Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1895, p. 5

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rton thejryi royer murder ltaWI ýUmion a verdicti rhey were ont oré s, mcretary and %kery Conmpany, d end onaailof th* train to pava over ble seck. severed frein the bo4. collision nt Peorla on tb. ftatlway à few nelgts "a killng of Gecorge Byron, the regular west-boumd oroner's verdict holdo Cou- Iumgâa 0f incomiffl Ne, Lloyd, coudiactor oftlb. reepoumîble for the mcel- in sarderu gave Byro. the - Application will h. mad. relemme ot the. coaductos. beau corpus. accceePted the remIimîlion tanker, eot Chicago, un chiot unIlisol, and apçolat.d drowa, of Centralla, to the Beanker asslina a press of a as the remmâon of bis iv.- 13ev.. Aitteld asures hlma Ilm in hlgh esteeni. Th. Mir. Andrews ms a member r Publie Oharitie. wau sc- 'Arthaur IL. Rteynolds, et nxoltedto oucceed hini. the people agaut Ei. IL John seblatter, proprio rlier-ehomo who are charg. n of thelstat. 1mw in k..p. unday, were called e uitle 15 her. Atter lth.e lomas Allin, a reprfmme ria Trade ad LaborA- Ple rested their case. Irh. *ed Do testimumiy but Os.. rattorney, mnuved te dis- t the iamcomsitoalom- I lie elted a nunie utsu- FIquested lime teo ubuait aristrate tuok the miatter etorsalmomis the Chicago. Quinry Raîlroad met se Qtel la Peurim and cote- Inisatlon by the etieimon lily per cent of thie opera- lUne have mgrm<ed te ote-i >nerai orgnnization tenu- ch ia deaigneil te vomtrui >f t he North and North- refit reprenads walI 0.-gan- til a dlr.ctory will lie ieh, and a.ith uai ll hiruon. l'h. business; will long the severaj minre. ,oui chlcago et the meet- (Jmvmnsugh and C. )li 4 yemr niod. thougml oaly ing umarriagi. Tht. min- the Maxwell struet uta- Lcked Up the old man at 2th end Miorta» stricts Ife had tahiu from, aun the me to 14t; Went C'lh r~d. "I want to e h.,. ake rare ut mae." "Wise Led ahe sambulan. metn. ni going te muanry' sa- -KIe cll take car@ ot tir nurse lu tht' iospiti." rot useil lu tell ber' msane, Leclaned that *ah. woéad r lafeudemi bhud and 'ding cumul fakte place tdîne. U'niversity truste«, have ou titat portiont et ah.- -Intel site, in Chiengen. lverity. At a meing Inunum ut the comîmtte. 1). Sheppard, the hua- P uulvereiiy, te prepar. rut office building. Dell- roacerntug lte cout and la wilhehd, au th. trum. 'cded what aumout ot tonds eau h.e nanti for plana wllI heip tb.m t.ý thorltY has it that: lbe ie neighborhood of $1, allding wll h.e u hgh 130 fuet, aud Winl bave yen stories. Il w'lli h.e iidung. C-Cauî, a Chicago burg- ox of matchea Tuendmyr ary Hansen, et the Mons, sayimg that ho lie huard hilanmt warn- Muasu hade him bewmr* -'maui cent to Pd. IL un bouse, 274 Bouth Pd a wire acavea OUf & naiows eudiug int l. -ideutlily puhied a npe, or in motion, and wmm avbile attenipliag t. es- lng thrungb which lie Vitun bueîvms pmrtly )W tht. machine stnuck chewt againu6t the. Win- cast instanUaeous, If i-g thure lui a o'ciork lien s night wafchtan nuls sud arma protrnd- J)w. ed lu F~rlaaehi & Rides- torae Tnuadmy nt Vieil- 1îrotîerly worth *a0,- Pre was mn inunrame. are ita ot incesalr- enta bueing iiiade. Wltb ,vo buildings, lI. boni- veut aide uft lb. agar alowlug are Lb. loess. bhoum, $12,000.. alke Rosenberg, $5.000; D. ,000; J. K. iFItiki, S $5.4SO stock . . $3,000; l(rliul & Mis, $10,00o; P41 Box, (nabie, atuveu, $%»;,. imerchandise,0S.A00, 1J. K. Eîkins, gecg, 'an, restaurant. u'mry, aîttorneys, 8100; t Knlghts ut PythSAj. «'au, $200 lidenhgw i Y"a, $1.000; Dr. ap'. 