Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 22 Nov 1895, p. 4

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"Bit b*.Is ite trane aîlesteel. Ieuld have h.rdty etatbili.d my edaInt wha 1 sb came back f rom-wb« 1I dlaiethe es-i taie,. but for bis untirlng euergy and au persevermtrre." ha "Where dld you cone fronMy lord?" asked L ady Dewar, .trddenly. *il dont MI tbluk I ever bearj." fi "I"roru-frnr îîiowhere tan particular and ke everywhere lu gereral," the youug man g6 replied. "I bave ben& a wanderer. 1 arn U4oingqo lho a modiel landiord ad-" uni t'"And busaud! Are you gong telbe fi si 9" marrled, Lo)rd Niagent? 1 ebouil ho seoec, gladtui thinit that thai was the resisont È of al -your improvemelîts bore lateiy." bi 5' "May Dot a malt lurprove for irnsèlt? ki Have you IseleCtoil a wife for me au Weil th] titis Mr. Dornier. Yeu wiii sem by the adl- as made Dis yourr uiud that 1 arn ta have [ri dress. cf titis that 1 arn at Reditaven afier ue "14 ail. Lord Niigeut carne borenornewbat "M'bat do yoti say ta Mise William?" t auddeniy, aud aked a few people jusi for Sheeppike ligbtly, and with no meaniug. wv U I I I i ' a week. He la having ail sorte of ha- uoddivg toward Ès girl wba was tayiug iun n proveretsu made. lit in jîîst an eartbiy the bouse wlîb bier inotber, avd whorre paradise. Ila sjîîst as frrsiy about ev- efforts to atîraci lis attention hadl been bi erytbiug as if lie were gaiug ta ho mur- conspicillousto eyuite loasi of it. re CHAPTERl IX.-Couîilnued. ried. Millie le a littie fooi; if #the lad "Marry lier!" hie exclairned, iluEa iow ab I*dy Dewar wated wîîb no esaili lm- waited @lie ailb have bal the etme te tonae-"not if elle were dowered witb the So gauie. but no George Dortmer appeared. hif a ilozen bouses like lteidbsvev samd wî'itb. of the world. lier dark beauty mi and Mliii lonzeil te ruot and see if founil a ubasuilléht- oniid bave due remrnns me of-She la ike---1 corid fnt ce asecousec biaihl. sornetbiug beter wiib Iis life lihai cuver endure ber socipty alone for a day. I Qu 1 ¶wualk down ta the Uuicorn." Mr. couvait with paitl îlatiltides etthIe fid- an not îMil, Lady Dewar, bolt that youug wv Ourson n", presentiy. "1sud bring hlmý dingr of wboes-er likes ta psy for tibeil." ilady in the living image tifnorne ove1 ieb bock; perbaps lbe bardiY likes ta corne. Her iadyship batil aken te lrorrtiie ta knew once. and 1 abli t hob sorry wheu ho Ikaoîjng w. have a gvest. aithougit 1 go ta Mr. Stauhope ta inguIire who sud lier visit lvre le oier.' hl aslSd hlm. yeti canot fail ta ikk lirns, mt AMr. Dernier righbiti, sud lbed besn'n *If yintlu't liko lier, wlîy bave yon My lady. when ytumîdo) . hm."diagueted elt the lawyer's lever waY tif lier lbore-,"se *H'h. periaut." ady Dewar said. bafBiiug ber. Mr. Dermier wsax gentle- " oîtqieko o lcreaot uhsortr. *"We shah see. If is realIly u man, wu@ nillbe would tell ber,.sud witb the rnotber is nmre ditanut couvectios of ai avli sd bheen arotiud the studios is private affaire tlîey bâti nothivg te do. lire Nogeut fauîily, sud rendereil Stan- Ili. land taeexhibitions. 1 dure sny, be bas seen There was nmrne ueioltmin -hpe aerlassîrcwtb onep ( aile, 1 arn pretty well kvown lu tbe art dustrioiy for George Diormer, aud îbt pers wlien lie was jroving my riglt ta of unrld. We shah Bee." '-aste manis ho lbai watcbedlmason the succession. lie suggosied tiratil ni: Mliii fet frigitened: site bardly klnew tirai brigbt stimuler eveniig. lie bat] hetter show lier al litilo civiiity. aud Ibat hi whky. Lady Dewar eerneilso delerruivei made bis way ta London, sud gone te a is how tliey coule tri lie bore for this th t. dlbelive al tui w-s bl ber sud sfid iu treet lin awortim. aloîig wbicb week. 1 tarît heilît tirking tbe yoluvg whon eshe saw ber oncle (ore back alone, hoe paced slowly. reudhigtie ubrs ilYiars-ttsutiaiiovyau- md ookng ater roule le bocoulé, oit tire dilaîidaleil iloors. mise." ad ly bide rher îsobie- hNo..27" lbe nnîtercil tiru iiscf An actresa lit-cîl wauRosa