Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1895, p. 5

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PÔeIsru stor. î0.yiIIe Illinois. emas Wmen at sCp. . Dre ~& ALG UFFN. »sd Conxcellor at Law, ~jARY PUBLIC. ~tonalgven te Cofleeionsa sd -'Wfth lais. County Bank. if-Daby's arber Shop irk 86» FUUMIURE STuORE, 04n tman alvar e onur0 ##UarCsittina and Dreualhig. iëT14àSoLma aAtiS te >4 1 muatd" 1 VMionnepluss0. t aq,- Libertyville, 111. mISS ai. ALICE DAVIS. ha-te of -ure.Cseir à -CULTURE AmS HARMONE qe Lutu. M. S. PSVimIMAN. ,- &.-imkcu*aIlliois. ERODTO... 1 vltIllinois. -i imimuait experlence lu Ano- inter Biankets, Fur Lap- Robes, Heavy Fur Coats 4mo= mdlpayed sy %pi. SKAISER. ~h iupalnlngmai. Prumpiiy sud ~ll. E-cntlsugas representeti. »AN K.... it, Parkhurst & Co. ibertyville, Illinois. ---- ýs Ipterest-Bearing r4glfjates PgYable on' Demand. D ntistry. uir Horses are don't Eat well ,ed bydiseas- Sor uneven Slobbering, *g -the head, ,Indigestion ueed by bad le,Superin- "f the Lake Poor Farm, dsthe busi- !-I pay you ir horse's "ined. AIl ýnined free Wiidy, Decmber, 20, 1895. L IBUTY VILLF LOVGE. No. 492. F. & Fattardayis of each uonth. Vlstling brethera eordittlly weloawil. W. M. HEATH. M. W. L.Ibertyville Locals. Reati Sherman'@ new ad. tierry Chriatutas to ail. Chrj'sn0s gof t¶.1H. . Huri- These lre tIse sîsortest tiay8 01 ag the year. OirJasnay tiaw carsse in Det mber this winter Oyitter8 alway. g.-Manmtifrcsh filh every Frida, i: ~!V &Hoyts. Don't tashe anv chances on th~e wcatiser; yotî are lisible to get left. After fliree weeks of wintei. weatlu r and fineieiugliiug, mwc have a echange *aian. Cranberriess.etu ea illi o your Lrkey; nié feorl I~ cnt quart a W Hsotliyt. Now 1t coule. %ve ail engine ald can fight thieni mitîl chernicalji, wheîî no vater f is ny. Look ont for a col i aaj about the holldayi '-as thse days liegiui 10 lengtbesu, the politihegitna to srnt etC. Iti. Iroti .~thilig jîst hoîud in itotk. iwwr et forpl('11 nishort not ice. Gototir. H>S. lnrbutt's for baud- natorati ndrtces ton nuîulerl'u, t0 mention.f Those ivio havivee<sir hîari lDr. Patten lecture vii li e mure toIi imeir hlm, if pollaiblit, Frida « veeiig. lti 27, ai the Ml. E. cissrelà. Weil diti you everm No uc C r -se auy arhere a hantisomer dîsplay of Holiday Goods thaîu la now on exihlhl- ilion at Lovls Drug Store. A Grand Bail wiil lie given b sv lvti- Libertyvilie l'hReoix (ii ntihe Town Hall. %Ionday eveuing Dec. 30-. '95. Ail. are cirdially buvted to attend. Go rigist np 'il Coîbys store. J( yon want t a handetnie dbaîlay of toya. gai, 1 ooks. pictures and oeauy nsefý,,$lceasuitable for Christinas. The Chicago Union Liime Works ('Il, of wici L. H. Howelli i Treas.srer, have mîîved tlieir offies frons 159 La- salle st. to 010 ciaruier of Commîerce. S. W. cor. Laalale andi Washilngton Sits. Chîcago. There ibeed no longer lm ieaYpoo- plaint for iak of water. t hba ruîned tw0 days sund that foot sud a hall or Buow la aai gone. Thse carth is weli satirated andi we shail have- big cropa next year. Coule sud lieur Dr. Patte"i give Ilis lUtatted l erture on his trip thn.ugis Paientîne. Friday eveuiug. Dec. 27, lu the Ml. E. chuircli, usider the auspices of thé Ladies Aid. Tickets, aduitr, 25 cents; chiidren 15. There vu»sauc' ush uitiSIAisineka3 elevaor tisai theY hiai t t rnil thelr mili, grintbng feeti bols day and nigist part oi Ihis week. Houle growIu nni sud nts are elseaPer and licter tissu tise imported mili