"""'" "la n ThetS U Sn troquenta_1_talent for the lent n.ns AN AUV(P<TURU THAT ÊNDED ds e h "rose héJt"A HERITAGE FROM TH'E PILGIM fy u poitnnafrth tcnoAut' the gsublsgittln' fat, WITH Hi DEATH.Tiivs as sn ftaR matde auttimu tha cnatomaeYatiu rne. An' the hulibard iquash's a ripenîn' MOW truie, cotire bytiu thr o FATHERS. TÔ the early Puritan Christmtau'tlt F the pies an sich as that, toil throngh the trecs titan the ed ylng te heuven of Idolatry; sel, when his t5tt'ttSo eil send the.double waggin waters. The tivo bbys stsred et the festival, Ttanksgit'lnë eaeasnl e h epfralbns ftrilawyire Hunt oni the Lttle ]Redihomely head lifted ahove the tti ti a o-ern ok fPyunhClo ok meatai, Twtedeofrnlhn by 2w. Bols in Searfh of a Thauks- the sharp edon etirait aeeoned toetiig their sny FrtChuistiaete a wt o n mnaof ten'aus noftytire Auweionga th em omt s ans il gtving Fuat-Eesulta Were Danger- way iuto, the n'oodwvork nt thie 1m. The Pie andi Turkey-Eurlicst Thauks- s'oted te famiiy reunlon, te feristing Li itn onubu Slfatoy.blr held en wtb n desthIl gipas the "Z t gvtng Proclamation. te the giving of presonts, Sncb "super- The robins in te mapies t'onu atnacoY.mt bore the canoc and the yonîug II-Ittitiotla meoita" ns baron of heet, hcia IlHnched tîtar leetle brodti pig rodle rpidiy downnstreamni, ntwarrovily - hend. andti pîn i rddin -oere ext'lîit't, ro hssn Bsegged'l Gamme. mtsatng Borne hait annuketitrl ,and now Fornierly s Mo.'nbie ieat. and tttrkey, Indiantpîddal; nnd puriki EAI; tho Little uearly eajtizin airain as Roty triedte toes- lHE arlitat Thanks- înio nere enteu ittateati. Recd, a anift cap(, a Iniden rock. « giving pi'oclnititnî Mnny ttrny toriea are told oft ite etreani thatfdon'- "W'hat shinl tIItldo-' ried Pilt it tatpîrintted la nowl'it thtit'enriy Thnnksgivinq thuya. Tite ttnwn 'ff ed ibronlgi a re- as he turned a trigbîent's fact' onard hua îtossessionn f the (Colc'hester, fotr instance, calinly ignenreil', gion but littie companlion. -Tbhe »ar i, dt'ertiieta 'uMassachusetts I11k' the day appointed by tire Goverinor anti openeas vaolu anti prove tttr Jouaht. andisrlu a short tite ire torit'ni, Society anîtiieid Ilus oiu'uThaîikagiving n week Inter. a t i11 lubabiteti absl reads the taiis.' Vu nt liose h eure thtetinte tof wheu the 81001) front -Nqw York, bringing by the, animais of sl o."o aeysrkishrnt -1677. Long befout'ea hogshend of nmolasses for pies, iîad ttn- tineo es, ere tiIs, bonnet-r, N'svtyiivei. Iu revolîttionary tiioca Thark.'- n a i na ~ h l'ilu haileai the sutggestion w-it a eu-y'Englanti knew te giing w-ns not forgotten.Th ouintI heues af the of itti" anti broulit frontltte deltha ot bis mennng of Think'.'Massachusetts reconimeonted thaît Nov. Tayiors eanr oktna higlt'nedtn landl ire her g i v i n ganti te 10,1770l, bu set atte' for "ncknîtwledg., Tyos Bear.mmn elni tiaitrbo inptimtpkiu pie h n .ilniante for tner.'ies enjoyed." In tire romd twiftheir n'ake. lnstiend of ariking nt the beon disrovereti l'Y udt year Saurae1 Adanna rccommennied rouigh tnt doua tiront n'il w ias e'iptnnac.lie drova th;e the inhabitnnnts ift ilfoiral tnfThnnksgving procialtnuîion to, Wove.to nbon cînne-îîrkesiuteqintandikc ld oee h ee erie Massachusettsstidthe Continenta Cogres Durig th, - matie reprisais on te cate etmotiers.inl iebu rtl sçjel.ltbrysuei fls egt dys of Thanksgiving. aThey feui iit ' 'mdtoothueir in tirettn5i lon ai( t~e titer foot likeivise. Il muct betore the cari>' part of thia ciii- vuppointrments nere malle lu tir )no totf . li ite oilngs iiui. The Dtu ai rai'!