eof12. During a violent tbundermlorr n luacool heure eh* tromblod and quaked an If luaa painy amd thon tânsv eut ber armeanad legs, aprang frotember@sat ad daucail hysterioelly.- Theaslght of KahatWi InvOluuta.ry Motionbai nugoveifli a yiyaioel Izqflnec on ber fehlov- acholans 11181 ail yl pover lu tisom uosee te ho destroyel by a ort Of v114. SÀestible dbah. b Iitate bat, la the ral clan e! thse girla' mbool tvanty-nlne o! the ciildren bagua dancing, and four lu the second clam. In th. upper boy.' mhool four of lb. lais vers melel and thiso llte loves nohool. The attacks vers repealad on Meo follevlng day, sud lu the canon Ot nmornee iachildnen tl item tru]n0 sud a hait te twv oursw, sud lu a fev cas veu longer. Ileesm n bt ths St. ViU.'dance.han appeaedlnlu Sm- laid ssamoag dise ebingeumwhod chilirsu several limas during the lant fos yyaaraThe mebeoin vers ord«tOi te ho soerltres veeka. At a bisad content beldlnl an Esiet Cty net long age, a xnIilng oompssy offered priss rangiag trorn 85 te $100 for dia bast bava. ot bisad. Thé rOcIPO nemI by us lbvner of the $100 vang 1Thrse pisa t v ater, onehait plut et rmilk, ons tailasponiul et lard, ont tablupooffl of augar, Ivo tablaspon. rabs et mat, and one yeanl cake. Tb$ lagtsilastî, vlcb vers Ont tisurough- F ly suel. anddieu kuealed ton Min- 8 utos, surs ralsed ever nighl Iu a cover- 1ai bmsaIpan. hndthernornlng 1h 100gb va n kuaed ten minute.sud maie tnto tis. aves. Tbree oliser baves sn- tSe rsith1e content wveoavarded $M prises. Onseoft dis.. baves mnumato have been prsparel lu a somevhat un. usnal vay. Ths ingredlents for lte j ougb vers tve-lhirdn mllk le one-thinti vl ater, compre nael yeu an sd as ttia rsait sud angar, sud vers mlxed vit1h àenongh golur to make a aiff dongb. This Idough van rnlxsl, kusaded, and et Is na. aat nigist. When Ught, il van chop aped thoronçhly witb a chopplug kuife 1 made inte boave., and set te otises fecod Urne; vben tlisi. an llght lvau à baked forty rnlnutea-Nev Yerk Even- 0 o flAragrst lai s eire lu use fâne lenguaga, the darkey smretlmesalalova hi. ideas and~ *staternenta te beceme a trigle contuasd. a an vell an contuning. y Berne years ago a handblll aunoune- et lng a OcloraI plcnlc" 10 ho beld la a groyve nau a Seutheru city van irens e Il crculated. Aller varlous bigbly suliclng anmeun.ene relative te tthe I deligtmlnstoe fr tepartaker'aft tim entert&LumentthedisbIBconcluded p-vlhthedisfeleving pus.lng moies, tl prlnlsd lu Italien: «Goo1 behavior vi» ho etritldy ai memyvaliy enjoinal upeu aul pissant, an amnothlng viii ho loftIundons vhlclh yuwl tend te am lte pineanu»a ci the Au Amt-uvolultoàst. Ja'vking in(lutiimngei)' jou ell1, Iie wwltihsso! nature. Hlog-"PWbat nov, Mi. O1rakr jawkine-lWby, ber s ii. agne with à poeket and ndhilug te put lu il aud the giri vbd'm !ooklug at die besa bas ber band»kehet glovos, pur"e sud umbulla i bani and ne available pookt-Texes Sittiugs. a» GItrL ijbappba--M iOdeusarbu ha baU i ths eshrred Ikon out or ber cisambar. tJbo.l-'(Tisat sol Wbat for? (lbapia-"Fe i atng refloctiona on be as.-oowtTOPIes A Diatmsteml. Hsbm-"I uppose on'll bh alap wha 1a mbisae." 08- la àTPm amnsuca 'ul Halloween la over. The bf théir tau. Mrs. Paddock la conalece4t, 64ie tvo weoka jieknsua. 