Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Jan 1896, p. 2

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rs ise u. M blaUthe byte fousewt bni n iitory lu 'et British Oui- -or4forcliq ebetetantilie ' ca1uiuflt a saoir - ~~~o poOot ie lice biweni whlaetcras f ll eorirly bleoti tt' ànpe lteri nt > wes no paseofr totylte x« a0f lree q.Unï olaiust wa tant Mr. Bulou- ta tonehude ti ti on ganitise a -a ýomle structreratil- ,..,ae crboartiant a- irla. belote. andw Bones sisai elt alswRuilar adte cars lit r aBletwiha gauti itt *. Ibecas w erearco in % apthe traIy kegand -d the IemragreUs tfthe Un-OIytel ere ofsînee -t ts o> teprel (1er p=eand asmei frcetrou 0--,_ liIne atlangemeny oodb". erlea eo at ,4b4» l poucadetten id ong»dthe rainlpt e " tyln iatite or I Ïet eageoadadai- harter !lIs Billa 'Vevpa . Il anfontn taha* bauato i, l ta~-h leadr o te r ~eo liteCillaters aer àt %VialllagtUglvbag-ltlsertio Ilpumun. eti eortemlwoudeacee ietweea lte Goveru' luens et Great Brilain andi Venezuelai tilahs the perloti between Noveniber, 184, wlîess Robert Pehomburgk was op- polate ta tesurvey te wetern ierriiory of BrillisUliana. sud April, 114% wben Great Britain ilay remoyedth ie bouid- try ponsawhleb he had neset aivarions polintle intat lerrilary te frate se- cailoti Sehombnrgk Ulne, la atlracting muncluattention bore. Thte Chrouicle caila il a "naonentous dispalcit" sud bands il, "Ak New Face lualite Coniroveray; te #Ieiomburgkr Line Uselest. Sote Slart- ing Diapalcites." A foreigu offce afIBîIII saidt iaIt e correspoadence quoleti waa correct *no far as il goes," anti addet: "But tere la rmnchtwhlcit laoUnpubhiateti, espeelally te letton 0of enor Portique (lhe Venesnelsu sinlter le Great lgrtain et the lime). Theme gîve a diffolSatl ightI upon te whoie malter.. We.mlght, fér Instance, lako portions -oft 8000181V Olney'a document sant raueform ItlDtb a satement whilci wouiti be entireiY an- lageaistle telthe American aide of te question." ____ sixXKILILE» IN A WEECK. Express Coides wlth a Prelifht ou an Olsesapwtcb. Two freight traina stoati ou a swltch aI Seitooiey's station, mvea miles eass of Ciillîcolte, 0., ai Il oclock SaturdaY tigitl. Thse firt train pUjleti out, andt ot coaduclor, tiikng lit the second one wouid tliow, loft thlit swllch opea. Pif- teen minules 1*er tee oas-bounntiex- press camse along at forty miles an heur, mat, runalng on teth ie awtch, cOllîdoti wit thlie train standing lber, The fol- lowlns were klleti: George Addla, fires man of freigitt train; J. H. Con, ftreuAn et passenger ta; .J. -Y. -Etgarton, of Levelaud, postai claerk; Je-'Èig freighl brakoman;, Leon Mathers, tire,- man; Thominsi Mlchaels, ecUineer etfte express. Tite Injureti: Fitasmmoas, eu- gîneer fresghtl train, lhtlyi nitrei; uJ. D. Murphy, of Greenlielti, posali cerk, serlonsiy injurest. Engineer Filasimmol,, of te freigitt, esespeti witoui serons In- juries. Conduclor Henderahol, of te frihI 5la naîble for te vrock. as ho left te swilch open. The passengera ln te express were badiy sitaken up, but noue was serioumy injureti. .Very Easy at Nicaragua. A more imporant Issue Ihan taI over te 1enezuelan bountiary ta> ho e isoti soon between te United ti latesanti Great Brltalu ifrescent reports f romt Nicaragun aital b coafirmoti by laler developsuenta. The substance of Ihese reparleastaineti by Important evitience, la litIBritishin l- terosia are roachiug out for lte conîrol o! lte Nicaraguan Canal, andt ltIte (ev. crument la belng urgedtel annul te char' ter te te exisllng corporation. Th~e re- porls of Brillith intrigue in Nicaragua whiiithave been seant1talite State Depart- ment are likely t0 recelve serions attention before te transmission o!fte report of te Nicaraguan commission la Congresa, anti may give a seasationai turu te te ex- pecleti special message