Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Feb 1896, p. 5

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I{~v&Ien Wating. Qenune Pre Bckwheat Flour right frorn the buckwheat fieldls of Minne- sota. W. uarantee it-strictly pure andi the bestin the 1and. Also a car of he BigJo." Flour which excelle L ail other brande. If you try it once you will use né other. Our Qrocery Department is fuit of choiice stock and we are receiving more every day. We are headquar- for goode in this Une. Our delicious home made Sausagé goos like the "red hots" at the worlds fair, and no wonder. BeefPork,Mut- ton, Fieh and Oysters always on hand WE want your trade and are bound to get it by givlng you the best of everything at 1-owest Prices. TRPIGGS'& TAYLOR. i Wants, Lost, For Sale t PUESI-TII. hlgbeal c"shprloupid lo' 7a» fuar by Charles Blempie, Long Grv, ao ouny, Ili. A 0s vauinagtearing doue, ceau Ca 1 VamdeGray's Lke, 1I1i. Pris. UM a day or $2.00 a day vith dAmnr ud hors. led.- IFouI9.8&1U1-Mik roule lanthe village Of Llbrtyvlils. A desirable business. Be0 me at once If you vaut t cecp. F. E. CLARK. TIeI li>PsNnEN yl be pieaedto pubuk he bmaunouncorents cf ail emudAdmesfor oilce. Bates very reason- ahi.. lt lhe people kuow vhat you vaut. FOR BA-I bave for sie 15 tous of - lmethy bey. Addres. or cm Bobeul Nikoley, LetIbbon. i. amer Baterfleld achool bouse. CaLndidt. forCollector. 1 bmrby amnounce mymeif sa a candi- Towu cf Libertyville subject 10 lbe Empublica canons. F. E. CLàamx. Hait Day Saw Mill. Mev but-a supply on band for sie. 1%9 enHallBy Sev M iii vii Ifvlg mptthlsuMprlng mas la. Bring ou 01"1els sre. 1-1 Pay Your Tax«.. M annov rmsdy 10reoive sBd rM 004% 9f«1«08e. Iyul bue t M. B. Col- bY à Cà.'@ stworery Tuenday, Tburu- daY Md boSaruntil Feb. 1.t. E. Wells, collecter. TaLxeaDue. 1 VM ibe st J. B. Brasher'. Guime., pvmuy TueMly sd aI W. H. Dodge & Oo.s badvare stor, voukegan, every lnu y aller Jan. se, t10 coloct tbe /«M forthe tovu cf Warrn. àMarol F. Scbryver, Collector. NOIIcu-I offer for saeerny vhoie ph'otogra phie outfil, vhlch le complote ««7e respect, vitb everyhlng ln Mes Zurich stuldio, at a veuy 10v figure. T ha Oralclama cbance for smre «~ ienag n a peying busines, et a Ve17mallcost. 1 visb 10 nbae te 1 Spatrons, Miel 1 vill continue 10 s Pictaiesi, aller April 1, unlil sold. il 1 o eut »B before. Apply to AL. B. FiOe.m lake Zurich, 111. Our Clubblng List. par amie cornodation of such cf Our .wasvav-uo subscribors ms. e to taes»aY othor publication for tbm sofling Yeau vAlu Mie lBNDE»ata noua aavs Te flioviug are a le* et ore -popular aevapcpers Md mfflies.Wheu more Sha one td6mrol. Mie amount t1010 pil for ýb*g»one- -au bc maeotained be le- jiM d clu raea. publishreOurs' Prim&1 ;u leu 2W 600 40 Bar~,~~r.......... e ev - Boud~ml~e tao10 4? . 00 5$0 eddfr....s, ........g... 400 upe ial m!uhly, iokokD mwo er. iq iL.Imisoeu c~h ase ye Brbe Gop2 If 'aU rpot . plÊe 81w.icrio, miim11 w- adi VsAslOure ïïte esiu Notice. To ta% payermtowu of Vernon-l cm nov redy 90 recelve- taxes sud ail vho omn mako it convenleul 10 eau and pey tbem et my bouse, vini oblige me very much by no dbing, au oviug 10 My r«eeullunes. lWini nol be able 10 do outaide vork for nmre lime 10 corne. ALF-E» TAXCLIPP, Collector. I amn nov ready to receive and recàp for your takes. 1I yul ho at M. B.Coibys & (Co., store every Tues- day. Tbursday, Friday and Saturday until further notice. 181f E. H. WxLLs, CoUector. POU SALE:- Good second grovtb cord-vod. for sale, snd delivered. 181f J. A. IlooR. COMINO BVENTS. Circuit Court-Monday Mer. 7, '96. Bupeuvisora Meeting-Monday Mar. IÇ96 Tovn Caucumme-Saturday, Mar. 21 '96. Tovn Audilors Mlinîg-Tuenday Mar si, W6. a Tovn Mting-Tuesday, Apr. 7, '96. Zssdeu Sunday-Aprii 8. 