auis Ihis Year. Christmta viii soon elielure ansd don*t forgel that tise NeulMeat Manke;i o! Austin & Mallory lias a ifnil supîulY ofiturkeys, idocks. ciickena, samd liti la everytilg tisai goca tolu, ske up a gooti bill of rare for au Xmas dinuser. Veilî one exiname fole'%a5anotiser. Winter weatisor, a foot of uuow and jing sielghlug u Thiisiving, hile nov, neaiy Chnîstinas. we have àusats nains anti no froat bu tise groünni. stock nMay lic.aable teîîlck tiseir livsing tbii vinier, if Ille green gras;s conu tinues to grow. Builbéns are iî'vuvup. lisant-s t thse riher irusti but tise relater îitill getlltut- anse for tise nise- iiin ices- peopie seeni, ho tiinkt, ii 1<the vuesî alb4, ix; trying to nobtiisIlci. As a matter or tat 5e nui keas nsmo-elirotit ttuainlie titi before thei- ise. ci tîst lu ultIl tieeoiigla. Va'n d sec n1%.à$ueu ibaisa for a12 t Mns. H. Irbffrthutts. Tisane s-ll ie qualeriy mneeting .,rviea nitlise M. E. cehciegiuizig Suinrdlayaternsoon Dec. 218t, witil Qnavteely Coufeye sec ai 2 oeloi'k. Love Fenast it u:: O S ,tsat Is îorning and p.ucfiing by Dr. H. G. Jaicksonut to:3o0,îitloek. Commuinu service afler unsirulusg service. Your are eontilill ilviie te toail ties abbaàts senvlc'es. J. B. tIACGUFFIX, Patos.0 A certain itier bashissi Younmg "'al, of thia tiavn, sayas the GanovaiBif îi c:sn, cafteti un bis leat gitltise otiier evenling suid tsay laitSst on tiesefaf at Oppo.itî- euuts. Allen a silence of cen siterubte diaii evidentllY pesit lsy botis ts ibaridtuitglt aise niaitaetd iup onongu courg, to ask Iis visaI h aq asinkiiig about. Hl-, isopiug te pluelen.rrepliI: -u 'l wvus tislmkiug of tise saine lhiîsg rotswere." BSIse luninii enisiantirepiiesi: "l'Il alag yîi u nuti, If yoîs tn3 h.. How la Prevent CrouP. SBore readitlngtsi viprove ti- Leresing toyoung mutiers how. 10 gourd againsu. thse tisese.-Croup lsa terarnte yoisngmotisersandsuit1pont thenseoncerulng tise cause, iraI uymp- tom$% aundttreatmeutislatise objet ut this item. The origin 6f croup lsaa common colt. Chldreif viho ane subjeci, to It tske colt vary eail3' uni croup taý almosi sure tu foilov. Tise liraI sympon ta hoairseua; tilla ta soon folloveit by a peculiar. rough ICoïugli, viieh JO easliy t.01011 SOi wil vi eyer b. (orgtoiIsby.ff Who bàs hesn4it.- ~Theie - -10atout 1I M tise guar~ WAS ta, mare walgsn"Pxs .I_" tie purchame of the HoW,* »ire Englue, Rose fiant asiatad a Howe being promeut qlitet tishe folowlug poep. otor andi iotract-, Tis HooraleConilLl rt , Iu.,-~Gentiemen: We 1;Veilà -î yon propouitioni for the purehsiie or rental of a lHovo Fire engue o. fli vus complets qiaet oîitu of 500 feet of 2 lu. hose, 30 f~ i, 33 snction hom, a No. 2 nos hiuiel. hraslantena, a tire axe, a erois%- 2 nozzels anti 6 tips for saine, P couplogi, 2 extra chargea of the Chemicai powder, alsa au extension1 laMder thât ai oe b.xteasde4 33 feet.. The price ofthiis malfit vould lie regly $170 F. 0. B. cars nt Indi.anapolisun 51itisai l8 vat , eare ,çetî lng for tes aine outft sai over thse .onntry, but owlng 10 elrcumstausîei1 viîicii you ana probably avare n0 We have reduceti the price.t-o $9 i. F. 0. B. cars ai Indianapolis, Iuid.i paid, for Cash on Dellvery. Or if you wish you are to psy lime,- hnndre-i and seventy ($37-5) dola i.q cash on tise dellvery of tise sald No. englue <sud equlputent, sinperfe order whleh am't shah lie for rental wear andi tear o! salti engine ani equiptuent, for a moutlus folù',l date <s! delivery, anud ccclt5iics