**rang nt ysvietur>'. reconîuendntion tethe bonds ofthevaL cMand to lîn>-tshdoanniThe ira-l1t Ibis motemnt, anti htfore rhil cottiti tays set tipart for îhanksgiviuig wi'rortnu State Goveruiments. Witb'one tex- been conipnions froin chiltlbotdnl.aîi ~ wben throir 4arcnts settiet ilii tint' lniew conntry they wiert. in titoir eerrielit. itow tbec otait] rena tire ioois cr paàtdie devra tthe Little Red, ei'try ntwn'aîitten picking npi)nn'beur or tnrkey niih their trusty rifles. It m'as not long- befnre tite Att' betîre tînt leives gît ynlier hommne knon'n as theo best yeiitg Nitureuis hywsigeohtwsn, lin the n'hoie district, arndxinve'r tlncy Brtp ,ti&i atarted on a lirnt it vaa takein for graîir- tFer te>- i ns lOt'i. lnds, eti that they %î'<îîii rntnrn t.%iv i'iril fnîY Bt tînt' aîtritng'ibririg 'out homenartia lot gamae. Oine' venîng in Novurni-Asorg t(oltinsad. lber they startt'l for ni tire nîîîîth ot Iduatnts on the river for tîne tîurîîose of. as fii!ex- ipresedit,-baý-i,- aTliiii,.ý,iviigAlitîtar's otiner nemi, as lonésomé !ba." ~'INe cuat dent hast the nfg Itralze hicha Il bnd ssatee Inear the benî," sîtin ihe, Lins he hlaid his ~' u h ntebon 5aitee proposition. efore lRoy. Tor nIlunter. fIn tlingrtnt n crla înniîy lrttc, isaiv Iotis of trr.ln nigis, anItIc vol ni>' be A tntunr ra t ltr ibands able te get a big ot fonr lo-tnorrnt" ît ciiin-gin 'ne'nin feaut." Talion with tire îri.uset of sue~"- As lori, t tiei ,did ntst San dsa. exciting ativeniture. fRoy fnt once acqui- IlIlna iIlitbrdanoiges leaceti, anti the two boys bcgnin to prepar i l4I-natn tiffst'iiors n' s lningle fer the ire bruit. 1tte iR tnc't ' ui' The calmce nus îraggcti forth. auîd the' iii l et r>l'i'v itif trhentpn, -pine knots for tînt'ton'ch gatlcrt'd nand IloulyharsIII:,rhniiugnn' Intale radnf>. FlAn't, .o, -kýgrayt-in'ston' 't'akittg tht' paultle, fPoI.iiail sharp n the îtri iweoiiisîis lookout lttiigshonre. nfrovete tint'i nXbn fin'tnt' uInjîllle of the river.,ithilo l'i i Alog*teIliessan. lainuier lirete nr.!t wanied thtit'tnili caunsI iliiatlined tt'e cdtcanîd trîcci te catch the m(m itllv nu'tni!it)îlie irsI iglît of gli tnt' t .,,, I efnllfs tî't ti agu.P nitiscnnntiîna 100.f lii aThrte Viil inail ytnrt' rea.tîn' 'bauds nneniIn te rt"nt. innîl mc'giarineniut ." Iînn'ftn'nnrion> meuttntii mnenm-at hInutt 'îgithtcnv 's ni nr P.ýtirlie tiiiin a'ye. (tilnthle right. v irlte tn Ilc'ntinea 'it fer tittilîiP beemted toe te is'oilitudletf the stars, As ,'lgateo i nîct stands. gleained a Iair et inîtense ' tc nvery, close togetîter, aitîlrneutr t he'grîtttini. "fIt lajiii ld 1 m ýh ther rt a fettcr' 'Epbmini," unlisieret i 111as he inon-ei Thel'r W1iPîisulirr noon." 