,1# WORKING THE VEtIE- ZURI&N MINES. b~ Xa ate 'OWhite Men-Cht. irbe. a.L ouis lu thie IStrs- W' tise Cenrîntion-BdakaWilu %Ilh re Nertie Gold. tàÏme! Conanesce on tue Msi Mattcr vs hed'b.huid es- IK aï-IlayoamHevitS, Wha acteal 6MU4 reumdtu stâte wthvat pasocat gaIs. e voluasteroa tbetIi, I hoaeernt "I legesiez- peoplè lntsfteted WSaterprises liant Venezuela le ~ael1 . Ne white mancea 3ýhlueo fer ture. days avthgwi anative Isaneually dIs ~~,innhlis I vulat couslder Iptqesals. s coinpsny te venta $&M& T he *bilte men avoaIal Él al ateagiet maungleum." î lsaas Nid. Eacy au te tise îat roacees tihs succese cf tie bU lardly as a pepular afair, '# hi ilcbpopular leas ave. Wi lF race, usys a NovwYYork -ùbenb lulathis ~geun trj4- ~JE$olL 0! bise .treurI- ld 1U0112,271. 1%117 50 per ent- *MS iaout fgeld hiutthecoIutry s-nfinaacial raptttieus, se afflppreutly plenti cf golat ev, Sè bat du thoUinted Statua Ires- ht ýàtipu vii gelthie greater part »044~ beâettiey bav e ta omU ,-tad are better pnepared ta bîdin. dy. Sertry Carlisl'» elreular tg "eu of p.yaacut la comiuendud- iîhee-Ivlltonee.rdetivothe thé usne market, vhich ius rta foIow the ismmuedte vitti-. traiS eirculatIoofetse meimon- W»dt.ris made esy" vIt allai s ftglsuoncy. u.Wts Eeport Shown that 1 bey iister Shape than for Ituais, ' da# ulgreport e! tii. BrIllai went of, latirof OthiseS$teDe- Mt viii- sarthat, aivtatding aas lamaI. union troumblme fthe m4ipntti, the. masnuacturnug Wtîtreaso!flte etantrI-are Ac.tte aspethan at a"y in Ietflv. or sIx jeua. auj eer re "tber. t- of uomesieoci aëh ýIeZSv saait»s juan, ae, 4t )@ber risus a frartion -~ ~ ~ ~ é *wpta)eOtv- pçpà»swat1cc oâvention. ........... « .... . ............ then, u,$oratIC s5t.ns ~uklgtl1~husatY. ih vas v5la aru doatt. Chil- fyleR th. ender anar- S fW oi t lonis, amlalcon- ~t5~aat u lbcommttîe a~lusasS ibona vbipi -W s't*o heurs la the. iote! tl* deufewve ballot. ~'*Imm ei lavadk g ay aeut cf ail anan b.tveen thet Cty lcgtby the, short raill- * qiagd oeer thée 5h11 cea agla anal Goa- St t r-. Conuse- nwth the. capital - glâremaa et the t tftaie]Roth*s- - a armtce Daly, 2510 RetiachIldo, Who *treteat for forgery, Isaattrial lu de- Morrlej confesses ê4aaltala victiais. A - Meut.,gasys -lac fronstheb.Mntana acretug a teran for for- iAu s aresolutlon i'eurnel teSentae ý,4Indonadeolarstuai , rsdtidctrineb.- M*à sit* d ansd ibat bis g It ý In lav Inlufor- îllad mai htnulyextenal #5cr WJeileoCentral anti ýo--WhWlte Ca,ý Wd. âi extensive uianufac- a~ allgCeunty, 0., bbffl a-colorent empoe, notice reqae.led. Al cf us deetroyeat by ire W.d- wv, a esand VeIut. a" liesu.tue ce- M. raié e 10Oe s at a rrut te t Oorermr oft te ars.n", Oki4bom1, au41New Mexico lEu.c* at un.ite as'.eur. The. three territurial datg&1tea-Meaus F'lynf tOklahomaa, Murphky of Aritonia end. Catron ef New Menu-ar, waglng a vigoroua csinpalgn ln Vongresa te se- cure favorable actiùný upon their bis for the. admissIon of the territorles reCpre sented 1>7 the. te statebood. Bachi dele- gate couldero the. achlevement of *tats- hocd thi.e let misaion et i congresalollai career sud his energies are bent uitofl se- euruag IL Ttiey are anions te have the bille iietore thie terrîtorleai coormtte re- ported te the, Houa. and dispoaed of in soute way, and having made a canTals of the. committee, belleve that more thari two-thlnla etf Us uembers ndll vote for favrabreort. Te illbus for the ad- fore tuis VollgI'CU are enabling ace mod- eled niion the et by1>7whlch Utahi was eci- vsted t, stateiio4 witii certain modifies- tiens d*mèd.d by loeal conditions. 