, . sit bai hltheito can- i t Ii tte sucetekt de- hé, e, olîti anti Impregabt hob.had semedt, vws beu- r iai bie pèeesverance n'a Gnt>' bas bit e e..Ht bats tbt ionuor etfsuiyoitr baud, SKumhys nid ho- bis daugl- out day. Ieor*hlci1Irespecitul>mabt o t bout ef cannae ative ta thetire- a 0att f mcii a marriase," , mt tilh à weepiag courtea>'. l.télb uonsense, DL Wbom de> h$ta main>' " i«Ualy papa-" ah. bossu; bat tirsirply sud veut on: ret-six anti a bt," ah. adMlttecî, 1n.îueenruptmng blIt lu ber 4rnu. mare reamon jon shouit be thiuk- ettfles tiova. I eau tell jon ibat Seuntir'men beain to flghil ah> Whol ueut >'oun sgt in sihugie alt" ~wu a petchies vlth haugliticat sWas ber father going ha ho the " loitrenegade tron lte creoti that 4toLoOt ber? r. otildth aer 1 matie a menai- 1é9-th&1Rmoit marry ai ail?" she que&- gi'~a t! Tiiene la no question of a sseIn tiiscase. 1 ehoul>! never OO.ti af Colonel Grey- if le vers on bl~e .prend ?' she ashe!, loak- à9yItt bis face. "A"t 1 b prend et ackaowledgiag a duetor as My' faiber-in-la w ? Ppa, =* ecouhcmpiating sncb s matdli . F ster la Lady St. Maur. Hlm 1ýlx tht celelinateti Q. C., anti be bas aet thé Hors Guanis." U1." vWent au Diana, thougbtfiîlly. "sIW Dot no gooti a match iu point of as Mn. Graeme, of courte'; bui 49 tier confreutet i hm pale anti tky-u mesu, pape, that >-an coulai U-, bis couacotion yulh traite, trgsd uI veli lov Uet 10mari'>'Mn. 90*6 evei-4Wta If 1 viabeti I, ant- 'I4qev, i1 îiidbp on!>' oo plessed" -the Coasimoier, fumbling 0 ~ e aeru mtbough polit.!>' ta t $etM sit4îe6 be coulti htiter boan lous. tkan beu preseuce. But no' I ae e ouettliai e h i& i Ueou is Dase, anti looboti thre igli hlm tiaughten. vas biushlug lîke at rose, ah the hlte tiai wtt. paesing hisugli ber î#butMn. Kumiys tauffl tti ias ~ddPride tIhabd sentthi. calort t , cboek.and histenedto ta aue bis =t =Yn, Dlane, lIa 1 vas vtry u,. Se for u eai ret. At ti*enty- %% Ivent horne On tunlough, belare xr'poor Motben dieti, jon remu.pber! v ertt loveliemi girl I lad over 0--e. Postion Seemedti te' ibea Om than you laed a-rlgbt ta alU-île suâdomeit, lut Dot as TOnU 'eP 1 mýen *go. Xou are olden Dow, of Iu; u uoMehovjYon have neyer la taeti favorite vith men. Forgive r ple a bing.DI." NI jM Y omi srtouI>' cruel ta be 4"1 h Me "netietiquichi>', iao prend MBW bients sse'hburt ahe vas. "I lrd em t. om pour n'onb, papa.", diM ttinto vends lime itugli ot eSPut aeher mimd wyul lusidlons Ii;~et vtt a lutile maties., that tW _W ceama t i eecgresi W h br, i heued ,Mot certaiîl>' e brsef'oa thé ashilae t'anbî- "v~ ice $siteuitd iraitilmeovereti thea eansidered ber mai love ebit th eicthlirever, site lad ~at t s tatp oi ut, or ahtlat d6eva, MIe hati neyer allovoti f0 Aen onîthe Ihappinea susch e .Tebee,If he ethrnet 1h, ha * ékvbew«wetber - v trae ton bar or not: aie bad lvfeu ho tbnon' hlm anti jane wgthen'htever'.It vasPosible. vtho MM es fes'tuat same tat fnai Val Qnaeme ibere as vas. Jane Wu h tie.t»c, madti hintibut site veut la 8" ltt55t, réltuahtull)-. tht ata for a chat.", pýýMWAutubsi em ysIul'o the . Who vms on bis bute ennis beas a.lefi tht Whi 14ber. lu a fev mii O ut cheSrtuil> over ber - "ceY lobetiup vhcu ber, oulilacludl lt ok elsewhmre for a:> ag ntadmission, nyr omte C- augeta er- vit atsia m that t'MrWU' aît thuarte>! t# menceptar> te breafa sad thon tIrs.Dent vas vr>' bus>', so left me te catertain