Raid oustit. At thse expirations of Cièe ( mon lis aforesali the Board are to havete pnlvl'ege of rnuing the engine and eqiiptnent for furilser tiise upon the, paym -nt of the rentai at tise Sa) ve rate oir ai thciseplzmtl r of thse lir s 6 m ontma ait the reqiest of tise Conntir Wce agre.e to taka l*e-k tise Outtil i vii ont further charge to yon. qf Aîv lIme b the dehvey_ i laid N..5 andiuttl ansud ...w. fro<ss!BU. y heM, t shall have athse righlt t liuy samliN gin n onifit upon. tise pyien1six ed andi ilve ($601 dollar,>i ni thse rat3 of 6%ftroua very of sud cuigine, thse paymaat of (3375.0Q%.. tisree hunti andi seventy ive dollarà pali ai rentil, te, appiy a% puncha&' mo ey, snaking the toWa amouat OM folio wa 5375.00 paît nea rentai. 3$M.00 as 2nd paymeut wvus interest as abosl' state 1 making the total $980. Tbi% No. 5 englue sud outfit asi describeti. are nov here. have b a. t esi.d a id are *wàaing you action. Bespectfuiiy eu- ' 0 H lISE PUKi( AND) ENAItNE 0i. Motion Pàppley'ad Eger tisait&W proî-oàsliofnithse Roe PomP fd Eîîgine Co lie scespted andi tisaIt tb Fi4t contract lie isereby ranceeli. andth£ ths ie Vilirge Board agree rent tise No. 5 Englue etc o! hU liove Puinp anud Englue Co. for q mîstb i andi reserve theei ight 1o pur- chame b,' puylng the reniaining siumsJM, ék115; 1 t l4-inuthie proposition and I tl tise Pro i lent lie Inttrueteti to draw a wdftaiit f« r $175 for tise irai paymelWf on ths- Eugnle 114i)a warrant f'or $10 for tlve- mti i ht on lise appiruins. uW' kee-I. îrndt iru the warrats o0cr tu tir. P'. il. Ioue. (anrieti. Vo luis olby snd Ai k'.e' tsai t] lie taten frointise Street anti Laip Faînt anti put luto a new fandst, herebi t-re-tei. calkd the lire i)era*tmeffr Fsu 1. sarrieti. 0- Mtiontjoi('slbv, and t -G'e wev a.ljniruî. Carrurl . E. L. )ulis, VilgCle Our Premiums. Thse ISDF.x!)ENT lainLntta t i3h nunicnilaira lsoulti have thse ativau age of evety gond thing going-. Wiih this endtinla iew v e have arrangati vl thlie Hotirman Pulling Co., of spning- field, obbo, for a anpply of yeaily niib- ss.ripti(ilus to their ivogremit monthlea, luierai Veâra anti Womsaskiad, viih '.ill ie Iresenteti free 10 every ."paid lu astvsane" isuieciber t hie urnE- V-ENDENT.i Farm rNews. For tse Farner and Hîs Fmlly. This moiîtiîy fhas gaineti its repula. fio),,sglely on Its usants as a journal forn the practicusl farnier. If lais la lîrebSan to its readerâ s snc articles as '.'lIl lc of prachical usistaste to theta lu tleir daiîy uork tnitise tarin. Every dupartmneut of tise fani la repre.geni.d; oreisarti, fieldiaud gardo;tient ur. grau. t ary end the uarlor-it is pre-eniueintly the. palier forlihe fariner anti hib fains For Woman and Home. Womnankind iappeuas lstise astes of tise great mass of people; lia edtbors sli ti li iwith us ucisbigli t nies, doen pooma;, iutureting sketeches, isclpfusl lulis anit suggestions tisaIiso vomniauilus ffont to lic vitisout f. Sensible Wear, Motiserhood.