4rl. lion&,* bok,«%Wiaï« for immediate state- hoo e à aqou*i tion wh" hbas alr.sly, beeu forald by the. people, but tiiere le doum mcesng the. moai standing et the emyotat.,. *i. lym'a new Oklahomas bildifu îreâ foaithe, germer one lu gîvins altiiorgty o Congre.. te attacli mur or ail of héfflenteritryteOklahoma wbsïn the',Isa4 bave been allotted ao4made suQbw4Oo etazstieta. Ex.ov. Murpiiy, of Arisona, whin a ow the. territorial dele- taïN a. Sds à atrong seftim or t1wazson ofttrritorial syetem41 tltlammdioppiton ta0teaI l bel, ' .New Mexico or Okahoma, oT tkocw oir f western members who objeut ta idessng the. fre.silv.r strength of 1ME JAT GOUL» ESTATE. tbe»toito'raa.sg Wii D. Enriched 10800.000 iiy Txes. .Birogate Fitzgerald, of New eNor, *uaied tu order, based upon the reeunt r- -pM 0o!XDavIat MÏeCluro,, Who was appoint-. eda ippl.atafix tii vaine cf the. es!ete cf li ata jet Gotald, in order tint the tax rnigiit Ie Inpoacal, placing the lax 11100u the Isgacles cf the. heine. Accordind te a suppleanental report of th.e ppraiser. theo net value cf the. ctate cf .iny (iuil vins put et $"1,615,473. Il has takeu tlire yensedf ligation for the court t, gel; ai the valuae 0f the. estate and tif devid.* tihe taxe$ that the. State lae eîtitled 'c uMPOn the legacies of the. collatemml bl"r.' TIi. tte treasury will be euriched ner- Ir '*00,00 by the. collection of iista'. FOl the purpos cf avciding 'tuterest on the tax wicn it wa fixed, the executore of the. Gou]d estute pald Into the. State treaaury, when the. litigation wae tart- ed, $«0.000 under protest, to cuver fl) the. taxes that migit be fouud tu be due. Au the. question ln of great Importance to bath parties, and luvolves a large aura of mener. it le lhkely that it wil)) e-carried te the, Court of Appeale for final adjudica- tion. Te Connect lu Alaskga. Dr. W. L. Hoenock, chlef euglneer cf the. Irkutgk and Vladls-ostock division cf Eun'as great rnfroad, sys tiat feeders VrelU be boUtit froin the main lin,. on. on ,an underatandlng wltb the. Persian Goyv- Imient te Herat, anether Jute Afghan- rl;uOrer tii. Thbbt Meuntaina, sud nthird Ilet. !eloochistan, Afghanlata.î and Pertia. Thia vl iring the. Russian. ru i lto the. center of the. Âslatle pow- 1Wauid rtght nt thetimona cf Ila. You WlU b. petltap interesteal te know,".sald 4bedoutesý', 'ethet the. esiean Geverumenut la building sevt* merciiautm.en tg ply bctweeu Vladiv tock and moine port ln Alasaka. W.eare uow -building tire. of tuent at Vladivostock, and tire, more are te b. buglit at Cronstadt. Tii.y will ail b. finishei withln a year or se. il le net decid.d wiiich port we wil go te; periapào one wlll ho niade, for the Uuited States le te iiulld n raifread te soin, point nerth of "Iska,ýand wberever t makes lits ter- rainus Ibitt we shai)1 makie our port. Thie la à Part O!ftii. grand strateglu plan, and it la belug carrical eut iy iffi uuderstanding betwemuthe twro countiee." » iow Much for thie Bond*? Tii. Secretary 0of the. Treasury Fridny prepared-and gave out fer publication , table showing the. amont which should We bld for the, uew 4 per cent, bond@ ini order tiat tiie investur mlght realize an rate of interest between 2%~ per cent. and 4 pr cent,.lper aninum. Foltowing ln tii. table.: 2% per cent .................. 130.874-) 2% per cent................... 124.ï9234 3 per cent. -......... 19. a2121), 3 1-16 per cent............... 117.9a749 3% pr cent............... 116.6-471 3 3-16 per cent ..............1.mg 31/ Per cent ..................1 14.05(h, 3 5'-10 Per(ent ................112. -814 3% per cent .................>11 1.,M 10 3 7-16 per cent ............... J.1.2 3% lier cent............ ... . Ki 3% per cent.................. 1()(71_)l 3 il-id per cent.............. 105.57,1qi 3% per cent................. .4108_ 3 13-10 per cent ............... 