ýJ Ir1 de Oolmld evenu ticmot da .em eid m.sgoe.Twelve 9.'celwus the ruat i wh e cmiii go ovcr, sMd exscr tti'kit c ttoe io be . tarted off. walfed Iuickly, branchiug off a short eut uhat led gb ujie partk* Intiseh*Dower (vgé41eu . smi, asce hacumu. te ere 04," tbiclet. heheavd -a loi igàU»iv ««W«ugalfew #top@, he kýi't wte c gil uItbad beau sn Ibis thouglts. 1Mt. Bewyer'a ;à,teMd cmli.and sWatvoico. qu standing wlit ber f sec buied lu aiweepiug as tliougb ber- heart etood tuere for a moment heîtating ~OdtrembUlng wltb excitemueut, àia i. elp and cénfori ber strug- ,1tla tth. Inowledge that any snc e as futile. At the nere fbougbt ,wiug ber diapleasune down upou it ha turued haatly, reached is kto'sdrecoived a cordial wel- *iisa MÉ. .Eowyer. For nearly an 1*xq talkedtoebor, then a ligt ae beutd outaide, aud flou Wardo il th*e roem. abota d s i ltu answer té eqiff' mewht -coufuaed 'Ugrli. Bowyer beau té tal t,8àktch Wb" lltb i as témal. ienien.Thseylbai broigbtab».ué rniothilag *wîs them excepi an eaael, *Mb'was a painting, 5uat cepletei. >1 are qut. au artiet, Um Warde. We e prettier pietuire ou my vmals fligt upou jour ousel," saii Colonel è gtn looked pleassoi aibis apprecla- %évwem stayed te Iuucbeooabut 'Imedatobraftarward. He -es ltte ato mwite, and ehut f ile i etode lrectly ho ranch- 9WBa b. toua a face comlng e " md'thi ler.Alwaya the 4 lihwaiesi img. f lien lén lu tess or wltb. fan-soeiug ab- selM pari!spuebiehlipe. re or tbréee èbouead been epeni ln 'sed, *nitisa P oly hait bis e ='Ivteu we e heenful k bheand outalde, and Obarlie, 4.*t*loht radf$n4t, sioibefore aus lur eoeyon expected une, kae explelue. attder p cordial band- &. "lu tact la gm*thred ofold W&' proelpg, sud thon 1 waated té th hiaWIuetansce wuse 11e." u'e t ee flbefoe e 701are wel- 4 alboy,- " Werd h, Colonel, il.'?hle. big rsmbllng place la lu lubabit ail lone. I uumutlu="#osyou ldl 1Iexpeci, t u get .1db of te us li- 4:#r qf-tiatli 71met *ai.lovllet " e«eW as I came .p trous the ta- 1 boçwowui a pour Itmthe a- he i.peny MW sémo'tbig that ibs Ikp dand sent me nearly -~ -When I recovered I ian ,wuaasi«4 eetcblug at anuoeel; si *0w! tstwith ber begun ~kkIlkeUytlsig,-aud--diL ah.. f;orI tbougbt I best te join lu It uh u as againat myoeit. il 1W.an Âmeriean, and nelovely-elimply lovelyl" ~srtatthey écc:py the sali the fathor, moberty. -j cil harilug! Then yen viii ta-ore, n itedc I vat té ame ber again. r,. laugh, sud showed sncb &ad tison- hat oye.! ye er se sucb eyea"' v<0 cl d pronthel tipros- ~ Ie'a yuiband euberant 1 tsaui10hm tisai the mad- daimvrai a thling to Oni 4ib éR eimuls biden - 1M'.ýIuiWarieý, but for- Wha ime. Wbat $ f iagray hairesud Opl'shandséme naya But. aven bai t rit uwas impossible at.p te nlvalry witb bis d#.40keeina resu ithe bai0 euseutei té go DpeBose liem »lb t mthie t- lefi ber aide sud bM vii Mr. Bon-yen, s oicursiei ou thé r nes lu bigb spirite; auie eartily; sud 0 tphat the Infection Iy ro thne room '.,leanusg onard, Mnsgray oye qeuevidentInjter- jàipe bai lpon sui- Ç- ,~ o.bà . Colonel ho couli -filon ebouli àe cru," Oe.sai. "MflisIMa"y eathubeiée, the vlcmr's iaughtor. Weied on mo té- day." "I am giai oS uhat-ehe in sncb a ic. girl, and nl hoe a pimsat frind for "That la quit. impeeehbi," ecametailant lu a 10w sirained vole.."hIs 14for that I nrant Four seelsiancerToenknow ber Weil, aUi man çxplaIn te ber ibat I am veny g rateful t. ber for ber kindaeusil comismg téosue me but 1 uever mal. "Tour receut lésa will bu aufficiont ex. caue.. Braud by. nien theo rui violnce. of your egrie apeuai, ie may hope te viti youn frlendshjp," mid Colonel Severnu. "hI la ot a receut lbas-lt happonedl nealy a joear-mgo. aud uothing maualter my resoîntion. 