1 k Frank, Mary and Anna 0OttvedUg the city, Wednesday. Mr». Jacob Antes vflaid Obiesês Moinda Fridayad atuiday. .1i We honi that Ell Fronts intendi tÏ> 00093>7 Ia Deerfield bonne, wS. Abaor Taylor broke one o! hie. nbe vbli vorklng on the. road Saturday. Bey. J. A. F. Harder, of Shermer- ville, visitad Bev. W. Th. Jungk, Fri-. day. Lii& Chaae entertalned hen friand, Veina Ellnworth, o! Evarett, tbe pat, Florence Pister la gro.tly Improved and viii noua b. a.ble0 te o 1scooul Ulm Aice Styles, of àMeanence, la the veleme guet of ber- haler, 4-ra A number of boys vilu4pto Wheel- ingt sa ec the Morton ib"iage race, Saturday. Wm. H[arper and famil* have va- eatod the EH Fiantz house, and moved to MIohigan. Sorne Youn.g adiqe are anzioualy on- qninlng, «Why do lte bo. go to Oak Glen nu ofteoar Fred Moyen ban pureobanod Mat Horenberger'a trame dvelling and moved mil this weok. liai tolublrth sud death the mont important avent tlaIle la niarriage. Sucb an eventf ni ceremony vas preformed ln Deertleld, Wedne8day, Oct. 30, '95. George Vetter and Mines Sarah Snyder were the contracting parties..A large gatlîering of frieuda !rom Deerfteld,. Chicago, Highland Park sud.Glencoe asaembled at th1e brlde's home aI ilh. appointed hour to vitneas the cenemony vhich vas soleni ed by Rev. H. H. Thoren, pastor of tb. Bethlehemi cbnrch. After tbe nupper Mr. and Mrs. Vetter le! t for thalr home In Chicago vheue they vil reaide at 80M Clermont Ave. They ver. the recipsenta o! many beautdful and vauable premenas hich proves lu them the high esteem iu vhich tbey are held by many vsrm frienda. liere let un echo the sentiment expressed by the friends vho accompanied them to the depot "A happy voyage on li!'s stormy sem." Such in the vlab o! the I»zpmmç and ail who kn.ov thema. The alereopticon leture by Rev. Julius Kircher at St. Panle chunels, Wednesday, 0ct. 30, % - -'rAll attended. ia spite of other attractiona, Mr. Kircher gave greait attention to ttc mechanical part of lte exerciaes, s) the piclures vere aIl very plain.. His beantiful arrangement of the ld story gave it an entirly nsv Intorest sud made il iutenseiy dramaido. Those vho attended vere imanimous Iu say- ing thal they considered lte money vel ilnvented. Fred Parsons, vitile hunting Batur- day vas lnjured by lb. acidestal dis. charge of a gun, luckiiy nul sérlonaly. But the. aqnfrrela need not tbink tilat tisai 'tU cause hlm 10 abamdcu hie nimrodica1 pursuita. 01f, mol Hi. gan vont gel înaty, ad dont you for- gel il. A boy vl*h a guis Weni ont fui sume fun, He aimest a saquirrel, TIson *round diI vhirl, Inlu athe 01 te guu o!fih4,qsire. Tisey carried hlm borne, And tise doelur 11 corne Te fi.b for abuta hIltse umerons spot., To stop the flood Of bis brigist rel bboo' Tisoy put hlm lu bol, And Freldie said, 'Oh, myl 'lis sad, r'm su unlucky lad! Ties quirrel rau off, And I tunnel arounu, Tise gtîn vent off, AndI IteUl ounte ground." Nov, reader, dean, Let me tel you here, If yon 1k. ta kilI Tise squirrels, keep atllU And don't lump around, Then you'll gel home sounu. WARRENTON GROVE. Heury Losaran visitçel relatives lu tise city. Michael Ryan spent Sunday vils relatives lu the city. Mrn. Thon. Bull sud brother speut Sunday aI Lake Foreat. Wrn. Iaftree bas neturnel home, afttr su exteuded visit aI West Baden, lad. The sehoul board of Ibis district isa pureisasel sud erectel a flag for thea 'sabool bonne. Mn». Dan McCarty, o! Wadavuntl4, visitaI, ber laughten, Mn.. J. Rysîl, hosr, Sunday. Aserions if net fatal sceldm panel lu Henry Hoiiatelu, 0 Wpk gan, vile huntlug lu tieisvicln1% un day lat voak. He sud a&bien% vero huntiag nean the raiiros& #rokbe hie, guis vas accldently cio.