103.2816l- 37A per cent ..................1 (Y-. 171 t, 3 15-10 per cent............... 101.07:8 4 per cent .................... 1oo.oooý The Eurepean Situation. Press dixpat(-hes Saturda>- bore et rang(e 13, contradictory heus. (Oue froni hon- don sias te tth. effect that England %%-aý determiaiet upon wnr; that the. Traneva 1l prisoners e e. lube tield by the IBoers ai IWetages; and tint Parlinuient was cble aumnauned to decitre unr. ¬lîer rorn Leondon %emcrts tint the Queen a 1 - celpt of sa\mutugraph letter froni the (1er- rmen Emperor, Who derlares h. lias nu wi nur-inteaitlon te engagein %var. Dieu la te Marry. Tii. New York Ativerrtier euye: Fuel- tive announâcements colo. from ua dianneo lis c-ncrning the. nuch-talked-f engage- aient of ez-Predeut Harrison and 1irm. CONGRESO W4?ýL SE ÂMIED TO ter PIitag Çehcooer Bann Dawa bx a tetiter-»*Dtk ta Niu.e rtieCrew -Ne»* ed. To ]Recogaýia.Cabans, The. Prcsident'» eXt lmoTè OaYSa Washinugton correspondent, wîll be a ope~- cial message te Congrea» aakiîîg the ce- operatîcu o! tint body lunt.erecogiton o! belllgerency or!theia.Cban revelution- intao. This coin.. tralgtit. This message may -b. delaycat uûtll the. naldle cf Marci, but if Congre«. focs net cnrthtei grenit frein uider lietesfot by actng ftt be uil take the tatep hadicateal. Iafel'tiation ben reacla.d -51* aàdilsttlqitint 13paian luaatlIpÎiof, thi, satit intor- Veendu cfrtlii.Qoesumti bonoblaliet Euglibflua nelat iekin: fer harbiar de- fentes of Cuba. Witiiutue teat feuv desys extensve preparatiolis have beon undertaken for tue protkutîo a!f the bar- ber o! Harane by 4h. laylag cf teaPedfes aud the placlng et beavy gang aviere they ivlîl colamand t tiiappreachca ho tiecacp- ltnl. Spain b*fa.gu egetiations avîtisEng- landl by offeulug t oeilI Cuba te tthe Britleb Goverumeht. Salisbury put eut teelers to learn iaw lie porcins. woult ho re- gazded by thia country. Tie ausaver "Io diîeuàgîug lu the extreme. He trot given' ta underetana lnu nnmistaktable terme that the, Unitedl States woulat Dot toîcrate any3thalg o! the. kinal, andl ho tIts furthr adelsedalInt the.Prealdeut tva* lu hearty a.ccd with iCongfreselu lit it-formcdlItention of treugtueulug the. Clevead-Oluey construction of tue Monroe doctrine, as set fot inluthe.e ne tnelan anossage, by aîa.cificall, decartg that ne ferelgn powver will b. peruilîteal ta accluire American territory iy purthasa-, trèaty, on hj auj niethoal whateven. FOUGHT TO THE LAS?. Florî da Pousa. Sets Vire tes a nse aud lura a Negro l>.uperndo to Deatia. Cinnet tiy a pume, Harmy Jordan, a Floriia lnegro despierado, avanteal for mur- ilerouely naauîîing Dr...N. Cloud, teck refuge lu au unercupiet ioun tace I- cime. li. barricailedtheti. ltirs sud swcre be avoulal kilI the llrnt nman uio attempteal te enter. The pomeeneiiured in volley aftr volley, riddling tihe houa, avi bults, but net lnjuring Jordan,î a-o-eturned the line avihbie Winchiester. FlaaaIly lthe pomme set ire tathiebounse, tiiinklng lie flatnea avoulti drive thie negro eut. The negro, however. mader ne effort toecaepe. He tatibueil hîiscîf lu the center of tie' iuruing building, eand imeal hie Winchester !lu n vain effort te kili nornecf bils pirsu- ers. Tii. deaiperadu'. rifle cuntinneal te crack uîtil the roof feu lu, anti le wsa burieti iy blnziîîg tebris. COLLISION AT..BEA. Nine Mien cf tie Schooner Fortuana' Crev Losa. The Gîcuceeter fiahlug sciecuer For- tuna Wase $unk inia calliean avit tic-Bos- ton Fruit Compauy's tfnlt steadit Baru- stable off Highlandal igit, Nne of the. Fertîana'e crew aers drown.d; tourte... c-cae saveti. Tii. collIsion'eccunréea abut 7:30 