Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Jan 1896, p. 8

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so H-ere'CI $ ¶ 4 gal. keg of fine Sirup for $1.00 6 Ibs of Coffee for 1.00ID Tea dust, 7 Ibs. for --1 . 00 Washburne's Superlative Flotar, per bbl 3.40 Dried Peaches, per lb. - - .08 Dried Prunes per lb - - -.05 Seedless Raisins per lb. - - .05 Rolled Oats 8 lbs. for - - -.25 Apples per gallon can - - .35 Tomatoes per can - - -.08 Corn di si- - .07 Round Steaks per lb. -- -.08 Pork Chops 16" -i- .08 Sausage 6." -6-.08 Ail other meats in' proportion. Quarters delivered at wholesale prices. FOOT WEAR Fargo's $2.50 Shoes for $2.00 Ail other s3hoes at a BiglDiscount. $MELTS AND RUBBERS Men's Sizes a Pair 1.59 Boys' 61 if1.39 CLOTHING-Overcoats and Suits sold on orders at wholesale prices. CANDIES-Fifle assortmerlt of Choice Confections. R. F. ROUSE, Rockefeller. __________ HERE WE ARE AGAIN! A High Grade and High Arm Machine with Steel Nickel- Plated Attachments. AIl of the Latest lm- prove me nts. 7 Drawers Highly Polished and ONLY $24.50 Warranted for 10 Years! Corne and get one of these Machines on a 30 days' trial, and if it does not prove satisfactory, you k can return it. fine line of Chamber Suits as low as $10.95 up S to $28.50. Couches of ail Styles; in fact 1 have in stock anything you may cali for in the line of Furni- ture. A fullîline of Undertaking Goods always on hand. WILL KNIGGE, Rockefeller. rGO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR PERF1JMERY, SOAPS. COM BS, $Brushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Fancy ad L Toiet Articles, Books li"d Stationery, Dye Stufs, Glass, Puty, $ f>PAINTS,, OILS, VARI*ISI4ES. V PATENTMEDICINES. Family Medicines and Phiysicians' Pr acriptionfi carefully compouuded at ail houis. L ods Carefully Selected. Only the Best. MAX LEBEAU' MANUFACTURER OF FINE HAVANA.... ...CIGARS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ........... TRY HIS LeBEAU'S STAR, A. 0. F., and BLACK POODLE. WOPAPERS FOR THE PRICE 0F ONE. ESTABLUBNED ON 1641. isiltt4utCo, 1 66-16u8 Adams Stree t Speciaî Cîubbing Rate Ild9ITable" Prairie F armer by Ican furnish it a*ong with the :NDENT 21 :sat!jy fe eeb mqntit. VlsitIng bftthern aordIal>'welcomed. W. M. REATBiLX.W. E. Hf. BEsowN, See. RIOCKEFELLERî. Mrs. Klver i8 visiting bier souni.0 at River Vlew. J. N. BairuB ent.ertainied hlis fatijîr a [liy st week. Mrs. Fred }lolcomb bacli beii sury slck the past two .%eeks, Miss Ennîce Âmes visite(l ouir suhool and caled on friends hi-re on(> day Iat week. A. M. Brlggs started for the west Monday morning to be gone an inl- delinale limie. Jas M. Woodman, of I)eertield, calîcil on frjends here fiaturday while un bi way to Grayslake. A gooci Brussel Carpet C'oach f jr $4.75 and1( a fine Leatber Coueli for (iilY $13.50. at the Rockefeller Fuirnitture Store. Ida Brown, of W atîkegan, Nsîcited at J. H1. Cronkhlte a few day,,. ibe bas b)een staying a few 'eeks wilh ber grand1-parenits Mr. and Mrs. Johnl Aynsley. of Diamond Lake. Our Furuiture dealer 15 1,0w putting iii a large stock for the spring trade. Do flot nîîss il bat try (,le of tiioce se'sing Machines thuit you sec ad- vertised ini tliis palr for $24.504. If you are iutending t,, purcbuse a nîlonuinîit thi8sp,~ring writu F. iluir- stow, W'auk,'ga, w ho 'ilq note you low lîrlees on uiiytli ng in bisliu,. 