tyitharn. bardy bie ler dscoulitre.Blt'ukstrett. Tiraivas thorate sud and Neville Noge-nt kimi'w hfuli w-cil in i 'Wbere in GeorgeT' she.asked, as $she unitrer. Oh. hiere it le." the dilysiirtt icirtcviirg. e met hlmien the bail.A dtenyvolivsta igaik "Güeto Lnd, rtic etir. tire ior with l tbaity lis ieltrai5J, O559i CIIAPTEIC XII. "Sabisnot sys;ho od avr t C nig w iîbail lier vighit to ber itext-door "wh1e Aile îre tire ou't" tgorbis noite bu r ereibs ver t lrin. eighbior. te"h fe iertre bs fe m 'ethis :37?', i ll kt-t. .Here. aintie.' and while he was away a telegran came ..ys Millit's veoue ranug out from s favorite for hbn ebalbrey-im ocac e"uine* itr înte Srrrtic"percb tof iers-tbe laed)tif a mossi-grawu de tran.bothelei te emge r.d noe Tirîlne fotreliaine .' her. t liert." -old apple ircea e îw fê't tfront the grouil. sa for me. Don't look gés sud. cril, yoi ii osl "C u t iosv, i.N uttth"ue grsed. mit Mr s. hear frorn hlm lu-iurait." Thmp air dirty ani ark. aniin lCutr ointle adrot i gudo it CHAPTER ~.some plt-es trrtkcrr. brut be fiturid the "Il's saiîtter front Laidy Dewar, andl CHAPTER X.rolmunt 1ai anti trieneilthe oor. A wat titi oir tîti isuesasys»?" b «Gos. awaye" exchaiumed Lady Dewiar. w-cry lo)oking wonau wthtureil cyca, as "oitigtnonutbe uemy"b UDId you tell tire mat nt I 1watt cei- if site bal ltpecri yg. siarbeiuop as lire "Sonoie eitmed t-vfrtnl, ue Ma, entreti. and flirg ber- arme arouiorl bis .,Silàie reiied. l hee rn h neck -Oh Dik!- lle xý-aitied, 'yei ltier for yotiurself," Nlirm. Cuîrzonî ail, b "And tiraiI was Millie'u godînothor" are corne ut itt:tossing a cîttrely iN rîttenir sîtet litsino fo «I did.' 'Alit, li 'n itint," lie ri-jl id ber iit-c's lai'. -'ilrî irt go nutlice aboit "'Then 1 îbirîk it waà extremply rudi' and "Alur luck' îbto jeilies. Whlat ire rr tu titi if batd- ungeutemanlv tof bile ta runta "vy ie 'ut nDi rî tifîeit. DrîIewar due&as siresasys. i1îirn't kitowi." w that. Tbercs somthiug net rigbtlait"cry.11oly. T'lite iii k-rrtntir. iBtg abairgaspile ofi ten spaîrers site baill i 11I tbiuk lie stsuds excusei," Air. Curr brtti'itl-ked il ni>t .altil is ber rr'arirrg-rorrti.m ris se called the . con sai; "tire mesage arrived w-ile lho ', Vlt (10titi tiuuerrîr »."'. . l troc. oit i a lrtaibrani-l, Millie kt wag ouI, sud Ibere tias vo ime ta besli- "I've sonitlîintu g.o 01tt onthriilui t utooured for the lttter anti setileri berseif th teewheu hoe returned. Ho wil iouti81ail tit glle reani l it- f'tîiid a gld downu firend il. Ladï Dewar bal lot s probsabiy hlietack to-rnomr"w." uine; vîy girl -aur fortsllite ade.- Reidiriten, and %vars oncîe moreliii Ion- He haudeil the lelegram ta Lady Dewarr doit. îritetu'sie tiotnirimriveaitltte roc- ad the note te Milile. The former iras 171PTUXI. tory liiilotir lryrr. 4roM Stanhiope, andl imperatiro cuîrugb: "iv-sjs eiltiiwe, lel "Must Seoye t rr iOuie. Cnte tiy nexi Tire woliunrlooketl tiltwiih s w-ary %%rte. -AS l ittat u %asitfîivek." sn ite train, if possibîle. Imptortant offer for faite andau iitredltttt',exprressiontin luber wrtt."ai tgn uvttrta Delta." tyes, verv big uardl tark. i if site lîiait-rver. I donî't ikîtrî wltatbis coniteirer ai Ld krn-v a orrov itnd stifft'rintg. lirrmus liai;oliesle trkitrg ilîtrfectly loi-olylié "And wbal are foltas, prrzy'"Lay I inig-r ras tîtîl. luine ot i litae. 'hert w-atts a bls, Dewarakei. -ynlaefiliric oss)otn ihi hr htflne omlea 111 reaiiy dan't kvow,-"31r. C'urzoni sai. ttIa, itiîinlb -w t e. friiitrubse t irai 1stt'ntc ise nkea l "hmoselsot1 hudimgn.Dick.' she tutid "il. lave it tiuricî tout filttt rta i u tle- iei u "Sbires ai morn sort. oneiiotiliasvntgrve. itlrrss. 1 have s,it .~rbiet shiver iv buLn Here le tbe note lic letfifor n.e." ltbn ituspeak ovf ,i las si-n te sîoke tirbilrt. But ail ibis iii not h was a fcw wel-expresed lunes. , rr>-mThis on e iif r." wîat 1 %vas gonig t sa','w-bu-rt1ibegin. te lng ie wu*as orry for te u ecessily tif de- "iNVltiseont' il, ntigil."l ittîrîlîl lit. t-tirîr' witamew-ieon 1 ptuebu xeigtelie deatltil a itel Mhus tii xr!lit' wanls te il pst-tuc, butcx~re'liug a deliiuu'i.a 'l's al riglit iIbis ttii. lir'rho 1 aid kcouetu li'sii irlltsctr-pttc very short une iu 10wn. andtihrring tae *1i :r";,l îly. attîrot- lris tan'duii,i igetp te h l have tiuù pleatrore of seeiug Lady Dew-ar Ytît ill h'.