Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1895, p. 6

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-Fù "I tlik . 1dili net bear oe! au::n  addCoonel Prinsep?"elefl 7"You have net e-e-n him ?"-as-kwardl>'. Hloleked int her face. Slie was gaz- ng et hlm wIntfubly, lier eje-m fl et a ________mute entre-at>'. asm hohegi mlorins tor a usII an asurance, w" e-b hom sahameli 'B ee trll la ae *ILone m-ond-m tc," lie said, hamtil>e, Iooking awa>'. >im m Lr beressicious, ie thosilt. andli a'lvîis I1 conld explan " est thir mWsake- whun'hAu ige- aDont tr'-[ ae etuti"-tAie certain- land erown vure b9th ruine& .AU oc- t>' onIy grewbeg on hAm as lie spoke-"I cuse-BI feeling of ange-r againlit hlm aIseO am certain ltaI >oe bad gond rEqason ton- hdyped ber te the decis"o te viclise whetevar jeu have donc." et lest arrivee. Se ii>ulli hersef prove- 8h. put lier biand iob ils selli a sud- !i£ neesc-w uiden, gratettîl impulse-, thon as suddeuly ?~!Au offrtaty eccurruli a teseday. witbdrew il. - jater TIiq regAme-et wee te go out loto Thani yen so ntieh, ah.lemurmmucei, ~ ~I~ centa?~o 9-.--- ~ a m ti sli>ly. M Ob an ocsemdol thi Z olbee-rs The ilent vose she ýbad rogistaroi b>' "WdiiA meo«rlIr e-otbneelt trou their Jacobi Lynn'a grave te bring fis murd-'r- 4"nrters ane e-eulh vigit ts Colonel'. er te justice scannaI 10 lier as abec e- 'b»ua»wv vithout danger. Fer Ibis s-as flotted on lier way bat-k the heiglit et * bê <whs la ml>' resolve-l te do. Quixetit- tol'. libe been e good te TU à, aetibler courage flag, as hav- lber tlita s hould, for bis ae, unsex oldbsiiler motio'. observe- li-e-If, andi do set-h viobence te ber feel- Oeeartted amay> on lier mission. Innu by' taing on herselt set-h a batettîl ijnsssn Wsr. e-l~~ t f &Part, lasi? iturel>' It was self-immmolation sut' 1 l o last ienceuutereli ne one fScient liat ee houlil ]ome anlchant- ofe ~ vu>';yet aI tii ae stea *uaed happines. becerise it mightlit htisIthe a'y e' t e, tee- e naal> -nstii man eelovaI svas accounlable fer the - tieaiolliet ee-rle!-~'.~eMe. deti et tise-mate «holied so ioved ber. ffa h esitateof , ý etFoc until le lihed clearéd i lesaelofthlaI #e- etne, eptlasuspicion misalenîold neter agale speak 10 e!M* jWoleise-Stephaaj Prlnse-p, ner tae. is band aven It wos outu«! .bi 1, Ont-e whee courtesi' would se-om 10 make il a Ï abi- neetul. Yel eise herselt isouldneyer e li .ed11 lftI a inge-r te eIbher shake- tie failli et t ~.- .mX'-th-'e a v;.wee an>' one in flsis nnocence, or te prove thehugabw ~ elleopenit. If ever>' proot of the merder la>' 1;ak Iltss ~ise A deep b>' link n lber hanol,@she would net moe hqmatter. The onus ot ut-h a stop e-J. ~-eng-o~mntic must lie ssith sonne enae tronger, .eme t.v c-proof, if profon iera e00moce filIal te eaur tise opprobriuni vth the traee 6f. thel wold lie toIt andl justi>' carne,], Il te b ObtXaned t à ,foind i IeQ tipe 10 lie s'sbe-Iter te break ao terrible e vew than Otretcel dOn the fber oet1he Iibrary, dia- lkcop!I. If leroînea ne-ce made et sut-h IL swoon se de-e-pliaI for a lime lie- feareil ootus tuff as this, she svas no heroine. AIl thatItIlwas deati mald ol antn. elve8. tbe'enîhusiasm et keen self-huame thaît faleieg. atter lied urged lier on nt first ace,] ed t aul CHAPTER I Xi:11îî tm cway, and she easy the syhole thiug es il '5Tbow'e'8coufort, ni>'lard, yet-hepe la wsaiin l îlearo unloeoinesa. She kniow Pqg, Mr Chste @ad, s 4 rohedin 1th1.1noise hat lber lert saouîd bave bnk',n t't" r h tr alasll u a " eete iat4- hàIl aIsucceeded tn herenlie-avec ha, v the vedow ..Ir h. topp-il "'r a mment could sm..ive blii or M, neariy tel over thc prstrale fessienta II., îe- et cl-ibleode i liueît and irrI a)le-elturne-elto hils w !