1 caunenolr make a triei," ah. broIe ont, petulamtiy. Db. gava khmber baud lu faroveli. aud bie beld lu revefeutly, loint b er earn- etly,,as thousi niabtul that is eyes could sMy ail tbat bis tanue faliled aptiy te expres. Sbc rousei bereoît ani ent back ta the. bouge. Thers wère llghte lu al tii.nooms, sud asitbe approacisai a shadow méved acroas the bliniof lier ninion. The fignre im- medllately disappeanci. When th. reach- ei ber room, ne ou@ a thora 1Directly site sud Mr. Bowyor bai loti tbe bonse. Mm. Priolé. vié badl been watcbing for tiis opportntit, lipped up- staira at leisure té préecrréhonrsearch. Drawer after drnwer waa carefuliy ax- amîned; but uoibing rowarded ber exér- lions excepi a dila bouquet, with the lace and pale hioc rîbbons sail» around h. À large portngèiéstoéi ujrlght againat the. vali. it as locked, but as abe lifteto it sh. samy apaper préjecting, sud as the &beok It vigorously several thers flut- terei doyn. She picked iboni up oagerly. The Birt sbc looked ai wu a photognapl of flou Warde, as Gaîstea; tse second photogrupb. as RoWaind, Tii. girl vas uothiug but s play-aets'es, docidei the hénsekeepor viti a thrUi o f bornr, for. *getifil of thèse oh dsys when she bersoît- bai boom a not tony respectable'bar-mai lu Motreal. Anéiar phoiègraph-Elmine %ni Ada together. their arma inteciaeed, tbe'twé golden beadu tonchlng. The esemblauce was striking. Thora bai been s sister. Wasfit for bier hat Ellen vore tiat ri- dicuu enedep mouruing? Seversi sketceseresaiue ta b. boen- bits of secnery; a heai, nougbiy éutlined, of a Young man of about iwonty-Bive, with dark oye, close-erépped bain aud a aaufll poinited mustache. Who was ibis? But the uext, the lasi of the asketchès, brougit e low of satiafaction Jutao Mn. Prlol'a tai face. [itwas a vlew of Syd- ney, and ibe date. Match P. Wby. iu vas the very yeur sud moth when eh* hersait vas ai Sydney 1 No-lit va. Apff ihue ha ba een n trauge- iy iemertidhy lber employer. Ah. nOv te.va*u i èscot-now she bai the clou! Ellen Wande aud Mn. Bonyer badl probably lfti Syduey to- gthr-why? The creaklng eftihe gaie distunbed bier, Hastily slplag the sketches back. she vus sate lu hern nomn before Ellen Warde liai mounted the staina. CIIAPTER VII. Mr. Bowye'a native air was apparetutly not agreelng with blu. Wbatéver the cause, ho becamée ntons sud irrituble, and sîtogethor oui, of heulth. Thé doc- tor collea] It a bremkiug up of thm aystem; but Mn. Bovyer bumnsef sai uhat lu vas "Iiter." 