8mmli to W. 0>. H*nIL K "Pestini, IP.Dii e.nui. W. P. Jolu- 1.M. gunmituo a , >8 i<oPei, tigoldO 40 ail i il uloiuîg Couple hrm cd at the. àlth.dJs e by y, e. . &Da--. mon hway robbery. 'unud l. hi. Os.Ia4 aise a lettes' b.*q ]nt uincao i a wlékud. Wew Store, Wenow occupy our New Building at the corner of Milwaukel Avenue anîd Sprague street, where we are better prepared, than ever to conduct a First-class GROCERY and MEAT Business. It wiII be Our Aim to keep in stock the1 Best of Everything, and to seil at Rea- sonable Prices. We promise to treat everyone in a cordial and gentleman ly way . We feel'grateful for the kind and liberal patronage in the past especially since the Fire, while we have been laboring under great disadvantages. We again solicit a continuence of your trade and promise to treat you in a way that there will be no cause for complaint. Respectfully yours, TRIGGS &TAYLOR. ,,.HOLIDAY .GOODS. For anything in the in the-Jane of Nice Christmas presenfs you should cali at my store. 1 have A COMPLETE LINE Books by standard authors, Albums, Mirrors, Perfumery, Dolls, Games and Toys of ail kinds, Chilren's Books, Etc. F.B. LOVELLIDUGT IONE WEEK MORE 0F OUR GCLOSIPiNG-OUT SALES Before we close our business here. JOFFEY & JOFFEY. Nr i1hen Vnmliwît a lie,% of H ,i ..r ropir. ni flthe oii Set. ~N-u an do l butter thlin ai, 'in RUDOLPH KRUSHA, OU uILWAUKEE rAVE. gn.u Or M. C . CHUACH Prompt attention gî'.en to ali Ikid nIwnrk. (;(."l w rk ali 1wý. ir cet;ar bindt i ll. A FINE LINEý OFL .FURNITURE. Basles, -Wall pockets, iPaper holdeus, ~okcases, Center tables, Extension talî's, -'tuing chairs, 4ýoucheuu, 1iiture fi-aines' Iteeiniiuoululaî 1aîats, Va ruishes, 1>ttty, I inîs lies, Mîrrors, Mtattrotsses, ('nia, Sprn;ngs AT.. ISSAC HEATH & SONS Libertyville, Ilinois. The Dutch avy. - Uolluud a uavy hagruwa uatiaed Gii timîe 204k(o u lt I Ttu :1klng ordur, bitt li, iiiti iT loi-c Lýot dare te sk fol i'iilianl" ffle Haisvoi ulîîw's Menuiatemt. I~e$4,( lhis been aieiiudfoi ~m emnLte f tlie ineumony of 1au ~uov lu }laimibmrg. Lîbertyville Locals. T-INi. 90-1iist eathî-r fuir huuîwng a ndi sîîui ug. Nt) trost t , iut rufere auîij iliiit iu arni rati ui oiuuuîki'ti iiîge If luiur aie iii lieitii t,'.-,' nu i4 ' ut -unîtfraîîuî ohtuîsti'4"it i G irand ititl ilal lie i alu, t, the Iil-rtv 1,1e Ilhei-iix ('lui aaî t Tîîa-îî Hait, Miinîay eviiniug. tec. t:0tii i9,) AIl unt-,iortiaîlyii'ite d t atteil. Go iiît 1u1)tirs lat'77u,5store, if vu lmua namîtoLu .<0 i auitoiua i < iplaç uit tiit . gatules, 1 0 1 ia.ttîreri antiP nîImuY ivtsutui uEtam Nmunitu ile Ion Timer, ailhie am uis ioting ut tht. b Toua tîHall to-night ti su- hiat lu. t îî-î,îasLiluertyvilla' .'