96. Village Eieclion-Tueuday Apr. 14, '96 Sobol Eection-qturday, Apr. 18, '96. SI. Vuienine's day, Friday, Feb. 14. Laboe Counny Puobiblîlon Convention at Libersyrfll, lunch 14, '96. Candidates should make public su- noncements, mo the. people viii know wbo vautthlb.o0ce.sud be perpared tu, nominale and elect. Auction Sales. Theunuderaîgned vill selU as public auction on lbthepries 4 mule north 09 Deerfeld, on Tburay, February 25. 189, coasmencing at 10 O'clock a. m., the folovIag gooda: i1 oom cf Norma- 7 yearj i od; 3 cove, one due 10 calve noon; 100 bushela corn, 50 buebeis of cale, 25 bushels of poteboos, 1 cook stovo, 4 mill covn, 3 nlIk cane i tarin vagon. 1 Prairie City nooder, 1 .Johnato moyeu, 1 double drag, 1 valklng plov, i bey rabe, and rnany other article too numerous to mention. Wai. NxcooNau-ri, Puop. C. W. PErs. Auctioneer. TheCne Woven Wire PoUm le the bet farm fonce on erth. Yon ean e aa mp1ocdIt at the County Farr, Llb e. W. vaut 10employ Ivo good mon 10 canvm thIis coOuay. For furtber Information, cmli on C. A. APPLET Libertyville, ni. A FINE -LINE .FURNITrURE. Ea,'les, Clock Shelves, W&U pockets, Paper holders, Book7:cases, Conter tables, Extension tab's, Dfimug chairs, Rockers, Pictu re Framea Room'moulding Paints, 011e, Vannahbel,' Glas., Putty, Bruehes, Mirrmr, Lounges, Cote prùns Chamber suite. Etc., Etc. Gaod dighing. Thle Posms.ter L, buay. S8. Vaientlnos mDay Je bre igin. 000. Bond spent Wedneg"da , Chicagô. IROv mauY Vaientinen did you remie .to-day?1 JDIG YOU gel even vith âmre one by sending a "comicr, Wil B&ilad, of Chicago, spent sua- day baoe. Wmu i.Ecbner, 0f Evoerolt, vas in tovu Wedneady.' C- B. andEB. B. Sherman nadaatrip 10 Chicego, Tbursday. ClOthing go«e At vhoieaah pre« for a shorst limeAt Colby's. JO&. Fet6rkort, of Diarond Lake, Wus MMeCM Ou r treols M(onday. B. W. Bt&gord alipped &'ao f mIt pickles b Chicago, Tuemdy. IPoteBooklinanoutoneorisi srtist veutt10O hiougcon busimess, 1ond&y. Shippers of lUlkIIRoad the notice lu Russlite»s. t Wini ntereel y6u. To Emgv.-Eouse vith six living roorne, agiy te 1. B. EAr. 18-22 il. W. poil M4, shlpped a oarload of catIlle te the Union Stock yards, Ibis Joua stelocu, One 0f HigbiSnd Pa4's old and respectod citimens died trnday Pcb. th. Jevoti Bairetov, of Wauhga, vas boe Moaday and Tuesday, allendlng to busiess. lira. HAllof Chic&&,% spent a 1ev days of Ibis veok here, -the gu"siof lira. John Gray.. Fred Croker, vent to, igbland Park, Wednomday, 10, attead the ton- oral of his uncie, Jon"astBIous FouSBAL% On Ruu-Bomse ith 8 or 4 seres li miles uortb of Libortyviue. Inqulreo0f Wm. Caler. Beducel prices n ail depqrtments aI COlbY's. Nov s the lime tu, buy goud goods cbeep. Max LoBeau, manufactures, and sella fine cigars. Do you nmnoke Ilium? il not, g1v. Ibom a triai. Wednesday vas Lincolns bsrhday. rA ansvSturm vs the only dernonstra_ lion ber. Bslph Shermnerhoru, basc ceepted a position aI lobe Forent, in a ilvery stable, cud vent there 10 begIn vork lza& Frlday. * k Tbe liMIof patente grantedi llinois Inventors 1aI veek, inclndes Mhe usine of L. W. Yagg, of Lake Forest, for an Autronoinicaj chars. Colby à (Co., ane offering soute rare bargalus in Clotblng, Unlervear, Boots ald Soeu, Caps, Giove, Mitions, Blankets, Drus Gooda, Carpets, Groceries, etc. lire. L. A. Edsell, of Keaton, Obio lu attendance upon ber aýbns vwedding, vaà the guest 0f lire. C. C. Bulkley during lbe early laya of the veek. Every on. kuovs vhat a socilm«ean et the borne of Mr. 1. Heath. A good tirno and lots 0f fun. Be sure aud