Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1895, p. 7

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tif ô o#ApIL.AT0N 0F ILLI- wsn~thâr lMerick'. Ex-Perience ,7,'leport of the Varlouàs Charitable "ntitution tui tire tate. Moher of the Firat Gtrl Baby. one o!ftire Most romandte ciaracters ln Joa v i ha j uliiotir rItearirk, sooter ut tire lrst girl baby user boru iu JaeksqOuville, anus DI)w ïl5 oypams tîli. Hen maideu usie %voas EmmairAbra- luis. 8SIre w'as1 r e lr e, iii N e - York City, but bris- hesx reverse" -alrec ulm,.i t 1,I '% :amuoly andl l bbh fntirer soîrgirt iri - fortue ini tIe fur ONàlgAIDMA BEBcu. West. The bis- t«r , !futhose early tinys s agraîbiî-uliy tol b tihe olti lady. uhsu siti:*'i use arriveiI1uas but ani hld, comipara'- tlvcly. aithourgh neariy 1.4 yenîs of uige. for 1 bi]alwo'ys been rnsed toir Ie brigit #J&deof lhfe and it seetue te 1me 1 Inever fflîi gel accuattînreitu 0our lueird surroundlngsi. rtir irsthouge wuast lu a *tricurti conilboeeulof bam'g and pucire.ns *"d roofes] ssithb sîmnsanibougirs Of tree.Ounr grent diliculiy ors luà getting gouiethlng usit i sinrtu rmakle bead. 'W. hardly kiîew lire iuzury o,! losirOuru maIn teperdence belng corr i ic-aI. and te gelt ta iruse hâti tlutoile our cor-ru urasnY glat tire milii ad tIs t-rt our turi tu bave it grouid by borse wcser. 1 Wriu marries] euiiipar;lti,uIYy J ,uîtg and as bs useflknousu ur int îhillî usrt isagrl. th 1 lfrt une bor, ib is s-it iy 'iTit.eurvent usas Véry notîable lut the mettinicnt. Pi e'- ie cone froni lriles arrnlul to mue tire iltile ibrrdiy,.nitd ienoer bart] su ulet attention ilr wy ife o. ofr-rnsrli-r. Sue j&' lous grosurini ut ra§inn îlidreu surnd grnudcbîiihmrerr ti (r oir. bunt Boue of titilaihave e'rur create tb ie earltenuu aire dii t ber adient il)uothe' ssuld. 1 usasrtirenrle.nused sitirtire atteliionî. but wsiegga big lusdin t-h le!(-llie u.] n-ulu tllr ta sec tire white i Myis. e ul-rt trel- bleDotnli 11(11 uit 1b idi t r refuser hlm. andi sitîr uali> gruivis of ri'4ifuctuu bplige'ked lic-r111. ltli.iihillgu-,lii s-vr dounefor hie rsuts yI)fçliniug. ru1cii ihel i-nsid: 18trun e n orul andîîuiruîm> u rrau-ck bi luioan hati>.' awîîi cfflit- so i'nt- Ici. neyer frrget tir, irnul seriir bli-n1 iilà thre sttleuteut. Wâi d eu-ni buru il. ururs ber of! jrn. hlîtntuia nIflt!:e guîrls ever osas a iis-tu gise us$aJiS: ienlt il rrnr day it osas aiînnu,îîur-u-d tjiat Ja gîud M-h cist bmtb<r %vourlit sirt-k. 1len%%Hm ilurgi, braisny mar. Thon, stBonu or-tinitý hrommefor hlm to 1sircak i. o 11Vire t1tctl a %pot lu tireletring anî l nuite'da aump. whiiué thi' ieoll -It'r ur cten- apeçuitnliy arrrirndihlm as lie-lilrliii thre Wordi of thsId. &Afet sui4rt yuurig Men camep(ou uu'îdrt kv r.. nir ku- Il istri mm ouace, sud thire ralisî iscl i tt-s a'c adtem bruliebY t[0belgau-. iida lli tuso ieedtiti iis norris. iilaiy tire guui mran eau fruukbv: 'YrIlebgru-ni. i un ni saidier Of tie luint î-re ie'louîi!u-1 up bis fiât") carrisu'r-vamru si-an il »@effsry. sttiruant Yoî nl - la-i' Thiis brolight Oilly a shuiturf <l-r rnil. iit tirsi 0w hlm if ire tionglît Iliat Ila.- o ire -beotte mn n tirnby tu ""nie o0u.