Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1895, p. 4

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hk,1k pr lb. ÉiiàiRt for si. po 8 - 1.00 - - - .05 I. -s- - - - .2j5 - - .35 - - -OS0 - - .07 - - -.08 - - - .08 - - - .08 deJlver. a; hàlegale prices. SFargt's $2.50 SINoes for $2.0 AUJ othel' 8606 Ma'a E4 i8 isount. ýPairs Feit Boots, ,cheap, wble tbey last. -core <uisis, ifii~wntu ar ýýOv«rcoatsand'Suits solci on orders at Film e 'l ieassortmerlt of Ghoice C6IaftiWons, that 'will be sold regt. -Rookeofeller. i<EFELLER.. um ealld ou n renda be*viey sud fsmilyiy n ot Oraydslke, called ons 1 ~ tv fwd ad ue, lauge dlaplay o! mspreseuteaaItishe Furnilure "". C, istgglaJeut tbrough tise = W baylng siseep for tise Ciy YfW wtmoueworklug foi Robert Ugbviisg lakon lisplace vaeaiod P!rkTt ayne. ýI -Trans caledon oufriande boe *$ *teeS. -He la talking of 1qbdII5 lu Roceofeller. ..i Lost for a chansgeof lme ou th. PIq.ieut. E. R.. evudây. Rînnor thea Ivo mid-day passonger trains tehf le aken off. Vs, Borgsonus bas beon very bnsy t wteOk rissodelu i ao. >,t.rlggpvll evohiea gouda mbnt Woubaimn Dr. Alveison, of IbaSe uiteb~asdeeI o 10use resas nom15 as Dr. uig'aromare vacateti. a. =Veayha isaiZu ouiou tis. door of Wus Kie's store. '-~ 48Pr4~bo la expectsd 10 haSe bki place o!.& Ciualmas Tiee ut tise U 10 I.Great preparations are boing eae f'tbia oeaon, more no tisan ter belote. E vybody la inviteol -.A" bring 74ur friessla. The lar>urus a n ts Irea limes ubere tiu lnCentral, Souths- - 44 Wetern Lake County as lue-rouufernlase no t 1 visiis l .i a4vWstislng mediums. Ruai. #tisen ua.boimd nt hadëeeived by j4$àtMiellito. 'We are. preparsd 10 a«etimassitvidi show our Unis 4 PMba r. sud »iter thora ïem v ent tW Cicago %*.enter vils Sats -at5jJohn Wilnoer Iioet aI ng- tid43etum bsRosaleuI ~ uz*ndedvisilt itis - and4 W..udmron, of 44te reprt tiaI oi .,48 îlo tIti» Iypbd ' 00' -the gailsi 1111 Sophsie »M40 iuoViug fions bei kuecaesud belter 4».. .........SUNm. t.7 eaopoons for ime0ms..$1.90snet. tinS GIRAYS LAKE. Go sud meo E. B. Shermans fiue assortment ol holiday gooda at reduced ps-tees. MisMarie Brilinsan, of Roekefeller, vas tise <nes of ins, Hints over Inatead oa Iroc, oui Susuday achool viii ha. treateol te a Ferins Wheei Chisltmas ove. Mir, sud ins. Taylor. o! Wadsvorth, voeeulesa of their ister, _1 s. W. B. Hlgiey luat Sunday. At a cisurcis meeting beld laut Mon. day ereniug, Mev. Dazey vas again eleeied our pastor for thts comiug year. Mise Bonuson, of Fuemout Conler ando Nr. sud tirs. Cuiver, of tieHeniy, viittd ait Mr. Hiflz, noverai days lait teeS. Mn. and tirs. Wibur entertained a large number cf frieuda huom Warren. ton, Gurneeansd Grange Hall hast Salurday eveniug. W. Wilson, of Long Lake ablpped as carload cof siseop sud Harvey Brothers ss caload o! hogp from Ihis statIon te tise clly msakets Tuesday. Tise play wviioisas te have beêu giron Strday ovonlng bhm hee. in- deftilily poatpoaed, ou aceount of tise ilinesa of Engene DeVots. Tise slvyer