Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1895, p. 4

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CHÂPTER XVII. - Tb$. jumurey home Vradollgh"f Thor 0' "ifemnt pute &th i e. ii ~iip. i:bdemne out t. lis continent, 9A4 1 IbtehhWiaitb.dsecSriothle very WM *0. prtinetaistiheboitille, and lftI odigefolieu hercomfert asu «AsI. lnaa t11u hiit troubla iMlluel a li11h.. MAre yoxa esiti p ov, yen eaactlag Gfstr(erge Deo-ner sîketliher, tbeoy stDod togthier'on tic del et tie ià-i&ÏoÏeeiag te Dover. "Do yeimfeel tu risu ve o eng lione nov?' &B$,yesd &0 glat.' i am gIai, te." gSge; vo shall paonuclos& by OM iWoedleigb, @sal vo ot, gent 'rtyclose; why?" 1,10» ve net stop just for one day, ooegre? 1 vont tlimI l ho bée boy haàf 1am, and boy 1 arn juil the sain, W&au I vos aiea I %vet a v." "f canI, 1(111e." iwj DWm ot?* s'Yeur oncle sud aut viii nitus,r let"Thqe' 1mevI bave businesswvilcil pU tl ake It impossible te top at Chat- SMO. 1the ruup tle hevu, ammml I bur ~hiartle'h lem. I1 ev you vonlîlwauî thanti iov loy vemid %vsat te t hey mIel nainu London. George?". désdrar s tIle turtbei- afielt." h f"Wliorene, George? Do r-Il me.*' m -W br "Wm'going laIo WarvIckshl-e-yeu9 yul IlWe Warvick, Mille. Only one ukglt more; vo mut s abltu UnLout, sud tienu oallil see yoar tnclead'aun." f -- Mile vos nystiet but net satisiat, ,PU a chance Meeting about lialf-vaY I mtecia nol titi net tend te raeu béiprt. G4,rge ml aanelilng liaI sualeiile keep briln lie isel-b aveuud. A gentleman coming from lihe uloo. HS diieothlm faaiiisiy, bua -O* iedinem1 atch eractiy vist b, nid, a *%id George Dorer ee meti onfudan sd a *%Regpi ler iandtle teu the gentemnla poau4 sud go as stop or tve svay frein t boa. hemy aketi for s minute er Ivo. t Timther cameback tber and berbus- fa tu* l ntioducet iebru. nLord St. Arias-lira. Dernier" lle, put et ber isuti-for lic gen- l Pasaa m geantod hil-but hltoolgi se 0"0aietieugit thateh* eaoldihava M& aoi hiet fce. Ifvas pitre fancy Lo«UtIrd St. Arinas"va uset, , l'b e u ilamingho iad»er mae -tame bovitchigiy vMly as tie 00 ymug fooS entier lt.esAmple bah, av #wetrim..petits»gartm at poeed gseI *AUW$ and matere.tniy by hie frilouta g 4 - yo tu apitla iou&As osIiy vero vhiried &A *sMilier ovutier ceuntry, andi peamet01 a- wi heie every rec vas familiar teha *NO, George, suberevem, are vc gong?" ' a t, au tlicy di-ovo lirogli treet f* AW reet rion the station, and atvayesuat Wmevord. a s X' aquiet liotel, tiar; Yen vguld 13km an Ptbeotia soinsofet lese onormona 3 -Qis àae ho ave ae." »Mih, myeallie replieti, qut. coutenhetit' 40be t Icugi ticy toppet at s pain- an, bailaig ioueeéau fer asu oplvardappeai- i-c saon mmaueouSvegmad u er. receliatiRai 00** tdmby Butebluga, wie tolbai Oh' e!45iag wand tivai., and announcedthlaI reg boDrnies moiti batl comm. str àli«? 1viat?" sebd illie ln lustonlsh- . bel 'h look se frlgblcncd,"bler buabaut 3"I -lisiitg"Il seuada mo reenn- lk'al mewvit ho do vti ber a w nidpteugly. 10 a "aly comis"eus this liers - isication, but sibo bai no mB *0 W4e0v, At oneofethle at bli Aïd. expeusive hotlis lunhailW nom thiisthl.e trermily reepectul ,*0aly irasad Young veinuhovie Si , 69104 ferlier botl been ove malt as ,-Wo i vs vry7auions yen h à1 fl on, madame," tbm nev tSM hoding ni' s trees ot delicato 19 9 psy, mOt art-istlcsliyblendoti. MM5 lo pWrectîon, andthebm inty b4Gol laI vere te accomansy id Wtreli etartistie akilI; giovea, bondherceka, uohlng isti been taaihie Young vit. stareti at Slieglosa, liardiy r.cognluin =Sdudrh*lcev atcheti ber frein wde vlOn se canemevu nai-- Ilth Dit &We u al go on vili . Uatqhlngs caritidsaligit b« etg throw over Il la 1th.esr- t at» a ud li"d rape and ,i w. hIim seconmatiber t 1b» lie ime«ofetia"nt liy ui* mv 111111e bailneyer OmII dibebut George badt bld lier hoe M*tb* hoaondtik it lbeler Um.aj *ige moty ln Engismd. It vu] ".