-ae t,> biît'."ha. s Kie u isb-npasigi 1)t i when hoe returneil.lHo sent a loîiug mes- liei'Sur tow-it tboitie lier andt likeil toe risif Ih a cri'tire veliest inclateiiiail bi age ta Millie. andid ie howoîld write lier long tuttd iaruestrly lis aitîn urne At Erglani." the nexi day if lirewere detained. firat ttll' aisNît'rt',î billsru îî"riîr rttUt'ore- ,,"AndiIlitn it ie," Ahil le gsidtu itlierreif. if T'he uetttlay diii net bring George fiv u itratiie)i ruet tIrl, beur rite! 1 irtr isirlre wi ithni)k t Do-er bat-k:, but il broughti Aiilie buer Il ie. boldruifît-r u tu usoe n gbtrcrs pr- e t't-r o u it,] noî I;rii ig Lord îlN irgerît. Sirtat Ov«eieter-a wbtle ahi-et fin triei ut ertquitsliiiofbs rrt a~t cise does tire siy, 1 w irtuder" i tender s-ords antd hiessirgs for lier c>e .'it's jrrst seliiig anti-sself 10 the dt'vil. "t cuul osI srii r rs îtr nîo lii ila onsly. liai's t i titla. l)tk" site Raid;"luit w'ritt icru i, i It'e liitr i. troit; "t "Tell your father. darliug- ire wrote, jil, dos-s ni sernas if anttune ,vc ola'wultl1i tintk vînt îvillikî flito vtry itut-h. îl- *titat tire.i more ta bc lotie tha"Ni Ar.ibeip is.'"l'here's iii îî îrk. anti1 i ot le tlt' iitutt iiruilt'et'd, goot litarted ful- tauhope was awareo f.I1uay ho unay crew-atIiii.ttiti ivi." low 1 kuovv mutiti iis triurîîsurij)ir triubc i ane days, but I shal net st ay a rmoincs,ît AntId ori oneail îrîcrîrsîitosof rsefrlil)b,>titis Nit. I>trtiiur. forlire lils longler than 1 ilcan elpL" w-iai was plrhttiig agait i ls lp-ee' -ise great lov-ir tif art, aui iras petlîy ofe T lhe fates were nt propitions-Lady irepariug fotr lbis coîninrg weiltinig. sd ud tOtitY." Dewar w-sm net ro saeeGeorge former oitn r. IrVR wasgripriiug trrtt ro- "itdisgutiingly iurert'etrary!*' Milie that celliasion; ite liaI ovly anfiv da' <s>ilie(- *tif itrtirrg w-it the-ciiîl lire hati loreulsaid aainul ti tint' irîls tril thtebutter- t.aiMay t Challiel Wtialligit. aulttlibe so Wei, anI Lady Deuwarrs as worr ing fdics, "as if eitier George urt ctareti forc Wtt heptinlittowru by biîaimtcss tire w-bol ierseit tirer w-laiaire t-hotete 10 onider iuoiuc tIse. a rystery, sud îroithesying aoh sorts tif .",,peal, fît.r yoiîrst'lf, lutile aie. I curer "ii'mli awfully sort-y," te truant saId, calamities as ikeiy tu happen te Millire lfrrmnotey i-try iici" a voit-o nt lier teetf ekhob carne bat-k, on th(- very dey on for rvarryiîtg a raait of %vin, site eti- ail; andt George Itoriner slooti before *U& h«ber aîiysiip lefItirhe roctory; "ti do clarel, ruai a single crenre scemed ta bier ini te stunlighit, a riplte tof iogitier bolloo1Ipaisae ber on the rond tram kvow- nuinrg. tirer lus face.t oQsubury. 8h. was iaokiug theotaier Slipe w-as njoyiirg ierseif nightiliy uai0.Ohr eorge!" esle et-tiainel; sud lho sa" bu lt wtt he&RI ldyWho 1lookeilReiilbarert The bac-helir w-er tf the openeâ i hlm avwitde addhbale lber jurnp, m e borhi t Milie ardltme in tire lune placewast a fiienil of bers-a gentlemanuad csîoring il ber irehoipbeein, thit day." uvio bail a soutewbat rouusntiic isiary: "Whoa iin erceuary " ho aoked, wheu at ý *abm la coiri aek." Milie said; "aleire h ailbal a truggling yonih sud early înttllll almvgu urisebr vI lesoberte lu abolit six we*s." rnautjtood pasucd lu tire colonies ha bard "lIt la date ta dance ai our weddirg, ms'o, sud w-in ottircone s inîem ard i-self from biis arme. work an wih nt te ulgtaestantei- "Oh.,te fairy golmother," Miliii.e dadlmg" lation ihiat ire w-auid ever coume 1h1 tire pihei. laugbing. "L watt just realiug a - "eeie" w-ershiputfte al acres anti the falur- ltter front lber."t "MlIr iy igulty. A succession ai fatalities "And w-at élves sitle ay"'1 #Mo pou kaow w-al yar are