Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Feb 1896, p. 5

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Now We Have-Gçt t, Just What the People Have Been Wanting. What isit9 Genuine Pure Buckwheat. Flou r right from the buckwheat fields of Minne- sota. We guarantee it strictly pure and the best in the Iand. Also a car of the "Big Joe" Flou r which .excells ail other brands. If you try it once you will use no other. Our Grocery Department is fuit of choice stock and we are receiving more every day. We are headquar- for goods in this Une. Our deliclous home made Sausageý goes like the "red hots" at the wortds fair, and no wonder. Beef,PorkMut- ton, Fish and Oysters always on hand WIE want your trade and are bound to get it by giving you the best of everything at Lowest Prices.- TRIGGS &,.TAYLOR.- Pr. Charles Calloway. Office over LovellUsDrug Store iiOUioiFHO103 OIAltoCGTO 85P. M. Libertyville, -Ilinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. -o11,11,1-- 71I", IL 11a. 1 1:1 4 ,f il .to M P. nM. t.~iîb'ne 01.n rî,.Iway o Poie1ark Libertyville, i o Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. 'iff ice over Lovei I's Drug Store IIOUIS: 8 t. 125. a. U. Ul i1tW 5P. M. IJAILY. Libertyville, Illinois. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. )rrvi, eof Amonriit aCosaerraorp VOICE CULTURE AND MARMONY Lbertyville. Illinois. MISS LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. - TE&CH PCR OF-1 VOCALAND A LSO DELSARTE INSTRuNENTAIL .ISYSTEN OF. ..msic... £. LOCUTION. BUST MET1IOI)B. MOST iIEARONÂIiLE PRIt ES. Lîbertyvl lie. Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attormny anîd Couincellor at Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. 11.. .i.i ai -niiou iven to 'I,-tsuad Office with Lake County Bank. Libertyville, Illinois. LAKE R ] COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Go. Libertyville, Illinois. ____ Issues lnterest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demnand. W. H. APPLEVI, ...AUCTIONEER... Libertyville, Illinois. Having had miieh experlauee lu Anc.- tloneering lit the past soventeen years, 1 amn prepared to attend sales lu any part of Lake and aijcbining Countion ai very Loy Rates. Satimiectlon Juar- antead. Giva me a Call. A FINE LUNE OFL FURNITURE. En-lies, Clock Sîelves, Wall pockets, Paper litlders, - . Book.cases, Ganter tables, Extenision til'4, >~Dining chairs, Rockers, Couchles, - Lounges, Chairber suits. Picture Fra mes loom mouldrng -Paints, Oils,& Variislîos, GlitsR, Iiutty, Irushes, Mirrors, Mattrossei, Cots prings Etc'., Etc. -i WARRENTON GROVE. AI. Suhllng vas lu thei city a fev days last vaek. Eugine Devine, vhn spant tbe pai veek vth relatives bera, bas réturnad to the Cty. Wm. Urtchlnson and Wm. Ratrea, sblpped a carload of sheep last veek. Mesrs. J. licCarn snd G. Hutchin- son, stteudad the leap yaar party ai Grayslake, Tbrrday evenlng, aud report a pleasant trne. *LittIe Mabal Berry bat! the mi. fortune te have ber face baffly burriat, by pnlling a psU o! bot lard from the steve and spilling the contents ovar lier. New Iudnotry,. Fits Wllllum-"Where dld you ge- that dimat' Drity lthodes--"Watciied the aide door or Casay'a saloon for the police. mani while ha vas Inaîde getting a drlnk."