1- Chunlie Severn was la and out of the bouse ail day, With béylsb ilanegard of n-bat bis visita migbt h. takén to menu. Hoevas iesperately lu love viti Ellen Warde, and bis passion wsa apparent té every one excopt ben wbém lt Méat cou- crnei. Sue thougbt of hlm ouiy as a pleasant compunién, nWhé pussaéaed thé happy kuack of making ber forget ber troubles, If oly for a time. Bo aeeon- Joyed bis séietY vithout any mlagiting, wecut vanderng vith hlm tbrough the uelghboring vooda. sketcbed wit bhlm, nover dreamiug vhat al ibis meaut té the Young man. Non did sIte dreami thai thon. «as danger lu leaviug ber beuefac- ton n ofttn alêne, sud mater nottlcei éw day by day Mrs. Pniélo was taking hor plare and uienmluing the aid man'* fath lu ber. Mr. Bovyer himeaof mater kuen- boy lu hegan. Fe iiyAs iecldedly unweil, uerr--, on.sud umtng, and paiicularly oq> ceptible té outaide Influence. If Elwq bied devotei benoît ta hlm nov aus@*à, bai doue befère, she uught have nureli von bIs confideuce aud nover let jM again; but the neglect that began lu caWe lessens becs.. mu estraugenienit thouf 1 er pide; for, as Mns. Priolo ucurped i 1riista, liteai of Bigtlug, sIte renéuoe thena qulotly. LAnothen cîrcurnisune.distressi -t 1Colonel Severnu bai never been t t@ iDouer Rouse gane. hat dey on whiti0, bai ukel for is al ied. aie.l u wsy fallen lu his estimation? - 1 She badl nét boom uttenly blini ta 10*. 1Piolo's machinations. SIt efcèl vpt fail te ose. tapi that lady n-a endgnil ité keep hon avay froni Mr. Bow iê 1ai luts h reolved té actbof *romionsirsie witli ber. "lse. Priol," she sai on.eIS X de g'. try ta come betweeoMe eli au se plaluly t4 euvua e is ll. . »4to&.I uo* once teMr. ]3owyer sd h wht bas paaeed betweffl ne. 1 shau teD bita tiret 1I ant noir bis aff'ectio>n, »ot bis i Her decided attitude end evideut de- terininatiqu, tu curry ont ber tbreet madeo the houésekeeper grow red, tben pale., with apprebension.% "I don*t sec wht god that woà dû do te ettber of us-and li oo 1ii, touo1"è ebr- tnarked, baatily. "Thon Promise me yos ul IIdo em wisb." ljusiated Ellon. I"Lot un be té- gther alone lu thse moaning A êeellag amwouiedtobe. Ifyonwasttoattaýck, 1 Wo me at leaut dofendmyei. * ame abznt i aMer. Misi»W]Mens YQU e se.," besa the. wemen. Thent. abfsftide .1 lut the rlngingmianneru *ho a4iie4, obis added, meauingly, "Nad *tt ever 4ç- Mlater?" .8lie Womls nt prep.rod for on immedlate or go declalvo a rusait. Eilon Warde feui back agaluset the b~4r.Witb w141e opened oyeais ete edaul t t6 speaker, ber lIps agwhte au cheik. 1 "Yoji leite meOin.. mud111 lesre "'e alon." obsoeved mm. Priole, sud. n*0& ding ber bond trluuipbamiTl, el e àtt9e. ward the. rom wbÎe oMr. Bowyef WSB seated, feeling tbat elle had weon *0-lmrne with points to apare.1 OHÂPTER VIII. Two or tlre o mthi b.d Pasasui lap Colond el e]es at viaited tb* ZKèïes Houe.. Chalile hadl alwrdys aakd4bîé coupmWr at rt, but iatterly »à , *11- dontly prcferred gons thither iaM. 9aîl day bis father stopped bhlaet*I "Cone futétoMy dem a mment *- 'I.vanttostpeekwtoryou,"hie sulid."Yo areof :;té isi Doen Host: uèlsl 'lYeet, ir," anawered Charlie, witMb bi usual franknoe. -Con I tak. anyhMie. "Have You ever thought, charis, toi wbat these daily visita nulS O"Mlt you? lit la fot fair te Miss W«rde, mal. ing ber contpienus by your- attentions. uniesa you realiy meuan te aukhberte i your wlf-"2 "And; If I did, ir. ahould 1 haire your approvaIr' interrupted the ber, eagerly. "I want you te be certain oS ,Your own mmnd. Yeu are very young, aidyTnlia change." "Netert" saadCharlie, Wthouaperabon dance. of emphaiai. "Yeu muet remember,' went un bis father, '"that we know ,otbéing of the antocedents of elther Mr- flét7r i. soif or bis