soyiug«." sîrcla as someiluts litppen ta upset tire ."Oh, ail sorts oif tilgs. $li i n rap-i 'Toeoctî. -hsot chcîiabousirat plt-e hl 51 ttares w-th Lord Nigeuit-ube bas heen - Idl 't ieve you do." hosi of te honne. Witere lehall boonuor tyathr.Dyeknwim' f al do. 1 al tirai Lady Temple Dewar.bow thre las-yors bal fitnd mu@ asnetmlgtIkoohee. Do y Dearwlam Y" if te.rare oue re tu six îveeks. wou very patent tu te worhb jusi yet, but tire te"1 know i i ly " fewa hm go b. Jui la ato lance aI aur weilig; lawyers wero satisfieil. snd tire proofs ai witb u @mile. "Ilîmai bave yau gaitihreT,?" ilit% just tbe ime wiren I am Cong te lire youag mon'. idontity sufiiletut. le seeme anxieux laetîrnathe aubjeci,1 tme V«es away. litile one." There s-as net as peasater or more adlstool ove! te aucient-lookiig uews-1 0014 nur' Milite gaspol, I utter asuaze- prasperous place tiruir Reîbavon in ail lapers titat Milie was îicking ait fromt cet.$lire lovai ber irmulsome future Engiaul s'boi Lady Dew-ar @peut ber te graus. hbsai mdverymil r ipeel, but tire week tire afier bier searcit for George "Fthey hrave heen rendl ai every place q»ocf anîtinz l ike fbumediate mar- Derner lut Lomion. $Sitehuid heoimone w-lera îtnybouiy rends aloul teanmy anec b. ad Deoer eniered hec rond. ofitue.fini ai Lord Nrrget'x Englialsie t- elsée, 1aurmure," sali Allîllo. "There ha "Do't look oace,, uttle one. or 1 qunascem, ardmieholikoîl sud remtpocted ulîitte a litile ramanc-e la these titret-: 1I -ehl thmstk taiyon don't cr fou' me," hoieraispite of a certain eeceiuriity of irappenei to es'it em ltia week ivntet - Guge Drmer ail, lrawiug biraclose ta citaracter wiicb dtiulnto i blihyou lier, cottage, aud I1ia-gge tem le rend. Tite bumi. ai ylg iis soit mustacire againsi Sire toistl biar ail bier troulhe aboit lier s-bole tiing readu lite s fictiou, and yet hoedlmpledcieek. "*ChrcUMtaLnce make ulece. aird tir ectrosity tuai pomamseil ucie says lie lias ut> titbithluq erery ft bapetîve tirai I shoulilend rny azy lber*:sunt brr-ilNageut symîitiel wiah wirtr. true--otch qareor thîigu hrppenin l Bfal elelv asoe ies_ - --ber, . : :. 1 .-adlieihiwa6-pytra r al btie ,îîîiu-tLwaa-es." "' t if7 Usýll-»ce aythiag taI caotuM ~ bt qeb4,rm ong lire, end -frgt It.Letta e thle.paPor bak tu olA abes for >ou." "Iou eUinsl-putthem, straigit lirt," Nflule »aW. "Thre oh rnm vould nover urglvo uIf îhey vere- cromPhed. He keeps tit as carefuiiy as If ibey w-or. al." .1 wonit damage thern,"" tireYong min lid, with a amile tui w-as sur.iy fort-el, fr tii coMor did sol corne bat-k ta hie ireek, fia, ltelgt tb bis eyes. He trsitirhe piperai tte pocket oi hi lgbî.on'ert-aai, and left itir her a las und i arg itefore miré bal urne ta taluk of tire atruageness ai the proceel- Log. Geargil"'borrer w-eut atraigiri otahie Unieor, and abat himscelin haircoam wdur tir. cldpapers before itim. H. bal aot recoverel icam tire ptiom or w-bat. ever lt w-as yei ant i bs leetit t-btterai As e perumai thet, ale ai Walter Ciitheroe'm reveuge, audliisfaithiesa wiYe's miser- bld fate. Tire .w-as notiig w-antilg. iome penuy-a-liner bail goutluto tire minutesi letails af tue murler-litw-as callai hy titat naine uaw-and tir. cartit- yuak, that folios-dainsd reveaied ta lte wretcbai >oiing sife thte bal ibody ai oer lover. Thte u'osiug paragrapit told ow tire only sorvivor ai tite tragaiy hami a ie in Iearing Australlu. "Ail leal!" George former sail te hlm- seif, "and w-oîîid ho frgmiben but for bia miserubie bit ai print. 1 have a goal mIn to tirow the w-oie collection ou tire lre and make an ouI of ihem. Walter Clibheroe! Thte nume serealîke a lream of tire pont. a bit of an olul forgotten Ilfe; niy darinrg @altl nuit rend sut-h course r-nb- tbie in tbe fututre; i sirail lskt' t-re ai bhat." -BRItF COMPILATION OF ILLI- NOIS8 NEWS. Noble Woi'k of Bicle Women-Tilevea siecuas-.