:1PADDOoK, Publiaer. IV. Nol. 10. o OUR AIX. 0- FEAR 1QOD, TELL THE 2'RUTII AND MÀKE'M-ONEy.- Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, December 20, 1895. 1j INDPEN DENT M vIlia $oui 1 9 112 1 $118 io 140;171,12 L116 11 »#&» 0 IolO012 ýin1 24 1iUf idoe soe 110001l a 1IMa140 158 UN 1 û ai iF en i e dr sataddltleaal for Front I'uge or Ntm eutsas per uine for flrst i. ouprlino foreneaMi-Adl pprImiq for &«ttJne and Ufty tor am suSquen itienn ewlsig 814Tob Prting sre jeOslt emsb inontb. Uglac (I M andl Advertiflemn wah lot baçrlug an *openI cMosis5 centefflb, à$ for si. ~.PADDOCK, P#bleher. te. e Loa."FrrSae, t. 0en., ofor butt"rand eheu'su . 1s frlbo.F Doe-Yom 8l4 cath riohlpn For aleor led-In theac rlo s ~fiàum stet, A 'Prl lieA,_ viii 41d7e.Uargitly gn1 daera, eiu- g'o an ffonaîsud aveiy fair ow ?ropr ml. d"gnYserices. Dogeprto n» altaen ii ne r ntd ih C700icsh vium mea i~ n a stck Thed For "t aile t gin 1. ui a" .h A e.,land onO LiANEDToIera tht Wâter'a-Trae Boyond. 5t CaIods nil av tt » rpayae onbi e and ice. Dr. upretin s fSt an h-7V tWe nted or ieh 370eai mee lu an Woekihliahe To »y pr peraWo w10 H. C. ada ,i oxe e,"ro emb Li 1.0cah de os. ilit»ed ef t th ,f.fl m a ei trum .E do C1* 0oldo nd Gubribeswh lipue arare suoe and arine per. Hs~h e ys poir, ..7 'ibm ho. or oe L Tampon vorii s .ue 8) Mo t y.ibr, udreit$1 0 o" oans.vsifgn d ihe h W lky e or.OeTimesOr ron Mess ex aminecheodate on oe year ,dmao our aper or o if yS2. t i 1onov mberesenlio =-theargey o es twud n.yrin v» eiiier press tio foping h ,~apshume.c n er dmon1t r' pis ols 14: lamonth0prtientt leVuratim eet o lbuaexaie h attend he *um ~ l Co etynrpaer a t f or C otenteiptvsfr uMon- -~8tneth oms Admnltie,. Ntice s. P Ct nionM 6o-1 Holiday Exouraien3. *bçnain ContrailiUnes will sell bucetal ocal statiuns villa. e.of 20l miles at rate of One Thtrd tare fur round trip. lsold Dec. 24. 25,-and 31, ihfinal return limit e . lP. Ey. vii li UHou- ntickets te pointe vithin 10Ou. sud One-Thîrd lare 4trip. Tickets 'iii Le $I;t» sud $1, '95, &nà Jan. 1, toSrotura 1111 Jan. 2i W9., ~.Cieray Permit.. mbtru Passegers Association auntorm agroement iby Y 10 ild osame, cau î"aLiýiflecure a clergy tkg them to, the clargy u t he railroade psrty tu t"For furiher particu- -Our C 'MILLBIItN. GRIASLAKV. Raph Haise lm on the' ick ui. So i olrudl ,lt r Where je the, Bauntifiil Sîîov?" 0That Jannary thAs' came early. Miss Mary Maoddcn spuxît ',,vtral Bd Mana spet ise Sublsth ii ~.diis the petet vci' sti ber fat lier anîd City.lrthrhr. Chicen pox h report,41.! jut over Thie Brick et Tii,' Co. iarnedl 'everal 1 ous oflm.kiluof ttiltne tais 'r'k, w ich4ei cre lfrt Mir$. Jamesjaunison fis rctnrused 1rfrn of. FIfroni Chjcago. tThe infant daugliter nf Water lire L*'renn i "nî'rtiînig ~White avelîientiy feu uonitutu sto-ve aset sister a fov days. Fnîîlay andtîttbrnt ber littlc ibands Jeannie Th@m goes te-PL<ukport. hatlkv; niudr h'l}". acui. i Sturday for s week. ogîu'i. it. en ansae mney Childrens txerciac ailil be heldlta Dont orgetthe ehurt'il Christmas eve. Ilîsteati 7, by uneng oui eiubbing list, ot tht citonxary Xmee trec, there Alfred Bain ban beglin the hreaking vii lie a new departîireli the ferra' of a natty uitile copper coiore<l Coit. eto a Ferris Wheei. Evt'rybody c'epci- Addie Pollock ln flot lu lier muutai ly the litteo nues, are iii',ited. Hon. Alber' J. Hopkins. ;lorg)fbhealtli, thongh stili esc. Two trains 'toro taîkei il the' W.