'Work can lic nade l,"eaper uow than at any other tinie. once more oiir frietîls ansd neig1ihîrs4 'sert- uallui.1 togi-ili r i, view the re mnains of a ,lcpurte I fieiid. Tis ftoue it bas ple.t.4ed our Heasvnuly l'ailier t) take froîn our nuidst I du Skinneiir, of lvanhofîc Sic w a' I cd aud respi cii il by ail uuid wiiillc grcaily milissed. Dr.W.'C. hteesw ho reeutly î'aine, b cru fr0oin Eigin lias decided to per- nutuelt1lor iat a t Rocekefell erIfor ithie liractiet- ol'muî'ticsud surgî'ry. He- bas reuicîl the'sec, ,id homse sîîtli o f tbe post oflie for hic oMe ansd niakem bisllihone't Harîlens, Hotc'i. Thos,' n cedi ug. Iturofessionial serviot, will 1111(1 huîîî a ,'oî,uî>t-ti'ît ,hîymicii. fivis c li, a trial. WH EELING. mnIiuîuu'w,'I iiispent v'ac'atiiions ixit- iîîg in It' u(i' E. If. disonanm 'ife sîsît,l fr1 iin, nt Es ett Stiday. hlitia iM iirtiaebii pi r I ers IoN îîs siiih heurt deseuise. m ithl riv,'nut aiPrairie 'Xie's. ,johnhîî liîfg cill Spenl t'ao wet--ls in1 th(,' it',ntuthie court bouse. A îpart v lasi Saturday ecei ng i eh' lirateil 1 ,e Decker'n lirlbuay at F. ilois i it Laura? Ruinuor esys 'sAtd- lingI lelis 'sit son ring ont the giuud tidiuigs. .Jolîn i ltRafrom Deerlleld i, in lowu uIlliteof tell of Jaie; wonderm bat lu, t îe ?rs. Wm. 'Whigham from Altîklsie undl daîîgbier from Cle(ago eatl!ed 01, frientîs here 1ai week. miss Williams froni Chicago> a torner t.mLsier iiiOur S oiol ttfMiull the aa msiek('alling on qld frit-nds. John get reaely the girls lîîele to 1)5? bac.k thai jotly lelgb ride, if il 0,11îvs nars enangb .Yîîîîkîîow it is lt-ahiycar, fow. C'. Tramp, a remideuit, of Dianmoiî, Lake', for many yearm buut 1n0w (ot Blooningtan, was caBinîg ou ixk-uds iu tocm receily. Fred Siibh carpeuici' frini Caii 20 lis takien up bis alijoîleii, unr tics îil andîiwili niove bis aI,, j, i,','as Sci,, a weîat ber w iii peiuit. 'relic solars!il the liîghler graili" an-e prepusring for anu ciltel tai îîiiit iin thecrnear future înse'sgoi t,,ru- plenish ltii' ebool lilirru,?. luiei'e8teil parties IN ru omilookiiîg ,j',er the- rouîte tfor thuut lin îîî i-, ilectrie riad. Nouliii, t it c îrfr ix'ti lut' miîr way. 1 miîîlrstîîiîîtthe ui,,st 1,i')iiitli ,,iliîg ladis îof Wbî-îl inig wiih i, bell, of smne froe inl,i,iiuig tomslius lias-e irguiîizc'd îui.cîîp 5'u'ur s.5 i î clubîl and w iii ini the l ieur fut ,îre gis ia grand party ut .Namoll's I'iill. Afier a lonîg clii'forr w ait iof i s 'aortbv' y aîplace l 'innor lialr I i.,kei MY lieuî to write hp wliat I1euîu gîi, of past and< preseli it-li an sd t s tu, liatlafy auslbseLrilers frnm W'liig moil s juin ity w liiipripîîse to toi tIi,'ir paperuilli t tey <'au ihave n lîtti,' iiews sieasiiia u rini til, lspart of tbe coiîuitrs'. T (e'o'lege lutoy-,su uruIhome il liti, st t,,eesanti tii sty they hlia lîîjuly boiîay lapnttiuîg h îîîîldly, the akathuîg for tie pasi McciR lis hecu grand i tlt-y nmade the nosi if i utnll Roy blaon Iroze lbis, bit tIi-m tlîey resled one evening. Moiflulys carir train took ihiem buck t tbe îily to resîîme tbeir