Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Nov 1895, p. 5

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rtyvIIIe, -.Illinois. 1~.J. L. TAYLOR. SOffice at Rosldenoe on Broad- ~- w&y,qopposIte Public Park. to lio &m. 2 t04fand6 t08 pl. >Libertyellle. Illinois. Dr .W. ALVERSON. Physiclan and Surgeon. iuaeotWomen and Childreii a speclty. LAKE ZURICH. ILLINOIS. Dr. E. H. SMITH, OfficeoverLovelil'sDrug-Store IUOUB*btoi2&m.8fdlto5P.m. DAILY. Libertyville, Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attomney and Councellor at Law, NOTARVPUBLIC. 8al attmention given to Co>.etlcns and *Office wth Lake Caunty Bank. Libertyville,Ililinois. Mgg iliLULU M. S. PENNIMAN. VOCAL AND A LSo D ELS ARTE IftmumNgNTAL YTM0 .MUSIC.... ....£LOCUTI ON.. »»«T MWMOD<'. MOST BLA8QOMÂBLE PEICEI. LbertyviIIe. Ilinois, MISS M. ALICE DAVIS, Graduale o Ameriegn lConaerra tory VOICE CULTURE AND HARMONY LbertyvIIle. Illinos. W. H. APPLEY, ... <AUCTIONEER. . Libertyville, Illinois. Raving bad much experience In Aut'- tioneering ln thie pat seventeen yearn. 1 a&m prepared 10 attend <saes ln any put; of lake and adjeining ('ountieN mi veryLoy Ratesl. Satisfaction Gnàr- aat.ed. Give me a CaiI. Ralph Darby's Barber Shop -19 now located in- 4ý,g[ruT & So.,s FuRNITURE STORE, Where you ean alwal' egt y,.ur Sbiaviuîg. NMr Cuttlng and DresaIhg, -lu iii. Lateut Style of th- TONSRIALARTIST. ivemeatrial. 1 I wil e.- yu. ] Darby,- Lilbertyville, 111. ILAKE COUNTY BANK. ,Wright, Parkhurst &Co. Lib&teyville, Illinois. issues Interest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Dernand. LIGHT B RNESS AS WELL AS NETS AND * LAP ROBES ARlE NOW LN SEASON. CHARLÉS KAISER KEEPS THEM. Viii» fret-clasa repairing i8 needed, yon know where to find hirm çà at Libertyville, 111. 4 )E & Are the Meats we seli. Those are the main, points. Then cornes pice and pnomptness. -& ALOW rrpt Service and Delivery. ce.Infited to the ,W MEAT MARKET vey sud AuetUn' 011 stand on v ilvankee Ave. A Ordinance Dioconiw(*ting certain ter- rlri of tthe coreorate ]liaits of the vidlage 1U. . Be it ordalned h y the President an -er tTustee<'. f the Village of LierilIIL Trint a Petition having been ~ed luthe office of the Village Clerk o the Village o Libertyvilli-. Lake County. illn i sned by C. C. Copeland. raytng thât the ollowing .IescrIIxed terrif orr t- de oiced from the corporation <'th Villae o! Llbertyvilie 1DIS. To-wtt: cein- mene-Eng at a point on tfis eagt dlinofe section 2three chane South of the south boundary thei Rockland biâhway. thence easterly along a ine and para ell with @anîl highway te tios.en e 0 the OPlan Biver thence northerly <long th., <nter of <aid river te the netti boundary cf ..aid ighway. thencie westerly <long the norti, boundary « s<aid Ilighway tte ceatlineo f sectionl 21 thence Southeri1aonth at fine- of section 21 te the poNt .fbegnaing. Ail eof<oail land being ln Townblpt4 Rng"l..M.Ea a'ndl wthin the corporation limite of the Village of LibertyviDe. Ilits. sxt. 2. twill petition wal presented the and griinted by the Board! of Tietees ef the Village of Lîhertylille on*tle Fourth Daîr of NovemberkX.D lum. BEC. I3fTic afereaid deseribcd territory la hereby ds.onneeted tromn the Corporation ettheVliageofetLibertyvlie. 