Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Dec 1895, p. 7

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cokes for cra blacking -f a a-Uv IPOUJSIIfr a ic k WO pted and Poi. »Vched wllh a cloh. r...C.ton.NAS16.. ..A. s aicce oeach quaîrter, after ýimxma bave. beimb taken out, glving6 110 lgeace. Thei ICOi Is saited anJý mklàed and wlien floroughiy cured j«up la bags 0f burlap aud eipped ý# zland tje Wet IndIla isin-Udd g te natue of .'tarnietasajo."-' ited States Consular Reports. rhe Engllsh) houae of commons con- [s 670 metubers. 0f Ihese there are Ite nelv con.ervatlve parliun*lit i afavor of woman suffrage. Thtis 14 eesthan lhe women hadilute pii coJFI[DE(cE oNTEN ILEÂDS Uéae~la Interesting t. Elferl feraAI y.0 orLà"? rÂDUA Tt le as ?ery ad tacttat te more a veina trusts te the skill of bar physiean la Jr tat ber finale comupiante, tb. - bugers h. làa pIt ttiufer. LyisE. Pnkiam tally realized tisi E'ui vimn site comnmenccd liat exhaul- the u dy that bas cnabied tbe romen 99 thé vori te hlp theinselvea. She dia- eoved ltee ure.etfternase mplalnts, lint produes the Vegelabla Compmad, - vhlcb le Iber abslute cure. WiMeu auch lestsunljasetite roibowing jel gît-eh, te vaman vit. thinka houl ~set qulckly, and Ino long«oj rmt Ierseif t o trust te ineompetent tUlea Tite ~"Vegetable Coiouad la eold b, a&H drug. dila, and every vantaitsioli hatu W. .The doctor bs.d told me 1h11 man"' 1R et te the bospital, and iaîd an opera- Vm perforrad 1cauli not lve. I1bh" $àWaUg4ý elargemeitS and ueratlon of She WOnb. 1 wuasln constant mlsery cl the ime; »l7 back acbed; 1 was aways tired. Is *» tpoesible for ame to waik fer oi Ob" long et a lime. 1I va s srely a -wieck 1 deided that 1 would give youx Vompound r.nd Sanative Ialh a trial. "i1 tcok three boUles of Lydia F- P5akamaéVè table Comnpound. and 4 tad w0 packages of Sanative Waeh, and Sarnenw alincet Weil.l.Iarn clouter. and healchier than 1 bave ever been in ml 1fe. My friends and raeighbors aud tlb doctors are isnrprlsed et rny rapld lm- iiroeUlt. 1 have bold tlicm ail wha 1 bave boei taking. " - Mune. A NKEV-r BIcKMEIl, 13 lIait-e, teimotît Ca, 0. Yiireest Medical Discover of tthe Age. KENNEDY'S ..MEDICAL OISCOVERY SIONLD KENNEDY, 0F ROXBURY, MASS fins discovered ln one of our comm( ratu re weeds a remedy that cures evei cdd f Humer, framthe worst Scrofu d"ta a common Pimple. H-e has tried ilt ln over el:-.en hundn *cases, and neyer failed excet in two cas (boththundet humor). He lias now t i "Uosesson over two hundred certificat of ItS value, ail wîthin twenty miles Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is alwavs experlenced fro &heirst bottlq and a'perfect cure is wi rne when thee nglt quantty is taken. tVhe the lungs are affected it caus pains like needies passi1 tlem; le same with the Liver e Thsiscaused by the dlcts beli ~g4,and always disappears in a we Stkng it. Read the label. IC stetomach ls foui or bilions It m sqemis feeings aI firsl. S hage of die eer necessary E ,r one tabIeponulin water aIt l -ý6 Sold by al Druggjsts, CER OUS SIDJETRE LL % i OS UBESR EFUL 'a 4Scboiariy Exposition of taie Lemmon -Thouabte WorthY Of Calai Me-fee- tian-liitan Ilt- Sltdy oft tai