studies and woud er if tbey gel an invitation to the- leahi 'seiir Pariy- '[hi holidays sucre celelrted 'a 1h thle iisual progracu. CUrisinias trees ai the differeîit churceb sud tny homes, loaded witli uict-ings tor thue bappy cblîdren! recitatlous and nnuisit- 'aitb the ever welcome Santa Clans, al wsent tii nake a Merry Christmias. Clirlimas îutght a dai c t ici the C('Iieix- go House wuou a very îleaiant affair ,onsidering the raimu anduinuîd. Thue wniae ty Prouf. O'Connmor' anmd Orchestra wiis vcry hie. St-FiAi L. It Savee the roupyMIlIdren. SEA',aW', 'A., lu 9, l4o "Ne tave sl) iid "10c 0 Cou <lîuhur- laina Cougb i'ed3', at uuîîV ,un îsto- mers comiuîg rom far a neiir,spak of i in the e tt' a C.r s.ald ltaI ir C n ',suîuhaIve died of Cr p if Cha berlaiîi's ('oughi Remedy d1tuai been gis e,. I(ELLAM &Outuimz. For sale liy F. B. Lvîll, Liberty le and G. ('. ltiulents, Vaî- couda, Druggists. We have just Inaugurated one of the Greates' Closing Out Sales of Winter Goods: INVESTIGATE A GOLDEN OPPORTUNII11 INSPÈCT OUR GREAT OFFERING. H IGH PRICES AND HARD TIMES MUST GO; nothing can stand bel our Magnificent new goods and Marvelous Low Prices. See themri you want them. Price them and you buy them. Will quote prices on a of the many bargains we have to offer you, which will be SPOT CASH. BOYS SUITS. We 'litc h itidre4ls too iîîî nyuof thi'i, ix cellent I rigit goi iis, îîcît putterîîs iliat ive'.1,o 't w iit to c'arry us er. il wvi 'van pi ismibl y clp. Nimothor 'sli i iimk s iiii'hîiof li'r bouy andi w hue' iickei hbooik ii'îlc '<iii sideruttion cill fita bse',-thexci' positive i'iurg,iiis. $' 5<) ti1î $G.00 Msuit,, ai','Si'iliîg for. $:I5ý Siiit8 ar' sîlliîîg foi'........... 5',,, 1l Sitts itli 2 palir pitsi al, %%ii îool ........... $298 1.98 2.98 3.88 Ali have been Cnt, Corne Eariy for these. Pants. Ail 's,,,l paoîti,rili S'>.for kl îul o liait'. w irti,$2.50,,foi AHi woo its mw orih $;.ii foi Al 's,1 pait 'sort', ., if>fr XII 1 scoil plot.s Noi'ih $1 i50 for A I 11 N i -d Iiault'., o tlil .()tý,)) $200 1.75 4 50 400 3 50 3.00 Men and Boys Caps. C'ap mtiat weir,' $1 ..4lri',lis",It"$ Casfluai 's're$1.00 r,'dui,'i It, t'a;îctua 's <ro ,' $ l>, i li 'î,t-, 6 Boys' Pants. A lot t l-i wiv ,ol kli,'c lîiixs sîile'niu saliue' Ir 50o 't,, 60o Al $1.04) anid îiver 's îîik iii', liants tii close ut. Boys long pants ai 000 liblacku amîî i lt,,' lwac chevi,îI halts ai Childiren's Underwear Aline of ehilîlren's Merimî, underwear for,, . .. .. Cildreiî's wool iinder'a ar fr,îîî 25cenip aecordig to i st SPOT CASH, Ulsters and Overcoats. Nic C hincbilla lIster, fine llniing, regularty miold for $2000, and 'sortb It, for iis sae, $ 1 Bllack Irisbl Frieze U'lster, sublsianital liulng, au hoicstly îmade ,'îat sold ai $16.00 for Ibis sale 19 l)ark Ligbt. Grey aDd Blai'k lrisbh Freize a good ijier sî,ld for $13.EIA regilarly, for thia mIe These Coats Run as High as 48 ln S1Zý 11015' 'LS1 ERS wciii, large i'ollars. We have là fe's left tu o si 'at ... O VE RCOA Tii A daîtil 'v c('iît- Rri-; il) ('ilors-Heavy Faîiier Stktîl, Liîîg. Silk ahes,'bnngs- cau'ii et 1,,ilni the- ('oiiiiv for. . M ,l iiic,( iianid se,- t humi, cll for $165.00 for tiliss-,l- ... . . .. . . i Man y other