hlma. I vas ver>' glat i ltieti you came." ,,le ihai trut?" "Ye., of course. Wby, you do't ihlk-" ta J'ne stoppai short, meetinîg the otier's aearching glance. She kuen' the vas bing cross-questiontd, but for ose nornit itinet quit. etefor ubat ebject. "Jone,"aketi Diana, solemul>', "doi YOU mea hounMarry>'Mr. Graeme?" "17 No. Whsi au ides r'-wltb the ghoet ofaamsele. "Thu"-dtsperaîely-"uby tio't jour show hlm mo pisai>'y andi-andi let others "Diaus," saiti Jane, dernurti>', as tIc>- vere t li beyoad car-abat, "I don't tbiîmk 1 $1hal have mmcli te explaiu afier ahl. There n'as certaial>' uothiag af flirtaion, uathhlu even pensoaal lua ur long conver- sation to'day. lb bail jusi struck me titat Mr. Graeme vas talkiug nearl>' al tht tint about jon."1 There vas no palier non pritit lu Mies Kuolly' face non', sIc vas blisiing lite au>' schtool-girl nas hhy reacheti Mrm. Den'.aidie, anti she caultiscancel>' stai- mer oui a suitable nemourir. An aid mix- ture of ahane anti triumph matielier bîite unlika berseif. She vas atraidt t meet June's ejes lcçt sshaonîti gnoeg nliai keen hope ber varda bati awakenoti. Direct!>' she couidti he tbah ber icave, ouI>' tac giadtto atouetho tîîink. ' Aund nov Jane ha>! somethiug ta cci- ider. Hem thouglit a Itel>' lia>!been cou- cetratet on lier own affairs, nti ale nis wenrY of trying ta salve tht vexe>! prob- lem of han' bout ta unruvel tht taugleti ikein af difficuities that bouet lier. Il vms a rolieftetarom ber attentiontote mie- tbing else, If oui>' for a short tfine. ,;be knev Valentine (jyseme bat admiret- licou ucar lovIag ber, lu tact, betore lier engagement ta Colonel Prtaaep vas nau- nounei, andt Iat agila of laie bis inter- est lu ber haîti seeedta b. navivtng; but ehe bad kaown tac mucli af real> ipas- alouate love, tht lave associateti, alia, vith sin anti sorran', te believe that lis affection n'as ver>' deepi>' acateti. An opportuuiîy tatalk n'itli Valentitie alane occurreti taler it tht ta>-. le liat shaye t t lunclican, sud attervarti ail ibre. vers gatheret round tht ire, lie cliatting ta tMns. Dent, andi Jane deep ini ibongbt agto hon'te coulti lit Ibrnig about au expIa nation. Then nome bouse- haIt dut>' calleti tir. Dçe aws>-, andi thetw tvwere let atone. "Hown it-ethia idie lime ie!" observed Valenino, deamil>'; thea, witb sis. af il flashes of fun, lie atitet, comicail>-, "Don 'itspoil lh b>'trylug ho amuse ne." Sho laushed. lb vas anaid joke againsi ber tbat ahe teokibte verli "ta eniertain" hoo litenal>. It muet bave hoentu lu oule ldasure dus he ber Scotch blooti, op that aucon.ciousl'nmre mtmary of the ol>!, more practical lite -lu laruacks neuisineti viib ber; ai an>' rate te noeeu alouai thcuplet&antiviite atm.>',long un- oceuiedand henValentine apeut the day vltbh tem a' nov »there n'as îîa chance oftebis ntiiug an>' lelaure tImeteuh minappl>'. MM .Dene bai notice>! irat bon' Jane pravideti ail ber gueula vlth albums anti books of vieva, thon mai nean prini>' ex- plaining or tecàntlug on tbein merits. Sînce thon Il bati beome a universai joke. Nov, bovever, ahe vantai auj>' l a, andi sait sa. "I an straiti," said Val, thaugitfnll>', "I have exhanstet my aiginalit>'. 