Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Nov 1895, p. 2

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w. the tmi r al &wuthat toohrbIm frum Wo4 te lu Ciefgo h.faced one of lb. nu iuwrhble Ibronga of men oe brovigt together Tbere wer. 10,- I'JSS¶'ER OÂDB 000wo~lngen eowded imb sud around eheered, rotr a ng lugdd cieand groaned.. They etamped up and down the ILTURAI. DRPARTrMENT plattort, aurgedacainat the. voachem4 rXCEIVES REPORTS. iwayed to and fro, brushed eside the Policemen there to hold them la check, 1and, lu fact, went riid with the enthusi- tram 1,200 Countions iva.m theY were wsorked up to a1t the sight Oth e man they call thelr hero and mar- Caon the Coul or H&uling- Ityr, and who bail just been released froin de Papers la Washingtonl De- Jeu, %whith<rr he ssii ment by the Goveru- iote Mattated-Poutri Shoýw Iment of the, United States for conternpt of court, lni dlsobeying etrike Injuncîlous. Per Mii..Déasbas becu îlaved in many strange Caiets 03PeMl. positions, but lbc van neyer fotiget bis r<' fic. of rond inquiry of the De- ception lu Chicago oU lis returu ironi Sof Agriculture làî- completed the. Woodstok Jol. For Miteen minutes rstlug investigation relathig to after the big train reaebed the depot there non ronde of thé United States. was no sigu or seuublauce of orier lu the bave been reccived Itemn, about mass of strsîggling mien. Finaliy a path ountios, showiug the average was ci.sred for the baud wbich came thaul front farnus t markets or syti Deba, snd It squeezed ifs 5111 out- points ta be twelve mlles, the aide lhe depot sud tsrted bo moi'. South %elght of load for two hors.seronsathe bridge. Then fhe niarshals unds, the average vogt per ton shouted again, ,.id lthe parade svas fairlY 25 cents aud $3 for the entire undor way to Batîery D, wiiere a grand Wtimatlng the. farm Productu at ovation was feuderedtheii liherateti leader. M7 tons iu weizlt sud nakug on other articles carrted over the PENBION FOR CON FEDIIRATES. 'Ieoe expeuse of tuis transportation lu theUnted States la $ff4l4,605 per nu-- atmu. Reports have been aiket frouithre llulted Sltes consuls aba'oad o! the ex- peafl o! hailiug where tii. roeds are -go.d. 1»as tb reutier possible n calcula- Iloi wich sylli show bow mmvi o! luis vust utiay le due to bati roads. Tii.e- tute lu ventured, irosycrr, upou ln- 1,o6hallon Iu the ofive-coucerning fie o,. 4<lnie lu reachiig markets, lire en-~ foreet ItIleness andthle stear sud ear to tlb. live stock anti hauîing machier>' Sasud le poor rea,,thnt lwo-thirds o! the 00.1 aigit lie savet i 'ai hnprove-- ment o! tire roatis. STATE PAPURS MUTILATED. r Aigtogspb Flienfis Founfi ta Have Been' - - t *aork on Governarcut Ffies. TM wsyolgale investigation tirongh- ont the exeviutlvs deparieuls lu Wesir- la thae duseovor>' tint tire -utograpli fia-uts lusse been et work umong tie files. This vaasism, sb for as.Io yel knowu, seenis to bave heen pratcîlcui lriaiipalla Inte Isterlor Depnrtmeul. in tire iu-aestiga- thonb>' lie secret service meunIir as been -- disSoveréd ti th e signauiresof man>' gicat mou, long since doai, especlally. Pîsiticts o!f thieUited States,, md ireen " tt froni prpers in lie lent office. Abrfaham LýIncohu'sautograipi ias been oqespcily> sougil efber. Tii-se paliers *»e sbowed awi->'l the filics, anal itlai Xirr1fy once a vear thhtanu>'o! tiren are àmeded, s0 (irat tihetiuivover>' of the muî- tilathon la lie ordinar>' course o! office routine irai improbable. The papiers. lu aany Iustances, have beena reardereai prec- Congresman Ote>' Mus a fi11 10 Offei la tbe Nest Congre,*.. Congrei'aîan Peter J. OIc>', o! Vir- ginia, ivilu 1>fer a bill lu Congres.s son. providiug tuat tire Unitedi States shi ap- propriate annualy aesuai0n1t1teexceeti 5 per vent. ou $27,000,000, 1teibe appliedtle tic relief o! tisebieti anti tepeudeti- ex- Con federats soli eri. Mr. Ote>' sekufor tire iuterest on 1his guni lecanse fie abasutoned propert>' vapturet f rom tire people o! tii. Confederate StaItis aisu ol anti converteti m lihe CUie States Trensur>' amorutetito $27000.000. FHo w'ilI inake il n condition o! payanent tiraI cacir une of thle Soutireru States sirel Oiral upprofiriati- for tire sanie purpose a anar eqaral to tint to Le alfottedto10f iaI part ivular State b>' tbe goverirmeut. For a Third Term. J. Sterling Morton, Sevretar>' o! Agri- culture, lu un luti-rvlew at St. Louis, cemain ont flt-footut inlafavor o! an hurt terni for Cleveland. Mr. Morton dis,- cfeims sut it>' te peak forthie Presi- detIinlulie ceoira. o!tire interview Sec- retary 'iMorton sait: "I amnotInll a posi- tion teo ate wliethuer '.