Scrlptutreui"Time %Welt SPent. Lesson for l>ec, 22. Golden T1t-"t'iîil. i ig Yeu goa idinga et greal jey." iUke '-:Il)i. The Bitfil - Christ is the- sulîiit thb! weetk. Luke 2: 6-20. Thrite -t-on i nds Ue in lhe midet t 01('lristîiiis îIrt-1ara- tiense-nd on thethriieshld oi îf ('liridtîmas -heer. May the seittmn' î-,re-lis wioie- îîîmely remiud Utitthlie lust 1îrî-1imratiOlt is ofth tclitt-it and tcîtheitett eitaIt %vih contes whth thet'ctrteinit ofu the ilea.vî-iiy (localt. iGod grant thaI the C'hrt-bt.%u, be bot-n muew in Mtaily heut tiis C'hristmuas tinte. Iteotu for .1îst, a iîreîîared platce for lthe Christ. "Titere %uesmît, roonifor liet, bu tlie ittît;" go closes tii' 5evt-'tth yerse. Naw howbecutititily Ilie eigiîth t ersb apens, "And there wtiet' in lime saine colin' t-y shepherdsa alidiîîg." 'No ro'îtîîiii ilth Inn, butl rooîw i tith'eaiei}-d tatt. Tbmnk (lad, tii-te tras a pilate prepured and the Chriet-taîe %%as tu imave a ttei- conte--heurt aveicoîle. "0 corne leamîy heart. Luoril .esuts. corne. There Il enoi a nmy ht-art for ltîte." "Feut not" n'as the' it-st wor'i-î lat bruite troa el*scl~aipta tier long silence. il was the saine word spokieitlat the' riven toih. Whimr ear nul? B.-t-tue Christ IN camne. Christ lie Kinigtif lovre. "Per- tt'c liove cttsteth out Leur." 'F-ar not, for bu-baid 1 brimg Yoit gioui ltiditigs Ot great je>' uhtî-hsîtaillh1- to ii tctue' Let a tt-îmbliîîg woîrid, ils citîliren tact lu thc dark, take heurt andlî. Thc Uiglit bas couie! "Fîior unte rout!" "for luttlo ,,"the eng-eis <-t-ed, "t, ito vî,it : Ni,ît ', ls r Iisigreat liesing. tue gretor titflle and etemnit>' givet,Iluit i lthe t-iiireu of men. 'rie mtgele luive ii tpt-t inii ilbul te, enne i4ti f ut itert' rivilege ot t'Ili!.g h'l. ti 'N ' et Ilit-it-harpa a nd their h f~Ibt-ttlin. itjilteeetaay -- atlîmtdbhc f ee-liing t'r %sa-itemhe hlessing Lu restîrved one Ietaious tbd. ing drop (Iowa tiilis. it> hri-e te- joice: rt-j'ice itil joy îtiit-,akable ai-d futiof glî,ry. -A sig,.1 itîtto yîtu.' w,- litr a respru- sibility anti a tar t initi- ,itt-ildi- vug-u-.Wl are- t)fidl iiito. itl'aa luitot-itlo gîtlii oau ivs tiin -uueh ut Shei-th it-tîl ut -i -klii tout.- Augela' srnsaliee, l'utîttît .-.-t I- ti s thiti i-t-li- iai-- uitiit. 'lie aigt tif thl,, ii,it e z ild tIll- oigiu ef tht lltllichluiiiturr. lt--hîbldiihe Christ. Itiii a sot!tg coulei'si!lil ii tit, > trir i t t-d? C.) f ; liibinut-' lt-t1YnIl iiagel iiicc us iltg. 'iiik" lthe l,,i nsst 1h t st-tf. Su rtv-, isli,- iraj:e of the a -pence, giiiii%%tu iii o tel îuiet. 'Tie oh translationîîi" ginI -lt'iîtgi. lIîvet-ti is "giot->'.'ont etrth il is "peait- :' amn ,men it tititt,'glu1 ss %il]." .I'Y everY trilere, bI)esititi> tahere ahet e, hi-len antI ail at-umît us. ljîîtiuig everywher' sas. amongst the deviie of thc pil ('tirges them-e fr scn is met anti deuti c-onquered. We-il lues il hc,-î saîd th clurcha lite bu-tut at Bethlehemt i pt-aise. Lot tir, keep tihe îitcb. And n-lat diii tth-y inî tthen the canmp? "Met-ny andt Joaeîth andl the biahe. ti That lovsely îhîtogiî iisvy roilî thIe (Clîri à,tan faîtlily, tva, ibit iseit -giiry tiuled, Aand ltme beginning tif "Pec-e outti ari] )fgood trilî testat-J or atuoug nîcu.' Wi moure lteaîîlful. t%%lbat mot-t'suggestive1 ; surt-outîiiîgs îm iail oet he iiestkin 19dotof love Itat bail dasved eîîoîtit x lialî-t,îtteti t -l. Vhtrever (7hmistiv A tamtiliee galheç ii intee anti affec-tionl nitnsore the- tulfjineut of lthe angel .