-rhii s ao00mur-h forr esi "lit] boI tir berýWD ad he got duwn front ibissteumrnnii oser for tirem. ad ut leser ligne thai il tiuke t. btell lirey eniceketi assny. c-nch us iii pair of eyes astback ass jirîsituer. Il tires. tints of aumfrt andtil.eltYi sesins bard lu roulie stiat so irrd lu ei. dure ans] tireprivatitons (If tiiome VlrI day.. jet use saus a great deal tf peam utcinl ife, anti i oft'u brng for tire be arteti guod-fehbuwsiihuandt tir su-a gympatheiicneighborr. anud aie b(,ond0 oyxupthy usrlir epxiste uilcîung tire vinn-1 mettlers o! lllinuurs.' or t bile CaaritY. l'ke fai-n 1i ris-crinofuthter- tiri -- ir-r ilable i.stitutirjrig for Il(irat ujrtrn oova tir eratî'nge gnu.5C.,it pe.r -aiut. ens] th irerî r 1ge n uilrîtr-r -f i i unts in .«e cai stitritioni t iîr lic brinil, rbosn rnti--' iapitnl. Nortirenr iiniuneHospeital. .1,131) $33.2i1 Eastern Irisane Hlospitnal ....2.0-i7 UK,-ti Central Insanelosîceiai .... 12W3 2.71) ilontieru hurunire iHospitl. . 831 3M-72 Asybun i naue ('ninliliniic. 126 47.31) Dlen! and Dunir .Xsy buruî -.... 54) 234 Asybumn for tire lind ..... '17 222-0-é SotierOnriaus'lione.. U22 î~i LPye anti Eear Infirmuiny .. 142 41.70i Boidiers' andi Sailon' huni..tS 3 BJouie for Jînteuile 1-t.nlc Offenders----------------. 11,:1M4.17 The total nxbense o!frire u Ilt ntitrn- thons usas 2.i .7aidthériretotal ci-ot 10 the Stube $242,970.47. Thim îunber cf tenasial tire institrutioinrst tihe gin- alng of thre quarter os-as 6,471). Tirere store 764 neus and 1:e tumnuer inuttes admit- tarI andi 1,031 abseute,s returnned. naking tie total for th- intimeroi' . Vie 'tît- nnînr- ber discirargîsi tiriibsent wsc 5>5dicul Istate Nous. i ntef. ÇkCarles J. Rîiflen, of thîe Illinui.; i-tate Bosrd of Arbitrathon, i. n v-it scelles of Sabot troubles at i uriciysboro. Coffcen. ant i Gen Carboin. MMra.Joaeph (C. Parry,tf Tuloint. ageti 00 dies] of iuckitt'.tire resîrît of stiuîriing cm a rusty nail. lier gritutliiighitr dieu] iroM a shilarease s feus seks m go. Tiremcaseagainst George .lscob Si.kini tartr wililh. huard nltIrhe Januany terni tut court nt Itockford,. rttornieys ou botlr rudes agreeug to the eotntiutinue. OUiarus J. Briggs dili rt hBlooningtunî aItirhe age o! 84 ypetrs. le4-asa a nativua of Barnard, tt. . ic- tacs aminihter of tire Unîvernualist ('irircir, antid drirîg tire usar ousned nais editeti a iiessap)em lit loomington. -Burgiars Iited Ile storeus of (Ior# Gibi & Sur.n, illiramurGrnay in tire ItuJt- ofice et WVin&. (,'ruinidtunnblut-ii, post- age stamips antisupptlies usere unken ri n tire posqtolllce anit a large amnrulrt ol gootia front the stores. Tire c-ase o! Wiîîiait .1. FEdovunits. of Ro«kfoi'd. aginst Ille loine FICuran ter e61 Order. wbîe leiintilf sînotb for $2.0041, th amtc ant of a pnlcy el.] hy buii sii vo ýô~ ir rder'. resîitedi in a serîiet i fas'r 6! t he tiefesîdart liIrle lireliitt ('trt, .-The essweuiickpoint urainîtuluneti iiu tbnl sud '~ ant suesgflly tirovei, n-us tirai -th a - piipts fe.tber and tietr. nr jJusbrnny i vith consumnptiori oshen %b( be~r appbicatiotn for inurauce. arrý th . ie falea. Had tiefre math eq"retly gisenith ie appui. * tUs] orain wo'hl neyel At&!IqeAtur Joha Wateriiad. aââ 8 Yearsi askiiled by sa train. David] Mandevilie. a tarner living near Rockford. tvas robies] of cirer $100 bY two daasked nmen.1 Burgiars entered the restaurant of La-1 rue & Slrutt. t at tnrsey, biew opent the safe aud secured