of te Pretideul on lise subjeel. The United tates10, la eaue et coulroversy, mightl be oblige tel taise a Ils7 tandi upon broader groundis andtebeh- 1jeet tla ay sncb interfereuce lu Central *American affaira ounte part of Greûl Brilain as it migitt consitier proper on it awn boitai!. Ifsa Brillith syndicalse hould persuade te Nicaraguan officiais la annul Iheir concessions ltelite Amoricen coUs- tpany anti make new ones la a Britli company a question wold be pressonted tdifferent fronthtia preneteet lu Vee g uea, accordlng te Presideul Cleveland'@ Jiefinition of tai question, lualte partien- lar taIte Unitedi States migitl feel cal cd upun te Inlerfere, witonl regard la the attitude taulite exisling Goverument of lte country affecleti. -Another New tate. t Thte 1resident on kalurday lasuet is d proclamation l conformily wilh te act r- of Cougresa, slalingtai te people of * Utaht have complied i wth ail a! the re- t quiremnents o!fte iswprovitiing for t it admission o!f Utahitette Union, anti de- le claring taI te erriiory ibas passeti out rf o!existence andt ltIUtait lu aditled - alte th antily of States. The people of Ua b jowed au intense Interesl lu ever: ,f step matie aI Washitnigton, anti PrivaIe ,~Secrelary Thurber wa Importuncdtu Stelegrap i nmetialely la Sait Laise t j, iraI newm aofte siguiug of te proclama- t ion, sud 10 hreerve as a minable itb ;h loricai reliete peu wi it wichil'reaideut Clevelandi affixed ieiasignature la lite doc- rument. e- 0 oeCearei uinte Dia- pitols te finI jait. Set .Tajabad vatie-- - Ovieeparlially tie- Mwons bilet. The set- ,*,ad w as fe11 aven an liThe lova t of o-ut ,tioussatibouses vert "thienu gresltianagre r yiiaes Tite osso! OAt. There %ere 800 Oof a"P.,santilarge ta alteep .150 poisheti. -. b«Orowa.. Wver sineIlihu day. o! id tibeen s ilbl w*evhe nation ex- ~b tteràe.s fo-ard 'sIaeu-s actieunlunthe , &idthse latent appar- mmwt tisai France anti ba lb.eU pror bas but $#mes. Tise vr sprit u*ed bu Sladme.. s*rther of etLittle 0& i3L Relto (C. uger- 40et«*I9 bb C aly $ua- @04red te demiet a non- iW ÊhtAkspeaue an Sun- Ïe. fer Beumhmd. C*r*eas, Venezuela, ta irïlwg il la trident tat 4inteoetofPresîdeul »Y sallafacton for te W l et;bula determluetl btenastitoutier 40cm- *bc, 1016romt, o#-nhat this ur- A tiealte oas recelved bly te Boston (ilobe Monday aflernoon frot, Batabanît, Cuba, auyingtaI te insurgent forces tati caltureti Havana. Il Was impossible tu eonirm or discredil Ibis report. Tite dispaleit la lainuot taeitave beeni esceiveti by te cabie alerator from Havana anti le un folion-m: "Cubons bave capturedth ie iy-Hlavaun. Morro easile alune boldos out, (douerai Caimpos la-"Hene te dispattit endeti abroîttîr, a table comn-1 inunicolion bclnveen Havasn anti Bala-1 benoea-as cul off.i Eastern laveutors Loe Mono>. Thte Soult Dakotla $uPrenue Court bas tienleti a motion for rehoarug in te case o! te Huron Water Works Company va. te City of Huron. lu the capital ightl the eity valer wa-rks s s oidtebcarry au te mruggie, and te Supreme Court iteldthelit e lie vh oliandt ltIthe ciIy ws te igitîfus o-aer. Titis leavea te ECastern porchasera nul o! pockeî $100,- 000._ _ Big Piron Assigne. Tite Solcilorso' Louan anti Trust Conu- panr ot Philadelishia. l'a., of vici t Ili- ard W. Clay la presitiont, matie an assîgn- ment ta Col. T. DeWitt Cnyler, anc ot te directors. Thet rOuble came titrougit te eutaide operallons o! J. IL. itilter, vito ha. chargeo!i te contptny's real eosate departmnt uî.Ho iesamidtelabave loaleti a serbes ot droitelu inte Tradeamens Na- tional Bank for a New York man. Are Quiets> Marrîid. A commotion o-as crea ltI lunIlpriagieiti, Mo., oiety irtiOs uvien it became kaouvu taI William MeCullougit, 60 year. al, lraroling salesmaut for a SI. Louis Iran Company. n-as ituietlly imrrieti Dec. lilt l