Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1895, p. 7

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eim ft b. Royal c(»M- ex2elpSivenu eoftIhe name I~L tOeWrlt for Its bakiag 1"ý,heqImedal importance of. consista la the protection '*Mm e th ie millions of con- ,lWynI baking powder against ildnÙwbolesome compoundu. 'iee of Ibis article bas Caus- to bu bighly esteeei andi largely 1 iotthe world over. 1W 11gb 0fiuaUty bav:nX been aiways consumers bave corne t1 ty upon the "Royal" brand %otwboiesome and efficient of ~uarket. Tbe cnidityet oth- uUctrers Io excitcd by this high hi~isand arge demand. '.ery t6tb undreds of bakiug powders tb M t Are safe te une. If their b"coutld seil thein under lb. naine W> ell-knovn, brand lineai- q*olb*ie damage would be doue to the »~bhIt# 1b>' the deceptIon. lThe g*r¶uaI ofethte Royal Baklng .YUNOWr Comp~any to proteet the u9era --8.Ye1 baldng powder agalont mi-- lai b rigid prosecutien of tliem Wsnclb Iitations etf 1W brand eX- ~hyrare gbsIarourneen" was wrIt- IWMa'. Crawford, an Irish lady, àà«lsoffl ninety, years ago were ia <ole. lThe zuste waa b>' Crouch, fric genia, who lu hi. old'age »ert>'beggedhhi w-a>' Into a con- Slven t» Itiens, that be mlgbl r, :bo owncomposition titly suug. W@ lore on!>' partially MiI w-e kuow Abftogbly. Grant tisat a closer ae- Ita.revesis eakness, it wll adqdo trenztb. W4JXNAIRE CÂDELEMI tzMutk. ÂAdyl o Young Women. <gemm10 OUR LM IUmEs 1S WOMMn areVerY &Pt to over-caîlmate tbuir trungUi andi oventax Itu Wben the7 are feel- ing partlculariy wllI, tbey sonietimea ake chances whlcb in th. S long 'rmn cause theni - much pain and trou- ble. »J3is ledue largely to their not lfuly rcalitlng hmw deijcate their sen- siatIve organi&ai la. hast beconie a wo- ma rau hardly ha expected te st wlaely, everytl1ng la go nel Ioteber. hhe, howeyer. sbould lhe told; and every sonian aisotld realize that Io b. weil ber " mnîtbly periods" eabould lie regular. IWet teet, or a iold F , froin exposure, reuder irreguiar and fearfully palaful the men- ses, and perbape Dow the Seed for futurc illliîealth. Lyjdia E. Pink- 1,rsVegetabie Cçaepound will over Le thje unfilng 7OS.dy ln sncb raies sas Weil as &Il the poebodl lment et womnen. Millions cf *cam aliv. 0 to proeIbis. Mis. >M. L. -,IrrilI tell* pluly whsî t L as donc for 1I11.111 write vou a fcw Unes 10Itel vrêuwbat any trotibles werc before taking i4aE. l'inklianî'a 'egeîablo corn. ?Il 'Tas the sainie old stor- 1. bock ansd lower part o1 My abdomen asi paifulmenstruation. Of course Il i~sfémal. w-ak- peu. lThe doctors ttbvt1ed Ove dif- ft~mma- ett h womb % 1I bad leucor- mboem-for over eight $ean lcere on the mach ot thse womb, terrible leadaches aud b»dmaehe. Your neliciîîe conpleîel1 14n% -Mu . .L. e asî, 21 Iy 1Teethand GUnS Ache! 0M1est tbf. rMandr clS Me ;è JIL adiL 1111tk.. b h ait ie Thse folow-ing Stranie $tory'lW tolti b>' a Fort WaYne brakeman w-ho lu cm- ployed on th1e sasteru division: "It w-au on a llght englue whiçli nas being bauled oi-er tise Union Pacifie Road frein Denve-r t Omaha. My posi- tion w-as