veddiug o! M. ansd ins. L. A. Burge vas au elaborate sud iuteren iiugai ansd tborougbly eun îoyed by lise relatives, o014 ionda sud nelgisiors viso made mp the compauy Butter ou tise Elgiii oaris of Tirade tienday vas active. Offerings, 3'2,00) pounda. Saleu 19,040 pounda aI 26 cents. Balance vltisdlravn. Lait veek, 24g24i couts. Teai ago, 220123 cents. Mfr. tiurgatrold sud son drove to Springfiold, Win., tlihuformer lhbixe. lt ueek, a distance cf 35 uilea.Tise arna gentleman alipped aisol 1 visen comlng fromn churcis Monolay eveulug ahl s verely huit is spine. but medicai aloi vasauonce anminoned sud hele ahi. te ha anounol&gain. Lait Fr iday evenng Mir. and Mtra. Everett Naville gave a progressive euebro_ party eIt tser borns, on Park Ave. About forty guesta ver. praseai Miss Whisilmean sd Wayne Harvey voie lueky enougis 10 gel thse lirat prises sud tira. evue and Engee DeVoe vire svaru4ed- tbe boobles. tIovover everybody enJoyeol Il. Tier. le no question ibat tise Ixua- Pmcaw is equ4 t10tile boit paper ever publluin Lu ake Couuty, but il viii ha greatiy lmpioved suddtusnpass al ompettors vison vo et our nov cylinder proue locateol lu ôur new omfie. AUi nev type sud a modern oquipmeul o! tise boit luaterial viiienabie ins 10 tnru ont the inest Job Printing et r aaon')' leao. - Stick 10 the 151)2 .P<bsrsd you viii ho ad. SslUrday Dec. 71s, tir, sud tirs. L. A. Bsugo ceiebrated tise ltb anniver. mry of tiseir suarriago at Ibeir home lu lisis place. A largo concourse of relatives and frienda voie presse Mo" o!fvisons vans fioont ui o ov. U umerous sud coatly tre tisa proemta giron;. nor vastise bouutifui foaut tisaI vma pread lai the uppor rooms, tise lamaI Part o! tbe anjoyment. In tact ail tisa guesta voie agreesbly onter- tained. tir. Burgessid o do4es not expecl cuoliser sncb s lime for 95 Yemra- 1Wliile some reJoice, others maourus. W aresorry te recordtise deabb V Puiý MIi aboflla Mont5 i lths iatbua foyr wiàneigl* o! is iek. h peaod «I.*uplta fnisi tt*14l id sud lie bons "Wlst«t' hba Siso* uponber lApaTise fu0aerlmvashm& Bunday aiernonaI 4thse oiu iloul k6ob ,ilslihv.D 'C=efiestag le > 0Y. 1>feW 9il,' "ock, of eand s,. a ** ei the o!reaie t.hirles rige i&.'Cice Tise (trayx LaS., Teacherr Rltud*u Cîrele *1111alet Batiry c.1,a as. m Au !tisiltetln , xo 4e 10ail in #sta uti w'sork. Le onVU .. ..Leader E. T. 5il tesson 41......N asý n7 ,Getrehbily lo More sanmOv isa 1 Simon StA11.1 vasbve M"au.. H. Schwenua n la ov atayiug in thse eity. R. R. Kimiberiey wsa ln Zurich this week. Mlsi' Hatle Kucknek in vlsiting ber parents. Blocnu'a miii vilacn c erunnnlg la fulil bisai. Wauconda la to have an Indoor bae baili tom. WVm. Elcisman bail a very sick cilid tîsis week. H. Brandlng las now ai ibonle us hi. îîew 11091e., M1isaClarm Prouty la vlitlng ut Barrington.1 Misa Emmui Fleke la viltilng lu th1e city tibia week. Wm Popper and wlfe vialtcd bhis parenta Suaday. Fleken aOi. exibita a fine dispisy of holiday gouda. Mia. Lena Seliverman lhas eturned , oui Long Grove. 