%iid non' the shepiîîrtle ute relut-nii idpr:ltiitg (lot Ilzîd akiug Litoavu the isetihirtu]i ttt'c a broati, ns îhey go. 'T IY nîîigels have ilisiipearte-i, Iheir simi hi <raud ii atottiifi,,bnd. il le foii tait n- e:ir,-nd tie g-Isullittv. Andlsut tren et thi.t me-n at-i-telii voîtdet-iîg nt là swluitam-lusut>.. httbut t t-etii ttluit-tsu iret- ouli te-Yth sli sbtîihiet- Ilijîi--t. iiii"teîariîts. rt-jiit-and tît - ble Lit od, lias coîîînîii(l t iti- ts trdi toli eîî:t-ohit to lil. If iieltieiat-of1 îiiiur' tsaitl thet' itig'i1, Ut-iîit ('i-srva. "seuidliîLtb.e., titgelit c-l ttî t-fariter;îtmenansli do tht' 'ts ihg a "$oeng et Iltt;e- for - îis ('la muas tline, titi-s uortîs 55ittemi ltvM >,% Mat-y A. Lathitiîry. cf East Ornmge, J., aî.d w bibih gitil tut' lit-ut urize tif iil'IOsonge t-t- utly suiiittd te crd tes his ates sof rom ar- ises sing !r or ei )I PakRatlIf, residng at Kteym, North Carolina, under date gt xune Io, 1lm, gays: '«I was toubied with dYspepsia and my physielan gavéie meItipans Tabules and now 1 can eat al 1 want and It dooS not burt me V-ke It used ta. I üIDk the are goad medkuéne. YOU ~ e *naine If yau want to." khThiBanre od i duiW tS. O b? MOI l Cnt~s tSa 1 tzmetso 0sluitalchetel. & Io ce0 u0t5 ie 1w yori. sampit butep h. abit Cpraine M ÎFJ91*rprHNW6Lebaaoalohla. "Clilidren of yesterday, licirs of to lrrow, W liat are you eaving- Labor and lsorrow , 1,oxk to yanr orna again; lFaster and faster Fiy the' great shutties lrvlareI by the Master, Life's in the lon. ltoom for it-rooni! IlChildren of Yesterd&Y, Hleirs of to-morrow, Lighten the labor, And sweeten the sorrow, Now-while the shuttles fiY Faster and faster, lUp and be nt lt- At work with the Mater. le stands at your loom, itooni for hlm-ro.unl "('blîdr n-of yesterday, 1 leirs of ta-ulorrow, Look at your fabric 0f lobor mand eorrow, Seamy nad dark With despair and disaster; Turu t l-and 10, The design of the 'Master! The Lord's, et the loom, izooni for biîu-rooin!' Net Lesson-Review. Optional Lei &on. ,paups Lest Charge." 2 Tim. 4: P A New Yeur Lesson. Couidn't Look for Them. "cau't reinember where 1 put m lasses," sald Duncombe. "Hlave you looked for thein '" aske mri. Duncombe. "'No; but 1 wlll as soon as1-E tbem," sald Duncambe. 11I can't sg well enough wltbout tlienite bx now.'-Harper's Bazar. He (att Il P. m.)--Weil, nalserY lID crpaluy, you -kàow.- hour, I uL , s-trolt teP I ue a os in. ee ipic ta end nt ns ul LnDd nt îId ork, ist- Ira. N. out tuas Dy ed Dd e ook rs- hie' spmre I tiin thle pIuinfg; tihecMr- penten dbd its ahane, sud sa ailticheme- chaule did licir respective avork ta I n-ard coupleting t1aw buteniot- ofthle hotîse. Eveu lte business aud pro- feqssional men aers caîied upan un con- strîtlng tic houge. Tie-y carrled lte ,had, mbxsd tie morte?. and so aot. Tic memnbers ct-e, îheref-t-re, juctly proud or thi hase, wvilchist worth mort-auan 8100 Itemwanr',0100. Thse