Misunte Miller aI llia, lio. Mr. MeCtul- longit la a leader lu society. Thte bride bas beeu emîuioyed ns a servant. Ail Mercheti Ont. At Coumbus, 10., the UmainuparIta!fte Frankinl Couuty Ctiltiens Home vas darmageti by lire la tthe amaunt of aboutx $25,W.Tise eàsîanti veal vinga rw mais intact. Une itendreti andtihrty I.bliqra ver. safioly sarcised O * bTIVE IN THE mou«8, Congr* Fletcher andi Woodmau Puah the Matter-War Coud Lowere Over Uarope-OmnlnousAttitude of Two Great Powera-Britaln Beniti Cubons tu the Front. Congreasman Fletcher (Minnesola) in- troduced a resolution ta recognize the bel- Èlgerency of te Cobau iuaurgeî4to, auj- Cangresmian Woodman ofIlîlinois minro- tinced lulnte Ilouse te following: "Witoreas, the reppblic of Cuba ba, by lis enterprise anti abiitin luatesnui- slîip and arma, securedth ie cotrol of te greater portion of te territorY Of th! Island; andi, Whereas, The armies o!fte republic od Cuba are now within oigitt of the capital city, the former goverament o! the Island, andth ie greal îuajority of te enlire population do accord allegianice to thte newly formeti republic; titerefore, be it Resolved, Ttaltte Comnmitlee an For- eign Affaira bc requestedte 10make aunear'r report on resoluliona heretofore referreti 10 said committee touching on te affair, of te Cuhen repuhlic andi ira prortoaed or exiaiug rigitis as a civilizeti nation." WAR SEEMB IMMINENT. Gerinany end Englain lu.Dangerous $tât etfTension. Dispatchles receîved la Londau a fter midti nîgitl Tneetay tram Bertin reilerale lu terme witicit aiment compel'belle! laitI ils Germauy'a Iutention tteieeare te lu- tiepentioneeofate Transvaal republie. Landau morulng papera redit te an- noncemeul, andt iey lulerprel Ihal IL t mens ar. Thte edîars a!fte principal Londau Jourutais voie lavîledte meet Mr. CitmmbelalWTuekday. Thte refflis a! thtef Inspiration ecelved ti atleae InterviewslI are varda litIwilmoud te country t10 arma as soon as îbey are reand. Thte Gar-à ernment anueuncen tlitIsererai regimentsa fror te FIirt army corps viii beave Eng-à landnta once for te cape. A tieet itas1 been ordereti ta Delagoa Bay, vitere (Ger-r tan cruisera arp nouv iying. Il ise lain]y iîtisaed lu tîte insîiret ietoriala lit Eugiand Ja preparedteladeal bot wit thlie German emperor andti ih any dictator, plinly meanluz Mr. Rhodes, whu may as- sert hisuseît lu Britisht SouthtAfrica. Titeae allusions sîreagîtlte belle! tat a feroilian bas been allempteti or lanaw existing in Cape Colon> under lihode' leadorship. The ue"o-f !te aurrender of! Johaneaburg afler beiug lunte posses-1 sioî of te insurgent. for titree or four1 days la conirmeti. Thte autlorily o!t e1 Boer govrument la fuiiy re-eslablithed. 9 18 NOW A CARDINAL. Thse Cereusony of Elcvatlng natohl One of Churcisi> Magnificence. 1 The secondt stepAn te elaborale cees-1 mony of elevatiug Fraucia Satolli, Arcit-1 bisitop o! Lepanlo anti apostlic tielogate t- te Unitedi States, 1telite rastk o! car- dinal prince a!fte citurcit ois place la te venoraitie caltedral aI Baltimore. Titi1 ceremuny couistei o! coferring lte berretta, wiicith ie cap o'orn by piesîs on. ontiiary occasions anti diffeing ouly lu te case o! cardînals, intaI itlaisreti. Thte precedlng alepe bave been te con- ferring o! thte ancite, or reti abolI cap, andthie atiminialering o!fte oalh. Thea remaining slep isnte conferring o!flte reti bat, vticit muaI be doue in Rame by te pope himehf wilhin ix mante tram Nov. 30, te day upon wiict Satlli's appoinîment wns matie. KAISER BACKS BOERS. Wiii Not Recognize Au>r Suxerainty Over Transvaal. At a special audilence w'ilci Dr. W. 3. Leydes, teSecretary ut Stale of te Transanal, bati wit Emperor William, b is tuajesty tieciared taIt e voubti ual t recogaîze any ciainu of suzralnty aver te Transvaal. Grenl Britalu by 1the - reaty o! 