1 dont believe I have another remark ta make. Yan coniti hardi>' expecii atter a whole day'a uninlennupteti conversation." ; 'That's jumi it. Wbj do jeu corne te oten 7" blurteti oui Jane. H. pushed bis chair lbock tramntht iro, andi pung ta lits feei. "Do jon menliat I arn unvelconit- that j corne ton oflen?" hlieceiine, blanki>-. "'Suppose," the sait, nitb a fini anflie boverlng on ber lips, "that ail this titi>, whie jou have been taneyiag go differ- ontly, son have been'iu realit>- sbcadiy but unconsciausl>' ftling in love n'ith nme oeevcer snomranch prettier annuicm ibsu I"-au obsthuate shako of the liost frarn Val, wiîlli he ignore!. 1"Suppose tue, that abe la begiuuing le care for jeu In neturu. Anti suppose >'ou shouldticli fortunale enangh tuta in sncb a liosutitîti bride, anti there shaniti b. asweditig- anti 1 ahlot .tte, no glad, oh, ago gladt tae.tva sncb gooti frients lhappy!" Vatenine lue2ed 1k. a girl, and hie. beari wsa beating quicki>', Was it posi- ble tlat vhat aime said vas true-that lie neally dît love Dîmna boit? be tliought ta bieseif. "Anti Yeu, Jon>-I-own is t i o n'itl jan ?" aabed Valentine. "With ne? Oh, neyer mind me!" she replied, n'ith lier face st ituructi avay. " But I do mind jan ver>' nucli. Tell ns," ho sali, dtierately-for ho bai weigbed the malien lu hie miad, sud con- elute t hai h. vas net mo deepi>'lun love n'ith Dians, but thai ho lad a ver>' testw anabit chance of happinesa witb JoaeIf sho tiecidedte taaccept hlm; aho hadt Ii fIrai daim upaU bis affectious, sud Ir vaulti not b. snob a terrible socrile atter all-"itel ne, vouiti jeu ot lie bappier If jan marrieti me? Yeuan hau ne botter thau neeni>' an>- on. tise sud 1 voulti taire gooti cane of jon, ho sure. DD'i >'ou bhiuk j'on coul>! le coatedt' n'itb ne?" 5h. turneti quit-hI>-antidilaced ber bamd4 lu hle. Site nierstooti lin aIt j% ex am tumoe citarl>' thon ho aw hwotl thai bu %las offeiug ta ive up bit oinS happneis fer bers. "Hon' gooti you are-lion'gaod Foit axr' t he munnuneti. "Indeeti, 1lau ver>' irmieful; but vhat ,ron sugge 4euq uoven b.. Noer, buttee me," .he te- peatet i 1mb>, as lie matie a noôveeutn ta speak. 11ath renuaiail, ut fer a Moment, thon mie spoke again. '1 Muet go suad tIU-ra.- u. »ov. oehtloua, viiether iteO'iikt>Iansb" reas the bether, n 1 helpod i u ho idé,e.e actusilly dd dnot kriow uhai ho vwulu love wîth Dlaus tltii1Itolt imt."' "Antisan tai h.> on yonrself," snid Mr@. Dent, %wth a suspiciou& remun- strance lu hcn toue. Jane liftcd bler eyeht'on's ligl>. "I tditinot vaut hlm. 1 neyer intebd ho mari'>'ai ail." lire. Dene n'as sdent. It cecurre te t lier thal il uighi reai>' cuti no. iniâ the Colonel, anti then the Sergeant, tht lover of former tisys, hati been dismîsseti, anti attervard the litto .A, D. 0. anti Barry- Larron. Non' tht ÂdJtintmi as sent ava>'. She vas losing *il ber laver. Buft atter- a fev tisya sUe founul'Wcc- @ioe atler bol oplaieu Celotnel Pria' sep bati becs unre. titues tathe bungalow on thr4e succesailve nonnga. True, io bad tayeti ouI>' a short tint on eack occasionandttiho alvas-acane viii declareti abject; yei morne aubuie ehauj lu hie manner betrayeti thai haoua louper aven wisbed ta boileve himseit intiferett te Ja. Anti Jane, vhat were ber féeI. luge aunithe subject? Sbc determine t e fiad out. "Jen>'," ashe nid batganme eveai»&g as ibm>' ai together afier thelr- quiet dinîmen, "I womîder n-b>' (oloel iPriaup liaw.been liet e o tien Intelyr ' Jenny's beati was boutlion' over ber work as sLie ausn'ered: "You anti le n-ere ai-nys goot tieutis." "Anti are still. But if bie coutiug vert dsagreenîle to