'il ride annd icanîctiforunril fur al1'.. uer Si j >-tfar th&-' n'iinitlnr. ýIook. *W'e have feundtiour Titanksgiin--ig4rIl in il nnn be r t last!" x fw vr d e f r tt th abli. SionI>', initîn a cool hinnlrun telibera- br hetaIai'rIiiln ad. ant i lelhe n'atcined the Shilling oyes, A"j i fl-It'e îîlit tinst ia nds. ,]Roy seenîed to itunît bis brentit. Tinreîohsa Ttpky cakoten'ao anoethe rcehocaHwt oili uky *long store, anti ns the annoke lifteti botit Selectutnreft.tnntrirky ît boys lesunet torliard niih eagzernens antiaeI ifl roire.davi ll- looketi tornt the shore. 'vou iinîlseti -lait' ityuanrdreiltnted. aI-i.siucti,l hlm!", crietiRoy>. "No. Look y-ouder!uit-r, insite andtopidsae. îîith peroper LnI Th1e eid felloir bas tntmbied bta the 'a s. Mttkt' a atlin>' cod f ighttna'itgI ter ant inl in the death airttggle. Quick! .geieii (i ooltfigttrai romtwnrd himm infore ttc edtiy aucks ila À l'itttinuit a Iouantof uf tlr. a ttt'ap- d i,.,,fr itng tait's.iifi'tnPd sf jus i uni oteoniitn. I Beo excame o. disappoIci'ft satailîtîî'.tr'rsggttîittit ReoePhil conrid repli' atmethinut dark lfSalt tn ul ,Ir itr s'ft ttirg tht'lireai anti vet rosenînteat uîderneatîî tire rail -f irst. rnoln tutt-i' t u trît.t u tufftel n'l i. exuoc. antitt the t omoment he son' the Rob ~~ thile touril -y ail i s'rtIIt t lt i.!tedi ltîit' taffrail in the grilt of thc bear. Thte grent t te, I tnn' ntîn'nIIt-titreasiftI uir IIIslookin>' dottbly fortmidable in te Lt ' ay ilin l- iiétil rn.u]pr nnsteady light cnt the toret, ivîile tc'" t' in atq'arttriinn %t irert.niHnoveasth' ot(-itî wihofttc tîcar.treateunedt tover- -A *-'li a tart ltiutlui t-rh. es te uni' 0c taira the boat, atnd lite uil'liench. wIhI-nUmt t(,,,,k utInit'1 tt iet.tLe. Aliýtn' a the liie noutb bleedin>' front ttc bo", "quaruer Ituf an muir itu t.ntth nd. fInlten $bat, n'as enougin le senti chilIs of terrer ianime bunt(nr iin Ri t te îitb a la rut tt ta the imrod'a tearta. utnp.l"ronlrin fie i l>i ti,' ehate h un irkey "Bnck off!" crieni Pil. as lie anw that ' r t ir gran thue lpan. rtmh i r il tn fth. cauoee ias almoat anul the rocks, the iaring aind tii redg'ig lin it Ati sudti iabia ta 'be capuizet b>' their foe. Roy âprang aneir te theo patities, anti, as Phil rose in the boat teIltmust ttc rifle latote nobar's face anti termuante te eontgot, theo animai matie a deaperataetf fort te elimb aboard. Tte ituation iras anarfull of perdI, andthie rocking of te boat lunte switu waters causectithe torch te matter a rain ut ire ovcr the tievoîtd boys anuthtet benir, but thte beat oni>' blunketi bis littie -c>es anti retoubieti bis afforts ta scule te fragile rempart. Fiuding taI ho couiti not get a sittat the. bear as Roy>'bneketi the bont off, Phii strucktvth al bis uigllt wtih lte gun, brlnging tte heavy stock down upon tht huga heati. He abattereit the n-capon by theo blair. viile, ho appîarently let theit akul et bis antagoniat uninjured, In an. ether moment the Ier luttg(t. forirarti &gain, andthte cauoe at tte @saue tjnst atrikbng a rock. n-r.