%r. Cleveland sylil lie a candidute or nul. Tire is oure tliug 1 van su>', bowever, fhe management o! fhe goverument l8a a business, ns i. lie managi-ment o! a bank. If u bank preai- dent bas provet biusel! cumpel.ent aud faitiful-ire is re-electet, nul ouI>' once or lirico, but a tiozen o!flinies. The, busi- ness o! a goverumeul is liat o! managing anti rserving thire tresta o! tire peu- ple o! a nation anti uaiutaaiuiîag ife, lib- erty, andu prolierly, auad If ai brunk presi- dent iî lecteal mata> limes w-lu>'sirorai il Dotbe b.0 with tire Preiaidetiio! thie Unit- ed Statea?ý" luea v.l> serions mat r. R. G. Dun & C.'@ Nieekly Iteview o! Tratiesys: lit ever>' business nno0w BALANE ON IGIITBIDE. perceur. îthe fuct liraI tire urciases lu aid- rnc envtrent distrIbution.'wylicir i-are SWrlusReual. Alerbb Chlalanmatie stien prives were boomlng. In- Rafeavor Conventon. voîret o! necessit>' a season o!firaiting Tire conpIkton o! ail business rélOfbag when tire rase stoppet, anîd urtil lie teb great (>hrstian uEtdeavar couveut- actuel demnt for consomptiou hue been dhon held lu Bosbon iras ceebralet b>' a mesgured. Proahuts are loiver, witiont banquet at Hotel Br.unswick, et wheh i dstuubaucar or igu o! poule. The more the. aow famous eommlhboe o! thhrloen soier estimates o!fwlueutmouthe ago .tdown, mi Preuldent Francis E. rose 50,000,000 husirels or more above thue Clarg, 1). D., anti Sevretur>' John Williis governieut sud ipeculative guessea. anti Blui.nTire vommilîe e tu-cheirman aud mow n reprîtuble estiniale o! 475,000,000 trasmrr read tlidr reports. Tii. latler's busiels excites 1111 le rcmnrk. Prices bave wm so! grent interest. Thte total receipte decineal about 1 vent. Corn decinet woee $=M ,wilh contriutions Iu labor iraI! a cenl. 'omItprodts aabiraieia- mid niateriaI of nearl>' $1000 more,. Tire son for st'okening. lard 15 cents per 100 total expeatitures w-ere $22_!S6, Ieasiug pounts aud pork 25 venta per btrreu. a balance o! $496. Fatal Chilcago Pire. M'GBOOHSBROOTS HIMSELF. Tbree floors o! lie Wooleu Gooda Ex- - change Building et tire cerner o! Vn ,W.I.kuown Ulîvuke ma AlbanaIsBurenu anti Franklin itresîs, Ciriago, Suicide and Wi Die. were irurneti out. Tire roperty loss wiil Peter MeGeougir one o! Mlilwatnkee'o probail>' figure up betwcep *250,000 anal 4çIdut &" eliseus, abol anti $M0,000- Capb. Louis Feilue, o!ftire coin- t"ly ljuret himiel!. Uis syfe oui>' a pany 2, andt liieutennt anti four pipe- - *1w!d«» a-go brougbt suit for div-once, In- :men o! tire sainie comten>' were buricti eodÎobllti of tempe? tîeiug lie grouti beueath faillng floors o! tire building. Mtatedm4lu _tb~ ouI*laint. It lha ffeedTic fire ivas entîrel>' untier ceutral sa,]l a*bat bpooa.ieag juver thia led hiiita labo the fireare ' ere on theetiret foeur o! tire bislit. Us cnirellai iththefa-ousstructure, tbrowlng wter un saime sall tUd " eaIsveral years ago mate ie isosolderimrg ames. S3utdeni>' tie secouaI **aa familier one ahI over the. country. ani third flu;ors gave ira>' anti eraheti un tire finIt, coveriug ltne firenien. Ou. olluer Vi~tsfom Fesîbli Tsar. Ideati resu led. Slatbo foot.bal games Thusdsy et Chil- Kîtheaib>' Hi. Sou. t aoAaArluor defeatedthle University' J rigbnm P. Jeffries, a farnrer living jatŽ Chicao b>' a score o! 12 ho 0. Tii- usear Providence, Mo., tiieti froui s gun- a- la utadCiiesgo Af hletlc clubs plîyed shol t'ouud inflictet b>'bis 18-year-oial * -ý #pwe.,4 ta4. At Philadelprla 'sou Josepir Tire Yuung m laîu linus liat rua$vaala beat Cornrcl, 46 bau 2. At thie sirooting stas accidentel, anti lu bhIn IL IlutoR ., Brownu University' de- astatemeut ireIo corroborateti b>'au ohder f -aj rtmouthla, 0 4. AtWahilng. !brother. Ti-r ssal, om. over,,deimse J_4f1a CllmuublaAfhhetîv won !roî Columi- a iat fthe abat wssfirectis'humurtierous W UWuvertja-, 14 ta 12. At Louisville, alent. ____ ~sviho llahtlvtefutea DoauwBoycott Wanaunaker. ti,,12to0. ALafaello lai., lire Kigile:of Labor general