11i. Pasa",! Nevember ah A. D. lm. APuiroveîi Novenuber 4th A. D. IRai. Pulished Novoinber sth A. D mu. C. H. AvzatLL. President. Aftest. E. L. Dubeis. Village Clerk. OROI0NANCE NO. 72. Be It, Ordaîne-il ty the Pr<.siulînt and iBeard of Tristees of the Village o!f Liuhert yvillie. SEC. 1. That a sidewalk 4 lo-<t an,! no inelhes wli*. cnstructeil of Sound lulmb"rl. with 3 t,lngr,' <eh 2 inehî-s hy e Inch.'s. the- béuards th'-rlon to lie flot less tthan 6 Ineho-s. nier moire than li) inie wld-' ndti, lié' 2 Ii-hes ths-k. eaeh boardi to h. Ils l.roals on saol sthinge'r and fnst,-neîi tho'r,to hy nmot i--se than iliv'. 2,-f'liv wire naihe to ho' laidi along tiie. '.1.1'.of Or-harîlStree't lie thi- Village, of Libherty%,iii- llinm iée, -on, m.ncing at tii, wes.t Ul i f land! ,wnil loi Redi.t. IRav and! îxt-ldinez -'-.t fr,n tho-noé- té, Wright (o.îirt .,naid .tr"-t. The- whil.- cft thé.- csto«f .ao id d<walk <hall I.' , aid t" S-'-ial taxati,e"f tt,.- lt s or jar--.1ls of landi t'.c-in î,'n iilié.- 'f saii oid walk tgai In tilt-sord nn.'r.-ii .E' f aid TYt. î,réq'r' rtiin t" P sfrm'tagé- ,,îoî, ,.u'h 'i.!,- walk. SEc. 2 ald ,i<i,.a <ilk .hail i1-- »,rstrii--t--d andi mat.'rial th,-Péfor fi rnî-.ho-,l ,inder t]i,. c <p-r. l'ion andlci "tt') th,", r'rva'f tihe- Sreet Cimmis..i<.n'r of said Village. Sg'*. 3. Ail cwn.'rs ,f lt, or aro.-ls "f land lt' .uh iîg thli Il," of <au!sld.-mwlk slail -'ytrîttpart of sail iwalk iln fr'mn, ait,.-.- w11 ifi hesp'--ffl-ati.'ns"f tiltsorial' ai;iiir it y <>-iay. ft'-r t'- 1, lti.,.a' i y ii li 1-' f thé.- i 'srv miteriais jébhl]il1- fiirnish.-d a'llé] ,i-lî "i.lwalk "a stri-t'-,l by thi,- Vidai- cf Libe.rt y i. «i ig th'- fr'.nt cf sci-,'t',rlfis.par<-. r cI'. t'-.wn-r'r'wn"cof w L -h -.lalI fii arni-fi sue-t, nat#-ria1g andl .s.'i,,'t ri-t su--t, .id'-walk or part tiee-f.h-ryr-- iir.n-l. witin th, -t ii,,- alin ti,-- inan'-r ,e'-r,'ln nro.i'olé-ot. ail ithe,'<"'t tii<r.-'f shail .' los<-par'ý-1-s cf land'ja, îr.s l< a ,this ,ir<inai.-,-. SEC 4 Ili o ' ---<'f thi'-.l'-f4tylt "r failiir'- "f «y 1't '- w ney-r or - aycr. -1-",.t i l'<,--i -- waît al,niz -ai-I lin,- in fro.nt 'ftlits 'r Iii r ii-r-An amî ii' 'an,--!<ll lo..- -rt-tc t ié- Villa'.-,'f LI.rv l" a bill -,f th-- s o'f «<<1d'l-wai;ka'- -hal]léI - so -,,- r,-'. b<, <aid Vllago--. ho-,ig An1--i am'i'-y1, thé- -iIIafgr i'g.h-rat, a i: fth-1 < ad q-ilal.t h a- Il-itfithé- o<s, t h-» o' anz-i tii. t-frozta,-"n-i!-il-w«k -'t SEc- 3 U"'t.- thr ize.t!, l' i hl <<s-.î"h elé,' 'or r,-.-! iiti-'fI--'f h- Villas- tl"]-rk. sa-I l <-rio; 'hall «ti'<y,---r --' t' î're-ar-- a s.-<-al tax lh-q aid 'est -nil!lIlot- and! î.r''! Ilé- ,w,,.. rs th'-r.--,t. if ka' wn -a-'-ti i tn '- iatnth,.- aLli,' 'i ai f si--ial fax t" lié- -harg'-'l agaîrîst oa'-h <.1 ,aid! lt., or îa.slai,.!tivé «- wti<-r-- th.,-r-- f. '<n a,-' <utnI t --.onst ruy.ti-,n 'fs<ai-I t-14-waylk. n.<.cligtp, the- rat" lixe-,! fr th,'- lei -.v'f s-iîh sI-i~Caitax lyi, ts o'rdinale,-- whi-Iî S),éo-Ial tax ilst se-l!x.- aIs.. fIlole ln ti.