Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Jan 1896, p. 7

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tyre, an 8-yesr-old cltlld, who fronm ber lafancy bas bâti rattiesitakes for pets. cake@ Ou~r 'ncal litige rattier colei ntplai tbe yard near blackiug of sa tove. ber father's bouse, antd by Bomne mys- T15m mN PASTU terlous powtet' was able ta, couic close aftr.UM u«rIs tue. ndtcke hold of hini, wlch selldd applîrd and pot- apparently wlboît the lilgbfest fear. tisae itwlh a dClIi. *Very montit or su site îvou]d id a Ceaan.Ma... 1~ iew snake ln ftbe woods t»car the bouse, al] Dfow site bas as taany as two dozen, s lgbte ln Indiana. uône 0f wihe atube ltîduced to lea'ie zlgts f ioaea re o-ber. The pbotograpb shows lier pets e Union more lîberal tican 'rtinonomslsnaedotw bk ot Indiana. la a receut badwueMrb tnsbhu £lawyer before te Woni-_oards,______________tands______ la Indianapolis thesa iiere eted: "Since 1881 a rnarried r-bold real or personal prop- De as If eble iere uamarrIed. permItbcd to become aurcby r fo ber busband, or any 0. Site may carry on any î ilies, and performu any la- I. on ber separate account, tIed ta ber separabe earn- 1legal condition Is one of te freedoim and Inuepentd- ,polcy of the law of receat Wena to remove ber disabill- ,the unme time to protec liter Utions oft tiose who mlght e adrantage of ber Inexpenul- tber wIlllngness tla mariice material for tbe sake eti l ew laixands bave appeared ýoe&nîc action) durag tbe uyand aineteen Islande been sgubmerg- akell a net gain bo bbe earth mef Ilands. 100WOMEN. cMe that MW more îly a fep tore tollaf M-Wbat iu wbe,' clotai the you O. picklnt sest chilo, tien, an w rend. art of think ta Much;. rork end teaa la tI have . se Teat. s-ho seemte lomn otbemv, r. Theyo Io not aiong Ibiaga la ition frim ' that 1 abois a is end 1. lanx or à cwould ii c? Tbea y for a l and you v un aaked b esent ni.ri tuI love jesa amount te, that.bls led," putt~ ide. Ad lism, but I1 c that yeu re eespbuol# lac grem ai cor. Ton ber* m a poor ptj nit. Yenba 'Om of (104 If the fuet o b. mai-ad t rving coma5 fYe-u toma ts of God, lfý Il flot bebi offer. id itrrey ai Pff-cictreylic ove te "qIve a voie agai r jon ne"a tu thel nt tbe bma hai." ry la tidor 'I Prince ot e ras a M&4 Mas were m àlat ranch. that th"eý.. art of the nepbew W'o e £ngu~ Li, ment LorbI nd anxiou@l w bronigbt tbf dayligbt." iimiy replil of greatlImpoe we shall ba"u 7e Yon bis wq ont. Y?" sald the 1 be's a PmtJq was knowrn 1w and he t4ii al the. oh muid, tul8 ý.Who wa»- tfDot know cxli that v mawelI s: 15OrufS ught Jaei le houssa et been pre«WpW id tht'4 to wtilek M amo~ Ma fam~ alth lu lU 1t... t ez., lit aulie thein, ber bad on onie of the' reptiles, w-hie-b Io movlng froiu aide to ide. Some of tes. stiales are four fraI lotig.-New York Sun. Current Candenmatona. ibis cotog Spain $3,000,O0O a nonth 10 figbl Cuba. Last year il e-ot Gre-at Bifatu S24.