tisaS of lraks-man, andi as it w-as a w-et, nasty nîglit and idt not caro te expose nA>'uelf an>' more than w-as necessary, 1 anenketi loto the cab of tic deuti englue nti tried to kcep niyself as n-nrus us I euîld with lIhe aid of an old blanketi1 fouad I n the engiueer*s risust, n-lieb I1 wrapped about me and bibi dowa on Uic buuk. About the lie thaI 1 got comfortably fIxeti andi nas; doziîsg, wiîh nsy eyes hlI eicscd, I n-as ste rtcd by a loud, long pierring call for brakos. I knew olti Blllly Dunkan, thse engîncer, ivould neyer bave let ont sut-b a bluSt as that unleas lu tihe preusenre of greal danger. Hastil>' tlironý-iiig off thse olti blankot I jumpeti up and peeredth lrougb thc darkness. We vicre ruaning along about tblrty-flve iles ain hour, andi rlgbt aliond of us 1 n-as startlt-d to perceive anoiber traiîn approachlng at a higher rate of sîwed. Tliero n-as not mucis chance 10 junsp, as il m'as lnfera- aliy dark, andi 1 kncw tlivre n-as a hîgis cllff close 1t se track ut tucS place. 1 "sabout to drop opns>' knees andi pra>' for forgtî-s'esa for msy pat Bina, w-heu I luckily tlsought that the tire box would hoe a good, nte place lu n'hlch 10 veather Uic collision, andi in an Instant I liad Junipod througb thse lire door. 1 lande<l on gome clinkerg, wlhk-h had been left on the grate bars, anti bad just got on uu)y kuces n-hcn there came an an fuI crash, sus-h as I ba4r neyer iseard In yair'lIe bofore. anti I felt the 1olti mogul going fi rst up na tlin dov,%n down, andth te mulkecning sensations of finie fen- seconds n-cri' paralyzing. 1 Ivas tuinhleti about prett>' roughly, and had thse skias knocked off my legs and uMy' beati cul. lbut nosllng could crush mue, for t was lu nof non safo tisat n-as w-cIl bullt. allisosîgi it w:s never lntnd- cd«for alife-lurenerver. I tiougst once, hon-ever, that it w-ai ail up w-lUi me, for I felt tbe old bolier colapsing under the w-eIglit of londeti cars that vn-ere pilie on top of IL. Aften anile eve-xy- thing was atill, nut], kîsoning tînt tbe n-orsI w-as ovrn.uuile,,q tihe sebris took tire and roasteilrixe alîve, I mode an effort to crawl ont, but coune lt do so, nis car trtucks and framnes n-ex-cpiled higîs above thse wreclk. i tîouglit il w-as a montîs 1111 tie wrecking train camse, andi then I began to cry> out like a maillmn aisunt Iilo'uxe sp. 'Ibey f15151 iAave SLought tlifit In-as l>irug un- der tIse engine %vis ut>' legs cruusieti, for She>' gave ail tht-lrt atention te me, nnd atter a -ile tbe>' got the trucks clenneti an-a>, anidnho dîid 1 se. but big Barrie>'.tihe w-necknister, crawllng betn-cen ttvo car ailla ivthi a bottle of whisky ln bis band. It.,fore ls- got out to w-lic-e In-as I reacisdoniot anti grablued thse bosue, anud you slîould bave aeen tihe look on ili face wben lie nier- ceived ilie safe ant i oud and getting an-a>' wih gooti whisky. Il w-as, some dîne bptox-e Uic>'gel nie out, andi le- youd theeri-uisanireati>' nentioned, I ivsas usount ns Ib--fore the wreck. Poor old Bih>', lIse eigiiser, n-as killed, as w-as algo the fit-enmancf tise ot ber en- glue. andti