Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1895, p. 3

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ChatfildWo4s - mdm ite neya cfL - 'ides& Milliewa inuon t trapieec Ilat di@tance. lu ILe brîglit aualM of eaiIy, '1om'. lug, tLe master of Reldliaven moWk-,bpe more tu a kuowiedge of what waspsm ing aroandlm. Hl ouked anOr ýjmu anmd spokie Millie'm nnome feebly enough, but articulately. "Wltere la abc?" le aaked. -"Safe ang veli," va. the quiet reply, "et home vWth lier anuat." "Yuare nul deeltving me, are yuu?,, lie said, gaaping the clergymnan'. band. "3iMlllle! uele iusate sud n vil, as you "Sie in perfectîy Weil, and sae t il -, - ' . ler aut.t She cae raiglit to un, poor -li gettlug up sud Î s othe wvîmdun-. *Poor child! Ay, pour <hild, lndeed! - A 'rehicie wam at h eae, sudabaa mIn? uht ehal I do?" mVU parleying vîi 1he clte vhndoalad "Bush!" île reetor mid. "Things yl allowed lierself bu b.otîroused. corne rîglit nov that yuu are geîting "A lady, air," lio va.s ylag. ,Sliewe11." came to our place ahog i mddle day to- "No, they canut-they caunot! It - day, vîti a littie baby, :and vas mu udd- voiîd bav'e been beter if I lied died-. Ilke. Sue ieiid nmre dînner sud mai41 better for' ler, Ioor darling, if tliey lad Ça CAPTER XXVIII.--(Continued.) sumnethfng about comlug lier., but about found lier and lie boy vlicre tie>' ver. âl* 1 d 1Could tits hîdeous tâtas la. liii.,o'clock they 'fouud lier auleep on the.. seking thenu, at the 'bottoni of yunder à* oud p? Could t" man ho pld for sofa aimuat au If sh aie v a 14, sud 1 river. Heaven- help lier! and v. vere basiu it a aeret? and would ho keep brought lier. go . happyl" It a secreh If li. e ve.petid? Neville Nn- A aliarp inul agviug @truck upon th,'lek But lier. i. uotininuglu t-lt i. ail a e's braI n reied' se h. hhonglil of fit. tor'. heart, aud lie urued te hlmývfé. slein ou Millle'm part," the rector rit eouid; if JUIlia could b. spared thlm "Gel 'up and dresa, a. quickly es #ou ald, sud Lord Nug.nt ifted hlm vear>' mevhumlleiol - iabran as el±ugcan, ioRaid. "There 'Im aomethlghm dfroM thélielow sud looked et film. odusd; th man's lgure, m es ho ad wroug." "evi epu oi i.tu! i Obér% eoinmu gro iditnc ad 'Whta t fi?" h, asked, h lma'Iy cou- *îfd. 'lurred, litre a biing seen lu a dreamu but 9prehendlng yel what vau soins ou. ha heard dimîluctl>' every word b.e ad. "MIlie lias corne back.", CHAPTER XXXII. "lAdy Nugeuit la justtaelainl toucid Mllie!' "Truc!" Mr'. Curson's face paled to su boe 5h1," lthe ltruder raid, touchug i. *'Yen." omu turehead asulh. apolie, "sud therû SBie aPiruug Up and made ber toîlet la asliY vhiteueamam lie lsteneil, "No, Do; Reed a no illiclty I keepng th thig les timethau he bve notovm weaklluto IteyeofI youy smeaenut ueedb. e dffiuII lukeeingtheliing 1m. rnetha ai coîldhav b.lcvd tfiter, la onte hideous mistake, Borne -te ourbelvem. Make it mu>' luterct to Possible. Tiere ver, lIgu sund aàOr. vil'. conapîracy."' ba1oliImy peace, my> lord, and yen aoi lu tie dipno-roonu viien mIe got down- "Don't decel,, yonself," andl thc lsrge me onemor. of ber." $taire. Hler lece lait bock lu the rec" brlgt cyez Iooked lie i'ector'u full lu tie ,~ n aI ettink. 