-New York World. Oneor the Other. MrK. Mueriblest <lIndignantly)-J ual txceuse ihe baby cries ail niglît la rio rueowlîwy you shoult! gel drunk evary (-.,!lMA ai, 1mIori von't hear ber." Mr. Muchblest-Well, get the bahy uinrk and l'Il keep sober.-New York WrA tDelayed Adienrs,.ent. "Tor ay the convention laated four. delay?" '"Cotildn't tbink of uofulug tb tari the free flght on 10 wiud lt up withY- Iudlaimmîolis Journal. The Complet. AngIcr. Idw wsr «Well, what on earth-"» 'Maraiy dreuaad as a tree, dear boy, m0 as flot tu se-are the ilah."-L' llusmtra. tion. A Naimral Inférence. Minute-I vonder If ber complexion in natural? Mamle-Well, It Wa naturai for a girl 1k. hèr to paint, so 1 suppose lu j&. Indianapolis Journal. Ralph Darby's Barbe r Shop -Is nn o cat..d on $orague St- lst door east W. C. Triggs Bhoe Store, Wh-re ynu eau aiways get mour Shavîns, Hair Cuttings ad Dressing. Doue In the >Lteat tyle o!the TONSoRIAI. ARTIST. Cive me a trial. I vii pleseou. Italph Darby, - Libertyville, Ili. HARNESSI II When you vant a iiev set o1 Haruea, tor repaira on flthe old set, you eau do n better than cal! onu RUDOLPH KRUSKA, 01N Mit-WARuiteKA«. o0r 1 FM. CCI4nc. Prompt attention given to al kiud îif work. Gond work and loy prices are bound te vin. IF Y-0U NEED... (and of couire you do nead) Winter Blankets, Fur Lap Robes, Heavy fur Coats Ornytlilng la the Une of harnmh. ""orlighi. ion shè nôst ma THE INDEPENDENT. Fuai, FEBERuAiy f., 1896. PRANK M. JUSF JAMES M. WOOOMAN L IBERTYVILLY LODOE. N.. 402. F. Saturdays of eaeb inonth. Vsitinu bretbern Ceordlaly weleod. W. M. IIEATH M. W. IL . RIOWN. Beu. Libertyville Locals. Clotblng goes at vh<,lesaie, prieP.R for a short trne at Colby'». Boru-Tuesday Feby 4, a g i to Dr. Chas. Galloway and wie. The beavy failiof snow Sîîîîday îiight1 brought out an armhy Ofci lliveers Monday mornlng. FOR SALE On Rawr-11h,îî.,çe jth 3 nr1 4 acres 1* miles north of Liibcrty.iIie_ Inquire of Wm. Cater. ReducedL prices ln ail depnrtrw.i.ts at Colby's. Now in the taine to Iiiy good goode cheap. Max LeBeau, manufactures, antii ýq I., fine cigars. Do you smoke thern? If flot, give themn a trial. Pets Numseu Is the local gelliIIs lh. dld the plumbing and set rip the le g20 angine Ut the INDEPENDENT cilice. Colby & Co., are offering some rare bargainsin Clotbing, Undarwear, Boots and Bhoes, Caps, Gloves, Mttens, Blankets, Dress Gouds, Carpets, Grooerlem, etc. In there anythIng under the sun in the vay of mâchlnery, that Sherman Cannet. repsir or make? if you thiuk no, trv hlm on nmorn Id watch, revol- ver, elock, or anythlng flot larger than a threahing machine. The Phonogrph.conpert, at Colby1 & CouB., Btore, nazi Monday, wlll bei a great treat to Libertyville and Lakej county people. h vwiii puy to corne1 miles to hear Edîsons vonderful invention.1 Harry Edsell, manager o! W. M. Beckman Pnblishing Co., Itanten, Ohio, accompanlat! by Missaliand Boardman, sponi lent Snnduy bers as thenest@ of C. C. Bulkley. Mir. Bd. 1 coutemplating a trip to A&*&a, n the near future, lu moviug the presses, angine sud other parte of the oquipmneni inte tha Eger building, the INICPENDEl4r. vaS