*vhem tiey ,aopped àt War-l w#4 sbani aoutbd ber liaî ber over. f«i a eI.coucerueti, at ony b. asid; "vre have a iittil drive Mamsse&rtlf age va lting, lie-1 - te lie ovmrof ethle place îhey siu9 te, ha tld lier; Ih vas euly1 19e - haven of renal" h. *~ rui'dence Why, thAitas Lord Nu- $re obg $00%o" r»Wied 'a wme. 0 u- *'r hx.. Mioet os agreat M'y vhsne: pIe." CHÂPTER XVIII On.e01thle statletof -"Ibe a heeOnIé f Englauti" vas Reitiaven, I bad amier' led belter or more vor efthle anclenl race that biait ovue( for centuries thsu ven George Dor anti hie biai, rovo up 1h'. lonjg ave under the spreading cl"s, vil tie a llgbte siantiug alivartthe grass sending a tionusuti siatiovs ta lhiu- as Ibmy pasaeti. The viudovs gleamed wvil s gel, radiane as Miliiasd lber- lasanti di up te lie mansion, anti a familier- i ac-eet len s a aborseuisu came vili the terineanti beltiout bis bi te MlIW ii.t vos Lord StAi-le. "A= I tl iete a ay 'voleome ihou Lady Nugent?" lie saiti, vsr.iy. 111 aoe Roiliaven ho a gi-mat ativanlage, Ibis lighl."1 Mlilta hardi7 underateod i hm; ahe. i the vords, but tiey seemedti 10have application te ber. "Bmetiom flot recognise me,"a tiouglft"It lu ail]titis fiue tres. Iwi George lied met lasistetilou my veari IL I feu 11ike a fiai ont et vater." Ber mental wveriiever. irougbt tc iudden endi hy them aopplug ofthle a niage andtihle fliigiag open of the tgr hait door. Tieres semed t10Millo 10 quit. la crevd of peeple inilde-ami-is rangeti on bothaides 4f lie euh-sure, a &Il dreeseti a If te recela-e au -bomor gueat Sie vas dresmlng, surely, fer t busauti vwas boving.rigbt.autilefI ai lie ver.-thie lord ofthe place sud the bi@ vanaitansd a vie-hendmd olt i n vos beudlag low betere li-r aud ayli gi-avely: *"Wmcone ionme, my lady." "Yes, dariag, veicone home," "oo, Donner saiti, îking binluhisarmé t fore lim ail sud holding ber a ineu te bie beart. "Do you'-untimi-tanti ne uiy dai-lingr" Home! !iillie's bead seemie t u as lieyaU came aboutblir, andi eh* foui bei-self inli te niti etofa crovd et est relcomera.her. verm bier minclisi tant i-s. Curzon einig vili excitemei and Soy, sud Lady Temple Dowar enje: ung tbm scene o te moal, aud M Stanhope, sud Lord St. Ai-les, ad on, ;vo other viom *mie titi mol knov ai oer a moment tbe teIt as if tie aýonl feint "I aboulti bave toIt hier,"snid lber bui banti. 'It la tee, muci for ber, but wante tu l bring ber bock te yen your o, vweet Milit1e sthll before I matie Lad ~Ngent et ber." "«I se better nov." tah. nid, setti] It vas lieasurrie; I vaa net prepared, end lien ah. raisot ieraibesti anti looke around hliraItIthe bovlng sud courteq ig ami-vante snd lie fiouta vie 1ha talieret te eoier boino-comlng. Tisaa ou ail for bainsgsedti oe. me," ai .Id, ly, sud lier. vas aan sin murn3r et applause anti greeling. Sb tie von thbeiliheutone aud ail;a Lord Nagent stoodti tere a moment vii ber by is aide. "Ton oball &selber &gain premtly," b laidt te eservants-"vbmu h a sreete, §ho viii moon bewy yn aIl], sud you vil auderasti nd t a bie.slng I bave givei rou lu yonr mîstrema." hers vos a break in bis voice su , aued te a door lu lie aide 0f the bal id usberet i Mlii bàaprmuty mori-am on, vbere ber fients came about bue id kissed iber- anti cougratulteti ber, anq te began teundersti litat abe vs ,ealiy avake sud mot dreselag ail tlb îange metamorpiesîs. "It 1s quit. t-ne," Mi-., Curzon nildt, si "w. bave kuowu it from tle day t Foui- vming." "I kaev lbt before," Lady Devar eaud 'Ilh s comical selle, "ever ainte