.III <uffer t,' lka% a'.h-ela iîutriî i ne frnt uaf,-luicage te t theî luke ariat tbriî liere. ei Iimi Lefleaiiu aill i sîpiuy simiiors Iit lu ai tusq uali ty or fia'. ofnliii dorP struîg ilgars Lii cuilLtlaein sevenai Wtit-,. Truite wth hmune iiilinfac-0 turîns anîid delers; they iîîîa,îtii llease a N ine menou ot ell lise tiibaceo lu mouleifer> unît Max Leifeateri-atoci this îast uajority. Ho <'urnes 26 e ulafferent kilîl ilf chewing tuuhaîcco, 30 bralîdeut tuie, hg-nci,îaudichtap Mlir CiL'.-fatlîcem ihuldt lnuilid. anm eni-t, guai' iise. tire bell iadhliee ri'ue ind týi iicuîmge tht. ,uugig îaeîîte iu urgailze a ire compiiîiy, mi)i ah to e b. au-l il- u ltilzî'thiir neuacuiiilon * ju ri-aseu f uitîiergeucy. el Preshyterlan Church. d Surviî'es it 10:30 a. nii. andî 7:(W) p. Suljots tuuuîmîing '-ýIvica ilag uati-Evîuaiing-"1'laîîîuaitîg fuor the. '. Flitiînu'. - G. 1). HEmT-Et. TI NOT E. iE t'aritii-, .'.liii u'c'.1tg)Çle u, lai ur or g uileî.lidmuil)t 4) lueMoili l eîasu ry h 4111dni stLIe c8u)Ii i iatt"'Y iu*18iay teé li'st offtur(u vv-ulrAsmJhave Iruieeute theii hli soltv o< ofi ; hiu ab iout lu lun itig uauu iuh Aai ta i if anuetla g<t iîlsefti <ti uuîuu- ilid il ai lu ru-liort s. lui uit tlîlent as tD-. . ci Sale Bils-The lSlii)F'NtJNT uof- fi-ei. pr'. re îuîcnît uti tin )lttheLIait en .saîîubills 1 Ieic~m k. fil g oniiYoiu>Jnuî i'riuitiiug. P Doiiyoil kuai'.î-haut lia).'.îuaun Ilaite meLi ltînc-hifaitlulu hn ier lumshiaid Inuit Wlho lots latati keep thet aaiaiige itet na-t1d .- 11i8 p)oRSesSlon? --.-- The INVPE NDENT PERSONAL. .B. C. PADDOCK, EDITOR AND PROFP vlîitiug Llhprî.Vî ili. friends, -RaIPli and WiaIter Strong ît-ut.rtaineîî4 Friday, December, 20, 1895. a nunber oft tieir frienda in a îdîiiijt way Thtnrsday v .eîiîag. L iBElfTYVLLLOD(EN .492. F.& Jo:hn, Ella moi IVilîjie Miiili,of Sattirdays of eaeh monti,. Vlîitlng biretheru '.'itîitheir nauy frienîds . iiitrtyville. oriitally wî'lsjom.d W M. HEATH. M. W.y E. iH. Br.ow-, sec. W alter Darh)y anad J. Brirris, we, îî ,drstand, moi n t ireil of t heir sonitil Christmas at the Churches. o, rl iuiaeiitijeir ulv homn,' 518iPETERt AND P A ILb iHUR, H. M.~î r.(di iltaî r 11ev. E, W. Gavin of W aukegaa ()ni- md Mrs. S. C. Wiiurd ute ('l8istialia ciateîl ut the. Catholit- clîrvli liore tant ilinmier witl tîers, nIiagltr slday, lie havln oxcîanmortaceandiu. rigt uît wif %% ith Bev. L hearuey fuor the dt * . 1TIi,'.0w in ohave over liîurd lDr. There wero three servive. lit the, Pattînl levtilre wjli lie nure to,]leur Cathol ic ehurch Christmfas, ligli mass 1biini. iltp s F h. richiv eNenon,.fe,. at midmiglît and ut 10.30 'icIock a. iii. 127, lit thle NI. E. 