Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Jan 1896, p. 4

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<~IF~Jon îgAPTER X.-îContiued.'I b vea wet ofbitternmun anti dospair be toeea Iat 1Ir. Bovyer toit to deepeet pit>-, anti bis evu voi-e remmlasa» e horepiet: Yen- tbiuk me cruel te sPeak se? wt tlt t1Iam trying te prove that wd are looti agaiust yen-lt te ho- lvant ho keep ye-a viti me. Wben Od ye sape anti a bhoeItiti net iaIleiy ant i vtieut thougit. aIn Ilbabot a ppoasure an v'elI aIr te make yen happy; tont tel jave failed! gIve me!"*eho uhispered, bumbi>-. Mr aimmys rlgbt. atweym gocti. IC tico ami wrong, mnsguided atnd un- O't suppose I shall keep son a,- 0e hsaitd. -Tell me-ltow de yen e- Colemels sou' m uet l le nadeux -boy, ce Ubil anti klai,ilîko--" Lite hie *B bt bon gong te atit, tienà tblg ltethehubandi yen have $s pictuieti te yourseif?"-smillns opmnd? Ho? Oh, Mr. Bovyor, ffl forgetl" ' ciednet lborrilloti M. "Do yen sericuel>- conusel me n7 'Mr. laverur Thon, starling -fot, cie brokeoeut impaientir: re tiking itly; I1eail nover mari>-. >-ho hasnover droameti et sncb rtp ho tee sure et that. Ris àpte to me yesterday, anti I la lia on yenr voddlng-tiay 1 éh yo entyea -thousanti pounts.'" »Vrs marry-never! Yen are andl gonerocty tsetf; but 1 t'eàej-no meney-only love," tphero je neresen yen eboniti k*bbl. The yeung feflov uat ede daut uring vhlic the olti WWWWmIse obtindeti ibelt ou the L*»a'a mt' d. Wam pd et It Mcime? Love anti Uc4!fld, lcoveli tuov, trasforma have =eenaugelle te devltry Rai îb ksncbllonces voiteti b-MIM ea lrecmoud a moment hoa aw tat ho von treabllng vie- lu " ande grasplug lhe arme ah. 1" à cret, sprlnging up êÏbbg a deanter bastily fath îe ý@wsand poniiug some brandy *»ku &bout a speonul colvy; thon 47et vilci e#ery trace bait gono deta c% reluraci, anti ho foiceti a b' heo tdghtenod. Il le unir mer- ~, bta sasleseMies seises My 1;7"- î;la horror Iil--tIlI 1 toue tlo bm vlniov ider apd puni- tar'mer. forvard, se Ibal ho lamiu, thon vwent le reuinti Mis. ~~t Il vas -lme fâr hlivalld le ealaer se came back vlth tnhda hAn piee etf s1at - sd vS percatng hlm te w~sthe bonsokeeper horst .noarls a the »OuP vas **Me tinft ch. tiiecti glane. nt Ellen liat lie vu.Mi. Bovyer, bey- pun MW"ati mdame?" be in- Onuilt ktmssPrlotevas r.- 1 non eandi ber semes. btoeen a Isugi and a sulaohoront excuse coet roed; aie bat fer- Il- Tise iedctpre- MAidfrightenct, ivth- 10 #daidene# t~tic om, v*liber, no nue a - se ui tesolate, a"amdtiongite lie onty frim her trie.dsblp bxtuitIver avare t 1 ayklndy teeling, fo 1 r erslref nu- te h. mould mot l'Ai tic afloroon ho ftfuil ef hsppy boyinsb - wso îit a littie boyiah 'b y t ne Iat ouis- Une ilght va. ln ber eyec as - --îuee hlm tint neo wtîter te .'vas teceiveti toirnamomenct b eapoul bgi itb hope. -s e ltiyen are alone; I vaut Syou. WIVI IYen vatk a littho me'ho begeti, earnestl>-. -1 loe yen! WAttyotu b. my -'fluah rose te bem- ceeks. »W«tel, eeeter thon aie bat loby,"e.began. Urmansd neauly-mouch eapaas t"erce- - lesr. li, .Aloute ti Yok ebol. ."if Il vere ouly Ihet 1 do net love yen as Ten desorve te b.etovot-" ",Yen-yen love nome one elser, he aiketi, lu a oy voece. 111 migbt bave known. Yen are ce fsr ebove me in ,v- ery Wsy, 1 ougbt te have keovu 1 bati ne chance« 1 va. mad-lrou4mptuencr', "Yen are ne suei thlug," sie retorteti, qnlckby. '*Ai, if yen only knew, you veulti sy It wvas1 vie vasunvonthy! 