the d« wheu the sîgit t oh laneariy trigihteut i. Into s fit." "I meant ho mar-y nuou, ,.but ey 0wi Millie,"' Lord Nngent said. "But I vasu, mati 1to publiai my Intention tb ail th Up tie grand elsirease andti rrougith stahely corridors tiey vcut liiiMuile tel is if aie ver. muddenly hransported i en mucihnet palace-to a boudoir ti, le etvici the batil nver Imaginet ?eunl ier tircans, antilie $utl lie dec tid tok ber tais beai-t for a tuamet »fore be gave ber up le ber maldti lehb leornet for ber firet dinuer la ber nelq aulne. "*WiI you toi-gi-e me, iny ovu da, ng?" biealeil. "It sahballbe y lait de. .*it lovard you!" "Forgive youi Oh, George, Iam ti-igit- met-I amn nol vorthy et ail tusa," aie Ii, clilugng te hie. -"But la youi- nae erge?" &aie atided, vil a Perplexed »k. "Are you differeat? i se afrait hsa bast George Doreer, anti1Iloru 4e naino." 'Love It stîli, My sweet; lit lae y ovu,' a Id, caressing ber. I se Icalled Nevilte Worge DorMer Nugonf,'1 Bsyllea lOoI Possesion ef ber Young dotteeaa, ati usicreti ber Imb ber dti-a I-i-Oea, -kinghlirtale s gîsu of ,e, andtIon dreassti lier lu s govu of lest bIne satin, velleti by irobe, tfcool. lacetooetiupier# and lier. vilb 'Rady or liepeai-la?" saId ber bus- tna voitetathe door,nasthe lent toucli as Put to lhe toilet 'Qulto ready, Mny lord," anti Esylias moedthlb deer tb admit Lord Nagent, m-ling a case iu hls baud. ile epacd lit antiabovet i lite a 9-are e aonsliat a pilccas mîgil Ivo covoetd; gtmamlug, lustrons tliugs ,th th. indeeuibabie ahimen upon them Lt belougle one efliai gain. 'Nov, tl, IV esllia, b«'Id, and lua a iulsg 8tiey vcre tisfarre(l tu Mil- a' -mDtachsd a, sud a Seil Ivisteti lu ýr bm-ighimair,> UyMlita; iîe la mileugidsylâh me mtushowvmyvit. temytfrenda,' CHAPTER XIX. "lu ,li gobes Of salin sud glimmner penris," Lady Nugent passed ont of spleudid dreusiug-room, leaniug ou )iusband'a are, a sveel, gracioumi-iooi lady, a ail lie servants agreed. A fair piclure vaiaie as aie eai by ber busband's side sud heut ber hi lu ackuovledgmenî f ete .aboutset conte Ihal rose frein ail aidea. Thé. race vas crovdmd viti tie teusutry,à ftUas 0of People lu the park h.lov ebog th le interel ihe whole count-y-aide 10ek the Lord of Reidiaven and bis marihi "One more, lads," rosird a steulci ppc- voice ais mie turued ta go la, knd tI arose sucb a rhietc as migbt bave be beard for moiles. "George, yoa look gbnstly, Yeua îteîy wite tetie very lips. Do tell me wi sud it 1s!" rtiy TbCy bad ' from thie vînt dc ît Wiere tbey had been sansding, sud wa rme for a moment aioam. nue "Husjir' bm sald, gi-asfplg ber ai-m. Sun. la nolhilg! Do net sPeak ofot 1h;am s and rigit agaiun ov." teet Tiers vs, a quiv-mi-lu bia voice th struck straugeiy ou MIlie's ai, sudË Iden baud liaI be lad ou bei-a vas as cold, ovm c, but he had tAeoered imeselt, sud1 ,Oc. couid langh sud talvith thie guet, w >up ver. valtiag for lime ln lie dravln tnd i-oom. 1 Mliie Wva aîcerely ied vien tIbm ci ne,' Iug vaa at iast over andth le day oetna yoa Priam, sud congratulations bai cono lu an eund. It vas a relief te h. lu ber o-i dr"I-mlg-iooe Once more, vith Esyli rd-~ brushing ber huur. 8i. diseiased hg no inSld prei.ntly. Si. heard ber husbsndgo teb badm1 ibm lng-room and tell Hutcfflugs l"ma -lis aboulti not vaut i auy moral " rg mnu eut' dovu sud Lady Nagent ecoi bear bei-lord walkiug about su if b. vi ýO a i-tîes sud unmaey. Car- The door of ber rooe vas aSti-, an -est seronsa Ibm sunptuous ebamber tiat sul ,h. aasId lime te celd besi- Ibm aoundc uts bis folsteps lubils owun*rom. ed *WhVy do. be net coin. ber@?" ih re asketi berself. "Hemueail 1mev1I e ber- aiet-efor be vouiti mmml Baylsa «a o it came l." me, Sio llaîeumd agaîn. sud Ibis finearIs an md ho her test, for abe dîatltay heur ug hie gi-oaa. 