a émiliunionu r niouey. Miss Sarah Butler, of Rock Island, a stenograpiher, agcd 25, scair mn down bLY a Rock Island aildil'ueific trlu n'id her skuilifractured. Jerman Tice, aged 63, n weltiiY fanmer near tireoiîview, died froui injuries re- ceived by belng strueli by a trainitl cross- ing a railrond crusliiig tieur-iis hionte in n wagon. W. 1'. Moore, prîtrîîatcr tut ftonuole, disntppeared sonre ,dii> s ugo. Thte postal inspector fids hiîiîshort il, hi$ eccOlts $1,300. He was n proutinent business moan and oid esident. At «Mlhje importanit cliainges lire be- irg nmade l li e (ovcmrnent watt-r-p.ver waii by whicb power uili bc sti))ic-d hfor Il-ectmîily to opeate ail the factonies ln Rock Island, lMoline andi Daverîport. At Greenvilie Constable Phlfiv, $tout sirot sui] mortally woiuîded ArcelNie- New wle ittempltiuig t aret hlm for disturbiiig religions sorhip. Stout uas arresteci anti lailu under 81,000 bonds. At Mount Carmnel the o qT.uguted iron building krîown as thre Standard anîd Occupieti by the taterstate rertilizer Comw- pany sud ail thre mschinery and product usure burneti. The.losa is about $10.000. Ail the public unhools of Chiclago Heigirts uere closeti huit week on neconut rOf tire prevalence of diptireria. ieveral deaths have occurs'ed, anud tire are a large number of cases at the plreseut lime. àAt ileyworthl ire destroyed J. .L. Hum- 9 phrrey'n grain elevator and] ciectrie ligt 9 plant nird e dozen business lîousesannd L-remriunr-us ou the %vent side of townt, in- t uoivirrg a loas of $.00. Aniong the l-Ibrm lure IH. ioblo. dri,; Ne'nr& eJohnîisoni. groucries. aird the N'anuird- sàtrandi Bank. LI The ('assll-Gariside Manntacturirtg ,fComprauy confesses] judgmerrt at Puonsa ýt for *9.8411 in fnvrr of the Bank Oi! Coin- it offirers roi> tiey hope to resiu 9 soor il as lirea -nu wakearrgements wt,trs.oult 1- imrrîrrd ir,rA wtohiav *îe e r rc d iu Pe tirur. r Gov. AtgcId rulIed l.efore iirn tir Crs .ti o- uly a îîîrirttîd St t, u .rr of vr,! 'Nal;nIes alllgave tiui ailxtroi 1.tiî,re m; thei.. (îiý- i e ire si.r i îeri I., 1-l-rîe ii tire eleciltlin tfthre lliiirin l ' l 'lire miont lur1rotu iilt î .tirr i Iatldres s s s %.q4:8folirrse: -Theli uitxîî te lu sus of r hies site su em re e ted fr i. ct Iorrrtreth, rf lire seak nvI îm tii.-ju murtor. v.ho le et r. .r, cri nt tnbcal mu f uni g self." il Joui tirhIter. jirgeri12 vuars,.Jli g wt a ier parenrts nerîrrr iau-'rî.silhani C ru 'îlcrail.'n irli it andro i i aàllur r' ig ne urysimi.rsly as if the. arith liad sunir iu.lwi'd irrr. 're a larmu uý s ..uuunîgi ven n 1-Spîr naid. The tow n tir ie41 omit in suarcn ,:t of thei riiiiiig cî-ld. but thîlY ufurîl ru n si traî-eof lier. The bills andr ras inîcu in tir a uigiitmrl,riuud fur uiies arourr î ires .1ta rru.nitîr no as ail, and the (lrents if arc frnitiuic itir grief. n rot-tire i. Louis passu.rger train in tire t it P..Ieomia uail t. Loîni It ail- noîi. nlilt Uniorn Suitir. 1a soi liuliul MIM tieuseurF-ore-st and iMnirîto. The gsutl-h hiait 1c'4-î tariutreetilh andth ie engine andri rîtcri-as usure demuileilandi irrly ibanîiri. ibut aouni uvas lnjnre.