1 .H. Grebe and finonds, of Palatine, vere lu to#a BSunday. à WU,. BIUM nad vile, of Gilmer vero viiora ber. Tuesday. Paul Stelumeyer and Wallace Park have bid Zurich fareveil. Tise nuuiber 0f deatha la Zurich tat Yea besaath1e pasi record.. William Herachlagge and iiter ver. PUlm Grove visitors Sunday. John Niedert, of Lakes Corners ivasn lu toWn~ on business. Tueaday. Chas. Sîsoltz bas returneol from college aud la nov aiaylng ai home. Johns Pink andd dater Maggje, of Palatine vere giseats of C. Selp, Sun- day. Mir. snd Mrs. E. G. Nickoley, of Long Grove. wre gueste of H. Meyer Fri- day. Greal iireparations are belag Made for thse next grando dance lu Fiekea Hall. Fred lergisoru ls movlng 1teh Harirower fuarta viid ho bought asat year. Young Alverson wan lthe lucky one t0 gel lise gold vatcein luLou Selpa» rallle. John Koffen isa .jsurchaaed another utilp Of land Of lise (oodvia suis. division. AI. R. Fieko huai been eonllued 10 tihe bouse lise laxt ivo veeka vih peuralgua. Chas. Steffeus and brother Willie vere vlalilng severai daya vus Herman Berlinu aiHighlansd Grove. Tise Metropolltan Stilng Baud basi launched outinl great ahape; tjseir1 m'Isle la mueis appreçlated. Joe -Helier, <0f McHeury, accoms- Panied by friends, ver. business calions boe. irai of tlise eki. Tihe merry alighbobtta are rluglng nwrrlly; boys and girls are taklng rides vils Ibeir best girl and feiiov. Tise marriage oi Miss BerthaBerg- bora 10 Sams ElîriuS occurred. t115 veek ut Itise home of tise bride'a parents. NO doulît ve viiihave conalderable horsesraciug on the lake ibis wnler as soon as tis e Ie vilii 1101 up, go looks outS for iively tlieon. HeurY Popper made a liessast eau nt Barrington Sunday. Appeuaunce ludicate tbat tbere muai be nomne attraction lu Our isten lovu. Tise INDEcplcNDmI la antbo rlzed agent for every perlodîcal published lu tise vorid. XI viiipay you te Calil onu8 s n v eau Bave you moner. For fâue carda, any aize you vush, nltis name, addresa, or anytidng yon viis thereon, carved for 1ma, or New Tear, eilouAi B. Ficiso. Sets smplea of voiS. Thons uil L e a baby chrisleulng ai lb. home of Fred Folotis on th. 1,511 tait, Rev. C. A. 8iseS officlaiig. This la tbe eldest Fred mayansd tisefrieuds of miue migitI havesa plessant tiase on ibis occasion. Sboid- tise <reseni veather cou- t.lnueno doubi our le. mon viii, bt getig a move uposi ibeumlies luina short lime as thse crop Of cougealed vater vill auson materlize sud. be ripe euough bhiarvenild. Fred Hollaisd asys txpeienclng a verY aggavalUng, but not serions boibaration, lu haullug corn staiks out ofthdlise ld Jusl nov 10 feed hl.o catie; he bas hto Josadup seyp.n limes sud thie oniy 'gels ou. load home. No doubi lisera la stip lu 11. HR. MiEer & Son, Marbie sud Granite dealeua, will quote yoùi nseaon appliosion. Ail Ibteir. vork le guar- Anlseel sti'icilY Tbey are doiug a lot Of voiS lu Lake Co. Tbey are nov f.luhing a large Barre Granlt Monumuent 10 11e orecleol for 'W. '.L Couvera.e t Irasis o