wo tram"p, n-ho n-erŽ ou a c-ar next 10 5tle liglit origine. n-ere crushedti 1à.Cjc-lly. The lirebox saveti sny lire, nSI ii ever heurS 0f suetîser moa having saveýý i bic bîcolu Ie saule miaaner'**Plttsbxrg l'est. Iig-Fbooted Soistiers. In lise Germon armi>' the fatherlanti kintil> provisies ver>' roomny boots tor ils n-nrriors. Tîscre is. hoievter. a seri- oua iaeonvunluce attending thse dis-, proportion luu-lns-s-xsthse sizes ut boots andi fset. lIn vu-iy sut t, tenacjlous grounti the b at os ret ulckuganti the moln goes 0on, casting ail affeostionate faren-eli glan-c- Isu-liiil Juin. litlise carînot. %%linus' iiLglst;s-nSiîarill' corps a feu- yeas -slicdetili before the ousîleror ns Sirusbur. --rossaa stubbis' field! tich aiis eubaul rcndex-ed rxy stiek>' andu iiiuldy. tIse boots o? Uic Iufnfuury -vs' îuullokd off b lu> lie huntir-d. sothuaIa faitigue' Party bn<l tbf beobu off. aiiiiuî grexut lasugister, to galber n is le Ist îurolsnrty. In nilltary listory Isle CortiSloii iss 5h11 knuwnas the boot puarade. Wlien I l[erur11i' lu 1194 cap- ètures! Salerujo lue ord(er-eul the ives andi datagliters oet tise lsading citil.cSis tle put up at onution anS sol-1, and ail 'tiese uahappy ladies nere thus.dispos- eti of te a brutal solier>'. Tiseflion-rs of nizizy trees, Ilke fihe oak, elm pist hickory, are se incoujîice- nous tisaI Ihe>'arc pnpular>' suppos§ed lo e lato.-etber Iacking. ---------------- ------ :bu Bubblcs or Mcdais. 'tes sasaprifas. Wbnru of it how contradictory Érala.Fortier.cui b.ony one best in authing-ône best th1, sUer. is eue highest mounlain, one lougest river, oe ~toa.And tisat beat arsaparilla la- ?. . . . There's- P IYôu can measure mountain height aud ocean deptb, but sut Sarsaparilla ? You could, if you were chemists. But then, gt ieed to test it? Tise World's Fair Conimittee tested it,-aud n'My. They vent beiind the. label on th. boutle. What dld itaslla test resuit in? Every make of sarsaparilla shul out ai= , emcpt Ayer's. So [t was that Ayer's w-ns the onty pu~ila admitted 10 tise World's Pair. The comtuîee found il estL Tisey had no room for auylhing that vas flot thse best. M ;,ie best, Ayer's Sarsai5arllla recei-ird the tuedal and an-ards Imerits. Remetaber Use word Il best " la a bubbie any breath ,9w; but Uer. Ire pins to prick sucis bubbles. Tisose others 4ig more-"' best sarsaparilla " bubbles ince.the World's Fair étlae old cnes. Truc, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla has Use rmedaL thsat scratches thse medal proves it goldl The pin thM, L:i bnbble proves it wind. ,W. e oint to modals, bot biibc àâmwo aay zThe bestuseuapzWla'ir kAb0 AgsiabuwosIe min~er% tof*.. 1 »vom S .E5WccfSi. ,d. 1 Mr. Alexander -XfC&Oim, of KuIgisa ville, lad., w-sa a muiferur for man>' yeurs w-th cheuattai. A reports-r o fet is ra- £il Democrat riaiteti bisant lhi$ home Ila Knightsville ad wau bld thse followlssg: ..go you w-sut te kaow - lisualbld1was aud wbat cured use? For a tumben etf Yeaîs past I have been'a lterribler sufferer from thtisIexcruciatlagl>' painful afflic- lion, (Ilronic rheumattem.iFor ),curs I bave auffencd more orlioi. citht h!