- -<. t-. r.Sali Vlla$t,- C!.rk s«lnl. iîn-l,!- Iv .,j'nti'-filin g '<fsal<I'it jéiU t x lt .Tin Tm' a-ur-r "f aidI !lg-for tiié- <<<lý<ri n tf. h .-- 'rlanounits- 'f si'- -altabx s- o a---r- of Lre.n'io.r fr-,', nt!w,wns.a',--s th. r--., t,ii-,ng thé lir. <nt,-I --f saad .i<!-walk mad il<'il il Li i-înaa,fr the.-saisi'- fr' 'a, -al-i "f t le,- pafrt 1-s ,l'-signatti !li aid aî.rrant a'- ti.- éwi -rs f .ai'i lots-(<r payr4-Is. <f land. ttii Tr--amn-r <f <ai-I Vlla e "s.ii< .sayt Warranit -hall l»'- si'-i-. «hi,!! ..-,rîî nilie,- w ltreliiixty 'ivs froues tiie dat--(..f sut-h waîrranît. and rithi ,î Il.. .aysaft'-r th,- -xîirai'<n 'of <Raid msarraut. shall niaI. -r-turn <i".îsai,! warrrnt siiowi,,g ail nnounet, '-haill..t <,n-.av <,r totii.- (,I-rk <f <ai.! t i ,.Uon f,ilire t-Il-s -nhs-<é- iil tat '-r aî,v l'art thereor '. a' ,'rto< r'îrvid- ' -'linî t,' r.ns.i f JIsial! h,,- tii,- <uI '<f Iai'ltl'-rk vithin thirty day., aft<-r the- lllie îl is <.fio-.' cf the- warrant iss-ti'-d hy hum r.f<.. '~-- -tl s< .! < ii<he<-ial tax w iti tii--<l i ,, < r'opr offi--r th'r<-on a-. hi-r-in provli'.l. to inakc' a fui! re-l'rt .f afl sî.'ial fax in iwrtinu. t'. su-h g-nierai ..!i.,rnetthi' cltl, asnia) tic aitii.,ilzrs!t t.y law toi apply for îyîd-g.m.nts agai nst an.] i--I Lans,!for taxe'. due.. ouanty or satetofail the- lots or parss'ls cf and! upon whleI sn<-h .=,i-lalftrx <hall h.- se zînipaid. lvith tise nan' hcfle respi-'tive own,-r<' tiere-f. as fat- a tlie'-a'M" ck nown to <said l'rk. amii the amiunt dtue andl unpa!d upon eaehl tract. together wilh a copyé cf the ordinanee'. on-er- ing tic «onstruetion of <uch 'idewalk. whlch report <alltlieaccompanleil hY the oath (of the. CIrk. that ticeîlet la a corret return of the iots and panssels cf land on whîch ttua migcilitaxé levied hy tht- authoritL of <aid siage. for the cot if the sidewala in thi<' o-rdinanee epecllte,.reniains' due an,! unpair andi that tic amounta herein sotar-',! as due auid napail have nî,t boencollect-'. nor alli part thei-.i Pased No<v. 4th. A- D. li. Ag îoved Nov. 4th. A. tD. li. Publishe,! Nov. <tiiA D lisè C. il Av aIL Pm (ldent. Att-st. E. L. DuBexe,. Villgefiek WISC. CENT. R. R. TIME TABLE. (iorN it Inf. a m. a. m. U. m. p. m. 1).rm- Chilage Frt. -9 00 1 25 3445 il1oi Wi8lng s44 q910 ...îc - 19S ,<12 ti Aptakis<o 9e(i0 s9 16 ...5 Irf.. Prairie 'slow 9 19 019 ... .5e si14 Ly'ihton 9 4a5se9î25 <2 33 5i28lii Si Itockefe!l.-n ns0e09<'9u 3a W2337 I 39 91 27 Gravi; Lake j Ill 5 494o <'2 tals s5sis51-363 Rollins .... 9 45 250 tic 4) Lait- VilIla l ' i ae9 1 2 56 e 07 i2 5- couse11GBOUTR. a- n. a m. a m. Luiki. Villa 4 26 7 04il4a11 Rollins <'Sil17 10 Ftt. Girays Lake 5ti37 7 1605 Leîthton -i il 7 3ai1 Im 'mrre V.-w si 5 7 42 i il Aptaldslr W1,<01 7 46 1lis Wheeling sos smci 1 *50 Chicago t9 3u 85 mlFnt. Diltle,ept Htinday. e Stop onhy on signal. e- i.p. n. 183 tsi 457 MILLER & HANBY. DEÂLEItSIN Fresh Cows & Springers. We have on band a good varie- &y pf Choie Minnesota and Wis. cousin Cows, and are making speoiei. indu-tements tu fail buy- en, in the woiyof lewprioas. Wo takd'ànersad llen1siêh -PERSONAL. Regutar M..ti<'U Board. 