assembl>' EnsaerOnLve WVenamaiker & Brownu autJohn Wann- ~ ~ ~ Lves. rakor, of Philadielpie, utuon lie repre- Albert U'oranuau formerl> a- bookkeeper senlelion tiaItirhose companies compehleri W rI Eut>'Dîtteamaler, a tallow dealer '1,600 wonien a-ut girls eniplo>et b>'hem ýAt Cbcsg, kllad hîiseif Wctuesday ta become ureubens o! a beneiciel aso- - :ý1gbtL Themeis nolhing to Indicate tire ition in iviielu tb.meuniers bmd DO COU. * eamof o!thre net. Avcrding te Mr. IraI. »l>*aonaar, Foremen, wmule'lu ils eni- jug*,>pptepriated $1,500 of!bis emplo'- Poiund No Arnma on Buard. nWu moey. Tien hé alsoppearei. Tire Iu vlew o! lb. aatemnt f reimthe. bMofeJohn Speagler, a e il-to-lo borsuloput>' clleetor o! customs 51 Lcsves, usait, w *.founuiby Idahi.ostlIr. Es- Del.. 1tei.eeffect tlia n horouglu searvi eutgig ut an open Jet toidteu. as. Laid failed ho discover arme, amuaniblon o! déabh. , Tiers vas no gondi rea-oun Sien on boardthtie Joseph W. Fouler, khowax jriy Spengler uhoýud commt snil-bis 1eretry of lie Treasur>' orderedth le New Counet Discovereti. Poîrtri Exhbibit. Profesoer Brooks, dîrector o! Smuih Oh. <Hal, <sira-uka, Kansaf., lowe, Mi s evator>', bai dimovered a uew vomel- ;eil lliiolu, sud Colora-do -vers amOug lu the. consteulation Hydra,lits position ~h tt-lesrepresente at aIthbe anbual i .ig rigil ascension Oireure 51 miaules i* oit othei Mid-.Continenatl Poultr>' 50 seconds; duvluation, aouth,17 tiegree mud Pet Stock Assocation, whilv vas t0 mnutes. bel iunluKansu, City'.Ilb va-s therlargest ***en show ove suen veut of New Banka Pressdont Arreuleti. 'Yrk tan s u apred (avoruhl>'vilh he Peter W. ilrçeie, lreaidenî o! the de. not e-gtitioae lut have been held in funct SarIng9 ud~ Deposit Bankbet ltkk»uqure ardn.Leativille, Col., bas been ifreiteti ciargeti - NiiluosItgurc (ittin. iiti iavlug receitet aiedeposit o! $40 '8e4frocsîoooo anuaes. frein N. H. Cunninghuam ufler tire bauk in tlb. S#onË Cilty, Iowa, jail for Wlibow for OuI>' Foify-éluht Houre. - ga- sidevalk in an effort te Peter Forks was Iille in hu ie Wilktes- a-taulslug $5 gouti pioce, has coin- barre, Ps.. mines Weduestuy, wlas suit ageanst-Chie! o! Police Young moumneal for Tirursaa>, anti Fritia>'was damages. fiHe alleges fais. hured. Tlaut eveluug hi itdow niariet ta border numes John Strong. ~i*~sl .t aWaddlut. Manusfildttiecembers KW. LInea. '~# Tiurea>'lilaos Elsai Richard Mansfieldi openet iis thentric4tl ,iaI~ arse4te' Heur>', preueuting -Beau ffë i 0r hotin 6 ftet Brummnel." It vaa Mr. Mansfields finat ajupearanvae se u is long rIa.., viti __ ~lyplultilever. - if a wlâtera lm col Ibush o! ai, nu PHILADELPHIA 1UtRNING OUT 150,000 DAILY. Wiad, Saow, auid Bicot Do Imamense luaao a u Chîcago-Her Fireaien Have Oua ofthebcMont Stubiiorif Fîgluts o! Their Ltvcs. Sbauapiag Out Coppere. There are 780,000,000 one centtjivces oatstantiiîg at tire Ireseaut lime, anti it the Pulilaalplia minI tire aill>outîpurt lias been 150,0() 0pieces. Tirs govcmutneaat apreutly derives a prfit of $1,'200 a day on ilis voinage, lie seigriiorage beiug ait the rate o! nearl>' 80 lier cetît. o! tire face valuieof tire voias. Thuis prrofit disîtp- peurs, o! coturse, bshînei fi velsecare m- aleameti. Siarce Arîgust last livre ians been nu exceedingly bleni'>'deniaid fur ons cent pieces. Treastin>'ohicialsa it- tribut. if to tihe growinugcutsomIin udary gootis staublisliamenbs and ti ler businea bouses o! marking dowu prives froua round figures, wliici praciienturahlly re- quires a gooti aappiy o! pennies for niaking viage. TIre Treasur>' Depart- nment bas roceivet oui- orter for 1,000,00M pennies froua a cigarette mnrufacturer, stho proposes te prit oaae pe-ny la eacla pacekage of bwenty cigaretes, eelling fiae packaige for 5 vents, maktug tire cigarettes coat a iftir o! n cent apice. BAVOC 0F THE STORM ' Chicago aud Vicinit>' ut the Mercy of the. Elamenîs. One o! lie mont disagreenhie stornis lu tire annala of sseatirer irurenue deia-entiea ou Chicago lt. Monda>' afternooui. Il rained, il saîow-ed, andticw'eeu rimes ileet inclet down î,flileasly. I'îitold damn- age stas causei b> tire eieuîeats. Wbiea uigiit came tic downponîr o! thre mixture o! suow andtiain anti sleet carne iravier sud the widîa, wliiclu wzf5 grsty lu tire afternooli, rose tu a gaie. Tii. streete, tire