@ pain- fui malady>, scaietiaies beiiug s-o uiltiete tisaS I couîd gel uo relief diuy or ulgisi; I coniti noS gel aroîînd witholît a elle fuor yoars, andi often if I droppeul it 1could 001 sloop Se pick it up. I n-as a suufiu-r-, more or leu, ,almnal&ltise lime, aud Pou1telinî I wousld gel a itile botter landl ivuuuuultry to n-ork. 1 reuesberoree isie I1n-ts takon ver>' balnitlî nbc-inat!- îupais n-hile nt a-ork, sud il teck nme Esure blînus two houri 10 waik home, a oi-aîu f legs tissu a mile. ".Dnring'ait1'these yeasuI h-aui spent neani>' al ai>' wsgea la paYing d-cor'î bllesud buying Medicine, lent kelut grati- usl>' grewiug 'erce, until I1<outi net nalk wieth liste aid of ai> cane, an-I onli of ai> le g had bogun te become pancl),zed andti i aink awsy. Msr. Maek Ilogera, of Brazil, sent aie Ap article of Dr. W1il. liais' Pinuk Pills fer Pale Peoplie aud bld aie lo encd il 1did se sud n-as ioduces! te Ir>' the reines!>. I bougist s Lox sud Ilegan taking lise puill, how-ever, with but lutile failli le theai, as everytising eIse bas! failedto itgve me relief.1 I lins!nt laken the final box until, tleMYns>'sonishuiest ans! great je>', the pains n-cie loua sei-ere, and farîher spart; b>' lie lime tise con- lents efthtie lirat box wasiogne I wai greatboi.relîed, aud 1 purcisased the se.-ui o. M Y condition conlinues! te improve and 1 kept buyiag pilla unlil i amn atlaietfree, ot pain, cat w-eh,siiep wuul, aud eau do a da'. n-ork once muore* 'have Srow-saw-ay ns>'cane. sud eau gel arounds pry sud quick; have outgrown ai> ciolises sud bave galacti more thsa twen- ogs ince. 1 hgan takiug tise pills. Tise>' are thse greateat »pIl@ on eani sto-da>'. I bave groat faiti Cnthbeni, and eau conacieatloualy reoeeneitthons le snybeti>. 1 amn almeat s new ama agata, tisauka b FnPinPs."* Tiseheosrter eturencsnirmed Ibis alo>' b>' aaklng Mc-Callu iIff ho wold vent>' tète atatetuent isefore tise proer officer, sud ho subscrlbed Se t-he fellowing: 8ubcib sudd 1wora 10 beoreame tlis llth day of Jul>ir.Iff. 'HOWAIID ECKELS, Justice u thtie Ponce. TisaStisere la v irtue in thexp pilla is vi- dent freintise fact tisaS Gen. H. Clame, te Kaigissuvillo druggnt. siaies to the re- porter liat ho "samoneofutthese 1Ils1 titan of au>' pilla ia bis atore, aud lbe know-a tiat tise>'w-fi do tise work tise>' are cailmedt t do. Dr. Wiiiams' Pink Pilis conlau l condeaseti forta, ailtishe elenîcuts neccu-. cary te give uew ]lifeasndriustsa te blooti and reatore abattered lierves. Pink Pilla are sols! ia boxes (never la louer bnlk) at 60 cents a box or six boxe» for $2.50, sud mn>'thiall of ail dnuggiesa.or direct bhil ufroni Dr, Williamsa' Med- icine Comupany', Scheuectady, N. Y. A Long Ride. A Cossack offlicer, Captain Kenlcke, n-ho bas underlaken le ride bis charger front Krasnoe Selo, noar St. Peters- burg, 10 Tciit, In elistera Siheria, a dIstaune of over 4,000 miles, has al- rcisdy reaiseti Omsk, 2,200 mlles 10- n-artIdaisgoal, or more tian hait -a>'. Blis average raie of Iravel eatis day bas been twnty-elgIst