~toogh Justifie il Ilgils. H e ing p a e , "M y' dear c tbh~ u 'lu > ? I -th tuadan M hmo ltoteor' humble an,]couIn- o ai oteh a.slie made lier ne>' o i« house. i e CHAlPTER XXXIII. tman- %Moanwhile the deu iv commsse er an on- hird net bot-n hdbe. i t there lied becn s ioi àe over a motive ftonhletrime lie toit coovaîace.l, 60'atseun- cnd if thia motive naco ut once ,iscov- sudi a ral Il saoul,] mnterieliy aid the offerts ut A nffectnaîly bils mtboruinîtes. Nosv, if there n cre te go, a sigli et anj'thicg et ail in tint lbIter in the Ar- ei pe. gus, s-bit-h haI ItoatI>'decîiedlbuai lu Sbt t been requireil of movo activety ina the nieller. Jant Knoux rale-fuI, ver>' glal coull atîppl>' the niseang ceiv. lie ce- solved te question lien-lit once. betuurc she or 'l'e-l, alise- pesee lad i lme te lîer tn-onî then- sotîrceq îliat Ato tis eDxl reent. lnqn.lries sacre on foot, and lite sîul,] cenefortabî>' fuasi- questionr ecaioet. la -evlelnl>ht lie Circunistent-es tarare,] htm. Two or et. havingsuflicie-t, ycî ilirco mernîboga Inter, as i;bc tas nalkitig tibia about hlm. Jaue 10 the Cut-ber>-, lie met Jane tlriraîag thi il at $lSce, sol hensaîlf. ae llie ul uni, wei cie sets soit-al>'in. tograpli "Ilj athar wsa oul ca ml ota >uattMc. faaillUr< ~ grtln able. Knollys. Did jeu ee iaiiîft" slea skic', SA =41a~ed It, and, lier <uickl>. Iute an acioîns "If lie avent le uuy ouficue, I mustl liiu ".A IuIli11R ! *WII Pic- misse,] bim, 1I n a ufraiul. fuir I ainl ry a Ph h ttlaîtle tIis mortai-au nd:uulîy t-tecks di,] lut moent, know s-lera to capeu-t Ille. But is il etu> a iboltbinîg yen ardi1I(uanarrange? I net-a I bi net eay îlîut I s<bull lia detigltled to elcp je yu In an> ssey I ci"-witb a petit'-- inle-asthat dîd oçi se-tm se terrible bu Jane- ras g ' di,]. W- -- 1uw an 41010eloe e 4. ddresed te' orefo i '.,Aismipted lm, ced hnetlnu r e actre-1 osemtc nai. ~*smt WtsI te '4 b e . t a ll . imite caegiglthler1 ée ai net senhe s s-uv ic mie blcd - i et mnff1ée-rl i lepIngtheun se -sIg -as>, h e - rren se e-tat W1 bt e orle. eva ibou ph mg n-vrc.ampie etrgt.I le Mb sg4edsede-cI>'Smsethe i lie - o i it e-w second haIthen d iof bud eding t omat be, Il tseo tdeaongans. retelîed te e. ad alelbnav e bng alow @Icb l et ail as fgie passe, tirougli tbe ',OupoundeepuIes iee fao te 'Ast y an nehouter, asICo h 0,b «Y eutai, haie-lie jnnnp SIhoebn ud enlhîg tIloverine »wdtogits el>'mbie Al ninebliened, bM'neshefroslg, su msa tbeécmoun gaesoe ln me ne-t ftô*ipa iet he rse-. TsI OAg,,y ýgh h sAionAtKnrexa ti>st he alied fable-n to a flsik ' ::,Îre been Ala mie-a, . n-Bd asomti fer c Tint bonse1 wvould just *OMuot minà letAng it i',*1a .et lier servit-o. 1 s-i '-b. babu dlrecîiy. te see. l ,m.ugeemf.table tocrlier. Il ia parti>' tuuieei ulre-al>',andl svlatover leaseant- e-e shall lie ment ever fotraeny bungalov dnring tise de>'. 'j'eudoüs seaan- rive?' "Tic dey' aflar to-morrosv" 'eu s-il ha glIM te see your friand." "Oh, ver>' gien. t1eam l0 t»>' witli ler irst. until sic getsls e 11atronger." "Thon wc &hall lie ver>' noar ne-ghbors Diaa rii li e Itteasoil mien I tatI er."1 In spite etfis iih l e i igratiatln&, liera sens a teinth et condescengion la hIe kindne-es liaI Jate instanît>' deteetel. Sic coiored andl dld net ce-pi'. "And noie',bMiss Knox, tliare ane toue qusestions1 I slmi leesi ourseil," ebt on the de-put>'commisoner, lirlilg. 'II i-ilensa-or ehut It-an." 'Itle son lie suhjeet of tieuu*ier et Jat-eh LYnn," ho observed, abs-I>'0 vageAi ing lie expressIon on-ber face-, aiii no- tuiving losa graduneli I gew wU$**,gud liard s-lu seit-represslon. III va <W rvbcn tIiecourt et Aquiqg>'s chlel4I"Zz4 am net stlited tiat fun e nde-avog $ . mae o tebcbg lie malter 10ea justesgeiu. sen. 1 have been informel liat *tgq* tie >ou n'ece igueeute Troope-,-.L>'gj Forgte me for introling on jour ptiiAe affaira, bul 1i I t'rise?" "An,] saoulil jeu miad sAisi tbis engageenct came t au nd-ai 'II considercl ins>'elf free abou&tt b. irat ot Apni," she nnssiered, in a 1ev voit-a. "Considered!"