1ev. sud lirs. J. B. Maecuffin visit- LiBERTYVIticl , ov. 4th. 1896. .4 at Evanlton this week. Smith & Switt have a ftull line ci Board met ln regular session ii 'I -winer mllinery andj notions. President Averln the chair. 1resent1 Appley, Colby, Heath, MeGregor and Miss Maile Colby, cf Dlanloîî,i Lake Osborne. Minutes of Oct. 7th, rend viflfted triend@ ht-te thi,. wck. and on motion o! Osbornle and, Appley Miss Riae Bre.ntu.n retitrnesi Tuecssay were accepted adopted and !lact-tîonfront a few ilcys stay iniv e ity. ile. Finance committee 8sryi<iittedl and recommended paymeîît "t the Arthur Crosby, ofif Woiktýigaî, wis a folfowingbilsa: M F reohns'ii,.$311 00; gueat at is uul'Duit Lot-s, over Si,î,- William Barnett, $4 55; Fraî,k )c-llz, day. $.75; G H Schanck & Soni,,$; 79; Mrs. Joby, Barlîctr visit,.'. lier par- Trlggs & Taylor, $10; Cham S!nssc-r, enta. Mr. anid t-s. Dîily, at Guii, -, $49 06; William Attrldge, *19 2o; f A SllIduLy, Heathi, $20 70; Geo Pelloîî. $16 2); James Kierk, $19 20; Charley Bilger, Mrs. John Moore,- (agihîiter $8 75; Henry Boyseen $24 00; R «l!'y M a'ble, of ig lcand Park, 'ijîltosilit Bock, $2 75; David Flatter. $5 40: tiîlt-y Sami MNoore',., recent!y. Morta, $12 60; John Mot-en. $12 l4n The mort-hanta et Libeityville lhacve Abner Taylor, $46 69; F M Seaitn, agreed tsi close thier stores lit 8 p). ii. $24 25; John Sedum, $44 02; Allbrt front No. s- <t. toi Mer. leit. Staples, $44 20; William 1avjson, rsSnulTgg lis oiet $38 89. Motioni Heath and (J'<loriie. PetrSantueg, Ii, l isto .eki- the bille b. llowed and Warranlts forrPtrbr,11 ovsttowlk the. several amounts be drawn on tIse 1h lber grand-danglter. Treaffurer, and made Payable in T ixrty John Boysen las orslcre'litlc luniher Days alter Date. Carried, Trea-stirer'ei and wii! build an lt-e bouse iof 400 tons Report for month of Octùbe- read s<aid capacity anîdiext sprîng will litgin report ehowa amotmt on band Oct 7th, dellveriniglt-e to cumtoniers iin civy $t83 05 Dlabursements Oct 9th te tic-t style.-- 1611, $274 53 leavlng net balance on W. A. liottelle, wliseba h icleiîm- band in tle Treaanry of $20H 533, p!oyýed by G. H. St-lentk the- past Motion Colby and Appley the Trocs- sighteen monthii. loftI Tu.-sdey for urers' repolt beaccepted and pleced oui Prairie View, where lie buîs <pened e tle, Carried, Motion Colby ain') hlcksmth shop and! business. Heath that th1e ameunt la the Treats- urers hancha, of $20 75, b. ît-rebv. Butter on tle Elgin Board of Tritîe- Approprlated te lte 'Contingenti. - Mouday wesî steady. Offeriîigs 4;,320 Funîl, Crnie,. A Petillon troin,ç(-t l>îids. Sales 19,681) potunds ut 22 c-it.. Copelan,! was tht-ilrt-ad, Praying tlît ,,t5.80 soundli et 22î; cents. Lest week.s certain Territory bie diecotn-e-.t,< une- w-as 22 t-ents; n year agi), 23;t'23à front thecocrporate limitg o! tlis *,1'.-tlits Village. Mlotion Appley andl ('o<11 V W ANTED -A striutly tenpcatt-, rvllrlle tise Petition be granted, Carrî,-.l. îi, f.or well buisinesus; wages fr.,i: 10 Orliîiaxice Committee tien introdrs.-î'. :1 i-cuts pt-r hsur andî board,, irccrr,- ait orîinance No 71, in regard lu<dis- iiîg t.' cs-rvic-es reu'flsred; s'ingiig' îînt coiinecting the strip o! land deen,riel 1.y.