1884 dlaims suzeraluly orer te Transaal reitublie. A semil-ollicial de- SniaI n'as issuet o!fte statemeunt froun 1Cape Townî, cuntîtineti lu a dispatcit frautt lte Tmes, o! Landau, tat Dr. W. J. -Leyde, te Secretnry of State for lte -Transvaal, n-It a secret fund ti Ibis dis- posai. itati louled a German colonization e ampaîuy, nitite intention of lntroduc- -ing 5,000 (eianutaimlllary setler, loto te Transaal. t MUST PAY HIGRER RAIES. Panama-PacifIe Mail Agreemsent Will Affect San FranCiaco Mercisoute. Tite provisions of lthe agreement enlereul mbt by lthe Panama Rabîroati andtihte Paeifie Mail Steamsitip Company haro aI lul been matie publie andtihie effect aoflte agreemeunto-iil becomo reatily apparent lu a few tîsys a-itouSan Francisco mer- chtantls find ttierusolvea compelledti lu ip freigit tol easlern points aven lte rail lInos nI greally adrancoti rates. -lu pursuanco o! tite agreeentu beiweon lte tootraus- portation campanies lthe Panama Railroati la prejtaring lu abandoan lte operatian or ail ils sîcamnera bel-oeeaSon Francisco and P"anamua. Now Itl'.Italy. Itumors are in circulation lu Berlin re- garding the seriltas situation of Italianslu Erythea. Their position la saidi ta bc almoal desperate. Itla sleaneti taIlthe tension iteen Eaglmaadanti llaly lu re- gard to lte refusai o!flte faluner paver la aliow lthe julIer ledisembars Iraops aI Zella bai becamo very merilun& ConscienceMmde Hlm caones. At a prayer meeting at Soulth Paiena, Cal., Citarles Crawford arase uiie d" excitetuent anti staieti te coulti nul t id ii secret auy honger. Hoetoeuannounceil ie o-as Albert Deffentoianfr, son o! a wealthy torchant af Huntinglon, Pa.. and a fugitive froun justice. Moea Retarneti After Yes'. Titirty-mix years ago JamesSurweeuey, n Wihkesbarre, Ps., miner, uviie curryiâ is altiympai, amoultting la $4, hum,î blos Il. Friday Swee@Y's tiaugitene- ceiveti a letton from a louaIli Nebraskau iuclosing lte $45, o-It intereal la date Il o-as aigueil "Conscience." Chlldren Barne t taDeath. Tao cbîltiren of Abram Ieonarti wort barne t 0doatit six miles soulth o! Dallad Ters. Mr. ant ie. Leoutard weea ctutreit. a mlle fàrý them hanuse, wviic canigitlire tram somtunknouvn cause. Atler tise Irusts. rTe lipuse adopleti a resolution, Intru dueet by lte CosmIttee on JntiIcIa17 callas ulpon lthe Attorntey General fer' la fora¶nor.grda, lte noui-.a!orcemna la Wi515p0l VÇt pUNEo1Ol of te lpr<,abilltY o!fIt ieln et tAnmira] BÙnce's NorthitIntitc aquati- ron, and posasibly ais oonse of te ahîpu of te SoultAtlantic andi Asiatic aquati- roue lit Turkiah a mneasuire t0 compel thte pt rie comply witlte de. madao te oteti States for indemuiy for daumages auffered biy Ameriean titi- z.ens and for protection in te future of citizeus o! titia country residiug lu thte aullan's îerriîory. Thte slory fouud no credence among those weli iuforined o! te doings of te administration, auj its iuprobabiilty was pouleti out.I, ilnca be slateti poiiively ou unquealioued au- lhorily taI any tatement taI one or more of té lhre quadrons imenlioneti have iteen ortieredt 10Tnrkey la unîrue. Itlea represenledthaltI oen if sucita a eeP were ueceaeary, tite (overnlnenl would not ikely a i tis lime itazard te abaectc from lte Atlantic toast of te vespele ut the Northit Alantic equadron. and titus leave te vat seaitourt praclicaiiy fupro- lecteti. BATOLLI TAKES TUE OATH. Admîlaitereti by Mgr. Sbarrelti, De$- - gnated teor tise Ocasion. Tite oalh of officerequlre te lube lakeu by a cardinal waa adinulaeredti u Mgr. Salolli ai Wasitgon lunlthe privale citapel of the Catlil legalion, Friday. The dtiuy was performeti by Migr. Sitar- relti, lte autor ofthlie legation, anti dea- Ignaleti as ahiegale for lte occasion, whiie Mgr. Stepiten, of lte bureau o! Rloman Caîhalle Intian Mlissions, anti Father