$3,000-Fbora Suffera se-' verels' trous PIre-Kukin la Mu- gala Couty. Sirermen Hospital Opened. Shrman Hospital, biht for th ire cbyu tire Elgin Woma's 'Clubh, n'as fommaiby aicateil Tiurslay. lTe r-oma ai tira uw building uere trowled w-litvi 'toms ai ifiernoon adevouing. M '.i.S. Wleox, presîdeut ai the Nomat'u Cluîb, actai ais managemrtof thte ceremonles. Te new irospital, w-Ith u-at $40.000. ias been completel sud paiî for with tire ex cept4ou of a lebit oi les. ria $24100. Roirbed et a Lire'* Savihmgm. Fivo ihonsaul dollars, te éauriîgs tifea lite ai toil. was stien from C'orneliurs aIn Patriik Cowliey Tbuumday by durnmg thieres. w-o ira Itht-ir work lu milAY hIrie bme men wrc uit w-uni. 'l'ie Cur-- lois are laduatrhiui farnmera esiitg about six miles from Harvard. 'rbey un" bat-belons, sud do tirir titin far-urandu hanse w-onk. 'I'ey w-cnc iabornng lie thte fielrtil aîîîîdoîîn. wtt-rutiry e>' t rî t tire bourse ta lîroîrure tîrein suiîter. Eîer-- tiring lu tIb u l ts' ias innteu ttihisY- ium-vy. Tr-untke;liaI lits-n Itrukentopienitntd ransat-ked uandltht' urgîuirs. nibo bail ett) rifflcîly lutieîî'akirîg li. î-trr- w-cil renuard- ai for thitm îrbi-. 'liâttatittiîof tIre counli'- i tikly tIl tldainil thlu' î-,l-r in boni-I tih thiv-mi'slii tir vs-tir-k tmnb- served by the neiglubrur-tu Fire Las. or $*îoooo atFla.. ('I4APTER SIII. oai SithitBrois.' ihhiut-tîtru', utîtrenau itî George t>onter keuît Iis hpromise tla' rapithity anti nnrui-it'i-i'dtîri nnhu e. ail neturntetcpaipers 10ttld Jaitez. tiret-niau notiing iai-lt. 1'lr.-t iratting iviti te tub nannas if lire baillarge brickbutildlings tutid st-u nl ftnum :now-u Mitahblits hiret. ane. irere deat rtiv-tl. Thet unruiuîr iai-nges "Ay. îbuî's m-lure my îbo,is," ire ail,' are: Arugurat A- irs.,rr rt--. $-l.tti tit tinking the bc u-ild rint "'Arratrohia- builtiurg ade x) nul$.5>tt uî-.ltr- for it'a a long nrsy off. île's a sailoIdn. inty $5,CM onvtsitck auI it uiing;Snitl l rtîs.. boy., ciotint-,$12,N)itiiureil ftrn$-flo5; t'. .1. "PFathr oargets, iair," saiIt] le ttî man'@ Myers, tlruggiut. $27.55> t"uto-i tatt langitter-itu-hawi. *"(utsli iramni b en a $3.200 on builin;irî n rstiraire $3,5MS. "The sailar for a -rt-at mniyeirs. lie ni-as outîn ongesis t'stimat-d aI *.3teI.iStt.ith oetloi near tite pla-e ibat hoe sent those lusunsince tif 1.5. tapiers frorn for a long lime. tWe lan'i Celled ta Hi.aitoor ald Shot. kuow n-btbr e lit- ladsorînalite." ota 'tnt s unm tl i -1k' jiekeil oui a terrible tlit 10 sfil kuMostan c w-bitubrs erutnga it-i ilt,mss tome." leirge fomersid. "I bave cilif en rui îît Iîcrsarrîl> .itbv out'-,i teen lookint- amen tiose papers oInt-e Aliammin. a an-hi-lin tîltilires sî,u-i in tIti Alurra>' gare tirm om me to brng home." cent 1inry, nias t-alluuth triis tuttor andîîi llMii "lYes, i'.mre oliku- a ttnry ont tif a m-ith bot-kshttb> soin..,- nisi -ru uits. i%%ho baok than s ni-ailibirrg.' the ni-turti %i, î'viîenthy iîrteiiud t iikil mntnuIt, ini. foldint airai bue iiahUlmns as mite aloki'. ,orltuna*tt'y the sthutts failîto dom It tthe *'Crat-b îawit lbal." s kntmenit for r lit-tttiti ind ktîa n shmu u- "Soir it!" George former spolie bte cdor-itl.aiIutrus-tsî.ki. r-r i-or-la îîith a sont tof goauj, as i f lit-n-t-e hîela. ]le rt i uina. ir %avntolthlie hbtoîse'tf ur-t. s lielighiir, wniver- rii t-ilniredu-ti "X'u's, My imari', hîotiter Saa-il ai. lie humtan aili-e. Si tfatrtitit-r- us trnolurtoilte kmou te pompleand tit's sty lie sent pi'npetrstoru tif t.- ti'-ul. ire ptalier about iti. lie kacirthirelîate anil nier. theearlqirke waa atI." M4urder ofisi ilucalur Man. "IVita h isname' rThenîuîtinatt-ii tif harles WN. "'nClebNorith, air.flet'utte t-Id mn's But-lut-r, an hitkniintik the ltuWabtashulirait- 'otringeat son. [le %-salit macht- tf a goomid rnd., whoma- hoiurt nuta iias itIe(nbtir. nas lail to bis fater or amy tire itrundulyiag mitutlii-trurtu wrar uthe tut best tluing itlie id nus 10 Ite imseif la Sprnimtiehld. Ii s kri ru ii o luei- r-i ua>'. Ht-eni-cnt h iiairvuarnex, 1 ieh-$2.7, tir $30 fr-unr tIre'rairîr-întl nttmplarr tut ion-e, nt lucre. I knou- thuat hue arutte 'Iirrrsrla> , atâtrîuilui'ul ua>q-stari-ia onît lai ne uere iii nîite tu litk Grain- fine gtrlîl niatt-lt - As rn-nihirg tif i-ailtri ni t ger rut tht- Sydnt'-ey s rir',hîtti-ttier foundtioit iis lbodty th iriid ru-ast ritforuth.