-cliarl>". -W«s the n>' different-e et opinIon? lied 14%wi any ressac te think liaI yen vues beqn4 te hlm stIAi? "Tiare wvas sen. lulimr explain. -It vs-il - " MDet ltrern Ugieve MeI do empth" eae ops te fini oui eoatai ii teflleg me when-t d«% P»e sble-Lyna admAt te b. * Jane 1Rnox et Tor lisfew m ln lu silence, ce flushleg wlth tue ee! Ax3wp of Ternate ahame and 'f0w whl ese questions hait provoked. "Dî3d yon coniplein to any one of--ot hit annoyence?" lie asked, after a short pause, nnd lied t,, lean forward ta catch the tunwilling murmured assent. "To whbom? To jouir father?" "Then who was it?" emomewbat inipa' tient ly. "C'olonel Prinaep." "Colonel Prmsei,!" Nothing but that ejeculation, jet Jant knew thet fthe suspicion which lied been growing on the depîty commisslçner liad beconte a certainity in bis~ own mind. Fact afler faet lied been torced froua her, flot rendered by lier own volitiouW and with the %vorst resuitu. By ber own lips he bhail betrayed the lover thatashe loved, yet only by direct lies could eh@ have saved him. "le that aIl you wish 10 know? May I go?" she eisked, wearily. Il dawned upon hlm slowly, for the commissioner, thongli shrewd, was not naturally quick of apprehiension, that ho had caused lier more sufferlng than h. lied known ofet etthe lime. lVhaetTver reeson she le bailt for ittinc Stephen Prinsep, upan ehet alionld have beeli their wedding day. on lier aide et Ieaat il lied 001 becu lîîek of love. I'oresecing man if,ilicultiesaaed, bie lirov wes puckered 11,10 a deeided frown ai lie ('ont îtîticd bis wey lu the Cutcbery. He was only too oveil encre-eus what magistrale le not--of the number of crimes tlaut reinain improvon, endl con- seqnently go unpuiiislied, and knew Il were eerteinly houter thet thieshsoutd edd one more to thie liat Ilien risk maklng a taise -or tntenable accusation against one who lbeld su higli e position, socially as well au iu a niilitary seuse, as Stephen Prinsep. W/len hoe wenl loto bis private office lie found the quarterniaster lied beesi there, andl gone ueurly an bour ego. An accumolation of leIterd and business papers ley Ou, bis desk, and doring tihe morning a caseýcome on et Ithe Cutchery, but lie Ivent Ilirotîgli al mecbanically and without bis usuel keeaness. Il wes a relief tu hlm irlien the tîjanedar camne in with i is report on the subject of whieh lus brein svus fu. The report itself deul pri.ncipally lan negetis'es. Trooper Lyonn lid no enemies aiong bis comrad s--Nasnont of a qoar- relsome disposition oven wben ie drink; noeoneein the barrarkm seemeil to hape e suspicioîînesto N ho was answerabte for Lis ditil, et e vague opinion pro- vailî'd r bat ia,] t not been for bis fatal passion for tlhe'Quartermester'a daugliter lie n oui,] ta'alive stili. W'iuen Nlr. Knoolys returned 10 i. bunngalowvinithie etternooji, lie met bis daiiglu t r on thla vere nde. "I ana just goinîg te son,] off those invi- lations for thedihnner party-Mouiday'e dunî,ï,r party," clie ao sl, standing on tip- tov .to kis', hia. 1)a1 ojîti sk Col. Prinsep?" Tien, as ebo lield up the addressed on- s lope ini reply, b"e took il rallier roughly troin lier hend eiid tore it in hiait. 'I %vont have hlm enter my bouse again.. Yen understenil, Diann. If you ineet hlm in soriety, yen must bce merely civil te hlm, nothing more; if lie cails, ho it flot to ho admittei." "But, papa-" "'Net enother word. Yon may bo quite sure 1 should ngt give sucli an order wit bout good reason." "Thon whom s"al I ask in bis stead" 'Ask Velentine Graeme."* 'Île 'vas bore the niglil heforo lest." "Neyer min]. IHo is one et the nicest telo s ili the regiment. 