('.! lia,.A..1.}'îîliî, ',e Isuth t itotlftty. By. iaut Suîidîy; viz tii' suuuth buud lon.A Flknescruîg 'eîîhuianti n ut-Ttecinmore llesseid to givi. thau mail triîlu icaving erý- et 12:40 saud coeutitroi, ii.' 'uty die le Mth a itter cloe a ductoir aftc'r mixiag the ornth boiu>d train ,rris ing nt2.53. el1itrnt u thé a sîulryinibic tie, ir< e terhd onc. eai igtHeneaftt'r the mail Miii go soutiiut teu ye',rée ini(',î",'si buoied hy A a fu lategtof aur young 5:45 p, ini. The niil train goes sonth Lfew ,of iii.. întiigleeniis (ti "ate folks vent up t0 Antileeh te) attend au. Mt 7:45i a. ii. and nnhnth ut "):30 p. ni. politici fe tfi"1i speaîker andi a good eentWnmeitt. Foiiowing isna puera vritcn for the, c'aiupiguî'." hiigoTime's Hearid. There 'wu* a baà came of tangue- denîjeation Ifo!the beautilul uiow eciioul 4ongresnrue in theu pklpsitf gnpp y ecening, hous jitt'{îtoipiOtedti iithi', place' r 'nrxtài ilkno Illinuoir, pnoi'oliug a Mutile. Tei~.îlîîM.îehcî,h,,~e, hote dt'uuýaL4mitul iiititiit!sa fdir teader- (Insee MeNeal retunned ta (lîleago, las<utliv, i-t.'ha yi'er and a4L'da,; tiijl in a tiiàitt'uit Mitîl the tie'nt mon Tuemiaysud vill visilta -hile iforelTlwy'i'etak.'n u it ta liii' drtiy lit. the' î'iuiitrv (nlt te, W'euhjiugtoui. The ber returti to Gaiva. 1 li,' La - t u'itîgco ,Fqitliiuiau i rauiùltuii nl tid' Ia I pe<qfle -,il lii' ,titi' tadmirej 5t1t'li Susie Tayîuî n auiciîaites a' eno z' hooraui t n r'got'.1 tcrli:p, itquulitii'e. If t "I. Juw i i îlot ti) viil vlth ber snter ins. Tloin " .ii uîîr"ul.cutnii cuterthiii' ilel tir gn" ern,u'. thertu i-8 etrO lirtiinttiotiIliutli u hio Ihuli t', wi,unîthe unautie 0 unalChit mas.'eii top. Tfor. h.. '.aidi a i USD51i - t nDlek f-h etw1 its un .Houpkins. Jauidice andI vhooipiug couighilihav-e ict l'îb na.îuuau' a -t A v.ei l 'tinei'l se'întient exists euong hauitdet umny of the littie f.uIL", Ahou8-of log ltrctuuîerkt-'dthlibill. tllthe oîheîîstf linols, hou> iland same of lie eider. Aniuo'du ajt hlleti We'fior andt bus t, meory dt'ar. Chut'eguu îandîthie' cati' ut large', sieh Alice Jamiceon compite home froin)W'ibneu'r'tt luitr recuters tiniflintian the' rîîauî nlMtlit uVheton Coîiiîge iii spad iliidey... 