1 can do nothîug nov," tor'. cm.y-cIar, lokîug as If sic ver. face. "Ther. la no ristke-I have meun * Lad Nagent gasped. -1 am 11-un- dead. M. Curzon vaa taling te a her sud apoken te lier; by wial hldeoum t. erved. Tell me, vliere in my vifetatge man, vîti a hmby lu is aiaJugglery 1 vas deceivcd vhen I mbeed by biWm badlunher dlsaap- i'oed tmP lîke A 11111. muninu>'. MY vite'. grave lin tat far-amay land p etrance? Have you murdsred ber?" "Wiiat d10cm t ail mean?" amked lira. I know nul; but 1 vas deceIved, aund ah. '" arn no murderer, Lord Nupent," tLe (Curxon, bewlldered; sud Milie opeucd live-lîr.. 1tntent sud diahenur me, union replied; "IL leave Iliat amusement lier meatry eyesansd Ioqked ahtlier. andta1@home my darlng and niy boy- * MY bettes., No oueaeausamy of Diek "W. bave corne bock, liai>'and me, :hi my> boy! Hearen liq juil, perliaps ta .pwltt liai h. ever struck a covardi> autie," ah. mi4. "W11 yeu takeusnal?" M;btwa aete oe h n la eli1fe." "Ti, you lu, My dean, of course," the nmenbt ovt ha 1lve noLednil.?lu -rtt!" rectr'. vIf. nild, tarlug at ber nîcce, It vas a terrible tale 10 have lu tell, ye # ou kaow me nom, don't yuu? 1 sud veuderlug miether tliey ver. ailbulim.rd 0henutogtfr ii isfrlend-th, man you murderd- amake or dr.amlug. "fI% Ihlu babyr' bhîe n lu ta malter. no lhm gefomr Mdti1 mnu h ave a band lu brlnslng lie took lie bundle asuaile apolie, sud for hfI. nuteoterI. sudli boy.grief , khmMUaderi tu matice. 1 iLouglit you liegan to unrelfit. frbsincn iéadheby r * bd eceaped me Whoun liat shlp vent "Yen," Milite mald, lu a dazed,' mtupid Curzon toitd hlm that they ver. mcli, I hi.k sud that IMillie's dsppesrancc bail heci domve, but Fate sent me 10 that Keutial i kld of voice. "Be'. dead, Itik But caedb'Leaeoc hthtpo- vilete éme. youmaru'led, sud 1 avore It dounant mtter." ué yte nishcta btprs W bingrou wie t Buflad ad cn- Andthe sh la bok i th chai trated liir-tme suilden appeemanee of lie te b'ln yor vfs e Uglad sd cu- Ad len ie u>'baik i îL chir veman claimiîg lu b. Lis vit, sud lber ~<frot Yon vIllahber'and 1 have dous Iv. agaîn like a deed vonun, and sait neyer l obe aboli lacar fr em agsin, my> lord, a word mure. companion, bâud quickly; I vil leave yo'1 to make np Inqulien ut tht' diffemeut lodg et ah le r~ý ludwheherlit@ba[ paeeor HAPER XX.park gales pliciied lie tact ILsI ltte man 7ounmmdmhcl,, aliil eaceor HAPTR XX.bail undoutediy beua.efer athe. prila- ilr. Chester~, coningbW& from îLhe ri ver "Oh, dear!" exeirned Mr@. Curon, in cpal entrauce un et ]cent une occasion, vI" thme a thst no trace of Milite vas dimma>'; "uthtever &alal ve do? 1'shat- that the vomanihLad called on the dey ef te he obtalned there., fond bils frienil ever eau Lave lappened?" tLe christeiiiimg. etre"îhd one i Oo f the llLrary ilu "The irat thing to do inu b attend to "Tii-y are utaiting for momehlug," é swoos no deept tat tomsablute h. feared Mlii, ut>'deer, and get her ho Led; she in Mm. Cur-tttuîseul une day, vheu ie and liai Il vas duatliand flot feiutiug. Dot tit to Le queutioned nov. Mr. I)uiîtte liedt been tulkint lie malter L.eaviîtg Milie and hem baby, vîmu ovyr. CRAPTER XXIX. vam iy nu menus dead, but crying lustit>-, "Fer Lirtl Niteentag recorer>', 1 ana- *,Tâ*Wlicomortwy lrdyet bupe to thecame ot ie vite sud the serv-suts, peet," tuas the anaver; "I amn mrry that ~'Toe'm omort m>' ru y h e 1.rector led the driver uf the vcu paragrap'h a guI intthe tii. I Mr Ches.vidtu-. "1-" asle miopet ninto lhe dînlur-roomu sud oderd onte e- shoîîld like to giu'e the, nterfering fonti astho wndrw. "t -"lloer 1h. protaefreelimenîs for hlm, m ilun ioff, aud e- that wm'te il jimat whet lie dcacrvem. l t sf in oNemît, and Imrrhetil>' cmlledturued lu hae vIfand Millie. utas jitîslone out îes, miIchevous biluga of lirdNgli, ud. lîmîtelygcare, "My demi child, do you n kuuv hît you taiimet lpeotple talking more than the lie.usumbe a-ar are aaylag?" tie rectorasakeil, grevely, moi-I i e-utscadai, ti tll u u rouli in the grouud, and laid bhlm vien Milite bLad Pamaonatel>' deciareil nu<'ndovs, anîd mentioulug ne Damie, yeî a 4Mati«ber liuabaud