oclock, when the. vessel e ve about four miles off Highland lgit. The nigit ivas extrcmely dan, sund n Iumpyisesavias ruuning. The Bamestable'.iilgtbls ere îeeu, ibat kuowing athemboit the igit o! wny the echooner's course vasn ot al- tereti until toc lete. Tiie steamer struck hua- c-eh foraat, cuttlng a deep bole, andî tie sciosaier began tus"tio lmmetiiatc-ly. Before the bonte coutil b.e leareti nie crent docn lanal the crew werc le! t trug- gliug lu the uatem until feurteen'-of tiéni uere pieketi up by thie Barnatable's otic t. Jàe others bad gone doavu. CANADA'S CABINET CRISIS. London Times Prdeâth te EarIj- Re- tirement of Premiler Reveil. The London 'limes pulshesa il oluiîio artitle discusslng lie recent linisterial troubtle lu Canada, aviose "remarkutit, anti ignificant poitical caise hunescapei attenîtion ou-lug ite Traunsvaal diffi- culties." Contlnuîng, the. Times seys hý Il t- 'i. iIf Hon. Miac-kenzie Bouril, thk, Cana alan premier, succeetsin liforui- iiîg a cabinet he vil) ouly holtiti lce for a feu ceeke anal will tien remnîguin fa. or cf Sir CharIe@ Tupper, the Ciadian ligh conmislunee ta Great Britain. Goveruor Hughes Impencheti. Gov. Hughes, of Arizona, stands eltirg- t-aiit ofti tcial corruptiona, anti bis peroon- ai reputaticai for lulegrity anti honeeîy 1> inîpenubeal by a repart of the laiet Granit Jury. OfficieI crimes e! nalteesauce lire nilegeal, anal the whole biainese n liki-ly tu create a &tea-m lu Coîîgrcaa c-heu it la called up, unles lie allegulio.in are mîet in tue Phoenix courts. Neeil Net Produire Telezr-sau. At Memphis, Chancelier Sued reîider- ed s decîsion holding Western LUnion nee. ordotie 0he pnivlelced commnnicaticîa,. 'lelegmuma seul to anal t-y A. K. WVard, accused otfargery te the extelit et omer $200,00, aer, wnnted ini the preeeedliîgs againet hum; ince tithe cuo. Certain ti.t Mankeys TaIk. Prof. Richard 4. (Garner, lu Atrien try- iug ho deminotrate hi@ tieory aht mou- keys talkinto ach ocher. hits arilten lu hie son lu Baltimore, saying tint lhi@ mis- sion bas been- acceauplsiet. He ici avenkeal under lie nauspices o! lie Atnlcaaa Ileaearch Society of Chicage. .».setb Cure@ a Palutut Cern. Charte@ Helnzmaun, 25 yenra olti, of Union Hill, N. J., died frum bloot poisoan- avas dn, onday inangntièed At Velumn- O F HîUAELAIV8. bus as (~iOr of Ohio. Tii,'city was crowded sud gayly * decorateal with buto.1 fils w, chIgarden wsevîtrns la the ing and "old*glerys.' SremBcee tti oaa Ti lpour cfmnarch, lng clubs, semI-miili- LeauAsndea-Cess Bertont Telle t A r r gaulgationa Position eoflRed Crees. sud cvi; bodies coin- mencedtI luesrneet Tu*e Atroclous Tarr. accu atter mndilit, The Uev. Barkla 8. Yencvklan, s native aud, ail through tic Armenlan minfatur. but a natufalilzcd heours uP-tOasnd pant Aeia citizen, has received mont dis- the. dawu tiie sîres trenslîg neya frein bis old bomne lu Ma- betw.un the Union rash. Mr. Yenovklan le a graduate of OM depot and tiis lors- Ohio Weseyau Univeraity. Hia wlfe and tiens of tthe varloue leur beys wer. lu Marai on Nov. M8 00v. nEion2IELI..lh c t el s resounde tu 1e date of the terrible slaughter cf Ar- wli tith music of bande sud the. martial menlant.glace. that tan..lie has endeas. ttsfd eft th. arrivais. The. Inauguration oe ertr ehefml, u ol eereaun1s began at Il c'ctock, wlen Oov . etal te atur ta the falbutemoure IÏ<lýUuiy sud staff sud the. joint leglalat- wnot, ohinte thew cftii u of aempire th-* -iud cîtirens' cetuaîittee met (Ouver-oftela who prhbs net fatiaieetl nor-eleut fluabueil at the O G enden 11e this utrny.iobas en nahteraceaedil toi, and escurteal by Trecp A cf Cleve- ftus ceuttrh. 