varleties ftram *4.50 UPW&rd*,ý Gloves and Mittens. (', iiii il miititîiîîîi S -t .1li.1 24, ',' l ui,' i f t Ili,si' fur Il lu'kskil', tlat w's,'%ciii 'l ' 'il $1.25 .1 fi' 5cleut Ih î'î(-o 'r ,! miitts sii glouu îs ti0i1'li t 25(' Everything in ren's and boys' Gloves and Mtons marked way down. U nderwear. Mlcit i t"s 1'i i -rk ar. ' fisi n l $ l fo r 78" NIi'iims lecî' i'iiid tfor 39c' $0 3jHosiery. B4îyN* rirî î('l1uit l-tîsu- au it 'i bataifor wei-ar ai211 Everythin g in wool Hosier~ marked at G reat Red uction.1 M't' r,' îot tii g il., ugs ii t's . W,. îi'c'r liail ,,r giîodIS iii rked'il igtîi'm,,ilî lt, ,'Io thlit. T e t-,'rî'l,,'iîîî, gis,',,livîre are' hî,îîî't ieîiiî 'ii n ad it'pi-si'lit ,,îr Jiroil 1and,1îmoretha u tlprofitlit mI oine i' 's' Collars and Çuffs. %Vp %oii t u 'hskyîiur necîl in tib. is iv,. îî,î,h s,, tr a lot of 4 1 îI'% ii,n i,' 1lars at. . . . Ciuths for... FaiI W'il, (i.(uil l t . .... Men's Hats. A lit if Dl4î'y liatis s'îne tbat ,o Sli igti mm $1.f44 ti clonent 'i,,' srv l,îîî'st styles. good '.ilii ,f2A s, it $2.25 tfor Ibis s,îiî..... Ai lîi.î"i j1,10>tigo lat. .. . lies. If . oilîî i i-t alîireity le for \iiitxno%% i:si s'i i 'anice. W' Iluis iisinal lot ot Holiday AI t-I guli)t Il uc of dresuyties LI iit iiîlie rc aiilfil 5uk yau$iO0 for, Ni, art' îlosng uai.... A biig amsiiilt ,of hiieltahapo amotinii lejuinevilles, Pt Tec î-çk al four irn-band pattrm in mcîlk and n atinst, aiut A loti if 35, uit 2,k lien ut Men's Suits. - Cof amnî'sd sec aur nuit»; r'E liw righit. Iflîig vaàrluîy,andlow cmilI nmose themn, ihey rU gom We can fit anybOdy+,- PREMIUM OFFER. wbenes'er ' ,i l,îîv kalis'IîNîg ronu-je la $1.0), gi-t a ticket wa î th il,,- LIv- f.,'so h',f yinr purehaieam un t. Wbciî s î,îr tiiri'l~uei aînuuîi b $30 youu-g baril wiii ii îiiii'aeti,pirliir ris'k.ur free tif chu $45 v-un gît a liardl'sîul Iruu.kî'r. Lfumîue urse'd t u-'k, h î vi us1, iii aclt.$44) 'u igel a un fiii luiil i art rî,î'k i r. tmipdi.,t t-t ber seul, a vail pit-ceoif f unitI in' .Savei.voumr ticukets. T hIla01 holds good during this sale as previouseu AMES & SEIDEL, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOO lit il, ometN's I tuE iii n tii, u,îî iî wetridck. qIi t)Ii e,' î,,i Ilitie'slt ack.s, îc Nile. Fh'.lt',ilii. ut Suîiil 1.'k.' ,îii'.l l' iulliiir,l îuuîl , tt-re riî' l ,u iii igi î,,lîîîul hîst 's ils P'rof. andulMu's. 3..B. F.îriiss,rtii, (A "utMonîtriost'e. s'iii part iif ast 'st',kw iii, lovr lareuIst, Mr. ii M rs. A. 1' ituaniii. Tli<,fiiiieral if Miss 1liiSki n u-r. ms5 liid it iiChlattanoi oga.T'i ll il. Jan- 2, 184,was ielI lice,'Mouuuly afttr- iiu. li a sas teibi' î,îîgect daighter iof ibe laie IDav idi Skinner, and l ias fuir siiîneiiîuc hai remiuh,'i s;ith lbercier M rs. D. A. Iwudke in i'îcuîgii. La8t cîri ng dît- shuuwoî' isignmuts fii iiîg beaith and list le t)Dr. advlseul a change' sIle cpeit listmi îuu ier lt lu ikbue, cie boweser grew rap~iuly wourcc udtripu liope for lier to regaini lit-r hîcuithi. C'. c. Shunian a îîîîtlc, ulirictai îî 'souîig ilisuto ss bom msue was î'igaged ul rniîsli- c( il li eesmsary fîîîds aiid toîuk lier iii Tenui., abouît Nos'. it, 'abere alll suas donc ibat iiuuey andil liii lan înuls could (Io. Mmii cftio as'ail. sIic pacceil away atter ten days îof teribhl,' suttur- imîg. tiiAtlantau spu'uiahfst the bhuic Pl)i iciii iif thie sout h îro4iiimicu il lcr ilisi ue T uîervulomis ou itl, rail,. 