lad anoîlier vIte antI su exactit- iotintitg ai vial It menus thatn va. elhe &hlo h.hait neyer henn Lady Nugent at att. theme i-an beno iistskes. Ini>vouemes -K '. rd ~e~l ."Tes-ah, Yes!"thVin.cled.wnitburat coiutrylliraare mu deadiy lilvely that u nt aedaîonce.oetteste. "I ihave een her. lie came îLi->'are gtad ut unYthing to m@tiLtem. yano aaei mdilee 0me lu tie parkt i eu I va. there viti The>' Lave made namumariout of a simpleb my> boy, and bletteti ont ait tht' stînhilue, accident in Ibis ou. nm If s hundreit Ilves t an haîl s ahock," lMr' ail thliliae8a sud hop@ ot my itep." hLait bee'ii ot." Jl tu Nagent im mimalug. "Dear, deur, thii la abatIote raviug," "ýN'hat actident? I bavc1u oloked in- bil3 r. Cummeoit uaid. "Whuî can have Lai-t thei liiera tii.moruing. unt thon liai," the,doc- peued 10 the chld? 1 vili nutlisten tu Mmr-Ittndas îuwhed lie paper serons i îse acu n auceanyting more tluI she Lau t-ep amui îhe tabtle tu the rector Ihoru et fleur- aappe aveed. liv.mni-ere.ted, sud I IN iiteIegraphto bu em Lima- luhes. tihe nî'ua s tbia: Tie star aeu." s'tated; but lier. lias becu baudasm cari>' as I cen lu lie momiug." ,t(ifa mi-tait cuinan> tien performiag et Lookiug about for a haiti, Lv <aine lcnu'msfieid lad becu neaily burued lu 's t 1" r.pcoted Mr. Clicm "poun tLe Iclegraro uuhegd ed tilt nov <i-nIL on îhe stage, and wonm lyiug luaa Blaildoctor s Illie though t and openedIt hbastiiy, vili a sîarbied ex. .nihoigLsptll ra anger Bart 1în tltic nl ut o f bism md. teanation when h.e glauced nt ils con- "Duphue St. Ives," Mr'. Curzon «Id;< 1, an a t ents: "whlire lhave I heard lie Dame erW -"James Chester, Itet-. I doit'î lbuk 1 have een ber, but i iaiaotg strlhe hum, Ilomaîlo Curzon, Chîttieid W'uodleigh, seems familier." t thebc lfijt mmni Kent: Conte aet once, if possible. Great liec cîuld net olve lie probleni, sud 0i -,ho JI.e omling u'od. touble her;. Lord Nugent seiotlisy it. the lie mxl morulh esf1 Reldhaveu. r - Lady Nugent anti baby uissing. (cun lBe took les,. of Lord Nogent vlth s hi nov, anti nd nu cieuv to eason or whereatu<ut4" tenderi compassion Ihat was comfrntlg, f, vith ;I& un- The reclor was a man ut business. antI begged hlfintocunalder Milii, qut. h, pa dqvcr lier. vas tht' end outhle <'eu, antd Lemacte under hlm cars. must goto W'arwickshire and li-k ip the "If she lied ail>' apokien te nie!" a »mql 8h. la connctiug links. Theme tuas e ver>' muait-ilthe trlck. uanbd-"if I Ladl e la my cari>' train troun Canterbur'y lu Londom; i: omt>sieu hber bfelre ah. vent aay>! I h4 lic woulId go iy tial sud cati]umi Mr. iiut seelier ala, 1Mr. Cumoni Vou H - '~ag.d l StAanhope, andl lieu take for Wsm-u <k- viii nul deny me liai little gleani of sun- et - ~ g.n aifr. asaquickiy au hý couid. shite ?" a v iy Mr. Stanhope vas $>used tmom a latisi "Ilaven folthîdr" tie rector, grave- te -mL rthe inteiligeu.èe liaI Mm. Curzon ]'. "I vould den>'behan othýmqg, poolr gil gm w a 1I met'lm. le wastul no îe vud 1rlmnsitier happy. 8h, am te ito mîit vih au ini atili d yo e"'erlY, ni>'lord, sud wi sevla«tier. lu thc 0v licir brekfast Mr. Statbio ld -.bredouadclds>nemet 41 1 mir ber in hem the or of tlihelegramu lie had aléo r.