you-is il disagretabie ta joli, Jean>*'" Shle raised blen eyes. lirs. Dentmasto- posite ho ber, lier knittiîîg needios fi.A Ing i anti out of ber dccc>' n'ork, lme ie- llght glanciug tîpon lir short caris nMdl davu-turneti face. It truck Jane boy yeuug and i nuing ahe looketi. A shavp fear sashie>! hîr Iat inis hianght b. the secret of tlchen 1Pitinsep'u vis Intel>-. Her hnsbaud bcd been dead a ycar non-. Jane, lîke mai»' otert*.Iad neveu tiionglit there lied been tu> deep affec- tion between ('alitait> ljine ant iea ito,; thet'efore lb n-ns ite notre likel> site wnnd mnrry agnin, andi tîlct su probable us that the olti frieudshlî'tht lat alîvays been hetween lier nud the Colonel shouid develop ito aomelliing sweeter.? - "la il?" reis ated Nora Dea., tofly>. "No; n'ly sbould t het" vaw-tiherept>' glî'en lu can, utllile hts- " o e vs lotît torgotteit everytiîing-everytbîîg that ruiglit make it uîîeornortable for uns te meet." A sight iat-reduiî>us clampe, but noing mole. Tht-v siottl have theîr owp va>', Mrs. Dene decndet. anticonte togeiher Il s» iuciined, wtthout an>' interfcrncc tram lier. The foliow-iug morîîiug Colonel Prinsep veut ta te bungalo again. Jane vas ontside, but led ju-doors n'heu sie sa, hlm inithe disaance. As lic passeti vhere alie liati li c leglanedtehosee vhat ah. had beeu doiitg. A large flover-pot of cuttinga n-as saiiîiug tb.ere vith severai Fmaller eues raîtged beside it, anti-ou tht grounti lay n large nirer ring ibai ah. lietataken off before oeobati hegunuher n'ork, and inu ber rapîi light bad torgot- icu. It %%,as te ring mie alirays wore au the third inger ai ber lIcti anti, anti n'hieh Coloneli Prinsep brut once titongbt miglit liea sigu etflier betrothal ho Jaýl-b Lyona.Now blieliftcd anti examined'id$ eurioualy. It n'as evidcutlr 0f Indiumn n'arkîniîanaiipqusînhi>' ombomet, and fb madetihît i i eetikle titre nnab joined. %ash led Ih ib>cenher Ç lion moved bentailî#ih tonds. It turne, conip!etel>-. antid m that belou IQj perdu a wedlug-tlne Ilb ouitidm1>' 14 the oeethai h.hadti irovu.down lu auger the da7 they veret lavue hotu marrieti. Under bia tain mushacliabbts lips quit. ereti in haît-amuseti cuotion, bis ecote grew woudrmi'at soft lu their expres- siou; he feu ltemptei ta farego bisn'at- lug garne, aud followng Jone, confront ber willi Ibis proof of ber lave for bits. Yel lie knaw b. shonitioui>' ho courtlng another refusai. Hie vaut>! a Moment te Iturticuhinseif à tittle la the part b. hsd to pay, andt thamilpplag bock thetun>', shifttig panmel. 100k oui tht plain golil lioop, andi lothe utouiite cage, tili open,. drap upan the grotuti.XIl rolitti lose tg a amaili nrean uhai rau Ilrougli the com- pound, DO neat' that tht muner ring inigtft wieli ho âmpposedte tahave fallen Into the n-atcr lasteati of, re.poaiug afel>' as il: tit in Colonel Prnsep's vaistcoai-pockct. Then ha veni thi'ougb Ithe open door hâte tht dran'tng-norn, nhere lie founti Irm Dent aloste. Ht liait corne ostensili> te bell tht ladien of smre regimenrai spûrts, n-bld vee te l atte place that atternooi , anti ask pirmisslon te estcrt 11cm ter.. Mmns Dent nreaill> coîisented, "if," ab* suppleenehd, *"Jane %would go." "lTien 1 ha>! btter n'ait tltiialie cames," obsrvai Colonel Prnsep. (Te ho c'itiutet.) Lave and Labon. Love lives'ta mIter;it ilves ta give ititif giv' a>. Titerns no sucu t hîng ns Indoleunt lave. Look lu jour heutr anti ste If ibis le net tmue. If jou love an>' ont triai>'enti iepi', lte cry>'of jouir 1eeX4't e la spe»tianti le speut lunlte bolteaomnet '.seie. -Lève weetid it eIf Ihcouiti fot benefit Xta keebnt uferng le mei vben Ih -Où*hit le nablo ta assîat. . 