'tien utryelbut land, the. Champion City Guiras audfaalonoftetrcen ourbt Fourteenth Regiment, o. y;. G,<roeeowiug te tue Internai conditions ic found e4 te thec @tate house.,wbere Goy,. Mc- it lIpessie.. Ve bas a walted antili b- Kiley, addreeeing the. multitude lu the. day for tue newd cf the fa te et bis famlly. rotunda, referr.d ln approprînte ternis It was sent to hlm by s frienal frouatlMa- to the occasion, ".ete î~ecresser rash, dateal Dec. 1,aud le as foîtcws. wlti a commidlon ae Goterner nnd lu- "The. bonuse O your eldeet brother, Bag- troduced hlm as Covcraor Bushuel. adaser, after.lng pluud.red, was hum. ______ d. sud lhe was killeal; your second brti-' TO WED A 137. PAUL BUAUTY. er, Kiragos, his property Ila&Il plundereal, - bhie bouse burnea;li e là, Dean death's deor. Ilortene, the Berltoue, Betrotheal to Tour yeunger brother, John, le kille an sd Mins Sauciien Faber. h is property burued. Tii. orpined i ii After the. performance at St. Paul cf drcu are wanderiug lu tii. etreeta. Tiie "Die Itelutersinkger" aithle Metropolitun faillies cf yonr neareat relatives bave by the. Danarouch Opera Compsny Friday been wlped out. Your cwu chîlalmen arc uight, s hetruthal, accordlng te the (1er- wanadering helieus inithe. atreets. For mane fasin, wae hela lnlu onor of the. God al' sii, tend un 'ucipr' Yenovklna- engagement of Herr William Mertens, trieil te get the aid of 8.cretary OJncy tie famone baritone, and lias kaucheli ual Minîster Terreilinlubehaîf of his fini- Fgber, a avell-mov-n local bcauty. Theru iiy as far bsek un the. date of!ttic uaeC- la sald tu be nomerhiug cfaà romance about <le He wnas assureal by t8cm tiiet tlWe than engagement. Four'or five yers agu Unitedl States (lcverunet would do ail Herr lMertens tiret saw lilas Faber, therin t oe erndradt um but 15 years of age, sud felIlunlove aii niepwrt rue i uhm hier. Her parents opposeal thc match, but RiED CROSS NO? AGORESSIVE. encii year h. renewed hile liropuals cand hie persistent devution le finally tu bu Clara Bréeton States thie Position eoftthe rewarded. a..Society e .ar .,. Arentaik. Woes ot a Theaplan. Richard Mansfield, wu-o aepeared ti At - lants, Ga., in "A Pernds» Itomance." teck occasion teanaake a speech avili- createti n sensation. Mm.r. Mansfieldl, a!- ter boarmur ive times,siti: " fualIy np- preciete yeur kînduesa in appleudina ne no mucli. WIsile au actor is devuledtaîu ls art, 8e le, nevertielees, very appreciative et applause. Il id evitient that lhe peopule et Alanta do nul appreciate lhe artietic plays avhich 1Ibave laken se mucii car'a te produire. 1 have haougit a very rex- pensive company lu Atlanta, but th, total receilats fa-on aujthree aerformnc-e ucuulnet pny foîr rainiung the curtain lu tie fia-st play. iunuderetandti tnmry trienît, IHenry Irving, will seeu corne lit-ae, andti1Ipremume that 8e ulti carry nny a grent deel cfyour nîouey." Atter th!s remarkstiîe speech 'Mr. hMansfield emileti earrasticsîly sud uithdrew. Raid tino Bank nt Venona. Eigiîtumsekea mndynaniltedtu 1e Bsee o! the Farmers' Bank at Vereon,ie., cuti escapeal ati $9.000 iu cash, ail il containe&l..The robbcrs are supposeal lu be pnofesslomaîm. Ticy cutereal. le city on horeebeck, ecureti Nigiit Watciman Hoover anti boual bumtateantrce acraose tic street. ThIey tie envash tercedthle front doors of tic bauk ant inl a short lime liteaaly blea lie vanl anti safe ie pieces cith dynamiter. Woeaeu nelligble ue Noter;ea.* The (hio Suîîrtme Court held tint s c-cuan iun(Ohio canet screaai-a nontary puablie, the (constituation recuîriog inch office 10 be icîti ty au eisrclir. NilIte G. lohbiusuuaii. et Cincinnatilirotaglîtthle suit te coual ex-Gev. hleKiaitey te appoint her turing hi. tern cf office. Wlsconsln te Be Redistrlcteal. Gov. iîilanm on Tuetiay lancieiltherail for tie Wiaî-oaiain Legllaliire tu nactI la special 5t'asion iTueetiay, 'Fri). 