- sud Lord Nusent took hls band. beide lier grave! TIme cetvuda nd tha:ie ie id euttk"'co%- - itca lvai ber," b. mai, "h.ven aM ISSA heclit te litaS' ildential clerk te Mr. Ciseler lu case ha kuova liher. Was no tionglit of nau or Su matW" e 1tedoetom' repeat- wated aurthlug, *decel; I amsas guiltiesa uft lat auSmy 4, i ne.There hasm ien mre "But miel dome It ail metcnn?" t'e recbor poor wrong.d boy, my little cild. Ah! mue bhauee e e.u.;aked, l..vlld.reti * - Heaven lielp ns alivliat Lave me donse I twbe~~..j ~ , " cau'~~ uWug aIltIal thua hold fmal) upon us?" a* %et 1 JA etrL -~ mué;_,mo asas mho git lic acarli d' et elev vas found; a faim, lu quile ni at>', 19141 h'it kd a bafy, and giv, a satilon îîol fur I Ybeter set te deli Rx-wou bo cou. te 'Thie lmmy.r va r t ho vould meut 'E Cbtimter'sa*id, si -'vi tle missive -ý5R an buis hm it t b. de>'yuL tha f a«ne relu. 1001lat td bMenput b>' nul et wb'hc tic>' dîd dure m r î9ltuae in - ~S'iee~ lzdîtgou ît sud - *.- ~4 h. it. I made vbvenhem sud e h1to agan, I T aw in, I an arati l l sdeepei'plut tuhu; tt vas('IAPTER XXXI. me'had sud NMm Curzon tound himmeit 1er>'velc-omue dou'î think Le in tlm, houe ut meurulug. i. Chester flIevp in tLe5Élunsm'u gladt t rn uto him ovu dutiea, sud il on;aI Icu ir m. Slauhbope'sm rnagiug clerk nt o; n legthligiled bu Lave nmone nobushar. the re- itwaoiler, partu pouibilit>'. -k1--p artvof "What do yon think of il ni]?" tht' ree- l'n ,. p a .- tom auket i hm. "la tLis deadful atory mîn tra tt.tri,,?" 'cin-. b nork "I domî'î knov vliaî bu think," mas lieA tlp ut affar iieautious nmver. "Omme tiing I cst, an. Ilo afi'. tmlit< esitatingi>' affirm, and Iliat la, If ItiW limn It Possible su>' treud il le nuot Lord Nu.' aotable, but g-ts part. He Las net vronged your i id a Iruat>' P:r-nie'e ilibltlionaIIy. id Mr. Curzion "I in sure ufthlat," Nir. Curzonmal arrived el ai@. rm>."But un>'pour uhilti gays aMeA te ver. sut- s>' wtht' voren, anmd spokie to hem,adi ilend at Herne recognizeit 1er et ne trom a portrait l e, sud lie tel.- ber hubaîîd Lad ubovu lier!" Isfnke lina ]et- "Weêcao ui>' vait and netAch, i I nul thluk -to 3Mr. Dunda.% an lieei-erk na all.di tumcd ava>' villia lait igh. - c jk f 111111e ànti The dasa ert' Dut long Lefore tie v..l, t thn le dsy. vatcii va. entieddti d er. *ana a haniM,i :*wvs. being Il .cemed litre a veek tb 3fr. Cumn,% »tat iiheir waîling for smnethng te send lame te hi. set stage oftae vît,, luanaver t te ,plîlîil pp.a ftilt r cetmeen Ite 11111e, vlo Lad repeuted icrncîf of b«'- raaiucme lu gulug Sway, aud vaut eth';. m"1 e steojMmra.Curzon vould not 1Ici CHl N PTER XXXIIL. maýTi vil ulebl. muapemmeMd i. certial>. 1111wu@ vasiae vl$'4 beard o0!. frou be r uncl i1* WU1, but vwuo m qa Tev. lier sud lg,*#Ite of tie rect'ýj tIon te ope Ibat ler. vas 'ý lu bt mdi hs becn nlupoe>o, couldmo« dultthe crideace of le , S«* ncemia liff l 1eaft esrecee l<t ben 4aU*lliberfel.$iegi e o4tlb et* tordsugerus naprdw~llà, ged a W"ec-u' aa5tie ot n d i i a g a e r , b i a . s X c& : amy la.lunch hüm bat tiéI,- prebadugtht' pate of 1~kbrfor hber, uotW-i'$dkW4 f utim o ' =oe '.i.ý (To b. coutlued.> A MINER'S ROMANCE. 'Shocuzaker" Browa Findea mFortune Waltima for Hlm.w One of lthe beppet menivho have oui to San Fraucimco for mmm>' a year t-as "Sicemnaker"' Brown, a grsmed minei' of Forty-MiIecCamp, Almeke,4 who arrlred ou lie achooner Proàper a fev day. ago from thc solihudes of i.e grect Yukon, saYs lthe Cuirooi-Je, of th intyl>. "Sioemsker" Brown vus en route tb las old home lu Canadit, vLer a wind- fal of $25,000 iavaitâhlmn, sud vie,. he vIti soon bunlted vith bis long. abandoned famul>'. The old i mner had weudered frorn if@ horne ilToronto mniai>'decades egu. [c n'as tL. Proprletor of a proeperono lattoner>' basin..., but Le lefI, a« le Statcs, becanse outis wIf'mis cible teppeî', vhli t)d i-m 10 odesert the luaclildatfrequpnî intervai.. 