pavi-menutsa nadtsiesake iere flod- ualt lua tirlio! tires int-ies witla lusi. The slorm mjad thfle paviemeints almout imnasable: street car lraffiv wssaserions- 1>' lnterferedtiwih; trolley' bruIterawitir ftie sseiglut o!fie suosi; tels phbone andti elegraphrir irei were borne tiosn, brekien uzîdicrosseti unhuait alheb wires in ti-t>' were nadte iieli-is by Ini- îîigirt, anti commaitrication siiti rire otisde storlal sias catirel>' yut off exce-pt nt long iîtersals. Enîds of brarka-a frolli-y anti otier PipeaŽrieally cliarge-tiwires dropiiei into tire streets ho the positive danger o! Irussers. Nunbers af accideants o!fIahis sort w-ru repoI'ted frou a-arions parts of tire via>', and, tle opérationa cf trolleyhUes in tire oufekirts oif th ii-dry anipendi-t a-ami> in tire eieîuiug on mnany streete. Tien, fou, the lake il-s lasiedt r a si-etir- ing caldron, anti If si-uns a miracle fiat mli>' boulasw-i-eelot blestaIthe larbor outrance, us î 1w-o da-ays' sturm but driver, theu al t)la utindof tire laIte, anti snî- obscuredthfle barbor ligif .- TO BOO31 TH E W EST. TransmiessspplCongres* Begin@ Its Annual session et Omnaha. Tiînee iuntretidalegnfes were lrestul Moiuday ai lie oprcaing session o! tire treusmississippi congres.ut Omaehai, w-licir was presideti over b>' ex-Delegate to Colyresua George Q. Caunnon, o! U*h, ivho s ù lecteti pr-aident o! tire cou- gresa utthle St. Louis gatirering lait yesr. Tire gunerail object o! lie vonigres is lie promotion o!flie weffare o! tie West, anti unitir tris hi-ad e vast numîter o! questions bave been sciriduleal for dis- cussiona andtiilonl. Anîong tiose are tire irrigation o! ai lauds, lie inipros i-nent of staerw-nya anti teeli ster iarbors, tire conrunctiaon antimintenance o! levees on thb.'Mississippi ant i is tribun- taries, discrininations iu tranaînissia- alpîal freigirt rates, the neceasit>' for a national bankraipt ast, tire restriction o! immigration, metirode for lhe relief o! agnicultomal depression, tire projet for enlie commniciation witla Honolulu stîid tire admission o! territories 10 Stateirooti. CHICAGO FIREMIEN BUSY. Haie Two UgI>' Blaze@ ho Fightut e b Saine Tiare. Fine vonipletely burneti ont the inbeiur of the. llve-story building nit tire soutir- wet corner o! Wabash aa-enue anti han- doipir street. Chicago, Monda>' niglit abhortl>' after 11 o'clovk. Bighla is oc- cupiedth ie building, wbiehir i owued b>' A. S. Truale. Tire bss ilîl eggregate $150,000. Trongi thblbaze w'as coutiued tu tire Trude buildinîg, the firemen lad to niaIt une of tire stubliomu batîles for wirich tie Chricago aeparment in fanions. Tire gale wes biowing fifi>' nil-n au heur, ant inl every directiona were errornions stocks o! gootis storeti lu inflammable buildings. A second lire iin Hayniarket Square ut the sainielime tii si-vernI thon- senti dollars' daniage. He Wantei ta Bu>' the Midway. F. A. Hile>', a svel-kuow-n Newv York stovk brokor, wet wti lis wi!e t se. lie Atlanta exposition. He autiteul>' devel- oped a desire to minuster ta tire siritual welfnre o! thre deuizeus o! ticeSMidwary anti began preavhing religion tu tire con- clu., couche. girls. Thon ire svlred bis New York bunkers for a lot o! moue>', annouuvlng liaI lie weî goiug te bu>' tle Midway. He waxs phacet inliicharge o! physivians ____ Tayrlor. Bon4àjmien tbBe SOued. J. L. Lockirr, S tale commissiluner of publie lands o! Southi Dakolai, wlio bas been eppralsiug tieclndut urnad over by defaultiug Blate Treasurer Taylor te se- cure tire State agu lit bis tiefliira completeal iswiorli. Tho aggregale value o! tie ]ah aut . *5,000anti wibi cash lurneti lu by Taylor leaves $140,000 de- llieucy for-the. bontismen 10 psy. Tii.