8, for th, purleuse of npîîuationiîîg tic State it lit%%,nematuria til*esseiably distritsnou- dur tii- cruisun of 1,497). Dceaondent Oser Leck of Work. At Ogderasbliaa-N. Y., NV'iliani Onu-et) thot andt killuti tus nicher anti tht-a endeil ils cianhfe..le lied tieti out cf uork for noul. tilue, andîltlîiei. Suîaî.euîlta hanve lunuinitt nIluian tecommnit thle crimne. lusurgreuts Tam. a City. Abitg C'auo ttîle le relitre.iti 1,0110killei or ma-uideil. Uilazee asoe) tii thave storumedth te city o!f(luira and, Ceusez carne tebils nid SIAIKET BIJOTATION9. ChliCagQ-4'tttle, cemnion ltea-mme, $3-50 te $500; hegs, wsiiîpiug grades, $;00) t0 $4.(W);: niet, fuir lu cheure, $12.50 te $4-001; Nhoa, i. 2 red. ri6i- te 57c; corn .No. 2, 21le 2-; ent&, No. 2, 17e teai18e; rye, Ne. 2, 3-4e te 3&-; butte-a, dholce.caroiry,.3c tule2-le; egizs, treeli, Vie to 18c; ixtato, per .buaiel. 18c le 25c; ba>om icru, $20 le $45 per- ton for pOor toe claive. Iaaîiamaîoli-('-tte, iîping, $3.00 te $450; huages, t-kmice ligbt, $3.00 tu $4.W; &lit'-p, ctumnmua te prime. $2.00 te $37.5; aciscat, No. 2, 64c te ta>,rm. No. 1 vile, 26e lu 27c; enîn, No. 2 whbite, 20c ta 22c. St. l'oule-Cnt'tle, $3.00 te $500; hoge. $3.00 te $4.00; avient, No. 2 a-.t, 64e la 06c; cernt, No. 2 yelow, 24eCto 25c; onts, No. 2 wite. 1(k- le 18c; rye, No. 2, â75c ta a-7c. Ciucinnati -- Catf,tlc$3.50 te $4.75; boe,, $300 te 14.00; eieep, $2.50 to $4.00;: vient, No. 2, 67e te 09e; cern, No. 2 mixeti, 27e te 2c; aleo, No. 2 mixcd, 20e Se 21c; a-je, No. 2, 38e te 40c. Detroit-Catfle, $2.50 toa$,25 ig*, $3.00 ta $4.25; oi.ep, $200 te $4.001; wi-heit, No. 2 rei, (05e e t lle; coa-l,.Ne. 2 yellow, 28c te 29c; auto, No. 2 whilte, 21c te ry; -e. .37ic le38c. Toledo--Wheat, Ne. 2 a-ca, 66e tea167c; cern, No. 2 yetloav, 26cc tu 28c; ente, Ne.. 2 avilt-,. 0c ta 21C., rye, Ne. 2, S8e te 30ce; clos-rn seeti, $430 te $4.35. 3illlvaukee-Wheat, No. 2 spring, flOu ta 57c; cern, No. 3, 25e ta 26c; oui@, Ne. 2 %'hitp-t, 8c ta 20c; barla.y, No. 2, 34e to 85r; rye, No. 1, 37e te 38e; pork, mess, $9.00 te 59.50. Bnffalo--Cattlé,-$250 te $5.25ja inge, $3.00 ta iL.0;se.p, $2.54j te $425; viieat, Ne. 2 red, 70e ta 73r,; conia, No. 2 yelîoav, 32e ta 88c; eahs,-. No. 2 viit, 22e ta24r-- lua letter on lb. Arinenian question Clara Barten saya 1h. tiret apppai fîîr lie Ried Cross te nct came frain theaisseî ary boards o! Constantinople. -r> uls two conditions were mad-ti.it -ler.- que"± coic@ troin lie people o! the- întire country andt tit sufficient mouev ashlfil bereatizeti. The tiret wns comnîlied aitia anid the national conînaite guînr.iiiaaleîd enificlent tuntis. Tii. iutenttioual coiis- mitte. of (ltneva, official hesti ot aI) the Rted Cross îrenty nations. bainno oiii jei-ticns, preîiaratlene for eniliie w-r. made. Tii. Amicîan lRed (Cross ba-l ne part lun aning the nîeneY, ils OnlY 11mioela t eiug t10 iitribute. Tien cameptth- obj#ý- tion trout the Turklihtiîîvt-ruaicnt. ls Barrat derlarea tint tint (ee'aea .; flot autagoulelltte t te lRed t'rt*.s asý mci. lut objecta 10 lie dltrihuî.',n -,f forelgu relief un eutirey different grounda, liitier lu ira powier itr liat lt t ci a.- iary toeoc,îtrol. Sic atde tntaî aityste- nient tint tihelRed (Crose in aggrt-givi' anl Inlenîls tu actia »Pite cf lie pruhllîitlu: L4a eutirely incorrect and unfounde-t. SYNDICATE 18 BROK EN. Banker Morgan Diselves the tGreat Bz>ud Cembination. BunkerMoran bsdismue-th le great bind roceuilntiuiî, and tic gcld syncarae i. broku- n. uhie circularltt. syndic-ste inimbers, coîiieruîug the popular tenture et tieclutan, hîr. Morgan enys: "I feel pertectly ganlioedti 185there isneoques- lien ns te lie succescf tie Insu." Tii. reasoa, given for tihe dissolution ot the xyîaîicý'e î in ht thie syndiccie contnact catted fer a ted of!"ail or noue." and hheretore Ngr. 