'Aho uIndathetinx - .i bywone' tas c'alledi tu the 'xcltultive chair. -itîIek- Suie viii bc warmly veicomed b1>3' . Woii-thttire noi îuiee 'ast-n awas100-' ford, Regnter. "hristumas pancels luegin t ~ WîIcret.)ie iii tithe future ili __________________Athenuit Draiutui lllwieg. ç, early. Ouîr stage brouguit ont'-iarkedt A tovuu antiuoultr v round-comBiNr. Hicks' Great Works. -Merry Chrlismas~' anti a liitswsift' Or. thatat afty rate tht'-,'ebatouit y ei'. tri R. Hicks, th, eie-t a made gladi once, lt ýhu'ui wlthlniswvulle 50gond. mtaurlu, îruuîiei, of St. Louis, i4 nov a Wm. Thom hiavng luult lihmseoif a U',iulmieildof W50w,, u'b 11111' ladst yhouneliold unome Ioi neariy o'.ery home bran nev tee honne, vas te have liiuu ui saro. s'hn bote u %choc] <i a i Aîuurie'i. liis wMouîuler!.uilAimnane Ctting ibis veek. We teai the thaa<'amne down itb nauiy telling wIua-k- Iurilt'ttie sitb,' fur y'iu aead uil change plans sonîuv.hat. Vi(oe notr.yî u in' more oorrectiy and l ecurateiy thau - W'iliheMitchellMeut Ciy s'urul',itaOh totaH hisaek to the'happy day uny otiser publuicationu, or any other lacet ait uneie who in t-rtute scr,)',' tht' Wniî'u, 11 e n aw. re lx» e andi sysieui. The tehtihiony Îut ai large big pend. Il in reportei that Willisitt uuentOt s'U omn TES v -aa _C.St îiuib'rtu ,'reiitîsrisei..that 99 rouiain ntiTi. L. :btinng'n anuther year. Foîr a ady Apýnor anaalne- per cent cof Hickm' predl"tion'u arc fui-' 1 Te)uin argument, and t silIi r ,lied! t thet' ttr. Hiil serls,ot The infant deuiglten of Mi. anid NMrN. Arc' hi'rr'masrik.hen the tIIi,!*utiig' oa8111181i41iîulà"8e nt' lusWeil and Jaunes Boumer mas lunried haut swek , - ufrot teinmste-r*'stface haoq)y io n saail part tiisatrasuddeti anti sharp ilinese. Tm Wilîl'h illiuthe cldef automoti phie' _oao'orudsater a9 l.uh u.rn «as vramne trooping tbr. coluntry tand in fureigu hbat',The Sytiputîiy itiliifttOti van tender antd The d',-r s'ai oltif Ah! nus' 18lsnes'. fies' Ainanue fo'r 189o in je n'st deep. Wiîo eu mii r-visy hook or ero tue The lostu o!fW11,tere u 1>0iuug book? practical snd instruetive "u, vlh me the1 The Ladies Alid finieied six glngliam And mRye they gheî euituhus of Ture. preiti -situof thie epieudld murle@. îî apronn for Miss Bertha Hofer'o Kinden- O0%,newswift nDit rî5'm m centine104 Pags. rlu In ctfle garde), ai ihe ('huu'sgo Commouis. 141l ln f usi n aaia. . sLrain I ok ippr, vitu oovers eiegauîlv N. Union St. The givndL A 'hn' u ainstutl rn printeti in colons. The mtter, mi- appreclated. Wiih hb'i rt as 1 I. It slnk'Ts'oul i thoagla scietiiin e ritten lu popular Ramer gays tha4iàJ.'&letft fbethelie uco style, Ibero belng nething diMeidt te mun Pnau Ies'place tor issam uext 1 -i 8',; -ou uadea suuiuersand »bout li. Tt in aiseo ui nr htias S1 enr-uî That thaigs ame net Qauito an =y «8esm. - eyymr htlas st eakbi t Thot s'.-miglut ythuorte ha py hie iiili'rbtiti. Dot& nfound ibis vih in 10 oo n t» nemrk. Snc-ceste) the If w.' would osolaenud pisyn se 1 soe patent medieine pamphlet. Tth>plan saysay. That luIndiea noen and truth Iiinothing ut tue hind, but ila afine, Mre. Hallel, the uatfi [entitTtof li'ruokeabeauteouis yonth. book, vhli noelait il neysa adI iMrs. Stauhvealher, han been bereaveti (o.l biest; the nation. ws'e ebolet prorss fer 2w. This fileitAimacu la given as of r Illu>- s i as' the hlgber and crime t=-ls a~be pron nit»evry eat brY a mntra o-,c Bgt.ecllng the voth of bei brundit and toedu tueeyyerysbsr