eieery, aloqa,ryhbalwiene oeuef«ot tise laie W ot O>rL%14e, 'V iô «t ki11.4 by tise Wia. MLa. a, . Bei rd, leat. ,Aasy ob» vWsllg ork douefa lisli lnalsond write us for puicet. H. MurnunakBoxe moelionryIll. âe0-oW- Nlheuéale "Bo. are lu basf sosforteuuhs 8biao ,Y of tislbp le e bie vwauinsreiatvba aud friendei.' Mrs. Pires (Une Frui Merrima) of Rlacine vau Isere unday, lise <usit of lier ulter Mrn. E. M. NuisiS.. Tise Presbyteriazs Sunday acisoo la golug 10 bave a Cluitlasenterluin. mieut. Tise arraugements bave net beeon Mo pee, but lunlise near future ve 0 vii g i &t e dsand fistiser las- formatin regardlug IL. Baverai of Our -youg men vent to Ssermerville lant Bturday 10 attend a 1mw suit, Tiey vire net parties tèd tise suit, bovever. Oh no, they sluaply vent dowu 10 tbe Cook Co., lown 10 heur thse caseand l itumthlbmanner ld visicis Lavyer C. IV. Petio lsaiays villa bas casesvisea tiser. ln a gisosi of s show te do no. At ti enlat meeting, tise M. W. A. el~ 9e1oW.ers for thse enasiig year. Tise follýulw ere cisonoa: Ven. Con-Jas. N. Wooduiai, W. A.-Jus. Fritschi. Ceris-freolH. Meyer, Bunker -EL a.Wian, Escost-#uui oren. berger, Wsiobsu-lbert Haggie, Sentiuel-.NicisseilOuteumau, Manager- Auig. Landau. Tise officera are to ha Iiigloed lu public at the Presbyterian oisurch Friday evenlug January 3, '96S. Thes0. A. C. la ou the boondibtis vlnier. At the meeting 15ituuday ereulug tise follovlng .0occs Vere eleeied 10 serve-foi tise enuung ton veek&:Jas M Woodmau, Prom; MuaJean Weicis, Seey; Mi" jesie Rois, Critlc. Tise- meetings ane of an lnteue#unig nature and lis. audience la . gbneraily large aud appreciative. Everybody la oordi&Uyiilnvlted 10 attend tissa. meetings sud being their frieuda. Meetings are cliled 10 order ai 7:46 saab gaturday ovening. Tise prograin for Ssturday evenge Dec. 14, promises lo be aut.rttaing and laatwutlve. Iu 'the near future the. club la 10 <ire su eutertaiuieîst and. expeota 10 have nmre lmp~e talent of a h1gb degree 0f excellence. Rauilg lpgl lu style again. Jim Furney la foudly nur>l sg a sort . Mrs. Hy Lange bass returaed frou Lake Forent. Cisarley Nelson bas ngeeured a situa- tion lu Chicago. Pete Dufty eutertalined N. Galland, of Chicago lenaI veki. Lils Chase bai bien .entertainluîg bier frienol Fay Ellswortis, of Everetl. Horeýnberger & Autos are agilu vcekly recelvlng a carioad of glucose. Tise barber bas establiihed per- manent bemoquart>nra nt Deeîlieid and Dow occupies Daffy's bouse. A Isumber of young people arranged a party t surprise Benr ester Dec. 11. A very plongent lime la reporleol. Tbree of oui railroodera are eujoy- lug vacations juat t Ipiesent. Tise happy Oun are John Horaulberger. James Adamsansd Herbeart Todd. John Horenberger'o borne runn.aay lait Frlday. He vas reesptureo tise sanie nigisillb.theOPlslne vooda. The only damage doue vas a hrokeu Tise gasollue englue at the mli laI dravlng big< crovdn' every day aud eveuiug. Tise boys seein 10 eujoy lixoking aetihe molor abont as mucis as takiusg s