'I meit go," aie murmureti; lie la li 'g. 8h. ped édea e ebedroom nahmr b.- sud hspped eftly at the oppoalte dms ut hre ivas no iesponne, sud ahe opefia y,. 1h genîly. Lord Nagent vas sttiag - a taile vit bis berai baried lu bis bande Ir beasing uotilg, aeelng nuelilnsbut soun Ind deep. sorrov vici vs finding venth te oe, menan ofaiudderhng soi.. uti Frigbtenaed beyond mesure, MItil ent erept close te île, ho recel] lemedlate1: I as If tie iad been sug. Ir. Under bie baud ou the table, vili thi or glihîi-et af hoai-drop open it, vas ilq id Portrait of a' womaul id1 CHAPTER XX. -~ AÀ u chilbe deti ci-ept oeaiMildred INageut at thm sigil et tie plctutmhi IRlMP-ligbt fell full upen il, sud ah. jlooke. ly at il over 11r busisud'a boeeiberas i 11 ,.a veeu lu tin-ata«. y. "Be »Id be ioved no eue but me," Mil " lie Wad te beeilf, vil a bitter pain ah bur ad bearh-"oaIY me, sud io in grieviug ftr W_ spolier vomn. Il vras ail à lie; sud1 d vas so happy!"~ k Hmî b-mth came lu s littho gasping seb IeL$ that roused Lord Nugeul frem insm&ma 119 of lsnuted memerle., sud hlilitted is 10 bead o teec bis vlte's retresting figure Id "2Mulie," i. said-snd bis voice.vat th husky sud 1ev, sud aie looketi bock te seM liaI bis face va» a l.suad dravi Oe -"comm bei-e." I."Who ls chat vomian?" ibm asked, Il aapiy. -u "Wby do yen vaut la knmv, dear? Il la a sisdov ot Ibm pont, Miile-7nohbin1 e more." LI l'Men do net ci-yovri- hadevi, 9- Georg," sie repliei. The dernon et joui- r onsy vas at verk -for lie firet ttim In ber d heart, sud bis fi-t pip lu aivay thie bit. Rb tereot. "Yeu laId me Yeu loveti uobody Je but me." te '. tld yen tbm trahi, 3Millie; I bave e nver lu 'ail ny lite loved suy vaman as if 1 love yeu." "But yeu love ici-. Yeni veuld net dgroan over ber likees if yen did net."' Ry Sie vas out oetlemper nov-a trane- 'd formed MiliIe liaI voalti nt have kuovi buei-self if she iad sema ber ovu face just u len. 't "Bush, dear," he said; "do'l uny he thigs yeu wiIl b. soi-iy for. Can't yam trust me, Mllie?" he ":I Ibougit I couid." t "Yen eay. Lîshen, uitile vite. Y0o- oe ak me vie Ibis l," aud he olk up tlu, àe pictur. vlib a algi. "Itlai the portrzau' ,d Of a voman wiom 1 once loved witha Ir mad Infatuation.,, t "Yen once loved ber, GLeorge. Such ea loveas. that doms net die", w "Dear, aie la desd; ube had beeu desd msany years- vien i met yen fraIt. yeu r-b v no'add tefear fi-rmber, my Mil- I a'dtie sudden paleams. lut t-OveraPreod bis face as be spolie the verdi, se and bis voie.Ireebledai f somin nard Pe agitation worm at vork. à He Cioseti Ibm case sud put Ilbtea d draver oft hiehable at vblcb lie at, but e -Mlii.couidti alPuut e ut et ber bagad se easiiy. "Wua mie a geod vomani, George?", esice sled suddenly. "'Siemueut bave been, or yen would flt bave loveti ber ao." "8h. la deati, my dai-lng," lie replied, gravely; "let ber i-mal. A gooti veinsut CZJ>'lTE XXL "P e. n c*rth, qfod-vllte mes Thele boit eemed to ring eut the. MI r of wordas ASther unsbcred la the Obriati ber moring-tI. Irat that Mildred Nu.e ber hall «Pont Indter ber busbland's roof. kigaA Christasa atReIdbaven wau alwa ~ig~ tbing 10 b. remealbered. Everybo t ou on he ctat. vas thought of, tbe PO îad ver. heipe, and aged People aud childr ve. er. fmatell btheir heurre. content; oi ter- Lord Nogent va deterrnîned that Milil ýwed ant on.. Hie heart vas full of gratitîý ,k n too, for b. boped that witb tbe fait Ige. leP Cfthe next autumn-there vou îere andunuita tbeir tives ilia stii clouer bol Mr- Miaud MM,, Curzon duiy. arrived are keep tii. new rear, and they suagi;a ýhat dan od sud veicomed fi wih il the.ti 100 sud PrettY custoins hbet advanc low i)C0,i, tnrn up their nos et; and vi ere the '§rat stroke of twelve came boom.z thrOugh the atili. clar aIr, and the bel 0.t f the Village cburcb rang out their pe iail of eicom , Lord N gent vent to lb. Il hal 1100randthrew it open. bat "Whst $bal vo ]et ln vl tI, 1 wo teder?" h. @aid, gaYly-"weal orwe" 1 s "NOtbling but good fortune, i bope b. lb. 