% s tiizt'tl spilliiig itu occupants anicu the vater mot putting ont the. torch. Ailtis ituppened inlua secoud, "a it seeti, anti the boys, ibua tron jutte the streganud aIt te mere>' oftht bear anti curont, etruggieti te rigbttIhe -a» so.anti ehr lu again. Afttr avittezlw auceadet, anti poy. vbe'was fotonate etough to retain one 9@44Wle pueffl kit. bot fron thie rocks JA ntit 9pt hnte tothe river, witera-it ' t % s ritt current anti car- 11. estiner. "This in better Up i~ bsathet' k"Ph& ing, s u As if ln mr-iii i rnt seueat,,irt fliteliitbt g. niing ad uni rmis ifl ïmautre Perft'ito,nnnin %Vli.t'tnoe it shoiltf in'n.iîrk linm)ntt o l ivr. aund __________________________ - lin na ftnrk it Si ilni c d 'p ini*usil t rot jîî nte Rhttnmt iii i . iten,v'u' ft te a mot di.,i tiuck bis beadthlie cnne aimnnck :the oà,e ka'wu lo the Isunelites iand are ruanti'ttnsd f esplio o 'nogrpsa asnn-uted busine's oti wf, If the graîy is n t utiio'-et .-ough. stacle lu the mnidle of the Ittti ete, and ttresgbssat the, Bible. Tue>' wse&- )»m lte tays rittttntteti. rî ,tetsnfltfntrcr'ntluttti bu n jiffy ttey ivere in tcen'ater agaits in Buigiital bs-ore te reformatoi m ninntttiane caaln for wi t sttxx>e ut tht' greas e niei frotht anti struggiiug tb graap the hotus tof the' iere in treue~cut use yP rotcesta nana afte.- à genieralthtntnksgiving b>' ihe <"'ntiflIftihIlî'ookiiig tt'e gxaay intht' lotged truc, hu thia they wcre suestful, wsrd, esaecbstly inithe Chtiint'htoaf En.-ai nami>', Tiurédi', itc, fi. 1777.,nand I gai - if nie ntic, or wt anti iten they bat dratiu theruselves tup- glanad, wheratey ivere n ixt'ddtitmt>tma gnaI t alley Fiorge %Mity 7,f177,14. -I'tofdbé ib na>' e n cthé morrater nmong the branchtes the>' looked ti tnue long before th"ey iere iiin tie t'oloajesn few ditys before ttc ntnkiurrnnent onu(titi '>"- Ii! t itlî'.hol. aout ieni tc tti y.i aohrwt rn mls hykueir "Gyviag Goal thaîîks" for &acft' ar.,al gress it September, 17Mi, îteîtrt'teyltntntn duntune tH me ournieal.tapn>c riy that they irere destitiedto tp asa bine night and) for' aan>'ethen tuessingga san 1t.n.t EMinaBondiiott mnve.I la thehIttuise îît ______________ in the tree, iviich thtey dis!, andtimhen day beau,) en New Enginuui orca' ilium ethtbie Presitient lic reiuested te rtecommeri,,]Thanks, Aifullit. came ttc>' foundteiitea.es near n plaît- MD* &f Popuiaut ounimjts at Mcoiugau, ii àday out hanksgiving andi vrai-enas air hton By tint et ehouitng until the>' the Thaaksgivyag service ot tino ti.t.reh' knonn(ýiedent ot the' uiny siginal farî,,.* Tht' question on Thinksgiving day werc hoarse tite> made ltetuselvea heard, si Engtitud. The irtit Thucuksgiviag week att Almîglît>' Gnd, and enpeiuliy hi, if- Rf-o ainlitrs fie anti nere rescuei b>' severai Itlantation -nul day-4lPymtouth n'as obau.1a, in fcrding theni an etîttoltutity uteoafiai rom <'nanti of -Maiune to <ieonuc.a' bauds. one of nnhom distsnevercd the hear Deceunar, 1621. Titis tins a weL of hg adConstittiotnn of wb'aernmenîtnor thior Wi' d!yulat iu~ eto lotiget in anether tse a littie father lbasting. Venlson tias liretghî lm lmi tue safet>' andi iapinesm.Roger Shtntnata, white v' don the riv'er. Masssatit Indian nd dezeuna of wlalter- oft Connecticut, mliaportei the mottiou -Clevelandl Plain Denler. 'Teanimnaliras dent), atidiren hoera.keys, rulibits andi inalier gane w ere Actianus Burke, ut South ('arolfn, dti trannabore thte boys reiateit their titrili- sfangitered for the fettat. The a' ifitis not like 'tinis muiiWg of Enropenun cuis.