Gillespie, a! St. Aioyslus Chureit, were lte viluessea. Felicilous speeches were excitangedtitoween lthe ablegale antI lte cardinual. Aldermen Hfeld Accontable. Tite nov clly bill, whicit han juil passeti lthe Quebec - Ilslane, provides tlit itereafler every alderman- of Moueai wiso yoles grant. la excesa o! available appropr'iations shah ho persoasly respon. cible itet'eor, anti shah baligethe igit of îlltlug lunlte City Council for ire yea r. Tii la doue wîith a view le stopping the reekiesa extravagance iutiulged in by al- dermen for loverai years, wiicihan plat- ed lte finances of lte city lu a tiepiorable le aima provide thaltaIlthe clty lesurer shall ho personally reapon- Bible for every msuto! mono> aiticb bu uhail psy, knowing Il exceeis lthe appro- prialions valet b> lthe Coontul. IÉcxlagton, Kr., Han Tva Mayas' At Lexington, Ky., Josepht B. Simrail a-as sworn lu as Mayor, but Henry T. Duncan holtis on laelite office. Tbe latter waa electeti ln 1894, and claimes lthecout- stilution givea bim four years. Thee cil> charter gays btis terni expires Mouduy. Bot are Democrots. Files Notice or App-2mI. AI Pierre, 1. L). Attorney Gonorai Crawford appeals trom lthe tecisiou viticit grauleti a tiemurrer in lte suit for $28,- 000 againal Titomas I. Rulth, witicit amounl as loai on Taylor's defalcalion ltraug thlie negligence o! Rutht in failln.- la apporlion il ta lthe echool fond nt lte turoper lime. Passeti a Wave-Swept Veasel. Thte Brillith aleamaitip iassasoil, aI New York from Swansea, reportethalt a veaselinl distrens wvas aigitet. Four men wene seen on ber dock, wicit hd evideni- iy beon vave awept. Owlng to lthe mturut lte Massasoit vas unable la aend 5aist- ance. BoIln'a Deficîl I1ncreaseul. Another sitorlage, amounling te$7, 000, bas heea tiisclosed lunlte accouqîe afo ex-Cily Treaurer Bolln, o! Omahua, wo a deposetilestI May. Thte original short- Ugo tihacovereti by bis boudamen, wvia ttok charge of lte office upon bis retire-nueut, n'as about $32,000. Forger Ward Pleada Net <utt>. A. K. Wari, vito stands inditet for furgery o! paper aggrogaling uearly $200,- 000, pleade-I ual guilty u Inthe Mempiis Tenu.. criminai court. Ward waas ro- mantietibacis lu juil te aurait trial, lthe date o!fu'hlch bas nul yet been ixeti. Burn Titres Towna. A speciai from hinanu, cuba, gays: The insurgeuls bave allacketi anti ittruoti lthe lowns o!f(Gabriel, Gntira anti Arîrmi- sin. stations ounlthe W~estern lailuvay wblcb muns froin liavana lu Pinar de] Ilio. Brillih Ca plain Lual at Sen. Tite Brillith slenutler Ardue arrivt-d aI Neow York front h{aytian porte wilh ltr colora aI baif-muat in memory o! ber late cummander, Cuplain Baîtc-ielor, wouwau trusitetioveritoard antilelt ntses MARKET QUOTATIONS. Chlcago-Catie, common te prime, $3..,,o la $5.00; itoga, ciippiug- grades, $3.(X) le $4.00; seeop, tainrla u-bolce, $2.50I le $3.75; a-beat, No. 2 reti, 5-ic lu 58c; corn, No. 2, 26e ta 27c; oats, No. 2, là e te 18c; rye, No. 2, 33e te 35c;, butter, choie creaiuery, 23e te 25c; eggs, frosit, 20e ta 22e; polatoes, per busitol, 18cete 25c; braQua corn, $20 la $45 per luit for paon ta chalet. Iutianapolla--Catle, aiipping, $3.00 lu $4.50; iega, citoice igitt, $3.00 la $3.75; siteep, comman te prime, $2.00 la $3.75; viteat, No. Z' 63c le 64c; corn,'Na. 1 viîte, 26e ta 27c; auls, No. 2 w-hite, 20e ta 22e. St. Louls--Cattie, $300 ta $5.00; itoga., $3.00 ta $400; viteat, No. 2 reti, 64e te 66c, torn, No. 2 yeibow, 24e lu 25e; oats, No. 2 o-ite, 1(te ta 18e; rye, No. 2, 32o te 84C. Cininnai-Catîle, $3.50 lu $475; hogiq, $3.00 la $4,00; cbeep, $2.501 ta $4.00-. w'ieat, No. 2, 67e ta 68c; corn. No. 2 mireti, 29e to 30e; as, No. 2 mixeti, 20e bo 21c; rye, No. 2, 39e ta 41c. Delroit-Catlle, $2.50 la $525; toge, $300 la $400; siteep, $2.00 la $375: viteai, Na. 2 reti.6e 00el0e; corn, No. 2 