-îi.Ti isi the 't hirirîitteiàlit to n mî'îk a ptua asoigrg trainît tlîis pint isithin Ilole st fer n uc'ks, andthie railmruad ofluî-iahs nirne de- tu-nlniurîl to ferreut out ithe gîni yîîîrt les whme Ilînnose is believed to brise bt-t h fi' te-nni n illii'.Souîtiiemulli nis i4 lel liary ftr sifi, mrmdrm. brieiruuîMr'ril îrî ilîr'.i-t. i bril (ujnn C urtntgirinet th4 !r r , ri--oer $55.tte-iuiiit r tle it fi- si r mie pr.Iiuy it-Id ry himsfr Inie osi fi' Jîisiikhii sürun-uis î-iî-itte t- îkiin:g bris solfvid wi.rnei unn1i, tii die'. t I it lngriîtoiirtjubis se teie mu ni hife te-rni in luipri. 'rbh ie î nîrri is adanucr'd 1 tire St utet- tri -,-nt llî.rikbra metina mi-oi iutionnuas his , foîr tire nisumus ltii-tu niinnr-EY. Thne thoo-u-riu)r andnilAuditjir of Pl ibtr Aceorntin a u curusrdu(-c 55tirla s;. ixe tire rateib f tli ruthe j tusIeuY foîr :trut uclrlwrtkîse t Z52 rcnnts on u-nîi rK8().C t Ils 1:; i-i-lu te is for sebori anud 39 ceunt sfi gerieralinîaxîs. Tis sili aise $1.053,11 iii the s-îubfuti aund$3,249.435 litIl gorrerni I faîîilini kiuîg a total o! $4.-«3 rr5tY. Arn alloiinine is "'ileofo $25J,tIL for iio --ii-.reuiosnl. coinnissio: etc..'rTne lis-y last yoartus 31 cenrts l $100. Tis lethe lnnrg-ctIi'y oerria inn the k51mb. o xcebit for the yenm ISS os-ienil t-uas M cetits. Theobirnug of tire Lonînut FeneCor pany, at Luiai, uas biownto itoru Johln îobies. airs Jaunes Whiite we kilieti. The fence ssorks stasi a non- P lerprise. ilarted sai îouvuetibyliolni & Colerîrari. andihbas] hen operatiîg bI a feus tnys. Visiitons nere shoni nabo ethe nihi srtîy bt-fore. At 4 o'îhIock t f illn-as uvileti front tire faice of tirePar by au exlocutioii in (lie boiber-noltu. ssiib completely ovreekodth ie large framo ai b ran stnit-trre. i-t set-eme tas tire exil aintbîît mon bars ant iInitieswere &si tereti ail os-er thre littho village ans] bric usere ired tirrougi windows a bl an ay. Ex-glloriff il. S. Sisk anti City Marot LiD. C. Bratton. of rMetropolis. have hal n-cary ebîase after Oscar G. Sback. ai YiI. T. Floyd, t-biarged ovitirextracting$ 3030 front the lacidie Express Compmun saf alfantWeatIberford, Teas, in Jui je IMNI. A moutir fter the bref t yr Il Sback n-rs urnestt'd and confPesetfili tire oflicers ss'ire tire uspetit part of1 annotnut usas burieti- $liî'k n-as left -charge <if bis brother. a hîiois» mail t-Wenîtherfomii. sthile the tîfficers ,eare u'for andi fomin I lle îtney.The ofic ifleft for ToxsTucsulaY afteruoonîw if John Peter Shuron. of (nlusbmg. % u« rts recenîtly nrrested for hunmgluriesci nolitteiini utdozon dulftirnt illites,. unir lu-metia îîlea ft !guibty bu seveolu iffer r craints and ti nssotntd10trJ .t. pniteitiary. s Tire soutbi-bOtttit pasrnigor train on t St. Lois. Cii-go anti St.. Paul Rahlu- e tthilogilg nt a iigir rate of speeti eo tteenu Grantite City anti Madison VtI ji day mornirsit.rau mb oan open stij tl collided i hth a nuruber cof frelghci I-Sidney l.oug. cugîneer,. uas killed, Y er tso gmon hurt Nus eof the Paseai tloiesithetatuii~ud quit.of au in .,m P -T.e n U.I WbnaBprwsee buibUd anBd decide to siplrthle wot»nagoes and bnys tuso lttle candies of eqiiel Igngtb, whicb are mnade egpecially foi tuis use. She brings tilent hi aie. 8110 and ber bushand mit dousa on the iloor, placlng the couies betuscen t'îtsm. and] llgbt themt slmultaneotlY. One cou- - die stands for hlm, tire otiror for lher.1 Tire one wsiote candie goes out firat tises and goes out of the heure forever, A » L