- 1Viisituides of LM9b. ing experiene with lis knersiip tte nigita er. laviteti to job lte wités ina'the toms," anti Ttcker, att Virginula. intiunmat betone. A wagon tvas prot'uret andthlia serî'y-making, an invitation tvrhhteis that il might lie as. veli to irait for sonute itomennard journey begta, and ln ample prompti>' accee. The records a kt- mnieepenienco of the ellisiency of ttc Conwîi- mention of aay appelani religions exeic'i.Ž tution hefore retuuisg thanka tr in't. lua duriutg titis rock tof feaauing. spite of tteac objections the motion, Ir"a If In Jul>', 1623, a fast day of rknehttar carrieti anti Presidasul Washington iusa ot prayer ras observei hy tbueai ane ,% prociamtatiQn appointiug ns Titankitms coienîste, irbo tere sufferlng Imrm ti nl> Day Nonv. 20..a 0 eV~'~ ffect.atetfa prolîngemi drougitwhleh tti Thauksgiving i>ay prociamatiouts vace #"scorehedt itir corn anti sitni tthe ana. isatedinl au irglar wtt>'fornt ssy lrV ~ Th Tta in wiehci soon aflcrward feull iey yeans aflar Ihat date, but the day w»s »t ballaveti coulti 001 bave comne but for tt'lir a dxcii holiday.. After the battît' of Get - uniteti anti public petition. tya;burg in 1863 Presiticut LincoM nrscuim- t' s. The nexl public Thnnkogiving was belni uaai,di the people 10 set spart tite tl tInl Boston by lte Bnay Coloay, on Fei.t1 '~ day of Augnat to ho observeitesas day rd3.Ti nepaaof u grati- of national thinksgiving, ma'ise and , ia tude for the sate arrivai of food-bearing îrn>'cr t Aîmigbty Goti,"lu Intae folloir- abîpa frout Engiauti. ing ycar lhe Préaidient issuned anotiter t Fot'< hien tntifaboutt 1684 tbere irere iproclmation, anti the'Presudantial proc- about tnncnty-four Tnnkagiving ti:ysai)- . itmation bas been anu antaixBtura ever poilntet InbMttsanchuaelta,.but il maa 001 since. O0(D OIoliT. eut regniar bienuniletistont. ho 11175, a An Alil-Round Thanksgtvlng DiCpner V ~ .' ..- time o ep omnbot Masscusetts Brouet, Pete--W'har'a th' turkey? n .e" j ' rttacnks front bierce savagea, no days ofthtî' calt et hlm.I :hanksgiving ivere ceiebrated, Brout-o Pete--Wbar'a tb' cal? e day et oa rs by Iheitaasacîtuaeîthe Alikait Ike--A rayole et him, a (thomitsest man>'ofe tsshe ettere u- Brouico Pete -Wtnr's theo cayote? ARRVNntt'ir<e vovn n fA>KSOIVI thoiis n mn ftêa eep - Aikali f ke-Th' greyhound et hlm.r BA imteti for Ibis lack oftofrit.Gç Bronco Pete-Wbunr'a tii' greyhouunt? n AEAtl. cottfWiliam itiit>'. use. - ____fodiner te bys arive _it inautilr inatseti Willi lenu l'oesel Aikali Ike-'An Injun et hînu. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emnîfotierttboaarieinthlapllr'lth ret-ple Ifu Brouco Pete-Whara tb' Injun? e tte Thnnksgiving bear. ton for piowlng ou the Titanksgiving Day Alliait Pete-A grizzly et hilm. ~ -New r tk UPress. of June 18, 1606. Bronco Petc--Whar'a the grizzly? k r. IhnsitngBen Connecticut te festival iras nul AIkali Pela-Out thar. le hakagviX Ee.regulari>' observei uatif 1716. Ttc carlicu' Bronco Pele--Wnai, ve'll have ter eat ;a And aon te wunIry inuts do moan anti Tianksgbving tisys tvera not alirnys net ou th' grizzly, f