àe, thses hs liodging in bis aid.H s rornoed taehume lu Mauois Iuuxooulated vitb <amer. A question long inooted amon g phyei clans bac atllent been dlacida&i or the OirsI lim, la the istury o! Medicie h b it beeu pruvel tisaI lva poésîble-tp lunoculate vidi cancan trom bleod te blo. Dr. Elvard J. Nov York, attenled a voma lait fan vise bal a cancer on ber tungue. Hae appled vitiate ut slver vîth ic hlm gev te the ors. Later l habvlng himadi! ise cul hi. ciseek. H. applol a pevîar lu stop tise bleeding viltihesa me * gsi. He novIlies at doadi'a boon viti cancer. Tise voman ho atteled liraia Ijint. Pbysielans thraugbeult 'Cmou try leem dia case onseofthde'ufe Importance.I i[P'i Hait oft te erm'p Dine SIl* 0.meol.18 -truns amith and family are el- Ove back to lvanboe isoon. la the general topîc o! the l vanhoe wjll neyer be ssing one. friands and relativeg home of Mr. and lirs. Fremont, Wedne8day, let 98 l9: Dwtness the marriage ôf tir dueoter Carnie 10 william f*Poneoua. -.t high noon the bridai prty sppeare& UmaLillian Coudrey aou nbridsamaid,,isnd James W. as bga man, Rev. Dibble 5 eIa.g. The blde was attired in lbAk1ltre colored silk and vore =iss colored tes roSes. Congratula- liosflioved the ceremony, after *hieli h. gueatawversinvlted t10 par- te of & boutifol-repast. lu the afroonthe gueutl e eoentertained 's~thmuneboth inumental sud "i*épl. Mr. and Un lira.Poeus recel ved ipaay beautiful snd UfelUl presents, sanong vhich ver. the folowng: Table ",th napktins sud At o! dishes. n sudmoller oft he brie; gastes father snd mother u of m hme and Mns. James =age:pro ~p., iandlMns. J. S. Bnyd atvr set. arnsdlis Charles nyder; r .tva setý aNi.u ir.Wm. Pries of Chicago. god sheil. Be,. and J"s.Dibble; -vater amn and John Van lew: vater set. nry Goudrey; Pair Of P 0w sand met brsad ade k Ive9sesaLUhIan mnde 16. an A ,s nyderam- lira. eri Oanla. bea Oâsud sauce ihea. Anaie V lew: tern Benai. Porleus;=be sreul.Mis ~~in Êlanger Q les ha -lanrp eltie and NélUie Ehinagar Yno etrt 98saidhem. pair of towela.s, 120 M ph3kle stoe. an sd lira, as. avif=ot aftsandpeppers. Albert SnY- er: grater and wooden apoon, DalaY Van- ia w: paer rack snd bracket, Miss Kittr .Ud ;unJ rry dlnh. Owen Vanplew* ptoher, (,y pie;unedollar. 'Vernon 4anilvw: -ie dollr. . and lira. Clem gmall: table e]. th and aapklas. Arthur Bitty. cake stand. INinnia Snyder m. Edward CoudreY; elvr sugarshcà.A.A.Payne; bed aprvad. the Misslurray. ROLLINS. Lora Cremin spenlt SundaY at home. Bert Edwards, of Chicago, ls vi8it- inýg relatives here. A volung SOn Of Of B. A. Ssitzgiver vas very ick lasI week. The Cemetery Society at Miss Lyda Idwards' van veil attended. The next nieetlr:g viH be at Mus. Wm. Wiltons.- GI LM ER. Miss Clara morse went to Lake For- est and the City, Monday . Rloy jones, of Elgin, visited several days with hi. brother, Eddie. Peter Meyer la etertaining bhis father-in-law from Waukega.. "'The Mo Tamparanou Tsid The SIGNAL SUCCESS0,,Our J Anniversary SALE! Stimulates un te nev sud greastareffort. lu place tb. momt Dependabie Goode vilhlu reais oftisa Peuple, at the Lovesi Possible Pnîcea. W. say Il out boidly sud Sùl Prove I11100: hat Every Time you Buy anythingln our Uine OUts0 sidelof "THE Model," you Lose Money. -» W. don't aak youu lu take Ibis fon grented, but areauxst- ion lu have you lest il. Thene isnu secret abouttise WHY. Our expenses are about Ha!! Ibat of suy other competlug establishsment here< u a d a n affod to sali these me qualty o! Goods FulIy 25 Per Cent LES8 ON THAT ACCOUNT ALONE. Jiust Listen to our Song on GOOD UNDERWBA it Every 'trment varranlel to give aifc on toney pald bock, I if te«rvie. Banker Wright,of Li? Ievwa. Men's Merino Shirts and.. rawers, seuin these partsIlas Heretter, expresmoC.y eau Heul-Y and et a *ofiiimissd-i finlihtb MI b-v obtained throiu .CBtl<' "- t - - scratch y-u uticle il. H. HI 1 alagteon lagieatly lm»iov- Cannot ho Dupiicated at less than s aiiywhore i ug li is 1)p.ue by the erect.Jon o! s barn,FeaaHattUdnarEtaHavsu 16x'24 feet. Fec elhUdrer xr ev n Frankt Thomas sud B. D. Cook vent fOniaisal vth long fleeelng soft as lova te the drty Saurday, brlngiug home 75e in any othen store sevenal boardiug hunse.. Heaviest Double breasted lierino, the Shirt Quit. a number frumits ivcinlly arm double lu front