ianti one-hlf miles. but on soute days ho bas "one over as muets as stxty-Sw-o miles, Bils herse la au Anglo-Asiblan. Tisere hte r ctarla u Iis seciIo of einuut5rthan su ôcher siseses put t lghier, suW unultLus at few- yaw-asaupised te b. in- curable. For s grnt rasa>' >earsdoeta spro- nounced Il alà !diens..anm proscrîbes! tomA remedles, aud b>'ce- isSf alung le curewitts lecai Irestauoat prouil Incurable. Science lba prevon;ý c tarh1 o e titutlorM idis- e22.. bn!terfr reuici alttiuitrust- aient. isClnsCr.mauufaetured b>' P. J. Chou.>' & Ce.. Toledo. Oll. L th Ie ouI>' teu- stItutIoual cure onuthe market. IIIl. taken In- IatlUy Ln domes tom inos Se a lesepeocun. 1l s ets drectl- on tise b=1 an sd mucous sur- tafot et ties "tens. ruo ffnone hstndnou detianafor su>' raseIl ftatoecr.Sa e circulars andi tchlsmonils. Addsnua. 1".1.5. CHEN ET 6;CO., Toledo. 0. SWSold by DrugUs-ta, 7.5c. * ilt Hlm Agat n."l lne, C. E. hler ofe Indiana, says thssexpui-iieuce Is trouifEt. le coulti give naines and pluee If ti-at were besl: Mn. Z- n-as desurri dl>' popular for tis sockibllity andt good nature, nhiri coulti ucatlt-alwa.ys stand a gou leeUt 1b1S Ifese.îe ;nusa gcooti ahoeuiaker, ansfi tise drafts matie upon UlmInlaa soe*al w-a>'led 1dm fref quenl>'te keep bis customens n-atnug beyondth ie tîme uppae teu for the roui- IsIetion of theix- îork. suis n-as In lise dasla>a -lenfoolwean n-asruadle catirel>' b>' baud,-andi suc-h delaY-s n-ere 0f on ver>' embarrassing le lîsose desiring tiir boots anti shoot (for important o(> casions.) Apropos te tise above, an Incident took place &-t one LiAsse lu n-ii lise laug'h %-as on 'Mn. Z- a u n a long- sufferlng commulî>' feit thît Il bsad. got evean-lUi isini bla agood-naturoti n-a>. A leclurer n-as holdang forth In one ot thc chures o f tiue towna on the theme "Punetssallt>." Mr. Z- n-as oneotbis numerous audltos-. laordon to Inapres tise Importance of Ibis tir- tue ou tise minds of lts bearers, andi not knowtng 1the failing of Msr. Z-, yet hnviag learned mwbat business ho tolîowed, tse» lecturer saIS: "Suppose Mr. Z- boe.sisouiti promise 10 bave a piece of n-ork doue for one of his pat- rona b>' Saturda>', but wheu lise cul;ý tosier came oa. Saturday he touaS b. woild have te wait unlîl tise foliow-lng WedneMtiy. Anti whlen Wednesc!ny came tise ustomer n-ouid leurm he muet -ai4é ngF it.111nf, w -ranISdyou _> Moto i$ te a snd>' 0f queaUcmê- relatlnt to 40ians. tolti the Amartean Asoclatiuça for the Advaacement 0fý Bcience ho\y, w-ben a boy, he learned tise n-y Indians made thoir flint-beade. "Oue evening 1 unessrtbcd a beautiful harpoon of bone. 1 lîad a tootb-bruah, aud choppcd tIhe handie off and grounti It don-n on a plece o? handsane. Dut I could flot grind sucli dean-cut barba as those of tIhe relie. 