Teders of tilits parer avili be pteesed Sb lest-n ti ti ere s t teiast one tire-auleildiseste tliai sIenre liai, leen able tlucut-e lunmlIls ,a-,à sdlta aaa--I.les catarrlt Cure b lite oul curtie tcnets Ionuava laelm d- ilteft-aiternity. %cqatarrai teing e constitution&,l duseses. requîtes s&canttnitltnat rearilelit. Halle Catîtrh cane titae-n itet-ally actingi directîy utpon the tiiaod undt Mtenuse mu or ltheeyateu, tereti> destruvhag te foundtllon n1 lite L'euee. sud giinitapatient.strengtht bY1 buildinguth ie canstllulutnmasd aesltilmgnalurs la doing Le wat-k. Taie PluPrleturS lhave &0 R> h ls etîmetîve pavergtat t ie1 ai!,? une Hauudred Dolares for anY t&c hâ Iat î tl cure. end for tîtut ut Testiiattils. Atidreuus. 1. j. CiIEyEY & CO., Toied, . &W-Sid by t)ruggLîits, 7le. Dry Geysers. Thete at-e sevenal hoies hInte Yel- lowsetonte liai-kreglon 'tsii-are loalu- ]y reputted ta lie "botoiiess." Ueo- logicai autionltles se>' luit tlaey at-e -dry geysers." Inttaonc af tient, kuass as "Ilell's Peck Door," 10.000 etedOf lne aiti avetglî atuicited blas been loavered itiaut strlkIug bottant. Hall's Haîr Reneaver le preo(uueed the beat preparatian umade for tilckeuimg ltme gtowti of the baîr sud resterhng ltat which in gr-ay tolils oinlaicelat. Ia 1890 lie cousus reports estlrnuted tiat thcen-caltaiofathle country was abouit $02,600,W00X)0, on nearly $4000 per iead. WoeM~~ j Many competln FOODS .have corne and gone av been mtssed by few or noue 'Ià, poDuIarity of this FOOD steadily Increass S.9 d by" R 85"sTSEV RYWHIESVEI âz nCars&5uP"' if your skirt edges 1 'ear eut, if's because yoa don't use PIAS VELVErHBEN SKIRT BINDINOS les. easy to prove lit for youraef. pern't take amy blinding unies YOU me S. .&m." on ta labeli, no mntter what anybody telle yen. Ifyour derier wil mot suPPlY Y014 w. 'wUl. SedfrS7ls hwn aeàadmals- rkistotes. &M-o., .Bo6qqNu4w York City. Inivure sud deflelent biood, mmmd I cOin lieds le semious troubles. TIti remedyls fcaed *0 pitre. i vteh blood. sud lb. me Irue bloa4 portier le - - mu I Sar llood'a Pull Oi~,HsvIi la 1~ ouat o ' sng lawzt l hb ba #4 ta en Plis talu a Russiat i cty i It maymot bêknowu tatwhieb Germix is lte prevalling ian- locomotves Intde< express IrMiii1 guage. one man sed anothor ta re- we<ulre as minci tratiiii, lu their waï, icaver the autu Of iftY ruifes, thec debtor for fa»t rannlng, au do race itorgs. TMlaayîsvng ýaItfully îîronJs:I-te'd 10tde Pennayiv&a RmItllroad Comupany bulds th,-moneyan St.11 ietrys day. Bu, h-tLv- __ its own englues, and those hbIt fur ilng talled to do seO tir a uig linie, tho express trains are knoWli as ctas 1P. lender discovercdil iat tht' llnssian or- They are very large, ani built wltlî thodoi saint Includes i,) uol salut ns silgt vartlauos, atter ,lia patterni of »SWenry. and the Jitdge Iefore&wlom the big English enz<ne iniported talo, the case wvas trie-I wtts tîtuelipuzzleil as titis country severai yctit 8go, andtie1 what vý'dct hie sho,îm1' give. Ilap- whtch eti that Utie vasa curlotity lu pily tht-e .ocr-îrreil u thflit, saint lts ivay. When onc of iliq,-ii big en- or lie salai, Ail Saints' day Included gities waa Itlketi out of thei 5hUps ta bc even tlite toSt doubttul, se