accident. Whie in bis barn, a revolver IvetolirBi.Ii l Hce'veihoua esed »haetfonrro a o c vin hidîu it'.tuui.ar u'n ,ii. snit denervedly ptpuier papier. Word catalng itaisciaarge and hiUliag biun. wtoels; anetI Wrkn. This unique journal je a' At bis writing. rTueaay, the inqnstDt %li annt in patient, peraltantws'a F p. orlee» educuior ot theemasses, and van not ceuclnded. lira. Starhvsilier Ti! cen 11e dunce,. ebaîrino muidcay un toni becering a housiahoid ' ti vaîhGberl bieseour bome. oui s@chocs. our nation and noressiîy la theoens tAmnca ent in t ho wtbe rnd(od biss the meu lui sen'ystationu. s of Anss'l,î ho vthefir vords and deods bave shown Thoe. sbo vaut tu keep up cii the, s..*- Our rigbt te ecol ibis land our owa. advanced thought o! the age in science Todycee inot btlm. - reiinadalsocial, commertciid, G RN Mn ded tosave th.tgSelat 1Â0. iote!lecttial anti domestie subjecta, Consîdenable rain telithi., veeh. lhbal vo disgrace hy vont!or tbeught hhold ubsrib fo Wod ad Wrkeý ATitis uiau. oh,.@oseusibo=_gL? uubould uabcnib forWor aadWorh. Oo. Daziel recslved a car o et aetd lAt Do. velu ise t0 eat-elsis flubucition oniy $1.00 ayoar. Yonicorn firgt of the week. Andi mako oui owa a shin u ibt rau send for hothi derocit L Word aud Jolntiis ite firmant of oaoo e wonhs ulubiahing Co., St. ULouis, Mo.: Edwihn Potton, vho w.u e hurt some 'Wbere Libertyan sd Truth an raies Singue et ofWordunad Works 10 agO, 1la able to Le otut. Tehoti bahenu de iosbeel cents. jTeINDEPmtDEIT Wll o >ter Andt!ho.eboSheplierd ofthie sheau'p. ______________t ian ever the comng yemr. 1luntonder taime the haeashanl kerti. Correspondente; sud Advertijerie Fannauis ans dhggig their corna out Wr kmupond obf , use:wn shonhd romember tint it takea lime tu of the sues' and outting hti P. Wo' amr iouds of!unr echool: sel type bu fore a paper cun lie prnted. Lina Wooley, ot Chicago, atieudedi W oe n ae Yon %ili greaotly eoblige by îaîiding litlie party ai Grange Hiall lats; Fnday' Thon et unasudoavon. yourcop euty, opyfurM.1 mult eessng.As ime rushes Qn; yenrcep' cnlyCtîy tn as muI eoahig.T- mahe themaln hei'r. houeter Le in ou' aiîds luot ltr 1 W. H. Pope cho uented hie fartm le E'er eppeninnlty's gono. thah Wcinesdy noon so* o ne Evanaton parties, han move.1 tu! Let'@ show the»o biglit ahIldr voute Tharuday te) stting up tlu lals1 Chicago. Thoit'ilderm k pr nova. We eîm 10 puitthe lltoxva- ý Inthe(llite of tbetr iboo1l ilre,, £NT Thu'eduty s!teruuoii o it silîl W. S. Lester sud %cile are np uuding Wib inteat andi heart. reach t>ur rincions ou the Friday mail,. e ekeh akga ihM. Anti iou mi deawnesolans _______________ Leater'd brother. 1i inn utae snone,' -A large cros'd atleaded the' Party TWifthe vitandsptuubiseoa. 