sleighiîde. Jacob Selig, of Ricisield, lova. sur- pîlsed l lisaparents sud usauy local friands by bis saddeu appearance lau Deenfleid, Nonday. W. are ail glad le soè hlm sud 10 leur tisaIhe is piosporng. Suow lu sonethlng they bave uci seeu yet at bis hume, 1the roas beisg quite dusty. Anotisar Instance tisaI advertistng pays. Ckuji, Jngk lbat a vaicis chais aud promptly made bis lona kuovun tbrougis tise I5DEPZ5WT. BefOre tise veek isad pasaed Geo. Niilei, viso saw lise notice l is e pmper, returneol lise Chinmu 10the over, no take iseed, the IISI>EPEEDEN' cantliLe lient. Ail our busines, bouses are nsakiug active preparationa for tise Chisnii truode. Horeuberger & Anles have repieulaed tiseir stock sud are offerîng lino bargaina. Du. Knaack lime an un. uanaliy large aupply o! toys, etc. Ed .W iflianubas a fine lhue of ladies sud gant*s ahoea, boots, anti rîbbers. C. Willman hbasal1the jevelery aud I dockB yen coniol vshs 10buy. PUig I iamuel hbaimany nev thînga lun111e h orse luynisblug hune. J. Furuey la ahi. 10 satisjy bis cuslomera titis goy- tlilug lu bis hue. Veolder k Zalsu and r7reo Meyeu have tise cuIter@atoi plea8e nd lu sbortiIf you vautto 0buy any- tbing, patrouize our enlerpriug home businesns men for tbey viii snrely plea8e you. DIAMOND LAKE. Willis Arnold speut Suuday ai Elgin. Mrs. Wi. ElusuasuW" inlutise city( Ibis veek. The isousslu course o! oreeilon arts progresulug fluly. Mile lima Iflere bas relurued te voiS attlire.Hunt'&. Mri. Prietmotser o!ftima.Hunt, vist.4 bers huIs teeS. HrUM7 Bubd, et Cisbcago, visîteit bts SBIF& 1*à- tie sa er o! tise day raaty marêuwgs isuls, fsIa. Ch"s It. 17 Wbt! ac l eou thee = M, et beioaua f Ibi ioesli~v tslgf'tesdslsa teeS, T" les inabout elglst luch@es IbléS sut! tey Wîi commenceéeultîlup next, ibBlon übê vasdecidf eo ot As a g"et nians bppoed; 1buhmas lwe are dionsteretod vs0isavêotislugte mY. ViUfregasCba is4e nt» te. ??la -*lie desl# te buy artiouble sud I a tifUt@ IQ To T-td We mean tg To. T4MQrnt( Our main drawing cards are "Af r a assortmWent, than you find at -hom~e. Exceptionalty Low Prices we-ni*ftt., Goods., Whether you wish -to drep" self, or buy a- sensible, Christ'a~ somebody -else, in, either case wë prepared to suit- you, . We -can-9uh Al.TIhe Latettye Suiîis, Ultersud Reefers for Boys. fron $1.73 to 1 SuIta, Overcoasansd Ulaterhi fosr Men front S$8.0t Undesrwear for Mien aud Boysi froms 1.tltftiira Iin 5115 snd Woot fions Norktrear. buîndreds of elegant patternsailumsl late style Iwarfa froin 38eto Lw5 2-IC toi)i.0-e 2eta $ 1.50 Si1k Handkorehb jets ailS litals froin 24C ta 50e' Tise hner gradles couse cnt- lir a tbo. Sweaters for Boys frcîuî Sweaters for Men f roui Hala rai( Cps. stylimhliaIs fioui Clots Caps fions $115 Plusis Caps hem 1.541. o $15& m5e 103. 31.00 te N.