> Oold wttbdiawalsb4ld$y for shilpment emounted -1tu uesrle 85,000,00. This, redue«. the resferve Io ap- proxlmately *8,000,000. Th. week*a record of wltiidrawals fron tire treasurY gold ivili nearly equal sreek tant w inter iuîmediately preceding lie lestt bond Issue, but the. conditions tiien and now are entirely differcut. -Last w inter a pnuleky feeling prevailei on ne- coont of thie uncertaluf les itivolveti. The uîoney veniteras were distunbeti, funds ivere belug lcked up and iuterest rates vere high. The. situation wais su threate.ning thaI a syndict. of baukers sud niGne>'- lenders was enableti to exact extortionate ternis for conulng to tie gqverument's re- lief, the. syndicats reallzing a net p.rofit of $10,000,000 10*12,000,000 of the traira action, arcording to the cgleulatioaîs of Senator John Shermian. it OKBÉiIiIcOM)iic B0o. Have Fun ou 'Change et a Cent of The galleries o! the. New York Stock Exchiange îhrouged wlth spectabors Fr1. day wabvhing what appeareti for a rime tu be a punie simillar to the. occurrences when lie lReading wteut iutG the bîande of a re,eivër or wheu file cordage truset went to smnash. Acting Chairman Mec(lure re- turned frour a late lunciieou ho fid tint bedlam hmd taken possedùiou o! the ex- change. Several groupe of franfic mou were tnmlng over one anotiier luaia wild svrambie te capture half a dozen foot- balls whiivh ad been mysteriously dropped fmm lire galleries, es if no orle knew how 11.ai1 happened. About twenty Ivere fineal. Kaunsas Overrun uwith Vicions Tramp&. A serions situation confronta thre farni- Prs of Pratsnd other voauties lu Centrai Kansas. For tires iveeks the. country ha. swarmeti with tramips anti men haut- lng employmleut. Encouraged l thle er- roneouss daim of a 400,U0,003 iushel corn crop lu tire State. idie nien lu Okla- ironie and the. 1anhandle oif Texas atart- Pd north 10 asîlat in gatieriaag if. Farni- ers have ireen ticiutizedt 10lerotect filera- selves from thie aruny o! tramîps now moi'- lng uorth toward Kaunsas Clity. lu sev- oral Instances the>' have taken îosaesatiiou of htuansuad refused to mos-e unI il tirey sycre feti. Extendeaf tu Texan. Tii. blizzard lua St Louis sulasideti affa'r leaving six ta, igit luches o!faaîow o)n the gronîrd, badI>' crippiiig street rnilrurs sud grteabl>' inîpeduaîig ail kiaidaao! trahfir. 'relepirone w ires were Irroken iniii umerons places nud telegriaph liues are duwu lu al directions. Dispatcha-s rea-evealshrow tint tire storni rageti violeufi> tiraruglu- ont 'Missouri, ArkassaundtiTexas. lu lb. latter Sinle if swepîtie ruiîa<-Ka. 'ai- ering tlîem wifh sn..w serali juLes deep, ses erely exposiug ail kintis o! live stock. Cuhus use a Torvh. Advres froîn Saura Clara shasi-Ilth tile fowsn of Gauina (le M irand<a, ub a, the loat important lu tihe district, bas been hurrîct by the iîsurgct. omn al eal ly Itoloif. A înjorlty o!flicr brick bouses o! tiie. lace andi ifty îa1lw u ai.t siere destroyeti. Revenue Men Raid a Stili. Rteports frour Union Countuy. Tenues- sec, ra> revenue ohicers t-aptured a sf111. tweuty îersons andl .000 gallonus o! whisky. Tii. rtill was rui ncr ul chuîrc-. sud a descon of fire cirurcir sws fitheadnter of fie noousiners. Dia Foe Awsrded Moras Attorney. At Las Vegas, N. M., ftie niaster lu chanver>' reporteti favorabiy >iloul (-faim for atfomney's fui-s in the Mora graaat case fur T. B. Catron, New 31Nlxict's delegale lu colîgress, amouuiting to $:15,- 5W0. Eleven Men Scaldel. At Ness- Y<rrslly filie iuretiuig of n steaifape lita lamrietrsfeisi'a<Oly-mpiîa Norks Pleveun men werc 1<dly au-adeti. Fred Wilart sias instaîîtfy lêlliet andi Andrcw Huggins sijîl die- Schlstfer Fauting on. n Far,.. Fraucig Scbatfer, "r ie henier," wlio myateriously disalîpearei froni Denver, in irn seclusion on Joseieh NVoIP s farni.rieuir Ilouider, Colo., andi il la presumedtbpt4a lie is fasting. _____ Big Strike Contemplatcd. Leaders o!flie loiîiaeuiths' rurilue ut New York Clity' sny nuit froun 75.15>0 f0 100,000mn awilluit wirk iluthela inr friture uxlesa Ilîcir dcuînîifare î-oiijd with. Eartbqualac tan Greece. Sharîr earfb<,îquabaa-k liiera' felt ni Atiaurs, andal nso et Chlalcisa, Lis-atm, Tliebca anti (orlith. MABKET QUOTATIONS. Ch;eago-Cntf le. vomnion tbprime, $3.50 f0 $525; Ilogs, strippjinug gradles, $3.00 lu $3.75; si-mrp, fuir to ciroice, $2.50 f0 $3.75; whcat, No. 2red, 5(k- tu57c; corn. No. 2. '27c 10 28c: ofrts. No. 2, 17e 10 Ise; rye, No. 2, 36a 4-o 38c; butter, viroice creamer>', 22ev b 24c; eggs, fresi, 19e to 21c; îîotutoes, lper bushrel, 20e tu 30c; broon dorn, commuon growthh 1 choice green mnr, 2i,< fer 4c per pounti. Iudianapolis-('aîtle, strpping, $3.00 tu $5.00; hoas, ciroice liglit, $3.W tu $4.00 sireep, common to prime, $2,00 to $3.50; wheat, No. 2, (7iv 10 65e: corn, No. 1 wilte, 26e lu 28c; outil, No. 2 wyhite, 21v St. Louis-Celîle, $3.00 tb $5.00; ibaga, $3.00 lai $3.75; %virent, No. 2 red, 0e to 62c: corn, No. 2 yellow, 24e 10 25c; outil, No. 2 white, 17e 10 I8v; r>'., No. 2, 33e to 34c. Cininati--Cattle, $3.50 10 $5.00; hotte, $3.00 tu $4.00; sheep, $2.50 10 *3.75; NEW COURT -mous£ AT FRANKC- uIrous oui$ LIN, INO.. BADLY DAMAGED. CON UNins.,Blowr. Dowa aui Unroofeaf- A Ocholtrljr Ex Victime of the Auaalolla Massacre -Thonulte w Estinated ta Number4O,000ý-Frencb tion-Mine as Missions Wrevked. Script.ur..