1- Great hoavent, am 1I se ypocrilical, se taise mb te appeat' btter than 1[am- is my viole Ilife a tiecelft?" "If," hoieaRed, hait iesltatingly ,i"f 1 tbeugbt yo really Meatit tbat-it I conti b.llie'rethat hoie woasocmelhiug lu yor lite vhicb periape-foîgive me for soy- ing c--yen more seamet cf antitilt net wigh to bs knen-" "*Weil?'" abo lerrogated, gently, as ho heetated tislîl. "I veulti Impore yeîm net te Jot that stand betweem us. Oh, my darling, It ceulti make ne difference. De you lbink anything couti change er veaken my love?1" Mie amîleti estly; tbbc bars voeenesrly taling trulo ber oyes. "Il is ait useless. There in a reason vby 1 sallinover marry; but I liko yen very mueb, anti am serry te givo yen pain." He teckel aet ber lu mute distress. 'Goed-by," cie nid. "Good-by," ho auswereti. ntily. Wbien aelliatlgono a ittle vay, elle turuol, anti nw Ibat h onasistting ou a tallon tie-, hie boati boriel in his bande. Seme impulse ef compassion promptoti ber te retuin. She kaitevse Weil vhaý it vas te sufer, sud le sufer atone, "Den't fret," eeniid, viettuily, lsying ler baud gently upou bis sheuier. ."Nolblng ln vortb much cerroy." For lh onas ceillinglike à chibti, anti se abseibed lan bis grief liat ho hall net leard lior approaci bian. Si. kept ber bandi upon hls shoulder te provent hlm from rsing, antisnove passet It gentiy oves hie cnrly bair. Il vas done catecsngly, yet il gavohilma only pain. Sotithiing telt i hm thal ahie voulti nover toufihe m seIf @euecaietifer tinAli e utlghtect dee. Tiere vas ne hope for Wl.. hm à h is heatiabse vs, gone- eut of sigil alroady. Slovly b. rouseanti wendet i s vay tevard home. The Colonelwvasceatedt h ie vriliug- table. Pe n lubandi. Evcr ince.bis son bal lett bis tOugble vere centeroti on the scene liaI vms beîng enacteti. Wien Charlis' rameoilaetllait lie Ceio- noi looket up inqnrinely. but enl tram, no onetlo-nron asit neecfasiy. A sin- sie gilance. tlt bm thal the boy'. erranti bat been maunuccs.iful one. For a moment George Severa expert- ened a Jemimoe leure. The ho, toIt aibameti anti repetant. "Mr poor boy-I am nce rioved! lc lier. e oieper "Noue. I1 von a foolte, fancy I couti eves bave a chance. Mie love@ seme oe elée. To ber I arn enly a boy., Celemel laverntbecame strangety uent. Hat Chale raiset bis eyes be muet have beemi avare thalt te blov vhich hati prostrtsed lhlm Ld met been vîtiont Ibm effot upon bis tatier. But ho vas setf- abeorbeti, ctnv awnetbing. "Obhe aid there vw"cnoe cecret-some reaeen viy teenoltinover marry," ho cicervot ruetnlly, aller a short paume. lavera pacedth te rmm fer several min- utes la esitateti elleuce. Wheu be mbeppoti at lentgli betor. bis son, hie expreesion won compegeti, aund OuI>-a lutile tgbtuens et. the I4s, a certain bard teck lu the eyes, wMgbt have belisyedtul a close ob- server boy Le hati cufforetianti vac sut- teinmg etill. "Yon ve't mîi MY goinaasy for a bit? I den't teol as if I cenîti meot lber agala Jusl yet," ssi Obsîlle. "Tou absait go ybet-e yen lîke sud de vimal yen lîke. Fortiately, t icne longser a question et va>-. anti menus. If yon care le go te Pari---" "London vîli do veti oengi. The sou- son la net ever. Net that 1 am lu tbe mord for gayelies at ail," holeaiteti, qulckly. A hait emnle flittol aecse tbe eIder man% grave face, but it vas lnstautly snp pioscot M n ndou it callath," be suai, andi foulatnt in lu iebeait te wilm ibat lbe conîti break avny (rui the chaitis Ilat bonniti hlm, anti helieve lb possible that a littie gayety or change nlit u nitigate, evon cure, is pain. 1 CHAPTER XII. Xlrg. [rAcle hll dtecited coi lier îli(f 'ction. It bait flachieti u,,iî lier ini- stantaneeîmslyiv lt, lis hl- ilit -liet ave>- the soup hat znrtizn. lir i-es liglîtet for a second tipom i ct s b iite frigbîtenet face. sbbc lui ti el- nauns ot peienewc io% n ir.i ocn- vietien tolti agninel n lîrisîîiit-r. i1 hi reselveti eelle otti îk imi thi di'. il'i htitis item ini lier liriiii, i.