'WbM.tmati coulti set the voman ho Jê' h~ao>'tlln, anti b. unahle to ivkt ifber. aud not sufer? 1ý"WW ee akes ont a siavel itoils 40g~t "~day, refuîlIng aIl. vages anti .O'I*wÎudsave tht mmii. et tht ont- wut«wo it le bouatin lu hoet e e- »g5~tlde lis tielight, aitase f eet 4êtlOê 41scevers lis htavm. ~ >~u1Aodger tint launuage eau The Liantmes KhliduM. An Engliali major lias just been kîlleti ln a til-tperate fight wyul slionesa lu Somalflanti. Tht anmalvastnivcnu t of a thîchet ljI heatens, andthie major vountiet ber severel>'; the sitendant vito camiedth ie second rifle direti both barrels Into ber, but ah. bilet ihlm wltb ont 110w aiflier pan' on tIhe t Tht major then finetianoihen abat ai ben, anti she turatti upon hlm. Net hav. lug another carinlige h. ranuaeti tht barrel ef tht rifle-de" u» imel'imuk, ber jaws ecSdgesti on on an sd lu rylng la force bniopenis othet' baud sud arm vert bihen. Tht lions»wuafluial 1Ir apearedta tedeatit b>'tht native set'- vanta. It bth ten da»u ta take the woundeti major te Atien. but gaugreus met In, anti lie tuidlu ivo dayms ater ar- nlvlug there.-Umono Globe. A Word vAUt a Pedigree. goadtiedini a Word le "hooze"ll u the sens. of "drink" tual ane la tilapose tg t take for grantei thai ht came frninm orne extremel>' modern lun sud bas net jet even caratti a place la tht slang dictiou- are.,Buck la b>' ne me«u»the case. Gpeileti "bouse," but puonounued exact- - 1> afier to-day' iallon, lb occurs la Mes.lngee>.a mous pis>', 'I.A New Wa>' t0 Es>' Ol4 Dèbt.." Thtee ltdit Eu- glbformn n'as "boume" Sthel (spd fl-et tio't love 7ou as>' uni uttau the mw iege of Petersburg a Mctlft 0;theWeltion Railway wn'a pichet lIn. tpt'heii Union forces. Ont -dayGenerai Miles.,who hati ne- ceiveti net. lô*g betore bis commission as brlgadlr geieral of volunteers, vis- lied au expootti quarter or the Une uts>' Gfeensvîlle snd notîceti a grue seentînel ou duty. Itldlng up to te pieket Gen- erai Miies' polutîli toward GmeenyWie andi sali: "Il wlsh to ste General IKautz. Go tiOWn to lie heatiquarters and tell bIta te corne up bere." Tii. trud was not a pleasant one. The enerny wtt', beitindthéIb exposeti railiwy andi tht meseger vouiti b. a eOUmpiegous target for bullets. "I am ou dut>' lire," said] the picket, quietiy. - «Tiat la ail riuht," saiti General MUt,,ý wiib a seltle. "I know that yau are oslýd«ty bote, but 1 vant you to go te Geaeral Kautz anti tell hum ibat 1 vaut to see hlm ait once." "I bave #een ordereti on pic'et dty," eali the oldlej, tt doggod persîsi.- ee, "sud"! nflhstreniain itere untîl 1 amn relleveti." "Ver>' gooti," naid the General; "I un- deratauti tht matter, but i vaut la set General Kania ai once." "Ail igbt," tnuered bbc picket. If you vaut ta see Kaniz more ilian I do, why don'i you go tiown antilok hünmupT' General Mlles rode away lu great nager, andi sent word to General Kauts tkai the plcket bati heen ver>' Insolent, andi oulgimita lie everel>' discîplineti. The nexi day ai guartimounnlng Gen- eral Kaniz sent for the pieket, anti ashed inm.ta repeat vhal lie bati ai ho Generai Mlles. "I tld hlm that In'as on u ti.anti muet remain until souiebody lu author- It>' rellevei me." "Diti General Miles relleve joti?" "No; lie tolti me to go tiowu the rail- wray tavartis Greensvllle, but lietiidn'b rtiieve me." "Wefl, diti you det> hlm ?" "No, lndoed." muidi the picket. 