1 somptimes thunak lie bas a penchent fer yen, Di." "Nuonsense, papa!"-Nyilli a lirilliatt blusli. (Toulie conlînned) IRON IN FOOD. SpinneclCentaineMore of ltthen Ergg or Iteef. Prof. Bunge, In the course of a paper ou Iron as a medicine, red before the lierinan Congres oft1iternal Medicine, lins been ventilatlug corne Mdens whlch are as mucl i alter of genen-el science (and therefore extreinîly important) as thcy are details couuectcd wltb the ph>'- slclan's demain. lie le strong on tlie point that trou shoul,] reacli our blond through the meilumiof our food.-r~tb e druggiat'as peclaWee. *et the body. Iit cseasrlgld- b>' the plant as b>' the S"l- itlas tratu plants thet Prof. W. we shoulti cllefi>' receive our'lron suppl>'. fpinaci, lie talle us. la richer n rou than yolk et egge, white the yolk contains nmore then beet. Then aucceed apples. lenlils, strawberrles, whilte beens. peas, poltltoes and wbeat, these substances beind given a te order In which they stand au regard. the plentifulneas ofthelrlrofl constt nents. 00w'. milk las poor In trou, but, as h&Aalng this delicacy In lhé food of tlbe youeg mammal, Aitta i. ond *ta the biood of lhe youthful qusdrupe emiaine mucli more troui'b* b aduit. Thua, In a young Mbbit or qpplpg one heuir old, fa« ' t$ ie a tihb rou was foued as occetÈSb ~tbff aubnals two and a hait ipraptl l. L.ondon Public Opinion. 9a" Ne Une for Amoto oeau AI Chronological Record of Twet Montbs, FULL RECORD 0F 1895. An Epitome of Ail Events of Importance. The Usuai Admiuere of. Diseeler, crimue, Politîcal Changes, Commser- cia! Achievements, sud Interna- tional Conpicatienr-Atrncllies et Turu An Arme-nia thae Mont Shock- toit Page la Modern Histoy-Pow- ra etEurope Unt. le Daeandlag Me-orm-Cuban Itevolution Nezitla Public Intercala. Witli bol two exceptions, the nature et the oveota ishicli go 10 maie op lhe hie- tory oft he pa st jonclt asnot alarîling. The hutchery oet t hensands ot Armenaim b>' Turkstasau roueed thîe Europeai, ponwors, and aetitre close efthle jear active preparnîlons n cr0 la progress wbich sng- geste,] the trobable dismemberment of the Ottomea nampire. The revoit et Cobana agaiîîst 8panisli rile ws thlie nexI mottimportatnt affair, and that, teo, waa in tuit ssrej nt the close et thoejer. Sipain seenas te truitiegaiy bond avec>' cncrgy teward Ils suppresasion. Poptîter sYmpathiNlelarget>' ss',h the Cubana, eand their ort-e-ssoBeomu 001 improbable-. Ina Amonicen teolitica the jear bas becta ex- citinig, anad anceofthebgrutlpartAielias suffere, stula revesecs as lu leave thie chiot executir e tiisiîuî,.rted ini IeoIik failli by a taîo~ritv Ina elîler bouse et Congcess. A ciîronologicai record ut avents tolloîrs; 1. Mîchigena etrut pobileienstallation -it Stute otilcer" . - loy. bhorIon, ot New York, sworn na. . .lietglues bars Ainerl-ai, etîc Tom Blair iyictd ai Mouud Sterling. Ky.. FIseperiab li aua lncetary lire et Lauce- 2. >eath otft-al. RwieseîlM. Ilcyt. leapea 1er geiaeraîl 14Iikrileal t thIbnM isouri. mt Chicago..(aamege&Hoguestead me-e sîrike aguinat cealuacli.ina et ages. 3. Vires:*7. ai14etSprcgte-id, COblo: $105.- 000 aIt'C.fey, [lie, Kan.; 10.,000 ati<'love- land; *140.4)() et the itothera Ilinots la- &ans As>-iui. antAuna ....C levelaul enter- lei nsa1HlleaiaCabinet dhouer. 4.« Sean-os o!village» andl cIlles uceeit mendtngagcll ladestijute people in Nebraska -.. ..$t0,00 ireln- la Milwaukee. 5. Caîntalia 5rcy tus, oetbte Frenchb mm>' publtciyil'.g radedIf or sellingsear Secrets. 