ý te s-as meally Cal"ei ltrit or itot, 1îtinî't holit'f thnrlire ut-riiirrruîden,-tiamuid nbbsýd r-is.' sud tirt thlii- 1yiii mnir11t14-t1. , .1ai,_ 1 tu "iuk CGrainger."'mutîcreul Air, former tht'In, k i un, Il-t rtrrt to.a'irilrlt 1 ao luluuac ; "I mon't nr-geltta t ira m.' n. i-slut-I b> aI r-rt iiiý 'rie laya %vntIon snd broîugtîSuaa, lOuate New*u luaIrief. bue laititati A iireri Aiunrray>- niasta .îarnum uesittI nuî kil liti l t o- indii-ur uni-nI luha i-r rldhittre-n dnurCay bot mini-s. i;alc-rt. ri rr 1wu %%at -a n aun 5.ugut d a>. wnuiiiaillmalture' atemi--l bouoi trn îi fil i ur g il"na uti i mî -Ir4a et >u- suill ant i aI rtat.nudtht- loîn-cnitliftd up tut-m ht-abs i hoetire t hmutuiine, as T'ie ('Ia trîaiun i tilv t'ttii miliiir.-tid if tht-y ni-tirîh hoion iith-m glatituesA hos' hidsi itii-prtittttA iti t-n r it-mt I u- t tt în-rsit eb nuiecnower tirairlande t>- twi> hiils tirt ii -l-rt-ti t tri g fi t tin îu. rrei'vas ual mttî-i t ahkiîlg nug n , 5> h ,Sti-i tin ts .1rrk, ti. uIba day; tht-y aIl ireitlu -bar-ch îîîgeîiîr. MNl. Albeîrt l-3r.i-o'f l'erc trstti- (To be t-ontiued-.> a liraIt hii of unitli--itI, uta rtt .ff-t -"----i- -- --ii.\iir- ih-xii- j Clriaese lMinaItai Loeaun. 'rTe ('iinee have morniee ixtraoin nary sruperition,; rebrutiutg tr iunirise. At-1 corliut to ihueir qlrt-tr noions thte ('re-e tor or lthe uirverse i- llt-tlit soumuhis lu liii' carh for tire exptresus purrîxse of citmpellut-ng an to luth tht-ni out. Oit tIre stre prirtuelffle. lt is presrieil. Ju- piteir, acu-ordint- to Virgîl, hIîes tirt-lmu tuit-s and bIont-y Iufr-ces lu onder tut w-utlithe ar-don tof mian'r inluuustny iv pt-r-su-rere Inn bis efforts to redIscrover the- lildezi treainures. Accordîngt- tatine ceheatial ileslire elght pîrimitire- sounds are ludon In moat-és. milite, w-oods of varionts kinidu, .te bambco plant, pumpkins, lu lte aitinus oi animais, ln certaincar-lths antI lu the air ILsuuif. Any t-ne wba bas over hauthtie pleasure (?) of aeelng aud lis. teulug to a Cineute rcitrawIh nre- nianber titat ibeir musical Irantuments w-ere mule oi ail tittenauterlals ex- cepitirhe la.ut, sud tInt tire comblued ef- farté oi the otiter seren seenned better caîcîîhntesl ta drive thre etitereai sound mw-ay titan ta coax ht froan t te air, w-mîth lo rt'allhilre objettof ail Cîulneoe musical effor-ts. Wheu tht- baud pisys tire naive credulty of tàre people, bot cr11 and yoîuug, hears lu lite thds aoftthe t-ongsa and the w-higluing of ihe pipes tire toues ai thereir-ual aouuds ai na- ture that w-ete originlly It-poigtelii tue varions aulmate anti Inatuimaît- ab- jects by the - hw-ise Fater. Neatiy Said. A ajilnlng evsugelîcul lîghît. Sir Jamesu Flîziaunes Stepiten, iras ascetit- ly teui- pt-munient, hatîug long lîniert. rblitr- ring -port w-lue, andtiapeiengt- i is ,suns a sort afilIving "t-at-torlt-ni Ioper- litiîe." '"fld yom ever kuoi- your fat- or 'ta do a tihat beeaua t lutas piens- ami?!" Lady -Slepiten tint-t- keil one of lier etilidren. "les, otaectn'iitu aur- r-led you," nias tînt young t'ourthet's neut-a reîriy. Hoboon's Chalce. Whoeu Sot-raies w-ast usiei w-bolier it w-as botter for a man to narry tr r- mnh inlglelie atrutireeu: "Let int takte whilt-tcoautrselite nyil, tleihllrt-- pent oa lh." "iWell," sali the good-vaiort-i man, austh lirieul aiformer- daytu bu ite roora. "I'm $4 'ahea o attranrmsac-- thon.", "Why, ho barawed $1." "Yes, but I thaqgit lae wa galag ta aosk me bra SI-Wabson aStar. SieliaI miii> bi--mran îîfi- ifti .urlt .a . Ptrricipal lali. 