yeloo-, 27e la 28e; oaIs, No. 2 o-hile, 20e te 22e; rye, 37e la 88e. Toiedo-Whent, No. 2 neti, 06e te 67ce; Sorm, No. 2 yeluv, 26e la 27c; uala, No. 2 whtite, 19e lu 21c; rye, No. 2, 37e lu 3&,; laver ceeti, $4.40J lu $4.501. Mi1o-ukee-Witeat. No. 2 sprlug, 57e le 58e; corn, Na. 3, 25c ta 26e; onta, No. 2 while, 18e te 20c; barley, No. 2, 32e te 33c; rye, No. 1, 35e la 37e; park, mess4, $9.00 t0 $9.51. Buffalo-Catle, $2.511 la $5.25; hoga, $3.00 la $4.511; aieep, $2.50 ta $3.7F); wieta, No. 2 reti, 09e ta 71c; corn, No. 2 yellov, 32e te 33c; oals, No. 2 n-hile,' -ne lo-23c. N-ew Yorh--CatlIe, $3.00 te $5.25; lsags, 4&.00 te $450: sbeep, $2.00 t0 $4.005; Iebeat, No. 2 rei, 068e ta 69c; corn, Ne, !t 84o te &ne; cals, No. 2 o-ile, 2:i e l -ball4er, ceamery. lie 1te2Mc; egga, W - «IV ~ 22t'02C. TAC M!~UN'jEs TRlMZVW^I'.. Kisemr Will nea supported by thue Czar -Oklahoma Camr for Staehood- Hawaiien Annexatian -Magnificent Fighting M4achinc Nearly Complete. GermuauY's Delerunuet Stand, Berlin dimpîtlcl: Thee cuniteror W~ediîes- loy aumnisostedtil Potsdam lthe lttc- lor, Admirai lCuorr, coîttutantter-lu chie! of lthe navy, -ait(]Auhtuiral volt hlollmoîttt. bhief ofthlie autiurlty, ta concert uiliilry ut-astirea lu be takenI itbe evcnulof! eng- lnd's inding troupa to ot-uuupy thte Traits- vani. Tht- feelintg is gairting groun i tt Engla ud iet eîtdu tolu uccjuy lthe Trnsuvatal ou a guttrant> ftr the observation ofthlit conventltinutf18,44l. Tîte euupt-ror andu the Czar o! RIttsoaa txt-itnged lispalcitea regardinglthe ktuisor's legra"tat u resi- det Iruger antht ie resuil igconfiet uVtit Erîglaîtt. ardti ltnaia's co-ttoral i<,u wthi Geriasty itt alreutidy asmt-eu. France trili regulalite hr oli'y l'y ltaI o!flîtselo. rThe Traîtevaul retrt-setnatives are at- templilta lubulla ittFrenittsup~port. I 'unt von Hantzfeld lhua recclI-etl instrutiouta1 Iîtimale Io Iturtl Sa ihturr IhatI ;urnuanuy tyll never ptermuit teil tiigîtlt-dl leaittîlof lthe ontet f lthe pe-rsanstso!(terulai nalioualily. HAWAII ANNEuATION. Qluestion Brought l p in Cantrma by Mr. 8ealding. Theto tbject o! aîtuuexatiott o! lite lis- noujaItlehtituls u avosro:ttedlit lthe IIn by Mr. Sptaltlisug lllop.) otf Mi-higru intIhe form o! a reoutiou. Thte reoluloît prot- videdti lt thle Saundwicht Isiautts ho erecl- ed lmtona'te" sînle lu o calledth ie State of inuaii. tu-ilba republican tonaiut governuentu. lu hio tuluttulbY ltee woffl thruugit titpulietu iunuconventlion. %nitithlie consent o!flthe exittuiug goverumeut. Coit ditions o tru i mitoseti I lia questiosaof luotîndary or u'uuutlti-aliulo il lu ui ter gttt- erîtînttt'tl le lrtîattil t l lthe I'riidctit. lue ho ili befurt- Iotugi-4ttofur 1 it fnal acîtinutfoeJiit. I. 1îiM: lthaI ail Itrutî erly îtertimtiittttu lthe ttliu- efeuse I-, ced t.)l lthe Ui*tStaltes. hotlthe Sîtîtu rélainu uller plurult t tiIeltheI u' Statet t lu- I tuî.for tonetu f ut! tut tt.o lThe resoutiuit rulut-eu, s uat terntîive 41tai hlat ai 1ît41Y lu'aulit ited noas 1StaI- byv lreîtit'ptes -ut tthtett .,gutvtruutttut.. oitit tint- rt-lrt-du'ttulit c itt 'uugrt". and pruptsneo :-utatapprotpruîitiunutf Sltt.4ltlElfor nttîkitug tht' lrt-utit u. ' Tte '..tlttuuuu st rpa,- iiatllv tuîtiunttt . ttuîuu idrtftrr-- tu lthe Coîttuti itte oe i cgut A fi.i r' TiIIB ORtEGON NEAlRLY READY. LC BllutlIelp Viîui lte l'r,îred for Active Fkrvice. Thet-tltl,-tuii IOre'guut. litug tonttr-oct cd nt jjujtFt u-iuuu. tiii t-u it le rt aýi futr st':î.Illet- titiof tht- trnîu.r pitluutfut lte lurri-t av iuuttttt titto-ul frt,uttlitle Ittti;ultt-ît u iii.t, ltu- aut ifr t'e Vionut irot, ) ur nd. utuluîuut)lt oItlte o-ut tiîtt-ly tîuasaft-r lie rtceipt oft!lite plutle4. Thte iut mrîtur fr t lte tuttutus unudt lurttuîtls tu.l,uuurlu-'ii itut iut leutiiu, ant i sti>ly u f t,- -tiglut-l ltu-Iautululte autalit r gtttis liautut-Iot-n inotuintît-t. 