1 then took iy flint seates and chips and set to work witb tlieui. Tse flint eut the bone an-ny but left tlice nork rougla. Tisen accldu-nltally 1 madie a discover>'. Fer no sooner had I begun te raub thobue transverse!y Ou t1w flint Ihan the bone eut the filiît an-a>! Net jaggedly, as nsy hamimr- atonie would bave chlpped l, but lu long, ,oîtinuioualy narron- surface fur- ron-su wbcruti-r the cdgc was eaught ln flic hone at a certain anugle. *"I ocrer flahed that harpoon. i turnedi l about and ued It as an arrow-- cutter, by tying l to a little rod of wood wltb ini>' hoes-ting. I lad fouad out howv the Indians madie axrow-eds." A Mingisiar Formsetf Mononania. There lsaclascs of people' ratlet.lenugb ln other reipects. wlîo are certalîuly maua- usnia In5 dostuug themeelvez. TIsey are constantly trfing experinenti upon thelr iboumcha. thel! boeli, their lver, and thelr lildueyiCs 41t trâsy noîtruma. Wheu these organs are really out of erder. If tthey wguld ouly use Hostetteei s tonscL Bîtens they would. If flot hoeemily Insane. per. cclv. lis auperlority. Paper Uiothing. The Japanese soldiera are bing dresscd lun e1pr rlothia;. '"eicsbirts and trouiers arc ait composed of 590- clail> prepareti paper, of a yellowbsb color. They are bound w-ithl linen blnd- Ing, and are partly pasted together and parly aewn n lth a mosdblue. Wheu thec. loes, w-hlch are ver>' durable, are nou ot, the>' are thrawn away aud repucetlby aew Oneo. A Cougis, Cold or Bore Throat reqisires Inunediate attention. "Brow-n's Bron- shial Troches" ivililavariablZ give re- lief. Macaulay', f rom the Inception of the plan to the Urne n-hen bie work w-as eul short, "net eight or utine years on is IBiter>' of England'" Hlall'î flair Renewer enjoys tb. confi- dence and patronage of people aIl over the civilizcd world, w-ho use iltot restoeasd kccp te bau a natural celer. To ho happy you must forget yourself. Learn benovolence; itlai.thse ouI>' cure of a morbîi temper. Only a trial etf Piso's Cure for Consurnp- tien is neede t leconvince yen this a I.a good remedy for Cougba, Asthma and Brouchitis. In 1891 this counry produced M,291, 1.Saý barrels cf petroleum, valued aI $2,- 575,18S. FiIaîutggoeS triuO.Els ra Alu-iuicures. Toatai sud S" uai botte tfree ta 'i «es caia So LkSu tir. 50hm..À ai, mmUIaWnIows Ssoovasue 5yaW le? aintarea biu&"spain. cra tdcIiMci ht. KNOWLEDQE Drngs coinfort sud lImprovement and tendstepennsienjoyment when rigiti> us. Tise minu>' lo live bet- tcr "ha others anti cujo>'fle more, with losexediture, b>' more prompti>' adaptiagthe world's boît producta te tben duof physicaltseiug, vil atteat the value te beaM thUe pure liquid laxative priaciplea cmbraced ithie iremady, 8yrup et Figs. - Its excellence is due 10 ils presentiug Ia tise tom meut acceptable sud plea- anS tt the baste, the ret roabing sud tru-l> beneficial properbieu et a perfect laz- ati-e; effecînal>' cleausing Us. systeni, dispeling coldsu, Ieedachea and fevera anti permanently curiug constipation. It bas given satisfaction ho millionsansd met w-itiith approval of Use medical profession, because lb acta on thse Kid- neya, Liver and Bow-elz vitheut weak- ening theni snd itlà aperfectl>' ires trou ever>' objectionable substance 8 îp of Fi isinfor .1M b>' &I1drirg gIntalafioc $1 bottles, but lb la mai- ufastured b>' Use CalifornIieg yrup Ce. oul>', w-ho ue inel printed on ever>' package, aIse i aie yrup of Pige, aad beiug weU Inforud ~w1li ot accpi an>' subut&tst, if Sarsaparilla Tihe One Trui Booil rner. $1; 10 for $3. tlo.di PUIS cure ULlousnoss. lcieaâtlo. 