1j000M ire et Tocante; tîva [ives lest on l,'tuu i steamner lu Ma b arbor killîs 12...1gbester In Ohio livy- er aws. 8. Sitars n lueu e pillage stores et St. John's. N. F. 0. W. W. Tacylor, ex-Treasurer etfNSouth Dakuta.,-îiaiae.zles $35u,ouJi; bis bank taI ilci ield i to-". lu. Tr% i es lest le e Teronta lice; prop- 11. tolilet day ot the esan te Chic-ago>; 12 belurs. -. . Siî,,s lun the East. 12. Traainabell upneesr 6410mw-a. Iowa. 13. tOnaeinirdrerl ireman fromt-bittenaai Btradfordl. l'a.; $130.000 lainages. .. Severai Vessais 1est ce Engiaeî'a caot; fdite-a eiLat or@ dressa. 14. Itî,ndrol ainacs trappe-I b>'rlaing s- te-cln North Stai!,cislare. Ecg.; 20 drowned. 15. Otat tieden- barrer aI Butte. lIant.; 00 People kîlleel. 100 hurt.c.Fe-octPresI- dent resîgaus; toyalirts aseake. 17. t1M- Feux F aura lectel Preilent et 1.N ewsi cebelilon lu Ras-ail ... .Death et Mary, Vice l're.tadenI t tevefflu'aaegh- te. .. . b1i11 a rIen-ed eut te proteet Brook- lyn trotteys.. 19.. BliaI of Bet tIe-rIScott. the O'Nall, Neli., detaulter. toiuod In the rive-relti roe aroundil ianîcl... Sinking et steamer Blute et MiasourI in tisaOhie; fort>' ilvea lost. 21. CVIcago Lus s thunier anelTain Stores. sitb Iamperanan-c oft54 dogreandSe 5atcing breeza. toilosîcil i>7aehurrcane bieselue-64 miles Sri bouc, lmeaure failnlataIoi t-- eir oe, zare. omuyu>'People bact by fait- gLiluabers. tluIlsOfrem in aebuildings. Sliteamer ('ilora aed 25 people bat off liculliHave,.Mel inancilsIio", 11115 ...Deat, et Lord Itaaîolph ChurchilîlSt Londlon. 25. Sevea kil t.; yMandata. Ill.. boler eiP!oslee. .- .4 Guatemaai tncodes bMalc,,' boucler>' ctau..,. Feurtul ws-lad now m StormIn t lb' Vie 26. ThIct,'aauiera droseo off Point Jo- dibh, Conna 27. Marctiry zeusraait la>' In Chiacgo ...Suow IluiI' nay Western mrid. 28. One kitirulI. 4:1 hart, lu Vandaita ssrr-ck aI Colarltîlic.Il . . .Preaidenat Ciavelaudao errene>' acaaàgr- cent ta Cengrens. 295. Recels ers ,aaartA ftliewhisky itust. 30. liteaer Eluba suun -olttlon eltb tbe- Orathie-. lu North Ses; 114 lives lest. Si. Destla et Wacd Me-AIister, leader et Ne Teck'@ son-lot>'. 1ebruary. 8.I'eWs of* Jf 0eeors tram Uni- ted IlIstes gssnbOst Coue-rd. b>' Cbiîese-. toc accidentai shorting et a 5BIIVe .... Chicago temnperalura 13 belase. 4. Tbree In-ot, ne,] b y Mlbwaukee sIre-el car cuninng Inta an op'. l as. ..Tbtrty FIrench mneariskil led tlu explosion.b.Cicago tam- peralre 17 efow. .uee-n LiI abdilcates 1s,' 8 l' iulue. (L Blizaurd! sw ceps ove!' tie Norîbses.... Alares fer the csen-dio jranch lAner La (Ses- . Wbole tcountry isaihers exIge-sa.colli; 20 belese et Chicago .... Ntue men lest tn open boats a1 PIlisauke .1.1e-port eofs enAlella ton'ot Chinese iped t iWei-HmITe ...Ad- mniiîationa .urreLaeymineurasanud Be-d ael Cox substiltes defeateeluA the House.. 8.I'renideet eneeuces lie mie etr$02- 400,000 An bonds ... Coldest la>' ef the 7ear la Chicago. 10. Schooner Cluace and 15 mcn lest off Liv- eirpepl. N. S. lit. La (lascegne, atght liais overdue. aes NesW Tocri arber wItb duabltd ma. eliAne-t>; grec t rajoelulg.a jty0 000 street-car burw ire Bt Cilcmgo. tvficemie kleli.16 bort. t Lyan 19. Death et Isaac P. Gray', Iuler te bteleto.e-w Orleans bas teun Aches ot & Datb etf Fred DOnUe. lIathe loreli egaster, n aI LValgtou. ..,QuAc* qmie etlaIe bV iuim'ute favannah. Ga., i.eea.m f e t Bel Isîter>' s lecture; Iroopa e-MIW. J.$40.000 Ol ireBtCib-gr109.0 t Mtax .... Scores e aitners 1iledANe-w MeXIeo .... Postmautcr Genetal lDuAsilre. 1. Mexican Ir#ie ivre-e-k ecoe'1O4li.. lAve kîllei. 11) hurt. b>' uIÊSg w9"is tsINae - L - 11.$4.0 il, t Ioux± Cty., "mooat Sc lt Hueg ,Cheg iel b> foueatie *51,e- ris; nt talY. ..00,000 lWire et Kansas Ci>,Ka.n pekn-houge. .0 .Froun duel:st 510m over Central and Western $teltes. 26. *1,000000 fare Ile Mltwauikce. 27. Thretrait' robliers kîlil on Qusen and Cresceet route. 29-. Japse delares srmistice. Huilent Mardi iuy e .er knowu In Chicago; tampera- ture 78 ,iegr,'î's. 30). tealta ritA. 0. AHeg. edîtor et 1111- noles taatu-Zeitung. A prit. L. Botter .'ieiopetrn kilis six et Wobuna. mas.... il't ac1, ii fKitî'. oreat lires. 