niece. They bteevldebly some trong reason fortbilsatict melu- ilion they insist upon; m=4i jou muet a yoqrself whether, in case anyti6î trao- aplred to-to Mias WardWoadtsdvmutage, your love ia strong enougb to stand the "If sellisain trouble. tuere -le the more reason wby site sluould have génie one to help and protect ber" enswered Char- lie, sirnply. The Colonel laid hl% bond ufotlonatelir on hieson's shouldet' ln mute approval. "lThen yoti do nlt ob$ect té My aaking lier to becoule uly wfe. ir?" "Mly dear boy. 1 have told y0î before that in niyopinioén athersaebould have ho authority in the motter of à so'. mer- niage." -It tikea me," nid iii. oulog felln* after a pause, "tbàt we'bave been tahitg rather a one-sided-'View 01 the. question. Suppose"-witli a aiden catch la big voice-'suppose elhe wo't. have liqe?" The Colonel remalned aient. But Vhat- Ie'a fears once arouaed. would flot liesn easily ll:iyed. Nthing ttOti id stl hlmt but t hat hia fither ébold fceom- pany linia ad give hie opinion au to whether the. case woi'e hopelme or nt; and Colonel Severun t.lmitantiy Cénselted. Elleu came forwe.t I o =est itheni as th..y passed %bthrgb ithegaie. She bal been gatherlug toum:,but no one of them could vie with b ii.rlInWon that came inte lier cheeks. 1 'q am sgla»uti bare coue &gain," laid Elien, giving hSbeobad to tbe Colonel; "aud Mr. Bowyet yul b.ho ry giad tei see you, tee, 1 boy.", shte tood wlth t4owurcaut 07e, nervous. 1>- fingerlng ber UûwO.eesas hoe quietly spoke hie excu me for bis paat neglect, aud waiked On 'te joia Mr. Bowyer, Wbo 'vas Sitting ontailde the bouse. *'you are bttpir, I hope?" ho saad, civil- y. n heu theonid lawyer bad shakei banda iiti, hlm. ,"yen" replied Mn. Bowyer. "lMy niece also has hoon nnuwell. SIte comea dOwn i. the wornni leoklng s thougb sellhfad staiai l'I ", i'e," besoan Severn, and thon sud- denîly stépped. -I know whst 705 were ginglo 111Y," iniahed Mnr. Bowyer, quickly. thse idea striklug hlm »w for thefrt timo. "Per hape ahi le lu love. Would yen approve if austblug came of that?" asked Mr. Bolirjer, eMétlY. 1"Bbe la a gond girl-. s reliy gond girl; and"-« the other did net aye.«-,"sbe wlll have tweutY thon- gaond pounude euber on bier wedding daY or 'riz wuld lie gla to marry ber. wtidit a peuly," ssid Colonel Severnu, cuttly.: 1 'à liglt uund atqracted bis attention et thse open Wludow bebind tbem. Look- sIu 46 le a a White maliclous face, pejg.tr am n ebind the curtains. ai- xiont mnmgnlxable with rage, Yot he ~av Jçt ceUl belons to ne ther thaix ýLm«aut bave averbeard Mr, Béwyor'a 1*PMW>eel Iteatioh of giving 00o-large ia __%haii.ule The.flicsellai ,lIeeu ~~A Au t once; lit won onir for an ipoi tutcolonel Severn ba" sem h; j4t -M- cpId nutforgef its diajuolleaiex- éï-ul'W sud fait alarmed foi BIeiDa w elà Ia jon had t b ousekÉieper of 'i~ aubeu 'it mesomfe bine or tin I I OHAPTER IX. Ira. Friolo 1usd nev allen- gr~n-~ under ber fa.t, dluoevetiie in lii iesh~. lad ssu's'ltiaa*ss fi th #nuarsa J*Ppfl lOtUven" loi Ber sdM401" og# etê*ad sait .