-h. rod. J. P. 'Vliiuis in thie petition, Motion Appley and,. Box 141 libert.vvlh-. Colis- Ordinaîsceo N'71 be laim-m-'! - <.Yankeerct-ansi the' Diutciiii;tti - t Rlolltal, Appley ays'. Colby eye. Eger t1Il- lit l- of e lectuire te be sîsls <rt-i as-e, Heaths aye, Mt-Gregor aye, iiii lt tlir- 'resbyterian cliyrt-l. iud,-r the, fOsbocrne aye, total vote 6 aye8; pa.s'-c<. ry of1,-. tht- Youtng l'eoffle-s Coiny Ege'r tiien came in and took bis st-at. e Ii<aycning. Nov. 2q,'2, isv Ordtunece comnittée introducet-iny lic-v. G. D. Henver. The- spcîke'r Ordinance No 72 for a Four foot MiIc <ngl<t t,, know lis sîihjeet, as l,' la. wa!k on the south siste ot Orc!ir<)lia.) shit,,anî <pportrnity for stiffy- street freinRobt Raya'is est tinet- < ug it, lîeing as hlienals ia lissî-lt. ru Wright ('our-t. Motion IMcGr'gor «t,.! - ï,.zî,-,-ýtieuî Dutt-hiu,î.' Colby orlinance No 72 be passed'l, IlI t-ail, App!ey aye, Cour aye, Eger «'i-e MN-r. Aryna Harri.s orgîîîizcd t!is' Iili Head th-, McGrogor cyt-andl Osbio-e<-ny-ill ii.-110(Temîsiars Losge, Tutes ave, total vote' 6 aye, Passe,!. <lrzy -s%<-îîîg, installiiig tise f<î!osmiîîg Motinoii(lbyand Osborne the «l.-rk oiiiIc--r>:1P. C. T.-Patil n-<,fuî noti!y« , G H Sciant-k, W C Triggl and! C. T. -I1. N. Mlallory; V. C. T. L.tîliy H B Eger te rebiiil,! the- sidewalks ir, 'c iir,:rin; Mrsal- Herry Cttr. fronît of their lroperîr cin Sprags-iic %fv arsal-Ria Brenton; Sei-t sri-t and Mlwaukee Ave within i.311 ILoisProtine; Gtîrd-Psoy tir- (liy s accordsugto Ordincuit-, as peas-vI. lett; Sec-N.-Ada M1. Geilinige; Asst <aedu.Motion lHeath ,andslColis- tlii- '-t-tv.-Hii! Folleit; Finanial St-cv. ('lot-k gis-owrittoniî oties'te lrti,-s 1- Eii,'itvl,r;Trtî'auurr-Lvtlin I-riitl,. "n Oreisar,! <trot-t to 1,111,! sidewseIký ltjta Ar. Mary Fisher; Gr-and trîrried,.- Lodge- Dc-uty-.Jentiiie Retrn. Tii, Molo,, Eger etid Appler the Dci,'! uc-xt me-eting wilila' ht-id Tut-s<ay cf On,' thouîsand dollars of J W Acker- t-'(- ciii,g, Ni-. 12. ut the- lecttre' rîî, umaili iti, F P Dy-ionîl as surety lie cif tl!s- '. E. vlurci: Ht-s. Harris sii! li-rtliv' ydeclaretl forfeitel, anud the bti- limsenit eus) initiat it- nos enîcusio.. aliintitboc cllectel et ontc. CrriedL. îlurt-s siii,'may well bchoprouii'f Motio.n MeGregor anid Ege'r tht- ier t-mm.« yî<riig pliysit-ians, Dottors J.. Fient-t- coînmitte cee tîyti tis Bon.d L. T.îyl.<r id C. -R. Galloway. Tht-y As c-dietd,. Carricd. -1 -n< 'y.tie cozîidenice ofthe ,'pe'opleini Motioni Heath ai,)MeGregor -m,,,<îî isî,<-«îity-. Tht-y havceuily iiyjî.nnti te We<iitsday nigît et 8:301) îîr<<-ilvnneosieitccsste lys ut tht- Fait- Groundls, 'art-led. tîsîrN sc -inirsi serionsaiuiesintise E 1. DtBois, VillageC(lot-k. nîie,I àlc-dît-gos andl lospitals, lis I h.eyi t!îorough, plecing thi t alc f irot l)iysilians <nd surgeons ut more Libertyville Locals. veutst-- xpenence and more extensive pratis-t. We have bea-ut matiy 5 tmds- Riii-The dro-cîth la iroken. i of pt-al<'cregat-uing thc aiil ity anul. Tise kickers oiigist te lui' satistit-I. 1s..:-,ýse of Dr. C'. B. Galioway, nioably Tise fat-nus-t-staun iow (I tt-i onlt-tt~s.i11e roc-t-ut crase o e l-. B. Masi, lurfkiîîg atnd fali 1î.