ke, but I liata ter take t' it rotr; Titnrsday, nor tvere they aiways appoint- leavitjs uv a Thanksgiring tunke>' like r-,Tht. sky st eve gronna dira anti murky; eti for lte saute token ot Got'. benefi- mlat-Harper's Bazar. ?r Frotm o'em the fildts vo hear tine plaintive tend4. ays of ttankoglving voe sitp- ïg cry ponud la gratitude for great poiticai or Ha who would catch Bah Mut luit te Of soute forlora Thaukalvlng turky. utibq avents,ý for the mfat miai et mimd geWtg wet 00D » xnc NTEREST5N AN Ij<*'1Ij Relleetona of an ElevatlngrchAftowët -Whotcsome Food fer Studylng the Scriptural laumeà a . telllgently and Proifitably. Lemmon for Nov. 24. Golden Text-*'Woe tunto theom thata up tar>'lin the rnorntng flint th UM7la tollow atrtng ilrink."-aa. 5: 11. Thle lestioutthia î%t'ek ia on tefhaubI»c ' of t în'uperati--4nr, rather, Intempemaac. -and iii foutndni Iiiaaiah 5, 11-2p, A tenîîteratâce lesuton il# always t1miely, for 4~ the bafftlc witb Intemîterance ln al»,* ,i oit. litt ii warfare, too, there le no tlW charge'.'lThe fields change, weaoi chaunge, taetica t'hatiee hbt the old .upýa rpinttinifan d the confii t abidea rr 1 iF bile. In the' publie wrestle wlth, the soient isaloon wft(Io flot eeml, in all apec-tm. inn bc maklng progreha olad U in ceritain i liutieàs there un an atmau' wiiich reat'uuules nerv nmach a capitu la to titis .ncniy of our homes. Yet k la14ain our Itearts to apenk n word of hopo, two,9 of filera. (he relates to the enemny him. self, the otiler to our friends. Ther. b a fatal wenknfes on the part ot the ft.&- Uce lit tltiîtg wrnng. lie knowa e l fil '- log %vroug and itn.edit ouly tn lie coufroç'.'ni cdl to rut-cal thiat iter cow'ardivo that ste" ittîllces in afil[ illse brouillât under bla c'nttrîi 'lteis n brazen, blat*s-.,. froint,lbtu t it shi n tii tdaise. flVln o' v'vrtttii îtimîîsec'f the battle for municipal rl~nt.insn'.itiii 4)ur cities Enet and -. 'il n' t:t- tfii !lantdi le wiil ia.e ffil n îi . i i .,our part. Satan ' w'ill lit, îîi.î in itis unttter. lThe oolYP t.nll'hm., Inn i t014i9 w,'htavc allowod sittfii fn ti, t î.t fi" 111 n 4oi uts, and ha fins .. 1,(,, n nir î'r..pir part. a andw,* Biiin. lit r ni'î ideoria tr1. oliffli.ti thr-t, h .fer r '.3tten Midi. a',nift mt >,Ef' Ii' tirwureesô :) r.'tM 'cn i11i 'tsonttis rauntintg,. thjtîk nn(-tère' ntry fî"nLd there are a ntîtti itiii nl jnl tqiîcruloux. fanit. ' fn'niî~ tt'o IW'* -l.bt it 'cl Tbere am tIininil.,uiât inave' Ont ttn"thc ha..' t, litif. n nleii th ýrjiftt atigoment 4ii.. d t ,-! n %,i!Ilt-nt. innnl fsrouger, fer tttrn.'n.,e: 'n:ý:i 'n-îr ad%, "tarît'.. Thpreare t~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i- i.",nn.t n. i i'thiltlreu. weil ti ft ni.' \! I n inl i1finr tt'nt)4.'t'uu il, ile"Arc'.%.,)Il coutttting il,-.n i The tiOriauitho ri',~.r- n ..'l.niltl tofollotv !.rl ylii 1 1 ni nI nîtlt-ent to-day. lu n i, ,-t!, Ul'in, hlnntrit'd a bat! i.. t 'tnnn:;:. :nîl infatuation 1nls nw Jnn ' . ii ili'i . un te pui. 4 u 'Lt nin'4 In I il nl"tt t'tnrli' rrcog- 'tn htn t. tnr.t ti,utilt lie bau in ""ltri' fn i ,' imon." fltthe mer- giii il rt'nnL . 'ml i l.