- teck lier veîk ant iaît wibb mr. BIleîîy'r eue aflernoon lvhetmi lIi Wasi ont aktcbing. lb wos Mi. BIler %% hoie ly chance epenoti the sublject dit hile nas âonuions te diseuse. "IViere ia Eltei ?e'lie noiti. "(loue out vilhlielr tirait iîg materials. Si. vont etnl about su heur ugo." ""ah> ketching Js a greut reorce! am ie gllai schon au occupîation tu amupes ber. ince voe bave been bore. Id - ebiltihasektevl 44 à looked no we' : "Ah. pour ehlld, tha e sl eUoww, I nms- tios thînk! h. bas net ber heat upc. inhcrilg your fortune. andi faaties- laughing sayl-"t 1t have doolgns up- on it, too. But eh. noed have no féar ef met Before she came the thnught maay bave crossoti my mmnd that perliape, as I vas your onil relative, yen rnlght remous- ber me hi yonr wilI; but dlrectiy Ellen Warde appeareti 1 reliuquisbod the ilea vithout a itlgh." *'Yen wil l du that 1 have rot forgotten the faithful service of the lent ten yeùrs uer the tact that yo'î wereonce nxy brother's vwif.- "Yen are toc good," murnurt'd Mrs. Priolo. "Hait ot my fortune le left te yen." "HaIt r' echoeetiMm .Pill, varions emotions mtnlging la ber loy exciteti toue. wHl~ ent on Mr. Rower, calinly, "vwiiibelons te le. The bousekeeper sleet te ber foot, andi ber vert, faillles t e tgrund.vas ea-Mx *iong by' ber stî .11k gova as chu hnrriediy cresset the ruom. *'Have Ye" toti bort tb6s? she inquireti, IlaYIng ber boud beavlly on bis Inn. "I told ber that sibe vouiti have twenty thcueud pouade mica &ho marrled," lie answered et lest, vlth au offert. "Andi yen ai nthing about geour will te ber?' "Nothiug-se far as Ienu reniember." "Thon don't tell ber nom, 1 bot and imi- plore yoIo.* The olti maoncoulti Oct but be impreasot by ber manner, though ho trioti bard te rnaintaiu the abrewd jutigmeut and knout insight on whieb ho hati tornerly prided bimgeof. "I am nut a lune te tinderetauti your me- tive fur epeaking s," ho reawked, etiffly. "I have nc motive. We moumen bave vory littie judgmout, andi no logic; but we have a weapon of cor evu te defeoti eur»A'vea aud-andt thse dear te us. In- atioct prompteti me te say wbat 1 tilt. Even te myefit At soom absurd andn- caileti for. But"-witb a litho ceatch lai ber voece wblcb migbî bave made. ber for- tue hadth le stage beon ber profeseion- "don't disregard my warniug.Y Mr. Bowyer opetid bis mouth le speak, but ne words carne. lie vas se âeepiy agitateil tbat ho coulti not even affect compomure any longer. Sinking lato bis chair, ho leaneti baek with cinoti ye andi palliti face; whule Mr*. Priolo, alan.- e t aIthe offecî of ber voitIs, astily fetcheti ber smeling-salts troum the mani- tel-pieee. and chated bis bands, vhlch were icy cold. *"Forgive me!" she &nidI. mpulmively. "I have frigbtened mnyecîf andi yen léeeti- iesniy. 1 amnsur@. 