% lo1.t w thI.atcc- ud<'ilt.!rvivs lui<Ileiiiiimr-N ake tht- untt<lil ssii-an,.leit 1' îow oi tht- rî,îuuto tuis ino atniuon itatier. î,. -îî î~~-oie-lsn-- îgî Cloaks ant) tripes soîld et H s. H. s..- ,ct.'s-ul.Ntnnt-rs's lkec cs'îî llurltntt'a eliat-u.l tintes prit-es. i,-iht.' tnt-olre t- D. Taylor. Bot!, Undt'tsvtar, Hosier.v, GIos-cs on(, gr- en,1t-t -ilt-tent-ui «irit-y,,s ai, Mittens siI! lie <,1 t-!it-np lo- hu -r s-a i liera! preetit-,.'[tlt- r srycecss liext 60 duays, et Mns. H. S. Hurlîjt. i- tc tcaur. ofl lient. W.- have. n targe stock o C fMisse jrand ChiluIlo'8s Cshmere îînsl Woo!cn Ho,- sic-ty, s, it-h w'. sill Il li t t-est. ShfîTH & SWIFT. Millinery Calsh ho ligt it u m. H. S. Htrlliytt'is 25 lit-t-Cent les,-mthen any ît!sr plaice -iu tcî's . Cati and.isec lft- surse!f. Tise preposeul ire engine r-,,îtets t-aine off Welnesulavlilght, ibt <'< havent time noýr space tiis's-o k tii dot il jtustice, so lefot- eut-report ti Iuicxt Shserman lhas twe Gents,'sVhîu-'S letf witb lilie sili soli tînde ot csf. Tako a<lvantage tif Vis s Ier te sectirute fgiood wheel, t-bnp. Regular Sunday sers-ites uttPr'r iîbY- terien churrc, 10:30 a. nm, antI 7:30 p. m. Morning subjeet, "The Story cf c Christian Life; evenisg, "The Story cf Joua-h." G. D. HEUVFAt, minister. The Lbertyilîle Literary Society baq been re-organized and sil bld regular meetings le the Higli School t-cer every Salut-day niglit. The pub- lic is cordiaiiy invite,! to attend and paticipete lu the exorcises; nis o 1hob- corne active members. Corne Satur- day evening and hearlise tollowln excellent PBOGRÂM: Reading .............. George. C r Duiet .. . .Clara Millet-anul Lydie S th Recitation---------...Gerly Sie an Reading-------------Nota Chu bil11 Banjo solp ..............labeltlien Reeding ....- ...Ethel (ibson Ht-s. H. S. Hbutut lies the tlneut anti inut conmpete stock of Miliineî-y t-ver brougît 10 Libertyville, cl et whlch wili i. sold cheap, for Cash. The Young Peeple'@ Council la tie naime of a new literary gociety wblch lias bot-n orgeîîlzed andîliJoltl regrular meetings every Saturdey nigit utthle Presbyteriaîî t-hurt-h pariors. 1ev. G. D. Heîrser, tht- paslor, la the lead- ilg spirit, theugli le le drilllng and prtting tie Young People 10 the treoil. They wil! gel valuabie instruction rînder hies clolarly and! onthueinstic guidance. Tiey propose te: give a set-les o! public enlerlalumnenta la raise tnnds for the purchase of a - pub-. lic Ilbrsry. The firet date and pro-. gram la sel for Friday evenlng, Nov. 29, a popular lecture, "The Yankee and lie Dutchmman, iii hidoivered by Rev. G. D. Ileuver. W-eddlng Cjrds, For Wedd#W u Oute o(Q o lt ftuait e»nltv uieualêlm ao Grippey Golda. Grippe-y u'ols are- upideic w- s)are pr<uinhtly- -i)kcu riip' tiy *'-77.Dr. Hunplînc-' S- Spt-<ilic- fort-coli)s ands grippe:-. lFor syîlc'h.y ali! srtggi-st.s. COMING EVENTS. ircuiît ti'urt-Mcnday. No<v. 1l, '95 supet-sisuits Asjotîrlscl, Me'eting- Mi.iliiy. Nosv. Il. Thatiksgiving-Tisutsliy Nov. 28,'95. Chamberiains ugh Remoedy. Wlen