2. teîhle1Insneî'stalla0h0.Mlchl- ganW scialr,1C4hicago. 3. licaih oif NI e l'un,, trvens. sociely quae ot r lw' yoi ...<.i.ri l'lac-ine Hotel of Chi'clago tar . It ttui'aa kllied Ly eipio- siln ta '. t4iip,.. 5. itUpjille r-4 on tmateschanges»lIn ln- ('oute tai la%",..T raiuecks aiatl Ohio asid Illinois ki1jlt -tgll. g. of tey tcortsntertetttng ot postage âtea. .. miner. klittil utiNew Wbat- conWai. *,.)îîtse et six-story bric-k nt Wheellng. W. Vs: <ltie lo os 200000.... Blizzard of satdl su* snow bib e West. 13. ('ruilecil sella t 2 in2te 'tsburg.. .u bati rebels w4jp spantah troopa. 14 Dat h apeley et Jantes W. Scott. eChegTlnîes.ileraid. la Newe Yok .... $1000000 bolt atre 5et1Pssuadenaln. 15. Conclusion of petes lu tbe Orient... Coben rebellteau ruse. .. Catlle adinitted traeetfront Mexico. 19. Three kilteel, six burt, ai Cbicsgo sbip- yards. 20. Il. 1IL Kohîssel butty s'titage Tiies- Hemai ... laylsheat astisetai 60 cents... . Ail grain adiancea. trongiy... .011 goeu ll1P y-negrots iyeehed Kt RelIer sprîngs. AI. .. -15 iaclCs or aeew ln Corado. ?3. Sii,ameCoto decdetla favor ot Dette lD the lamnus couiciapt et cort ca'se. 14ay. 1. Tee persona killal by a Koangas yet6nc ...anita ktilan Aitu eanglaser. .. .lsl 141,1,,coul Nrike on. 3. Awtul dcalb roll tn Iowa and Wiston- ain, stades .liFe killil tby powder miliiex- piiosiiî et Srouth Acion. lIars. .Iottest 3d1 ot fMay oaiptir'îrd le Chicago; lcadperatue 88 degreen; nue main suamstruci. >4. ilouti,t hcago snd Jolie-t steelt sorkers sIrke .... Orientai pence AssuraI. 11). Steamierx tejuga and! Burd unk off M1,ki,,î ,11c., ly cltdl4 e 1 ma oit; pccrîntsry tocs. $t0'lJ. ýrauF S talcga trope.ran 1 14.. elve pIll- pIc hurt by gas explio. a ' icago, Ïtur 131. Kiltini tracta tromnt sebruaUethe At- tarîtkI. . . S, stops the Chicago-xew lork ti, ýC teselu aost 1 latrmeon Lakeo 111h 114. Urest lurry ln cern nd l" itet. 19.$ls.4I*tire ut Mt. Abans,.N t. . Ter- rile ,artb1uakes Ir,a ltaly.liiig frntits ln tifico,, States. 20). Imiain,.lta decturad lnt aild .... Whieat s-i18 nt 7471,a vet. ,, , j,eM.rte reellent Cuban. lesur- gerats. klilr. . 14 kilteiluliSen Fraul.îsia tîceder hbonne,,explosion, 2.Two mina, yiir-ed tor semait at Dan- ville . 1I1. bouWhet reeches W2 cents. 27 . iltarenne Court agalaast I)eia. 28r. Doatta o r séIlenarilrrt rya!state. 20.tteekatlcmttltary ccarni a Ci eR. mrial l le .'Ii. Flrtnerai et (,realaanin, It hîcgo ..Deds. Icallon nt t hiC agi.lif Cot'rfetrate monument. .31. i 'lai1,irrsalIraT'xas. parcbirîg irouights trn midle hWscaerna ig, 99 d <egrees In the oradoc. bli 1,)7 1 *athlicr imi th4)4'l'afil cCoat, and 96tidegreer la N-siY'ork City. .1 mne. 1. 2. 3, l precellentê efi ientaChî,cg. Ne,v N,,l,, l tro ,,t. llthtiatrri la andllita ataîia: aui ,liitiur,1iet trostratitn, 4. tirai, at 9 laago af 40 di-greea temupera- tare. ". Slvrrc, nteii., isîrI,îgliel,. l 7. 01-Y jai,, cls,'îretary or M'ate, Hiarrnon, .Ati,rii 4 en(-i-it> I 25.tM r, ut iaiez El.1Nhisky trrust iirirI-i tlge 106r.-ii It'.i îu, aCs a $2..55 ire-. I7 Il. J. AlIirlcla tîttqfor $t.i.55iioit4S l-.. Dleadiy iti)riii n -ccp the %lits- eiari Valley. . . iteiag etrIHurlein stip 244 4lOperang et Kici sîip carrai 21. ILua,'ixecy g iat,,Itr> ileteate,]..Two tatailtlra tadiy iiurr. tîy exploioncu ai rtjaiciui'k exsionalîasteamecr Chrtatopher 241. Sixtreme,, kîoilet ai Mneapolis; $100.. OU4t toug. . .45 00lire attlSme Francisco, 2.. Ieatta et Prot. T'r.Hialuxley at Loudon. 3. Deugter bore te the t'ietrds. 