* 250 te 5ma; 60ae 10 si, Glores sud IMiltena; lu BucS. Nid, Gouit, (cIotb, llneild uinled, froui tOe1031.5 Sniuenderai, white sud coiored Shirts, collais, Cuits mut bunidrodK ut other siluliar artriles. With Boys Cleihîug of ".00 or over te <ire s ulce sied free We . Luend o g0 Ire avs $300 tWorth o! Tables ilveiwages,. Clocka etc. Evsryoue viso makes a purcisase o! us rtecelvea tickets on ihein. Tk CLOT47 Washington St. C. M. kST. P. RY. TIME TAULL9 GOINO NURTII Hunday Pi.a.p. m. P.m.sacn. f4erMerilfle 0110li 184 6 09 2, 1 pmrwld 8 3410 2&GO6 1477. 21 xverqu Il542 10 28 306 21 7W9 27 EtoIdotl 48 10.16 l 126 7 4de 9 IEEZUTTVILLB 1lu"6 ô W07 144 0 in Warreutou s"54 5 19 (lurnee 900 523 9 41 wadaworth 9 10 16 13 %PIl liuael (arrive) 9 18 à5de 10 M4 GOiNG SOUTH 8Sunday oiily a. . .n.a. Pa. .q.m.1, in Iîîaspll m ,M à17 4 3 Wadoworth a 50 à 27 85eM Ourue 910 5à 4 ô513 Wamaetou 9 16 6 39 FIB '"YILe 6 10 7 M I1230 4 5 :.rdo-ut 6 l0 7 4041 ido10 do0$il Everet 6 26271Y) 1245 54 149 Peerfiehi 62 7159 125M26025&.14 l3hermervllî.' 636918054 ri .6 6 Mos à9a CbleagG. affive 7 C79 15 l1t25 1 4 7 00096 RUNDAX TRAINS~ Lv. Lîbertyvilae. 4:5 p.W. Ar.flonduout25C;tp.m 'v. (3lao8 3alO.L Ar. Libet tyIIIa :458.00 Lv. Chicago 4:06 p.m. Ar. LIIbcr1yvIlW ,c: 4.00 No. 30, raflas Rinday only. zoing titii. wilI Stop on I agnai as folovic-At IuseIi12 07 P. m. Wadworth 12:17:.(juras' 1227 ; Bond OUt. 12-36; EVarett. 12:42: DPerlieiP, 1.:« Sher SorvdIU e&% a1 rrives Ini Chicago aBt L45pai If yen iraul isaVdbilsa, If Yoen vaut envelorsî, If yDTI waut colored vork, If yen vaut business carda, If you vaut neat bMU boda, If YOU vaut taaty leiter heada., U You vaut nice visitlug carda, Et You vaut vedding Invitations, If you waut Say hlud, of job work, Leave Your ordera ait te IZDPENI.. £NT office, Libertyvflle, and have their executed lu. the ehor~tee me pessible. MILLER & NANBY. DEALEIW 3E Fresh Cows &,Sprlngers. W. have on band a good varie. fy of Chokee Minnesota and Wis- cousrn(Cowv9, 'and are making speclal -iisdueementa to flaby- ars, in-the way of low prices. W. te"s canuer and bulle at the high- etMarket riein exochangefor fresh -tome. WInter Blanket.s, Fur Lap Robes, Hea 'v y ur'Coat.s Waukeoei TheAmencan Protece Trif [ is a naiona orgusteM *"Protection te America Industry " s explained by isce lion, as folleva: ..The 0=0 ibyia m l Ad.etmn y a l ami@>i*i en j sglSé.omp**Wm so!f aoia Thon, are ne pemeoi or pi1 prof its in coumection tstg .tionand hitsvustsined by euu contributions uund 1h. dut=but.W publications. FIR5T: Corse.nd.nou slu pa, à.mberthqa mad "Ofr" sIC=saq- SE0050: Wndnd .- al 4,11i whther tmafl or M a ur aem",s TH 190: W. Publiat aImnspcmu #0~ Oeveesg ail Pham..of the Tan! p ntar id l ai, .dw olus sda.*t FOURTII: 0 WOw tload aq6 135 West 28detru..O Ne yo.- Wedding Carcis. For Weddiug stallonery eflà&'* qnaiity sud vorkuisnoMsp. ai o lise INDEPENDEOT re 5 We cisallange nompotition sih Weil as pliu, printIng. *we - niis anyîiing (elîgravel om alty) ou as lot teims s g tslued lu Chicago. Bu1e guaranteo .atl8auction. Horse, Den Por,' or don't, it lacaused.b ed, sharp, or' Fretti are also ca tendent af-" u ndeeistand tosi" have f- tet ex-a

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