éle b ew c0"qm.d la tuat dredfsita=ywu UOteitu *eroof wluh ber, lier ortie. WcutbueIa. mre liteuse '~bêoadI hoémltak-two alatema. lànsppoded to ho tu love man, Mf s. Pniole reeafled ,ephe, rsphAwhad serti et the .twe SlUh i4eteb et's youg s î,4; Wh àaqiry, s»d ait'a douht re- ie iibut tbt a Sen as merély analas for 'duie " 8h. twruqd over tii. page t tiw- t erdicét'ad been. ouinder agliatsoea=re ulnéùwm." Why, mrely Pom alO >ele heultted to pronmuce Vnhw iLfemwZaater ybat baL hieu uB t ii was oay the croners E -rcourse, and ibe re"ittial wdl follew. q> brew thai paper tl"mpttl on out bMw ad topt up iii.nexi weeka issue. ~h'rtUnes on wheh ber gane allait- -M toM ber *Il-*'Tbe Sydney Tragedr. V t h unspectedImordemreu .-oi te ecame te ÜUic tC7endui d fie faU force of wbat ah. wA# reedint aibelber. -14 entarihlua aioulai of the gr' guilt w5e imlpogoilc ftsoewalgag ,thé. *Il- ueuce *gond ber. , iho was a murdas. a"L ladbecs liu'Ig tith IeumO o ng uneapeeted mi undred-wee eve aioV aloewth lber benifaciort Aomr freuy oret t esituaithe hobse keept. Se secd up stalle atbougl ilbepriaerm lu Newgate were le Iooee and were following swlftly ai ber CHAPTER X. i ns a bot oppressive day la .IuIy EveA ladoors, wîta a breeze blowlug tbrongli the open wi.dov, Mn. Bowyer toIt laugui d nluert. filouual, s ususi, dressai lu deep moutang; ber thick hîsel merno, nih h eavy folde of oape,eemed aimont te weigh hlier iu snd eh. Iéekod pale sud tired. ",Chili, have you ne thinner clothes? Thai freed la geitiugsisbbby, too. h no- ticai yestenday bèw bnèvn lu lookedinl the light," gpèle Mn. Bowyer. "h Wn lget cééler soe.' id Ellent nud tbou, discloslng vint bai beau lu ber thengits for the. past fov uvoola, eh& adici: "I thinl5sèmetlmes tbatI isli nom a net the bout ubiug for me. hit ives me tee much tisa. for theught. And, then, n-hy abouli I ho a hurdniote10on ail my lita? Don't imagine," mie continuai, earueetly, knoollug hestle bis chair, "that I 111e to leste you. Il vas n geuerous, n noble of yèu té stand by me aud leni mue sucb powenful idWbut nov--nov I tibil hbest for bhou our salies ltai va ebouli part." "And niai dé yen tbiuk ot dolng?" Net an accent of neprouch iedibeen la hon voice, énly lève snd gratitude, but ho kuew, ansusrely as thougb *ho bai toli hlm lu plain vènie, ubat she wiahoi te go because the toit s@he nas né longer veleéme, Uncomfortable aud ill t at sa. ho took refuge in apparent dIepleasure, et ber suggestion. "I1 tbougbt of going as a gèvenneu," site answerei. "Are, you avare ibat for cvory situa- tion thora are not les@asibas fîy appli- cauts?'. *Well. I can set. Wby should I net go on theostage, union a toignied naie?" "lYou Iuov au veil as I do-wbat objé- tiens thora are te that seheme." l'Yeum-eau tub a shéli h. nocoguai, trackei-bai 1I tauigi e eillbave nover attempied té escape? Dé yén kuéu liai otten I bave been tempici te go back et my on-n accord, snd-aud tale my chance?' (To h. continuai.) Nov MtliiargRaliroad infa Iiia. A mountaln ralînoad 0f great strat- egle value han jusi been comploted by tIse British Gévenumeni lu the Iniean frontor. luneuatbrough the famous Bolan Pasa-luvhléh sn many Engih soldions bave penlsbed-io tise Import- ant pont of Quotta. Ton years ago a î-ailroad n-ne épened frein Bibi to Quoi- ta, but ibis ha@ proved a cimpleto fail- unre ln consequeu.e of troquent la nd- sies. Thé mew road runis ovon tIhé old one ni thé cinni sud thse finish, but tIhe smxîy mie luthé iniddle. n-hidi traverse the pasa, couctitute a short eut, and have beon consiructod lu thse face of extrnénuanugineerng