corne Frlday evening, Februaryf 28. AS the INDEPENDENT vili go tu prees earlier bereafor no as tu reacli ui- acribous Saturdey rnorning, ail com- munications mhouid bc lu by Wedues- day night. J. H. Blathervick, of Rock Valley, Iowa, lias beon vlsiting bis daughter, liro. Fred Cuoker, the pat veek; also biâ many other fulends of Lake County and Chicago. Noie Churchill gave e party Wednes- day evening in bonor of ber friend, Miss liildred Daiy. About tvelve couples vere present, and a pleassnt oveulng vas oxjoyel by ail. WIIiie BiallI v as ronding Up smarnecaIe last Salurday, the pouy ho vms riding alippol and feU. Un- lorlunately the boy vas unable 1u gel out cf the madie, and the pony erne dovu upon oou f bis limbe, Injuria« Il quît. aeouly. A. L. Travia M. D., formerly of Ibis place, vialed 011 friends bore Ibis week. 'Doc" Boms 10100 f the opinion,i th"l Liberlyville ien't asncba. bal place 10 resale un, snd Ibinka of &gala Locatng bore. Be bas rnany varm triends bore and vill 10 gladly ve. corned back. 1MXoey tâIke, but prlces epesb Io dlEr than vorde. Il you are in neel cf the bout seleclion sud vinb 10 cbocse from tbe laugeaI variety of ama, fmb, fruits, vegotebles, and cannel goa aI lovosî figures, 51v. Wairond the butcher a trial. Cornel beof from 3 Cent. Up; lemn>S 15 Cents peu bzen;1 banans,16 cents peu dozon: mia" unIe 10 cet. per pound; corn etuck, 7 cent. peu pound. W. H. Âpply, lanLibeutyvilie'e Flue Marehali, and c 1011cr choice coul nul have boonm md. lionday nigIIl, vbou lbe vinde became adlmost c bur. ricane, intead, of going 10 Ieadovuy couch, Rank uemaiedut, bis pontu-. tiI a very. lotobour, vaibughe cei.< Ho vmaclitilisoippointel vàeu, ai usid*ght nu Ismu. bfl qi)wi< "ohm ot aataopened. Ev. Ueèr hmasgoue te visil relatives Ai lacont, II lm s. Iebin and eidren, spent last veel la Chicago. Bd 01". Md ie Smother have gone te Kakakeo, Iii $00 Gaulter, Minnesota, calied on bis umcles N. and P. Busch, last voek Thrsdy. m Lo eap Voar party et Anlington Tetas i argely attiudod, 'snda g00a tIM enejoyed byaili. 1110 MissesEtta and Ia Busch, of RLive, Foeît, came home lenti Priday oveuftg. A surriseParty greetod thon a fev heure hjeter, la honor ol M~i a Y lllteontb blrthday. A very plelnt Uime.wuapnfil"Iang gaeos, tiing#gg, m» card playing. A bounti- ful 1004 vu "moServed and rucb anýYM d Of course the ladies choos.iie P*rtners Ibis lime. The. table vs Mmd.e mPeciaiy attractive, byealarge ~Ske decorated vith îMise buniMUosaM. plaed ln the conter. QUIENTINS CORNERS. Did yon go a Vaeontino? Chas. Lytie.lutende te put up a nov barntu isaring. John KoYer, vent te PLOAtine, sun- day, tu caR U Oureds. Jno. F. Gainer»Mmd yWiIO, mode a trip te Chicago, mot veek. Fred Rosse, bal the good luck, te Win a Plov Lsoy vatcb. Wm. Knlgge, is again helping the boys on"t, laolory. John and Besaltre Rueble, are golng te Nebrueks, oc., t10 ry vestern lite. Itsrtba Wiorbsxt vii givo a birlb.. anIarYt~~ er«Young frIende next Henry Popp, 14 egpeoted bock fromu Minnesota, soogo, tg belp bis faîher on ÔUr obbler bMnwb d rp eÛIning -bis house- . houes. Pritz Figher s4"' ifp, speni one veek An Chicago, Vliti Dg Ibeir daugh- ter ?ile. The proaîn.cîa for a veddlng An the neer future, are biighlening, boys; look up the tiîm pan, etc, Edward Qiituîin, Of Wauconda, made a busilegss aU lbtheCorners Ibis week. Be sure and sulieribe, for nelu- PENDENT. It im, the bosS oourily pper;, lots of neye ail tihetlime. Our cheffe iîctory, h laeiiigetting loIs of ilk. Thcy p«Id a istrsight dividend,of $1.12 per cvt. for December miik. Henry Quentin, of Chieçgo, made a busines u & hehre, lRe came tromn Palatine, in a free