'îrh the latter beîîîg Iollîiw d liv un lo quent merntion,. The '.ervliis lit 8 -Tio. <Austina Jr, e-rttrtuiîîodj the Lit)- ociock wvre for the Ladies Altar Soiiee- ertyville bruî,ch (if tho taîîî,Iy Xinus ty.. Bev. T. Kearney îifcut.i. lu.'w iil iti is îtimary hnpitulity anîd The prograin of exîàrca's,4 .tt he andl ait exculieut diniier. i'iiEsii'. RIAN iHVIOIli. D. 1). Herrick huit the editorial Nau,, ex,'elie,ît anud welI roaîired. tharîks for a suibttîtiui Chîristmas Tire einging was eiuiiil. The timie lipTemint lwlide the. prompt renewai 0f um,îf luînei ofthe chiidro,, w as rouiark- hije subscription. mdiii <amifor ,Ou abdy gond. If the. cirel hiolism fdnil hilPping tagm. bam, je a geuerousisoul. î'mltivate8 thoeeVoicce, it will siotil The oifitor huila 'Morry Christmas." have a choir of whieh the omtîiw muy wjth the asitauce Of itsimenua they weil1 be proîîd. Mnch Of the <redit prilnteit tax receîpte for fouir towns for their careftil training inei, Suipt. beide uther Joîb riuting editorial aud Mrn. C. F. Wright. work iottitig lit)>aisanîd entertuining Santa Clans aninced hlise îmuinah visiters. iHoîpe we may (Io well Newa hiy frequeut nieesagee iiver the telle Years. Nothiug likeI ltustry Temper- Lîhone. His arn'. ai w-asm the signral for atace atliE-oiitîiiy. laghter ad tfii. After sring ail with equai gouerisisy hi staîl goîîd The Young Peuple's Cutiaieil met night and hasteneil onwariî. their trîomîd andl pastiir Re',. G. D. Hou'. r utthie honte of J. A. Giage, andi AT THE U NION CHViORua. presenteil hiîîî a complete set (10ivols) of A '.ery interestîîîg programmne was m . H. Thackery'i Werke as a token gîven by the. Unî'.îreaist soiîcety uit of their trieuiiip ani Peteeni. They which was immeîiu.4l enjiiyed hîy ail. rentijud for the îveniuig and had il Arthur Bulkleyve recitatinof twii to fine social tinte. James WhtconbIîif leye p)i, ileti4joui was lieteried to w îth rapit attention Marty OUIî frioîîits please oîl ii i- sud tue applauim. fillowing iliiwoii the the. <ver liîîiiilar E. M. Joues ilit tii.n tboroaagh aitpp reciatîi i f his effort,.liait satuîniay andî rejoiced tii lî'ru i f Thic loîing number fiii the prîigrum hi priieperity anît merited protuotion. te -Good Nîgbt't ecemîce by milne little lit, instatuion aget an~d yurdnaaster foîr girls in niglit gîîwn auil cap, 4eaeh t'le Msîîe Central R. R. andî joint carring a candle wss '.ery iinttri.sting ticket agenît for the C. Il. & St. sud well executeil. The mingîiig h P. Ry. at Chîpîiewa Falsa, Wis. with al the. Snnday echool ,hîldrnsiuas %w i-l an. alary no fi0per înonth and !cîmnie the. spesking wari ail weîî luOne. sions tîatnmalle its aggregate mlno,,-t Fnllowlng the. programme tht' \uî,ai over $1500 lier year. Hoe looks as if lio tret. waî despolled oif iLs 1usd «Id .Santy eujoys is work. iî obeit. ai ai, alîir- tuking au active part und maàkimîg îîirth man, and we shall niît bh iinrisil te fer ail.heur ef liii giing @tilt furtherUpit) the f r a1.AT TE M . E. t m CH ladder to fam e and f oirtu ne-. T e Tht.Chrstms eorcies t ti, f E IDEPE>.DEXT a labos Iiilii 019hiti. The hritma exrciss th 31 E.w-ealth and hupinesa. îthureh Tuesday evenitig wer.