diff- cuitiez. Tise higéet point of thé lno la ai Kolpur, 5,463 foei above Bibi, sud sevonteon tunnels, varylng lu leugtb froun 100 té 1,000 ymrds, bave been eut tbrougis rock or day -hère thé toun- dation ceornai suré'si. Of tise tun- nels, tisai ibrougl tise Panîr HI i te tise méat dillieuli undimluportant. lu la 1,000 yards ln léugtis. sud the <snly n-ny of oyerconstng tise difficulties présent-ý ai by treaCherous grouni n-as téelus- port Euglisb laborers té do the il- beronIg. If the tuninels on ibislimUe are Important, the bridgea are not leu seg, thse main object te b. achieved belng thse defeai 0f thse Doler River, n-hidi, n-bon peoded, bocomea stornt sweep- lug ail mbasskmo ntsand bridges ho- totn Ilt.Tier. are Imany bridges ef ouiy a ton- yards lu. leugib, but the two ment important are calod the Han- ner ssid tie Ocopur. These ar eoaci more' tsa 150 yarde lu leugta, ai tbey are slxty-Bive foot aboya thse river vlan la torrent and 'are p*scel; jecuro aganst the vonet fbois. 1a0 givo a edean Idea et the dimcuy oeth6e route, i:mi uns' ho entioéaeO ihat la the mogt difiluit section of al-thai he' i-oea «fruit aud Kolpur-the Boiai tmviie a lueosci no e eontienia*p ttmes ln fourt tuues. wilhIe?-PWhat lae i.meuing of -06 ezptmoelo, "tonc ds idgo?" PapaL-. iroi poilSd retenrate "bvotme elousi boitiowOten-DOF me a toue' &M Ogbuntet en MeloM M se. n' day .and'that je whàtýwe give Barjain's in qu'antlty.ý Bargaineý q.u .çlkty, and'bargains in price. ' store- is 80 arranged that we van kom eveythngin the best and'-nvx" he althy condition. Our grocerlesj the very best in the market, andie aresellingthem at-the lowest prIe Fruits,' Caties, and N uts,'alw-yê large variety in stock. In aur Meat Market, depa-r-t we have great bargains in fron é g ters from the very beat young-, -Corned'beef--sweet and nice-a4 prices. Fish.*Oysters and Sm0I Meats always on hand. Homne-R dered Lard and Sausage, aIways, bottom prices. TRIGS& TAýY'LO.R. ýJuîcy and Sweeono ....TENDER, NEAT,-", and good to eat, are the Meats-you get at,' the New Market of AUSTIN & MALLORY We are flot competent enough butcb.rp' to cut Pôrterhouse Steaks from cowIs- horn.-as other butchers say they can-bu' if you want a good savory steak. gIvê a trial and be con vinced that we sell noth- ing but THE BEST. Our Prices are always right... Corned Beef f rom 3c to 7c per pound. Ail orders promptiy delivered at your door, f ree of charge.... AUSTIN & MALLORY. First Doot Norths of Eger'a Hi.rilwarte. The Best Place, COUNTY' To Buy Lumber,«Coal, Mili-Fesciý Farm Wagons & Buggies, IS AT %WRIGHT & SON'8, Libertyville, 111. Meare Always Prepared to Supply yotir W'umts ins Agricultural Implements, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. Always get aur estimate before buying your Building Material. 2 FOR UEU ePrà It le soine trouble to wvnleto t rela- tives ani friends ofttn: and mauy do nét have *9iie ai A large number of -ont aubeatbors Send the~ INDEPENDENT lusteai ot-vritiug luttersasntisai give ail Lbe nons and la much sbolier in many repecte. hiIII Mb. Latcheaper titan wrtiur lotons FRANK LESL Frank LIo': P -i - FOR BOYS AND U AIugb.Whlémonu. Investi I Vu4t' luaUa4ted. me%0itut utn H.* C. PADDOCKIF Fra nk aL.. am,. on. . for Frankusle*o lé'aanp loUar-t& Mdi Girls and ithe Ielwiiss'muzvt