tradelivery rig. ROC KE' E LLE.R. SChas. Brovn, of wankegan, cmiied rontfreudi bore la8t Stmdey,, r Frank Bbeddieanduife, et Loithton, atlended church hure Sumd*y mornng. àia. Smith, of Gr-ayslabe, viita ber nisber, lira. E. G. Payas, lest Thiurnday., Jas. Menu and vif e, of Wauike, visuel utMr. and Mrm. os',It Ssanday. Fmunio Morse, of Giniier, epeul test Sunday vxlb Mr. and àMm. Waltor Fred Bolconi> As once more able Io 10 meen ou our streets. Saturday b. took a business tbip bu the tity. Elle St. Peter, returned t<) ler bomne le:st Sunday, bevlng made a two veeke' viait bero. Mfr. and lire. Leonerd su ami iy, cf Grayalebe abtendol chnreh biers Suia- day moruing. Witt Chnintopher, o! ElgùIn, cme test Friday to attend the sale of Du. Evinig's gools, Baturday last. Quit. a fev youug people attendel the Party et Barry Bouse', last Tues.. day evouibg. Ail report a geod tir». J. F. Clark and family, spenlt lant Sundey et Libertyvlle, vi.sitiîng mu. sud lirs. BenryMorse. Wmn. Bergborn ealod on hi., aged father sud mother, at Lake Zurich, Sunday.Ilbigbstlesmrtmay Theweollknovn aud rliahie boase- hold machbine, the New Gummmrich for sale et the furulînre et, mcc Dceli. Eddy, of Hartford, ('ona., i4 vssiting aI George Bardens'f. li arrived lest Weduesday, and %sîIlistuîy su indeflullo lOugti of lime. Bey. Cooknse n sd vite, w'ntlit Thursdey evenung, 10 Grayslake, 1<> attend the revival meoting held at thal Place, and unlxlred. Friday. Chas. Gorham n d George Beach-y, took a trip te Elgin one day last week on business. Wbhite thore bhey visited the asyluns, Ewing POyne4,. visilol bie parents Bundsy sud relurned lu Chicago, ifonday momss, bis fathor E. Gj. Payne coopauied hlm. Dr. Travis errivel bore lionnay iast. Rie bas corne t10 , ansdla s topping et the Centrai a= Bie fansy il bc e re An 0a0v vooe. y For a good rmonnientt a o vprie, Place your order nov sud have it made durIng the vintor moulus. Correspondence solicee. F'«» ZAzneSIov, Waukegsu. LAile Katy Gorhem, o ray e hes corne to mebe ber homeviblr and Mus. J. N. Basirs, for lbe nommer. They exPeet 10 seul her to sehool, and abo tae.charge of the baby. A largo fine linoe 01 m poltern Of ,aple carpots for leu 'bban olt. L'boeele a gool chance *0 mako yon up a fine rug for, 11111e money. I vieb to close them ont,.êto make roorn for a nev gupply et Mie luraiture asol. The attawhel £0015 of Dr. Eving, were sold et public *nction, An front of WAiI Knigge's furuilure store Bat- urday mornin ILE G. Payne acting as auctioneer. The articles vere nol rery reasoneble, Ihereforo sn4lpping bhe demand. TuesdeYevening occ-urol the eleclion 5f offlcere, for Itse next quauter, of the 1. 0. G. T. lolge. Tbey wen ealecled s slovs: 0. T.;; Lotltie£"Brd; ~. tZoi Loucea; P. 0. T., W. Ba. idtVII;Tzean, Edwud Coudray;, Fina. 6*O3yt. (sur u ob du . go " - ns.. ~UL UP TO DATE. These il l wei e S ýBles We have a few Unes cf Shees we wIllclose eut at greatly re- duced prices9. Now Is the Urne te gef a StyIUsh Shoe at moderate Prices. If you are going ta buy any waII-paper it wiII pay you to trade with US. The advance shipmnents -are just in and they are M B. GOLBYê* WE HAVE FOUND MT- The place where the Leading Wheois for 1896 are ta be purchased, or, where you can get a First Clase Wheel made ta erder. RE£PAIRfNG! Alil Repairing can b. done at th» same place, and on the sherteet pos:- Ce R. SHERMAN, IL ..ILLINOIS. L41BERTY VILLE, - - ILLINQIS. %eBest Pfla N , col ToBuy -u4obr, CoaI, M-iII-F'i iýîm Wagons & Buggieso IS AT We a» Libeartyville, Ii. ýways Prepaed to Supply -your Wats in i 1 c la 1 A FULL UNE =ý-WHAT?

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