lie gave placeti on the rund, lnstend of pnttlug 1j1ldgnîlenit thîat the' tlfty rubies slioutd ltoelihe work t ls intended for at Once~i, be returned next Ail Saints' day. If la run for two or tbreoi neek8 on- soine ane of lte local branches, lu orlet i The 1Modern Mother lu trinluit, s0 ta spetti, for faster run flac found flittlier Httle one are - nlng. Ity tItis mnenus ail thc bearings praved more by thc piensant laxative, and journals connected wth iht' run- Syrup of Figs, wben la uccd of the laxa- ning -ear becouto settled ta their tvork; tive effect of a gentle remedy tian by forshoad aythlg abut ite ew ny ciller, and tlit laismore accepta- foa, hnoul ark iarlaotlythee ble te theni. Clilidrea enjoy l and il lmamplne tnela adjat lnIe def ee Us lieuits thein. The truc remedy, Syrup) usamleysas Imte padelpitthet ecordt- f Figa, ta mnantfacturcd by lte Calitor- uall, sas te Phladephl Recrdnia Fig Syrup Ca. only. lte new englue pto't' troublesome on________ accoint of Ifs propceity te malle fast Growthof the Beard. time, and t aluiovt every station tbe Elghl or ten years ago Chane Peter- train is tound te be a little ahcand of man llved nart Kansas C11ty and was schiedule Une, aud must watt for froin the prend posseffsor of a crop ot wb¶a- fcu seconds te a minute. No. 180, ot -kers whieh exteuded far bhelow bis class P, wIll be runulug one day on an knee and of a mustachie whieh couid accommodation train, but wili 5a0u b. tlirown back over the shouliders and be flylag over tie rond as uIn express used as o cloak. Prier ta iliat period at tue rate, la mmny places, af a tmlle Peterman bcd allowed is beard ta a minute. grow te a lengtb Ot over tour teet, but Toid f Joh B. Dahe. uci growth being very Inconvesientt The Chicage Eveuing Post tells a he finaUly had If sbaved off. The below- numbr 0 chrucerllicsteiesabot tie-kces growtb aiiuded ta above was th1e late Joba B. Drake, for so matisoeeof ouiy seven yenrs' durution, and yemrs proprietor ofthti Grand Paciiciel was Peli'rran's bouet that lie pro- H Iotel, CicIag'o. On onc oca.slon n posed te keep lits hirsute appendagea lu traVeling man saw bhlm go ltt a lttie good growltmg condit'on unîilitbey broke rouai behtnd lte key box trame and the long-beard record of tic world. drink some water, us n'as hie habit, Give attention ta the tiretlaymptoma of "nd le accoalcdte lt 111e mani: a Lung Cempiaint, and check the dreuded -Say, John, why don'l you patronize disease in tais.iîîc-ilenc!, by using Dr. D. É, hebr--dxînk minerai water, cider or Jayae Expectorant. a safe, oid-tashlaa. somesuc thig, nsted e tha plin d remudy for ail affections of lb. Lngs isater? If I owned tils place, Id baçe n lte begt, you can bet." Wbcn Richard I., aii the other cr11- 1*1 hd ta break lte ]ce out of thle cadet-s, teck Messina, ail thc noble and water-bucket wintcr inornings, aud good-lookhmg w omien of lhe town were 1-iel il ta gel a drink," replled Mr._t'irried off. Sonie werc atteravards rait Drake, "aviien I1n'as a boy, and soule- sîewielm rae ataet îl liow mest plain, clear waaer out of a as s 1esytLielr caltIors. a white pitcher dae me qulle well." A fuir lady becomes stili fairer by tus- t "îlot long have yon been aili John lui; that slutary beautifier, (iens Sui- Oe B. Drake, Ileut-y?" nsked a big paliti- ither Soan t.clan of Uic parier faonr colored man. "Hill's Hmr and Whisker Dye," lack rt "sltler ril or Brown. ,. et IThirty years."