'Tte fouur tinteiut lu i tts taIairet- tt1u, prult-u-ed tty utetiurretttcati îuttlue ttutlnt I- oui tmal il tîe uritr pilta art-e t in t-e (lue o te turrut-I s a-finilitt cula feuula iy Mu itl il uuutiiluothtitIrrets are r.'otY; ly ibt ail tluutl u-u'u ttuuto Ite dtne lt tt i tg iilt la lt uuuuî fltt itontutnrrclet, atd il o-iii oîtlv r-îtiru' a fu- ut it>s aflur Iie ariur plates tts rrixu- uo dothlie %ourk. Thte'et- giiuei and tiiuOlr utt I iîîui-ry o f ithtt t-ttt lunu e tu-11 it-stud l uttufitîulun tolue 1ur- ft-t, anthe btt lig bluilesitip t-aui tttuv t maaueretly for d,'rviu-e iut o tutuduti - PLEA FOR I STATEHOOI). Iouvrullon o!flîklahoms Cily Appointe Cuntuitîee lu Labos' wllh Conigre... TIt'ettl'cttt onvueniui Iti o bit-h oîueut-l in tkahm Cktittt~ iltv uut e otarola rgt-ly t leuilu-41tfi uatt ut>ouf la îtrectet'ou-tur. Rlîc ru-uuu.tîatiiut izuut'tfrtîuî etr> ttututy iti tlu, lt-rrîuur,-îtu telut- fruth le Ittuitut latula. ru utîttuîtu'ul 0thétu ril -ail. IGo%. t luii-taît. Sîteet--uttu utrt- tmadue tluu-arintu IluitI lie tictu-fuur utlimtutil, ptarItuof tut lwu-ule 11, O l tutttd.tu-I I it utuli- titît sltate h uuui uctî ltth îuîimpe tof OI )iiituîa mtiru fiý4 't- -uttut, and rt-lue! fruk t t't in Anun . tiiiîttial ikuuiittet- nvai ijiu tt-ul luu 0 lk-n ittudttitrtt'rtin N't'auuii- ittgltt fuor I itu- îu rpo"uuft e u!suirintg -ta u aitllitgOu-t tlur-iith le lure-âtu t sessaiontof the 1'ifty-fýttrtlt I 'otgr-tui. Tht- onimit- tu-e ut at itustruI-ultt, twi- t utr>fuuiiîu teffort lu I011t1u-enu. ou tlut-grttulîd tiiiqt îtî- luts at-titonut istabt-ut authlic irt-t'uit s- Monuutt i tiut>-elut' aI t Itrut- i ursltfu grua tt outut f tluhmAu. For Twva IRevenue Cuillers. Sciitoulr I'tXttintroctit-d inthei-Su i- -lu- a ill îruuuidutt fiur tienti- ,i-ili antu equinineitt otf tut-a teaun ruveu-etîo t- tcrs for setr-rit-t-onite gr-ta iîtt-s hIo Cutl l tutu-ceîd $21III,IIl% for î'tcit rt- au-i. Alioautb ill prutitiint for te cuit strîtlhit andtul cutlîtiten t of ttu sit-ut ut rt- entre cuttlers fur servite tun te tacifie cae, lte coatiitt ta exceeti$4,- 000 tE-atlt. Prairie Firca Do Esîuitl Damage. A c-uuricr arrit-ret iTutrun. Kau.. fronti huka andtirle -burieti district, %o-bu says lirtI îîtîhîitu utas burnetil'ltîl u-*tiaanti sotute îtertuuuîal 5rottrty. The oit uto Iuu bu it ls sat ut- ty iriuîg agulînt il. 84u fuir roiýtalili,-ut have bcrouprporteul. Tite furut s uuntlant ionufîrlber uppreittuoutt' Clcrgy a lnitlnl Protemîlug. Dru. Pn-klitir-,tlandtl titler. Netw.Yo'rk tIivtiioa. prol -st1 iaiiittht' propouse(buill titlit iun Nutulin <'uitîy. sourit Daîkota. A ljeaulu-,uutl li«palu-it tatei thtt te figliti n%-as o lu ttîtn finduliltlitilti a tîtor-t-i wtter-c o! Irtuet are ituorintîtintfronlite clergy '.rougituut te lýamt. Biig Suit t)temisicut. Tu Newr York, Jutige Lat-antie grautteul a uiit>:utuliludisîiissth ie suit brungitt lu tue 'r-esettltandtiArizouna ('eutrailIRaili- ruond itnigut th ie A ti-Iidtt. Topueka anud Santta F Et Iiilroad for $8,250,(M0 Stale "Uncle Bases" Sarlugre. "Ullu.lo" DaseMtlaon, a nell-kîoouu tarantr living lupeur lammont's 1M111, Ky., a-as robbcdl of $4,815 Muday nigit bly lhreo men. Titey cannieti off a lutIle table tlint coulalure th ie mouey. 