111 mereli>' ld hlm thatif lie wantedt o set Kants more titan 1 dîiie vonîti btter go dovu hîmmzeif antilok you up." "'That's ail vlght," naid Gen. Ksuts, apparenhly weil pleaseti that the picket hsd aved i hm au uncomfortable ride. "If1 I batibeen there, 1 woulti have tbld hlm to go to'Hailfai. i lal riglit, anywa>'." Tht senir>', Insteati of bcbng sent ta tht guartihouse for Insubordination lu having impudeutl>' refuseti to obe>' an order tramn bis uuperior, was coumplil menîti upon hlm dîscretion lu waltlng ta be reileveti frontlits tireitietail. Tlht veterans vho heardti Ibs stor>' were dîsposei to thhnk that tht sentry n'a. techuicali>' correct. If Generai Mlles lad formai!>' rellevet i hm froin pIchet dut>', there vaulti baM been no pretexi for tilsobedience of a direct or- tier. wihimt 100 Tests Tht total Indien population ai Ibis tliew, sccordiug ta entîmates matie b>' iiI ofliciaIs of tht Indienu Bureau, la 248,dB exclusive of tht Indlans of Alaska. Iu 182M, before the annexation 6f Texas anti Mexico, thet elîaiei Indien population, of the country' vas 400,000. In 18dB tht number vas snid la b. 350,000 anti the smre estimat li madie for 1871. The mosi napîtidecline In numbers bM been lu the lasi quarter of a century. Tht tact ihat the Chero- kees anti Cbippewamboth cooaparatlvely powerful tribes, have sciualiy Ihuetas- eti lu numbers nakes the decreasatlu the other ribes ail tht more remarka- hie. It In bellevei thai the principal los bas been among tht Sioux anti other trues of the Nortbveat. More tban tva- thîrtis of tht total number, or 237,478, lu 1871 vwert on the reservations. At tht beglnung of 1896 the number on the reserva lions bati been decreaseti to 1W3,417, or abotut ont-thîrd of the total number. Les titan.30,000 oftilese ara self-gupportng.the letierai Goverumeni Insouug supplies@0 to ot of tliem. If the rate of decrease w'blcb bas licou mainiaineti for tht lit quarter of a century or ai b. cor.llnued ibere viii nai be a single fuil-blootiet iindian ltu tht country, excepi possIbt>' lu dîme initîscus, b>'thtecuti of the lwcnlîtit centur>'. Or Vstcegateti Rues. The "ltumnlg bird fliower" cf Easit- cru 'rurkej isa aunique apecirnen of dloralI inaer>.. i isa abeautiful lb'.- nomi of vaiegateti hues, te total leugîli of lte entîre tiower beIng about eue andi tbrtc-quarters luches. As oune mlit Imagine trorn lis naine, ItlaI an exact Image of anmnialture bunîm ln, bIrd. 'nie brensi la green, te 111.1ng deep rose coton, thet trot t ellon'. sud te beati anti beàa ioet pure black. Thc oui>' partJluinlawhicb itlaisnai a perfect bIrd ila taIt ietgivel te appearance ot hsving but a single lcg anti foot. Nai Mmcli. Hc-l se noaftali jour fater nIII abjectn. She-Don'l worry. Papa hasn't mucli influence Iunttis farnly.-Nen' Tank weekiy. Que o -ihé o notionique dlttol btorrm a-t oeil, vIicitprobabl>' uemed libtenulfet by reasnon f thtetaCt limai a carg o f FSpanitdihtron ore paset throughi It, vas experlencê'd by tflcý Brlli steatship Mercedes, which ar- rived ti a Ibs Port jeeterda>'. froin Bil boa. On tht Grand B3anks of New'- foufidland ulttring the niglits oetx. 3 anti 4 the ocean appenreti like a mighty ntasm of dames or nu endles-s Otreteli 0f prairie liresl. Railasoret c- tric tire buttattiandi explotietilu ailidi- radtian@ andi darted aaoug lte vcssl't mante anti igglng. Tt Mercedes' escape f rom goini; down on D)ec. 1 seemed littie short of a miracle. 