and back atteuled the funeral out Anson Chiftord, The regular $1.00 quality. o! Lake Zurich, Tuesday. Albert Wekrs, ut Furent Glan,' sun o! ex-Minister Wokre, dMfftl at H. Natural wool Garments, Schwerina' l. a" tUrday. Tise Gilinen alun. undonbtedly lias Pure a&U vool, slectol stock, French collei- tise langeai dlaplay o! giovesanm itl- elle neck, Peul Buttons Dravers slnour tons ever seen tn a ouuulny store. lyrùdre A. G. Sebvermam coonaientlouniy$10 lovrtw boieves that hi. Golden Blsnd Cuffee$1O aloertw at 25 cents su d 1Cluuy Java aI 28 Tise greatsta egin laounr Extra Hleavy AU cannaI b. luplicated ln pria. sud Vool, Scotch Undervear, at qualty n ay pn o thecouty.seethee Grmens, heyan hea at$1.50. A. G. Schverma visites lu ithank Boy'ns Undersis nsd Dravers, aI 50, 35 sud 25 oehtle, lire. N. Huuitnglton rtise large jar xn odvlefrtemny .oiea, vhicis corneaveny isaidy forExr odvlefrtem ey aflor, luexpeiencal in cooklng; aine hla heartfelt gratitude for tisse loveiy plate, vhlchvil hilp decurate the cage and may lead lu a speadier capture o! "the bird." E TAZSO APTAKISIC. A flag vas rasel on unr scisool, Mon-1 osCohn day.B 'sCohn Frd erchege i si aros h ocean. Jake Scisley sud wvue vent 1telise city laI Wednesday. The drougthin ishndering the farm- ers lu ploving sud hu8king. Henry Seiler veut lu Chicago, Wed. nesday, 10 gel id uf surplus potatoos. Misa Etta Busch, o! River Forest, has been vlitlng bis parents and bob ln tise vedding. Mr. sud lira. Meyer veal shopping la the. city laI Fniday, lu company with Mn. sud Mr@. Joe Wlokensheim, o! Long Grove. Mise Emma Libby and tise Misses Wolf leil Wednenday morulng te visit Chicago and Henry Stnuckman's taml. ly at Elmiturat. Mr. Ulrlch, gr., wvisa balbeen rnek- lng bis home vitis hie non Frank at Gilmen, han corne te speul tise vinter vils bis daugister, lins. Mary Buechs. LitlIe Raben Ritebm bai the serions misforunelast Tnosday o! baving hi. log eaugisl betweeu lise spokes o! a 1011k wagon sud bruken above tise kneç. Tise boys bave sncb a reckles habit of hiteblng euto teaas fur saride; va hope Ibis vîli impresa upon their mind. dia pain! ni neaulte o! titeir owa beedlemenes, Miss. A. RimMp. Tvo Hitor'ievana. Tise tact ibat lira. Samuel MeKee, of Plttoburg, bruke ber tan tise ethen day la chrunîlel as a mistertuno by dia Plttnbnrg nevapapera, for diemren tisaI there la osly une ootan lika It lu existeace, and that lSmtdia Property et mm..U. S. Grant Bachs t the tans va4 hedia gtIo! Miniter Bingbarn vhen ha rturnel tram Japan, and dis dis- covery oethde resemblane a vanmals v)ssn the Ivo laies met aI a receptlon la Pttaburg on the retum of et(au. am IW G ramI frein their tour et the werld. Thbe fauan et dçelcley t apatý 7777.11. bulfur decoatadlà1h e&1 BOYS' ULSTERS big collar, dlot linel, ail nîzes $4.00 Quaiity BOYS' ULSTERS sitis big slorrn collais o! lb. extra grade of Shetland Chin- chilla, lu grey, drab and bIne, the great- est coal luntise country ai Compare it with any $6.00 Ulster anywhete BOYS' CHINCHILLA BEEPERS, big Saàllor collai, heavy dlots lining brallel vils vide brail, a beauty, at $ No Man Lake County, who needs an Overcoatc Ulsters can afford to pass us by.. A HEAVY KERBEY OVERCOAT, lu black or dank blue, at WM ICool yen $14.00 anywhere ciao A Strictly ail wool Kersey Overcoat-. In bWak or dark bine, alegatliy maIe441 sud trimmed, at X Yon have ,,o -%y $8.00 more fer smre qnaiity li o*«Pliai A Great Bargain in HEAUVY CLOTH LMND ULSTERS. JUSTREZIVED OUR TRMIE»LT or Tamn OShanter Fur big sud 111110 girls sud boys-va have titan trîmmel vith foaties nduplain. Th isaMlnery stores charge $1.50 ",TUE MODEL' - ~60 and 15 Washington Street, : Waukeg&ân, 1J. ýj $4 a

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