'Morgan uns unwilliug le nuanke a bid under lie tîresent dirc-um- stances, es Le mugit seena te preseut for coneaderation )îy tie Sec retnry o! tic Treaàiury tie throwing eut etfauniler hids made lu gocal faiti under tie public call The only emergpnry, lu lin. lUerganAg 'nîdgment, wiicia couiti justify secia corite wouîdcte e ailtare ofthle publie le respoind tote ecaiof the Governnient. To JOIN THE CUBANS. ticcruitafer lhe ]Insurgent Army En- rulie, t aFort Worthi. Within the lest ten days lwenly-tlve re (ruile for theC(utian ainy bave left l'or: Woîrth, Tex~., for t;aIm radi. frow w~Lîit18 po<int îiey tvill cnibark for îL. l'.aian iîiagt. Ttiîy> a ru rv-ruiteti b> au agenît oft thei in,îirgiits anti cere mnti>- tbor- iiig mein oit ot work. The agent roiiirac1- cd te auy $704 lier ionti te date froin eu- limtujeat. ailvanceîa.vnlt toe tmaîude 'viexithe. Party arrivei et -lctu Itaitreati transpoirlttin frein F7.rt W,'rît tii t1ativeutiu citafîariilitie -tii- ail. The fart tiait recruitiug for tIc Ci-a):n arnîy lias been goiug un i. %v..l kiovu. Thei mnen are geet iniaterial for eoliiers. Laugbed Hie Offer le @corn. Frituk Btradley, a farmaer front lecec, Ohio, calleti et a îînuber of Youngetown stores anti preposedti t severni yeung woulen, eccio!fc-houa rejectcd buns. Bradley. afler endvertiaiug for n wl!., started for houme, anti next day tire. let- ters n-ere reccivei in n feminin, iand sud sent te him. Bradley sani h at secuneal a li.eusç once aud cien he weait te marry tié, girl oh@ tire.- the leetse lu the grate anti laugie t btihl. Captaîn Wam Imunir. Several na-mbera of the crev o! tie BritishiluhJanet Coavan, avilci vu% tvrecked cff the. conet o! Vancouver Islandl on Jan* 1, attributeal the. lors.o! lb. îbip to the ancemPetencY o! Captain Thoinp- son. Tii. captaîn le saud te have been druuk wien the. siip truck anut avent te tie bettoni. Trasvaal's linge Star. cf Ootd. Prof. James Bryce, lun ddr.saiug tue 'diuiurgh Chamber of Commerce, saai tnhne estiniateti the Transvaal gelalines weulti produce £700,000,000 u-rti o! gold. Sionlal hie estîmate prove correct, the ratio tietu-eeu golti andi ailver mîgit uéed antening. Nîneteen et the Crew Drown.. The steamshlp Cesgar, of Barceluna, bas been sank lu collision ailticthe er- muan sip Nerens. and nineteen o! her eu-wwere drowped. l'h. collision occur- real lu a tag off>Ramagate. 140*e ,Aduattod te taie Bar. - 14. * clam.Ilaipuma.d uo.ti ateiwwgrt-ba #W poduce paves euough -te esni IIIt- .ete4el.y te lilg)4 ew Yw%. aidE.tookyntedo au, thi echnc wak i ue fatonie s ad mcl n&e ssue ad te rui afl the rallrSdoa4uuuAi lu the. ctty sud uunrt>u Tis),power 1. rwsated, es formrly ail of thaepaee, Nagais vus alloweal te erpend tpef tu IL proStlessay. AUl tint la roquýffl ta ta atone thus Immense payer and tSuh- rt Itlut profitable use. lTh. preblein pre- r ellt<d differs aomiewiait frein tint 0et Niagaria. lThe tîde! an. perlodle, àanti 7 not constant, ad the 1oer would bave to b. coiected i ethle tUme* of ti- grenteait exertlun ndwi ttred fer Iatew'. lie..0 .The. Niagara. people have already pro-, pesed te non a lin. to New York ta de vint the. tdes of the Hudaou sud Hau Blvene t"nid accompflsh nlgltt atomme ' Eltuer undertaklng la s large eue, -re-, qulrnn the.,xpendltune of mllons et dollars; bdt the resulte veeal o,î ti= jnstlfy lte outtay. Au Inexlssi- Ible slipply of poiwer frain out"*de woald