80 lIe DId ulallouer packedl lits lrunk une day und left for Fort>' mile Camp wîticut teliug aîtyonc bis destination. About a year ago willam 0<11v!. a lrveyor for lime Cenada Govern. ispit, met "Slioemaker" Brovn ah the la" ha iug camp, and tIhe old miner MM:; "If yulever go te 428 fflly mirOlet ugvouto, yyul sIýe my naine outhe. eu, for 1 va. a. etationer lier. for ian>' yeara." AntI mien 0<11,1. vent lu Toronto li e the~ ibe ig, tieugit the naa et the nelft bli..ciaugeit. Wheu ha 1 irhaoaimuelu Aisa lt* ati-' il7 * au«Wn!la charge, aie lauretlatit ea &M ~B 46'le la imy fahet'1log aourâled ne dem4." lit tho eauu. le lîgit Ilat orne 0f 1 llaoeumkaa".'t asliaitdidIa lte ,MM ec ht'log bila $2un0. 1u mot sud0eethat folieet lôia %«»M BOmu te sabandon th* Utnely 1 g ou t tbI aurons boî'ea4 ia wete t bg laes 4httinirabm UP-lalll it r p .btulloior rneiiy y«an., i raW labaiati'E the pr-eWceof Caa.ý *Cowa MilSa.4 b>. Mlwlus.>' Coivs'Weî'=Uled b>' munoijiy. &t'i e tocem Loibtn dai'>' slow'.. Ap- cau1wu 4~e*ed bran gs x~ 1 a or- 1he. - et. T. .oo. . voîë ap~kd- aIonce.,the mlI~5t ro ov1m bs k e miluue 5-yi vetaauGI 11f of girlppuw.g t.i lu , 1119m A u i v s m p' w» IAmat 6hlaud h *1iem egl- sont thiq Zêbu aalverury ' t nm fi -ui t mi xi houe. againl" 4 . e a , d e W -n« g o O U ." m ud M . N IO th . ¶ h lad , ' ndeed. Caeh would laugh te ieer that. Wliy, h1msix feet hIgh, le CiTé,. If lhe'& an finch." *"Jabez's 8o14 lan't ie?" "Yes, lnima--my lady, 1 mean. He'@ the. one tliat lia been awny no long. The one that sent home those Australian pa- pers. You ome. Caleb was mlied up ln "Mlxed Up in f t?" amked Lady Nugent. "How wax Calebi mixed up lu il?" "Why. lhe knew al] the peopl& But livre he corne.; hl iell tell you &Il *bout I t," am a broad-ahouiderd, big man, with a aunbr face, came up the patli 10 the door W*Uatflng careleaaly and hriskly. ..wam teillng her ladymhîp that you knew aIl about that bualnema." she sad, wltli ler bandm on the pile of papers. "The earthquake and ail that." "Yem, 1 know aIl about it; 1 wam there," Calebi Nort h replied. "And You knew these people-tlia Mr. Clitherce and lie. wife?" "les, 1 knew tliem, and the other man, too; a bitter villain ho Wl.: the world waa well rid of hlm." «I liave board tlie lady dfd not die-," Millie ad lu a faltering toue; "tlie wlfe, Mfr@. Clithero., 1 mean.- "Heard wliîtr" "That mii. dd fot die; that there ws nme mistake; that It wa. mome one cIme that wam burled, aud-" She atopped auddenly, for Calebi Northi was sariug etliber with mucli au odd look ofsantonlaliment that I4e atartled lier. "Who told you tliat, mima?" "More thon one per9on; eli.le l 1r,,in Eugland." "Mira. Clitheroe?" 1"SBl mt UosuI..thir remurrection bas begun," Calebi North iaad, ahortly. "I aaw lier die, uaor aoui, aud I helped to mcrew lier lunlier coffiu,and 1 had charge of the. room where @he lay tI iteh.wmm brled; the. neyer came out of It-blema MY &oui, what's the matter?" He moîglit weIl exclalua, for 31111e liad bumen ln a dazed. tincertain mort of way and soue qufle Close 10 him wlth a trauge, wld look on bier face. - Bal it àaan, plena.," ahe gaped; 111 dou'î îiiink 1 qulie underatand -1---" And thoen ah, would have fallen bt t. grouud lu a huddled heap If ho had flot *tarted up and caugit lber lu hig armeas elhe swayed forward. "Wiia' to-do now?" he aaked hm iea-t ter-lu-law. "Did 1 frlgliten her al way?" "Xo, but aheas been fiI, anrd ah.ein't overwell non-. I think. Uft lier to the foor lie, tlie air wIll briua lier ronniL" Millie, borne to the door and met down on a chair lu the porcli, waà juat comtatg to herself when the rector appeared,cogn. ing from tiiecliurchyard at hle usnal wiuglng Pace. "Anything wront lire?"h. anked . Wly, wliat on earth!