25C. THUC AEUXOT<>U CO. eow bAilb.thewemrs 5ndmIbclchommu stba riuem is et betrlu iSi t ter lm m Uoff imiA ~5aSloth.. 1 Oak" ParaphalMI 0îwsreASi. OIszdit OfuueSon Wldm1! TddlW »f &i«BnAPI Cunci aInos Ouen.O applhaiicu tterama eUÈ lm aa n.ns le mm lS. 5 It "makia ~TM a" futle IIRMum er Wf IS F oriia. Aas .,.N.mcp Dora. Misa.. WseUM.VUatW 1Mr. J. C.?I propi<etor ai World. pub] K>'., w-ltea, 1M.0 "I hai usla< thé IT Mm. W. T. 1 Clark CouDI vwitlug bor Tabuls anu _____________-- - i ug. Bee BiecsIis la uTacomsa, Wasis., have p. -lit eadaë titionedtCi ty I>'(oundil 10 impose a Indigestiona tax of $1 a year on Inc>-clesandt 0de-i triesi every - vote lise fuadt Ibs.ralseti 10 layin.- ouI coult i fnd ni aud mainaaning- a certain ri lalthie usini- RIPes cit>' as a bicycle pulls. Tie Couitril Tabule gave bas agreedtu l the proponilon. beadachaila gestion andti A isard rougit dltre!geî tise patient, snd pearesi antià rack@ bols luge andi Tiroat. Dr. D. l e ie Jaj-ao'îExpectorant la tise remod ti>' nu beS-t ed le cure 705W (longS, sud nelleve LWhis abuleslise' PummonMan sd Bronclibil organa. world for t! Tise longeaI paveti sîreet la tise w-oriti agaia.-1 . lu Wasinlgton sîreet, Boultsb, w-bh is RIo seventeen anti a hait miles long, Uic siortest itiste Rue Ble., îParis, whlces a T y Warn bfl k-oet at>, Kca±ue>', wbô~ re bautried ]Reo id fountin5> d enied 10 suier «p*IF iche, due, no dembt te kandi enatlp«Utiosi5" k'end et remet>, léN* no relief natl Ob& Impi ce reiae, end mor a atranor Thb2is. dconatlpatton 4jier 1 ise couiaI4telja~ et estlbheffi I08 sbe aberqbdw* bid. T" flil i - irig. s The reat success of the chocolate preparationet@ the hous of Walter Baker & Coi (estabgmd, in 1780) has led to the placlng on the mnWbt miany mlsleading and unscrupulous lm0b#d of their namo, labels, and Walter tBaker à Co. are the oldest and^ lar" t mýpe facturers of pure and hlgh-gradô 0,66m a * Chocolates on this continent. No chemclce sam used In their manufactures. Consumera should ask for, and b. aum thbat * they get, the gefluino Walter Baker Co.'s o «o. WALTER BAKER & CO., Llmlted, DORCIIESTER, MA5S. M------------------- ---------l r Rue A nulAu».~ ALL UÔINO 5S^tir*CLAUS 8QAI11 MILLIONS DOTNIROSME1 Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ciUcAlO.. "Say Aye 'No' and Ve'll Ne'er Be ried." Don't Refuse AlOur Advice to Use SA ~growiùg time., Thatbo1- S A littiead, ail fun. -A litti e chap, ail coat. A, round cipher, flot know- ing whether the stroke- wilI go up and make him six, or. - clown, and make hirn nine. It's growin time with him. He is -burning up fat. This fat mnust ge lun as constant- sîîpply as the air he breathes. It has got to com rnf-oui somnewhere, If it doca flot coîne froui his food, it rnust çoie f-oui fat storitd upi his body. He-steals it and you 4say -He's gettig ùý ,~wi g 8o0sg Là ~- Yi*

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