'fherercit sonne in my fearn. Forget ail 1 have naid, er disbelieve il." Ellen Wartie's voioe was bearti outaido, anti ho chrunk bak u, ervonsiy. *You are net well euoegh te b. dis turbeti now. liball 1 tell Misé Warde net te come ne lu mt yet ?" sied the bouse- keeper, andibe umade a getureof mUIt Mm.Pilo left the rooca te carry eut ber suggestion. sud wben eh.e returneti, utterly exhausted iy the mental conliet. he had talie oto a tieep sloop. CHAPTER XIII. "Anti se yen sent my pour bey away?' Celonel Sovern Vas #w speaker. He bad strolloti ever te thWIWwer Hon.. eue ovening &fter dinner. and ho ad iea Warde bati been in th idmIy lgitet i at- ting-rcem alcue. At first they talked culy ef geaeraUi- tien, but the Colonel auddaly broacheti the subject ef which bothbuld boeen thiph- [nt; anti Elien'a pale-face lushe timi- cen as abe auswer*d: "I coulti net belp It-inudeet i t coalti Oct bave been othervIse.1I are net angry wiib me" "AugryT No," "I forgot," eho »K tiltterly, "mont probabiy yen theught l a cubjel ef colf- congratulation thea eur sos ls os- capeti marrage i one cf vbomn yen knov abslutely aotbaie, "Miss Wards. beV oea yen do me suci inJustice? For cay Wb,& cake I was sin- cereiy grierd-I à"oMui me avewlchod for im a âeeatif vite; et for my eva saite i vas 5.11.1W glati, can't yeu un- dersiaudti t t tddul have been bard for me te losée a &Mmc& even though at the cme moment 1I gale"d anagiter?" EUlenna sat beet a l1111. fauter, r.- sponcive te th* moting la bis toue, but there was no obtvard siga cf confusion. "Yo en ee" vent on tic Colonel, yULh ratber a comical expr'esion about bis moutb. "I bave nover tait lie nord cf a daugbter; lie pesmeeao f coevoulti tieubtîpes «W te the comfort ef my eld age-but I dot feel that appreachlng yet.I. "Of course »et- Yen are quite yuans. lit wemed ebhuidte thlnk et yen au the tather ofet f00»." "I vas tmtlve a mouth agle; but soenhow 1 bave mever fait se ycuag as lately. Do yen know, Um Warde. that w lion I roturnectitrauinla, a y-baireti veteran ai u 97 5OOeinte yen, 1 bad Dnover bren laIo~ Wam e he iç ikernlngigit that made the girl e sqq'peVlo? Ouly for a moment. tJnickly àâ* reffr.t herneilf, and laugi- eti ligktly a4àe*replied. ,,Do rou aspect plty for thaLt? Why, 1 tink you as. te ho envled, bavlng bail ne doble ad feaisne dieappolntments, nosernlioMela trouble et any sert." 11U tiaI vour rél onion?' he aoketi ber g.voly.' "Do yen realiy lbink tbat love la of nu lîttie Worth that the palais and penatIeu vhici accompany le oe- timon are-leoo>heavr a price te pay." '¶* dees net matter vliat 1 thlnk,"* che mil. tgjiy future la decideti, and love bas no ult l it.' "I héimi frcm Cbarlle te-day.- I faucy bhéle a olng bimsolf lu spiteocf hic re- "t lae . e glacer.x thlek "a muât havebegen, Mises Waréeboy ligis yod stagsi la- umi oplnlen-bov 1 admira -and rev'erYlo. >In my aeyo ye ouil do uothu orr Thore iluneornue Whous. trlendalip W"l be ce dear te me-ine. 1 muet Oak me more." He was deeply moveti, andteloit t a re- lief mbs ire v. PieolenteetinteMF y al Mr, Bever *o0U lis te s»esicCaenal hefors hole&t. ictt Ii as alone Elen snnk upon. a sofa au# buti br face la ber ba4u Pi'ently eh. heard Colon eaver a fottegson the stah44 then pauglig alona the ball. gom.enu opepei the. outosti doortgo lme, and clome fi. R. vas KORO,*o witouta vonet f arevelll Wus hile ic ret fruitse rMbr m" ea. entgei eu&lsiy. l' ila ve c algol looklug dowva a t rpiticecly "Hou' coMMlMacukias vetci expeet -moercyr "Mr. Bs If eu As ai otln g on teurmy geeI-algirt. sic nide laIit, bpy.1 "Am r y e en o lng?" a ltIthmm au viciugo supon, tiet knofwcAtrve seoin lae." "het i'&tpae face, Ice ltihope I Pfflâoas ifeyournbat mtheas, endu mmdsClo.llna xlt l aueeoredy b@h reUr bér ae bevior ee'to ibecmt. teesi actumi suepllous tunie,bet cnrue"-y itinat-aeer-"our pst 1f.vii ea mlasin ."e ao rml lwn Tnd irs plmare rein ntheface vs i ru pecrns e ise ofuretirnthe gthe, sud terril elltde f exltdincy,orti