troubled a cotîgli or etli, gio thiltrenie,! atrial. Yeti wil libe fmore tien Pi cd witis tie recuit. It ýwll t-lre a Be'vcre col ln lt-as ti tlan any otler tret-ee It reli,"s the lunga. opens the sec ions, aide ex() sYi'iOnun effec, prompt and permanent i " TIc lm no danger in giving it te t-hi on for it centaine nolhing in- ju ons. 2 and 50 cent botties tor eby F. B. Lovell, Libertyville, aud C. Robetst, Wsiîcenda. Ma fIO. uu ce lun "ci F t-t - gn t ee"cp -troitcDgeie Wa > u.1is Artcewic alse date, laver evllently itende,! te mialea, your citzens, asift tlaAfls tint a rt-cent conleat occurred et that î>ace:between lhe Rat-ise Fit-t.Euglne Co aud the Howe Fit-e Englue Co of lianoplis and finit the formser iras deftsted iy th1e latter. Now I wisI te correct the taIse impressions viici said article seeka te convey. The. Racine Fit-e Engîne wa.s itver Au,, lut oeue ýcontcst with the Howe mnachine., prier te tise one ln Lihertys-lîle andi that was at Danbury, Iowa. Oct 11, '95, where our chemical ls'feateu l al vonîcI-b -corns- pelitona, as il alwaYs (loes. 'The tacts were publ8bed lu your paper-Oct 25,'95 and We challenge their contradiction. Now I makit tîls prôposllion: I will -depoil $100 wi tith Lake County Baîk and autionîze your honorable VIllage Board te appropriale <eante1 any 'charitable purpose lhey soe fit, I!li MrHowo vili furniah pnoof thst hils Dodge)vlle conteel appUlialu sany ay 10111e Racine FIne Englue Co the - englue, or anyone counect.d ,1h1 -i. W. dld nt even know of suiei acoemaet and do not behie"ei l «en. oo*m.d, eertainiy net vithin ê, thyomr. Whou the tao" -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l r. byWUpoa1 e4mt - ~aa uEr0-ove -~ buw~-hm vho air- ;Î deal UINDERI BAR GAI Our stock is complete in Ladies, Gn*- Misses, Youth's and Baby's.wearai- Bargain prices. CLOTHING.2J BA RCiAINS Corne in and see our bargains in -suit* and Overcoats. We seli at haifthe pri>fw? usually made by clothing houises. V#4ýi buy for cash and have purchased mani. suits and overcoats at prices so Iowtht we can seil to you at regular wholesale prices. SEE OUR ALL WOOL PANTSIAT $1.75. DRESS GOOD$- Have you seen our line of.DressGoods, if flot, it will pay you to cati. We gùarantee aur Dress Coods, to be as represented We have many bargains in them. Our shelves are full of choice goods and, bargains in ail departments and.w. are here for business. Rernember our store is the Iargest in Central Lake County. M. B. COLBY & COB They Ney'er Let Up». F 11AKEVour Opportunity EVERETT. - Ht- F H Zens-tr las boen uffering froni a vory ses-et-e coi,!, brut le nov on tht- road te bealth ...Se-et-el o! ont- tevuis people 'ient to wtness the grantd (?) motor-cycle race SturleY lest. Our nigit operalor Herti Todd rode s st n vatmPt loJz hieb4téu.hcane nnlyand ditcbed hin.... Fiday cveuling the youug ladies ot Evereti -gave- the verett Base Bell club and tbeir triende a grand bail aundet-option ut Healy'e opera Houa., Lake Forest. The es-eu- ing vas fine aul ail the baya and girls- for miles <round gatienel at the old hall that fon yeare lias been lie soe» o! many aploeanl lime. Tie arrange- mentsvene