- itutratut then.' t x til. #annî,'nn.l iîrta.nî,'lut l'a. 10 . pcr..t< itt' nt nt ilnt'ti t'1Y a dame. A 1 tîtlr.. tlt'J'f tli.' ntar wretceb wh i'n - rntftr ilt ,,ttriîf trt.ngdrink lit 1, dnsven I.n il n:1. f ni tîtnîiîer 'ith u1 . and ,i '*,n T I'nlin i« a t' tit'cd. - ' re ngardiflt tht' wî.rk oif tb. lx.,rîI." 1Tie. .itiiapilotsotphit'principw. l van n l utnd.is su inni .'etrtl on Cp iai ti- es nt W ai t,%. mnt fotnr sîirituaiitju, '1' fw ' .*to uia tçut tint' gttnd. Thema cittf'ntirn uf itieinrietf' ta t he graduaI1 A itnn i nn"'l st..-1 if utligh mri Tli!.'rc'î.-Pt fybor que'tn.niere. Inda4n th,' tirni .n ini't larg.-ls'a tabor ques- ' tnuî 'i' rttl-îsais that the drttnk ' nf dfon,ns nînt ,'nnstder itue .nîeration of ;t.d'a in . A ' iitretnîYltagrotviag ,t.tfo .t ui', fetn'.$ sie to nole seiti' .in.rnig ti-n,,,iLoftf il.'n nVit anda, it istilmi ..f', in'tt.iuethis atiost of tur r n i. n. ni'ii- t'. r. ut ofto-da>'. Thiffl --I t niln'-il 1.tter,' uuuythins rwnrr. lintj :,in! ntl l ittitter ft loi n!t 'tV %%. t'L lneit :n Ina n rt't'iîtitiller the lun -d" f 1 'tî-nn' nritnk tilt- îi,îrds :; nîgtu fî li. "Ilîgî.foîr mn in lathe î'n'l", n'.~~ f <1,tîtileit. atnd great ln int,-ui faiî'tt . iýnr ii'i.n aamouti alla It ui. tfirnniti iî>'" nld.qttui. luit t iloît'. 1, hte ito. rottgh thie g:n- cr (i-. fîr ni ami th.-t feele fluait thiintt ( noni nIt in tusofut "ta ay Gen iles tfn. t .!nw,',.1-iolewhen ho *&id, fin . tfins igrtý l' ic t'nr.ia ot the nr ltiç '.. t i. tt't 4ftt'r titis I nîf!i retni rii n n i fbilli rugrti the toi- erinvtlt' nf I >î i, d. hich i. fttlien dowti. nd înf ii îidninnnitin te riiithereof' tit i t tn ,cf "<t t î i.' <&ttt o15,1516j' To . trnnteîtgnîiin't tîhe tcmptation of linis ife, luilîfrigltt Cet the tuiie.foui- ntatin ttiitili tilt' fe. fesctin tChrist. ou jgît'tnîi u'...Anitiilut'wntrong againat 'ti5ttaiiti lent t u'u' -Ctht' littit' Vicea and th nt'ttsnly ltt'nnt'tti utt tir is; reunenitter the itile foxtîtnftint itîî,'the vinea. The ld utan.'it nis [ntlt'cr gto uter ita ttitttie t 'n fru it nirîni t iInmntt tirît n'out ittone rot- îte peitr. "Yint have haltl >'ur work all- moatint fr tîotiing. fater." lie smt'it* Not -1,: no. mn' htîy,"* andti t , aulier btlde hm son ît' tht' nîn,iietil peur andi put it wlth six tfiter g.nnîil iiît. u'bosét together. on a laie. A ive-k Iter the' boy broughit lheit' bockti. maing, "l'ather they hava ail beu'tn tît'he arrtif tfruit, had 1I lotW te itt petur iiisitlte." A littie evil, left te, llelf, uit,> wîiork great corruption. ti fiil til rie ni t te pi t 1i th, h. Sin. 111.1.L The I eai bMon. Christ i'i the exnnltio'e of humanlty the ote and ul> perfeet ouan. He l tlt' Perfenn.t Ideal utfc-rer>' pure uoiil. hivert'Itutojau tîîiog Ima oute ldeal,,akd the Onftuit'ofethie Ideul wli deteruliu. Iletht<'nat-eter. 'rThe tendent'>' of huM»j natutre lite (ntmntly tiownwji, a the oi' licite fur a Joat vorfd teaa fci-t îtiotah Ideal.-itev. W. G. Partridge. God's W II. "Since COd o<iuthivililthat Rom. asal tttn't'i mt t'tte. Aindl ttbrashoami kîuonnhariaamstb. ii autre. T'le itot that fits ecdi nature He O~ Ant tt(trfnneumummur 'alen va enunre? Sorne daY lis Ining matent vi01 As lthe sn'etctmuseine u lwn -lrBrtoedie7.