- (ff0 10 combat thie iocusb juagu2 of ('ypriis. Four generattons of a ftnîlty arecbc- Ing taken eare cf at te uxor faran ci Blddeforei, Me. la 18Wf there were lu London ontY 500 mlles of underground wInca, wticncas tbere are tiow '13,0w)0 nules. Prepald gas$niciers are gron ing ln favor la New York. You droit a quarter ln a siot and get '-'(X)feel cf is. Bloomers are tite rage tn Paris. The women are overdulng It. and te aitt thoritlea are puWzed hlauto 'stop thie nuisace. A tbflm attached to a ps-trot wagon ln pltbsburg ran away tbe te fler day and slapped ouly when titey had boarded a trolley car. An Engllsb clergyman ivio lias been spending a good deal of tinte ln visitiag prisons made te dtacooery thal bhe favorite readtag of the tomates was Ituc-aîVs'g flome(StI lledline," ivhich îb-y îirlzed for its Inoaluable assistance lfelgntug iltnescc. A oery rint dposl of aluminun was réeettiy dlscovered at Doven, N. IL. Wcorltîi'n tobIle excRvatlitg for thce founîlaitin of a liant building. dis-os'- ered ilu The meuni gisîcits brlghtty In tIté- gunlîghtb. It te t-ery nirely found su rie-h. The cday la 90 sofb lb can ie siuOv- c-iid uîp casliY. Kochcts tuecrculine. wlclch bias been cast ln the' sîcacl of late lcy Dr. Ilcuix's elltitailf, tioo-turnu up again as a rem- eîly for Insanity. l'rofessor Wagner oon Jauregg, of Vietnnc i as experi- ili-tfed itîitlbfoîr fouîr yearns, curlng ncany patients an i lnproo-iig tIlie- fui aicd puysîcal eoiditlou of ail on whIoun it was trtcd. Itudicîplu Sinoke, a woo0d5-nian near Ittersvill1e, Micht. got lut he w ay of a failingt re aud use jablicd by a sharp bracc, wlcb passled entirely thlrotcgb te ce-k close b lite jaw'. The ic w- pipe was severei amidte jutw boue broklen. Another portion of btce roc struîclthbie rlht sitotiller. brolte the coliar boue antd caused nu JurY o tbe Junîg tn couscquo'ace. The mîcst serions n1j ury Is fte e-tilrg of flueînteonto- gastrie- nerve, wiîcit îartilliy confrole the action of the beart and acta ln sîI-ý ilainly t bbe goveruor of an englue. With f tts erie dcstroyed, the iteari beaus wibh gr-et lrregnlarity andi the patient lea hable ta collapse at any mo- ment l3ottlebi nd ing. You can't judge of the quality of a book by the binding, a tell due content s by the ile. You look for the namne thse author before yuu buy the book. The name of ibert Louis Stevenson (for instance) on the bxck guaran- es the inside of the book, whatever the oubside may be. There's a parallel bebiveen books and boulies. The ading, or wrapper, of a boulti s no guide to the quality thre medicine the bottie contains. The title on the boutle no warrant for confidence in the contents. Jt ail depends the auhoîa Dname. Neyer mind who made the boutle. ho made the medicine ? Thîat's the question. Think of this wshen buying Sarsaparilla. It isn't bhe iding of the bottle or the name of the medicine that a 're tago by. That's only prinber's ink and paper I The iMtion is, who made the medicine? Wbat's bhe author's 'ne? When you see Ayer's naine on a $arsaparilla bot- 4 that .enough. The namne Ayer guarantees the best, jbau dane .0 for 50 years. ô Il AXIM*aMcombina- I tien « ithe two substances entues, and a stone-like materlal, the. calcium car-i bide, ln produced. Whea ivater comes ifn contact wltb It, part of the liydro- gen of the ivater combines wit i-lice carbon, formIng acetylene; the rest of the bydrogen, wth tbe oxygen of tbe ivaber, combines wltlî the calcium. formlng calcium hydrate. Titis apparahis lo of te type of the1 MARINa ACKTI'LEF G- AS. fanilar Itydrogea gus geirator of tbhe chernit. lu ail sucb apparatus for the production of acetylene dute regard has to bie hall to the extraordlnary rapld- lty of evolubion, comparable oniy 10 ftle evotion of <arbon dloxlde gas froni solîîmn bicarbonate and cicid. lu the outer casinîg, iikh 18 abcotut one-blaf