'ector sLid. Wbo "MY, Nogent, wat-"l Whs ie word. died uponbuhilpe et a van ngt ]ngrck and geture froin bis boat. ] mun- à" seaen tbe gbaatiy paîmneas tbat can, ,. Qver Neville Nugent'a face as lieWevl to fiaut 101the open door vitb the moolil MM Oblnlng ail about bue sudlgtlngu lio evorYthing outlde lot a abeen of moite bermilhver. "The. Dow year i. a telfle cold," Lýor SNagent sid, vilb £ailgbt siver. -"Hav ho YO $aenenough 0f hum 'g 'lia Sorne of ,Ibm youuger membera of th nid PUILY lnalsted on going out a @top or tw e Into the. een air, but Lord Nagent vou] flot alov Mîije te do go; elbe woaid ta:t Lnd cold, ho iaid, and ahoald flot be ao rasb op nd bo held ber vith ber band lua sti oi t htuants eaie bock. Tben tlieya] etood together a minute or no elchangin ,h godnighte, and then trooped svsy tg a heu acrerai ruoe .thluklng pîasautI 0e f brlght firesud a tray bit of goual lu their respective dreaalug-rooma. m,- "Don't be long," Milievblipmred t e b Sd buaband. *Don't etay for many pipe4 tO-nlghl. It la New Year's day, renemî ,,ber.". ,d Ho answered ber more by gealure iller r. vorda, sud aho vent away, leaving hin vl wtb one or tvo gentlemen vbo vert et promlaing thernmivea @ mokte aud a go aalp now Ibat tie Iniaden vere goDe. ne Inu a fev minutea," h. nid hoeeof in thon, vbo bad aikedbhin iIf ho ver. going te Jola theini,and hls volce.afeeed ࣠1111] le boureand rougb as lie spolie. l B H turnefi evsy ratber abruptiy, aud wovnt lotothe. llbrary to tbrow blini.] bedovu lu an easy-chair and cavrr bi face km vltii bis bauds. «I "am golug ead!" be muttered ho but- »IL. "Tiiere laino other expianation ci 1h. There muat b. madae. lu tb. farnit aud I bave not kuown it. Heaven belp Pd met Wbat la to h. doue*?" He roi. and ie Peced the room haitily, ciaaping bis baude bd over Mis bead, as If lu terrible perpleilty. :0 "Tle nov." b. muttered; -thora est h. no mlstalke, aud boti timeviien in; I happineosim emed t IIls utinoat belght. or One 10 mer Sny bome-eomniug. aud atel )r boveen me aud ailtilht made 14fe brlght 1 aud Soyons, aid nov vbeu a nev yeàr lI davnifig, à year ao brimming vîthb ope ce He broke dovD utterly, sud tbrev hlm. la self lot bis *est agaîn, bis viole tram, ahaken by au agitation tiat van the te more Paalonate for belug rare vîll hlm. to "I thoagiht lvaa forgoten," b. mur- 'n mnred; "liaI iit vas hliden tram eut dlacovery. -la Il ail comlug ou me agelu, 1, that oid hlme, vltbha as orrov aud lit @in? Heaven heip met Wbat sbal1 do' [t Wbetsa4 1dot" i(To h. coutinued.) svsaeay la an instinct. As an ez.Ajupe ef the tenacty vîli lr wblch theInludan raceclilgoto savagery, ys Mlssionnry vho bas labred for many years amng the régi men tells a @tory le of an Iudien girl vbo vas reared by ShlM frein the time she vas an lofant. Mile grev up te maldenbood aanet 18~ )t years of age vas a reai beautj' aud vas the possessor of rnany accomplisit. ment@ kuowu to ber white sisters. She nculd paint, ply on tbe Piano, nd Min-. aui vas a drt-ciass bousekeeper y nud cook. One day the master of the ubouse entereti bis resîdence et noon te find the girl misslng. Search vas roade for bours snd .he vas nt last found Iu Ia forest riear the towu bemoanlng bier ifate anîd deciaring slip couid endure acivilîzation no longer. The girl begged to be laken te ber People and voîîid h lilten ho no argument on the subject. The attempt te civ'lilze ber bhaît pron-ed 1a dismal faliure.