-itry itujoyable. Tht. dieorationsi m ire Jarnes J. Hill tire head. tif thelai-v it ample and in the btit Laite.Tii,,troc Nortitern Raiiway compauiý uni lthe was beantiful and the represititim greateit railroaîi mari in the tirîiiî-st, ot an old fashîoned fin place sîiituiife is planning a treat for fhe Grand Arn, '.v fo the. convenieuce of Santa Chîir, wam veterans about the tumeo<f thin nt Nu- very minci litre the. reul thliigaliirii'ii. tionai eneanîpment at St l'ait], aîii Tlie singiug by both nid and viiruug il lie carrnes out, wl iîniio' i w"s fine. The seectlione appropriâto taken edvantage of hy aufrian1U iî and weii rendered.l.'lhe reciuîatiiiua section. Mr. Hill is tlguring Ou rail were wiseiy ihosexi and lgiv.en mwîtiiît uing ont. oftliiibig lake v hsls l.h i baik, break or hisitutîiin. Tie ,elîn9 are opermtedl in connecti on Nvitlitt, itig nf Mir. MacGnuflin e ciame iîtl 1 Great Northurn road. lu IChicago ami( hlandulit, and Guiar uccomparnlent thr euo alatosmi rfnr deserveB specolimuntîion aad aist tuttt eterana, gi'.e theni il trip On-r of the. lîttie ipeople uiler thtreitn the lakea to tht. uoet îiortlîern poiînt ol Misses Nola Churchiîll and L-' lia ahere bis rond touches thie hlioîf S.mith sud Clara Miiller. Mima Clint cIl ater, and the"a have ait eleguntl v illhbaanatural g-ilt foîr thje kindiloilelluipped excunsini, traiin tlii-nî î-erk. Al li ail, the ('brimtinas i lîîr- Iran that pohit to St. P',l ii i-r tlîî. tainnîut at tht. NI. E. chirrch ftor 10, Soi) rond. ras a rare treat andi to> uîuch 1ra. caflfot bc giv.eîî the iiînàiuttee mw i Triggi & Taylor îni'oil iiid had iL in (-]arge. The <-liail I,,(îngt uao cnp hi-hnîi,îua. tunsy echool gîuuîiy gave thon liut. :nîutuodious new brick mtîire, %%iere, of thtflki. t erythiag le arranged f lîî mcuî i ient groeery and meut iîarki-t. Ili4 i Ku Klux Open Letter No. 3. iii1 tirefit linLake Coîintylha,. r.'. ' iluals sud no auperinrs i, ti.vwli.i Aa the intere.,ts and weIlfare out ii 'The ibuiilding 3âx85 IL i'. a mollitf Atnti- town lie very rieur teOumtr ihearts. iMe [titre liîcated un tht.mnt ^iriîniiîleon again mailuriu aIl geooundam progi it - vrner ini town. The griîîer. aeo nive citizene t,, eti-ourage anud t- tir ilwaqîki'o Ave. snd the maenat uirke-t any enterprise oîr insetitution that ti Il on Sprague street; two Inu)its Ilt benefttour lîttle city. !Nomthat -îîr foiu- mshaîe f c tpresseul brî,k uandi lrg- aity fathers hatvi- ut lait puirchasi. I a plule glass wmindows. ire enigline wîihîilf ie m iagnianii,- -tiNsTrîgge & Taèylorneeloi nt î,rouîîctin enougi tLo puit asiîie ail prejudice joiîi an tley have condueted l î largeiisui.s slf intereet uni] coi iperate with tiîi-iîlivre for soxerai yesr nit mui woari n,g an nur reproenrtuti'. s iu suything thnat the ieu'.y loosers ln the rî'ceit lire. hi for the goiiiiofittht. choie towun. Tliir pnirand energy wwaIela We shî>uld. îaow îirgîaaizu a tire brigadei- fitieii wlion the iîeit day after th lirei that it ominîo..eiiof strong tearlt ss they twi'ri- ifiîig lUinees Ontiithe treýt mien, whbu are ri-ii,,vlt ait ay time tiitîund the tlîirît day huit erectvii iii! ome ont lat the- îui if tht ire bluaiîl are oeî.npying temporay qitarters ili take charge oil the' w,îrk of extiugtîisli an alliy. lit the etrection ut their new ug snynuit ail co-fatgrationse. M e buîildiinîgut il very large expeuse, tliey hopc olir tity fiathlîrs aind it lceti- havi- sluiiw t euir confidence in ont- terprisang eitizcuî'. wîll look alter ihlî city and people andl deaerve a Niry latter as it îsn<if prime impiortance. tii'rîl paltroniage. If vo haullaamore bhat, as we'huvo îa tire euginie shoulîl moi, of their itamp, wc voilul aîiiii bave a company unf a i-l ctrilîoî men have miae of tht. flnest cities lu the under a coîtipi-t.iît leadfer foir titis tîtte. It isn ilt.