filed îitb waber. a fixed bell or receli-- er la lnverted, whose lawer lip reathes to witbln n sbart distance of fine bot- tom of the containing veilsel. A rouI passea tbrougb bbhet'op of tie c"vcr, bbe joint being nmade gas-tiglîl i y a sbumfng box, so0ta Ille roll c;uw lie puslced up and dow-n. To lie lîcvr end of the rouI a efoutrai w ire basket tà se<-îred. From fihe tcop ofthie reeei.c c a tube passes off f0 condurt Itle gis f0 te burners, and n hlte wittiglitîs' fiîttng surew 'stopper ilm p-oo-lcb-dlu the top for the introduction of calcium car- bide. PUT IN JAIL. An Attorney'a Peculiar Predicamleat tnua justice Trial. *'l was imprlsoned Ini a stable once," sald a wetl-known attorney f0 a Wash- ington Star wrifer. -l bad been re- tained lu recot-er a nille lu a mounbain counfy of North Carolis. The mule had been akea fronît mi client and 1 obtatcced a writ of repievin, undiler wbiic e sheriff lurneci the animal over t10nme. lie eus îlaced tn a Io9 stale unlil the case could lcie ld the next îucrutng. Court convoeneul about surice, under a big oak Irce, andl th% mule was sent fur, bat te brute bad escaped and could miot bc found. utwiil conte tcc order,' sald fhe justice, 'a' es the criter la gonie, the red-bieauld law-yer'il alte bis place, be- in' as tte was the. lai' cue thett bd 'inn In chtarge' "The trial progressed anîl judgment waa renulereol In fao-or of une client for the mule, butl la the absence of the property, tbe justice satd: "'The mule waâ wutb a Iitonderd dol- lars, au' as the lauwycr ict 'lut git away, ['11 render judgmenb agin 'lin for a bundt-cd dollars unt' cosîs, au' the asuer- Iillltprisoa 'lin 'tliitbe t-ot arc pitL' "Of course te proceetîtgs were il- legal, but as 1 did not have eniougb mottey linty pockefa f0 pay the cosf s, t was locked îîp li thie loîg stable untIl t could send ftirty talles over the moutituins muet gel te casht. Ail day long I similiIn thfe Imoprontul jail, antd as il grew' dark my tbouglitfs were flot of a plcasant nafture-. i-uctclnly a Dose sttc-k îhrew- te clinks. Il was tbc lost mule, and I bav-c ttcver been as giad ta secnany livinig creitîtie, as 1 w-as tou greel blat loug-carc-d reicresenl.uiotf the equine race. 1 stccceccled iu malt- lng te owner of the stabile Icar mue, and la a few mintels te mulle bad talte-n iy place lâ thIe stable." Queer Facto Aboota Air. The celcbrated clîomist of bli" six> tecullu century wlto argiîcd tt Iil would lie Impossible foir us bo ho-e oît the earlhs surfce if the atmosplierLi wculd suddenly Increase f0 1w Iie Ils present t tilkuess eoîld noî Ihave becu far wrong after ail; ticat lm, If the cx- perimntus of Dr. Arnoît arc to be fah-en as conclusiv-e. lu lts observatons 0on atnîosiuleric pressure antte bobboîcîs of bhe deep îninlng shaffi of luropc, Prof. Arntotl bas faund that the e-auge bce- tiicen te readlngs oif a baromcfler -i the bottom of a fou r-tbousaud tout. shaft and one at te surface la grrat eaougli to warrant hlm In makintg tite stabement 11mb air aI btha bottom 0f a sbaft bwcnty mles deep wouid lie as dense as ivater. Flguring on te saine ratio bie Enda Ibat If a liole coîîld hoe munir forty miles Imb bhe bowels of fbe exrtb bbhe densiy of the air at the bot- boni wouid bie as great as that of quick. allier. A Nation of Coffee Driakera. The Americans are a coffee-dning people. The lalt fiscal year bile valua of coffee Imported Into the United States exceedcd bbhe'value of auy other atngle article, amouabing f0 a total of $96,130,717. Ordiaartly sugar stands at bbc bead of bue lisb of imtporte, but te excessive tiuportations of sugar ln 1894 ln anticipation of lb. fax li- posed by te tariff cîît Importations dow'n from $128,898,882 lan189-1 bo $77,- 788,727 lna189. Durng bbe currenît fiscal year a large Increase la the rev.