'if tir,- Waikr--,tri hui pr-homaI, îlu'n-î itii w tIiut-r -t-uit -.. ly sîtlli inrds inar t r-%>tar lruur ili ént-liil t'tuà is bliru-rI ('uais it-killiutu. alias Salur it-iset. emi-ai-ul fr-tututIi-Allîrîrjuil b:. knrr-krurg bu ut J.lamurn h',x iuiîl thlrg thruiglr te bon. iM- w-us1,tri aaîitrial ftr tîrrowtiug vitriolri uta t-ttttlmtor. At Mlinie the Tutirqntmud Fitrilhi Divis- lans ai the- Sct-tnrti ttilioSNaval Militia havc lweituutter-e t îiandritire irat tlu i-o vlisioîns r-,gurzt:litn-nu quarners nilI ro'mainurn iv lrivu. Go',. Albgei)d lias itmîrtabiisw-srrniititi tire requisitirtut otfte tktrrnon tof NSt- York tfor tire aunrenîben tftBert U. an- le>, niante,1 ut Nt-w York Vut>- fur tire Ian ceny tif $300) wortb tif trolientyfr-onuBt-u jamin b. M. Bateo. law-ley is undu-n arrest ai ('bit-Mo. At C lay City bine tnrt-stor.r tramne Iruil- Ing awuci d nd t-coîrieuby Samuel Humi- maun a a generil storceuwatt burnol, ni-tit neani aailte arge tack tif genersi mer- chanlise, vainei ut $1effl. Hi. osstont tire building ba estîmateil nt $2,000. Ollu- or lasse amorunt ta $1,:»1J. Tire Peoria distilleries are ntw rina- lng 19,000 husirehs dail>- sud J. B. Greent- but Baya tiraI ail lime 1!eot'l bouses vili b. runuint- at tbeir full capaciby lai a iew- days. Tire iuitorruru reventue oipeutiong bave avoragel hetter îtthW rnîtirthait for sevenal yeaa-s, and lit-an sipnutu mn- beint- matIe ta bine EastdriiWr. Airs. Jenaie Gr,uY. et Woufor-I (411114uY. lias eiirel an Lacu-ot in a'[u -mse w-bis-binrîîlrearmillionst of dollars. -i"oruy- ie yeara at-o lit-r itusbourd stl IN) at-rt-s oif lanud udjaveti-to10th iretltotf Columbuus,' Ohio, buti formionie rt-sntaurut ite n rt igu tt'e il and i nutîrchaai lu- le în-t'r riglutiti oa otruhiirî l iq ' iter-est i n lie protpeniy. Thk- Utpr nIllinois liver- lau-kts iîrut scnv'd niotice-lin tt Notv.î11;is lunuts i-iil go inrtir wntrer- iluit lei-s. exctuthelitei au- er BttinalimIt-v. nlicl i- ll î irut'uotilir e frnn. 'l'Ie st-utsoir iras itien aoiab I uiuu. T'e luc x-ur-uion ituinuersniasttht' iuurit-t it-vr km-uirn-. -'îrr t-e irsi .tiuui ut uuiantmry t-r th tIe iirt-ut ut- rit-Ii r>- Irtt nt-u thue lutn tiuttirna iii notbru-ak tîut inrt nuyin s-tor-lous. Th'ie totusitltrfor theue rit-t-a >-lutn» ftor tIre iuuturable insanj,îelecleul t- Ban- tonîillie fui-mof 314 at-rt-s tfr the >site. Tht- peuple of tlitincvof tionutrr-e tirdelivrr it fomr-$'20,000. LAnirlale Gr-en-i. of Chii- t-at-o, was stiiecteil as su r un-hitect. Jotn W'orkmon, tuf îauilcy.s Stationi. Tazeticl Ctiunty, diuîrlayit a rare cor-loi- lîy. ht is a tout of a masiailou w-bu-h w-as foumul iy bis ciiillr-nu onu ttc tanks ai CoahCrecit. t ln evidcntiy fraîn lte' bat-k oi the Ian-or-jaw- sud iha nmauster, veighiag neveu poinds. unI bas rota n eveu Incites long. He w-ll preset ih b tire Peorla geientiie Association. nLUis., c..,.Z, 4119 soflent c anor .dml Mtrk Uassirbrget, azesIM 0,»W dead at i Manllo afront hbisonfallueo. ' John G. AMsa former, wa llà l* -0 ruaway sccilent w-hile glag h~me rVMI- lhena. James Beaver. ai Lincoln. le doul, gai 86. He irail been a pronilacal stock raimer since 1Mf2. At Galons William W. Praors. Ap* 50, and Mmca.LIly N. Wight, (laienauWe 4~ ait reshleul. agai 94, are leil. Tiie Bey. (jorrlît Stuyler. hale of Chi- cago, w-as instaliei. s ha tif th ir it 'resityterlan (liurci t iMacon. Tire Rev. Dr. H. H. Mo-teu i fSprime, feld, mu., becomes i'eetaof atlie chu"*b if 1tireRedoorner, Elil, baving acceptud ire t-ail. Itev. Iireilenlck W. Keator, ai St. Paire 'hur-b. Euigew-ale,. Cicago. w- SM u acl)hi lire reetry ai Grace Cirurebý. Freeport. f. AI1. 1Alaugirlin. ding a genosail ntrehanising busineso nt Pins, W-s. loseul oit Juilgmet nates. HmiarliUMs re $ 18,000. Ai Luroin Saturlay eveug, Mr. &VA Irae. C'.fieldl cehebraied their goldea wcddlng autnlvermary. Theî are Marshl 'ounty plouces-r. At Freeport Hari Smhith, 14 years od, han conifesel ta placing ait oboetruciont -n lthe Northwesteru trsck. w-ut-h nearhyr wet-keil s passenger train. 