îseo te sy anything -urpoile. a .,nîr of coudaoti ljeira We mut i nOur lant letter that 'God hîîeinoi.smans tley have ma I-;î made the coiuntry- andi maar imade ttie kîiiî'.an as ean, lacuest upriYh* ie twn." Selot usniiiii- niir tow.' a mont w ho thiiroigiily ,iderstand their b.- i beautiful sunt uttractiv.e. Lot lis have ni-sm. Ipublic wateriiig hlave lieur the ______________ ,enteroutthet.uwii. %'iheun voiu-i ut iew streets, let ais mnalle then> widei The Young People's Concil. 3onglifor teai,'.tii liais ach <ther A lband <of '2. Yong Peuple vhil .) a marke.t or i'lictiiîî day anîd aise llacets at tire tPresbyterlan church, hant shaute treis on<itihmiler euh, te adul aeît Onit telie cîînnty pour tarii i the. beauty il thre tii..Thîunu hall Christma~s ulteruiin andl condutoua alu brouit tîamitifîîl aveli-nese lie an Chrnistus service. Snipt. Appiey bail ttractive taitiuri!. iarty ai thîe jumates gathered lu oni' Net îînty haiîll ai. hriiper and of the otrns houthe Young Peoplîe tl prow matenlal'-, hut ai should ahi arlveil. He was greatly surpriseul ta iltivate a ironailer andI more soola eî' how many thore were, but hie wa rl ifirit titan ha.'. buevu iiiîifest-ed lu the eqita to It und prîmmpthy provlded for litory otfnOur telsn (îiîring the. put tbiir acomodutian. Bey. (0. D. Heuver ivw yeari. Mo iiglit te co-operate upeued tht. meeting witli prymur, anmi nore tutiy a-th iiui.l other for ' tk. racitations andI adîtresosa ere malle rierait intert-ala id the commuttY,. by Roy Wrightt, Enîma ilonden. Stuart Ne shionId patr<iiîize home niedustrlea, Paddock, EarI Corloît, Lena- Wela, ap.eliIy uon nieri-liuiîtsansd tradeaé. Olenke Wright. Etliel Gise;o Walter aHI stnd tht. tNiEPENDEN~T. Anid,«m li nd ifClarenc'e Bock. Severmi m town gshah iicrouto aad proulper meige cen> sang In sonte of chit tht. Ve unuat rilnuirselviem ufait publite oqpgreîgation jolteti. Two et tht. otd iii. audn isîances. Tht. muet lu* people McClure andît ieirl andi a few ortant of these la the saloon, wvo wll o! the. chitîfren lstoppiag tiiere.. gave mensthis and tther e-il- mre-- lt rplttlos. -Ia. ltî- er.itr NO0,W IS YOUR TIME To Buy Goods in all Me B. COLBY & CO We are makitig SPECIAL PRICE SUITS and Overc Winter Coods. ____________ e ---- CALL AT AND ~< lii. HOL 1IHa ofli Libe VPR~ Most SIW-ÊRWAREY DIAMO CHARM 1have the Trump Watch for $2.50,1 he best watch ever sold for the noney. A nîce present for boys. C. R. SHERJ TH E J EWELÉ'Rï. rwo PAPERS FOR THE PRICE F ONI ESTABUSHED ON 11141. Publlahel by Tiu PauzmsFâmamma PuaLliausu Ce., 166-168 Adamis ti, We have made a Special Clubbing Rate wlth the "OId Reliable" Prairie Farmer bY. whlchIlweâcan furnish it along witht lutNE N T . 1 on departments of and all

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