-',%enpls Comulerciai 1Appeal._________ litW«a No Jeke houtth. Barber. È A Leviston barber vas surprised one day ]ast veek te findthbat the air lbat ben let ont orbils bicycle in front of bis very sbop. Naluraiiy be 1look it te tbm neareslt bicycle store and aaked tileul te biov it up. Nov tbe truth vas ti.denier wanted bie bal- cut aud dld't vauttho psy for II, and se he venàt dovu sud let tbe air out of lte viemi viien the owncr wssn t looklag. 'il1 blow It up for saliafr cut-" sId Ilie "Ail rigil, cone dowu," satd the bar- ber. Tbe bai- u ne a.Ide ascnt meet OSERw OR STARUTLINQ. FAITI man FULLYý RitdoRD£O. tant 1- raya cks. N. Saslli Cmfmaaato Angt ody týrme,»«ore ing Hg gfor Nul »Or der-Mi"~r'e Bons »ig up as Kettl Iren pul, et 0014. and le's e- Dîm, at the YNoW'4 Ia . de, Tiie xeuîjon of Chaiote N. Smell ien aldeiY kDnou n luthe basebsll woridi aid "Pacer" Smli, vas carield ont viti den ou R:sip lu th. corridor ofthie laco Ond Cnstr aoliFrlday femreooetaDec tur inte mPrononce of 800 people, amon lto whom er. sevral ProtegatutMInter and of Deeatur. The crime for vicli mit .ri gavo ap hb i i . as the klllng et bigsfil ti de ugltir Loul amith, aged 6_ yma- sud mise àdus Ruchait, am, a, Pl ~ ong slsîmr-i-lsvi, on Sept. 28lait. Re Iend ceîg d te uI liis vif., but ah.e tt vay. Tb )el shootIug of Mils Buchert wvs ccidental bgThe senstionil testur, of th. da7 va la astrtilng diolpaure ho made lu bi fluai confession inte i.cell, vhen ho cou ,on fcused tlia lho vas tbm Principal actor fi the cruel torture aud rebery ofUuel cies east of Decatur, ou Dee. 24, IN Thot ulght Florey voas bçld on a red-hc, SCookstoire by s Party of ix mon au( Hie foi-ced te tell wviiehobmadl $1,500 su meC creted oabout the hou»ansd la hia born nt The roiberi got ail tb. monty and hurlei lit 81,000, vbich vas lu gold. Smli, aomi ap lime afler tbm murder, sald ho 1meval te about tihe Florey robbmry, but nothl* )dcoutid Inducehbl e hougve up the nain Of bis Pais. Al parties lmpllcatmdl ari Iv uow lu Decetur. le Dmtb of anSeccentrie Mar.. wO* David Long. vbo dled t the almehoug. Id lu Scinyter Couuty, was 914 reara old, 'k and for forty rears bad beeu au lurnate ub of tbm institution. lu 18M43he font bis tll mmd aud I0m varld te. u fnibtd ine ai bemu a blaui. 1He vas a veteran 0f lthe ig Mexican war ad atlimes vould talk be lncohiereuîiy ofthe bouaIles ie %vs. lu, but "Y On no occansion vouid b.e divulge the lII nao0f bis coptalu. He poaieseithe k athat the. coanty tarin .lougod to Pr e, sund iohored lucmsssuîtly lu th. voode In nesi by. In golng ta hie vorli b. alviays n- started toward tbm uortb. sud thon 1001 aetreuiutous route te is destination. Juai "0 haltore.«achniolibe vould go te a cer- Lm tain Place Ou tbm lawu. viere lho vould re ci-yOnt lu profane denaunciation agalinl -Ruahllle. Buuday vu» for hun a day etfi-est. He vould go te tbm voodae elj f lu the, day and gatberiug bogetber a nuin* g9 ber of logi tart a lire. The comiug sud 1o g01g Of thebe aasoesmode no change ln Idbis Primitive wrabsip. MgEurdmrer Barris Gels a etoy. eGov. Allgeld bas grauted a repieve te Franki Barris. the ex-basebal player. of Freeport, emtenemfd toi e banged for Imur*re'.unil -NI1. 1,16. 