7 Te filseet în aeti'lr ... stx dro"a cdi et Laie (eneva. Wls . Nibîgan 8% ept by furent lires. le. Chisrltian Eiidenvor assemibles ntlBos- ton. 14. eirietie 1c tenNorthi tkota. Trreilriwe nilSotth lise cri 'jlci,. ... Mgi acvtdciatai tîitalltlre at iIa'î NInee Iilleil iy tortua iraNcew 'jrk îad 'N', Jérs,' It;. tleiaung 'if itarr art c> debate ut l'hWlagia 17.tirsnt a orune e tieii.r nt a hu,l, lit C hîcego..... ace tCincinati ir..'uiri 114 Nia,' minera taaprIaiîacdl v-clu et irr, laliiintalii. Ilila ....tirilili hti' rInu'c Otscar seid uiikiaotî e i,'sei ainat la colibîson; 19 , lt'cicetftr'erititriiainiminera. 'jetiaiiiy naincilNMarloui. 21.olîýritnînia;e148 Itellis. tiy sîiiug tn 1- Io,î 8 tamer sl P t'. Four I.ter t grade croasirag et W'tiiiatm r,r ~luse $445 i.s re I Nattinal t.Iuseed tIli Cr înarny a 4 bIeag,,warr'Iuiiasc. 22Bte port t fktiiuig uotsci î'aee Indiejis nercJOi.s,,)n's ttuie. SVYamlag, 9;gralie troun blteIminenift. "I. t'urloiu-'i8 riaIl, l'en nsylIranilu coke relia . I l. S & lIt. nS. tralia tact i u, lt 4h1;$.54 toili 2-T lii irI 3 i e Ul ocrs k iici] ay cx piosiora 31t. Sitîcitierisir le a cioîiîrfft a 4in Co urailiiand SVyaiiiing... .leniile, lc Iran a $500000 tire. A ugnust. 4. FaIse report et race war et Sprlng Val- ley, I., tuet ci, Itlileandel negro Iîaners. M.urter etflBritishl, mtaaiiaurtes lnChi... $1,0J00,000 lire nt Spragiie, Waaia. 7. DaIh t, Ge(orge Fu. 11,0ot, the tamous composer. 8, 'l'tlrteen killedands lmac>' Injrel hy tai. id' buldng u Ns ark . ietofetStîpreme Julga eau Eiý . Jackson,. et Tennessee. 10. IMo,00o aire nt Loekport,i. il. MO ,00 ire at New'ark N J1 . Four killiel i a wreckek t Itatîbrlge. Ohio. 13. $3.000 flretaIl'bilaeipt, t. 19. ltolecaust lunlDenver bote]; 25 klled. .. - Seven lrown n lt OcaairCity..Nid. 20. Trains bellaup on the V'. & W. M., near Fernvilia, Mtct.,andsoun the Union Parle,'. near North l'latte, Neh .ight kiltel andl elght injure-I by explosion ai Brallock. ra. =2. Mitlwaukee. loges 0382,000 by lire.... (GenIry' loges stilloe Paclug champientahlp te 1'utcee. 2&-7-&. Heai-yraesne ncern hll; severe t 1tcms acconparnled by tataltiis lteIlinois aud Otilo. 29. Fitteen minera Iresîn St Contrat Cit>', Coi. Feptenîber. 2. Oue hendred People hurt on the Sea Beach roud, Long Ilandui. 8. Perions àtocm le centrai Nerîhore lStes. -4. $M0.000 lire at Boston. 6. Triple innîler ln Sullivan Cotud>', lnn. -7- L Orty-two mnord-periahtle a hureing Cuba eielarestor n glTeassi ecl. l.Million dollar lire at W 7. Bevea ilel b>' explosios # barre. l'a.. ,Iaae. Mea tea fuliy hal np aChiten lser.ç l 0l. Anniserarý or et hiet dia b>' lre tn Cincinnati... andl erew ofet ger-caontbat eOweni Geoigla ther klil a inse Chi clitîdren humaI t,, bath et l9n sr, 12. $100.00t],lire tlus et Dulnuth. 13. Pour kllied Iseelve hurt. on a trolleoy r oraledeti l toba paiIle; imeonse prEpe-tr 10.1.000 .sw-mlitlire aetel 20. Hait-millioen dollar lire et New 1.0010 people homele-u.. iraIse meason et Chicago; Erie, l'a., bas a fMU luch'es. =2. 1'cegdent Cleveland rs'lcoed te.; tant. .. $I75.000 lussad ail relit lireaaI 21. !Lake Shore train runestram Chi Burffalo, 510 miles. ta 7 heurs 50 miB secondas, mouerngtitre, beatîigworii ord. 20. Three killed by osplembiet lf et C 'blago. ...Sherlff andl poste Ohio,. i t we ef a tyechiug mob... et Vir ia'. i 8tae University'. Taxas... .$200.000Ulire lu SprIi l4 Tue kTo llelit Ires fatali>' burta& ilalon n St. Loui.. 81i. Hartbquake tbreugboul the cent eft he Uiuted States; ne tat.atitts, ulttIs âge.. ?levember. 1. Farîiqie at Rome. .. .Dumra gailti etmurder aI Ban Frane-isco. o. . H. Homos tua e mu 3. Por kla dta B. & 0.. wrèsk neu0f, Ing. W. Va.Punr bunad te death Au Yack te-ne-ment bouse. lire. 5. Deuth et Engene Fileat ChleSUSu $300.0010 li-enaIDe-aler. 111. ,6. Biepubl%ýise btndýsbbde. ..11,5.f00,00Y lui lqw Tarlt. 0. -Fort>'Blled b>'bolie xlouion la troit. liet., Journai buildingý.... is' Ii> ot six diele te ir bucsing CM15 Btrookl. 