-Ti Flcrce Gale at Clevelanrd. Leau.C Tii. reveut sbrm lu ire e icinity of Golden Toit.-: Prankli, lad., delalpedtte a r-gular yard alrpearance, ta)irnado, wiua- alreaît destruction ouai hle hear.-. Sa sit]es. The ri-w% cil>' hall. thre pride of i.lssnli fhe city'. ias tire worNt sîiffea'er frua flue 16-13, and bas gale. The dainaga w1ill alaounettu f ,- alie isKing. 000. Main>' .tlar buildings weropr )ivjue; tKing!uli wrecked, oîafluumes tilowîî doivn, Ire.. bng ia God, wli prostratedud ifenves andi aigus boru Lord o!lords. 'W awny. AIt Cleveland. lb. greatest gale must have given tirnt ever ttuck ftie <ify, acording tu tie cotent for the stn records o! tie Ivetf ber bureau.«uià- o! purpose that e Menveti bluwiug froui the. sonthu soril>' aft...Ho w'ns1 after miitnight Monda>'. At 5 o' eiock lu way 10 his owu. tie mrualnng Ithe wind ted reaeei a ve- victie, as the d loity of ÉseveulY--wo ruiles un Lour. Se1" dîsafFeclion cate crs! bouses were iaiown dowaa and i mauy ohher band, for8 buildinags uî.roofed, trees were uîîrootecd ubnidity sud sud siguse;alown awa3 iu ailliparts o!fi'eiirvreaeeing persu cil>'. Tii. syter lu flue riv'er andi ra rieur Happy thle Maun% lie aI flie lowest point recordi-tilu seveni trust and bis e:l years. At 9 o tlokhle weatluer butreau waiîing David ec repollreltheti. aroieter stili ver>' 10W. due lime flue cr0w Taiegraprluandti ala'a<oaae ilires arc ba<Ily "0 >humauniuv prostrateil inai all rections. C'OMMunica- For sonieting fion syti (Chicago wsI-n nireiy tul off Waf cli,pra>', and unI il a late irour. The blessing's cLAdet..,UV . f- - -fXN-U Victimes of Anatlila Massacre Esti- nisted te Number 40,000. Arueninasns lConîsantinople syba, vimi ta, bc w-pl i iforîna., estinrate tire prolicrt>' lusses 1<' fithe istairbaraca.a iuAnatialia ailîe nt 5,000,w fille flue nunaber of peuple massaiered ilia aanitlu reaci forfy iio,îsaud. Tire iow rs, lîîsfa'ad of ortier- .ig their fluets qaviy frarni T<îrkimii waters. as fthe Sultan uîarna<sîiy reu<sfed, secu ho lie defertsiîicai raîsîn keiug flueai iii tie viclif>- faor tau l<efihiite pearioti. A portion of the Ti-fnfitah Nlt-ierrati-aiuifieat, If is rulaurteti. ssili 5000 i4aae .frutllaica Ba>' fur Snyrna, sylire flic lswers are uîusterng fliý-ar ighaiaîg 8sîi. 're w'ar- sbtips of Great Itrifuira exva<'-ted tio ruai- denious lit Sua> ris f is wa'ak w li coin- Rist oif ilne btatia shinus. fi,,r ruriiu, nal fouar sinia lrrutsa. 'The rerat o!ft'e Saloaian fleet iiil. il ims aild, remai off Ibaf port fiflu te araseit, rend> foaina eaiergeaiey. Francuae lias airent>' ut 9m> riraona'!Ira t ft' slip~, f10 crruisers aloi two smalicr alîlîr. I fsly's flag floafs friain to t li fte-iialsca<ru isaersa ndîfora @mnalit<raft flrare. firusina as tvo t-rails- ars at, the 55 a>-. iu add-itio'n tu a powa'rful fleut vruising lifthe weastern iportianr of the Biaick Si :. ,rThe vt'îjfs Sies iili tac repreati hby f wi -ral.ers and Gi-r- mnany bas dr'eaiuiIl gliriaiot. lait if is rrirore<i flan f ano (arinin uîasttl,' aLias are on thlia sîay- A imirkha s aira'bat- tie.aairip, twliacrriseiars nuitî fw.o su'na1 liiiun biouts . (Of ni arae illias i-a îîa, a -unavia i denînsf rutiari."Ilrli s iimplyrire ca-iri ccaa1raf i îî aoflie fara -Icu le0a-f t narort a gréé(]alufuial iirclry bt at'n .ethe poîî'ars. CONVIICTS IN ]R.VOLT. Daugcrous Prisoners lunthe Jack- son, Mici., Penifentiar>'. Twverry-tiîe liripiia riilunflue Stafe jrison ut rn-kor, I l-l.,ainluaigthena lieiaig manina tif rh ira u'st tfirliatrrus ciavi a ellijua las Nvîallia. reî îlfalT-l ias. t acaking fueir kcu1 a-rai witlulba raf iraloi aluina- Ier-. Saprfir iliaia'af ffav. ta! tire sai rI fiai- t-ry, ina %% la i h lu fa 'mean %%ere' aiAh î>a-ai na isterrilyait atniar. 