're reprier,' iy la grauted for the reuson thaI ibhe<3ov- IP eruer la aaîlsified tbme oudemned ma ,i wu$ uel properly defeuIe,and jiie[ite le demanda liai bie sboîîld be given rime .t' g-jel tbm case properly hefore thbm uîprenie Court, as well as foîr the purpose of pro- y aentlug <o Ibm Exe,-utire of the :3Iate aîy Lfurther niaterisi tacto whî,-h wsi-ci-eu P Prefautedte1thebmCoui-t. liai-ris wuil lt victeti of killang a man maaned Ihengai. î0 wbo lied grcsîly inîcrfered wilîbhi.stank- iily relations. a ides *1,000 Under asBrnm. A fIer a long surci Ibm sons of J. Becli, a a elserly oid 'Usa vho died recently usear Higbland Park. bave fouud bis board of *$10.000 lu gold seteteilu a te&kettle aud bld libmtheartli ndter tbe barn. ber. The dmcmou.d vas kuowv u bhave moumy *biddeu avay, but bis sons did not knov viiere. AfIci- a long aud valu amrci à"s. iludolph. s iieighbor, tbld ibm. tint thiîr father hal d liber boforo is dealli that hie money was inader the barn. '1hby tore ip ithefgour aud dug outit he kelrlc'- Sfui of gold. @ta te 1New«. luBrie&. V At ltockfîîrd Andrew Anderson. 1S57 Fyears or age, îîrînîlila,.nt $vcdjsih r,.-i- dent, in deuil. Han-ýy ileinîzeliiiii. ,f Jljt gd1 3 pars. ishite shootigig sqpahr)%.>,i'jdi taliy miut ijiiif. WVhilc îîr-liîriîli fora lîîitiîg itrip. a son of Mrm.. t. NNViltkelm, ot Buckiunghm. 1accldentatly killed bis iiiother. A nîîi-toiian nanied Pbheipq, in Ilme cm îiloy <of the i-tîkfrd i' Cty Ruilw-av nUlis crusbcd l'cbweeiî îwo carsaud pr*obi!. The farinier.' iamîiîuie commirtte, t ('baniPaigu CountY ennounces the anuai session Of the institut. tobeb. eid et St. Joseph Jan. 1 sud 2 nexî. C.eorge aud 1La utater, ta-o yeung men, acre buuîing On lie premesen 0f Thomas Lincolla. nactrai- e, wlieu bie or- déed Ibem sway. Tbey fired, aerlously injurlng hlm, bis vite andi 8_yeat'oId sou. At Carlyle William Burgess, for Iven- tY-Ove Years employed as couductor ou tbe Baltimore and Ohio Southvesteru Raillay, Committed suicide by tbrowl-ng hieseif ta front of a moving train. BIl mental condition bad been impalred by bsd healti. Wallace B. Casvell, aged 65 years, dled et Joliet atter a lingerlng hules.. Tbe deceeaed vas one of tbm beat kuovu bOll.ineD la Illinois. Be came tg WIli CouutY lu 18Mf and for years vas pro- Priehor ot the National Motel lu jollet sud laler efthleOait Houa, in Chicago. Gov. Aitgeid pardoned Cb(grlea Moo- ber-y, vho vas seuteueed te tie Statere., formatai-y tram MeLcan Connty for by a- IR hral»., o gr ed 0$7000 da au i>y jr'ah ,- ton-. lie Winifred, dauglier et Fred Poa a tai-merIurhug unr RoeVkf, i atub of bot valer sud vawon l dea îlh.- lov. Altgmîdet -of-d the tg4 th, cllhensiip te Chrls E . LIvm r e li ervei elgitesa motiths lu lt th penltentlary for a crimte ce imtt on Cool Ceualy.ý sa- ns Robert R a.y Dunca, uof 1irkçaî , M oýý,, su ad Miss Nýnim Taylor. ot Blomngý, vt, er. inrriei, he bride-la lie du~m et ftheb. Be. Knox P. Taylor, 82c, m" Po gllt f heChisti»au urcl. le The. Porla City Cmptrolai 00004 d. te bd. for lb.e*5,000boda fuir JIRM bu Improveinent ef mveru atcetla te - RI. Tovbiigm & Ce., eof iao bi~ un igshn, at 2% per cent pressihon, la S.ClairHâvili, oet im 1nt,* a- mon of thie Clrk ofthle Suptem in et I1110018, vo Iuatly kuliet oh Re*.i eI son. Ravii, vlie vas 21 yrera old& -o Unearrimai, vos cruallil iy s Car mt- 4. 818 Foui- Railway.- Pt Sain, lIme belveen midulglitgSudsg id sd Su day morning r oberte eter ai -f. e- stale Bank At Alpha, s vila" tht*e"; tL four m iles aouth ea.I of M olilu , Ys~ - id M700. hi emn accompisede o9 vorl i viithe greoleit .