1I1-Clîlàiato Isilles redue-el 1cean.t Ini. '[raut>' kliiedi tsot1eet car ai Cleveland, Ohio. .. .Veath et Dr. SL, Sînilb. suiher ot '-AmerI0o." et Beeteq Neais. of snii.e rnomas.e b>' mele; M1) glati,. onsolidion etf Jaaurnîal d ress. If). Fucliirsanisaandl slnd storm lia r-est ...o eI.Is P lgas, Texas; Puracell. I.'T'., hure big ire's. 21.$ t41iré- IcniSprrlrer Bulilu, cagu 1-.Iraàgene V. esrlse 'j ,.ila . Ii.. juil . ... suliit u oe i,rredIo la ieacc pîly by the poses, t,,' Iniaeiounlenaaaced maiy Arme-a cres. 22 Flisc iremen hse lite te a $500.00 ruago bi, .. . Itlesse trom »jlaildsecti axailc ccieplti,ýl of F. V.Deug latior i at 4'I.Iicsgui l'orelgn fdeeta rendezvouS 25. Tremenlas dameage ai Chie-g gt.rm ofait w,,-et and rais; ailtcZn#I trI(,,kee, l. res rIaisn. ire ati icsod $2i8JiiO ainage _Seventy kiiel bye alun n tactory at Paires, b1~ lajrrra. 291. Tbree sosets go asiaor St Gbeacue. IS.# craes et M0mn u ai80 .1110lotu Jachies. Miel,., prison. 27. Destit af Alexandre Ductes, Jr.. BS- Parts. 28. Pal' et liom for 1helunke>. .. .oe. halli"mo: tiichigen boom Chic*uo:Bu. e a i <'axo. îl; b'enayli-anla de-uts 00OeêI troai 1De l'eus - "olumîris Athiatie dowe Jt lunibia Unir eritj, IBrown defeets Dar&-. m,,uth. ecembe-r. 2. AM.emblîng et FlfItatîcIti Congr.sS#. litîcit iccict SI caker ofthîe lfeuse .. I cîctliier iii Nothwest. urther U UM i Anreîa W ~ a3"d.54lra te San Francis-o. clarn sa .tritish boat and Isecatvy «uHorsalest off SrotIiîl. 8. $000.000 ace tr leeg g > .,eatb@of A. St, K l. Londoneu Iaunt. .. .*TufClam aadt"se n ue fat ln Las. Superbe.À 9.. C'illon.18. ame-I b>' lre. 10. Nt, louis gels neil National R1e-a Conventicîon ...Sultan pareItle*go ti a iasI)ardanellas...Mir'>' laargil 5ntMinespntis. il.Reule ng aof('atholieOrpian » 111tseaukee; 200 chlrn rescueli.. - G;ermanie inks tlb. mbrmie. aIet~e lilses lest..Mob ibreatens Kans celter'@e et Topeka. becseore grave- 12. Dasth of Allesn(0. Tiarmais at bus. 0111o. 15. G.ermenn hip Athena wllh a na btha expldpa off C'spe May; 14 Aâ 1ý.. Clevelsad*£ Venaeelan acenses grusit onihuelasint--' alounels itrea brtiata... Phise flic banda ut a mob, durlng a sIise. IK .Explosion an liuer Kt.. Pnilk men sel injure,] nve. Houasepesse (M Sa prpratiln fer Veoneu e-o itiirn P lhiladielphie; e-dire rstirs sy cecil,'e gsiippnded.Denth et l-ar,. tasseli. deorkeeper 0 et hemou ttc Thlrly six Ilires lest hIna f.liiiri2lie-t cy Storm. ?orty tbc fira aNo.rth <Carollintme. rem ratataîIl nt ('bicaFgo.1 20.4l'uiau %n%'.ail .r. ... .e-al. iaîuîasy p sas"%s House. 1,11fer Yen u'1.1iiamuuo.. .'les cîanail nde alas.g u onge-u.Twenty-four il nDeytri. '[ian .,kitil.hinpreced floo ie, tChicago. PUFFING THE PLAY. " A New York Suceceas Ab., i'rCii tourtes>'. The Uiîtedl itai tee As a broad and "titi i.anitl id le si upplAed witb, celleni njouruals, 53j5 0tue Forumn. À* nauîerai aind unavol,]able, these g tillta ;ke titieir toen n reatteg iaa;t' effailrs fron, tiiose of the me ls. WVlatilusaia nd donc An York about pînyri and actors As pus oui ail os on th1e union as quiekI> as ivires eîîd presm etanutspred thse t'ongewjetîuly the theutrîcal busa thei entire country s manage New York. Thet lus NîIy cetou agora andl the m!nor perseflge stage lite flec-k to New York. That' svby for iîany jeera patit ltbas pelble fthe111enly speculator In 1,-n drameti,- Inabsur te set up ap etînge structure, lîeld together oal the atitiesîve qualities ofpelait priters' 10k, and-by keeping a, Yoerk thenler open and empt exlblbition for a @taled -term ot'- et the expease of $3,000 or ssock, and b>' e cont!nuaI pea a sufficAunt emount of nte "greet Newv York surcesa" hlmIni otravel Ibrougliont .lie wltb bis "show'," and gatiier a MA veut froni those wbo are elger .ss'lset sort et plaspIaiese e

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