- BrightI Homnes, Womsnuu Prognusis, Chlt Lif, Womesniflime Day, etc,, ana a few of its luterestinug iepunimeisis. t lu sensible anti practical in ail tiingd; 'ýAlla, Bright ansi Clean" ia lis motis. aud lisuta tha reanon it la L4o popumr smeîsg vomin. Sample Copies Free. 011 accourli e!ftisa expense 10 ushIcS tise Ii<DEPENDENT hsaiseen put, tises. pupers eau only lie sent t0 subacnîiera vlio payuy ii thein sbsefîpiions ona year in ativunce. Tis offan la niait. tua oit and uaw subscsibers eus.. Do nol fail te tarea tvniage ot IL. Tell your friands about lt, so thut iisey May secuire. in addition 10 tise iest local palier in tisate, a yeaa's atîao2rption lus a greai journal -01 national circula tion. Muny Fuctonlea R.presentedý Everyboty vîli 'admît th.4t visen a merckani'seu-tek excels in vatiely, quality snd pnisbeInousa leader. Fràut protiuie sa storesotavery couetevable style huit manufaecture and sa Pnices are, vodenfully 10v. Amug- tise liants represented lu bis stock are thsuso010ran, BoJ Cross, Chicago &Z;Ol, Ci"eego Home ad Miehigun Stove Cosnpanie. R.e u eerit sabatiiy yor vate iiianythiutg front a Wm Busae <sit(t'MAoi tu) 33>dusua te lte uà"Malitile eveiy imlaSt o ituatig, or cootig upoffl.-£o aholl oitaIo te à e e 8 4,mudog a~<~sith frIendm here. aha! I trie4 i ittnlm vlngnow SIf yon vant a oï lîrkey cr ehicken for C kl h1011 i d kHoyt. tirs. Irotlne wj i-IlH.t l tloaks aI very u c îi. for tise nc-xt tlibrtv ,I;r7a nd hgi-t Lovell uliuas hows mn- retsat.-inii hi icelectin of goi-ts. A clîild cîui Sii;- jb eli-uji am tisle (1-t in amsvit t-ais lepeîitI (on air treatmeiitit the [,iis -nI'.ville l)rug store. 1;o i( l-.l.S 1îLuWîs for rope 191otiiiiig st4kj qào~fl oîeiand îtliei fsîney work fAlla . illi lie so-> he<lapl for csah. lienîry Lawrence sla luiussinmiit~< i-xtenslvely lii thse pouiltry luni-. lit, spe&ialty la sure bret Wite PlYi ontti Rock fnwis. Thiese chiikm are great layerus iand lie exp(etis lrge lrnits frorn 51'csasle of s.ggsi. Butter on tIse ElinîBoard of Trite ou tiondae wèiss active. l)hering.s. lsm- 7î0ponnds. saies. 1;,380 polnud. i 27 ,senagainit V, coiii; lasi vs-ek andi 23 cents bai yeir. Thieoldid tîectors suis ,ommittiea weri- re-ehectect. Walter Dartv ndîyaus.. furria stenci(l Yy rail Mlondiaifin Alantit.Aile r doingthe greal exposiion ttiey uil IWod thse balance (Of tise n inter îssain a toiur of uihesssîîlieruu stitem on vieels. Tlî.-Y hope u. tusilîs c irpenter n - -s u. utsi 'p a 1hl e "LpeuseB. G.ýo. NW. it% ii îa whh knnufaineur e idlng east (I tvaulbîîe was hini (tde ts lus is b edWedinîsduy nsornbig. HUe retlred Tusa<ay niglît ln appare-nut bja"ti. It la ahîpsseti lie tuit nof hrflet diseusie. We have isot learneu-t L.Issther detuils, time nor plut-e iff Ff tieral, but hope to give lsarlbcuulirs r ieit veek. E. F. Apîsier ia arel- iesicli ii 'prized snd has laken rure oif tise p vit .fveni.v years. h ina a fcsimile o!flise -Declanation of Independence wvici _bLmklîdly given S> tise Libentyvi 1 c "Fu-Msehool. Our board oi etIneatlon wiii have It suitible frameti sud hnng -ap in tise Rugis seiool noos as a 8tiixi ute'r tlis sldy hlstsry andt Inspire IMio'ic etucailon. Tise public- suy aankm, tir. Appley. M. B. Colby At(o's. geuerai me-- IMMndise atone ut Libertyvilie ins muels lâM hnmoet people have any ,iît a '<hey have three tonles litera 1If paeked full of tise mosi semable goods "bil if you dou't finit viat yen i% a il. liscy will get IA for you. While the *Mf;e on tise main flinon lamostiy taken i)sîjis vuDry Goods, Notiosa, ti-'e.Boots andi Shoes, etc lisec se(onîl &tory ianlise place 10 look for a 1Mrge tck ecaei, of Clotiing. Hut@, Croekemy, (iavare, Carpel, Trusts, u WmM t iisiv tiey have al-Ao crovded ili a ii:mdsomne dispiay of holiday .gxmis. lit ve cant spore upuce to ennînenuite. Go vîsît tiseir emporimi ti sne- for yonrsatve i. M-oic-At tise regular unnusl onssnsicaioç1 fLlbertyvilliaLotige. 