ably assisted by seyeral o! the young mon aronnd tova. The balp furushed vas appreciated and the favor showu vil! flot ha forgoiten. Blanche Kimball returned to North- field, Vt., vlth har grsrid-fatber aud aunt lira. Reed, vhere she wilI attend tbe Academay, vbich Je lu the immedi. ste vIcinity, of Norwich University, the Miltary Academy cf wvhhebr father vas s graduate. Miss Blanche reports having a very delightful trip, snd la mîîch pleasat! ith the easseru country. Among those from abroat! iwho at-. tended the fair election vare the folloving: Miessrs. Lyon, DeWolf, Tabot and B. J. Douglas, of Wanke- gan; J. C. Coe and à- W. Fletché,of Highland Park-, C. B. saton sud C. W. PattAs, of Daerfield; A. IH. Stoîrrns, Atioch; Dannis Hnntlngtoîî, of Ela; anid Dr. Bropby, oi Chicago. Wbile crossing the raigroat!, near the depot, lest aturday avening, Hîriry Keruta' am, lwecaefrlghteneîl antd mun avay. Mir. Iseru snd his dauigbrer, vere ocetipante of the wagori, but were fortiriate encugh 10 escape iijîry. As, the heras s tarta!, lMr. Kerri ut- tempjtedtot check thair speed asud(nue o! the bits broka making t iruptisille to Maniage the excited animais. Tiiose vho atteudet! the iemp yî'ar psrty (anid ther a vasa goodly nuunhlr) report a irat-class time, aud say titi heat part of t vas te set, the ladies go dovn An their pockets and produce the coin to psy the blla. Do tbey mire goot! floor nmanagertî? weill vashouird gay yea. They held a commtteea nicet- irig sltar aach net vhich Caused ,imî littie delay, but tliey'rea al iglît. Wv're 'lot ctnPlainiung. When does tht mîext one comae off, ladies? Lasu Satmrday Rie., friendlstiof il. W. F.illett, to the nuniber of llfty, omu- annoimnSca alled ripou hlm lit a lîody thereby ple&aaîtiy surrrisiîig bAinj. Thea reason of this unexeýpe-e*'il <aIl, vas tb celebrate Mr. Folletts f.irty uluth birthday. A plea>sut t1ille As thie report of ail those vho atteided. The lîost vas presented wltb a goît! peu, vith vhich ha vilI prohîîIbly trace hunes, thet vilIlibe chàeriilîea long alter present genaration liag passed away.f The Daly Papars, of New York,1 Cleveansd, Phîldaîphia and! Chicago1 have lately beau brligiug imtoç prominent notice the vaat Estate n1 Nev York knowu as the Trnity ChmmirchE property or the Amoea Jns Estate f couslstiug o! 57 sces lu the heart oft the City at au approximate. value of!i $f00,000,000 also moriey lu the bank of Hollandt tethe subomnt aor38,000,o00. Amoug the bin to the aboie la C. M h Schermnerhoru o! thîs place. PERSONAL. L. Fagan, of Everett, vas ini tovu IrMoîîdîîy. Ji>liîiiBradlay, of Iloudout, vas An towin Tiiiesday.. Mm. Dr. Btrong, of Chicago, spent 1lest Friîlay haro. Josephi Peterkort, o! Diamoud Lake, vas here lionday. John Aitstin, aitended tii busoiness lur Chicago fstiBaturday. Frank Itogerao! Waukegan, vas hera Satiirlian sd Bunday. Dan'l Mb<ormick, Jr., sud wvue, of Chicago, Sîbî-lît Bunduy here. Gco. Pop., oi Chicago, spent Stîuday bore, tire gi-st cf Gordon Schauck. ,Miss lwi(Cooper, 0f Lake Forest, caliet! on LIlbrtyvllo friends Monuday. lira. Emmuaî Ernest, of Frankfort, MAch., ii s -itiig at tirehorne of Jud M flore. lira. C. K. Sherman Ms visitîng friands