M L u usllh nothlng but wbiaI ire or she may hSve on. The one wbioee c-audIo bas Mgr. (Japel Now a Rlch Rancher conlor sarvived tire longest, even bY a'Lrsecnd. Mgr. Capel, la t11e Catesby of Dis- You ealîte ibis1 takes everythiig. Se the divore andi raell's cîrotbar," andi converted L.ord (lie fannous fasti div!slon of tire pperty-if yotî ian Bute te the Catbolic faitir. HL got un- Centrai. *'he Nia call that a divIion-are settîpti. it der a cloud, bousever. In moule usay, aint twecn Chbicago an( looks fair enougb. but as 1 oce hourd sas sen tehe nited StatesIi n a sort ind hudscton Bit somebody rernark, appeflrant'es a ireîle- of exile. The ciengy la titis country hany ttsilroiîîr. cetful. Tire whfe on ber WaY houo ledfnt biina rnch, andi ho Transplort. ltre ustb the couille, takes a tiny scraping swunn a lecturlng tour cincle, tiuîslly o f traneportstion frona the bottom ocf crue of theml. A betaklng hlinaself te Californie,. where tsînly lirey outti, very littie twiilbe enough. If the bus. he bougit a large ranch andi uent lu umy, inid the aci band and bouse are einpty of pretty for raising fine borses aud bbol breg asta os much everything but chilîdreu. ebe stock generally. A priest usho knows tratof ail nig ç takes the shortened cauidle andi wilks hlm 55.11 Informa me that Ie i grow vîng ril nig ra.- out free and] content. BuÙt-if the bouse rit-b. Forinerly tbe pink of perfection on the Michrigan le useli furnislied and the busbaud's In dt'ess, be bas grousu Indiferent te bis gal botels On whe possessions are conshderabie, bu ires garb, and dresses and looks like a tire itagengers ia tne short candIe aud doeà the walklug. typical rancmman. He lsa a n of rare For tickets, si t-uire and elegant accompllstiments. foldons. or any 4<Ioiago opera flouse. He la of mposlng presence ans] tmpe- sired. pply at ci Donnelly and Girard have seElmingly rnal bearlug. Hie dark. deep bitte eye ooffice. o11A flonl their Itest vehicie of fun, "Tire flashes frein seemingiy fathounhes Con'] Pl Raininakers " a sort of theatricai sieve tleptbs. His bans] la as perfect as, througit suhici innocent Meri'iment Peurs Trilysfoadieh;a yofa- Dsrto at iu perennisi Joi and unhlmiteri guets. 1Y ft.adhbsauayfly Dsreon5 They openes] et th Chicago O)pera House logig t acrosbis manly chlesti iran ugatr Of lîfe;t on Snnday night wuslth liu big ne-scomn- fetcbes tbe admiration of tIre lades.- otber suseetens i pany of speiaty artiste. AUl the sreneny Cncnnati Comnmercal-Gazette. Piso's Cre fuor and costumes are neus. andi geleaistart- cialiy geai] redie lng eiectric effecta uili ie introducti.A IIBig eguler Arrny. If. Avent. Joues making rire coiredy better andi irigitpr Tire rmihtlest bot o! Ihîs sotiLa tire sruy 1891. than lever. of Ilii as usiose boweis. livers. sud etomi- Self -possession Donnllyand931ard aveailthelt s irsalisve beeon regulated by Homtetîer' Donnlly nd irer hav aI theiatStltonracirBitters. A egalan habit of bodiy laseif-forgetflre» songs nous popular In tire metropolis. brou g lt about thrraugi uslag ltre Bitters. -nuij .Drîring the preo;_nteticrn of that piienornu by v-l.lertly agtatîng and triplai:lire in-j vrrq-AtlFttt; snll uceosft-l musical farce comiedy. testinres. but by re-enforelitirei r euergy 'Me-" Mstoor. ennrlly ~and osusing àa mw of tire