-Milll., my dear; chld, what le lhe'niatter? Ha. ah. met wîit an accident, Mira.Novth?" t "No, air,Mma. Northi repl; "elh. ws t îlklng bo me and Caleb lier. about Ans. trelia and thinga that hapened tiera 'lien lie wamout. If@ a mercy 1 hadl the1 leai baby la my arma or lie woold have îne down on to tii. floor."I "I liardiy undertand what Iil 1 eana," lie aid. "Wliat have you been elling my Diece?"g 'It was about a lady,.mir, liat I kaeW h rer youder-a Mm'. Clitheroe. 1 knew f, BOBER OR STARTLINQ FAITH. FULY RECONOEO6. K in d iy 0141 & O tc h , na u , ltilt .d h b y e train n luVew of Jlle tonaGrand- son-Tennessee Paru ter Swlndled hi t Lad Vlwm n Horror. Bfore the' eyt'a tf hlm youug grîdmou, old Jamea Itrtii ivaw run doýWn by s Northeru lai-ic train hsbrdy etthIle 1 K ed ae avei ne îrueii g et Chicago. Boîli the nid man's legs were c-nt off. He ivas dead ahuoml un sociiuns reched by Ilium. Oiral attracted lu Ithe pot. Mr. Martin lisi been taking a walk tu ae. the extent the diome hicli are @prend omer the open grouuid lu that smeckuuofthe c!y. Ait they verer. roming the teack. t Kedi. avenu, th.eonidman uepped lu a swtch and caught hlm bout. Whie h. ivas tridus 10 extricate hl@ fot, with th. ad of biis graudson, e Nortbent Pacide train came tlunderlg down. The boy mmv Il coming and redotied is efforts. Tlen, 10 save himnelf, e dropped on the gruud ea the train camte roaxitig by. The old mn ellr1 outward croma te rails and the vheels pssad over boîl ishl legs. Engneer Lewis as Konis possible 'toppd the train and (-âme hck. But of eeprue that did no god, for uld JantIe Ma "ilha brethed is lst, le ad core ailthii way fruontthe bills of ctiand lb ha kâled y a railwey train on a wtr-momked Illinois prairie. John D. Loug la Detai. John Long. the owner of the Park The- &ter, et (Chicago, aud the. pbllatiropc frend of th. unifortunate. la d"a *Hl@ ed vamneai fMt. Josephi Hompilel att.' an iun eas of Ilr e w eek m. H e v a * ng l u n up lu itihn un huir of hiedea", m clirity will lie after hm. H. as a pfain mn, wfo did good eretly, and ý-- tested îotri-y. Weu an iifotuiilie man Or onuîîdied and ther. am uno m uney 10 furîiali îLe funeral expeu m m i w s Johim n gs ocketbook w hlcb ra m ulpuedtu efray te ou. Hlm manager, "*Nie k' Norton, mulidL ong bas a @tacrit o . 0. I . ' whit-h %%-.)id fil] a good-ized bureauidrtt -r, t fen atranera would apply for hllp. "f;lt'e hm nid man $5,I Nik,' L<tg woll ay, "and ltae hi@I. O.. i 'The $5 wnuîld Iem haded over sd perliai thfiium afiL e lment ofthe l'a. 1<111.4 by 8ew er G am .. Fred peiglt. Thomnas(riffinand Js. Grifin vere leiiing a ewer lu the bae-I Ment of 301 Nemt Adania treet, Chicago. wheu they a ere hirld Ilrougli te air y a teriit' exploion of ewer gas. Speight ws killetl outriglt. The 4.rif- ina were iadh hurt. (Oae of the' len entered the -t-Ii -basin with s lighted camile. tthLn the e xplosin r<ame iith e h u ud e riig r( 'îsrt. T hi,-e x p~lo s io ni r ia te il àpaiinluthe- hiîmu. the iitâtesa rnuimg li nu lrror fri-t he tlirmansid screaming t ou pedestrin n -n , i .tu , i -r aixta n ie. t nobbed by Green Goode Mca. e In respomtsete circulai. Thommait. a Paimer, a weallly fariner of Humphrey, sk Teu., caime tu 'mro lu gel $1200 vorth li of green goodax for $6110) god moey. ' Wheu Le prodîîîed is roll of iIll thea lmpe u the roolnk wre,-uddenly exila- a gulshed sud the money weas jerked front J bI. He orot out of thee oun, instanly. b fariug lie woud b. rnrdered, aid mde ti kis way lu police heaiquartera, wire lein Otprted is I,,s. The green gouda men a' mcmaped arre8t. @tete Ne ms lus Brief, d David Tinsiey, of Verona, va. kiletl ýYf sauta Fe train e'r Kinsmen. sanuel Wuollmmn, au n ery metr of AIJi le Rtiver, la dead, sied 8 yar. nt Sinclair Tumisnson vaa fireted ai Car- pi 'Ie and eld for trial on the charge Of ni miminnI agiauît. et The quitable Produe and Stock Ex-'te lanuge, coiîîdni'ed t lockfomd by Chi- mu *go men, lis bten coaed. th John Thumîax. Frank Evansanau Frank du khrnldt uer- î',nvlcbed uofburglary ai "n o mia and ga enened 10 Joliet. 