'flue remains ot te table ureefouinti aIt a <tile trom ltehouse, à"O I*Wfpm lm aft bUsa mtZ"" Toar Il, One of thse Mont recent la th e e- ployment oft tits exeelngly llght met- i for the powder cbamber of carl- rîiges, titus eaablag a soldie ta ccarry 2Z- per cent more ammunîtian ivlthout lucrease of weli t. Anotiter compara- tively uew use for alumntium la lualthe making of oli-cepa for Ithe crani pli of blgh-speed locomotives. Forinerly these ohl-cupa, matie of copper, iveru fretquently broken by the tremendouti centrifugai force tievelopoti as tiey were wilrleti arottîtt. Thte alumlnunt culîs welgb two-thirtia less titan tllostl of copper, anti consequeultly, bnviug les. nuorenlum, eau stand lthe atralu. Baggage chteks. *itoo pegs, cookIng uteumils aud other articles lu wii lîgitnesa la desirable, are now madeu ln largo numbers o! aluminum. Sinco alumlnum gives off no sparka wbet slruck, ls employment for lthermclai work ln powtier nulle bas proveti a source of greater safely. Tropical Bird. ln Germany. A golti medal bas been awarded la llerr Proaci aa a reward for bis succeesé lu iulroduclug tropical birtsIa lto Ger. man foreats. WIt lthe exception of canarles anti African parrots, ail lthe birds Imporlet f romn tropical regions bave been acelimalizeti, andi even lthe young of lthe former bave survived tite severlly of lasI wlnter. Theo uew bird colouy la ulluated ln souibern Saxony. Logical. "Can you tll me, proteasor." aaked Grisby, "witat an extempore plnlst Is? I sce titat lthe performnancea o! aur là a palais are ativertied." *Crllly" !d lte professor. "Ex, oul of; tempo, lune; an extempore plan. lis la onelthaI playa ouI of Itme.- Bw~ton Transcript. Marriae ln (>ld Engiand. lInfthe relguo f Canule ito guardiai 1cotîli corupel bis ward to marry a mnan isie dlsllked, andth ie money luaiti for iter uvas to be a voiunlary gifI and nul a Compulsory pnymcnl. Sooner or Inter a négiecleti Cold wili r ffi-elop a constant cougit, ehorneaof 9lerenth, failing arrength, andti oaatlig tuf 1fleah, aill yniplomatie of sme serioua Lurtg affet'cion, wiie may ho avoitiet or palliated by umiug lu time Dr. L). Jayue'd Ex petora nt. 'lite late Ciiatinery Gooirickdl d Inl lte imtitouse at lte age of 719. Tweri' ty lve years ago lie uns a urember or the C'onnecticut State senate autiwa Wortht$O,~) B! timing Ihal', llair Iene."'er, gray. fitded. or diiaeolored italr aiçounipa lthe at- tirai cior of youtb. aud growm luxuriant and stroug, pieaslag everybody. Ile-Which are te more foollsit, men or women? She-Wooiuu, beeuete eY ma rry ruen. Piso's Remedy for Cata rrh givea Imne- diate relief, ailsys inflammtiîon, red@,ores" faste andi emeli, iteala lte ores and cure* the disease. Love neyer bas te be wattited te 50,1 ltat It does hoiest work. A mole ln te oye will put te wbole world out of joint. 'Hood y S Barsaparilla hms ove.r anti aver again proveti Iif it e beat Li oet purifier medicai se:- enebas ever produced. Il cures wien ollief medi inea utter y fail, Its record is une- Iiaied linlte istory of medieclie. ls Euc- ces8 is bsed u:,on t isintrinsie mcrt. lood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blond Purifier. Hood's Pis ,rle iveasy tu130ntglt. 25C- KNOWLEGE Brngs confort and lmprovement anud tends 10posonal enjoyment teheu iightlytaed Ttc maay - teo liv. Set- ter than alitera andi enjay lite more, teit lu xpniure, by mare, pramptly adptnglie orid'a best producla 1* the<ntiaofpysiesi Seing, Wii altest tbe valne ta Sealth th ie pore iquid laxative principles embraceti i t.e remey, ýJru ofFig.. Ils exce lesîc la due ta l esela lu lte fgrmn most acceptable and pea &nt ta Ihe-tase, tihe restreihiug sudiuly beneficial propenties o! a perfect lax- ative; effectuallyr clesnsitg lte systeus, dispehing coid, beatiaches sud.fevers ai permanny cotiala Ith bsiven satisfaction ta-tmillions and met wîitlte approral o!flte medîcal professon, Seil acta on the Kiti- nep Liver anti Bowelasiitaout weak.. enug tem anti Il k perfedtly frnee froua avery objectiautable aubstance. Syrup of F ià for sale by anl dnng gista in 50c anti Si SaIlles, but il is man- uractureti by te Califoruala Fig Syrup Co. onlyt tehaae ame is prnteti on every package, aise lte name, Synup af Fig., aud Seing teeilI iformed. Winl ual accept any subtitnle iflM d c tl p 1 f t t t a t re 1%-»

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