bilemjuils prusper j ploui la.fri "The Iteina(mnace" ail thre original cirunial. Îfalarla, la grippe. dys et. sud t man<o* ud to c ener! and elerirical effeta uses] in tire atsnderiuy Ici nacivt, of thIredys. are tmetropolis us-ll h. carrieti by lte corn- confuerti bgtir BiteraIN .pany. Tire csr.t includes artiste oshose 0flbeafrsnra 0 Ibs contr onu wu I nine ar sy-onmou wiir ucces.fourtir. or 25 lier cent., bave profier", They ane: Rosa and Fenton, the Rogers v eBrothers. Imro Fox. Moiîd IRaymond, saiued et lesi thon $1.000; 73 per i. 9Crac. Lanigioy Tee%ic Gartiner. Ada bave hlidngs rates] et froîn $1,00u Io .i1nsfield. M.%ay Warren and Donnelly $10,000; andi ouly 2 per cent. bave profi The uiirttber of mîlîlionaîres arnong the M om,'.Thtai frmiers Il e s nappreciably salait thutfit useofer asHun~iDollars iteward for -does not appear lu lire c-insus returns. ae gay ceale o Catatnir t 9 eunot lie enure by______________ 9 Ralls Catarr Cae. F.-J. CHENET li CO.. Praps. Toedeo,0 we, tire underuigted. have kacra jk. J. ciretey k: for tirs lauta 5cars, ad hsell itaperfectty hoorable la ail business traflutiflnt and finan- .tulty strIe ta carry out any oblgatloa niade liy lireln a-m. i-Wet &iTniamn.Wiolebalc Drugs Toledo. (. Wldlag. Elirnani d avtW oaeDrue- gist., Toledo. o(unr. h ial's tatâurli Cure lu taken leail cin ulrertly upon tire lood and mac-ina euIa-O-nrf 1-tirasysteini.Pru-to7. tper i.ottte. Sold t.> ail IlDrugzll.ts. TecUlmonlAlfrtee. Ét Fall andi Witr. IlFrequent experituetits have proveui ,e alloweouhte ie ou the surfla al wintem Il -as of mrore worth thuru iriai wbich HR Lé usas speud and ploused unîler ut plant-.ou ,o tht. protectioni of lis ow nuinlhr. Ma- thre o SOM au nune iu the lartryunad le brluging no brnllalt dt ý profits. Sae .h rpmatume b.irulles may he preventeriR makbl ffr ad our f Il andth ie hair marde te grous un ireadi, ai-R m k beOfr1 l u r lyready haid, hy tire use of Halls Vegetable . Sicfliair Hair Reneuser. set Ta..z8 . I Meus- 1 Fre o Jan. uir, x89eu6et.bI enA w lit- -'f of 'or -n li ire nre dii- ud 0 f fon [ta le 31 - Mie. en île but ou the- irt and icir Ida $2- ia Ilia. nst in with to-hi oin- 1aný cars and Your Happiness, Depends upon a i elt1y body and a co-'*cnted ru nd. Your Health 1% scriousiy in danger u1c-s o.r blond is rchrel ced jirc Hood's Sarsaparil la Isii --One True B.' od Purifier rromînenuy ci the Publie E3e. Iioods PiIls ure i 'wrCIlE, billons- capn A"o siseul Il Af OBCE tb Rmre end artrea, lad Or81., WM mni" iOut 9asisome 4-Pag0 Cateudar. ltre- grapheS linu14slons. Retaîl prise SOL. rPREIE Tire Touti's COMPaailU serY wtlk IU laauau-y ns180. Tirs Tiankîstalg, Chu-ltau anS ew ysar's Doublre flamber. And The Companiofi aà Weeks, A pull Vear to januarg.l9. ret in Travel. in l the highest degree ou "W'-iiIieiWIt train% of the Michiganver» tar.u.,Prffl Css agara Falls Route." ho-- id New York and Boto:n h the New York Central *er and Boston and AI- egreat London Journal , intercets. gays: "' e.*- a Ius in comufort aud luîx- nts of the sleeping anid st ereate errvy ini tie W ho kuow w ht tit le to x*.11mv131 1'u n s seated rigliti o riag . lxe d he t a n n Central are like colos- eels, and the. comfort of U la a tbing asured." Aa wý Iee p.