5 soi T he lise I elor (ilrI' s C lub, an orga n '%&- fr, In vonîposed of tweuiy-tvo leading a rulg ffl-iety ladiesq ut Hillabor. gave a ninatrël show nt tLe opera houa.e for the tuefit outhîe public Iibramy. Mauy otlr .. girl. vere i lu îeli face. Tliey vert' 'eeted willi a î'rowded honne, fifty bai- tirs ot'cupying tht' front seat.. The. lnt-li er were îertiegby gîyed by the ladie.. i Rome person t NlaÉç(outal, a@ yet uit-NIt tovD, lam tii-t eloiîed a peculler mania NV or spiîîing On sbop ind)(ow and uoiiing rel tinta ut busiriemm bonnes. The deapoler ve, as camried Lia depredation, lu sachi au Fet xtent Ilat umèeî'auîsuad obliers are cr horoughly emuused and have inmîittimed t'ai at111 haut foîr tLe miscreant. Mayor ha megel offered a eward ut $25 for the th, ment ufthe gilty person. hici Elgin lailms lu bave beaten the record do, tchurcli building. On Nov. 18 tLe Evan. la eal Aaotlation determined lu erc lu second dhurci, anti commeuced work un foi s afternoon ut Nov. 21, excavsting for ing te building. Juet one moulli front tLe 1 me Of commencement the building vam bu, xanget.d in er ery detail and furnimhed ni, roiot trvadY for oceuPani-y. Thc oowj ýurcb is .aetirely free froin delit. ot t [ie' trial of William )Donven, ut Pt'. isiit 481 charged itith îe murder ut Perry the lver, camne lu a close, the jury returu- lies 9 R verdict ut nul gullîy. Donovean d tt 1ver qureled cuncerning e cablu boat, Hn' id (lorer was klltd lu au imprompu Kua têt At the c'lose out1he trial Donoven "W. 9 9 r e a r r p a t e d b y , 9 l i ff J ons t o u n g u0 i Weldaunte e ed counemite contemt il. At Blouwlngtou the jury 1% 'AaadrSeliroyer murder btai Ablle te agie uîon a verdict dlacharged. They were Ont1me4 J. W. l"erria, aecretary and of the, Troy Bakery Company, d 1y Placed Imia lead on a rail of thé h~ Central trucka At int s treet ap aud allowed e train to pav. over bhg se. Hlle head wilà me'tered front tii. bO4 À head-end collision nt Peorts on lb. Iowa Central itway a few negts g reaulîed lu the. hllng 0f <George Br=.. engineer of lie regular west-bound freiglit. The toroner'a verdict liold Cou- ductor W. 'W. iJugan, of uncomifng Ne, 14, aud IM. E. Lloyd, conuictor of the. onitolng extra, respoumîble for thm acei dent. 'The train ordere gave Byron tb. riglit of truck. Application wilIl h a".m tu soeurs the mienne. ot 1h. conducto,. un writm 0f limben. corpua. Gor. Altiel acepsted the remipation of lIeirge P. Bunker, et Cicago, an chiet grain Inspector Of Illinois, and appoliatml I>wigiit W. Anidrewm, of Cenîrali,., ta the poaition. M. Bunke Assalgi a press, of lirilate business a. the. remuon of bis aes- ignation, aud (lov.. Altgld amoures. hlm that lie holdis hlm inigh cmteem. 'l'h rigati>n ot3Mr. Andreswmas a muember of the, Board 0f PublieCOharimes wam sc- ceypted, and Dr. 'Arturg IL. Reynoldm, et Chicagu, gV» appointed 40 muccoed hlm The. case of the people agaluet E. IL &huenhut and John Sciilatte, propri.. tors of hotel barber-ehmbo who are charg- Pd wlth violation of the-Stat. Iaw le keep.. lng open tat Stnday, w.,. caîllmi m Peorla hefore JulaîlceMBare. Att., lbh. teallmony of ThomasAllen, a reprome tire uft he Peorla Trade ad aul.ber A" aemnbly, the. peopl e rested thelr case. Th. defendauts offered no temîimumiy, but (le. B. Fumier, their attorney, moved te dis- mimen on ameoutto the uttuouaîautiocal- lty of tLe artî. lie