8h. n'as strileil b>' ela rolling fearfully bila. Durlng the> height of the storni a linge <teck der- rick, weiglîlng mous tons, was tomu lacs froin lis fatenings anti swept ovrerboard. leaving a foie lu the vos- se'. deck through wbicbl the water rant lut» the cargo. lunls course it carrieti awny lte main topinasi, n'hlcl waq ai,") Of IrOn; Part of tlie dylng brdge. the after winchi, andi part of the îteck fi, tlngs. The.,teeks vert dloodeti tit'i tons of vater, te sblit rolleti at an angle of 70 uegrees andtheflene brole lu ail directions, dllng the cabi anti te -officers' quarters. Beon afterwardth ie storin prrtiliy subelieti, vlen tbe electrcml lire ap>- peareti lu ail directions. It bang lu bizm bâlls for two niglits fron thlie mastqanul fore anti att K-ays, andtiA-rtc'taily turueti niglît luto day. As the big dire halls ramne together, tbe>' noulti bur-ut witît a joont report tipiJu the' vese'l nuit dlsappear. l'ntier tItis hîglît at niglit àcli terupornry repaira n'-eemnatie :;Li were deemnieice4sîary t10 -cdiport. ('aptain Tait or tte Nercedes Ktnii'. that lite poiwage w-as cne of lte mîtaI iryiiig experi>-nces of lits life. 'fThe rolli Iug anti lurcbi,îg of the Vessel fil i lta siorm ndmlte fury of flitcgale,; n'er- terrifielitlte vii-tntty cf Z2> degreex longitude. OuI> the lieroit- work of tii> cren' saveti the vessel, as ail the ýiî.p- plug men about te marine echaîtîgt', yesterda>' agreed. -Pbllatiiiia itec- orti. The>' Were Too Laie. The belateti nayfnrer wnas standing lu the shation of a building, n'itii botit banda pointing beuvcîîward. vbute be gazeti luta the muâzae of n revolver. Olnt footpati naslholdiuig te revolver where lh wouiti do the most gooti lu case of an emergent-y. andi the other n'as go- ing blîrotîglitbe victln's îockets. The silenee n'as s0o opressIve blinithlibe- lated wn'Yfarer filail>l' eitobligeti to speak. "Thinit you're smart, don't yo3- le maid. "We know Our buisiness," rturned une of the footpadm, gruffiy. "0f course, sou dlo." said the belteti wmYfsne witb sometblng 1ke a super. "Yon know ltai Iis iâ l ypay day, 1 suppose-"' "sutre,"* rePleti the foolpati. "That's vhy we laid for yoli.' "He aln'i got but W1 cents, Bill," lu- temrupheti the one wbo bati been searcli. ing the vietin'a pockela. "WVot!" cried the Otiter. *"That's riglit." saidtheli belateti ta>'- tarer, cheerfull>'. "But sou vas pati.to-tii>," Insisteti the insu vititthe revolver. "Righi again," aduiltieti tht belateti vaYfarer lu tht smre cheerfut toue. "But someboti>'got lu aiesti of sou. anti yeu thaught you vere go ali-ireti smrantlia i llbc hanget Iif innot glati of IL"' "*Somebody 'gaI jour rol' "31Y iile came to te Omî'e aler If tbis aftinoon. OIt,you'Ve got to get up ight>' early to beat lier."