b 80aIty har a vhlFeer-he vertent theoreafast el macng. toue, but croly $td shilleinngg b lb.e emetr, «ege a criosrenseeto unrait asehe enr- terre îtromdiefereotle. e rm the Il ves, ty ofEcunWardte, i bue lb. ir»s afae elrnsi etd "Bleue mny heart. yo're looklng fine and gay this morulag! Have yen beard good noe?' vas esketi, bluntly. "No; but I bave recived nome gooti ativice, anti meau te profil by it." "Hnmpb! Iii voeli for tlie.Who cau forget. Theres cnoe vbc bave ne rigit te b. happy anti contenteti liko othor folk." .1 hope yen dent mon yurseif, Mmrs Priolo. I ubeulti be cerry to thInk you vere one et those." "11'tel uien ho in!" crioti Mis.PrIele; but before anether word coalti bave ber Iliv, Mr. Bov>-er's entrane createti a dilversion. "Wbat An this?*' h. askot, tetily. "le breakfasst net ready? Tii. bell rang soe lIme mgo." Elle. Jumpeti up l11<11W aud drew bis chair tu lie table "MmisPuolo vas Itast -eint ho tell me a story. Sie muet re- serve It fer semae tier lime,,, dc sa- plaineti, vith a plusset amule; lbon, lnrnlns tote eoucaeeper, Who vas white viti rage-'*If yen yull go anti hurry them inlatic kitchen, 1 viiimake lie tea for-my oncle.» A doliant cluphasis vas laid on thielmt word; antiMM.Pile bail moe eolce but te leave lie rmcm, as requeclt. <To ho ceatiaucti.> A Rab.". Poolrna'ame. The happy parente cf a ev baLby vie Ilved lu Senthera indiens 100k thelri Infant le churci te bo baptisot. Thle baby vas beling raised "b, han&," Mai vicre Il vent lils boe went ie. Atler the arrivaI et the cbriotening Party at cinîci an scellent bappenet. The nozzie cf the mllk bolte came o«f andtie cbaby's nice.nov disse va. boaked ail lev Illon àg- vtietTil ahuioyed lthe Parents, bst rneligcoulId bo doue, Os tti uofor tieer«di»Ma bai aftlveti. WiOC the parentes aoot beoe.thie clergyman. the baby la lil motiiors a!ms, ho lookoti aIt thedao . dne. viti a gotdeai of aPffnuomandi te satlsty hle cut'kubly the motYmer vile pereI: "'Nezle cama off." Thle miniser didt em o euntier- stand, aud turnoti laquhringly te the ther, vhc naid a littie more leudly. "Neaze came oin." The gooti man unateralool Ibis limp., or at bail ho thought ho dId. Ho took the. baby la bis arma, iprtnklel bWsfoe- heai vlth baptismal vater andi sol- enly sai, betor. auyiotiy coM cor- rect hlm: "Ne.slecameoff Anyder. I baptise tbee." etc. etc.-Judge. Wben a 3apanese girl le about te ho- corne a bride, sic ia emnteti an deat te, ber ova parents. On tic ove be. fore lhe veddlug aile le borne eut of ber fathors bouse cad Iluwvite gar- ments, the prescrlbi i mournlng celer; andi as mucb fcrmalIty le observeti as weulti ho if aie vere reaily decesseti, Tie bouse la then puried by eweeplng andi dnsliug snd airing. A& lhe girl en- tera lhe enclosure ot ber nnomtne, Ivo traue aauder tpivW aoii the comimsieer restingInle=dsrict, Anti IvO comntiloaerg must not r.- eide lu lhe Seme district. Tic change lu lu sectIon 1601cfarticle i1et1lthe lovn- sip organisaionu lav, vicbromains MAs hefOse vil h headdition et certain provisions, se tellilv: Il shah b. bc teluy cft . e missioneru ethgaya r vth lie luan i,,rk ati eupe, rce. te Meet vîthin ten tiays atterthn lie o oa notnagateithe pansag efthi »VIsel«lMaseklevuand divlceoc levniubp aJoee is.trte te lbe kmiownan ro"t OeMM M ~v ltreaumbor osne. IuttAtreeom F.d diviors seM àY4e laking o eo ohpde elsibent O iterrliory ana pepulattEfflam ainganti ferming bianal- les et mmu ditl t ati a pluaît oa ci Misi lcteobe gi ldnai o e rthle tovn eiuk et nid leva. Tho va se etfsneb divieon Ia le bave thlie tlgoUoee et euhi tovnship reroateti iv a emmitelun- erfighe volsrotg n e sedis- 3~n etsati ilarlt vensucb vacance' oeurs. Tic subdilvision et tovashîpa ile distrit. 