proae,àablessiug that could bard- * ly be appreelateal tu-day. The prefflt - rie. anti prîtate house wovulal be aboi- leheal sud a clean, neut, plensunt metia- od subgtl'tuted. Whnt applies to New York - sud Brooklyn wou)l npply ta many etiier - citîca. The. tîden uf the. Delaware andi < Chempeake conîti b. converted lattelun- exiaustlble power te giva hetii 15 along'tlint conet n perfect and ci.sp clectnI ltIant. Tii. présent euîlook !' tiant the Nilag- ara Fallun-ower Couipunyavi lu atino -4 run an electalcal conîduit te New York tu supply ilia. moti-e ana l lgbtln pew- er of thie clty asud acburbi, unleus mont, eaterpntg body of capItalIste uter- tikee tu utîline the wasted powver cf thie tides nearer ut lhcme. A conduit Capa- ble of brlnglîîg lûfl o M. 20000 tiors pow-er frem in bgara would coxt more than n fur-traack eleauf nailaay. Thea luvestnient uf n slaitInr umonut n tel- lPetlng andi slorla gthe powver 0fthe. ti-es lu the NurthlaundiEast ivers - ouglît tif yîeld better result-Narth Anirk-an lt#.vew. No C4unterfeilîs Alleec. A v-ry ceikat, k-guI question auie tihe riglît Of s tîtiun te bave ceunIe?- feît nîouey lu Ill§la î>a&eriun forthie. pui-lîsMe o f condîaelng a legititunte buoelaam ha.n nrip,êeu lie uccatseeoftth. firn o f i)I-k'-,raî:in & luollen, îatilshC- .ers lu tise day of a i crodlcul devoteal le tIie descirptionî cf counterrfelt bsukL notes. 1fr. Dickerman wasrecenti! arreeteal ln î'biladalplîla. cliargedt violation ' cf a l'uderni statut. wiici prevents te holditng utfnay fac-elmllesetcfena'- rency Iusee by the goverument. Mr. Dlckermanprovea conclusieley sudta the complpte satisfaction of tbe. alere wtic made the arreet tint the countes'- feit money leh. auti as lu his poses- alun fer no ultenler purpoee, but, on tbe ci.ntrarv, was lieît for lie ppops.et warning the. publie aed prevutlug lis gene-al circulation of bogue curreucy. Itl spart of Mn. Dlekerman'a huaI- nes tgvilslt banks andi baukers and ex. plain lu 18cm lu perscu 80w new cont- terfelta mtoy b. detecteti. lu order te de ibis lie le ehuîged te cet hold of os counterfeit note anti nake a tiiorough examinatloncf ut. Il. bas alwaym bem careful net te permît auj of Ible boga-, money te gel ont of lbis poemsee. andti tere avas not thie ellghteet dange eftI t ting utu circulationi. He.bàd qutte a collection oet lIes. noteas *#d tiiey forme-i part cf bis stock lu tratde ' and uer. certiainly )aersnnl property, is Ncvertlaeus. lIhegovenaiment ageute cutiscatedth lena anti destroyeti theu- .New TYa-k lotianti lxpreus. A Judjge'e Blunaler. AItlacugi Judge -Bncon has often md- judicated ln the Bloomsbury Louty Court on the, fit anti cnt cf ladies' dre,ien lu tice01<1 style, 8e là net jet accustoesette eew wcninn. Wie% ta. teck lis sent in the tribunnl jester- dey, li. happeuedt teglance. nIthe pub- lie guilery, andl saw nome oue tuese vtti a stand-up coîlar round the neem, anti a clthcap on the head. "Take off your cap up tiser.," crled isl houer. Thie pernon ndtinessed mnade ne move- ment. 'Yen man, then,, take off jeur cap," reIîcted tIse Judge, leuder tisa before. "1 t's nlady," yonn bonor,"re- plicti an unknona i ce fnom tegI tery. *A what?" sual lJuage BaCon, "A woman, le It? Tien wiij doum ss drea.s 1k.tilat?"' Antiwen lie lawgâ- ter had subidet i e comuienceal tige business of the court. Front the. ne¶ýn woman's cap tber. flovedal swealtb fe flax.en curIe, aud a clerk vas hearq, to wlitnper facellously toe i. sier, "lV walllug to bb. catlatalto the bar, andi bas slready bought bervg'-L doa Telegrapti. It la net oftn that publie asu,- wi'a inreputation owu 10 the valbiiuIt- thelr dellvery, but a certain I=ôM#4 preacier once feunal It -Tér iqT J,