fit tIi- sîutborn part of the state. Cbas. Kiickt-r, if Wankegan, vas ona of a corps of latibroeys, c,0nnetcted with the iev soit ifit titovu hall Saturday. A. J. Aiustin, miii,. a business trip to Chicago lest S. tiirday, retrrulng Mon- day. lira. H. Ptll> îîu:în. hla beau coufintil to. the bouiseti. bbIiot yack, with s saevere cciii. Miss Mary lia> i-, lias beaui.lck for sometinie wiatl Ibut va are ploe !toAiiifoblllb b Iie iAs mucli better. W. L. Bergliormi lageof the A. M. Bniggs grove,.î'v v -tlllshment et Rockefeller, iittb-idb-1to busineas here Tuesday. C. B. Shîrriîa:i tî-,i engaged the services o! Jîîhî lbtl'-.lo f ussell. Mir. Johnson lî taflirst elaisa vateli muaker sud anr ent-rîriig ycung man. Miss Nellie Trigg-,, , bit Ibîcago, vho bas beau visitiiîg %% t IlN11s. J. Austin tIsapast two w.vukm, rmiirmîti to lier bomaii te ~iy mî-~t. b -Sue oxpec'ts tb visit frieid.4 lOtii bi. t-boni. COUNCIL PROCEEDiNCS. Ragrular Meeting of Vil lage Board Lmaaavvvii.LE ', 1-1'.1 .I 3 rit, '96. Boar,! filet iAn rîýgmt,- iio vth Preiaident Avenuri lii the îîri. Presenu APjîleY, Collîy. Eger, llb bIitii and Me- Gregor. Absent ()alîirîiit-. Niiiitas oi Jariuary 6th, rndami mi i iîîtiori(of AppleY sud Iieath'uuWrî. bb;1t-blasd placed onu1hie. Finance comitteSillit t jjjitI (jthe follovWing bille sud rcbiî-îl-their psymeute. Mat Pester $311.t-M. H. Eresbman, $50.(X); H. t bllî,$1.74; M. B. Colby & Coî., $17.68;. Wrightat Sou', 321.90; C. N. Dtrsil $26;.7'ti; E. L. DuBois, 315.0, Motion A~I)1iliy sud ColbY the blls bceallowedîandl nrrante f<or the several ainonts, j1w [(rita-n on the Tressurer, from their rcpîective Funds. Csrried. Treasureris report for moul ofbijan., reat!. Bal4 report shows iilOt on baud .Ianuatry Euh, 319kl.67. Iaîî. 21h recoivat! 0f E. L, DuBois, for Li.censo 5.R9onnno M0.7 M.- . Clby Cc, bae te sgncy Dishursemente Jau. th, to Jan.. Iith, for a nev buklng povdar, sud 'il $81-.39, îeavîng neot balance enmbandoiAn order t o gait iutroduced quickly, th rearyof $119.28. Motion the manufacturera bave bit upon thbe th"ey1sud Egr, the treasurers repot nove! ides, nf givlig a Free Phono- b...cceptedsud plsed on fil. Carriud. graph concert, ai the store BeIlliug it Fire ashall Ap ley repurted as This concert viliibe val! vorth ,at- havlng ranlted tbe rMe Buildlinîgiii tending, 84 Ih givesallas chance te Mr. lasme Heath for a Pire Emigirme bear the Wlzards Wonder, 0f the î9th, Hoàseata a rentai of $2.50, por iomtti. century, free. Tbe concert vil! bagin, Motion MeGregor sud Appleiy b acon sitar the arrivai of the 10:45 train, adjouru. Carrled. Monduy Feby. 10, sud continue, Unutl E.. L. Dt'Boms, Village Clerk. 9 ololoct lu tbe evening. Tbe Bsklng Povder yl be soIt!, ai 10 and 20 cents a eau. BusinesvilI go on as usual; a Unclaimod Luttera. suficient force of clerks vl lbinlu Viii'follovlnjisla aliai t u ialfbitt-irs attondarice to vait upon customers. riisnnl teen iL',r-t-yvýi. t The I. 0. G. T. hneereutet! the hall sobi, If lu eli lufotifh, 'r wit-îs over Egar's hardware store, Au order te) duJ thiîy viii be .aent to tii,> d'ail lb-lt-r botter accommodate tbeir rapldly iu- CrÀiesnîoln m ulg creaesng uumIrerw. Nev members are MIsa Freîla