'reucon'imuiuiut3'greitly ympaiithize iN it ieîîr corru uv'îug fri,'ndc. Cu)rrcstuoudtuits aidXilvertisî'rs shouiîd renienuier ihnt it tîîkî'a tilile tri met t «'Vie lbi fOrni a ptipeîr vcuii e pti,tid. 'oi 'a iIIgrt-athy oli gu' yhîylauuuiuIg il' yol ouî ipy eanlyv, ('upY Ionruic mîîuî1t biereafier beli lu ',r banids îi lat-r iban Nednesday nooi, ai, we ecami de- voite Tbnrsday to settiîîg tmp the lateai liless. We auiii lîprimît the- INiE:N-Eh E.ST Thursday attertiocu, 50 Il 'sîl reach our reudera on the Fnlday Mail. WARRENTON GROVE. Nîrs. htu',4iii 'N > irixsie 1'. 'is mNh'i) ii <r 1' veui«.viiu[nthe piijt nio'îîhclins'mît We i ts'î,îî filpil f is, lil () l.1 irut,,. 2'. 'lu, u Su .ig NvI Nîrs ualtis axuuîg bis laIdyhru-mils. Miss Lizzie i' itcIi ii u.smi i t il fe-'s days lacsu ut-kut "at et-nl ii Uuonî ., su itb lber ascerNlMrm. Aîîîîîyîrul. 3ki ica Aggiî'ti u,,G ibb ia.4 re'tiru'uIt,, the u' ty 'lcsierh' is ai iî'iiuig cu'iui, u att-r spîcîîiî ,g ii,'l(- hoi(Iayiî' 'itb Iuik. ber,'. LAKE I: I 1(11 'Ihei i',' hî'n c iabuh egiii chlas. 511 i t' t t,, iî c e t u l'alat ie. Wlnmiih'îuili'r uof Cii, iigo~, mssCilgagu' iii Imiai, ccc lîru'. E. hla al i aI hi'uny su,',,Il il îi 't u et i e iii uliii li luiit s alîrgn'fil u' Ni oan.î"î,u Hacing decideil ifi lisconutinue i Iili' îîtsc, E. .A. t iu' Rtoiui','c ii setn' ciiihi eiîtint' stock ioifh'ry liuuiuilc. tinio'i'ies, hlu 'ts aidS hi ,eh, 1t11t4, Clu, seîtc, lin sale,. A guoîl e-iiikmue fent, lgalgeiii lmx Il .,,di s-'uiîoElgiu, W'eduemb>' Ni,, .1',Wlilrsuie u~È in ) iilas 'lîllîu.îiWikualh~a4 l"raîik llr,,'silîtoouk alt ii-trip to 1hac'in, Mo,~ n dîiay. i nil ltîiike 'sueut tothue ty e' u,'u cliia î'o<cii, ii i a inhîry. 1 1 -1 .hilîu 'iiiu'rîiu.of Liberty-silI.,, 4'Y 'soriig iii tit i' e-e faciary. Et Qiii'itiiî t,îîîka 'sagon l aDe bu5og, t 'Cica'igoniarkuet Monday.- ,. Mr. andl Mrs. J. Anîca speut- lt-arcs îit lier noiber ai Ba Nisi ,Einniît IeLt'r, tif Chàic '.tniN i îg a li'%weweks sitli ber ýlHisiC. W e'sizir* of Muinnisi.iclîre vsisitg frie Q,îltî' s imiîilr frounibis 'Yi aittî'îî,lcthelb,'irtifflay liarty O tir utche îîaker J,,IinlWiluui hwi thei,' iiistu rtun e ii ciel) on a c lîit edt,, tlie bli. As ouir putinimsier W. Hf. MI s,','A. G. S,'lis-i u u uuncle. ti i1111%iig ai rîîîgî'î direct wllh. fa'tiii'rx A. G .Sch'seruîin k t1k- ' s tir ,,r,î'rsfor a ti cfi li wii'iupri-t'a. cal'ailan- iltheiiilu'tiix' iiltr oft aSmp get iîriu'i'. mues'.' it i ,iui,' troi l le ii srie ti ts,' s î"Il]riecuis oh,' îu and ni The Chîcairo Weekles Free. l.t huas thie tiuuic A large Dn< Tiiaîy lîcreon 'ahi 'Aill (I îc lu s a ,icla cn1eiti' n 'id tbe Iiçupi mîetw'stllîicr'nihur, suuuiremilt $1.50> cashlu nstitml of 'sritimig l,'iters, as tb* frureau,,' w', ,ihi seuil,'ithur tllu,' 'al hibîew' ant isamuCh bet m e kly IurO"uTimeîus.,or t'lrîîuu iiuty reispectsi. It will ho tu ci iu'le' asieiay t-houai-, fr oui- su-un. Ihun 'siing letterâ fiece, as uaihreuîuiîuu. j 2 0

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