'l'ie Wtmau'nm hellef Corps aifithe Rock- tirti district bell a largeiy ablende o t î'nlion. The ouîjetws-asto perfect tbeM- selves ii tir nillulie w-ork. Dr. H. F. Gtrmid. s Rot'kforl dentist. whlîwu ni-asici-ilfor urson. but jumpei bis bail botndi, %w-at se-u in thicago by a frit-nil, lit' alariei onuua mimaanti wa* tîsi initi t- rond belon' the-frieul eoffl Liek k iitt. The anartchistsetf C'hic-ago bell i ritntiriuh meetinrg frsphliu's. Lingg, sud t'e utttu-ra %%ho w-ere bng. LUC7 Parsotns eadlierrMont vere lire spouit -ns. but Polit- t' urpet'tonr es tIca- ionru'iltit-ut tu Induite la no violent lau- guiagt',andl lthe s-boit- ffair .s-as veer' tuner. ('rasel iry tti' w-sraiug oaiàa itttf t-lIer. William Miention. amiassistat arrituir lu the litrîimauî Building. <'hlu'g rtti'nitedti 1 tab Jhin Il. (.iffiin. nian- gi-r ttf lthet-ar t'omirany'a itremietes. l in asmerli-l istietti' mtloye alNo luiendoil t) assasinale Eleitrgt'11i.iPuhllan, fpren- det t fbmth oitniral ion. Fine destroyetl su tultbuiluiing ou lbe proîlsrty tif Frank SItor>-.Sr.. s îravelmg' rali-suin of crf 'etna. Whth it won bunnai Frank Mlony. Jr.. nibo iront bis infancer radb ieen be-ord ttfneastin tir lthe use et tir> of tuls tat'uliir's. lie w-as hat la -uînimnnly ierrned sanuînstnrsxity and iha& t--r a charge otn tht- iunily for Ofleen Sttrveyin'utire engagel luin aklng a tydin.groî,hi- survo thlie borttanm lin"s mn t'e i-ast aube tif titi- Illiàutîls River be- tuerirebr-tti nIndSpr-ing Baîy. Tiras witi-î land autiing tire river are bav- ng tht- surrty made' la orlon tairave datam frotî ut icir 10 calcuhale bthe aruotnt et lamage thucy ay susal if thieb.river tttuîhboîcriow lthe lnîm s-boathir tes' frot tire rnainge rt-ai hin unedloin, 5. ILItonr Iews ril t-itit men engagedlab uuiningr înlthe (bi-ato marke't ad prou- tniit i nrgit'rq ai <Jtta it'nrontnatu ilmat the, gorn i rntsidStale liait -mmmW lie trt ffiîlac iîrg IGermnun u tarp lu tire Ilintois itii l irittn risorf lthe StaIe, wlth ai r u, t-n t tri -iiiitg au î tift i li uit gond titI- tî,rtrerojt'îtet f ltu- iette, have îmtîILnw et p tir n hitlirnts aIr-cil> Iniven tii-trikt-lvî -trY guime Il isrntr'îrthe rirçrs la nu iit h -utrît îliiirtimtg trnîtk hlate. li t wi r r v ith Ihlis 13 -tar-ald suan .-in It . Auntif E4 'ikliant. w-ns commit- rn-i tir jtuil ut iitt-t ,xi u ther-barge ef .l-iigltniust--ifrnt Ahtîmu tara. Il ln nitr rc-d tiraItt-tsernI tLs boyoui ta obomi i ii tnt al.ruandlti ie tht-n dispoacul of it tun hr:mrk Atlas, Atlas is a utealtby junk endî îîîîîmitry rienlîr. aantsiiugirlbe dis- cîrirnitkioi otfg' ttirect-bas ofRgoa lie îîas liii ag. iuuiras tritrtitiovor on tins .siinrgt îtf îmrn-iasuurg solcî rorpertr. l'The United lStmt'a manalual et Sprnlug- fel ea% bits Iî t'ost-ititt-t as ai tiraitiirought nvi-rrlîlSle-a vr-,tnnîraou plotce tathe 'htii-kety Doit*'t-so. But i itbras t thr th M arli httla heiug inpernsonaed iît alie. James E. Busbey w-as arr.oied at ('tltusa.lian-ask Uounty. citargel w-llh ltsvlvg appliel for a pension nter the usime of George W. lmston. Thte latter la liininrl Kansas t'ity. w-bore Bumhey w-i hlaiton for triai.lie bas acknawlidged bis guihi sud sais ire nover w-ai a souier. The barnandurImat-bine irareboume e John I"owher. niear Claritîsi,. w-as de- str,> d hy lire., tagelirer w-lt maciner7. groin. eItc. W. W. Fowler wis dauLgmi' tiurty bornai îy au exploolsio ande af idler. Thte loue ins $5.00,w-th nola- outrance. The huanaf lames Mars, no«a Coîrlen, w-as burneut. Tw-enty Ions et ha>-, 200 heusirels of corn, ather grain,.m»à ail tire ferairnacblueny w-ere bstroyeit Four irorses sud several iete]oaicaol sud ittga w-cre cremabed. Tire bass in $6,000. At 1 tt'cloek lire other marning a nflght w-aicrmm ai ntHourantavenue sud Weue- ingkmn boulevard. Chricago. Orel titre. pis- lob shirts ai aunirnaglnary buirgiar. la a few minurtes ua morgeaut ouIten paire&- uten niasuel lrernveives on tir, cornes'. A îrrtman teard jito shols aud usilesi a bnuice agaîntrothe iront dotofahbmr dut. A polîi-emntiitnring Ibis noise atareMi. ou tht- bypotiresisthat a burgiar w-L a t ntri sud clihubed it iitire attire. The" ininanituearnicgthe- stepa of the patro-. mil n was positive tirs t e wu@to ave a visiaion otf bourse breakers sud pmot

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