2he t§R et 1%0 $iaeee. givea by Ithe Whtiei Pleasure Club, xsa asi aite tGrange Hull. Tant Friday evealng Tieat the okis Rl'eh@a .bsohoel. Thie llm.sHqaa«a »cOeanOts, b, Xr< anud repent an excellent time. He hbasosrres' and trouble, nobiut is inmww l t e &70m cire- .Tunaday mornlng eanly a party ef And coeasfldorhie iuî. P&M-te UsWW Mssusaia slrus asà yonng people tnom Waukegan cho As the bome ean the nobool. bamin i I xpmbau Mener pwg. 0 vr fomaa lepiL Aa lsoih e b ntin b«& UHsud a pi i. tdrs "thé ar imigaio ai G. reiuruing f tnasupriePry An !the tes' &th e alm.D bear vere A ad tbe giniofithevriit. Th mo "fasinte-dar-W4 i t .H Safr'i ulp na pili- Commes from boys educution. etmua is thua great asespapsitnlieisunitakon pied cave oft by M rd. Wakettld. la the gobe!landi the home: tdur. Coaelum EsAU= thé masa iiero. .Liuncola in a laandsome young A'ud their place lu the other. t 5lu"1 Wh:inla hamof hetowsans. Noriaja Sthllon, ovusi by Tom Me- l 'Shi leu Md s'b cents bustes. ivism a ws' om . r- ure, RHoila afino boise vîth a guond N' hi htthOliiib joee. tmamba mtr m et pdiggenadtviresandai bbne exi Aput tht, novrs'ornant 15< m Md9t e cutytetepdgreadwllsada hm ot Non polit 1m ebtnunt near nter at billanjonuilt Mis. i(, esoau. W. adise ail breeden ct orrts noommn. g"Mt salles.. Who ia regardsan es »et theheavy draft herses le Cati sud ses Il 14 As our girls seoeuhomos. besI' rieàtu Inis snualur.necalnsbS Psitiuon splendid animal. Ah Sos' du' ion soe,; au the diltorial masf. E. V. a5aUey. duhotsos_________Ai'u.jul deto nacmaur istemusi (o Aunrica trom g n a ~l i)u. An-iotei agutuiai Jours in london. huas been adis ed t tnoses.e aiyacoy s eniter.ou Cbicag'f greasi uswsîies. nsk WARRP-N. As nur ginls setuer home. U. asset. cho"s pons agosl i t te Ttc eit oua sure feu'nd.tion, the human heutbaua colus eofvs5 entbs The orchestra meel this wech vlth Ourn9 Hoe vo h nd l <b. laws o h ditonial Peu.."il ue hr a"s blusFod ie wl* oP5d. iliu Garland hmbaS àtW FodWiL hOia.ecl tts in eueau Scouibhutin o tiis papsi. Lymanu ».. D on n h ; b corne fiends 1 vo«Mi .ide ioui. GLatir, etlont the. acconupllsuued dm J D JhnolhoIlohih Ik B y thai icaur rnlibaud, of Tbs@lHarald. nos' elutrlbntsias ~îw "« iseli.repied noms botton. To Malte alOuamobhool. tîoissenevannoe. tes e-r i oair s»iuietune. Amoug thom wsho visited Chicago A evrlihlad s'aller Welianau.the cWi knuwn Wasag4t*non braelseMoaday voeeWm Sfiule, corre@mamdeni. in retaiued ln the lame eucanti. gluernA. Barrent.w ho wu$aser onituiurrsiers the Clama. Wilbutiand Mn. Bfithlîof Gara... FORT HILL. dranatileatiseofthie inter Ocean. la novi t' o yteW .C i iîl rni ai aipoig taebed te Thue TItumasHeraid, clOu a mussue la Tte party «ynb h .P .u iteirnl ai ý mroig Loiudon. and te wntilngùseu.vera's, 3llar yMd Grange Hall, fait Fuiday oveniag ivas danhtfetlietcu's frn tu.he urouuous ot Get Ir e attendod sud ail report a gcuxl Mise Ratio Cleveland vas a picanant uBrltali. Charles Laderep. choe s a crtoslt tisse. -Calter at Fort HllI, Monday. bas ne supanlon. bauis ceatUybeeq met toi En- repus hi Mr. Kohlsaat. and somseIutrted arts. ficheol lu DititricI No. 5 viii bave a ]Éi e Noe Converse andI ber [mound Chi frnt sas plut-hart nos' sppeartog. Jo.sguça-,ation oetwoleur vsutue eomiaci tg Mis.Joe Austin voeecaiers ai aU_ IUOs'a.rt.,~ a biliant sud couetteieers