%khi sad aetant- e d ne attention. i Roi. Dr. Barrows liai, reslgned lime 'a patorate of tic Fuint Praabytegia4, ~ huich at Chicago. He vauhti bave mi' abase for six monthe, te lecture tu' Indus, aud hi. congi-egaîlen tieclinied top grisulIL. g oie r*gued, fer a peatbr.,- le dite otfeurteen ymars. ýe At Metropolus judîlge A. K. tickeme laconveacitie reguasi-fait terniofet h& Uâsisac eCounîy C('uitniCourtih.Tb* ,' dftket 1a one of tie lsrg,'sl in lihiaq eof th" couuiy, censitimg et 122 connes klav, fifty-e1lbî cbancmry. sud mor lias ktvteuty criminel çsea". her. are wtvhy. efour applicauts toi- divor'e. o Reibers put s rare lansuoetpinuiler lu'- te toperation ab lie saloonsao etarlebt i laucy sud ?iiîmal Kil,'3, Chicago. & Mau veut inte('lant-y'. sud purpeecI> it picketi a quai-iel vith the Propihehor. Tb* ,ttrouble i-eutiined adi nuh nad dli mclt- 1 ]at long. but it sers-ed t& tirevr the crovd tfreinKiley'a. Wiea <hltser place a aiment enpty, hwo Yeung mon = 1a Klley sud attempiedto latelfi-mm 111. shirt besom in aîemd wortb $150. "»i 1proprietnr f"ugbt valIantly. aOtrousa l lh ivnaiooe arresmed andudtlicrobbesa led. }'rhend. of ez-lepr~seathre John L. Geber-, cour .ervîng o bvye ymra' emece lu tic- Joliet pi-ien for menelaugiler dur-. jug tie <'est miuIug stil. in Taievehl Couuîy, lun1894. are petiionig thie Gev.. erner for ele-jjtire tlemmm.-y. Mr..iree- fer, ot Peeria. attorney fur (Geber. Rimi.. 1ard Staulon. ot Barfomi. sIl oethleecool- minera' deteuse eoamiîiem aud Chargée, J. Iliefier, litt i,'greidmi t flie Fadera- lion of Libor. appearmd béfore the Gev- cer v iii pelilions Asking for tie par- don.he (lovernor gae tie- ,'onnittee. me Intimation or bis ea-lion, inbu ol ihe' matr mnder adrismemm. Tic plan adeptîel blathelHilluhoro Citiy Coanicil ia desting viti tie hiamp Qaee- tien i.lei"vings oic'-esatul. The tmpa are sent by thm cilizeal tictheity mai- @ial, via bas Instructions te turaii t econe u.a plain, asubsantiel nemdiIf lie-' viii fi-st caru IR hy peundiag rock for- tva heure apen lie eity'a iok pile. If tic tr-amp refuse, te vorl he je drivea eut ot tovnuander thi-cal 0 rýf oer~t vagraucy.The auDoyance 10te theItiA- zens bon greatiy decreosed i nce. lh.plats va depled. The cent tb thc Ciy orfufr- niaig meusa during liee ouîli et Oc- lober va. ouiy $3.50. A i-rie of arrange lbape sud fatail ties sîmirounde tbm deal0of lMra.T. To'. blason. ef Chicago. lMrm.Toblamon diet antier pecnlisi- cicunstances, aud thme, tial iwon stoppedl by tie coroner for la- oiurs. FInally permission vaa*ve ln pl#î-P tie body inî a i-ut ai Moun Oli-ve Cermmery peuding Ibm Inquest. On, lie wany bai-k fi-on Mounut Olive the car. niage couuainiug Mru. Tobiasou'a son vas ram i mbl'y an mimd-lie car. he driver,. Charles Peteruon. susîsineti a fractured ikuil and viii die. Thomas Tobloem "arroa-iY esamapu'fIithisilite. The car- riage vas couiDPietelY wreekmd, sud oee o! tie borns so badly hurt il bad te b* abet. Evanzton's ife-saving <ci-ea-added uDo- [noter te tudr aireally brilliaul record li. lite seristug umdoy eorning by Ibm r..- eue o et Iirty-îix persoaus ram lthe «a barge J. Emery Ovenansd ber couaorhsi- thm tbree-ntasîmd schoonpe Elizabeth A. Nichoison sud Michigan, vhIci ball gene'. asiore tuahelierei-.gaie et Ibm preceding- nigh itfhie tanoua Hubbard vooda et làkeaide. - Six limes wvnsthIbig lîfeboot- succeeefully leuncicti sud palisti vIlh desperate streugli te tbm aide oethle die- hreaaedl veammi sud six tinie dld 1h reteu luceeefulty vil Ils ioad et huàRa- freigt Tvo vomon and s 0-nmtiea.b girl baby ver. among Iboe.remcued on -, Dot a seul ou any of thebot@ va - drevueti. Aht111e annual banquet of Ilecltor*I'-ua toe Il vun ededic te form . 5Oihe S'i-- iatllen te fight 8nn4Y jào-huii Sus. y day pîinesansd klnduieti anuaasnenhs comittee vas appointeti te reeom»mtm.-- à polcy te be purnet, sud 'at the cou metlng et tb. club officers yull h. eIf.ctee5 sud the crusade begua..The praasji - bitterir, denouueed the managemoent r ow Roclitord base-ball tenme sud aise f1 * . shoot iaitvay ceepaulma. semmsLea$ -

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