- enue may lbe anticlpabed from Ilncreased receipfs from sugar dutlcs. Net That Tiame. "WhiaI Iivant f0 know," said bh. early oysber, "la whebher 1 aunta bie In the sw1 ln mbsntiaon.,, "«Not tbis time," said tecook, as ha sooped hlm lato a pattla-Detroit FPr. preas b.malaria. lihe kldners. Wauted ta Be a letectivp. "D)etectlî-es 11utd;noexpertence rcuurd"wcs lihe cncvcrlsenent 11mb ecciglit te ey e of a lgtililicie Phoenix Icicit a cOlille of (1113 S ago. A Iitsbec ccci]1lIcwns 5 l Iso -nîgit biy Ithe sa ne ad. Ile %uns anubitious ncîd w rote 10 lice ccccrcfor licfornîitlcm. 'rie3'sent lacl kmocrd 1tich w nIter toicilose $5c fo r lils omni Ission, whiicli woultwl. senut. 1lec dici sic, andu a coupîle of dicvs cc go cc-cc- I -id (jIlitrIcsc réply: "Tianlas focr i ta- coîey, îjiîuare 100 Iccuctu of a suc kt r 1 ita ke a good ci ct-îtivvc. ru )our talc-cils lu atiîccliccr directlin." lits- ice ccrucpucc Tointstonie Epit STATE OF Otito, CITYv OF TOLED Lt cAs CoL N-V ' FRANSi J (UHENEY'nakri oahumbhoIbat hlie ac'nior îartritcrof the erat of P. J.CHzr'cy &C (o doing bue ine-ýo lnclhe Cty of Toledlo, Cocnty andc Stale aforcealciand tuct salit lrm wlli gy lthe bu,iînof cONE ICVNIIRED lDOLLAR8 for catI aud coini îd('ý8Of <CATAiCIK lMt enanol b. c-sred tcy [flcOf i ILLa §CATASseS CURIK. FltANiX J. CHENFY. Ni-ara to tefcre me sud sutWibfed lntami pres- cace. tiît 11dca) aofliecember, A. D., usa. 15LALA. W. (cLEASON. Notcg Public. 11.1l'. Caiccrh uro la taken lnlernally snd acta ditrecti>on the bucceit and mumetssurface, ofthie syteta. Seüd for. iealimont,.l. f ree. Il'J. ClENEY & Co.. Toledo .0. $WSod bt I incgg.ts, 7me. stcri Balla. Billiard balls of casi steel bave becu made ani ustil su-ceessfully at Stock- bolmn. 'îey are hoilow, and iveigit about am ntucfII as the ordinary 1voruy balla. A ltle- i used lu turn lhem 10 perfect smootliiccFsa. For irritation of tihe ticroat causel by cold or use aoftMe % ice 1Br,wa BIroachîal Trochez" are exceed.ngiy beneficiai. ThPli 'rce of Vae wears bis beard aa N'anuDyke. Ilis barber tbld hlm that it Mnas tic 01111 àt'ie bec<>mlng to bis fat face. ViT5-Aii Fit&uie "v.d toeebyDr. Ktuî.a Oret Kçerr Ji eSiCa Or. No Yi Cg aler Brut day's . . M. secoua ornes. Tra ci 82 tO u Creibot .froc bu Fi. .. hud bt. r. kiIc8hcht.Pblal. Pa. N~Wbasdolva SOccyiNo STanfor <miaieu btlfl%. 16a.sue am~oe.née àbotls IsWMURiM1y lMd caImIy amoM inacs as ,LUMBAO, LAME BACK,m STIFF NEOK, AJY"Kmu or woma can make $300 mmw etgOur Turko, Russa f I 4 MedSteVaporLPTII Ié n'o mO 10 CENTS ~sg.Agelthma CoMarnn=a NngeIe mEnemy. Womxn' itern. to lm is n obev i ned by fearleasass or eoterpt-,e in Lime of danger, bttber courage andt farti- tude are unques- tianabte In ime of auffering. Think of te iraman Who sinb t ibe n re M l elp ber, wbilete eo.Iure M4 ouldDMadtbe iry *eyild? No 1iShe endures ber 1 saeO moeta brfiaàw igmma'a heraiam, ait few men ~wWValenItbey are. Physi- viongder relief la mch case". flem;yeara of auccesa, withever- iéý pcpuarity, Ljrdia