'ouinIrai N u-I er, a! thre facliary, . s fafail>larrt. îarai Dep- ur>' WurvirarNarrr lrai . ivirurauil tu thpdr assistfaa-ce. aku, k-w ,rs-l., îtir n biar ta! iran. lie' alr.iila fiiill>'irt. l'.lcut ai!flua' riileia'er-aare- a ntillei.l ini iligeaaaîa.îî%fhie tira' attars ara' initiar mtrict gruir raIini ialir rails. Finde fIlseWife Marrîcti Agatu. 'iiaty years iano b airris Jhnsonaaar nd Mis Etia l"ra'as. af Greîaî-illc. E alao, wvare ura rria- and ivtalav-ihînaily foir 1w-a 3-cana. A ilau iglu far %%ai a laina ta, eiîaîa airaiJi)iiiruaii riifdulyiv apitqa îrcai. $rî îaosiua ie na- ad-i, lis si-f, retuarnical. l-nrilay J.laaîsoan r-tr racîl. Ilae liainuia], a forurfaîillu liba niaîlNla-icoa . lislli taka' lis dalaaifar hui-k %% itahuaii. Cisilians Alter Army positions. Twilyit --iarlut i-afif aaa irrad i ftea'n lieu- teants aralaithfliagulir araîîy sa itfee viufi(->inii lislt ai!fumajars iii tIai-juage ut ra-ta- ga-:iiorls m utaraut !flua- iriru>. TIrna' iso ua a( -y jrlira'e fiat ofr, eaguuucîf Ia-linala ilu.a.nd as luis imso oala i a-a-tir sîlit- aililiains are <eIigiltrie ia ana- u n ru>'apllica tions-rfroua mnisaters ina îrivatv tfli. Chiîcato Lîmitei Wreckvd. Monaany afteruafr,ii fast freiglit No. 35, isest bourda. anti No. 4. ('Liago baruud os-erîrauralSantfu Fe fier. colliulet lu a cairon lear Sluoa-nakcr, NN. . furruing lire nauriil, laggage, aiing anti c-iair carsa boîloni aidt)ith le riva-r, kiiliug tsio mon aud injuriug tisenty ofthec train crews antilanssungens. Buffets for Tbrve. Hlyman Hletta'îlhost, a w'ell-know u fgil- 1sft anti tnirler. o-f Iiruakiyn siot sud kilît-tibis two cuuftirci sud iimself Sun- daty nfheruaoou. Ietteuirost îîas lie pro- îrietor o! a <ollege o! plîyslcal iustruv- lion lu Brookly-n.q French Mission Wrecked. A spécial aispatea-ifroni Shangirai says tbailtirhe Frenchr mission ut Luihsiang hais bei-n detroyet b>' tue natives 4Df Ihat îiciuity duriug bue absence o!f ire French gnnboat wilir la usuali>' stationeal iu those swaters. Toledo Officiels Iudicteal, At Toledo, Obio, John IR. Miller, ex. cil>' civil eugineer, was !udicted ir>'tire grand jury, two trafe bills belug founti agninît bin. One charges hlm ivitir ai-i lowiug faIs. cîanrs, sud tIhe olluer ivitir uraking a faIs. finai estinrate. A con- tracter stas uniso intiicte.1 Willinu te, Arbitrale. Instructionas, it la nunoneti, barobeen Senit tirte British muîister ait 1Iio Ja- neiro toelinrite BMrzi te ubmil tire ques- tion o! tire ois-ersaiuîio!fiheIslantdaof Tninida t luarbitrntioîr. - Plot te Lyach Two Men. excitemeut nt Sioux Cilty, Iowa, oser tbe reports o! a plot to lynclu W. P. Roye, wio murdereti Nellie Pet. ten, andi Bih>' Nenti, proprietor o! the resort where the. crime wase ommitteti. The iluerif le buIll aeptîred for thit-aI rorîle> o!cd tsIqg a Boui'. Btudy of tâta me Weil Spoîi' lu for Dec. 1. Ai -"Man looketh ou lb. u14ý ,but tIre Lord hooketb ce - si-e sItlouati lui. SMa., afor ils subjett DaYlid Durit ie King iAfg King, nul de facto bat fin ihrnt>' liat naeSis Dai« 7roo King of king@ alun W'iat calm aussureuve til m ii. lb *aione l A& treugli anti steaaiues eberacleri met Davidl evu éGods uos,and on 0*. Tire abacuve o! tht. cou-' laye o! tisobedienee Al", ' ne. must uccount Où iii Suul's grosting vweabas A vacillation. He "an suagion oa i msppovai. 1 Who mak-tb lie Lord his ppectaiuion. To failtul aure t ige atoinllag amd im Wu. wif lu ouginga !rsugbt 1 ghighcr tino fthounhbut, ti waif, despair tbos nol 0su. e la vorne t hlet. Hati lengtbi-neh wahchiug wearled t"s? Anti iave t iy prayers availedti le, moU Waih thon iris limueanti thon surit se. Thiou art nul b>' tir> Lord fargot.ii" Lessou RiaIs. Ir seurceh o! n king, ont on a houaI for tireULrt's aauainteah. Fill ime hora wlbb oit atutigo." $oiaigo we, hike auto Sa-muel o! oit, <ur irms tilla-a with it l. ofl for king@. T'hufune ra'achier go. efor ii Clas; thas the ureacher before bis rongrea'gtiouu, tihtefic aissiousry- or col. porteur aîol'c the lane anti leys>'. What e noble.qaîvst li ars*! Arc e teike milto amuuul lu li respect liai t-e undunî>'vcx ounr mindiabout the Saule? Staa'naiiiug unr ime grieving about lie uuen of our fiani-> w-boni tire Lord bas rejeted. iasfta f icakiug for fhuose with s-boniGodY' S.iritigla iiuug. Getl 1111h o! fie Srring ClaI nîntivandsitPatule c- rinle o! the' div ine alaana'as iloatheicouape. sitiora; il îBaveins1rasfroîurntauci o! fruht- legs st-mvibc lautflic!lieai-Codii evenlasting Liatun lo God* 9 vulve, "I bave pçovlded mie a King.