rited a number oif An- Ilmortie% andI requeated lIme teoumnit tlLra. Tht' maxiatrate tuok the smatie, under advimement. The ceai operatorm along the (?bicago. Buriington and Quincy Raîliomi met At the National Hotel lu Peoria and rom- ipteted Iheir organimation by th.eleecton o'f offirera. Elghîy per cent of the. opera- tora aiong tlisUmfne have agrm'ed te rom- bine with the general organization forum- éd re.i.ntly, whlîch la demigned te cumtrol th. cent trade of thle Northi and North- vest. The differeut ra5lgoade wilI orgue- lze at'porately Aud a dlrectory wlf lie §eevîed fromu Parti, ad ail the. coolta II be mold liy one permon. Ii. huamwill be proraied amoug the. meveral minve. nTmsc pretent from Chicago et ibe meet- ig w.'re J. B. Cavanug and C. )L. John Jacoba. 74 ypara oid. tiiout ooly of him approachfng marriage. The ai- 'ulance men of ithe Maxwell atreet mIa- ion. Chi«-ago. picked Up the old man at the corner of I2îh and Mort» e treeta $uu4lay niglit.Ife had talloair(ons mun elecîric car. "Tek@ me te 144t; Wet L'lh ate," lie momn.d. 'I want te golb.,, 00 that meean takle rar. ut ni. " Who live therte?' amked tht' ambean.emn. "The wumnan l'm going to marry,'nu- mwered Jacoba. "lOme wll take care et me better than sanunrs. lnthe hoàiptal." lBcobs' allnced refum.d te tell ber mane, eut bluashimglyd.clared thattah. woeld cae are of ber Iat.nded liusbmandl tald thet the vieddlug would lake place at the. appoinled lime. Northu'restern University t1mai... have lcided te build u liatportion et the- rand l'siflleHotel mite, lu Chfrmgeo. mrned by the unveraity. At a meeting )the trumieea a quorum of th. coa"mttee ai rurted Dr. R. 1)>. Sheppard, theb. .- le" Agent ofthe unlvermity, te prepare ana for a modern office building. Dell- te information~ concerning the. comi and iyf, of building la witlield, s th. bru- ces have flot declded what aluogat of uoney sund vat fonda e le o ed for be building. Tht' plana wIi blp hem t. elde. Coud autliority lias il that the ont wiiili e in the neigliboriood of $1,- 000M. The building wlIlieo un hlgh ethe lmw ailuwm, 130 fret, aud Winl have aro ight to eleven mtorie. Il wli ho modern office building. Wl-n IHugli Mec-,aul, a Chlcago burg- r, borrowed a box uf matches '1uemdamy enuîg froni Harry Hansen, et the cooner 'Trumann Musa, amying Liat h. d "a job lu do," lieheard bilant ain- ig oin m-eth. Hanaen bade hlm hewar* fburglary. Iil,-( 'au] weutte V.IL'.R illes' cotumixalun lionn, 274 South liaer atmet, prled a wire scr4en OUf A ur haut-ment wiiîdow leadlng inteLbh- 'vator xhnft, st'tideutelly pulled a rope, ting the elerator lu motion, and wag ruched lu demîli while attempling toe.e- i'e by the openilng Ilirongi which ho ad eutered. t ie en cwu. partly *ough the wiudow tlie machine »truck im, cruuhiug bim chegt egaluatthe '% Bil. Demîli Wl. inmautaneouai,lt thouglit. He Lummg tiere t111 a eclerk the moming, wlien e niglit iralciman ,d hlm, hI.sliands and arma prtm'ud- 9from th. window. 'ire, whlch atarted in 1"ritzel & UItdea,- )ur'a dry goodn m&te" Tueaday at Vien- 1,uwept nway luroperty wombh 0*a, ), on whicii there wam@u n urance $45,0. Tiiere are it. of incendlaj'- lu and talk of arreata b.eing mm4de. Witb eexcePtion nf two building., hb u&i en block on tle wemt aide uf the'eguage as destroycd. Followlng are the fou.: atton & Itidenhour, $12,000. allie nable, $10000; J. Roenberg $*,00 ; P SWhlîtaberg, 95,000; J. K. ÏRiîn, $ 0;F. Burmieu, $5.000 stock- 1 A irer, hrd wvare, $3.00); lI'riaa.l fenhour, dry gooda, $10.000; 4 Boyt ug., $3.00; M. Kuable, litove, it, oanhm-- gmmra-mr-uni.,S.A00 t I me A -i

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