0o. 4U2, F. & A. M., tise following otIleers nere es-ted for tis e nsîng Wiirt by NMster-Warren M. Renils Scnior Warden Isison 8. Glessun; Siinior ivarden-Lavîs B. Hanby: - - -wasurer-Colnmbus 0. Bulley; eSi en -tuny E lwin R. Brown; (hafflin-Jolsu B. Allanoon. alnDeacon-Jonu6. Lae; .1 uionrDecin-liarry B. Blovis; Siiiutr Stevard-Jiuhu J. Austiu Jr. Junior Steward-William E. Miller: T'.li-n-Oscar E. Cisnruili. Thuesît office-ns wahI blustalat the b- nexti ntguian meeting, the fourth Mat- jurd îy iii Decembesr 2815>'lI5. pi-nria îe vIlS s St. c;r or CAR dy. Duit or aluariage rites of wieli ive bave evaî ieard, tisas descnibedt 10us the ti ber dsmy y a lady who isu assei unsny yeurs of lier lira ln Burinuatcar- seutil yIs-urs aa-ay the pains for con- <'iseit-ssindl aieet alipilety. ils-ne il wousttI appear tb ha upon tise duimky lady tistai livi pleaaing dubties o! courtsisip de- volivu-. sa secs a youtb avholus ais deem> - uulclatedti u usake ber isuiptîS andi fsrthiisvîlioffers himstick of tissu- dy. If lie at.-capta ier proposai. lie îsrsîmîîîy cits lite tssken o! affection, ausiltLîy uare llsereby matie tuitu andi n, Ie. Tisaee a n fui-tisrhé, thi antinossii ilîeaes alire necearîy. lui iéLî act o! enting alone' luis isiog* îîrimsit2ve i usrriagi- rite eonists-so ave lis- u Rutt-ei BiIif, ou tise cotut'Y. tise youib lins nomindit o enterritiee- tare of uuutriioiay %vitil thse proetoir uor lise proffereti stick, lie nereir as- usres lier-withî a ina -onaldeaulois fos' lier toeus-ltgtnt nwaymssoavulu nmore civilizett -nuitt Irte&-tiset tisaiparticinlar kititi of caady la not 10 bis triste; anti avis hîmit Ile aviole inciter la unt aundt. Bise. presumabir. Igoes contentedly twsy tun off'r hier ejecteti eaudy andi atffections té)soanme more appreciahîve youih. tiy svlhîn, let lis nope, Il, say lit spetiuhl.devostretl; andi everyisody imuet fel eI tillil tisaI no unneeesry lime or troutîle lias been waasteti over thiei unètce*fu tia trinmonial uegotiatoi.Ol -hîuae#loîiiWonuls. fiOTes for the Aa'ns. lu 1861 tua vaults enter lte iroad terae. et ftIse western front of thse cap- lb!i weMeconverted luto hakeiles, wviene 1,000 louves avre biskeit dally. ThPde suppflthe ie arniîy o! the Potossite. lu addtione10 tîiosa liaket eL AlIPandnia undt Fortrop 3Monroe. Tise ovens ut tise latter place contauiseil 30,S00 luves daihy, asut rmuanoven et City lPoint 12:1,000 fr5s looves avare taily furn:si- ed tise army. Cae of Their Je^îeuay. 11i wooer, salit Boohhby Forat ho a ineumber of lise saie caI wits MIs, "u'hy t-lotisat 80 mauy prte*uioShl aetrm a&«Ume t10look dolaitn s S04ll- teurr - Iwy're jeilons."rplIed bal- vlauw Itilsgtoo eoisdeatly. "TI*yte Sàfr * Wdb o te gl ltOu liD W A 2#h.'444*Oh A "'Merry -COL Have",You Seen Their Cames, Sleds, -0F- Toys, Lamps, Decorated Ware0, Stationery, Pic H andkerch S-lippers, l-ies, etc. Do Not Fail.,To8.It M. B. COLBY&COm MAX LEBEAU MANUFACTURER OF FINE HAVANA.... WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. .....TRY H IS LeBEAWJS STAR. A. O. F., and BLACK POODLE. L.LOLIDAY PRESENT6 I~1 1 Have the'most Complete $tock of Holiday Good ever shown in Li bertyville; WATCHES, SI LVERWARE, DIAMOND RINQ% CHARMS A-'2 PINiý 1 have the Trump Watch for $2.50, the best watch ever soid for the - money. A nice present for boys. CeIW R.i FPor anythingi- n ý Qhrltwis Pr"efl my store., 1 have Books by stand& IMrrors, Poirftlfl Téys of ait 'klnd,.' the inl the 1 ine of Nie its you should cal! at auUiors, OoII~~ Oa 1

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