lonig Côocuffl tl lb U0.New York prsse, la icerozlMonlay. The techool in doirg a couds, Muuday. réguler oenlbutor the ln.. Haal.goad veil vithi ls ConiiWedgm as lar&hal Huuson delivenod over lhirty Gsorgs Aufrei Tncnseud. theS talantati"Cath," teacther. fat ogs te Lake Villa, Mouday. Of tie Cieuomahi- uuirsr and otiisn paseus. la wntla ut 11-2. KoiiI.sat. andihuas rxetly out News vas neceived Ibis veek cf the ins ayBle ain n dus snsomenity d5Lfiutt lttera tros mumtera atm- unanlage ef Mus. Pheb« Sheadmuin t1a Converse atteiided the iesdlng ciet star r'n'or'is u"AtbOti '0 the uieasfy cr115.M r. Day -bauematera gentleman. Han ah Orayailake laitIBaturday. andabe tutàbum maStlalslsgla'e Iba dl- WOOLFS., Clothing CHICAGOS - - IL NOTICE TO LAKE C OUNTY PéI I have Iately connected myse1f'm Woolf Clothing House, cornér of and Halsted Sts. and would b.e P1, meet any and ail the People of ýtht#%ii 1 know 1 can Save you 25 to 3ô,% oç Clothlng and 'Furnishing. Just CÔýn when in Chicago, or drop me a posta 1 wiII attend to your wants,Cpersonâ%' FRANK H. TruP$*"-im A Good Chance for a A MEIRRY CHRWt Ail the Holders of the Pre, Tickets are invited to be prE at our Store, at the Raffte «I held on Xmas Eve, Tuesdaj Corne and get one of tw Tickets, Free with MIe $8.00 worth of tracte., We wili Positively Cloàe Our Busili Libertyville, Immediately after the Hé] MILLER & HANBY. DEALERSDI Fresh Cows & Springers. We have on baud a good varie. ty of Choice Minnesota and Wis- consin (3ows, and are making special inducoments te fali buy. ers, in thé way of les' prices. IVe take canners and bulle at the high. est market price, in exchange for freoli cows. When yon vant a new set of Harness, or repairé oui fl the nid set, you can do n beiter tban t'ai! on RUDOLPH KRUSHA. ON MILWAUKIE9 AVIE. '4O1tNF00,M. 9.C&4U5qcm. Prompt attention giveuî in ail kiî'd 01 work. Gooti wtrk anud 10w pricos are iuound tu vin. Whypay Railroad-a T hen you t'anuu îy cheaper audq Holitday Gootie ighl hore? FthloU arc a toM lure, fuir the ' HOLIPAYS Ladies' 15 ywar gold il114 e ee w.ihin Ilaor Waltbmnmove.> mient.. .. . . . . . . Gents lulm sie'O. T. 15 ysar case wiîh Elgin, Waltham or C». iumnbtu smovernent .....-..I, Samu mnovemeal la a SUlveine Cae..............55 Goud s'atch chains freux ... . $L op Rogers iueet 1847 hulvout sud foll foi oi' . ..ý........ SI*S Rogers bcst 1847 tspoons tui ou>' .. ...... Gold-Aiuinsintcpna . 1sô IBoat steel 2-piecer Caviug Sets tromn ... .....$$t A fulUe tof eighi day cioeb» (ilhbont asud Waterbnry aaW from .. . .. . . It In nome trouble t10 vile te rela- tives sudodesofiu: and umanidaU n.i.e, a geodssorlunent, i nul bave the lime. A large number of Plns and Charma, or aiyt oui subaci seud the a Dzvrnx'Jeuoleny Lins. liend e! vnîtilu bIs, as Ibat gives aul tbe nov. ant id lancuottaer lu E. B. SH E R maiy respeta. il viU Le fer chesper ti vnliig letters. Cirayalake, TW.O PAPERS FOR Ti-E PRICE 0F, OL50 We have Made a Special CIUI with the "Ol Rellable» PrI whkb2ws<ïcan furnis h It %=~t 1.50,~ i