- Je-iouîi la arn lie throne andrI e rralas oser the thriharen o! mena atili.liealoa's not jil-att- lie sauctit>' o! thue itnmanw-ilt, du-smo>' free agcucy, neinirer ou thîe othaer huafiùlvii. i,<igted froni ennryirug ouftrhiaeiigi ant ieholy proses b>' al>' suppousa ahI mrtrauve uluer icaveara-. lic lins a peaople. H. hiqueek- iug su ant aaing hiena ont. It is ours tlogo forth riith tire -ail. nssura'al1la>'thir inybe ba-heafst huaI our fakir sinal trotire ln valas lu lia- Lorad. "ie ,ruva'olt, o! thes King aire scattcrr-t Lu n unaI tlire. Sa lied Oiec naludnuaclu lunue naineo! lhe [Ixd. "'How vCalih1gai," sai anîel. '"Take a icifer," wsnstii. ngweir, "and al u>, 1amn corn 10 acnÇua'.' hleraielunios ber.. Tact!îal voauvtaluianf iernlaias, but 5net de- rp<iffrl guiir'. Tiret 'w-e ns ortbi of' Samuel. nct fa spa'ak o!flire volre liaI' promuîta.d. But fie sgirit o!fie Hebrew text secu,,Io eaniliasize lie doiug rstbe a ltail'ie evnraiaug. Litemalliin1. Iow sm I ho go? bîlous>': 'laaîv uail I go")*' Samrael, colira.-Purs lut wise, simpi> poues- edte1 aiuk the nmatioal o! tire goiug. Tt la a liazandous rtuait; iaaa sralste go about il? Andtihle lord gises ansiwcr, "îLet il bc wrougirb linthe irteni>' arforiance a yoaur propiebic anlai iriesîl> fouet"@on. Tbcnein nvili f reî-a'ulmysvlfnte rue adin lutile to S.ial fthe riputet bking.» Brut uow- itl iqDavid'e turu. Samuel Iooulatflue go)otil>'butulnucloseu fainli> Mrorp anti soya. "Are your soua aU bere" I He-bna'w. a-,rmhietd. Su>'. Jesse. "'TIere ha yeîtirhe youuga-st hita'aliy the 11111e one), bunt, yaraisi-.lue is takiug vare o!ftae abea-p. "ilire as a ruilai rebuke lu tue rs-ard o!fi-amîael. "i eanauaIge i-h nl," for aitits ie. -I %will un il aitaîs-u7 I . o.. prob- all> f0thc fcast. -'iuntil lue corneiihier." Sua-fi a fa-a-t sua-tout ulsia te have slg. nalizeal-Srula firaI saleatirua9: 22). Anad > niasth Ie Climaux. Thr utti>'yoith appears auirunoiuctifroun ftea.leetifahl. A glane. uan(] -aaa'al. Il la ir-! Tii- king fn fouuti, aid flue aoinaanx nou la houri-aiforth on t litad. Anal nais exil Samuel, hie work doarue, grana ld ofInan. "A.nd Samuel roue upr nitw-cut to Ihoaai." Brut Davidi, the. <itlei uprýi bhuai. W'e aali irar o!hilin ngain. "lie anust incrense, but 1 muat ti-crense.'" Illust ralions. The. snoinfiug o! Davil an uencourage. mnut ta, ainartigoutiesa. Got's eye sla un pou tha' irart, Il syns nol chanve liaI gave David hila crot-n; Il w-as Cliaracter.- itusoluf ion ivins. "('orne ho Ont every'- tbiug you w-ant lu Christ. Do uel vone s lotit und f yoamr assn wr'aith. Itemem- ber snhat Piaruarirsaidt aJoseplu: -!Aleo regard net your stuif: for flue gooti o! al flue landi o! Egyîat la yours.' Do net bnlng your olt rubbiair witlu you." Comne ami. Iîl>, iunibly. like n ittie cuilti. 11.1. la lie iuuerinost neveialeut o! David'@a char. acter asut conuet-und bis vouqucul ton. Livehlife. lu lie sheep'fohd lwehi inu lire bougit sud iran teair o! kingshp. Ther. is saidtf0e canuinsect liat *benrlit; gui-e duwn, like a iit'er, te seek Ia s su- sishee underthie wave,,earr1et ewl4 svtifl ia ntin>' glbule o! the upper atmo*.-- phere lu w-bicliitl ives lii lie air luez-x. banal-ah, thuen rp-Irrna for a fresi upy Live tiown lere in fluee tiosphere o 34 Davidti oIt hie Itingship on failla. Se, are we to do. «aBeiove. 00w are we lb. sous o! Goti, anti it tiotir not 701 appi-» stlaat we miait be, hbrt ie know lIrat wW lue alîsl eppear, vsh iali elkkà. Next Leson-"Daviti and Golatb.s,» a 1. Sa-m.,173-1- Procrastihnation. - . uuHow maukinti defers from d-y i day tie best l von do ant h ms beautlful tliuga Il vau eujoy, Wlitl< tliklug Ilunt ever>' day mi>' b. -- last one andt tit tesItîme islbut 4t1lîe nity!"-Üax Muller.- - The Trueul anal Hilheol. [<et usliav'e lb. courae ho lv thue truest and bigirent revealetiti The lte of aur best houîrand noence le our truc lîfe. Net 1e mIte these best haura the. a iy mlihwe daliy live; 1teho al to that wievi e see andi wor-4 love un tlue nrot exalled and, - dIa-ml moments o! our ex- maire no effort 1e preserve sud- tite tiheglflry of!Iles oceaSi - ual Ilife,l la oresteia -ui qVepeh, spirit.

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