E. Posk- Mpible Compoom i là, ta-day, m sueand ate refuge froan ilmulceraUaon, falling and dis Mt of tb. womb, avar" ntrouble, , bpinfu1 andl auppreseed men- $1 Ms rounble, nervouas pros- almanner ofai dltressing 55idopleflemai. diseases. pulgec, believe whit ih blà jan idoàaerM mcdtcinc! lefore 1 1- Md falliag a!fte womb an t ige. My vomb camne oi-n to <00111 flnot wlk acrosi thie fluor; % wuI ezcruciatlng; itos- al 13 w k, au& I ama go happy. Lyuia dam Vegtable Conipoand liai à* =re a lIfe of mtsry. )ont, Mmi, 1 my stan a cure iî so casily L-m.WIe.î.îAt llowz. 1U; or» tw i OMtaT AWARD. LANUM feaudunsweetened ,can kc rctained by *cakcst stomach. mT, asly dlgested ~for DYSPEPTICS!1 URUOG5TS BVERYWHERE i MIr. J. Il. Moon, of Harrisburg, Ark, is a Justice of the pesad also owîcer of the Samson Stump Extractur for the State of Arkan- sas. I le lîad neyer notlced the advertlsenients of Ripait. Tabulea, and lcad no knowledge of them, to quote bis own wordà;, untIl 111 read on the siate from Spirit Side. 1 then got oneC of our drugglsta to orcier s011e of them. 1 recelved the box of Tabules by mail, wiiicb 1I have taken according tai direction f rom the Spirit Side, and niuat ay that il i8 one of the mont woadertul nieulieý nos for liver and tomacb tîcat 1 orer saw. 1 wlah tiiese Tabules w-cre ln every famliy. (Slgned) 3. H. MOON." tbe Pri e 15 sa ttii b til. 10 centa. Usait by embunent rhiyleians la &Hl parts of the t'nttc States. who daim Ihetaequai t.tHo t lb. 1Ir ,pIaC o liecule et l<eucnatbom. iiey.Sida ad temalTrotles. (ibesilut i. rrIeAStbma lad~~~~ Ecca. hIl ai h etf 2 tesla lal erine f r fÇ j lýaporlrlng sent itlceai hdil tf.oraoy et lthe üai l- 1 oM pe oIl.truitu itrts. l ta e wItO M ýJ 4ýL is agent.a $4 ciney refuadod Il < R C RI a alsctory. Ba". rcfýeo. BETZ & l ht alhuo._________ Tîmely Warnirig. - The rat success of the chocolat. preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established ln 1780) has led te the placing on the market many mlsleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrapperm. Walter Baker &. Co. are the oldest and largest manu- f-acturers of pure and hlgh.grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chmicals are u sd ln thir manufactures. Consumer. should ask for, and bo sure that theyget,the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Llmited, DORCIIESTER, MASS. Do You Know that There Is Sci- ence in Neatness? Be Wise and Use SAPOLIO toast bread and kceep it dry. There'1l be no (langer of its rnolding. B3ut moîsten t he bread with wvater, and see the resuit, in a short tirne it is covered vvith rmold. It is just so withi consumption. Its &errns Nvil1 flot grow in the ltîngs unless everything is siitable to themn. Weak- ness, poor blood, loss of appetite, coughis and colds ofteîa prepare the ground for the developmnent of the gerrns of colist-mption. To destrovy gerrn-life the sys- temn must be kcept in a -\cll-inotirishied condition. Do not (ose fies/i. Take Scott's Emulsion, withi hypophosp1hites, as ________________ a preventive. I t furnishies the rein torcemnents neces- sary for the body to conqucir in the easiest possible form. Theo ou is in a state quickly takcen up and rap- idly transformed inito the organs and tissfies. Wb.o yoa ask farât Suloibu amd -Our dnugglst gives se flRb Md $.00 -BOWNS, Chcmlsts, New York

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