-C'hiengo Post. Dms Maybc and Mistbc. Tom cismo tie .14doctorbetorethie yeuug eme. Wby EtcStueymoidon't vaut te entrust jour lie lalnexnmace buses. TMn, the ypurgdoctes' may lie expcrkeuct MBu tfe, ce docte s'aai b. Ton take ne Chances vitE k.r-a»U % vies Drs. Nuethe la la raci. Same vilE med"m s vu moile musakn- ttebnoug-lr dy ti'bas jour ceafloàoe Tms preftr 00odnu-loe epeumoe- wen pou are conceUua lb. aev regWo aIt>" be jood -blut let somboti>ducIMe r; 14, Iho ed taýMoil>3' ssa e gooti- judgel on Its rrd . - este. ju< w mu esonfr cbooiug *AY13R'9SSoUa" pia IOiUlmi W prSruo eutuer. It bas b= eauti eaUaN. honliei 4pqh rh alte' aItacentury. Its recod tt*«e Uflfldsdç 80 ymoar tcum'e*. If oties aigbo poiç AyWs Sn* mullo ue e. TOU take ne CtuaaCeS vie taut ^AmWUfBP4 The One Tr u lni FuMIer. AIS diunteII 01 llood's Plus nie$ Mcéa' A Tr'ip itt Gardon Spot. et *0 On January 2%, Febrisry Il aut Menmh- 10, ticket. ahiib. soid fronIt& i' 1 cities,.townh anud villages of ibe-!4» al pointe on the Loulavillo endi Nsabvhl, Railroati la Tenneutee, Alabma.se l* sippi, Pioridsansd a portion of eSsv.- et one usingle fart for the rote [Tickets ailb. gond i<o returu.wtlW ty daye and viii mllow stop-,*er # us" points on the south-bouud trip. "sk »Ir ticket agent about it, and If h. caa4t smil you excursion tickets write ta C. P. A:- moreGéneral Passeugor Agent, . U s. ville, Ky'., or J. K. Rldgely. N. W. P.A. Chicago, fil. W iserthan Solonson. A man was recently tri for stealln a wsâtcl frein a lady lu an oinibuh. The man declared that the watch va» bis anti the wornan was mistaktrn la ldentlfylug It as ber s utititoh>'the magistrate asketi: "Whe'm tht kt7r The prisoner fumbird lu bis peekets andi saitile nmust bave leftI liai home.ý hIe magIstrale asked M i fho wound the walch frequently wii th t key. aeidlie ssld: "Yes." Then a key was proeured. watc a"l ke>' were handeti the prisoner. andi b. w~astold b wind tht vaîcl. He opeued the ease. but coutd pot mid any plae te n-qe the ke'. It n'as a keyless vatchi lie n'as comnitted for iriaL-L<mdou AMUSIng Journal. ONCe ASiE»FOIR Ail PNI~ iva aGrepils DuoelpUm tN litlWemsu. N.thnM FlouS"li In respons tu a qutetion aktd 17 a lady, the Nap.teqp wpied, - MXY ideal VOrnanle noftbebesutifni-featunti societ>' belle, vhosm lb,. sician loi., ln vain te keep ber ian rimes'» tht fragile butanofe 4 fashice, vhogio the tortures of dis- 9 tas. wlth a forSol s mile. 0 *'No! mylIdoula à wounn vhsbas sceepieti her blg -as a acre trucs, andi ubo obeys t"s lava of nature $Ws te pres.rvaUo. e c brbody and souL "Do you kuov, la bue. intolntab. bends la bhra usine vho resais - midde ag la com. neeu eutiful 17 puSo hoai.b ati hestatuant ebidresi le ide are ber rewanti. Tilts mi oman.' To grow to Ideai vomahoo thie 811 bond shoulti b. caret nlly guati. Mauchtrs ove a dut>' Io thelrdagt tbat ln ton mazu « ame sngeti Nature bas provldeda tis fer pud8 eation; and Ilifthe channels aSt .bstiuolo the entiresaysiem is poloatd, a" 89is ary cornes. At a mothers' meeting the vIfe et a noted '.New York divine sidtilaber le- tenera: -"Watcb carefufly jour dagl- ters' physîcai deveoptuttit "Motheras houlti set uat Nature l8 asssteti, it necessai, to Poernmls OO, andi keep their danghter en iIBîîeW as to matters conceraing thexulvee." . regulanitls, Iran vbatelver eauge, M aure Indications o0f raulc ioublo. irreularittes carne dlitrbaaeofet t stornacli andi klineys. Violent heàasbuiofitu attat tht vietin; pain» shoot every- wbere. ,Ex- 0 treme Irrita- bilttalion'. qtîickly. anti then utter despontiene>' overiubeima the aIreatiy over- but- deneê 11if.. Unie» the obstruction le remavoti ai daugbter'm Whoie future viii bed~k.I 'Lytiia E. PlakhmasVgo*tC' roa illi "Mmpllmhthtebàfy tsjethe mont tDtctlvt netueylgm lar or usp-edtiacto atv