îng-car reseryatoas. IMot au i a 1tus o r o ubm ffls iy &o M speclai information de- VF p fl o* "P U4o ciy passeager and ticket dams street. opposits te 0i. W. RUGGLES. lsdr and Ticket Agent. î te sait. and fancy the the one iireserves, the )r onsumptioflin an empe- ciue for Croiup.-Mrs. M. 'uboro, Texas, May tlth. n s le nuther aine for _____________ Dr. en t M tiabtis (i.. ta Ssuumina Sturlfor trilidr', Il Sa Fmes a Yssr." tE are few famous writers ln Great Dritain or the UnIted Stats o have flot already contbuted to Thie Youth's CoarPeaion, bt ne ilustrious recnhits have been found, Who, COHlborittng Witb favorites, wli enabie its editto1 make the paper notably duunng tihe corning year. me, poets. famous scientistad traveleW, cfêfft layrs tittul story-wrntcfs wiii provide etitertalaîment and instructioni frieada and subscribers in a richer mesmre than ever belote O)ur Distinguished Contributors. Thre-Marquis of Lorne. Bishop Cleveland Coxc. Tire Lord Chief justice of Englans]. Blisp Doane. sir Benjamin Ward Richardson. Sir Edwin Armait. Thre Secretary of thre U. 8. Na'vy. Camille Flammaarion. The Secretary of thre luterlor. Juutian ccarthy. The Secretary of Agrieulture Adatirai Stevens. Judgo Oliver WendeU Hommes. Admirai Kaurbhan. W. B. Russeil cf The. London Times. Admirai Jilot. Frank R. Stockrton. Chares Dickens. W. Clark Rusel. Arciribals] Forbes. General Nelson A. Miles. F. D). Millet. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. Andrew Carnegie. And] More Tha On@ Huantres Otirsia TE Y OUTH'S COMPANION, goi Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. 1Su Chut. i.Ofltoor ap e nu . « w StfoeW Ltw, t OCMi L. Timnely Warnling. The grat success of the chocolats preparatiofis of the bouse of Walte Baker & Co. (establishd in 1780) bas lad ta the placing on the mark et many misleadlng and unscrupulourn imitations - of their nome, labels, and wrappers. Walter f BEaker & o. are the oldest and largest manu facturers cf pure and hlgh-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemîicals are used In their manufactue5. Consumea should ask for, and be sure that they get, the gen5dn5b Walter Baker&& Co.'s gooda. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limlted, DRctie.sTBR. MASS. SIGNAL a health signal. P The baby's mission, its work in life, is growth. To that little bundie of love, $1 haif trick, haif dreanîr every added ounce of lesh means added happiness and com- fort. Fat is »he_âjgnal ofi perfect health, comfort, good-naturer babybety SCOTT's EMu-L.SION is the best'fat-food baby can à%ave, in the easiest form. It supplies wJ-at lie cannot get in his" -ordinary food, and helps him over thie weak places to perfect growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full- grown, new life. Bmcrtywug.1.Çntr s.hiuusoyr'es as! *1 andala ctai tshtitute. âcott & Iowne, New York. Ail Drugglsts. 50. anld Si. -"A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful of Shame." Keep Your House Olean with A POL F i* ino moup luthe woelt stands so hieh in ta qPliâ ugtM womU nà P CLA -U--SM For wesbrng clothes or "0 g boawOi equrnlot T ry it So ld «is] ", - »eS . The N. K. FairbanliComPasi, i s. N.tI. 10131 rai tar s 5-LV<F sSvtsttfiSSRfit t four vueirs a ~ I ~um* uewsluuiueus~.HOU5et7rUrs1lrtcrW aunsnitsed 5b~d Ion - 1 1

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