ail made and execulediby the ladles. in tact it vas a sont o! a Lt-sp Tear Party, a little aiead ofut te, Tiie aupper vaset-vol at Ivelve et-lot-k by the ladles and sucd a erîpper it wae, lise, it for na.King. It would be impossible for lie wriler to lescribe il, The only vay to find met bey good sut-h a stippen le woîîld ho 10 parlakeofot i, Tic ladies failing ta te procure a lady orchestra diIItihe nexl beet thing and lied O'counot's orcestra from Chicago 10 piaY lie long liet et dances prepaeo by the-, The Everett boys are proficient lu lb.8 art of ball playlng but wbeu Ilt-ornes 10 glviisg a bail or sprealing a banquet tht- ladies "tae.tle cake" but tie boys cal ItL The happy tins. viii long bho remombened by ail vho altendel. And lie Everett Base Bail club vilI pt-oh- ably reînmn lbe tavon sometime durlng lhe coming seeson-...Mr and lire L Keounedy have returnel from thein woddlng tour . lin.MrWhilely aud famlly are golngtoumove 10 Deerfielti in th. near fture andi John Horeuber- ger la comlng back ta lie tanifi T ho "Siady Leal Pleasure Club" viii giv. a&grand ball ut 1the Town HLl], Hat Day Fnlday' evenlng, Nov 151h. EveryboAy cord"ay lus-lIed te attend; a good 1him e ssure t b. the netsul. plus ix., luoth b.! oie aud atter hW. *,"vmon e,10the pSol*Ilcar a DEEFI ELD. Mrs CîniellanOt1 1er trienlMo hbîao - .... .P4j~âne~ml nov las t10=1ou - 94 ~ 'o! the Highlaind Park, ianadr., - ... Mies H P Holgea vaalun1the Oity iuesday attending 111e tunera.l et a trlend...lire Dave Frltach lu r coverlng tram . eSevere bUr» aiO recels-e, recently by accideully thhxv- lng some gtmpowde n uthe lire .... line D - Fritsch bas movod tilb." Henry plagg neeldence. HRer ttuba been purchasel by John Wicka, vhs. ha also maved lais new abside. . - There was quit. a lire lu ChalsY Parsonse' wQods, SaturdaY. About. thirly-iive men were buzy lnflug,10, éxlinguli h.he ames. But 1g- damsage vas done ...Thon. mua surprise party aI C. B. RasWionTfflpt day eveuing. A goodlimo 8Iet-b&ý Blrney, Monis Pelîla and Pt. -- mehi, were at Pat-ifi O. Me eveuing. Il vas harder vonk - '- wliee)iug brick, lheY 8Ba....3 Oslerman le vlelling ChÎ4*sg ....WUli Oslerman, o! Chtîýago Sunlny at home... Mal 4t- = berger is building a nov bara-,. Thue Womoun'a $aclety ot aP gregalion met aI lhe chutai,T day .....Rev WTh Jugkbemu firmatien echool, lionday.. Antes vlited-in lie clty, Wee ....Jullus Johnson, o! Park, and Lina Juhrend, of um*d vilI bco mariel aI the home i bride's, ftlion.salurday e'V Nov Oth. lab! Jai' Bo galu.... lins Rommel vaslu inte .11v, W day...lire Aug Landau à*' Iainlng Loulsa Landau, o 01 e ....U you vaut b mi enllneiy sattleflti vth6I is 0 > just take a look nt Georg* day wheu ho etnellfiUtrom Park, viti a erigebod schoolmelea Il .~I'as a cimier *laes M. Dlapc~ D Io the Hood's Sarsaparilla, Ro',aI Baking Pcmrcder, Pears' Soap or Ikecharn's Pis people ever stop adui2.rtising(I to se whether it "pays?". Not a Bit of It!1 Kecping exerlastingly at it has brougrht their success. It xviii bring, \TOURS. Now is the time. This, is the paper and this is the space.

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