îadleyBri-y "o.and I hope l'Il lie aillhlminatrly Tht' rghteusedCSftint takes peo)le r-yennse longer. Ile always kecps bis ta heaven, ls nel tic kind liat goes Old bianda.", around lia'glug an Itsoîf. lient->' nas In te emiiloy of '\ir. The Moal Simple and Safe Itemedy fon hDrake la Uic Urne of tth lc-tans ('ugh or Tbroat Trouble ta Bron mis death. Br,îhial Trovhes@." TItey poasess reai ig Disaearouw Failure ttrt ___________ y- We cen mertion nu toiture more dises- WVe sboiild accustomthe ticmd ta kccp M troustte in 'baI t 1 slai el trgy. ltau-the' besl company by Inlroduing l ouly ' voltes the' partial augpeiainuft he digestive hbI k it' aad saeiniail-e prockies, an d en tailla lie t h tbos t. retirenien f rom tiasinessaouthlie liver and la kidneys. Oîîiy Ibrougla lie gouoiflees et Piso's Cure for Consuimption lsaon espe- le uoteter'es ttomacai Bitters eau lhe eet-a ciaily good niediciue for Croup.-Mm-. M. th toratiun oftlitsfoueer vigrous statua lie Il Avent, Jouesbaro, Texas, 1%] iti :bhuped tur. Wben tiis nid bas tissu seeured. a resumplion ef acUjvlty linlaie momarh. ___________ e lirasdbewets may ie relled upon. The MWe live ut>)amore of aur lime e tian Bittera couijuera malaria sud idney troubiles. -e useveIL br D- Hat Their Own Club. 4 Tic club bouse of a New Y ork liter- NI9àlFtmpýemb».Un' ileti.Nte sdOOttr ial t tieIp. l b.ary society n'as reeentiy rcmodeled by 11 '5vieKie.iUsiiS. 'mla a in tic members, ech baving cntributed i:bis share of the avrk. Thc plumber, sumwt.awn sou-ise svurtfor cailte Éle wha was a niember, uponbils retulen =laat»à; . cous y - 16 anabotn. s 'a EWtTI lar e f pccOf evewrc 350d for 10 cenia ~ N~ YRK An old-fashioneid way i 'tii MILES (47~ of 'gatting there. Slow and sa , but hud-- work. Most women, have got be nd this kind of traveling-found somethinp:-e Uer. Now, why can't you look at that other old-' fashioned proceeding in the same light- \washing things with soap and hard rubbing.:t NThat's slow enough and tiresome enough, everybody knows, and it's fot as safe --as wvashing with Pearline. 1It's reaill -destructive, in fact, the wear of that constant rubbing. Break away froml these antiquated ideas. Use modern mnethods. - Pearline saves at everý point. P eedlerslnsume unscmupuloiti gracies ivill tell yentl«« h s <ci or' hemre iPerine." IT'S FALSE-PealinO aneeipdle. 't '~ k »d if yaur grocer suils 700 morneling lu place of Paaiht bi it ack honest-sdSiÔiIEIu. 451 JAMES PYLE. New "Forbid a Fool a Thing and~ That He Wii Do."' Don't Use SAPOLIO Curat kept me froin bavtng quiek OoarPtOa" -Mrs. IL D. DARILING, Douve-r Mieadow, N~. Y., Juuà 18, 1895 FOR Doubi dixe satiâfct obtained fr ordinary se anc4 only haif the expet and bother. Tbats w thousands of thoughti thrifty, women use Sm Clauis- Soap. They bi lesrned by pr=actl, thoipt tests that fS iwaahday"X <VI day use there is no soBp Ï& worlid tbat neary ecju*l - ~,ed CEN 1 1 1

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