18a amalter ot importance r. qnuig casetul cuasidosation; sud lhe oleetien ef candidates fer commission- erofe bigivej la even grealer lu- prmtance 'As regar de iothh inon santi localty. Caro m-nt Ierefoe o h "aken nemI spriug te ase $mat the cern- miseicuer electeil roeslui a part ot the tevnnmre distance frem the ether Wedding Carda. For Wetiding slatlonery oft1h. tinest quaily andi vcrknmanaip, alvays coe le e i*IicerzxNsa Prlntlug Ollice. We challange nempetillea inluancy, ai voeU sa plain, PrInticg. Wo e mafur. niai auytbiug engrave ovrt aa poci- alty) ou as O1 e tonauaican bo eb- Wanet ini Chicago. Rememubor, vo guarantee. ntâtifs-ton. Corresipendente sud Advertimers eboutI remembe hei- iIl takes itue te net type itteore a papes enu b prliitd. Yen viilgreatly oblige by hasiding lu your cepy eariy, Copy foi a ln muni hereatler be lu oui bande nu&lut*er th"a noca, sen-o can de- voe Tinssday te setting up tie latelt neye. W. atm ta priaI the liEDKEI<1- aux Tiussday atternoon, nce1I; will reeci end re.on lieffl4y mail. feld, 0h10, for a8UpijetyaIy&., =cIt=natheïr Ivogrem oaIlIu Pai oasud tVeeua~d he vl b. preaonuWfrée t eeorY"pl la alvance"isuiec-riber te tiche De PENDENT. Farm News. Forth* armar and Hic PaMlly. This menthly lias gained Ils reputa- lion sclely on lis morîtsa s a Journal for tie pratce ifermer. Il aima te- prèsent te Ils readers sncb atiiolcoM viii b. cf prectlad asistance tote*p la thoir dly work te e frni. E orciartifiel and gardon; basa. gpal- âzy and the parlr-lt in pro-emineatlr the. papes fer lie fsrrner sud hic tans-- Womankind. For Womari and Nom*. Womnklnd appoala le tic testes of the great mai. cf people. lis cIlles. am t i t ulvîisuch brigi t oeIcW04 elever posa, iuterestlng mketc1ay, beIplul bluts anti suggestions liai Do veman cmn afford tl e honi Il. Sensible Wear, Motberbood, Erti Homes, Wcman'e Pregrens, ChI LESd Womeu ofthle Day, etc,, are a fcv et île lnleresting depasimenle, Il la sensible ati prectica anilU linge; "Aile, Bright ani Claa" la Is mottow among vomen. Sample Copies Free. un occOulllofethle oxpeusegle vici th. 1ND5p5111>ENbas becu put, lice» papers eau cnly h. sent to subserîboe vlio payuy np li subscriptions one ycar in ativanco. ThIp offer la madee le eli anovne subscrib*rs alike. Do n"t feul te te.adrantage ef IL Tell jour frient, about il,, se tbmtl lbey msy securo, lu addition te the beal local - paper In the date, à year'au subsrîption te a greal journial of national circula Lion. A Kansats popolal lLaaet vork ou a nov achaine le intremie the s@am ef insan happliaca. Ho ie tiylng 4o cros ticmlikv.ed andt he stravberry no liat people may raine mrmvierrec anti cream legether. M.0-me- Horse Dentistry. If your Horses are Poor, or don't Eat w ,elI it is caused by diseas- ed, sharp, or uneven teeth. Slobbering, Throwing. the head, Fretting, fndigestion are also causied by bad teeth, The Superin- tendent -ofi the Lake Countv ýPoor Farmn understands the busi- ness. It will pay you to have your horse's teeth examined. Ail horses examnined free of charge. Chiarges Reasonable and Satisfaction guar- ranteed. 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'Wall ]Pape Book We have made a Special Clubbing Rate with the ««Oid Reliable" Prairie Farmer by whIch(woltean furnieh It aiorig with' the-

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