Otîd&l,Itk. C. Fariner, Iitîatad at neanly avery meeting, sud lErs. Slbbi,î J. Jacobson, Mir. Nalîbin, thse Lodge As n s very flounishlng Brilain Roop-rm, 8tanmi Swalt.. cond ition. Lest Baturdsy eveîîlug the G .SRNK .M follovlug ofilcers vera eletad for the jG .SENK .M ensuiug quarter: D. N. Malory, C. T. ; Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Mir@. Conover, V-C. T.; PauliaGnffhm, Moudsy-.siady at 20 cents; 27M)'> P. C. T.; Jaunte ,mL e p p oqda belug sold t ithosa figures, 1 17w Md," 1 nona _d12W und 1 , -- -- -- -- -- - - - 1 M. -B. COLBY &C; WE HAVE FOUND UT! z...ýWHAT? The place where the Leading Wh, for 1896 are to be purchased' where you can get a Firàt C Wheel'made to order. REPAIRING! Att Repairing can be done a same place, and on the shortesi sibte notice. C. R. SHERMAN,' ..J ewel er, LIBERTY VILLE,u -- ILN The Best Place, C'obîy To Buy Lumber, Goal MifFI Farm Wagons & Bup~ ISAT âà Libertyville, -ilis We are Always Prepare4 tl Fred Barstov the dealer and mn fn- facturer of Marbie and Granite Mionu- ments bas evary facllty sud lirot-clas vorkmen vhom ho la anxious to kaep busy durugthe duil soason so he viUl quoteloe prices nov than ever. Write hlm for terme. 13ti Not a fev vho raad vhat Mir. Robert Rovi, of lHollanids, Va., bas te sy belov viii ramember their cwn experieuce under Iike clrcumîstauces: "Latvlintez I bad la grippe vbich lait me lui a 10v stata o! heulth. I trled numerous reme- dieu, none of vbich,did me any good. lîntil I vas induced te try a bottle of Chamberlain'tiCougb Rsmedy. The lirai bottle o! it anfar relleved me that I vas able te attend te my vork, and the second bottle effected a cure." For sale at 25 and 50 cents par. bottle by F. B. Loveli, Libertyvilla and G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. Lat Baturday Wmn. Barnett, oued Frank Dusenberry and Wm. Davison for trespas, before junotice W. E. Davis. The case vas trled lu the towa hbal and created rauch excitemient. Afler the evidence vas ln, a corps of attorneys muade thçir plean, sud the case veut to the jury. After an hours deliberation the jury hung itself by agreeing te (Ilsagree; fiva boing lun favor of acquiting the deicudauts, and onue standing out for the plaintlfft. The case la to come up again for trial bafore the salue jusiin l the town hall, Saturday Feb. S.I The little daughter of Mr. Fredj WVebber Holland, Maso., had a vcry »k lîad coid and congh vbich ha had flotI lieen able te cura vltb ànything. II gave hlm a 25 cent bottie of Clambr.J laini'a Congh Remady, Rays W. P. Ilolden, marchant snd postimaster ai O W est BrIlmffeld, and the nezttirne I1 mva -hlm ho aaid it vorkad Uke a eliarm. This ramedy la intended especiafly for aente tbroat and lung diseases sucb as colide, croup and vbofoplng congh, snd it tg famous forj its eures. There la no0 danger ln giviig h teabilidren for it contalus notliug Injurions. For sale by F.* B. LoVeil, Libertyville antI G. C. Rtoberts, waîîeonda. - - ww -ww-'ww~- ~ M Concert at M. B. Cotby & Cô"'S. rtor«ý day and evening, MO)NDAY, Feb. Il Everybody invited to hear the Wlzard5s. wonder of the I9th century. COME ONE ýCOMEIAk et e IL t

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